CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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_id 8e02
authors Brown, A.G.P. and Coenen, F.P.
year 2000
title Spatial reasoning: improving computational efficiency
source Automation in Construction 9 (4) (2000) pp. 361-367
summary When spatial data is analysed the result is often very computer intensive: even by the standards of contemporary technologies, the machine power needed is great and the processing times significant. This is particularly so in 3-D and 4-D scenarios. What we describe here is a technique, which tackles this and associated problems. The technique is founded in the idea of quad-tesseral addressing; a technique, which was originally applied to the analysis of atomic structures. It is based on ideas concerning Hierarchical clustering developed in the 1960s and 1970s to improve data access time [G.M. Morton, A computer oriented geodetic database and a new technique on file sequencing, IBM Canada, 1996.], and on atomic isohedral (same shape) tiling strategies developed in the 1970s and 1980s concerned with group theory [B. Grunbaum, G.C. Shephard, Tilings and Patterns, Freeman, New York, 1987.]. The technique was first suggested as a suitable representation for GIS in the early 1980s when the two strands were brought together and a tesseral arithmetic applied [F.C. Holdroyd, The Geometry of Tiling Hierarchies, Ars Combanitoria 16B (1983) 211–244.; S.B.M. Bell, B.M. Diaz, F.C. Holroyd, M.J.J. Jackson, Spatially referenced methods of processing raster and vector data, Image and Vision Computing 1 (4) (1983) 211–220.; Diaz, S.B.M. Bell, Spatial Data Processing Using Tesseral Methods, Natural Environment Research Council, Swindon, 1986.]. Here, we describe how that technique can equally be applied to the analysis of environmental interaction with built forms. The way in which the technique deals with the problems described is first to linearise the three-dimensional (3-D) space being investigated. Then, the reasoning applied to that space is applied within the same environment as the definition of the problem data. We show, with an illustrative example, how the technique can be applied. The problem then remains of how to visualise the results of the analysis so undertaken. We show how this has been accomplished so that the 3-D space and the results are represented in a way which facilitates rapid interpretation of the analysis, which has been carried out.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:22

_id sigradi2006_e028c
id sigradi2006_e028c
authors Griffith, Kenfield; Sass, Larry and Michaud, Dennis
year 2006
title A strategy for complex-curved building design:Design structure with Bi-lateral contouring as integrally connected ribs
source SIGraDi 2006 - [Proceedings of the 10th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Santiago de Chile - Chile 21-23 November 2006, pp. 465-469
summary Shapes in designs created by architects such as Gehry Partners (Shelden, 2002), Foster and Partners, and Kohn Peterson and Fox rely on computational processes for rationalizing complex geometry for building construction. Rationalization is the reduction of a complete geometric shape into discrete components. Unfortunately, for many architects the rationalization is limited reducing solid models to surfaces or data on spread sheets for contractors to follow. Rationalized models produced by the firms listed above do not offer strategies for construction or digital fabrication. For the physical production of CAD description an alternative to the rationalized description is needed. This paper examines the coupling of digital rationalization and digital fabrication with physical mockups (Rich, 1989). Our aim is to explore complex relationships found in early and mid stage design phases when digital fabrication is used to produce design outcomes. Results of our investigation will aid architects and engineers in addressing the complications found in the translation of design models embedded with precision to constructible geometries. We present an algorithmically based approach to design rationalization that supports physical production as well as surface production of desktop models. Our approach is an alternative to conventional rapid prototyping that builds objects by assembly of laterally sliced contours from a solid model. We explored an improved product description for rapid manufacture as bilateral contouring for structure and panelling for strength (Kolarevic, 2003). Infrastructure typically found within aerospace, automotive, and shipbuilding industries, bilateral contouring is an organized matrix of horizontal and vertical interlocking ribs evenly distributed along a surface. These structures are monocoque and semi-monocoque assemblies composed of structural ribs and skinning attached by rivets and adhesives. Alternative, bi-lateral contouring discussed is an interlocking matrix of plywood strips having integral joinery for assembly. Unlike traditional methods of building representations through malleable materials for creating tangible objects (Friedman, 2002), this approach constructs with the implication for building life-size solutions. Three algorithms are presented as examples of rationalized design production with physical results. The first algorithm [Figure 1] deconstructs an initial 2D curved form into ribbed slices to be assembled through integral connections constructed as part of the rib solution. The second algorithm [Figure 2] deconstructs curved forms of greater complexity. The algorithm walks along the surface extracting surface information along horizontal and vertical axes saving surface information resulting in a ribbed structure of slight double curvature. The final algorithm [Figure 3] is expressed as plug-in software for Rhino that deconstructs a design to components for assembly as rib structures. The plug-in also translates geometries to a flatten position for 2D fabrication. The software demonstrates the full scope of the research exploration. Studies published by Dodgson argued that innovation technology (IvT) (Dodgson, Gann, Salter, 2004) helped in solving projects like the Guggenheim in Bilbao, the leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy, and the Millennium Bridge in London. Similarly, the method discussed in this paper will aid in solving physical production problems with complex building forms. References Bentley, P.J. (Ed.). Evolutionary Design by Computers. Morgan Kaufman Publishers Inc. San Francisco, CA, 1-73 Celani, G, (2004) “From simple to complex: using AutoCAD to build generative design systems” in: L. Caldas and J. Duarte (org.) Implementations issues in generative design systems. First Intl. Conference on Design Computing and Cognition, July 2004 Dodgson M, Gann D.M., Salter A, (2004), “Impact of Innovation Technology on Engineering Problem Solving: Lessons from High Profile Public Projects,” Industrial Dynamics, Innovation and Development, 2004 Dristas, (2004) “Design Operators.” Thesis. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, 2004 Friedman, M, (2002), Gehry Talks: Architecture + Practice, Universe Publishing, New York, NY, 2002 Kolarevic, B, (2003), Architecture in the Digital Age: Design and Manufacturing, Spon Press, London, UK, 2003 Opas J, Bochnick H, Tuomi J, (1994), “Manufacturability Analysis as a Part of CAD/CAM Integration”, Intelligent Systems in Design and Manufacturing, 261-292 Rudolph S, Alber R, (2002), “An Evolutionary Approach to the Inverse Problem in Rule-Based Design Representations”, Artificial Intelligence in Design ’02, 329-350 Rich M, (1989), Digital Mockup, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Reston, VA, 1989 Schön, D., The Reflective Practitioner: How Professional Think in Action. Basic Books. 1983 Shelden, D, (2003), “Digital Surface Representation and the Constructability of Gehry’s Architecture.” Diss. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, 2003 Smithers T, Conkie A, Doheny J, Logan B, Millington K, (1989), “Design as Intelligent Behaviour: An AI in Design Thesis Programme”, Artificial Intelligence in Design, 293-334 Smithers T, (2002), “Synthesis in Designing”, Artificial Intelligence in Design ’02, 3-24 Stiny, G, (1977), “Ice-ray: a note on the generation of Chinese lattice designs” Environmental and Planning B, volume 4, pp. 89-98
keywords Digital fabrication; bilateral contouring; integral connection; complex-curve
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:52

_id 21d8
authors Balas, Egon and Toth, Paolo
year 1983
title Branch and Bound Methods for the Traveling Salesman Problem
source December, 1983, 65 p. : ill., tables. Includes bibliography
summary This paper reviews the state of the art in enumerative solution methods for the traveling salesman problem (TSP). The introduction (Section 1) discusses the main ingredients of branch and bound methods for the TSP. Sections 2,3 and 4 discuss classes of methods based on three different relaxation of the TSP: the assignment problem with the TSP cost function, the 1-tree problem with a Lagrangean objective function, and the assignment problem with a lagrangean objective function. Section 5 briefly reviews some other relaxations of the TSP, while section 6 discusses the performance of some state of the art computer codes. Besides material from the literature, the paper also includes the results and statistical analysis of some computational experiments designed for the purposes of this review
keywords relaxation, branch-and-bound, algorithms, applications
series CADline
last changed 2003/06/02 13:58

_id e118
authors Balas, Egon
year 1983
title Disjunctive Programming and a Hierarchy of Relaxations for Discrete Optimization Problems
source December, 1983. 38 p. : ill. includes bibliography
summary The author discuss a new conceptual framework for the convexification of discrete optimization problems, and a general technique for obtaining approximations to the convex hull of the feasible set. The concepts come from disjunctive programming and the key tool is a description of the convex hull of a union of polyhedra in terms of a higher dimensional polyhedron. Although this description was known for several years, only recently was it shown by Jeroslow and Lowe to yield improved representations of discrete optimization problems. The author expresses the feasible set of a discrete optimization problem as the intersection (conjunction) of unions of polyhedra, and define an operation that takes one such expression into another, equivalent one, with fewer conjuncts. He then introduces a class of relaxations based on replacing each conjunct (union of polyhedra) by its convex hull. The strength of the relaxations increases as the number of conjuncts decreases, and the class of relaxations forms a hierarchy that spans the spectrum between the common linear programming relaxation, and the convex hull of the feasible set itself. Instances where this approach presents advantages include critical path problems in disjunctive graphs, network synthesis problems, certain fixed charge network flow problems, etc. The approach on the first of these problems is illustrated, which is a model for machine sequencing
keywords polyhedra, computational geometry, optimization, programming, convex hull, graphs
series CADline
last changed 1999/02/12 15:07

_id 0f34
authors Brown, P.J.
year 1983
title Error Messages : The Neglected Area of the Man / Machine Interface?
source communications of the ACMò. April, 1983. vol. 26: pp. 246-249. includes bibliography
summary The quality of error messages produced by software used in the field was tested by a simple experiment; it was found to be far from adequate. The results of the experiment are analyzed, and some responses which tend to corroborate the original findings are discussed. Finally some suggestions are made for improving the quality of error messages
keywords reliability, user interface, software, management
series CADline
last changed 2003/06/02 13:58

_id 88b6
authors Campello, Ruy Eduardo and Maculan, Nelson
year 1983
title A Lower Bound to the Set Partitioning Problem with Side Constraints
source 24 p. : ill. Pittsburgh: Design Research Center, CMU, December, 1983 DRC-70-20-83. includes bibliography.
summary A Lagrangean relaxation approach is proposed to provide a lower bound on the optimal solution of the set partitioning problem with side constraints, which is a general methodology to solve a combinatorial optimization problem. This Lagrangean relaxation approach is accomplished by a subgradient optimization procedure which solves at each iteration a special 0-1 knapsack problem. The approach seems to be promising since it produces feasible integer solutions to the side constraints that can hopefully be the optimal solution to most of the instances of the set partitioning problem with side constraints
keywords mathematics, operations research, relaxation, algorithms, combinatorics, optimization, constraints
series CADline
last changed 2003/06/02 13:58

_id 4b04
authors De Wilde, W.P., Mollaert, M. and Buelinckx, H. (Ed.)
year 1983
title Proceedings of the International Conference eCAADe 1983
source Proceedings of the International Conference eCAADe [European Computer Aided Architectural Design Education] Brussels (Belgium) 1983
summary In the beginning of the eighties, a few enthusiastic researchers, under the impulsion of Tom MAVER (director of the ABACUS group) and Rik SCHIJF (TH Delft) initiated a regular, if not formal, convention of people involved in the teaching of computer aided architectural design ECAADE in Europe. In 1982 a first meeting took place in Delft and, taking into consideration the member of attendants and the enthusiasm during this convention, it was decided that CAAD was definitely an important topic and that a more formal symposium was to be organised in the fall of 1983, in the University of Brussels.

The positive evolution of CAAD, not only in educational institutions, but also in professional practice is not surprising: it is to be considered in the global frame of technological and organisational revolution actually taking place. As will be read in the outstanding contribution of the participants it is not a mere choice of increased productivity which attracts the architects; the CAAD techniques also release then from a serious burden : the production of technical drawings and administrative paperwork!

series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:49

_id ab23
authors Dromey, Geoff R.
year 1983
title Before Programming : On Teaching Introductory Computing
source 1983? 10 p. includes bibliography
summary In comparison with most other human intellectual activities, computing is in its infancy despite the progress we seem to have made in such a short time. Consequently, there has been insufficient time for the evolution of 'best ways' to transmit computing concepts and skills. It is therefore prudent to look to more mature disciplines for some guidelines on effective ways to introduce computing to beginners. In this respect the discipline of teaching people to read and write in a natural language is highly relevant. A fundamental characteristic of this latter discipline is that a substantial amount of time is devoted to teaching people to read long before they are asked to write stories, essays, etc. In teaching computing people seem to have overlooked or neglected what corresponds to the reading stage in the process of learning to read and write. In the discussion which follows the author looks at ways of economically giving students the 'computer-reading experience' and preparing them for the more difficult tasks of algorithm design and computer problem-solving
keywords programming, education,
series CADline
last changed 2003/06/02 13:58

_id c201
authors Elfes, Alberto and Talukdar, Sarosh N.
year 1983
title A Distributed Control System for a Mobile Robot
source 7 p. : ill. Pittsburgh: Design Research Center, CMU, December, 1983. includes bibliography
summary This paper describes a distributed software control structure developed for the CMU Rover, an advanced mobile robot equipped with a variety of sensors. Expert modules control the operation of the sensors and actuators, interpret sensory and feedback information, build an internal model of the robot's working environment, devise strategies to accomplish proposed tasks and execute these strategies. Each expert module is composed of a pair of (master, slave) processes, where the master process controls the scheduling and working of the slave process. Communication among expert modules occurs asynchronously over a blackboard structure. Information specific to the execution of a given task is provided through a control plan. The system is distributed over a network of processors. Real-time operating system kernels local to each processor and an interprocess message communication mechanism ensure transparency of the underlying network structure. The various parts of the system are presented in this paper and future work to be performed is mentioned
keywords robotics, control
series CADline
last changed 2003/06/02 13:58

_id e8c7
authors Feigenbaum, Edward A. and McCorduck, Pamela
year 1983
title The Fifth Generation : Artificial Intelligence and Japan's Computer Challenge to the World
source ix, 275 p. Reading, Mass.: Addison- Wesley Pub. Co., 1983. includes bibliography: p. 268
summary Knowledge is the future power and Japan wants to be the first in developing and marketing the Fifth Generation of computers
keywords What is The Fifth Generation? Why Japan ? and how would it affect the Western world? expert systems, hardware, AI
series CADline
last changed 2003/06/02 10:24

_id e663
authors Hanna, Samir L., Abel, John F. and Greenberg, Donald P.
year 1983
title Intersection of Parametric Surfaces by Means of Look-Up Tables
source IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications. October, 1983. vol. 3: pp. 39-48 : ill. (some col.). includes bibliography
summary The intersection curve between parametric surfaces is important in such computer-aided design and manufacturing functions as shape design, analysis of drawing, design of fillets, and computation of numerically controlled tooling paths. The algorithm presented here provides an adequately accurate mathematical representation of the intersection curve. It also provides a database to simplify such operations as hidden-surface removal, surface rendering, profile identification, and interference or clearance computations. Further the algorithm facilitates creating and changing a finite element mesh in the intersection region
keywords parametrization, curves, curved surfaces, algorithms, intersection
series CADline
last changed 2003/06/02 13:58

_id 8d5e
authors Hayes-Roth, Frederick, Waterman, Donald A. and Lenat, Douglas B. (editors)
year 1983
title Building Expert System
source vii, 444 p. : ill
summary Reading,Mass.: Addison-Wesley Pub., 1983. 1: include bibliography: p. 405-420 -- (Teknowledge Series in Knowledge Engineering. Hayes-Roth, Frederick, series editor). This book is a collaboration of 38 expert system researchers and developers. It provides a broad introduction to the concepts and methods necessary for an understanding of how these systems work
keywords AI, expert systems
series CADline
last changed 2003/06/02 10:24

_id 69aa
authors Kaku, Bharat K. and Thompson, Gerald L.
year 1983
title An Exact Algorithm for the General Quadratic Assignment Problem
source December, 1983. 18 P. includes bibliography
summary The authors develop an algorithm that is based on the linearizaition and decomposition of a general Quadratic Assignment Problem of size n into n2 Linear Assignment problems of size (n-1). The solutions to these subproblems are used to calculate a lower bound for the original problem, and this bound is then used in an exact branch and bound procedure. These subproblems are similar to the 'minors' defined by Lawler, but allow calculation of tighter bounds. Computational experience is given for solution to optimization of problems of size up to n = 10
keywords algorithms, branch-and-bound, operations research, linear programming
series CADline
last changed 2003/06/02 10:24

_id 4b8e
authors Kalay, Yehuda E. and Eastman, Charles M.
year 1983
title Shape Operation : An Algorithm For Binary Combining Boundary Model Solids
source November, 1983. 30 p. : ill. includes bibliography
summary The attractiveness of shape operators to end-users of geometric modeling systems stems from their intuitive clarity. Their implementation, however, is one of the most difficult algorithms in computational geometry. This complexity is further increased by the special properties of surfaces, such as orientation, that places the algorithm in the domain of manifold theory more than of set theory. A theoretical base for applying the set-theoretic operators of union, intersection and difference to spatial domains is presented, along with an algorithm that is successful in negotiating these complexities and all their special cases (in particular the presence of coincidental surfaces). The general principles of representing solids through their bounding surfaces and topics in manifold theory and boolean algebra relevant to understanding the algorithm are also discussed. The algorithm has been successfully implemented in three different geometric modeling systems over a period of four years. Some example of its application are included
keywords algorithms, boolean operations, solid modeling, B-rep, geometric modeling, topology
series CADline
last changed 2003/05/17 10:18

_id 0f6e
authors Kalay, Yehuda E.
year 1983
title Modular Menu Mapping and Hit-Testing
source 1983? 17 p. : ill. includes bibliography
summary This paper introduces a method called MODULAR MENU MAPPING, which rationalizes menu layout and trades menu hit-test time with a look up table, thereby reducing the cost of determining the menu box inclusion of the cursor to a single unit of time. To overcome the problem of space required to store the look-up table, a hybrid method called RUN-LENGTH ENCODING is introduced. It reduces the storage space requirements by substituting the two-dimensional look-up table with a linear vector. It does however, require some search, which is nevertheless still much cheaper then the full search of a non-mapped menu
keywords user interface, computer graphics
series CADline
last changed 2003/06/02 13:58

_id cb5f
authors Kant, Elaine and Newell, Allen
year 1983
title An Automatic Algorithm Designer : An Initial Implementation
source Design Research Center, CMU, May, 1983. 10 p. includes bibliography
summary This paper outlines a specification for an algorithm-design system (based on previous work involving protocol analysis) and describes an implementation of the specification that is a combination frame and production system. In the implementation, design occurs in two problem spaces: one about algorithms and one about the task domain. The partially worked out algorithms are represented as configurations of data-flow components. A small number of general purpose operators construct and modify the representations. These operators are adapted to different situations by instantiation and means-ends analysis rules. The data-flow space also includes symbolic and test-case execution rules that drive the component-refinement process by exposing both problems and opportunities. A domain space about geometric images supports test-case execution, domain-specific problem solving, recognition and discovery
keywords algorithms, design, systems, synthesis, automation, protocol analysis, frames, discovery, problem solving
series CADline
last changed 2003/06/02 13:58

_id 07c4
authors McGilton, Henry and Morgan, Rachel
year 1983
title Introducing the UNIX system
source 556 p. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1983. includes bibliography: p. 541-544 and index. --- ( McGraw-Hill software series for computer professionals)
summary A reference guide for version 7 of the UNIX system including: Key concepts behind the system, from how to log on, the directory structure and a file system to the ideas of standard files and processes. Popular UNIX packages, software development tools, management and maintenance and more
keywords UNIX, software, tools, education
series CADline
last changed 2003/06/02 13:58

_id ea43
authors Roberts, Teresa L. and Moran, Thomas P.
year 1983
title The Evaluation of Text Editors : Methodology and Empirical Results
source Communications of the ACM. April 1983. vol. 26: pp. 265-283 : diagrams and tables. includes bibliography
summary This paper presents a methodology for evaluating text editors on several dimensions: the time it takes experts to perform basic editing tasks, the time experts spend making and correcting errors, the rate at which novices learn to perform basic editing tasks, and the functionality of editors over more complex tasks. Time, errors, and learning are measured experimentally; functionality is measured analytically; time is also calculated analytically. The methodology has thus far been used to evaluate nine diverse text editors, producing an initial database of performance results. The database is used to tell us not only about the editors but also about the users - the magnitude of individual differences and the factors affecting novice learning
keywords design, evaluation, word processing
series CADline
last changed 2003/06/02 13:58

_id e2f9
authors Schmidt, Joachim W. and Brodie, Michael L. (editors)
year 1983
title Relational Database Systems : Analysis and Comparison
source xiii, 618 p. New York: Springer-Verlag Pub. Co., 1983. includes bibliography: p. [609]-618
summary An analysis of 14 RDBMS. A detailed catalogue is used to compare the relational databases systems (RDBMS) and their features. It provides generic information that can be used to evaluate RDBMS or DBMS in general
keywords DBMS, information, evaluation, management, practice, software, systems, relational database
series CADline
last changed 2003/06/02 13:58

_id 20d4
id 20d4
authors Sequin, Carlo H. and P.S. Strauss
year 1983
source ACM IEEE Design Automation Conference Proceedings (20th : 1983 : Miami Beach, Florida). pp. 374-381 : ill. includes bibliography.
summary UNIGRAFIX is a three-dimensional graphics modeling environment that runs under the UNIX operating system. It comprises a terse, human-readable descriptive language that allows scene files of complex objects to be created with little overhead. These scenes can be used as input to a set of UNIGRAFIX programs which can be run either as separate functional units, or from within the interactive UNIGRAFIX environment. Programs are available to transform and illuminate the scene descriptions and to display them in a variety of styles on various output devices. The built-in hidden-face and hidden-line elimination routines use a scan- line algorithm which makes strong use of scan-line coherence as well as object coherence.
series CADline
type normal paper
last changed 2005/10/05 07:42

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