CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

Hits 1 to 20 of 22

_id 50ce
authors Baker, R.
year 1993
title Designing the Future: The Computer Transformation of Reality
source Thames and Hudson, Hong Kong
summary A coffee table book on computer applications? Well, yes, because it does deal largely with matters of graphic design in architecture, fashion and textiles, painting, and photography; but it also has items which might be of interest in its sections on digital publication, typography, and electronic communication in general. It also seeks to discuss the way in which these applications may force us to change the way we think. Robin Baker writes in an unfortunately stiff and abstract manner about the impact computer programmes have had on the world of art and design, but the graphic images and extended picture captions help to keep the reader awake - even though the main text sometimes disappears for two or three double page spreads on end. There are also smatterings of pretentious art-world-speak about 'solving certain spatial problems' (in the design of curtain fabrics or teapots) and the introduction (inevitable?) of new jargon: 'shape grammar'(a list of so-called shape 'rules'), 'repurposing' (putting somebody else's work to new use) and 'genetic algorithms' (sculptural designs based on re-processed organic shapes - most of which look like stomach tumours). In his favour, Baker very generously credits students and commercial designers who have produced the effects he describes and illustrates so well. For writers, he sketches in the possibilities of Hypertext and Hypermedia and points to the future of Hyper publishing which he (and Rupert Murdoch)believes will be with us before the end of the century. He seems to have a good oversight of what is possible and practicable - though one wonders how up-to-date the view is when his book may have begun its life anything up to three years ago. He usefully points out that much new technology exists in or drags along with it the forms of earlier periods - so that in an age of electronic communication we still have printed books as a dominant cultural form. Maybe this is as it should be - but Baker makes a persuasive case for the claim that All This is Going to Change.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

_id ecaade2022_368
id ecaade2022_368
authors Das, Avishek, Brunsgaard, Camilla and Madsen, Claus Brondgaard
year 2022
title Understanding the AR-VR Based Architectural Design Workflow among Selected Danish Architecture Practices
source Pak, B, Wurzer, G and Stouffs, R (eds.), Co-creating the Future: Inclusion in and through Design - Proceedings of the 40th Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe 2022) - Volume 1, Ghent, 13-16 September 2022, pp. 381–388
summary Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) have been proposed to be additional architectural design mediums for at least 25 years (Dagit, 1993). Despite rapid technical and technological development, it has not been adopted into architectural design practices as compared to academia and research. Surveys from the American Institute of Architects (AIA) and Royal Institutes of British Architects (RIBA) demonstrate the state of architectural practices; 72% of architects and 65% of architects respectively are not using any kind of virtual, augmented, or mixed reality in their practices(RIBA and Microsoft, 2018; Hampson, 2020). In this paper, the authors investigate the state of practices, issues, challenges, and opportunities of the utilization of virtual, augmented, and mixed realities in six architectural practices in the Danish context. Three of the practices are large architectural practices, one medium-sized practice specializing in institutional, healthcare and cultural architecture, and one firm designing private family houses, kindergartens, daycares and places for people with disability and, one experimental design studio. All these practices have used VR/AR in their projects to various degrees. In recent years Danish architectural practices have been involved in various VR/AR-based exhibitions, demonstrations, and tool developments to promote the usage of the same in design practice. Through a set of qualitative interviews with personnel from key architectural practices, the authors would like to demonstrate the present state of practices. The investigation explores the usage of VR and AR in Danish architecture practices by identifying challenges and opportunities regarding skill levels, architectural typology, use cases, toolchains, and workflow and shows similarities and differences between traditional and VR-based design processes. The main findings show how VR/AR-based visualization helps architects to perceive spatiality and also ushers creativity through immersion and overlays.
keywords Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Architectural Design Practice, Denmark
series eCAADe
last changed 2024/04/22 07:10

_id 850a
authors Wexelblat, A. (Ed.)
year 1993
title Virtual Reality - Applications and Explorations
source Academic Press Professional
summary Virtual and Artificial Reality have become in the last few years one of the major new hype words. Subsequently there has been a plethora of glossy books and droll conference proceedings describing various systems and hardware implementation problems. As has always been discovered in computer science the major effort is in designing and building the software applications. Alan's aim has been to ignore the hardware side and concentrate on the far larger and almost impossible problem of what to do with it. This book is a collection of ten essays trying to look slightly into the future and define actual uses for Virtual Reality kits rather than showing off expensive hardware. This has resulted in a series of topics, each defines a different interface problem between the user and machine which may have some solution by using Virtual Reality. Even though the topics vary, at times drastically, Alan has managed to use editorial selection very well intertwining them into a reasonably coherent whole. The scope is too large for any single book to cover in any detail and as is inevitable important topics for example military and medicine have been excluded. Topics chosen range from traditional computer information database visualisation to planetary exploration to the Virtual Reality version of the music video and literacy in cyberspace.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

_id eaea2005_000
id eaea2005_000
authors Dechène, Sigrun und Manfred Walz (Eds.)
year 2006
title Motion, E-Motion and Urban Space
source Proceedings of the 7th European Architectural Endoscopy Association Conference / ISBN-10: 3-00-019070-8 - ISBN-13: 978-3-00-019070-4, 260 p.
summary Simulating the development and the image of architecture and urban design means to show how the environment of the future and the living conditions could develop. At the same time it is part of our task to explain our work to local people and to the public and to passion skills in methods, instruments and knowledge in planning to the next generation of architects, planners and last but not least to discuss and to renew them once more for ourselves. Our aim was also to reflect what we have done since starting the look through the key-hole of endoscopy. Meanwhile this look has been completed since the beginnings in 1993 much more by computer and monitor. It is not the question to take the endoscope or the computer as a methodical and instrumental approach. Nowadays we normally decide to take the endoscope and the computer. In preparing the conference and the workshop we thought that this should now also be the moment not only to inform each other and the participants on methods, tools and best practices in simulating and designing the environment but also to focus on the social and human consequences of perception, movement and use the present urban spaces and the urban space in future. So we proposed the theme “MOTION, E-MOTION and URBAN SPACE” and we invited a scientific expert in experimental psychology to give us some serious reflections and one or another hint on our research themes and methods. The contributions and discussions in the conference showed that the proposal has not only been accepted but has also been completed and enriched especially concerning the theme urban space, it’s processes of usage and it‘s atmosphere. Also in the themes of endoscopy and the research on modelling urban spaces and architecture, meanwhile nearly “traditional” ones, remarkable results were presented and discussed. A very important point of contributions and the following discussions was how to present our subjects to the interested public and to improve our own internal exchange. An object could be to enforce the research tasks in researching together even more.
series EAEA
last changed 2008/04/29 20:46

_id f485
authors Kolarevic, Branko Radomir
year 1993
title Geometric Relations as a Framework For Design Conceptualization
source Harvard University, Graduate School of Design
summary This study introduces geometric relations as a framework for design conceptualiza-tion-its key premise is that nothing is more fundamental in design than formation and discovery of relationships. The study attempts to establish a formal model for the development of a dynamic computer based graphic environment for design conceptualization that can recognize, record and maintain geometric design relations, merge "depictive" and "propositional", explicit and implicit in design, and provide a qualitatively different way to explore shape, dimension, and geometric organization. The study presents an approach to this task of formalization, and explores some of the fundamental issues pertinent to the subject, such as computability and applicability to the task of designing. Specifically, the study explores a relational description of shapes based on the concept of regulating or construction lines as an explicit formulation of a strategy to form generation and creative discovery, and proposes a lexicon of geometric relations to serve as a basis for composition. It hypothesizes that the construction lines can become much more useful and interesting when they are used not just as a rigid skeleton, but to regulate the behavior of a drawing and to maintain its essential structure as its parts are manipulated. As a consequence, designers could structure the behavior of the object being designed under future transformations; drawings could become seman-tically charged and could be manipulated in a semantically sophisticated fashion. The first chapter places the issue in the broader context by arguing that designers form implicit relational models of their designs. This contention is supported by introducing some of the relevant literature on mental imagery. Second chapter introduces design relations and in particular geometric relations, as a focal point of this study. A dynamic computer -based graphic context for design conceptualization is presented and evalu-ated in the next two chapters and conclusions are drawn. In the third chapter, the model's computability is demonstrated and evaluated through ReDRAW, a limited implementation of a relations based graphic system. In the fourth chapter, the model's applicability in design conceptualization is discussed and supported by examples.
series thesis:PhD
last changed 2003/02/12 22:37

_id 2ff9
id 2ff9
authors Ataman, Osman
year 1993
title Knowledge-based Stair Design
source Education and Practice: The Critical Interface [ACADIA Conference Proceedings / ISBN 1-880250-02-0] Texas (Texas / USA) 1993, pp. 163-171
summary The application of computer--based technique to support architectural design has often concentrated on matters of representation. Typically, this means computer-aided drafting, and less frequently, computer-aided modeling and visualization. The promise of new computer-based tools to support the process of design has thus far failed to produce any significant tool that has had a widespread impact on the architectural profession. Most developments remain in university based research labs where they are used as teaching instruments in CAD courses or less often in design studios. While there are many reasons for this lack of dissemination, including a reluctance on the part of the architectural profession itself, the primary obstacles deal with difficulties in explicating design knowledge, representing this knowledge in a manner that can be used for design, and providing an intuitive and effective user interface, allowing the designer to easily use the tool for its intended purpose.

This study describes a system that has been developed to address a number of these issues. Based on research findings from the field of Artificial Intelligence which expounds on the need for multiple techniques to represent any complex area of knowledge, we have selected a particular approach that focuses on multiple techniques for design representation. We review this approach in depth by considering its many facets necessary when implementing a knowledge-based system. We then partially test the viability of this approach through a small case study, implementing a knowledge-based system for designing stairs. While this effort only deals with a small part of the total design process, it does explore a number of significant issues facing the development of computer-based design assistants, and suggests several techniques for addressing these concerns.

series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id a336
authors Calvo, Charles M.
year 1993
source Education and Practice: The Critical Interface [ACADIA Conference Proceedings / ISBN 1-880250-02-0] Texas (Texas / USA) 1993, pp. 155-162
summary It has been noted that designers - when confronted with computers - have, by and large, refused to accept the introduction of apparently new design methodologies, and it has been speculated that this is the result of a failure of those methodologies to address the cognitive processes which take place in the course of designing. This position is somewhat suspect in that such innovations as computer-aided drafting -which also fail to recognize these processes have been widely accepted. It is perhaps more likely that the lack of acceptance results from a perception on the part of designers that the new methodologies either do not reflect some or all of those concerns that designers consider fundamental to design, or that they actively interfere with the designer's ability to accomplish what he/she sees as the goals of design. Given that the application of artificial intelligence and related work to architecture is still in its infancy, all of this suggests the need for a reassessment of the role of computing in design in order to clarify and strengthen those roles deemed appropriate.

Two approaches to the integration of artificial intelligence and knowledge-based systems into architectural design practice are currently dominant. One attempts to create systems which can on their own produce designs, the other provides intelligent support for those doing design. It was, in part, the recognition of limitations in the ability of traditional CAD systems and building modelers to reflect what designers actually do that led to explorations into the idea of intelligent assistants. Development of such assistants was aided by research into the act and process of design through protocol and other studies. Although some work is currently being done in the development of artificial intelligence and knowledge based applications in architecture, and work continues to be done on the study of design methodologies, the bulk of available information in each of these areas remains in the realm of design disciplines related to but outside of architecture and do not reflect the explicit role of architectural design in the embodiment and expression of culture.

The relationship of intelligence to culture has resulted in some skepticism regarding the ultimate capacity of neural nets and symbolically programmed computers in general. Significant work has been done questioning the rational tradition in computer development for its failure to address phenomena which are not easily subject to scientific analysis. Further skepticism regarding the role of artificial intelligence and knowledge-based or expert systems in architectural design has been emerging recently. Such criticism tends to focus on two issues: the nature of drawing as an activity which involves both the generation and interpretation of graphic artifacts, and the nature of the human designer as an active agent in the design process.

series ACADIA
type normal paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id 97e7
authors Carter, K.
year 1993
title Computer aided design: back to the drawing board
source Proc. of Creativity and Cognition, Loughborough, April
summary This paper argues that the role of Computer Aided Design (CAD) should be to enhance and extend paper-based working, rather than to replace it. Current CAD tools are little used in the early stages of designing. Paper is heavily used, with its physical properties supporting work practices that are not possible with CAD. This paper presents implications for the design of new computer-based tools drawn from observations of designers' work practices. A new system is described that integrates paper-based and computer-based working in the same physical space and supports the application of computation to images on paper.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:50

_id 6737
authors Casaus, A., Fargas, J. and Papuzian, P.
year 1993
title Hybrid Design Environments - A Research Program on Creative Collaboration and Communication
source [eCAADe Conference Proceedings] Eindhoven (The Netherlands) 11-13 November 1993
summary This paper gives an overview of a research program initiated in the Architectural Design Department of the Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura de Barcelona on issues of communication and collaboration in computer aided design. The work is centered around emerging design situations which can be attributed directly to the incorporation of new technologies in education and practice. One of these is the "design triangle" composed of a traditional designer, a CAD workstation and a computer literate collaborator acting as the design medium. Another is the "virtual workshop" consisting of design collaboration involving large-scale distributed communications networks. The research program stresses three common characteristics of these situations which it aims to study in parallel in the setting of an design workshop. The first of these is the characteristic of distance, both physical and conceptual, which separates, on the one hand, the traditional designer from the CAD document and, on the other, the participants of a distributed workshop from each other and each others' thinking. The second, is the typically hybrid nature of such situations where computer technology interacts with more traditional techniques and alternative media are combined both at the level of production and in channels and modes of communication. And finally, the third and most significant for the methodology of the research program, is the fact that both the design triangle and the virtual workshop make explicit aspects of design activity, interaction and intentions which remain hidden or are only implicit in traditional designing.

series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id c31c
authors Fantacone, Enrico
year 1993
title Environmental Compatibility and Computer Aided Decision MakingRelated to the Third University in Rome: An Integrated Application of Several Methods
source [eCAADe Conference Proceedings] Eindhoven (The Netherlands) 11-13 November 1993
summary The EC Human Capital and Mobility Project, has allowed collaboration between Universita' di Roma .'La Sapienza", and University of Strathclyde (Glasgow), on a research programme developed by the author. The research consists on an integrated application of assessment methods that will allow designers, planners, and public administrators to operate on defined rules, to evaluate "a priori" the designing and planning parameters. The new integrated operating method, could be used for the elaboration of developing urban plans, or even for public design competition assessment.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id bdc5
authors Lehane, A., Wright, D. and Lambourne, E.
year 1993
title Parallel Modeling: Addressing the Issues of Creative Designing in CAD Environments II. Special Applications
source Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction 1993 v.1 pp. 249-254
summary We postulate that Industrial Designers, in general, solve a given problem by generating a series of proposed solutions to that problem, each proposal, in theory, helps the designer to converge on the ideal solution. Any number of solutions may be under continuous development at any one time and any previous solutions should always be available for appraisal and viewing. The single modeling environment provided in traditional Computer Aided Design (CAD) systems does not support this practice. Thus, CAD systems are primarily used to address the final phases of the design process, such as analysis, visualisation and detailing. This is surely not utilising the full potential of such a powerful design tool. In an attempt to develop a less restrictive working practice for CAD users, we consider a parallel modeling approach. This solution allows the simultaneous development, design and review of a number of computer based solutions.
keywords Paper Based Design Process; Parallel Modeling; Computer Based Design Process; Sets; Industrial Design; Set Theory; Directed Acyclic Graph; Seed
series other
last changed 2002/07/07 16:01

_id 2789
authors Mallard, Maria L. and Ng, Edward
year 1993
title Active Studio Version 1.0
source [eCAADe Conference Proceedings] Eindhoven (The Netherlands) 11-13 November 1993
summary In the evening reception held at the Mies Van der Rohe's German Pavilion, Gabriel Ferrater, Rector of Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, challenged the participants of the ECAADE 92 conference that despite all the advances in CAD techniques, none of the many wonderful buildings that had been built in Barcelona was 'designed' on computer. To researchers in the field of design and CAD research, the challenge went deeper than designing and architecture. It questions the very essence of CAD methodology and pedagogy.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id c995
authors Smets, G., Gaver, W.W., Overbeeke, C. and Stappers, P.
year 1993
title Designing in Virtual Reality: Perception-Action Coupling and Form Semantics Short Papers (Talks): Visual Languages and Virtual Reality
source Proceedings of ACM INTERCHI'93 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems -- Adjunct Proceedings 1993 pp. 11-12
summary In this paper, we describe work on a CAD package we are developing for use in virtual reality. Although this research is only preliminary, it demonstrates some advantages of designing in virtual reality. We describe these advantages in terms of ecological approach to perception, focusing on two of the implications of this approach: the role of perception-action coupling in producing true direct manipulation, and the desirability of providing perceptual information about the affordances of objects in the design environment.
keywords Virtual Reality; Ecological Approaches
series other
last changed 2002/07/07 16:01

_id 4825
authors Van Bakel, A.P.M. and Daru, R.
year 1993
title CAADidactics - An Instrument for Tuning CAAD Systems to Student Styles
source [eCAADe Conference Proceedings] Eindhoven (The Netherlands) 11-13 November 1993
summary This paper discusses the features of an instrument for tuning CAAD systems to student styles implemented in the authoring shell Authorware Professional (1989). This application enables students and teachers to evaluate the design progress. It also makes it possible to assess their preferences with respect to their working styles (Subject style) and style preferences in terms of the product style (Object style) in different stages of the design curriculum. The availability of this information enables teachers to adapt their didactical approach to their students. The progress they make during design education can be evaluated by looking at the process documentation as well as by looking at the product documentation generated by the application. This makes the students conscious of their own preferences and affinities. It is up to the student and the teacher whether they want to enhance or compensate those preoccupations. The documented information of previous design sessions can also be used as a guide system for further development and adaptations in styles of design and designing. In the design studio this style knowledge can also be used to establish adequate and workable design teams. Some of the features discussed in this paper are already implemented in a small prototype application. The prototype application will be presented and discussed. Other features will be implemented in the near future.

series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id c38c
authors Wrona, S., Kowal, S. and Rzadkiewicz, R.
year 1993
title The Basic Principles of CAAD Education: Warsaw School of Architecture Case
source [eCAADe Conference Proceedings] Eindhoven (The Netherlands) 11-13 November 1993
summary Department of Architecture at Warsaw University of Technology is 78 years old. Its long tradition was built mainly around functionalists movements in architecture and till now has meaningful influence on approaches and methods in design teaching. Till now, the basic method of design teaching is individual work in small master's design classes in which students are designing by hand drawing, drafting and building models, which are in the same time creative methods ("designing by drawing or modelling") and communication media (mainly to communicate with the master or its assistant). Students are learning from the knowledge and design experience of a master, often following or imitating his workshop and aesthetic concepts. This traditional method was expensive but efficient in preparation of architects to their professional activities. Therefore, when we started with CAAD classes in mid 80-ties, the "design learning by computer modelling" was the basic issue.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id 411e
authors Asanowicz, Aleksander
year 1993
title Designing is Information and Emotion
source [eCAADe Conference Proceedings] Eindhoven (The Netherlands) 11-13 November 1993
summary It could be stated that designing is a procedure of working out the problems. The point of that procedure is to transform the input data (information about what is demanded) into the system documentation (thing) accomplishing the task. While designing we would like to reach our goal in a certain (reliable) way.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id e00f
authors Harfmann, A.C., Majkowski, B. and Chen, S.S.
year 1993
title A Component-Based Approach to Building Product Representation and Design Development
source CAAD Futures ‘93 [Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-444-89922-7] (Pittsburgh / USA), 1993, pp. 437-452
summary This paper presents the development of the component-based approach for building product representation and suggests its appropriateness for incorporation at any stage in the design process. The efforts focus on resolving the conflicts that arise when the common denominator of component level representation in utilized throughout the process of designing a building.
keywords Component-Based Modeling, Component Modeling; Product Models; Building Models, Object-Oriented Modelling, Relational Databases
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2003/05/16 20:58

_id 2c6d
authors Laurillard, D.
year 1993
title Rethinking University Teaching; A Framework for the Effective use of Educational Technology
source Routledge, London.
summary This book presents a clearly and soundly argued case for the integration of educational technology into university teaching where the primary focus is to enhance student learning. Different teaching media, including audio-visual, hypermedia, interactive, adaptive and discursive media are discussed in the light of research into student learning. Practical guidelines for designing educational technology are provided.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

_id 6499
authors Lintl, C., Economides, D., Hesse, M., Langenbahn, V., Roth, S. and Brack, C.
year 1993
title CAD Education at Munich
source [eCAADe Conference Proceedings] Eindhoven (The Netherlands) 11-13 November 1993
summary We are stressing the idea that a combination of learning CAD and developing a design- work will hardly lead to success. It is first important to learn the principle handling of CAD - only then a reasonable application can work out. Our pupils have the chance of comparing, Iearning and working on several different CAD-systems with different philosophies and purposes, so the interested students have the opportunity to choose a tool that fits their working-habits and their designing-methods. Out of an overall number of 200 students of architecture each semester about 150 are willing to participate in the CAD- curriculum. 100 will be left after the low-level introductions and exercises, done with the standard: AutoCAD - these students than have a basic idea of construction with computers. Those students who are going into details are deepening there skills to an extent where any experiment is feasible. It is hard work to get to this perfection.

series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id 4a5f
authors Liu, Yu-Tung
year 1993
title Recognizing Emergent Subshapes in Design Problem Solving: A Connectionist Investigation
source Education and Practice: The Critical Interface [ACADIA Conference Proceedings / ISBN 1-880250-02-0] Texas (Texas / USA) 1993, pp. 131-139
summary Human problem-solving behavior has been modelled as a search through the space as defined as problem states, within which earlier states move to subsequent ones by applying rules in the human mind until the goal state is found. This cognitive model of problem-solving has been broadly accepted and has become dominant in both cognitive psychology and artificial intelligence (AI). In the field of computeraided architectural design (CAAD), search models are also widely used for solving design problems, although various foci of design knowledge are differently represented by shape grammars, graphs, and knowledge-based systems using predicate logic for different purports.

In design search, design evolves from one state to another by exhaustively or heuristically applying proper rules. Each rule application involves, first, pattern-matching the antecedent of a rule to the current state and, second, transforming the matched portion of that state into the consequence of the rule. However pattern-matching techniques of current CAAD systems are still limited. In current CAAD systems, only those two squares can be dealt with by patternmatching for further development. However, a human designer can effortlessly recognize not only those two but other emergent subshapes, for example a smaller square in the middle where the two squares overlap and two L-shapes in the corners. Therefore a human designer can thoroughly deliberate all these alternatives before making a decision. In other words, human designer is capable of restructuring shapes in terms of emergent subshapes in any step of designing.

series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:59

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