CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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Hits 1 to 20 of 80

_id avocaad_2001_20
id avocaad_2001_20
authors Shen-Kai Tang
year 2001
title Toward a procedure of computer simulation in the restoration of historical architecture
source AVOCAAD - ADDED VALUE OF COMPUTER AIDED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN, Nys Koenraad, Provoost Tom, Verbeke Johan, Verleye Johan (Eds.), (2001) Hogeschool voor Wetenschap en Kunst - Departement Architectuur Sint-Lucas, Campus Brussel, ISBN 80-76101-05-1
summary In the field of architectural design, “visualization¨ generally refers to some media, communicating and representing the idea of designers, such as ordinary drafts, maps, perspectives, photos and physical models, etc. (Rahman, 1992; Susan, 2000). The main reason why we adopt visualization is that it enables us to understand clearly and to control complicated procedures (Gombrich, 1990). Secondly, the way we get design knowledge is more from the published visualized images and less from personal experiences (Evans, 1989). Thus the importance of the representation of visualization is manifested.Due to the developments of computer technology in recent years, various computer aided design system are invented and used in a great amount, such as image processing, computer graphic, computer modeling/rendering, animation, multimedia, virtual reality and collaboration, etc. (Lawson, 1995; Liu, 1996). The conventional media are greatly replaced by computer media, and the visualization is further brought into the computerized stage. The procedure of visual impact analysis and assessment (VIAA), addressed by Rahman (1992), is renewed and amended for the intervention of computer (Liu, 2000). Based on the procedures above, a great amount of applied researches are proceeded. Therefore it is evident that the computer visualization is helpful to the discussion and evaluation during the design process (Hall, 1988, 1990, 1992, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998; Liu, 1997; Sasada, 1986, 1988, 1990, 1993, 1997, 1998). In addition to the process of architectural design, the computer visualization is also applied to the subject of construction, which is repeatedly amended and corrected by the images of computer simulation (Liu, 2000). Potier (2000) probes into the contextual research and restoration of historical architecture by the technology of computer simulation before the practical restoration is constructed. In this way he established a communicative mode among archeologists, architects via computer media.In the research of restoration and preservation of historical architecture in Taiwan, many scholars have been devoted into the studies of historical contextual criticism (Shi, 1988, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1995; Fu, 1995, 1997; Chiu, 2000). Clues that accompany the historical contextual criticism (such as oral information, writings, photographs, pictures, etc.) help to explore the construction and the procedure of restoration (Hung, 1995), and serve as an aid to the studies of the usage and durability of the materials in the restoration of historical architecture (Dasser, 1990; Wang, 1998). Many clues are lost, because historical architecture is often age-old (Hung, 1995). Under the circumstance, restoration of historical architecture can only be proceeded by restricted pictures, written data and oral information (Shi, 1989). Therefore, computer simulation is employed by scholars to simulate the condition of historical architecture with restricted information after restoration (Potier, 2000). Yet this is only the early stage of computer-aid restoration. The focus of the paper aims at exploring that whether visual simulation of computer can help to investigate the practice of restoration and the estimation and evaluation after restoration.By exploring the restoration of historical architecture (taking the Gigi Train Station destroyed by the earthquake in last September as the operating example), this study aims to establish a complete work on computer visualization, including the concept of restoration, the practice of restoration, and the estimation and evaluation of restoration.This research is to simulate the process of restoration by computer simulation based on visualized media (restricted pictures, restricted written data and restricted oral information) and the specialized experience of historical architects (Potier, 2000). During the process of practicing, communicates with craftsmen repeatedly with some simulated alternatives, and makes the result as the foundation of evaluating and adjusting the simulating process and outcome. In this way we address a suitable and complete process of computer visualization for historical architecture.The significance of this paper is that we are able to control every detail more exactly, and then prevent possible problems during the process of restoration of historical architecture.
series AVOCAAD
last changed 2005/09/09 10:48

_id 96a9
authors Mullet, Kevin and Sano, Darrell
year 1993
title Applying Visual Design: Trade Secrets for Elegant Interfaces Tutorials
source Proceedings of ACM INTERCHI'93 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems -- Adjunct Proceedings 1993 p. 230
summary Objective: This tutorial is designed to increase the participant's awareness of visual and aesthetic issues and provide practical techniques (not guidelines) for achieving elegant user interfaces, information displays, and data visualisations. The emphasis is on avoiding a number of mistakes seen repeatedly in commercial products. Content: This tutorial will focus on the core competencies or "tricks of the trade" that all visual designers internalise as part of their basic training. The tutorial is organised not along the traditional graphic design specialisations, such as typography or colour, but according to the design goals and familiar problems of real-world product development. Specific content areas will include elegance and simplicity; scale, contrast and proportion; organisation and visual structure; module and programme; image and representation; and style. The communication-oriented design aesthetic seen in graphic design, industrial design, and architecture can be applied very successfully to graphical user interfaces, data displays, and multimedia. Design rules provided will be illustrated with extensive visual examples drawn from the international design communities as well as from the HCI domain.
series other
last changed 2002/07/07 16:01

_id d6a3
authors Alkhoven, Patricia
year 1993
title The Changing Image of the City
source University of Utrecht
summary The image and structure of a town are constantly subject to a dynamic process of change and continuity. Visual material, such as photographs, historical maps, town plans, drawings and prints, show us the impact of these changes on the image of a town. The main point of departure of this study stems from the question of how this process of change and continuity is visually detectable in a town or city. The fact that the ideas about the appearance of a city (gradually) change, can be read from the often subtle changes in the townscape. Though in many cases we have a general knowledge of the choices made in urban management, the most difficult problem is to detect the underlying decisions. This raises the question to what extent these changes and also the continuities are the result of deliberate choices in urban management and to what extent they are autonomous developments in the townscape resistant to interventions. Using different kinds of visual information as a basis, computer visualization techniques are used in the present study to examine some cartographic maps and to reconstruct the urban development in the twentieth century of the town of Heusden three-dimensionally in significant phases. The resulting visualization provides us with a tool for a better understanding of the dynamics of urban transformation processes, typologies and morphological changes and continuities.
keywords 3D City Modeling
series thesis:PhD
last changed 2003/05/15 21:36

_id aa7f
authors Bollinger, Elizabeth and Hill, Pamela
year 1993
title Virtual Reality: Technology of the Future or Playground of the Cyberpunk?
source Education and Practice: The Critical Interface [ACADIA Conference Proceedings / ISBN 1-880250-02-0] Texas (Texas / USA) 1993, pp. 121-129
summary Jaron Lanier is a major spokesperson of our society's hottest new technology: VR or virtual reality. He expressed his faith in the VR movement in this quote which appears in The User's Guide to the New Edge published by Mondo 2000. In its most technical sense, VR has attracted the attention of politicians in Washington who wonder if yet another technology developed in the United States will find its application across the globe in Asia. In its most human element, an entire "cyberpunk movement" has appealed to young minds everywhere as a seemingly safe form of hallucination. As architecture students, educators, and practitioners around the world are becoming attracted to the possibilities of VR technology as an extension of 3D modeling, visualization, and animation, it is appropriate to consider an overview of virtual reality.

In virtual reality a user encounters a computersimulated environment through the use of a physical interface. The user can interact with the environment to the point of becoming a part of the experience, and the experience becomes reality. Natural and

instinctive body movements are translated by the interface into computer commands. The quest for perfection in this human-computer relationship seems to be the essence of virtual reality technology.

To begin to capture the essence of virtual reality without first-hand experience, it is helpful to understand two important terms: presence and immersion. The sense of presence can be defined as the degree to which the user feels a part of the actual environment. The more reality the experience provides, the more presence it has. Immersion can be defined as the degree of other simulation a virtual reality interface provides for the viewer. A highly immersive system might provide more than just visual stimuli; for example, it may additionally provide simulated sound and motion, and simultaneously prevent distractions from being present.

series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:52

_id 2c6d
authors Laurillard, D.
year 1993
title Rethinking University Teaching; A Framework for the Effective use of Educational Technology
source Routledge, London.
summary This book presents a clearly and soundly argued case for the integration of educational technology into university teaching where the primary focus is to enhance student learning. Different teaching media, including audio-visual, hypermedia, interactive, adaptive and discursive media are discussed in the light of research into student learning. Practical guidelines for designing educational technology are provided.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

_id 66e3
authors McCullough, Malcolm
year 1993
title Interactive Urban Models
source Education and Practice: The Critical Interface [ACADIA Conference Proceedings / ISBN 1-880250-02-0] Texas (Texas / USA) 1993, pp. 57-68
summary Visual computing to support urban design will involve a synthesis of geometric modeling, geographic information systems (GIS), and interactive multimedia. Increasingly, CAD is a suitable point of departure for such work. Using such media, this study explores newly practical steps toward a body of media arts expressly for the design, analysis, and communication of urban form.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:58

_id c308
authors Ohno, Ryuzo and Hata, Tomohiro
year 1993
title The Effect of Spatial Structure on Visual Search Behavior
source Endoscopy as a Tool in Architecture [Proceedings of the 1st European Architectural Endoscopy Association Conference / ISBN 951-722-069-3] Tampere (Finland), 25-28 August 1993, pp. 89-98
summary People’s voluntary movement through an environment is essential for their comprehension of three dimensional space. It may be hypothesized that they move and look around in order to pick up wanted information at the time. This study investigated the following more specific hypotheses by an experiment using a user-controlled space-sequence simulator and the analysis of the subjects’ behavioral data recorded by the simulation system: (1) The strategy of visual search behavior (body movement and viewing direction) is influenced by spatial structure (form and organization). (2) The strategy can be explained by the amount of visual information in the environment, i.e., people move and look in a certain direction in order to maximize effective information at a given moment and position. - If these hypotheses are supported, we can predict people’s behavior in an unfamiliar place on the basis of the spatial structure.

keywords Architectural Endoscopy
series EAEA
last changed 2005/09/09 10:43

_id 0de6
authors Robertson, G.G., Card, S.K. and Mackinlay, J.D.
year 1993
title Information visualization using 3D interactive animation
source Communications of the ACM 36(4): 57-7 1
summary UI innovations are often driven by a combination of technology advances and application demands. On the technology side, advances in interactive computer graphics hardware, coupled with low-cost mass storage, have created new possibilities for information retrieval systems in which UIs could play a more central role. On the application side, increasing masses of information confronting a business or an individual have created a demand for information management applications. In the 1980s, text-editing forced the shaping of the desktop metaphor and the now standard GUI paradigm. In the 1990s, it is likely that information access will be a primary force in shaping the successor to the desktop metapho. This article presents an experimental system, the Information Visualizer (see figure 1), which explores a UI paradigm that goes beyond the desktop metaphor to exploit the emerging generation of graphical personal computers and to support the emerging application demand to retrieve, store, manipulate, and understand large amounts of infromation. The basic problem is how to utilize advancing graphics technology to lower the cost of finding information and accessing it once found (the information's "cost structure"). We take four broad strategies: making the user's immediate workspace larger, enabling user interaction with multiple agents, increasing the real-time interaction rate between user and system, and using visual abstraction to shift information to the perceptual system to speed information assimilation and retrieval.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

_id 0f50
authors Skauge, Jřrn
year 1993
title An Electronic Tool for Urban Design Analysis
source Education and Practice: The Critical Interface [ACADIA Conference Proceedings / ISBN 1-880250-02-0] Texas (Texas / USA) 1993, pp. 77-85
summary Architects and urban designers are increasingly using computers in their attempt to improve decision making in urban design. Most existing systems emphasize hard data such as statistics, land use data, etc. In recent years with the use of more powerful computers we have seen a greater emphasis on managing visual data. Computer systems are being used to generate urban models and simulations of the various kinds of impact new developments have on the existing cityscape.

This project emphasizes the use of visual data. The purpose of the research has been to develop a computer system for urban designers to use in analyzing urban architectural qualities. Therefore this project focuses on applying traditional methods and theories of urban designers rather than developing new computer techniques.

The traditional methods and theories of urban designers fall within the category which the French theorist Francoise Choay calls Pre-urbanism and Urbanism - the Cultural Model. Theorists within this category include Camillo Sitte, Gordon Cullen, Kevin Lynch, Leon Krier, Aldo Rossi, Michael Trieb, Roger Tranzick and Thiis-Evensen.

This computer system has been developed as a prototype in order to gain experience and knowledge for future development of a large system. Later development will be based upon a vectorized threedimensional model of a whole city using texture mapping and tracing techniques to annotate important architectural features.

The computer system consists of the basic analysis module supplied with a simulation unit and a theory unit. With this analytical tool, analysis is conducted on three different urban scales. The prototype has been developed on the Macintosh computer with SuperCard as the authoring tool.

The computer system was developed as a prototype for Danish Urban Designers and is currently being tested in conjunction with the city of Viborg, Denmark. ( population 55,000). Located in Jutland, Viborg was the capital of Denmark around the year 1000. It now functions as a center for regional government. Viborg was selected as the test site because of its historical core.

series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:56

_id 2c7b
authors Stenvert, Ronald
year 1993
title The Vector-drawing as a Means to Unravel Architectural Communication in the Past
source [eCAADe Conference Proceedings] Eindhoven (The Netherlands) 11-13 November 1993
summary Unlike in painting, in architecture one single person never controls the whole process between conception and realization of a building. Ideas of what the building will eventually look like, have to be conveyed from patron to the actual builders, by way of drawings. Generally the architect is the key-figure in this process of communication of visual ideas. Nowadays many architects design their new buildings by using computers and Computer-Aided (Architectural) Design programs like AutoCad and VersaCAD. Just like traditional drawings, all these computer drawings are in fact vector-drawings; a collection of geometrical primitives like lines, circle segments etc. identified by the coordinates of their end points. Vector-based computer programs can not only be used to design the future, but also as a means to unravel the architectural communication in the past. However, using the computer as an analyzing tool for a better comprehension of the past is not as simple as it seems. Historical data from the past are governed by unique features of date and place. The complexity of the past combined with the straightforwardness of the computer requires a pragmatic and basic approach in which the computer acts as a catalytic agent, enabling the scholar to arrive manually at his own - computer-assisted - conclusions. From this it turns out that only a limited number of projects of a morphological kind are suited to contribute to new knowledge, acquired by the close-reading of the information gained by way of meaningful abstraction. An important problem in this respect is how to obtain the right kind of architectural information. All four major elements of the building process - architect, design, drawing and realization - have their own different and gradually shifting interpretations in the past. This goes especially for the run-of-the-mill architecture which makes up the larger part of the historical urban environment. Starting with the architect, one has to realize that only a very limited part of mainstream architecture was designed by architects. In almost all other cases the role of the patron and the actual builder exceeds that of the architect, even to the extent that they designed buildings themselves. The position of design and drawing as means of communication also changed in the past. Until the middle of the nineteenth century drawings were not the chief means of communication between architects and builders, who got the gist of the design from a model, or, encountering problems, simply asked the architect or supervisor. From the nineteenth century onwards the use of drawings became more common, but almost never represented the building entirely "as built". In 1991 I published my Ph.D. thesis: Constructing the past: computerassisted architectural-historical research: the application of image-processing using the computer and Computer-Aided Design for the study of the urban environment, illustrated by the use of treatises in seventeenth-century architecture (Utrecht 1991). Here, a reconstruction of this historical communication process will be presented on the basis of a project studying the use of the Classical orders as prescribed in various architectural treatises, compared to the use of the orders in a specific group of still existing buildings in The Netherlands dating from the late sixteenth and entire seventeenth century. Comparisons were made by using vector-drawings. Both the illustrations in the the treatises and actual buildings were "translated" into computer-drawings and then analyzed.

series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id a927
authors Amirante, Isabella and Bosco, Antonio
year 1995
title Hypertext Between Research and Teaching: An Experience in a Didactic Building Technology Laboratory
source Multimedia and Architectural Disciplines [Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Education in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe / ISBN 0-9523687-1-4] Palermo (Italy) 16-18 November 1995, pp. 3-12
summary IPER (hypertext for the knowledge of building patrimony) is the result of a research developed with C.N.R. (National Research Institute). The aim of IPER is to provide the knowledge, the description and the management of one or more historical buildings for public or private institutions. IPER allowed us to improve our methodology of building analysis, covering various disciplinary fields, in two different systems. (1.) the first one, synthetic and suitable for a group of historical buildings, (2.) the second one, complex and particularly made for monumental buildings. // This experience is related to the new regulation of teaching architecture in Italy made in 1993. The main novelty is the introduction of the laboratories with the contemporary presence of two or three teachers of different disciplines, working together with the students on the same project with different approaches. This opportunity allowed us to introduce the "knowledge engineer" as a teacher in the laboratory of building technology. IPER is given to the students with the aim of experimenting and solving the theoretical and practical difficulties that students of different years may encounter in the knowledge and representation of buildings and in the organisation of all the data from the case study.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id 4203
authors Fraser, Michael
year 1993
title Boundary Representation in Practice
source Education and Practice: The Critical Interface [ACADIA Conference Proceedings / ISBN 1-880250-02-0] Texas (Texas / USA) 1993, pp. 173-185
summary There is an essential contradiction between the making of buildings or built environments in a threedimensional modeler and the graphic control of this process. Three-dimensional modeling is a constructive activity, in which solids are assembled as they would be in an actual structure; it benefits the designer. Presentation and documentation, on the other hand, are prescriptive activities that direct some of the construction and all the visualization and criticism of the proposal; they benefit the user and builder.

A building while being designed can be visualized and criticized from its solid model, and the model can take a variety of forms depending on its part): computer-based, drawn in orthographic or perspective projection, constructed of cardboard or wood, or described narratively by means of text, programmatic data, performance model or animation. However, practicing architecture is the process of recording and communicating the decision making process and the contractual obligations that result. In actual practice, in contrast to the designer directed ideal, more participants are brought in sooner at the beginning of a project and with more publicity, which in turn means keeping more, not fewer, records. As the profession evolves, records of the string of design decisions will become more automated, more carefully structured and more retrievable. More buildings will be "tracked" and exposed to review in this way because public environmental sensitivity will improve. The communication between a single designer and his own thoughts will become less and less important.

series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id c32f
authors Grant, Mike
year 1993
title Issue - Interactive Software Systems for the Urban Environment
source CAAD Futures ‘93 [Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-444-89922-7] (Pittsburgh / USA), 1993, pp. 557-564
summary The research reported here sought to examine the prospect for linking data sets which are currently isolated within specific departments or held externally by utility companies or businesses each of whom are likely to benefit from pooling resources. These data sets are potentially capable of being merged into one comprehensive system with the prospect that the sum of the parts would be worth considerably more than their individual worth suggests.
keywords Computer-Aided Architectural Design, Urban Management Visualization, Geographical Information Systems
series CAAD Futures
last changed 1999/11/23 19:40

_id 60f3
authors Wright, Robert M. and Hoinkes, Rodney M.
year 1993
title Computational Issues in Urban Design: Developing a Strategy for Solar Impact Assessment
source CAAD Futures ‘93 [Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-444-89922-7] (Pittsburgh / USA), 1993, pp. 543-555
summary A comprehensive method for identifying the impacts on solar access of large scale architectural projects still continues to be an important and controversial area in city planning and urban design. Previous research studies such as the Sun Wind and Pedestrian Comfort, a study of Toronto's Central Area, demonstrated approaches possible when dealing with solar issues related to urban design. Existing techniques for solar inventory, analysis and evaluation, while effective, are often dependent on single event analysis (shadow casting) or manual procedures that are time consuming and exceedingly complex especially when needed for day-to-day use by planners or architects involved in complex urban projects. The Centre for Landscape Research has undertaken as part of its research to develop a computational approach that would help city urban designers evaluate and represent the issues of solar access in an urban setting. This paper will outline a series of computational methods developed to utilize an existing municipal digital data base and to describe complex issues of solar access in terms of urban form and context. A technique will be described that quantitatively assesses the total solar potential of a site as compared to changes in solar access due to different urban design proposals. Two-, three- and four-dimensional representation techniques are developed to facilitate understanding of the analysis to users such as city officials, the public, developers, etc.
keywords Solar Assessment, Urban Design, Open Space, Modeling Visualization
series CAAD Futures
last changed 1999/04/07 12:03

_id 6858
authors Bosselmann, Peter and Gilson, Kevin
year 1993
title Visualizing Urban Form
source Endoscopy as a Tool in Architecture [Proceedings of the 1st European Architectural Endoscopy Association Conference / ISBN 951-722-069-3] Tampere (Finland), 25-28 August 1993, pp. 9-30
summary This article is about the use of visual simulation by urban designers. We explore briefly the history of simulation from its origins in the 1960s in the United States, explain guidelines for its application in urban design and planning projects, and discuss in greater detail how new simulation techniques might be integrated into design instruction and practice.
keywords Architectural Endoscopy
series EAEA
last changed 2005/09/09 10:43

_id 084b
authors Ellis, S.
year 1993
title Pictorial Communication in Virtual and Real Environments
source Washington, DC: Taylor and Francis
summary Includes contributions from thirty nine internationally renowned authors addressing the perceptual, physiological, scientific and engineering issues that impact on successful pictorial communication. The book's range is broad and diverse covering areas such as visual and spatial perception, telerobotics, manual and supervisory control, cartography, scientific visualisation and medical illustration 'The book is a grand collection of ideas,experimental findings and personal experiences of those who use computer graphic images to achieve communication ... it is a well-presented, interesting and wide-ranging collection of writings.' - Cartographic Journal 'I can do no more than heartily recommend this book to anyone with even a marginal interest in design and the use of displays.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

_id e994
id e994
authors Gero, J. S.
year 1993
title The role of visual emergence in collaborative design
source Computational Support for Distributed Collaborative Design, Key Centre of Design Computing, University of Sydney, pp. 103-115
summary There are two fundamental approaches to the use of computers to support collaborative design: (i) to use the computer as a device which increases the efficiency of what designers could do previously, and (ii) to use the computer as an active device which allows designers to do what they could not readily do previously. // This paper is concerned with the latter approach by introducing the concept of visual or graphical emergence as one form of collaboration at a distance that can not readily be carried out without the aid of the computer.
series other
type normal paper
last changed 2006/05/27 18:21

_id 2608
authors Hartman, Jan B.
year 1993
title Application of Endoscopy in Road–Design
source Endoscopy as a Tool in Architecture [Proceedings of the 1st European Architectural Endoscopy Association Conference / ISBN 951-722-069-3] Tampere (Finland), 25-28 August 1993, pp. 109-116
summary Within the Dutch Ministry of Transport a special Division on Transport and Traffic Research is occupied with all aspects concerning mobility and traffic safety on a national level. Research and advice on the quality of the road–infrastructure is one of the main topics. For road–design a set of very detailed guidelines have been developed. Construction and reconstruction of parts of the high–way–network are tested against these guidelines. In this matter the actual road–user takes a central place. In the design–phase of a project on road-infrastructure contributions of a number of experts are taken into account. Expert–opinions on elements of the road–design result in a overall road–design. The road–scene of the overall–design is tested against visual requirements for safe driving, from a drivers point of view. Goal is to give advice on improvement of the visual quality of the road design. Research in this field is now carried out by Grontmij Consulting Engineers, mainly under authority of the Ministry of Transport. Key–word is Improvement of Quality. Who is going to notice? Who will benefit from it? Of course it is a comforting thought for road–owners and designers to know they won’t have to be ashamed for what they have come up with. Primary goal is that ‘We the people’ are provided with a high–standard road infrastructure. The road–scene research section studies the quality of the visual information as presented to the roadusers. We try to create visual circumstances in which drivers will be able to perform their driving task is a proper way. When the visual representation in the brain differs from reality, you have a serious problem. A traffic safety problem, with casualties and fatalities. A burden for society, financially and emotionally.

keywords Architectural Endoscopy
series EAEA
last changed 2005/09/09 10:43

_id 2979
authors Henry, D. and Furness, T.A.
year 1993
title Spatial Perception in Virtual Environments: Evaluating an Architectural Application
source IEEE Virtual Reality Annual International Symposium, 1993, Seattle
summary Over the last several years, professionals from many different fields have come to the Human Interface Technology Laboratory (H.I.T.L) to discover and learn about virtual environments. In general, they are impressed by their experiences and express the tremendous potential the tool has in their respective fields. But the potentials are always projected far in the future, and the tool remains just a concept. This is justifiable because the quality of the visual experience is so much less than what people are used to seeing; high definition television, breathtaking special cinematographic effects and photorealistic computer renderings. Instead, the models in virtual environments are very simple looking; they are made of small spaces, filled with simple or abstract looking objects of little color distinctions as seen through displays of noticeably low resolution and at an update rate which leaves much to be desired. Clearly, for most applications, the requirements of precision have not been met yet with virtual interfaces as they exist today. However, there are a few domains where the relatively low level of the technology could be perfectly appropriate. In general, these are applications which require that the information be presented in symbolic or representational form. Having studied architecture, I knew that there are moments during the early part of the design process when conceptual decisions are made which require precisely the simple and representative nature available in existing virtual environments.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

_id ddss9217
id ddss9217
authors Kim, Y.S. and Brawne, M.
year 1993
title An approach to evaluating exhibition spaces in art galleries
source Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture (Proceedings of a conference held in Mierlo, the Netherlands in July 1992), ISBN 0-7923-2444-7
summary There are certain building types in which movement of people is the most significant evaluation factor. Among these are art galleries and museums. Unlike other building types, which are often explicated by investigating the relationship between people and people, and between people and the built environment, art galleries and museums are a building type in which the social relationship between people hardly exists and peoples movement through space, that is, the functional relationship between people and space, is one of the most significant factors for their description. The typical museum experience is through direct, sequential, and visual contact with static objects on display as the visitor moves. Therefore, the movement pattern of the visitors must exert a significant influence on achieving the specific goal of a museum. There is a critical need for predicting the consequences of particular spatial configurations with respect to visitors movement. In this sense, it is the intention of this paper to find out the relationship between the spatial configuration of exhibition space and the visitors' movement pattern.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/08/07 16:36

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