CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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Hits 1 to 20 of 256

_id 8c66
authors Brooks, Frederick P. Jr., Ouh-Young,Ming and Batter, James J. (et al)
year 1990
title Project GROPE - Haptic Displays for Scientific Visualization
source SIGGRAPH '90 Conference Proceedings August, 1990. vol. 24 ; no. 4: pp. 177-185 : ill. (some col.). includes bibliography.
summary A project to develop a haptic and display for 6-D force fields of interacting protein molecules was began in 1967. The authors approached it in four stages: a 2-D system, a 3-D system tested with a simple task, a 6-D system tested with a simple task, and a full 6-D molecular docking system, which was the initial goal. This paper summarize the entire project, the four systems, the evaluation experiments, the results, and the authors observations
keywords user interface, computer graphics, visualization, virtual reality
series CADline
last changed 2003/06/02 10:24

_id a33f
authors Cote, Pierre, Hartkopf , Volker and Loftness, Vivian (et al)
year 1990
title Vector Field Representation for the Evaluation of Multiple Performance Variables
source 1990. 6, [7] p., [3] p. of ill. includes bibliography
summary A vector field representation is proposed to simulate the spatial distribution of four building system performance variables: light, sound, radiant heat, and air flow. From this simulation, a measure of the impact of adding, deleting, or modifying an object in the field is computed. This measure serves as a passive evaluation of the user/designer's decision to modify the location or dimensions of the object in a space. This process of simulation-evaluation is performed by a performance module (PM), which is viewed as a component of a CAAD System (Computer Architectural Aided Design). This paper describes the motivation, objectives, methodology and preliminary results of the approach
keywords simulation, CAD, computation, evaluation, building, performance, architecture
series CADline
last changed 2003/06/02 13:58

_id 0711
authors Kunnath, S.K., Reinhorn, A.M. and Abel, J.F.
year 1990
title A Computational Tool for Evaluation of Seismic Performance of RC Buildings
source February, 1990. [1] 15 p. : ill. graphs, tables. includes bibliography: p. 10-11
summary Recent events have demonstrated the damaging power of earthquakes on structural assemblages resulting in immense loss of life and property (Mexico City, 1985; Armenia, 1988; San Francisco, 1989). While the present state-of-the-art in inelastic seismic response analysis of structures is capable of estimating response quantities in terms of deformations, stresses, etc., it has not established a physical qualification of these end-results into measures of damage sustained by the structure wherein system vulnerability is ascertained in terms of serviceability, repairability, and/or collapse. An enhanced computational tool is presented in this paper for evaluation of reinforced concrete structures (such as buildings and bridges) subjected to seismic loading. The program performs a series of tasks to enable a complete evaluation of the structural system: (a) elastic collapse- mode analysis to determine the base shear capacity of the system; (b) step-by-step time history analysis using a macromodel approach in which the inelastic behavior of RC structural components is incorporated; (c) reduction of the response quantities to damage indices so that a physical interpretation of the response is possible. The program is built around two graphical interfaces: one for preprocessing of structural and loading data; and the other for visualization of structural damage following the seismic analysis. This program can serve as an invaluable tool in estimating the seismic performance of existing RC buildings and for designing new structures within acceptable levels of damage
keywords seismic, structures, applications, evaluation, civil engineering, CAD
series CADline
last changed 2003/06/02 14:41

_id 64b2
authors Brown, G. Z.
year 1990
title Desirable Interface Characteristics of Knowledge-Based Energy Software Used by Architects
source March, 1990. 14 p. : ill. includes bibliography
summary This paper describes ongoing research projects on the development of user interfaces for energy software to be used by architects. The paper takes the position that the goal of knowledge-based design software should be to help the architect to visualize the unimagined. In order to approach this goal the unique characteristics of the architectural design process must be understood and used in the creation of software. The two characteristics discussed are: the architectural design process emphasizes synthesis rather than analysis, and the symbols used to transmit knowledge are primarily graphic abstractions rather than alpha-numeric abstractions
keywords user interface, architecture, design process, knowledge base, software, energy
series CADline
last changed 2003/06/02 13:58

_id 235d
authors Catalano, Fernando
year 1990
title The Computerized Design Firm
source The Electronic Design Studio: Architectural Knowledge and Media in the Computer Era [CAAD Futures ‘89 Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-262-13254-0] Cambridge (Massachusetts / USA), 1989, pp. 317-332
summary This paper is not just about the future of computerized design practice. It is about what to do today in contemplation of tomorrow-the issues of computercentered practice and the courses of action open to us can be discerned by the careful observer. The realities of computerized design practice are different from the issues on which design education still fixes its attention. To educators, the present paper recommends further clinical research on computerized design firms and suggests that case studies on the matter be developed and utilized as teaching material. Research conducted by the author of this paper indicates that a new form of design firm is emerging-the computerized design firm-totally supported and augmented by the new information technology. The present paper proceeds by introducing an abridged case study of an actual totally electronic, computerized design practice. Then, the paper concentrates on modelling the computerized design firm as an intelligent system, indicating non-trivial changes in its structure and strategy brought about by the introduction of the new information technology into its operations - among other considerations, different strategies and diverse conceptions of management and workgroup roles are highlighted. In particular, this paper points out that these structural and strategic changes reflect back on the technology of information with pressures to redirect present emphasis on the individual designer, working alone in an isolated workstation, to a more realistic conception of the designer as a member of an electronic workgroup. Finally, the paper underlines that this non-trivial conception demands that new hardware and software be developed to meet the needs of the electronic workgroup - which raises issues of human-machine interface. Further, it raises the key issues of how to represent and expose knowledge to users in intelligent information - sharing systems, designed to include not only good user interfaces for supporting problem-solving activities of individuals, but also good organizational interfaces for supporting the problem-solving activities of groups. The paper closes by charting promising directions for further research and with a few remarks about the computerized design firm's (near) future.
series CAAD Futures
last changed 1999/04/03 17:58

_id aea2
authors Laurel, B. (ed.)
year 1990
title The Art of Human-Computer Interface Design
source New York: Addison-Wesley.
summary Human-computer interface design is a new discipline. So new in fact, that Alan Kay of Apple Computer quipped that people "are not sure whether they should order it by the yard or the ton"! Irrespective of the measure, interface design is gradually emerging as a much-needed and timely approach to reducing the awkwardness and inconveniences of human-computer interaction. "Increased cognitive load", "bewildered and tired users" - these are the byproducts of the "plethora of options and the interface conventions" faced by computer users. Originally, computers were "designed by engineers, for engineers". Little or no attention was, or needed to be, paid to the interface. However, the pervasive use of the personal computer and the increasing number and variety of applications and programs has given rise to a need to focus on the "cognitive locus of human-computer interaction" i.e. the interface. What is the interface? Laurel defines the interface as a "contact surface" that "reflects the physical properties of the interactors, the functions to be performed, and the balance of power and control." (p.xiii) Incorporated into her definition are the "cognitive and emotional aspects of the user's experience". In a very basic sense, the interface is "the place where contact between two entities occurs." (p.xii) Doorknobs, steering wheels, spacesuits-these are all interfaces. The greater the difference between the two entities, the greater the need for a well-designed interface. In this case, the two very different entities are computers and humans. Human-conputer interface design looks at how we can lessen the effects of these differences. This means, for Laurel, empowering users by providing them with ease of use. "How can we think about it so that the interfaces we design will empower users?" "What does the user want to do?" These are the questions Laurel believes must be asked by designers. These are the questions addressed directly and indirectly by the approximately 50 contributors to The Art of Human-Computer Interface Design. In spite of the large number of contributors to the book and the wide range of fields with which they are associated, there is a broad consensus on how interfaces can be designed for empowerment and ease of use. User testing, user contexts, user tasks, user needs, user control: these terms appear throughout the book and suggest ways in which design might focus less on the technology and more on the user. With this perspective in mind, contributor D. Norman argues that computer interfaces should be designed so that the user interacts more with the task and less with the machine. Such interfaces "blend with the task", and "make tools invisible" so that "the technology is subervient to that goal". Sellen and Nicol insist on the need for interfaces that are 'simple', 'self-explanatory', 'adaptive' and 'supportive'. Contributors Vertelney and Grudin are interested in interfaces that support the contexts in which many users work. They consider ways in which group-oriented tasks and collaborative efforts can be supported and aided by the particular design of the interface. Mountford equates ease of use with understating the interface: "The art and science of interface design depends largely on making the transaction with the computer as transparent as possible in order to minimize the burden on the user".(p.248) Mountford also believes in "making computers more powerful extensions of our natural capabilities and goals" by offering the user a "richer sensory environment". One way this can be achieved according to Saloman is through creative use of colour. Saloman notes that colour can not only impart information but that it can be a useful mnemonic device to create associations. A richer sensory environment can also be achieved through use of sound, natural speech recognition, graphics, gesture input devices, animation, video, optical media and through what Blake refers to as "hybrid systems". These systems include additional interface features to control components such as optical disks, videotape, speech digitizers and a range of devices that support "whole user tasks". Rich sensory environments are often characteristic of game interfaces which rely heavily on sound and graphics. Crawford believes we have a lot to learn from the design of games and that they incorporate "sound concepts of user interface design". He argues that "games operate in a more demanding user-interface universe than other applications" since they must be both "fun" and "functional".
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

_id ed07
authors Love, James
year 1990
title A Case Study in Knowledge-Based System Development : Envelope Design for Reduction of Traffic Noise Transmission
source February, 1990. 19 p. : some ill. and table. includes a bibliography
summary Researchers have demonstrated the value of replication of research and explicit testing of concepts in artificial intelligence (Ritchie and Hanna 1989). In this study, a rule- based system was implemented as an exercise in the application of the theory and practice of knowledge-based systems development to architectural design analysis. The test domain was the selection of wall and window assemblies to provide adequate noise reduction given a set of traffic and building site conditions. This domain was chosen for two reasons: (1) considerable detailed heuristic information was available; and (2) it avoided large solutions spaces, 'errorful' and time-dependent data, and unreliable knowledge. Development of the system in conjunction with an extensive literature review revealed that publications on construction and performance of rule-based systems provided insufficient detail on key aspects of system architecture. Topics suffering from neglect or insufficiently rigorous treatment included algorithms used in automated inference, methods for selection of inference procedures, the integration of numerical and symbolic processing, the formulation of explanation mechanisms to deal with integrated numerical and symbolic processing, testing methods, and software standardization. Improving the quality and scope of knowledge in these areas is essential if expert systems are to be applied effectively in architectural design
keywords CAD, expert systems, acoustics, applications, knowledge base, design, architecture, AI, analysis
series CADline
last changed 1999/02/12 15:09

_id 8c2b
authors Peleg, Uriel J. and Shaviv, Edna
year 1990
title A Knowledge Based Computer- Aided Solar Design System
source ASHRAE Transactions (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers). Atlanta, GA: 1990. [5] p. : ill. includes bibliography
summary A knowledge based computer-aided architectural design system (KB-CAAD) for the schematic design and evaluation of passive solar buildings is presented. The presented tool is based on the integration of knowledge based and procedural simulation methods with any available CAAD system for building representation. The knowledge base contains the heuristic rules for the design of passive solar buildings. Whenever possible, the knowledge base guides the designer through the decision making process. However, if 'rules of thumb' are not acceptable for the particular design problem, the KB-CAAD tool guides the architect towards the optimal solution, by using a procedural simulation model. It is demonstrated, through a case study, that the proposed knowledge based design system not only leads to the design of better solar buildings, but that it takes less time and man-power to introduce the geometrical data that would be needed for a regular non-solar building representation
keywords CAD, knowledge base, energy, design, systems, evaluation, analysis
series CADline
last changed 2003/06/02 10:24

_id 0faa
authors Duelund Mortensen, Peder
year 1991
source Proceedings of the 3rd European Full-Scale Modelling Conference / ISBN 91-7740044-5 / Lund (Sweden) 13-16 September 1990, pp. 10-11
summary The workshop is an institution, available for use by the public and established at the Laboratory of Housing in the Art Academy's school of Architecture for a 3 year trial period beginning April 1985. This resumé contains brief descriptions of a variety of representative model projects and an overview of all projects carried out so far, including the pilot projects from 1983 and planned projects to and including January 1987. The Full Scale Model Workshop builds full size models of buildings, rooms and parts of buildings. The purpose of the Full Scale Model Workshop is to promote communication among building's users. The workshop is a tool in an attempt to build bridges between theory and practice in research, experimentation and communication of research results. New ideas and experiments of various sorts can be tried out cheaply, quickly and efficiently through the building of full scale models. Changes can be done on the spot as a planned part of the project and on the basis of ideas and experiments achieved through the model work itself. Buildings and their space can thus be communicated directly to all involved persons, regardless of technical background or training in evaluation of building projects.
keywords Full-scale Modeling, Model Simulation, Real Environments
series other
type normal paper
last changed 2004/05/04 15:23

_id 0642
authors Eastman, Charles M.
year 1989
title Why Are We Here and Where We are Going: The Evolution of CAD
source New Ideas and Directions for the 1990’s [ACADIA Conference Proceedings] Gainsville (Florida - USA) 27-29 October 1989, pp. 9-26
summary This paper reviews architectural CAD in terms of its current use, development and status within the U.S. The characteristics of a new generation of architectural CAD system, called building modeling, are outlined. Criteria are developed for the evaluation of CAD systems that support building modeling. Some of the opportunities for universities growing out of building modeling are reviewed, including pedagogical implications and opportunities for research.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:55

_id 68c8
authors Flemming, U., Coyne, R. and Fenves, S. (et al.)
year 1994
title SEED: A Software Environment to Support the Early Phases in Building Design
source Proceeding of IKM '94, Weimar, Germany, pp. 5-10
summary The SEED project intends to develop a software environment that supports the early phases in building design (Flemming et al., 1993). The goal is to provide support, in principle, for the preliminary design of buildings in all aspects that can gain from computer support. This includes using the computer not only for analysis and evaluation, but also more actively for the generation of designs, or more accurately, for the rapid generation of design representations. A major motivation for the development of SEED is to bring the results of two multi-generational research efforts focusing on `generative' design systems closer to practice: 1. LOOS/ABLOOS, a generative system for the synthesis of layouts of rectangles (Flemming et al., 1988; Flemming, 1989; Coyne and Flemming, 1990; Coyne, 1991); 2. GENESIS, a rule-based system that supports the generation of assemblies of 3-dimensional solids (Heisserman, 1991; Heisserman and Woodbury, 1993). The rapid generation of design representations can take advantage of special opportunities when it deals with a recurring building type, that is, a building type dealt with frequently by the users of the system. Design firms - from housing manufacturers to government agencies - accumulate considerable experience with recurring building types. But current CAD systems capture this experience and support its reuse only marginally. SEED intends to provide systematic support for the storing and retrieval of past solutions and their adaptation to similar problem situations. This motivation aligns aspects of SEED closely with current work in Artificial Intelligence that focuses on case-based design (see, for example, Kolodner, 1991; Domeshek and Kolodner, 1992; Hua et al., 1992).
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

_id 68c0
authors Gero, John S. and Rosenman, Michael A.
year 1990
title Design Decision Making Using Pareto-Optimal Dynamic Programming
source Berlin: Springer- Verlag, 1990. pp. 376-396
summary When designing using the systems approach, the given system is decomposed into a number of subsystems, and for each subsystem a set of feasible alternatives is selected by the designer. A building design example is presented in which it is demonstrated that sufficient relevant solutions are generated in one pass of the dynamic programming procedure to give a good approximation to the Pareto set, thus offering designers sufficient choice in making a final selection. The relevant information is displayed in an intelligent manner so that designers can either make a final decision or else perceive what extra information they require
keywords optimization, decision making, design process, architecture, multicriteria, evaluation, decomposition, dynamic programming
series CADline
last changed 2003/06/02 10:24

_id 01ba
authors Hyde, Richard and Boon Lay, Ong
year 1990
title Design Problems and Evaluative Strategies Using CAAD
source February, 1990. 16 p. : col. ill. includes bibliography
summary The way architects design comes into sharp focus when developing strategies for evaluating buildings. Architectural design is a highly subjective activity on the one hand but on the other it is also highly objective. The paper examines the use of CAAD systems for objective evaluation while also recognizing that this kind of evaluation has to be related to the subjective aspects of the design. In order to examine this, further research has been carried out into the use of CAAD systems to evaluate sunshading characteristics in a building design problem. The approach utilized the Integraph AMOD software to generate three dimensional models of the design proposal which were then tested using the Integraph Model View software which has a sunshading facility. The utility of this approach was tested first against criteria of how accurate the computer was in giving meaningful feedback to the designer. Secondly, how productive this approach was in the design process as compared to traditional techniques using instruments such as the heliodon. Finally, a discussion of the developments of the approach is given
keywords design, CAD, evaluation, computer graphics, applications
series CADline
last changed 2003/06/02 10:24

_id 6ab7
authors Korson, Tim and McGregor, John D.
year 1990
title Understanding Object- Oriented : A Unifying Paradigm
source Communications of the ACM September, 1990. vol. 33: pp. 40-60. includes bibliography.
summary The purpose of this paper is to introduce terminology, concepts and basic techniques surrounding the object-oriented paradigm. software / OOPS / programming. 63. Koskela, Lauri, Raija Hynynen and Martti Kallavuo, et al. 'Expert Systems in Construction - Initial Experiences.' CAD and Robotics in Architecture and Construction, Proceedings of the International Joint Conference = CAO et Robotique en Architecture et B.T.P. Actes des Journees Internationales. June, 1986. Paris: Hermes, pp. 167-176. includes bibliography and abstracts in French and English. This paper describes development of expert systems for construction applications in the Laboratory of Building Economics of the Technical Research Centre of Finland. Five small expert systems are described. Experiences gained in the development work are evaluated. The future significance of expert systems for the construction industry is discussed, and an approach towards expert systems to be adopted by organizations in the construction industry is suggested
keywords construction, applications, economics, expert systems, knowledge, evaluation, analysis
series CADline
last changed 2003/06/02 10:24

_id 2a19
authors Mumayiz, S. A. and Jain, Rajendra K.
year 1990
title Interactive Airport Landside Simulation: An Object-Oriented Approach
source August, 1990. 30 p. : ill. Includes bibliography
summary This paper intends to explore the different aspects in the design and implementation of an airport land side simulation model. Major features and properties of objects in the objects-oriented programming environment are discussed and related to the simulation environment with an attempt to find analogues between the two, to represent the airport landside environment in an object oriented environment. The preliminary effort using an object-oriented approach to design and implement a simulation environment is presented and discussed
keywords OOPS, simulation, design, architecture, planning, evaluation
series CADline
last changed 2003/06/02 13:58

_id 0ac1
authors Prins, M.
year 1990
title Flexibility of Buildings and Decision Making : A Financial Economical Design Decision Support System
source 1990. [12] : ill. includes bibliography
summary A building can be considered as a complex long term production means of dwelling services. The various parts which compile the building have different life spans determined in the first place by the use of the building and secondly by the construction and materials used. Because in most cases, some fluctuation in the demand of the building market might be expected, buildings must have some flexibility. A model is presented by which the flexibility of buildings can be optimized in a financial economical way
keywords optimization, evaluation, building, architecture, construction,design, economics, methodology, decision making, life cycle
series CADline
last changed 2003/06/02 13:58

_id 9a86
authors Romiszowski, A.J.
year 1990
title Designing Instructional Systems
source Kogan Page Ltd, London
summary Deals with the major areas of decision making that face the instructional designer at the beginning of a project; establishing the needs and developing the objectives of a curriculum, and producing detailed plans for the structure, methods and evaluation system to be used. The book establishes basic principles from an analysis of current theory and practice. The author complements this with practical advice, presenting useful techniques for analyzing problems, establishing needs and selecting from alternatives. This is a comprehensive handbook for decision making in course planning and instructional design.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

_id 4317
authors Rosenman, Michael A.
year 1990
title Application of Expert Systems to Building Design Analysis and Evaluation
source Building and Environment. 1990. vol.25: pp. 221-233
summary This paper demonstrates the applicability of expert systems to design analysis and evaluation. Design is a field in which a large part of the processes involved is knowledge-based rather than computation-based. Much of this knowledge is experiential and as such lends itself to be encapsulated in an expert system. An analogy is made between analysis and interpretation and between evaluation and comparison of interpretations. Three examples of expert systems carrying out design analysis and evaluation in different domains are described. It is argued that a graphical interface and a model of the elements within the domain are essential parts of any design system
keywords analysis, design, knowledge base, evaluation, expert systems, architecture
series CADline
last changed 2003/06/02 13:58

_id avocaad_2001_20
id avocaad_2001_20
authors Shen-Kai Tang
year 2001
title Toward a procedure of computer simulation in the restoration of historical architecture
source AVOCAAD - ADDED VALUE OF COMPUTER AIDED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN, Nys Koenraad, Provoost Tom, Verbeke Johan, Verleye Johan (Eds.), (2001) Hogeschool voor Wetenschap en Kunst - Departement Architectuur Sint-Lucas, Campus Brussel, ISBN 80-76101-05-1
summary In the field of architectural design, “visualization¨ generally refers to some media, communicating and representing the idea of designers, such as ordinary drafts, maps, perspectives, photos and physical models, etc. (Rahman, 1992; Susan, 2000). The main reason why we adopt visualization is that it enables us to understand clearly and to control complicated procedures (Gombrich, 1990). Secondly, the way we get design knowledge is more from the published visualized images and less from personal experiences (Evans, 1989). Thus the importance of the representation of visualization is manifested.Due to the developments of computer technology in recent years, various computer aided design system are invented and used in a great amount, such as image processing, computer graphic, computer modeling/rendering, animation, multimedia, virtual reality and collaboration, etc. (Lawson, 1995; Liu, 1996). The conventional media are greatly replaced by computer media, and the visualization is further brought into the computerized stage. The procedure of visual impact analysis and assessment (VIAA), addressed by Rahman (1992), is renewed and amended for the intervention of computer (Liu, 2000). Based on the procedures above, a great amount of applied researches are proceeded. Therefore it is evident that the computer visualization is helpful to the discussion and evaluation during the design process (Hall, 1988, 1990, 1992, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998; Liu, 1997; Sasada, 1986, 1988, 1990, 1993, 1997, 1998). In addition to the process of architectural design, the computer visualization is also applied to the subject of construction, which is repeatedly amended and corrected by the images of computer simulation (Liu, 2000). Potier (2000) probes into the contextual research and restoration of historical architecture by the technology of computer simulation before the practical restoration is constructed. In this way he established a communicative mode among archeologists, architects via computer media.In the research of restoration and preservation of historical architecture in Taiwan, many scholars have been devoted into the studies of historical contextual criticism (Shi, 1988, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1995; Fu, 1995, 1997; Chiu, 2000). Clues that accompany the historical contextual criticism (such as oral information, writings, photographs, pictures, etc.) help to explore the construction and the procedure of restoration (Hung, 1995), and serve as an aid to the studies of the usage and durability of the materials in the restoration of historical architecture (Dasser, 1990; Wang, 1998). Many clues are lost, because historical architecture is often age-old (Hung, 1995). Under the circumstance, restoration of historical architecture can only be proceeded by restricted pictures, written data and oral information (Shi, 1989). Therefore, computer simulation is employed by scholars to simulate the condition of historical architecture with restricted information after restoration (Potier, 2000). Yet this is only the early stage of computer-aid restoration. The focus of the paper aims at exploring that whether visual simulation of computer can help to investigate the practice of restoration and the estimation and evaluation after restoration.By exploring the restoration of historical architecture (taking the Gigi Train Station destroyed by the earthquake in last September as the operating example), this study aims to establish a complete work on computer visualization, including the concept of restoration, the practice of restoration, and the estimation and evaluation of restoration.This research is to simulate the process of restoration by computer simulation based on visualized media (restricted pictures, restricted written data and restricted oral information) and the specialized experience of historical architects (Potier, 2000). During the process of practicing, communicates with craftsmen repeatedly with some simulated alternatives, and makes the result as the foundation of evaluating and adjusting the simulating process and outcome. In this way we address a suitable and complete process of computer visualization for historical architecture.The significance of this paper is that we are able to control every detail more exactly, and then prevent possible problems during the process of restoration of historical architecture.
series AVOCAAD
last changed 2005/09/09 10:48

_id e17f
authors Turner, J.A., Tsou, J.-Y. and Prayoonhong, C.
year 1990
title Information Modeling Applied to Cost and Energy Analysis During the Early Stages of Building Design
source International Conference Proceedings on Systems Research (5th. : 1990 ). [6] p. : ill. includes bibliography
summary The evaluation of design solutions by computer can only be achieved if the information describing the building design is in a form accessible by the computer. This not only demands that the data is in a machine-readable form, but that the data is logically organized, classified, and grouped so that its 'knowledge' can be found, extracted, used and modified by the variety of external sources. The article presents applications of information modeling to the design of knowledge bases to support design cost control and energy analysis
keywords knowledge base, systems, analysis, architecture, energy, information, modeling, cost, evaluation
series CADline
last changed 2003/06/02 14:41

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