CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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Hits 1 to 20 of 255

_id a336
authors Calvo, Charles M.
year 1993
source Education and Practice: The Critical Interface [ACADIA Conference Proceedings / ISBN 1-880250-02-0] Texas (Texas / USA) 1993, pp. 155-162
summary It has been noted that designers - when confronted with computers - have, by and large, refused to accept the introduction of apparently new design methodologies, and it has been speculated that this is the result of a failure of those methodologies to address the cognitive processes which take place in the course of designing. This position is somewhat suspect in that such innovations as computer-aided drafting -which also fail to recognize these processes have been widely accepted. It is perhaps more likely that the lack of acceptance results from a perception on the part of designers that the new methodologies either do not reflect some or all of those concerns that designers consider fundamental to design, or that they actively interfere with the designer's ability to accomplish what he/she sees as the goals of design. Given that the application of artificial intelligence and related work to architecture is still in its infancy, all of this suggests the need for a reassessment of the role of computing in design in order to clarify and strengthen those roles deemed appropriate.

Two approaches to the integration of artificial intelligence and knowledge-based systems into architectural design practice are currently dominant. One attempts to create systems which can on their own produce designs, the other provides intelligent support for those doing design. It was, in part, the recognition of limitations in the ability of traditional CAD systems and building modelers to reflect what designers actually do that led to explorations into the idea of intelligent assistants. Development of such assistants was aided by research into the act and process of design through protocol and other studies. Although some work is currently being done in the development of artificial intelligence and knowledge based applications in architecture, and work continues to be done on the study of design methodologies, the bulk of available information in each of these areas remains in the realm of design disciplines related to but outside of architecture and do not reflect the explicit role of architectural design in the embodiment and expression of culture.

The relationship of intelligence to culture has resulted in some skepticism regarding the ultimate capacity of neural nets and symbolically programmed computers in general. Significant work has been done questioning the rational tradition in computer development for its failure to address phenomena which are not easily subject to scientific analysis. Further skepticism regarding the role of artificial intelligence and knowledge-based or expert systems in architectural design has been emerging recently. Such criticism tends to focus on two issues: the nature of drawing as an activity which involves both the generation and interpretation of graphic artifacts, and the nature of the human designer as an active agent in the design process.

series ACADIA
type normal paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id 8b38
authors Do, Ellen Yi-Luen and Gross, Mark D.
year 1998
title The Sundance Lab- "Design Systems of the Future"
source ACADIA Quarterly, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 8-10
summary The last thirty years have seen the development of powerful new tools for architects and planners: CAD, 3D modeling, digital imaging, geographic information systems, and real time animated walkthroughs. That’s just the beginning. Based on our experience with CAD tools, analysis of design practice, and an understanding of computer hardware and software, we’re out to invent the next generation of tools. We think architects should be shakers and makers, not just consumers, of computer aided design. We started the Sundance Lab (for Computing in Design and Planning) in 1993 with a few people and machines. We’ve grown to more than a dozen people (mostly undergraduate students) and a diverse interdisciplinary array of projects. We’ve worked with architects and planners, anthropologists, civil engineers, geographers, computer scientists, and electrical engineers. Our work is about the built environment: its physical form and various information involved in making and inhabiting places. We cover a wide range of topics – from design information management to virtual space, from sketch recognition to design rationale capture, to communication between designer and computer. All start from the position that design is a knowledge based and information rich activity. Explicit representations of design information (knowledge, rationale, and rules) enables us to engage in more intelligent dialogues about design. The following describes some of our projects under various rubrics.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:55

_id 98bd
authors Pea, R.
year 1993
title Practices of Distributed Intelligence and Designs for Education
source Distributed Cognitions, edited by G. Salomon. New York, NY: CambridgeUniversity Press
summary v Knowledge is commonly socially constructed, through collaborative efforts... v Intelligence may also be distributed for use in designed artifacts as diverse as physical tools, representations such as diagrams, and computer-user interfaces to complex tasks. v Leont'ev 1978 for activity theory that argues forcibly for the centrality of people-in-action, activity systems, as units of analysis for deepening our understanding of thinking. v Intelligence is distributed: the resources that shape and enable activity are distributed across people, environments, and situations. v Intelligence is accomplished rather than possessed. v Affordance refers to the perceived and actual properties of a thing, primarily those functional properties that determine how the thing could possibly be used. v Norman 1988 on design and psychology - the psychology of everyday things" v We deploy effort-saving strategies in recognition of their cognitive economy and diminished opportunity for error. v The affordances of artifacts may be more or less difficult to convey to novice users of these artifacts in the activities to which they contribute distributed intelligence. v Starts with Norman's seven stages of action Ø Forming a goal; an intention § Task desire - clear goal and intention - an action and a means § Mapping desire - unable to map goal back to action § Circumstantial desire - no specific goal or intention - opportunistic approach to potential new goal § Habitual desire - familiar course of action - rapidly cycle all seven stages of action v Differentiates inscriptional systems from representational or symbol systems because inscriptional systems are completely external, while representational or symbol systems have been used in cognitive science as mental constructs. v The situated properties of everyday cognition are highly inventive in exploiting features of the physical and social situation as resources for performing a task, thereby avoiding the need for mental symbol manipulations unless they are required by that task. v Explicit recognition of the intelligence represented and representable in design, specifically in designed artifacts that play important roles in human activities. v Once intelligence is designed into the affordances properties of artifacts, it both guides and constrains the likely contributions of that artifact to distributed intelligence in activity. v Culturally valued designs for distributed intelligence will change over time, especially as new technology becomes associated with a task domain. v If we treat distributed intelligence in action as the scientific unit of analysis for research and theory on learning and reasoning... Ø What is distributed? Ø What constraints govern the dynamics of such distributions in different time scales? Ø Through what reconfigurations of distributed intelligence might the performance of an activity system improve over time? v Intelligence is manifest in activity and distributed in nature. v Intelligent activities the real world... are often collaborative, depend on resources beyond an individual's long-term memory, and require the use of information-handling tools... v Wartofsky 1979 - the artifact is to cultural evolution what the gene is to biological evolution - the vehicle of information across generations. v Systems of activity - involving persons, environment, tools - become the locus of developmental investigation. v Disagrees with Salomon et al.'s entity-oriented approach - a language of containers holding things. v Human cognition aspires to efficiency in distributing intelligence - across individuals, environment, external symbolic representations, tools, and artifacts - as a means of coping with the complexity of activities we often cal "mental." "
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

_id ddss9208
id ddss9208
authors Lucardie, G.L.
year 1993
title A functional approach to realizing decision support systems in technical regulation management for design and construction
source Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture (Proceedings of a conference held in Mierlo, the Netherlands in July 1992), ISBN 0-7923-2444-7
summary Technical building standards defining the quality of buildings, building products, building materials and building processes aim to provide acceptable levels of safety, health, usefulness and energy consumption. However, the logical consistency between these goals and the set of regulations produced to achieve them is often hard to identify. Not only the large quantities of highly complex and frequently changing building regulations to be met, but also the variety of user demands and the steadily increasing technical information on (new) materials, products and buildings have produced a very complex set of knowledge and data that should be taken into account when handling technical building regulations. Integrating knowledge technology and database technology is an important step towards managing the complexity of technical regulations. Generally, two strategies can be followed to integrate knowledge and database technology. The main emphasis of the first strategy is on transferring data structures and processing techniques from one field of research to another. The second approach is concerned exclusively with the semantic structure of what is contained in the data-based or knowledge-based system. The aim of this paper is to show that the second or knowledge-level approach, in particular the theory of functional classifications, is more fundamental and more fruitful. It permits a goal-directed rationalized strategy towards analysis, use and application of regulations. Therefore, it enables the reconstruction of (deep) models of regulations, objects and of users accounting for the flexibility and dynamics that are responsible for the complexity of technical regulations. Finally, at the systems level, the theory supports an effective development of a new class of rational Decision Support Systems (DSS), which should reduce the complexity of technical regulations and restore the logical consistency between the goals of technical regulations and the technical regulations themselves.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/08/07 16:36

_id ddss9210
id ddss9210
authors Poortman, E.R.
year 1993
title Ratios for cost control
source Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture (Proceedings of a conference held in Mierlo, the Netherlands in July 1992), ISBN 0-7923-2444-7
summary The design of buildings takes place in phases representing a development from rough to precision planning. Estimates are made in order to test whether the result is still within the budget set by the client or developer. In this way, the decisions taken during the design phase can be quantified and expressed in monetary terms. To prevent blaming the wrong person when an overrun is discovered, the cost control process has to be improved. For that purpose, two new procedures have been developed: (i) a new translation activity; and (ii) ratios by which quantities can be characterized. 'Translation is the opposite of estimation. A monetary budget is converted -'translated' - into quantities, reflecting the desired quality of the building materials. The financial constraints of the client are thus converted into quantities - the building components used by the designers. Characteristic quantity figures play an important role in this activity. In working out an estimate, the form factor (i.e., the ratio between two characteristic values of a building component) has to be determined. The unit cost is then tested against that ratio. The introduction of the 'translation' activity and the use of characteristic quantity figures and form factors enhance existing estimation methods. By implementing these procedures, cost control becomes considerably more reliable.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/08/07 16:36

_id ddss9218
id ddss9218
authors Hensen, J.L.M.
year 1993
title Design support via simulation of building and plant thermal interaction
source Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture (Proceedings of a conference held in Mierlo, the Netherlands in July 1992), ISBN 0-7923-2444-7
summary Design decision support related to building energy consumption and/or indoor climate should be based on an integral approach to the environment, the building, heating, ventilating and air-conditioning (HVAC) system, and the occupants. The tools to achieve this are now available in the form of computer simulation systems which treat the building and plant as an integrated dynamic system. Although its potentials reach beyond the area of Computer Aided Building Design, the paper describes building and plant energy simulation within the context of CABD, design decision support and design evaluation. Currently, computer simulation is only used indirectly as a design decision support mechanism; that is, its power is not delivered very efficiently to the design profession. This paper suggests some future research directions. These are aimed at providing a mechanism to overcome this problem by developing an intelligent front end' which bridges the gap between sophisticated computer simulation tools and the design profession.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/08/07 16:36

_id 8098
authors Hovestadt, Volkmar
year 1993
title MultiMedia in Architectural Education
source [eCAADe Conference Proceedings] Eindhoven (The Netherlands) 11-13 November 1993
summary Developments in the field of Computer Science and Architecture are leading to new relationships between these two areas, which should influence architectural education. I would like to present a model in which the new possibilities of computing in the field of multimedia are experimentally introduced in architectural education.
keywords Multimedia, Video, Intelligent Buildings, Autonomous Buildings
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id ddss9205
id ddss9205
authors De Scheemaker. A.
year 1993
title Towards an integrated facility management system for management and use of government buildings
source Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture (Proceedings of a conference held in Mierlo, the Netherlands in July 1992), ISBN 0-7923-2444-7
summary The Government Building Agency in the Netherlands is developing an integrated facility management system for two of its departments. Applications are already developed to support a number of day-to-day facility management activities on an operational level. Research is now being carried out to develop a management control system to better plan and control housing and material resources.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/08/07 16:36

_id eaea2005_199
id eaea2005_199
authors Martens, Bob
year 2006
title Dissemination of knowledge in architectural endoscopy
source Motion, E-Motion and Urban Space [Proceedings of the 7th European Architectural Endoscopy Association Conference / ISBN-10: 3-00-019070-8 - ISBN-13: 978-3-00-019070-4], pp. 199-206
summary The first EAEA conference was hosted 1993 in Tampere (Finland) and subsequently a further six conferences have taken place. Future conferences are already pre-scheduled and a steadily rising number of papers has been written. So far, the conference proceedings have been published in a paperbased format and, as these were published in small numbers, it is rather hard to take stock of preceding entries. However, the published proceedings can be regarded as capital for the EAEA-Association and it is both necessary and worthwhile to preserve this collective memory by means of an archived e-collection. At the time of the formation of the EAEA, electronic publishing was not yet widely used. Since then, computerbased infrastructure and related (web-based) software tools have become widely available. There is even an ongoing debate within the associations dedicated to electronic publishing, as to whether conference proceedings should be solely distributed in a digital format. Doubtless, a discussion towards the value of electronic publication output in the framework of research assessments etc. would be a step too far for this paper. Still, a dual strategy for the EAEA could be aiming at the production of a limited number of paperbased copies, which would mainly be distributed to the conference participants (and the remaining part being made available resp. free library copies to make this output more visible). However, the high commercial interest derived by financial revenues is not given and dissemination by digital means is far more in the interest of both the participants and the EAEA-association. Today, the creation of an electronic version of the conference proceedings costs very little extra. In both cases (analogue and digital) the materials should not only be “deposited” on the desktop of individuals, but also be capable of reaching more public destinations. As the conference host is changing biennially, it has to be confirmed that the hosting institution will handle the delivery of metadata. Local printing houses arrange the printing work, and no further interests (concerning copyright, revenues etc) from the side of publishing houses are in charge. The import of the provided metadata is supported by way of self-organisation on a shoestring budget, as it does not require extensive work if properly defined. This means that minimal effort is needed to make the material available and to achieve a certain level of sustainability.
series EAEA
last changed 2008/04/29 20:46

_id 5fdc
authors Reber, A.S.
year 1993
title Implicit Learning and Tacit Knowledge: An Essay on the Cognitive Unconscious
source New York: Oxford University Press
summary In this new volume in the Oxford Psychology Series, the author presents a highly readable account of the cognitive unconscious, focusing in particular on the problem of implicit learning. Implicit learning is defined as the acquisition of knowledge that takes place independently of the conscious attempts to learn and largely in the absence of explicit knowledge about what was acquired. One of the core assumptions of this argument is that implicit learning is a fundamental, "root" process, one that lies at the very heart of the adaptive behavioral repertoire of every complex organism. The author's goals are to outline the essential features of implicit learning that have emerged from the many studies that have been carried out in a variety of experimental laboratories over the past several decades; to present the various alternative perspectives on this issue that have been proposed by other researchers and to try to accommodate these views with his own; to structure the literature so that it can be seen in the context of standard heuristics of evolutionary biology; to present the material within a functionalist approach and to try to show why the experimental data should be seen as entailing particular epistemological perspectives; and to present implicit processing as encompassing a general and ubiquitous set of operations that have wide currency and several possible applications. Chapter 1 begins with the core problem under consideration in this book, a characterization of "implicit learning" as it has come to be used in the literature. Reber puts this seemingly specialized topic into a general framework and suggests a theoretical model based on standard heuristics of evolutionary biology. In his account, Reber weaves a capsule history of interest in and work on the cognitive unconscious. Chapter 2 turns to a detailed overview of the experimental work on the acquisition of implicit knowledge, which currently is of great interest. Chapter 3 develops the evolutionary model within which one can see learning and cognition as richly intertwining issues and not as two distinct fields with one dominating the other. Finally, Chapter 4 explores a variety of entailments and speculations concerning implicit cognitive processes and their general role in the larger scope of human performance
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

_id e4c3
authors Saggio, Antonino
year 1993
title Hypertext, Solid Modeling, and Hierarchical Structures in Formal Architectural Analysis
source CAAD Futures ‘93 [Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-444-89922-7] (Pittsburgh / USA), 1993, pp. 289-309
summary The paper presents computer reconstructions of unbuilt projects relevant to the history of Italian rationalism together with the potential and limits of three CAAD environments. While an evaluation is provided for each one, a more detailed attention is devoted to hierarchical structures because of their capability to capture knowledge, to support further investigations, and to provide new insights into architecture. A model built in this environment allows simultaneously (1) the analysis and reconstruction even of a complex project at the size of a personal computer; (2) the simulation and test of different material, crucial in the case of restoration or in the case of incomplete and uncertain original project data; (3) the critical analysis (but also the co-presence of the different project alternatives of design phases) through the reading at the various level of the hierarchy; and (4) free investigation on the structure of data that can support new critical hypothesis and insights that were not anticipated at the moment of project creation.
keywords Hypertext, Solid Modeling, Hierarchical Structures, Giuseppe Terragni, Italian Modern Architecture
series CAAD Futures
last changed 1999/04/07 12:03

_id 26ec
authors Van Grootel, Marc
year 1994
title LAVA - A Virtual Studio on the Internet
source The Virtual Studio [Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Education in Computer Aided Architectural Design / ISBN 0-9523687-0-6] Glasgow (Scotland) 7-10 September 1994, pp. 168-174
summary The Lab for Architecture is an Internet based information service for Architecture. It was initiated by students of The University of Technology in Eindhoven in 1993. LAVA has three important objectives. 1) Providing pointers to interesting information about architecture. 2) Providing new information to the Internet, for example: student projects, discussions, faculty research and course material. 3) Exploring the possibilities of network-based media by initiating special projects, for example cooperationís between different Universities. The last part of this paper tries to indicate some of the possible influences network-based media can have on education.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:58

_id a927
authors Amirante, Isabella and Bosco, Antonio
year 1995
title Hypertext Between Research and Teaching: An Experience in a Didactic Building Technology Laboratory
source Multimedia and Architectural Disciplines [Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Education in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe / ISBN 0-9523687-1-4] Palermo (Italy) 16-18 November 1995, pp. 3-12
summary IPER (hypertext for the knowledge of building patrimony) is the result of a research developed with C.N.R. (National Research Institute). The aim of IPER is to provide the knowledge, the description and the management of one or more historical buildings for public or private institutions. IPER allowed us to improve our methodology of building analysis, covering various disciplinary fields, in two different systems. (1.) the first one, synthetic and suitable for a group of historical buildings, (2.) the second one, complex and particularly made for monumental buildings. // This experience is related to the new regulation of teaching architecture in Italy made in 1993. The main novelty is the introduction of the laboratories with the contemporary presence of two or three teachers of different disciplines, working together with the students on the same project with different approaches. This opportunity allowed us to introduce the "knowledge engineer" as a teacher in the laboratory of building technology. IPER is given to the students with the aim of experimenting and solving the theoretical and practical difficulties that students of different years may encounter in the knowledge and representation of buildings and in the organisation of all the data from the case study.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id c372
authors Calvert, T., Bruderlin, A., Mah, S., Schiphorst, T. and Welman, C.
year 1993
title The Evolution of an Interface for Choreographers Evolving Design
source Proceedings of ACM INTERCHI'93 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 1993 pp. 115-122
summary This paper describes the evolution of the interface to Life Forms, a compositional tool for the creation of dance choreography, and highlights some of the important lessons we have learned during a six year design and implementation period. The lessons learned can be grouped into two categories: 1) Process, and 2) Architecture of the Interface. Our goal in developing a tool for choreography has been to provide computer-based creative design support for the conception and development of dance. The evolution was driven by feedback from the choreographers and users who were members of the development team, combined with our knowledge of current thinking on design and composition. Although the interface evolved in a relatively unconstrained way, the resulting system has many of the features that theoretical discussion in human interface design has projected as necessary. The Life Forms interface has evolved incrementally with one major discontinuity where adoption of a new compositional primitive required a completely new version. The choreography and composition of a dance is a complex synthesis task which has much in common with design. Thus, the lessons learned here are applicable to the development of interfaces to such applications as computer aided design.
keywords Composition; Design; User Interface; Dance; Complexity; Choreography; Human Animation
series other
last changed 2002/07/07 16:01

_id fda4
authors Jalkanen, Janne
year 2000
title Building a spatially immersive display - HUTCAVE
source Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, Finland
summary A spatially immersive display is a display that surrounds the user, thus removing or alleviating many disadvantages the common virtual reality systems, such as head-mounted displays have. The most common example of these spatially immersive displays is the CAVE, "CAVE Automatic Virtual Environment", first built at University of Illinois, in 1993. It combines a large field-of-view with high-resolution images and a high frame refresh rate. In this work, the current Virtual Reality (VR) and Virtual Environment (VE) systems are examined, and then the CAVE construction is presented. Principles of stereo vision are explained and current methods of obtaining both autostereoscopic and stereopsis-based vision are reviewed. Aspects of different projection methods, screens, mirrors, projectors, tracking equipment, and computing systems are examined. Also, recent work in CAVE audio, so far neglected in research, is presented. Some of the mathematics is also explained, since in most CAVE-systems some sort of optical folding is necessary. Two cases of CAVE construction are presented, both at the Helsinki University of Technology. The first is a single-wall installation built as a temporary system, and the second is a four-sided CAVE at a new location, superseding the temporary installation. Finally the conclusions are presented, both from the process management point of view, and from the technical point of view, examining the good and bad points of the chosen solutions.
series thesis:MSc
last changed 2003/02/12 22:37

_id ddss9215
id ddss9215
authors Mortola, E. and Giangrande, A.
year 1993
title A trichotomic segmentation procedure to evaluate projects in architecture
source Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture (Proceedings of a conference held in Mierlo, the Netherlands in July 1992), ISBN 0-7923-2444-7
summary This paper illustrates a model used to construct the evaluation module for An Interface for Designing (AID), a system to aid architectural design. The model can be used at the end of every cycle of analysis-synthesis-evaluation in the intermediate phases of design development. With the aid of the model it is possible to evaluate the quality of a project in overall terms to establish whether the project is acceptable, whether it should be elaborated ex-novo, or whether it is necessary to begin a new cycle to improve it. In this last case, it is also possible to evaluate the effectiveness of the possible actions and strategies for improvement. The model is based on a procedure of trichotomic segmentation, developed with MCDA (Multi-Criteria Decision Aid), which uses the outranking relation to compare the project with some evaluation profiles taken as projects of reference. An application of the model in the teaching field will also be described.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/08/07 16:36

_id 21b5
authors Müller, Volker
year 1993
title Introducing CAD to a Big Corporation
source CAAD Futures ‘93 [Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-444-89922-7] (Pittsburgh / USA), 1993, pp. 497-512
summary The report presents the ongoing activity of introducing CAD to the entire range of facilities planning and management of the Frankfurt Airport Corporation. It addresses issues of organizing the shift from conventional to computer supported planning and facilities management,- the problems of training professionals with various background in the use of new tools; aspects of data validity; regulation of data exchange; and customization of software to the needs of special tasks within the corporation. The report is based on about four years of project runtime. The preparation of the project started in fall 1988. The project proper started in June 1989. It is entering its last year. Up to now about 120 persons have been trained to use CAD.
keywords CAD Introduction, Corporation Setting, Adult Education, Data Integrity, Data Security, Data Exchange, Linkage Between Geometric and Alphanumeric Data, Customized Systems
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2003/05/16 20:58

_id cfd2
authors Penttilä, Hannu
year 1993
title Visualizing with Digital Tools - Endoscopy Versus Computer Modeling
source Endoscopy as a Tool in Architecture [Proceedings of the 1st European Architectural Endoscopy Association Conference / ISBN 951-722-069-3] Tampere (Finland), 25-28 August 1993, pp. 161-166
summary This approach sees traditional video endoscopy and computer-based modeling techniques as two methods whose combination gives advantages for both. Endoscopy and computer based tools are not alternative nor rival techniques. New digital visualization possibilities are available within the context of CAD- systems. High-end and more expensive visualization has gained influence from commercial advertizing and also from entertainment industry. Traditional endoscope video has longer historical background and it’s roots are in model photography, model-based simulations and video techniques. The main focus of this paper is to describe Tampere architectural department’s computer based visualization facilities briefly with two cases studies. Our status and resources in traditional simulation have been rather good since mid 70’s, and now when also the basic digital facilities (word processing & CAD) exist, it will be our next challenge to deepen and develop the variety of available simulation methods, equipment – and naturally knowledge in combining them.
keywords Architectural Endoscopy
series EAEA
last changed 2005/09/09 10:43

_id aa67
authors Pimentel K. and Teixeira K.
year 1993
title Virtual Reality through the New Looking Glass
source Windcrest, NY
summary The revised edition of a 22,000-copy bestseller, much-praised as an authoritative, easy-to-understand overview of virtual reality. VR allows people to experience computer-generated worlds. Since the publication of the first edition of this book, VR has gone more mainstream. This edition covers the latest in VR applications, developments at VR companies, and up-to-the-minute information on Pentium-based VR systems.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

_id 0de6
authors Robertson, G.G., Card, S.K. and Mackinlay, J.D.
year 1993
title Information visualization using 3D interactive animation
source Communications of the ACM 36(4): 57-7 1
summary UI innovations are often driven by a combination of technology advances and application demands. On the technology side, advances in interactive computer graphics hardware, coupled with low-cost mass storage, have created new possibilities for information retrieval systems in which UIs could play a more central role. On the application side, increasing masses of information confronting a business or an individual have created a demand for information management applications. In the 1980s, text-editing forced the shaping of the desktop metaphor and the now standard GUI paradigm. In the 1990s, it is likely that information access will be a primary force in shaping the successor to the desktop metapho. This article presents an experimental system, the Information Visualizer (see figure 1), which explores a UI paradigm that goes beyond the desktop metaphor to exploit the emerging generation of graphical personal computers and to support the emerging application demand to retrieve, store, manipulate, and understand large amounts of infromation. The basic problem is how to utilize advancing graphics technology to lower the cost of finding information and accessing it once found (the information's "cost structure"). We take four broad strategies: making the user's immediate workspace larger, enabling user interaction with multiple agents, increasing the real-time interaction rate between user and system, and using visual abstraction to shift information to the perceptual system to speed information assimilation and retrieval.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

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