CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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Hits 1 to 20 of 263

_id 831d
authors Seebohm, Thomas
year 1992
title Discoursing on Urban History Through Structured Typologies
source Mission - Method - Madness [ACADIA Conference Proceedings / ISBN 1-880250-01-2] 1992, pp. 157-175
summary How can urban history be studied with the aid of three-dimensional computer modeling? One way is to model known cities at various times in history, using historical records as sources of data. While such studies greatly enhance the understanding of the form and structure of specific cities at specific points in time, it is questionable whether such studies actually provide a true understanding of history. It can be argued that they do not because such studies only show a record of one of many possible courses of action at various moments in time. To gain a true understanding of urban history one has to place oneself back in historical time to consider all of the possible courses of action which were open in the light of the then current situation of the city, to act upon a possible course of action and to view the consequences in the physical form of the city. Only such an understanding of urban history can transcend the memory of the actual and hence the behavior of the possible. Moreover, only such an understanding can overcome the limitations of historical relativism, which contends that historical fact is of value only in historical context, with the realization, due to Benedetto Croce and echoed by Rudolf Bultmann, that the horizon of "'deeper understanding" lies in "'the actuality of decision"' (Seebohm and van Pelt 1990).

One cannot conduct such studies on real cities except, perhaps, as a point of departure at some specific point in time to provide an initial layout for a city knowing that future forms derived by the studies will diverge from that recorded in history. An entirely imaginary city is therefore chosen. Although the components of this city at the level of individual buildings are taken from known cities in history, this choice does not preclude alternative forms of the city. To some degree, building types are invariants and, as argued in the Appendix, so are the urban typologies into which they may be grouped. In this imaginary city students of urban history play the role of citizens or groups of citizens. As they defend their interests and make concessions, while interacting with each other in their respective roles, they determine the nature of the city as it evolves through the major periods of Western urban history in the form of threedimensional computer models.

My colleague R.J. van Pelt and I presented this approach to the study of urban history previously at ACADIA (Seebohm and van Pelt 1990). Yet we did not pay sufficient attention to the manner in which such urban models should be structured and how the efforts of the participants should be coordinated. In the following sections I therefore review what the requirements are for three-dimensional modeling to support studies in urban history as outlined both from the viewpoint of file structure of the models and other viewpoints which have bearing on this structure. Three alternative software schemes of progressively increasing complexity are then discussed with regard to their ability to satisfy these requirements. This comparative study of software alternatives and their corresponding file structures justifies the present choice of structure in relation to the simpler and better known generic alternatives which do not have the necessary flexibility for structuring the urban model. Such flexibility means, of course, that in the first instance the modeling software is more timeconsuming to learn than a simple point and click package in accord with the now established axiom that ease of learning software tools is inversely related to the functional power of the tools. (Smith 1987).

series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:56

_id a33f
authors Cote, Pierre, Hartkopf , Volker and Loftness, Vivian (et al)
year 1990
title Vector Field Representation for the Evaluation of Multiple Performance Variables
source 1990. 6, [7] p., [3] p. of ill. includes bibliography
summary A vector field representation is proposed to simulate the spatial distribution of four building system performance variables: light, sound, radiant heat, and air flow. From this simulation, a measure of the impact of adding, deleting, or modifying an object in the field is computed. This measure serves as a passive evaluation of the user/designer's decision to modify the location or dimensions of the object in a space. This process of simulation-evaluation is performed by a performance module (PM), which is viewed as a component of a CAAD System (Computer Architectural Aided Design). This paper describes the motivation, objectives, methodology and preliminary results of the approach
keywords simulation, CAD, computation, evaluation, building, performance, architecture
series CADline
last changed 2003/06/02 13:58

_id 8833
authors Kalay, Yehuda E., Swerdloff, Lucien M. and Majkowski, Bruce R. (et al)
year 1990
title Process and Knowledge in Design Computation
source Journal of Architectural Education. February, 1990. includes bibliography
summary The challenge of understanding the many facets of design has been a central issue in attempting to computationally define design processes and knowledge. The historical progression of computers in design has been characterized by high aspirations repeatedly humbled by the complexity of design problems. Fundamental questions concerning the role and impact of computers in design should be re-examined in light of new developments in Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), and the progressive understanding of design itself. At the heart of these issues must lie a mutual understanding of the respective traits of design and computation, and the balance of interaction between them. In this paper two avenues, expressed in terms of mappings between design and computation, are explored with the intention of clarifying the relationship between the theories of design and computation. First, the relationship between models of the design process and computational search strategies is explored. Several paradigms (problem solving, puzzle making, and constraint satisfying), which demonstrate a breadth of approaches to modeling design, are presented along with their computational implications. Second, relationships between design knowledge and computational representation schemes are discussed. Emphasis is placed on drawing from cognitive and computational knowledge representation schemes to represent design knowledge. Finally, some thoughts on integrating these design models and knowledge representation schemes into computer systems to assist designers are discussed
keywords design process, knowledge, representation, architecture
series CADline
last changed 2003/06/02 13:58

_id 2ccd
authors Kalisperis, Loukas N.
year 1994
title 3D Visualization in Design Education
source Reconnecting [ACADIA Conference Proceedings / ISBN 1-880250-03-9] Washington University (Saint Louis / USA) 1994, pp. 177-184
summary It has been said that "The beginning of architecture is empty space." (Mitchell 1990) This statement typifies a design education philosophy in which the concepts of space and form are separated and defined respectively as the negative and positive of the physical world, a world where solid objects exist and void-the mere absence of substance-is a surrounding atmospheric emptiness. Since the beginning of the nineteenth century, however, there has been an alternative concept of space as a continuum: that there is a continuously modified surface between the pressures of form and space in which the shape of the space in our lungs is directly connected to the shape of the space within which we exist. (Porter 1979). The nature of the task of representing architecture alters to reflect the state of architectural understanding at each period of time. The construction of architectural space and form represents a fundamental achievement of humans in their environment and has always involved effort and materials requiring careful planning, preparation, and forethought. In architecture there is a necessary conversion to that which is habitable, experiential, and functional from an abstraction in an entirely different medium. It is often an imperfect procedure that centers on the translation rather than the actual design. Design of the built environment is an art of distinctions within the continuum of space, for example: between solid and void, interior and exterior, light and dark, or warm and cold. It is concerned with the physical organization and articulation of space. The amount and shape of the void contained and generated by the building create the fabric and substance of the built environment. Architecture as a design discipline, therefore, can be considered as a creative expression of the coexistence of form and space on a human scale. As Frank Ching writes in Architecture: Form, Space, and Order, "These elements of form and space are the critical means of architecture. While the utilitarian concerns of function and use can be relatively short lived, and symbolic interpretations can vary from age to age, these primary elements of form and space comprise timeless and fundamental vocabulary of the architectural designer." (1979)

series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:52

_id 7449
authors Medero Rocha, Isabel A. and Danckwardt, Voltaire
year 2000
title Projeto Missões, Computação Gráfica - Multimídia da Reconstituição Computadorizada da Redução de São Miguel Arcanjo no Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil ("Missões" Project, Computer Graphics and Multimedia of the "Redução de São Miguel Arcanjo" Digital Reconstruction (Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil))
source SIGraDi’2000 - Construindo (n)o espacio digital (constructing the digital Space) [4th SIGRADI Conference Proceedings / ISBN 85-88027-02-X] Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) 25-28 september 2000, pp. 191-193
summary The Project Missions - Graphical Computation, recoups in a graphical and digital the pictures of the Church and the Reduction of São Miguel Arcanjo/RS/Brasil, allowing to the public a virtual stroll through the set at the time of its foundation in 1687. Initiate in 1990, the design refers the appropriation and implementation of the new computational technologies. The 3D model allows the dynamic visualization of the set, through aerial sights and walkthrough animations into the main streets and the inward of the central ship of the church. For the generation of the model, it was followed the principles of the architectural composition to decompose the parts, to be shaped, defining the architectural and composition elements. This COMPACT DISC, is one of the some midias of the Design Missions - Graphical Computation. In this proposal, the music was developed especially for the COMPACT DISC, looks for to reflect the poetical aspect of the interaction between light, shadow, of the inwards and exteriors, attenuating the technology of a virtual environment. In the integration between the art and the technology its recovered virtually, the poetical way, the memory of one of the icons of the identity of the Rio Grande do Sul, with the objective to keep alive, for the new generations, a patrimony that practically in ruins would have the souvenir of its lost real picture in the time.
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:55

_id f507
authors Mitchell, W.
year 1990
title The Logic of Architecture: Design, Computation and Cognition
source The MIT Press, Cambridge
summary The Logic of Architecture is the first comprehensive, systematic, and modern treatment of the logical foundations of design thinking. It provides a detailed discussion of languages of architectural form, their specification by means of formal grammars, their interpretation, and their role in structuring design thinking. Supplemented by more than 200 original illustrations, The Logic of Architecture reexamines central issues of design theory in the light of recent advances in artificial intelligence, cognitive science, and the theory of computation. The richness of this approach permits sympathetic and constructive analysis of positions developed by a wide range of theorists and philosophers from Socrates to the present. Mitchell first considers how buildings may be described in words and shows how such descriptions may be formalized by the notation of first order predicate calculus. This leads to the idea of a critical language for speaking about the qualities of buildings. Turning to the question of representation by drawings and scale models, Mitchell then develops the notion of design worlds that provide graphic tokens which can be manipulated according to certain grammatical rules. In particular, he shows how domains of graphic compositions possible in a design world may be specified by formal shape grammars. Design worlds and critical languages are connected by showing how such languages may be interpreted in design worlds. Design processes are then viewed as computations in a design world with the objective of satisfying predicates of form and function stated in a critical language.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

_id 2a8b
authors Purcell, Patrick and Applebaum Dan
year 1990
title Light Table: An Interface To Visual Information Systems
source The Electronic Design Studio: Architectural Knowledge and Media in the Computer Era [CAAD Futures ‘89 Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-262-13254-0] Cambridge (Massachusetts / USA), 1989, pp. 229-238
summary A primary aim of the Light Table project was to see if a combination of the optical laser disc, local area networks, and interactive videographic workstation technology could bring a major visual collection, (such as the Rotch Visual Collections of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology), to a campuswide population of undergraduate users. VIS (Visual Information System) is the name being given to the new genre of information technology. Much research and development effort is currently being applied to areas where the image has a special significance, for example in architecture and planning, in graphic and fine arts, in biology, in medicine, and in photography. One particular advance in the technology of VIS has been the facility to access visual information across a distributed computer system via LAN (Local Area Networks) and video delivery systems, (such as campus TV cable). This advance allows users to retrieve images from both local and remote sources, dispatching the image search through the LAN, and receiving the images back at their workstation via dedicated channels on the campus TV cable. Light Table is the title of a system that acts as a computer-based interactive videographic interface to a variety of visual information systems described in the body of this paper. It takes its name from the traditional, back- lit, translucent light table that lecturers use to assemble and view collections of slides for talks and seminars. The component of Light Table which is being reported in greatest detail here, a software outcome called Galatea, is a versatile and robust system capable of controlling video devices in a networked environment.
series CAAD Futures
last changed 1999/04/03 17:58

_id ga0222
id ga0222
authors Rocha, A. Medero and Danckwardt, Voltaire
year 2002
title Projeto Missões, Computação Gráfica Multimídia da Reconstituição Computadorizada da Redução de São Miguel Arcanjo no Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil
source International Conference on Generative Art
summary The Design Missions - Graphical Computation, recoups in a graphical and digital the pictures of the Church and the Reduction of São Miguel Arcanjo, RS, Brasil, allowing to the public a virtual stroll through the set at the time of its foundation in 1687. Initiate in 1990, the design refers the appropriation and implementation of the new computational technologies. The 3D model allows the dynamic visualization of the set, through aerial sights and walkthrough animations into the main streets and the inward of the central ship of the church. For the generation of the model, it was followed the principles of the architectural composition to decompose the parts, to be shaped, defining the architectural and composition elements. This COMPACT DISC, is one of the some medias of the Design Missions - Graphical Computation. In this proposal, the music was developed especially for the COMPACT DISC, looks for to reflect the poetical aspect of the interaction between light, shadow, of the inwards and exteriors, attenuating the technology of a virtual environment. In the integration between the art and the technology its recovered virtually, the poetical way, the memory of one of the icons of the identity of the Rio Grande do Sul, with the objective to keep alive, for the new generations, a patrimony that practically in ruins would have the souvenir of its lost real picture in the time.
series other
last changed 2003/08/07 17:25

_id 4d0d
authors Angelil, Mark
year 1990
title Experiments as Modus Operandi
source Journal of Architectural Education. November, 1990. Vol. 44: pp. 37-48 : 9 p. of ill
summary Architecture has for too long focused on the presentation of pristine objects and the presentation in drawing form. A critical understanding of the field, however, necessitates a reevaluation of the roles of the process involved in the production of building. Rather than emphasizing surface appearances, an architecture rooted in process aims ultimately at revealing the fundamental and deep structures inherent within the making of architecture. One of the primary tasks of the process is to provoke intuition and ingenuity - and the awareness that both are founded on knowledge - and that knowledge must be applied with imagination. The experiment presented here developed sequentially with a defined structure to the process of design, moving gradually from the abstract into the concrete, thereby attempting and understanding of what Roland Barthes identified as 'concrete abstraction.'
keywords design process, architecture, knowledge, experimentation
series CADline
last changed 1999/02/12 15:07

_id cc67
authors Blinn, James F.
year 1990
title Triage Tables
source IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications. January, 1990. vol. 10: pp. 70-75 : ill. includes a short bibliography
summary In this column the author presents a simple data structure to help sort lines for clipping and hidden line algorithms, borrowing from 'triage' methods of sorting victims of medical disasters: 'trivial accept,' 'trivial reject' and 'further test.'
keywords algorithms, hidden lines, computer graphics, clipping
series CADline
last changed 2003/06/02 13:58

_id abc9
authors Campbell, A.T. and Fussell, D.S.
year 1990
title Adaptive Mesh Generation for Global Diffuse Illumination
source Computer Graphics Proc. SIGGRAPH 90 Vol. 24, No. 4, Aug. 1990, pp. 155-164
summary Rapid developments in the design of algorithms for rendering globally illuminated scenes have taken place in the past five years. Net energy methods such as the hemicube and other radiosity algorithms have become very effective a t computing the energy balance for scenes containing diffusely reflecting objects. Such methods first break up a scene description into a relatively large number of elements, or possibly sev- eral levels of elements. Energy transfers among these ele- ments are then determined using a variety of means. While much progress has been made in the design of energy transfer algorithms, little or no attention has been paid to the proper generation of the mesh of surface elements. This pa- per presents a technique for adaptively creating a mesh of surface elements as the energy transfers are computed. The method allows large numbers of small elements to be placed at parts of the scene where the most active energy trans- fers occur without requiring that other parts of the scene be needlessly subdivided to the same degree. As a result, the computational effort in the energy transfer computations can be concentrated where it has the most effect. CR Categories and Subject Descriptors: 1.3.3 [Computer Graphics]: Picture/Image Generation-Display algorithms. 1.3.7 [Computer Graphics]: Three-Dimensional Graphics and Realism. General Terms: Algorithms Additional Key Words and Phrases: global illumination, radiosity, mesh-generation, diffuse, data structure, incremental.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/04/23 15:50

_id 235d
authors Catalano, Fernando
year 1990
title The Computerized Design Firm
source The Electronic Design Studio: Architectural Knowledge and Media in the Computer Era [CAAD Futures ‘89 Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-262-13254-0] Cambridge (Massachusetts / USA), 1989, pp. 317-332
summary This paper is not just about the future of computerized design practice. It is about what to do today in contemplation of tomorrow-the issues of computercentered practice and the courses of action open to us can be discerned by the careful observer. The realities of computerized design practice are different from the issues on which design education still fixes its attention. To educators, the present paper recommends further clinical research on computerized design firms and suggests that case studies on the matter be developed and utilized as teaching material. Research conducted by the author of this paper indicates that a new form of design firm is emerging-the computerized design firm-totally supported and augmented by the new information technology. The present paper proceeds by introducing an abridged case study of an actual totally electronic, computerized design practice. Then, the paper concentrates on modelling the computerized design firm as an intelligent system, indicating non-trivial changes in its structure and strategy brought about by the introduction of the new information technology into its operations - among other considerations, different strategies and diverse conceptions of management and workgroup roles are highlighted. In particular, this paper points out that these structural and strategic changes reflect back on the technology of information with pressures to redirect present emphasis on the individual designer, working alone in an isolated workstation, to a more realistic conception of the designer as a member of an electronic workgroup. Finally, the paper underlines that this non-trivial conception demands that new hardware and software be developed to meet the needs of the electronic workgroup - which raises issues of human-machine interface. Further, it raises the key issues of how to represent and expose knowledge to users in intelligent information - sharing systems, designed to include not only good user interfaces for supporting problem-solving activities of individuals, but also good organizational interfaces for supporting the problem-solving activities of groups. The paper closes by charting promising directions for further research and with a few remarks about the computerized design firm's (near) future.
series CAAD Futures
last changed 1999/04/03 17:58

_id caadria2006_597
id caadria2006_597
year 2006
title NEW MEDIA IN DIGITAL DESIGN PROCESS: Towards a standardize procedure of CAD/CAM fabrication
source CAADRIA 2006 [Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia] Kumamoto (Japan) March 30th - April 2nd 2006, 597-599
summary In 1990, due to the traditional architecture design and construction method difficult to build the complicated and non-geometry free-form Fish Structure in Barcelona, architect Frank Gehry started learn from the field of aerospace to utilize CAD/CAM technology in design and manufacture process. He created the free-form fish model in CAD system and exported the digital CAD model data to CAM machine (RP and CNC) to fabricate the design components, and finally assembled on the site. Gehry pioneered in the new digital design process in using CAD/CAM technology or so-called digital fabrication. It becomes an important issue recently as the CAD/CAM technology progressively act as the new digital design media in architectural design and construction process (Ryder et al., 2002; Kolarevic, 2003). Furthermore, in the field of architecture professional, some commercial computer systems had been developed on purpose of standardizes the digital design process in using CAD/CAM fabrication such as Gehry Technologies formed by Gehry Partners; SmartGeometry Group in Europe and Objectile proposed by Bernard Cache. Researchers in the research field like Mark Burry, Larry Sass, Branko Kolarevic, Schodek and others are enthusiastic about the exploration of the role of CAD/CAM fabrication as new design media in design process (Burry, 2002; Schodek et al., 2005; Lee, 2005).
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id 298e
authors Dave, Bharat and Woodbury, Robert
year 1990
title Computer Modeling: A First Course in Design Computing
source The Electronic Design Studio: Architectural Knowledge and Media in the Computer Era [CAAD Futures ‘89 Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-262-13254-0] Cambridge (Massachusetts / USA), 1989, pp. 61-76
summary Computation in design has long been a focus in our department. In recent years our faculty has paid particular attention to the use of computation in professional architectural education. The result is a shared vision of computers in the curriculum [Woodbury 1985] and a set of courses, some with considerable historyland others just now being initiated. We (Dave and Woodbury) have jointly developed and at various times over the last seven years have taught Computer Modeling, the most introductory of these courses. This is a required course for all the incoming freshmen students in the department. In this paper we describe Computer Modeling: its context, the issues and topics it addresses, the tasks it requires of students, and the questions and opportunities that it raises. Computer Modeling is a course about concepts, about ways of explicitly understanding design and its relation to computation. Procedural skills and algorithmic problem solving techniques are given only secondary emphasis. In essential terms, the course is about models, of design processes, of designed objects, of computation and of computational design. Its lessons are intended to communicate a structure of such models to students and through this structure to demonstrate a relationship between computation and design. It is hoped that this structure can be used as a framework, around which students can continue to develop an understanding of computers in design.
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2003/05/16 20:58

_id 0f73
authors Ervin, Stephen M.
year 1990
title Designing with Diagrams: A Role for Computing in Design Education and Exploration
source The Electronic Design Studio: Architectural Knowledge and Media in the Computer Era [CAAD Futures ‘89 Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-262-13254-0] Cambridge (Massachusetts / USA), 1989, pp. 107-122
summary Environmental designers, design educators and design students using computers are a constituency with a set of requirements for database structure and flexibility, for knowledge representation and inference mechanisms, and for both graphical and non-graphical operations, that are now articulatable and to-date largely unmet. This is especially so in the area called 'preliminary' or 'schematic' design, where our requirements are related to, but different from, those of our colleagues in mechanical and electrical engineering, whose needs have dominated the notable developments in this area. One manifestation of these needs is in the peculiar form of graphics called diagrams , and the ways in which environmental designers (architects, landscape architects., urban designers) use them. Our diagrams are both similar to and different from structural, circuit, or logical diagrams in important ways. These similarities and differences yield basic insights into designing and design knowledge, and provide guidance for some necessary steps in the development of the next generation of CAD systems. Diagrams as a form of knowledge representation have received little scrutiny in the literature of graphic representation and computer graphics. In the following sections I present an overview of the theoretical basis for distinguishing and using diagrams; examine some of the computational requirements for a system of computer-aided diagramming; describe a prototype implementation called CBD (Constraint Based Diagrammer) and illustrate one example of its use; and speculate on the implications and potential applications of these ideas in computer-aided design education.
series CAAD Futures
last changed 1999/04/03 17:58

_id eee2
authors Gero, John S. and Rosenman, Michael A.
year 1989
title A Conceptual Framework for Knowledge-Based Design Research at Sydney University's Design Computing Unit
source Southampton/Berlin: CMP/Springer- verlag, 1989. pp. 363-382. Published also in Artificial Intelligence in Engineering 5(2):363-383, 1990
summary This paper presents the conceptual framework behind the Design Computing Unit's knowledge-based design research. It commences with a brief overview before introducing the role of experience in design. The conceptual schema 'prototypes' is introduced and described within a framework of design as transforming required or expected functions to structure descriptions. Current projects related to this conceptual framework are briefly described
keywords CAD, knowledge base, design, prototypes, representation
series CADline
last changed 2003/06/02 13:58

_id c0a3
authors Harfmann, Anton C. and Chen, Stuart S.
year 1989
title Component Based Computer Aided Learning for Students of Architecture and Civil Engineering
source New Ideas and Directions for the 1990’s [ACADIA Conference Proceedings] Gainsville (Florida - USA) 27-29 October 1989, pp. 193-208
summary The paper describes the methodology and the current efforts to develop an interdisciplinary computer aided learning system for architects and civil engineers. The system being developed incorporates a component oriented relational database with an existing interactive 3-dimensional modeling system developed in the School of Architecture and Planning at SUNY Buffalo. The software will be used in existing courses in architecture and civil engineering as a teaching aid to help students understand the complex 3-dimensional interrelationships of structural components. Initial implementation has focused on the modeling of the components and assemblies for a lowrise steel frame structure. Current implementation efforts are focusing on the capability to view connections in various ways including the ability to "explode" a connection to better understand the sequence of construction and load paths. Appropriate codes, limit states of failure and specific data will be linked to each specific component in an expert system shell so that the system can offer feedback about a student generated connection and perhaps offer other possible connections a library of standard connections. Future expansion of the system will include adding other "systems" of a building, such as mechanical, electrical, plumbing, enclosure etc., to help students visualize the integration of the various parts.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:49

_id 4b09
authors Iwata, Hiroo
year 1990
title Artificial Reality with Force-Feedback : Development of Desktop Virtual Space with Compact Master Manipulator
source Computer Graphics. August, 1990. vol. 24: pp. 165-170 : ill. includes bibliography
summary A new configuration of human interface for 'artificial reality' is discussed. The paper describes a method of implementing force-feedback in a virtual space manipulation system. The system is composed of two subsystems, a real time graphic display system and a tactile input device with reaction force generator. A specialized graphic computer (Stardent TITAN) provides a real time image of the virtual space. A 9 degree-of-freedom manipulator applies reaction forces to the fingers and palm of the operator. The generated forces are calculated from a solid model of the virtual space. The performance of the system is exemplified in manipulation of virtual solids objects such as a mockup for industrial design and a 3D animated character
keywords user interface, virtual reality, computer graphics
series CADline
last changed 1999/02/12 15:08

_id 39e0
id 39e0
authors Jablonski, Allen D.
year 1991
title Integrated Component-based Computer Design Modeling System: The Implications of Control Parameters on the Design Process
source New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ Graduate Thesis - Master's Program College of Architecture
summary The design process is dependent on a clear order of integrating and managing all of the control parameters that impact on a building's design. All component elements of a building must be defined by their: Physical and functional relations; Quantitative and calculable properties; Component and/or system functions. This requires a means of representation to depict a model of a building that can be viewed and interpreted by a variety of interested parties. These parties need different types of representation to address their individual control parameters, as each component instance has specific implications on all of the control parameters.

Representations are prepared for periodic design review either manually through hand-drawn graphics and handcrafted models; or with the aid of computer aided design programs. Computer programs can profoundly increase the speed and accuracy of the process', as well as provide a level of integration, graphic representation and simulation, untenable through a manual process.

By maintaining a single control model in an Integrated Component-based Computer Design Modeling System (ICCDMS), interested parties could access the design model at any point during the process. Each party could either: 1. Analyze individual components, or constraints of the model, for interferences against parameters within that party's control; or 2. Explore design alternatives to modify the model, and verify the integration of the components or functions, within the design model, as allowable in relation to other control parameters.

keywords Architectural Design; Data Processing
series thesis:MSc
type extended abstract
last changed 2006/09/25 09:04

_id c749
id c749
authors Kan, JWT and Gero JS
year 2009
title Using the FBS ontology to capture semantic design information in design protocol studies
source in J McDonnell and P Lloyd (eds), About: Designing. Analysing Design Meetings, CRC Press, pp. 213-229.
summary This chapter presents a method to capture semantic information from design protocols. We report on a preliminary study that analyses a design protocol by using the FBS ontology and derives processes within this ontological framework by employing linkography. The usefulness of this method is examined by applying it to the Engineering 1 protocol (E1) as a case study. The original 1990 FBS ontology captures 66% meaningful processes of all the derived processes, while the situated FBS ontology captures 92% meaningful processes of all the derived processes. Further coding analysis may improve this percentage. The session is characterized, according to the ontology, by the high percentage of behaviour reformulation, followed by structure reformulation, and analysis.
keywords ontology, FBS, protocol analysis,
series other
type normal paper
last changed 2009/09/11 18:14

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