CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

Hits 1 to 20 of 204

_id ce38
authors Paoluzzi, Alberto and Sansoni, Claudio
year 1989
title A Programming Language for Architectural Symbolic Modeling
source CAAD: Education - Research and Practice [eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 87-982875-2-4] Aarhus (Denmark) 21-23 September 1989, pp. 8.4.1-8.4.16
summary In this paper a software project supporting architectural design is outlined. Such a project aims to develop the new design language PLASM (a Programming Language for Architectural Symbolic Modeling), which is planned to be a very high-level, user-oriented language, belonging to the class of constraint languages. The language PLASM will support a small set of abstract data types which are significant in various outstanding problems of architectural design, and will offer both procedural features and non-procedural constraints satisfaction. It will allow the designer to make use of a large set of computing tools in any phase of architectural design, in order to explore a wider set of design solutions. Customizable evaluation functions will be available in the language. The execution of a PLASM program may result either in generating or in updating a semantic network over a set of data objects solving the geometric problem under consideration. The proposed language will support both abstract data types significant in the design domain, and tools performing automatized data generation and transformations between different data types. The modification of any object in such a system, both performed by editing a daemon program and/or by interactively modifying a data object, will result in the immediate propagation of changes into the problem network, by activating a message passing mechanism.

series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id c9f3
authors Shaviv, Edna
year 1989
title Implementation of Solid Modeling in High Hierarchy Architectural Language (HHAL)
source CAAD: Education - Research and Practice [eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 87-982875-2-4] Aarhus (Denmark) 21-23 September 1989, pp.
summary This work illustrates the use of solid modeling for the representation and analysis of complex architectural structures and details. While the approach is a general one it is demonstrated and implemented on the visual representation and evaluation of Mediaeval Age basilican structures. Basilican structures have the advantage that rules of composition for defining their form are well formulated. These rules are imposed on the solid modeler as high hierarchy architectural language (HHALL). It is within this language that the basilican structures are described and analyzed.
keywords High Hierarchy Architectural Language (HHAL), Solid Modeling, Shape Grammar, Formal Language, Design Systems, Basilican Structures
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id a74a
authors Asanowicz, Alexander
year 1989
title Four Easy Questions
source CAAD: Education - Research and Practice [eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 87-982875-2-4] Aarhus (Denmark) 21-23 September 1989, pp. 9.18.1-9.18.4
summary Should we teach CAAD? - yes, but why? Answer to this question is clear too. Question three - "when?" - on the 5, 6 and 7 term. Why so rate? - it is a compromise because "Architecture is an art" and students of architecture should know how to make a project without computers. How to teach CAAD? - we should teach haw to use professional computer programs and not programming. We must work out a new manual for architects. It should be constructed in such a way as to correspond to consecutive steps of the architectural design process.
keywords CAAD, Manuals, Architectural Design Process
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id 03f1
authors Smeltzer, Geert T.A.
year 1989
title A CAAD Curriculum
source CAAD: Education - Research and Practice [eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 87-982875-2-4] Aarhus (Denmark) 21-23 September 1989, pp. 5.5.1-5.5.12
summary This paper is about the backgrounds, the present state, the results and the future expectations of the curriculum of Calibre, at the Faculty of Architecture and Building Science of the Eindhoven University of Technology. It will also touch upon the relationships with project work in our field but also in other fields of our Architectural (and Building) education. In the paper it is emphasised that teachers need to create a need for the use of certain features of computer systems. To make students aware of the (possible) CAD needs and answering to those needs at a more or less individual way asks a high level of understanding of the underlying concept and features of the CAD systems. Because of the flexibility (amongst other qualities), we, and so many others, have made a choice to use AutoCAD as 8 kind of thread that runs through our curriculum continuously and that exists out of 6 main parts. These parts vary from an introduction to Integrated Data Processing via CADD, Graphics and Data Structures and Expert Systems to System Development Methods. Half of our curriculum Is compulsory for all the faculty students, the other half is facultative but very well attended.

series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id 600f
authors Cortes, Chaves Camila
year 1989
title Design Software of the '90s
source Architectural and Engineering Systems. July, 1989. vol. 5: pp. 30
summary The design firm of the '90s will have the ability to use the right tool for the right task, permitting tailored resources to be used more effectively. This mean portable, modular and multiuser software running on machines specifically designed for a particular environment with the option to tap other sources. Designers will enter the 21st century using integrated design knowledge-based support systems with knowledge-based inferencing systems, information management systems for text and graphics, a CAD/modeling package, and a flexible user interface with speech recognition, eye tracking and manual input device. Some of these are discussed in this article
keywords practice, construction, systems, software, integration
series CADline
last changed 1999/02/12 15:07

_id b4c4
authors Carrara, G., Fioravanti, A. and Novembri, G.
year 2000
title A framework for an Architectural Collaborative Design
source Promise and Reality: State of the Art versus State of Practice in Computing for the Design and Planning Process [18th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9523687-6-5] Weimar (Germany) 22-24 June 2000, pp. 57-60
summary The building industry involves a larger number of disciplines, operators and professionals than other industrial processes. Its peculiarity is that the products (building objects) have a number of parts (building elements) that does not differ much from the number of classes into which building objects can be conceptually subdivided. Another important characteristic is that the building industry produces unique products (de Vries and van Zutphen, 1992). This is not an isolated situation but indeed one that is spreading also in other industrial fields. For example, production niches have proved successful in the automotive and computer industries (Carrara, Fioravanti, & Novembri, 1989). Building design is a complex multi-disciplinary process, which demands a high degree of co-ordination and co-operation among separate teams, each having its own specific knowledge and its own set of specific design tools. Establishing an environment for design tool integration is a prerequisite for network-based distributed work. It was attempted to solve the problem of efficient, user-friendly, and fast information exchange among operators by treating it simply as an exchange of data. But the failure of IGES, CGM, PHIGS confirms that data have different meanings and importance in different contexts. The STandard for Exchange of Product data, ISO 10303 Part 106 BCCM, relating to AEC field (Wix, 1997), seems to be too complex to be applied to professional studios. Moreover its structure is too deep and the conceptual classifications based on it do not allow multi-inheritance (Ekholm, 1996). From now on we shall adopt the BCCM semantic that defines the actor as "a functional participant in building construction"; and we shall define designer as "every member of the class formed by designers" (architects, engineers, town-planners, construction managers, etc.).
keywords Architectural Design Process, Collaborative Design, Knowledge Engineering, Dynamic Object Oriented Programming
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:55

_id 0e93
authors Af Klercker, Jonas
year 1989
title Interactive Animation on the Macintosh II
source CAAD: Education - Research and Practice [eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 87-982875-2-4] Aarhus (Denmark) 21-23 September 1989, pp. 9.5.1-9.5.6
summary The efficiency of images in communication between humans has so far been used almost exclusively by TV and other mass medias. The costs have been too great to encourage the use of images in the financially restricted everyday practice of architecture. With a range of application programs for the Apple Macintosh II the vision has come close to reality. It is now possible to create guided walks with the chance to choose different routes and views in a model of buildings and surroundings in 256 colour graphics. The makers of these programs may not have foreseen this use for their products and that is why it takes quite a lot of effort to make all the necessary images. With some supplementary routines however, this will be made much easier. Animation can also be used to visualize different processes inside a building. We have been studying the working environment in mechanical industry. The goal of this project is to make communication possible between the workers at all levels of an organization in planning changes and has so far been very successful. The use of this technique is only limited by our imagination and funding. Some examples to be tested in the near future are "Escape at a fire", "Animation of a Dairy", "Traffic situations in a parking lot-, "CAD-working place" and others. One of the difficulties in interactive planning with users has been to come close enough to their reality. With animated images it is possible to visualize what is going to happen and what it is going to look like in a more understandable way. In education this must be a challenging possibility. Changes and processes are some of the most difficult subjects to describe and explain! The software used is a handful of individual programs which, thanks to the graphics standards of the Macintosh, can exchange data with each other.

series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id sigradi2012_30
id sigradi2012_30
authors Angeluzzi, Gustavo; Hanns, Daniela Kutschat
year 2012
title Um levantamento de requisitos gerais para o desenvolvimento e posicionamento de DOOTERS – um aplicativo lúdico de listas de tarefas para iPhone [A survey of general requirements for developing and positioning DOOTERS - a to-do list application for iPhone]
source SIGraDi 2012 [Proceedings of the 16th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Brasil - Fortaleza 13-16 November 2012, pp. 191-195
summary DOOTERS is a to-do list application for iPhone which entertains and motivates the user to get things done. It was developed based on requirements obtained trough: 1. the study of several personal information organizing methods (Covey, 1989; Allen, 2005; Foster, 2006); 2. answers to a task lists user focused questionnaire; 3. observation of to-do list users while creating lists and organizing tasks; 4. comparison of digital and non-digital task list media (paper, computer and mobile device); 5. analysis of profiles, behaviors and to-do list applications for iPhone. In this paper, the authors present the process of obtaining requirements for developing and positioning DOOTERS.
keywords information and interface design, requirements, to-do list application, iPhone, DOOTERS
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id 0105
authors Bossan, Mario and Ronchi, Alfredo M.
year 1989
title Presentazione Esperienza Didattica del Dipartimento di Ingegneria dei Sistemi Edilizi e Territoriali - Politecnico di Milano
source CAAD: Education - Research and Practice [eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 87-982875-2-4] Aarhus (Denmark) 21-23 September 1989, pp. 9.8.1-9.8.19
summary Didactic and research experience developed at the "Dipartimento di Ingegneria dei Sistemi Edilizi e Territoriali del Politecnico di Milano" in the environment of Computer Aided Architectural Design (CAAD). From the early part of the 1980's, using initially at an experimental level the resources available at the departmental centre of calculation various applications of CAD techniques in the building sector have been effected at DISET (Dipartimento di Ingegneria del Politecnico di Milano). During 1983, after a three year period of experimenting with these systems, it was decided to organise and activate a small computer aided design centre, within the department, the use of which was reserved for dissertation and research students.

series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id 44b3
authors Cajati, Claudio
year 1989
title Towards A KB System / Image-Databases - Integrated Interface: A Tool For Architectural Education
source CAAD: Education - Research and Practice [eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 87-982875-2-4] Aarhus (Denmark) 21-23 September 1989, pp. 9.9.1-9.9.7
summary Focusing on the tasks of university architectural education, a special stress is first laid on the possibility of going beyond some limits of traditional CAAD. as coming out from the recent debate, and on the opportunities offered by knowledge based systems as metadesign supports in architectural domains. Particularly, with regard to image-databases, their importance for explaining and exemplifying the knowledge representation in KB Systems, and their integration via intelligent interface are discussed. At last, some possible uses of the whole as an educational tool in the daily university training are proposed.
keywords Architectural Education, KB System, Image-database, Interface
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id 6b83
authors Carrara, G., Fioravanti, A. and Novembri, G.
year 1989
title Towards a New Generation of Computer Assistants for Architectural Design: An Existing Scenario
source CAAD: Education - Research and Practice [eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 87-982875-2-4] Aarhus (Denmark) 21-23 September 1989, pp.
summary The context in which designers operate is becoming more and more complex, owing to the large number of codes, new materials, technologies and professional figures; new instruments are needed, therefore, to support and verify design activity. The results obtained in the first years of 'computer era' were barely sufficient. The hardware and software available today is capable of producing a new generation of CAD systems which can aid the designer in the process of conceiving and defining building objects. At the CAD Laboratory in the Department of Building and Environmental Control Techniques at the 'La Sapienza' University of Rome, research is being carried out with the aim of defining a new kind of Knowledge-based assistant for architectural design. To this purpose a partnership has been established whit a private firm called CARTESIANA, whose partners are software houses, designing and building associations.
keywords Knowledge-Based Architectural Design
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id 2cf9
authors Cipriani, Roberto
year 1989
title Teaching Architectural Design and CAAD
source CAAD: Education - Research and Practice [eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 87-982875-2-4] Aarhus (Denmark) 21-23 September 1989, pp. 9.12.1-9.12.6
summary In the following notes I explain the theoretical foundations on which I base our teaching work on Computer Aided Architectural Design in the course I held at Facolta di Architettura di Genova, concerning Architectural Design (Composizione Architettonica) at second year and which are the future trends in the research field.

keywords Training, Research
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id 801b
authors Cocchioni, Cristina and Mecca, Saverio
year 1989
title Utilization of Rules for Modular Coordination in Relational Models to Be Employed In CAAD
source CAAD: Education - Research and Practice [eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 87-982875-2-4] Aarhus (Denmark) 21-23 September 1989, pp. 7.5.1-7.5.11
summary The paper deals with the structure of experimental software to be used for the interactive relational database and a graphic package. Proposed is the development that considers the main implications of a modular space grid for the project´s development already from the stage of preliminary wire-frame design.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id 2b8f
authors Colajanni, Benedetto and De Grassi, Mario
year 1989
title Inferential Mechanisms to be Employed in CAAD: The Castorp System
source CAAD: Education - Research and Practice [eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 87-982875-2-4] Aarhus (Denmark) 21-23 September 1989, pp. 7.1.1-7.1.9
summary The paper presents an approach to the problems of architectural design aided by Artificial Intelligence techniques that can solve the difficulties related to combinatorial explosion, often encountered in the past. Three expert systems, dubbed "reasoners", capable of some elementary design work and a hypothesis for their interaction have been developed. Reasoner A has an "analogical" view of space. A notion of conflict, managed by means of fuzzy logic, has been introduced. It corresponds, in an intuitive and straightforward fashion, to the common notion of conflict or contradiction in real space as a consequence of improper overlapping of actual physical objects or of their functional pertinence. Reasoner B works on formalized models of building objects. It designs new patterns from given patterns taken as defaults. Reasoner C picks up from an archive of patterns the one which best suits a list of given goals. Design is the result of interaction between the three reasoners. Finally, the proposed schema raises questions about formal structures ("images") and about the nature of culturally-linked options ("memory") on which some preliminary considerations are made. Prototypes of the reasoners are operating at the Instituto di Edilizia of the University of Ancona, Italy.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id e3b0
authors Cottone, Antonio and Buscemi, Maria Rosa
year 1989
title And if We Take a Bacxward Step...
source CAAD: Education - Research and Practice [eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 87-982875-2-4] Aarhus (Denmark) 21-23 September 1989, pp.
summary In these years the researches on the computer science applied to the building have had a considerable development. The applications concern the whole design process, from the programming to the design and from the execution control to the programmed maintenance with a great deal of problems solved using expert systems. It doesn't seem that the same care of men and means has been dedicated to the architectural design theory, to its deep roots which motivate it and to its peculiarity in comparison with other fields in which now the design, with the aid of the computer, is the only one possible. The designer of architectural objects has been always helped by design assistants: it is enough to think that the sixteenth century treatises are a group of rules, descriptions, solutions to design problems and that they represent the "knowledge" of the age. As the knowledge increased those treatises amplified to the encyclopaedic dimensions of the nineteenth-century handbooks and of those of the first years of this century, while new professional figures rose, the teaching developed and the building art became more and more complex.

series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id e365
authors Danahy, John
year 1989
title Intuition & Computer Visualization in an Urban Design Studio
source CAAD: Education - Research and Practice [eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 87-982875-2-4] Aarhus (Denmark) 21-23 September 1989, pp. 4.2.1-4.2.6
summary This paper will present prototypical software being used in the teaching of urban design to students and for use by professionals in the early stages of a project. The system is intended to support a heuristic approach to design. That is, it supports a process of refining ideas and understandings through a process of trial and error. The support or aid to design comes in the form of a didactic real-time programme. Its power lies in its ability to provide instantaneous response to operations on the data that can allow one to develop three-dimensional spatial ideas in an intuitively driven manner. This condition appears to occur for both novice and expert computer operators.

The presentation will present our experience to-date in using conventional computer graphic tools to represent design ideas and contrast it with a video demonstration of ow prototypical dynamic urban design modelling software for the Silicon Graphics IRIS computers.

keywords Intuition, Visualization, Urban Design, Modelling, Real-Time
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id a8b7
authors De Grassi, Mario and Di Manzo, Mauro
year 1989
title The Design of Buildings as Changes of Known Solutions: A Model for “Reasoner B” ; Reasoner B" in the Castorp System
source CAAD: Education - Research and Practice [eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 87-982875-2-4] Aarhus (Denmark) 21-23 September 1989, pp. 7.3.1-7.3.9
summary The paper presents a study aimed at the modelization of a design operation of perturbation of an architectural framework in order to comply with a series of given design specifications. A formalized representation of the building object is assumed, Artificial Intelligence techniques are adopted to work on it. It is assumed that the computer carries out deformations starting from one of these structures in order to attain to a solution consistent with project specifications. A description of the structures employed for the representation of the building body (matroids) is firstly proposed. A planning theme is then assumed, as an example, whose main feature is to maintain the outer perimeter of a dwelling, to change its internal distribution in such a way as to resemble as closely as possible to the original and yet meaningfully alter its typology.
series eCAADe
type normal paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id a12e
authors Decri, Anna
year 1989
title Some Exercises for a First Approach in Architectural Design & CAAD in Macintosh World
source CAAD: Education - Research and Practice [eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 87-982875-2-4] Aarhus (Denmark) 21-23 September 1989, pp. 9.13.1-9.13.10
summary Approaching CAAD with Apple Macintosh, an example of some steps with an appropriate software for young students of architecture: (-) an heading for presentation (-) symmetry and bidimensional relationships (-) famous architectures (-) usual buildings (-) environmental impact (-) complementary exercises for their projects.
keywords Macintosh, Architectural Teaching, Exercises
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id 84f6
authors Ferrari, Carlo and Naticchia, Berardo
year 1989
title Definition of Spatial Elements of the Building System: “Reasoner A” in the Castorp System
source CAAD: Education - Research and Practice [eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 87-982875-2-4] Aarhus (Denmark) 21-23 September 1989, pp. 7.2.1-7.2.10
summary This paper tackles the problem of the functional and morphological definition of elementary spaces (in relation to the overall definition of the building object) through the study and the modelization of the designer's knowledge and of the cognitive processes which use it. An interactive automatic system which solves the problem of the placing of objects within a predefined environment is then described. This is the first element in a more general system which is meant as an intelligent aid to building design.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id 68c8
authors Flemming, U., Coyne, R. and Fenves, S. (et al.)
year 1994
title SEED: A Software Environment to Support the Early Phases in Building Design
source Proceeding of IKM '94, Weimar, Germany, pp. 5-10
summary The SEED project intends to develop a software environment that supports the early phases in building design (Flemming et al., 1993). The goal is to provide support, in principle, for the preliminary design of buildings in all aspects that can gain from computer support. This includes using the computer not only for analysis and evaluation, but also more actively for the generation of designs, or more accurately, for the rapid generation of design representations. A major motivation for the development of SEED is to bring the results of two multi-generational research efforts focusing on `generative' design systems closer to practice: 1. LOOS/ABLOOS, a generative system for the synthesis of layouts of rectangles (Flemming et al., 1988; Flemming, 1989; Coyne and Flemming, 1990; Coyne, 1991); 2. GENESIS, a rule-based system that supports the generation of assemblies of 3-dimensional solids (Heisserman, 1991; Heisserman and Woodbury, 1993). The rapid generation of design representations can take advantage of special opportunities when it deals with a recurring building type, that is, a building type dealt with frequently by the users of the system. Design firms - from housing manufacturers to government agencies - accumulate considerable experience with recurring building types. But current CAD systems capture this experience and support its reuse only marginally. SEED intends to provide systematic support for the storing and retrieval of past solutions and their adaptation to similar problem situations. This motivation aligns aspects of SEED closely with current work in Artificial Intelligence that focuses on case-based design (see, for example, Kolodner, 1991; Domeshek and Kolodner, 1992; Hua et al., 1992).
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

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