CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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_id ddss9441
id ddss9441
authors Hammond, Barbara
year 1994
title Computer Aided Urban Design
source Second Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture & Urban Planning (Vaals, the Netherlands), August 15-19, 1994
summary The product of the Urban Design process in the public sector in the UK is usually a briefing document of some kind which communicates design ideas in outline both to the lay public and to private developers. The problem with briefing effectively is that outline expression of ideas does not provide a strong basis for negotiation with developers; the temptation therefore is to work up one proposal in detail and to present it as the only option. This type of prescriptive briefing may be successful in situations where the public body has control over the land, the economy is buoyant and the site has a simple context. Its problems are that it is labour intensive, so some areas are covered in detail, others not at all; it is seen as restrictive by developers, so may create a climate of conflict rather than certainty; it is not responsive to change; it covers specific sites thoroughly but does not deal well with large, complex areas; on large sites it tends towards a homogeneous environment whereas the nature of towns and cities is pluralistic and heterogeneous; it confines the Urban Designer to site specific work rather than allowing concentration on the whole urban system. Urban Designers at the London Docklands Development Corporation felt that CAD might present some answers to these problems in facilitating an iterative, interactive briefing process which could respond quickly to change; whereby varying options for development could be investigated fully but quickly and resource-efficiently; which could be used to communicate design ideas effectively to non-professionals; which could help to make negotiation with developers more effective, less confrontational; which could deal with large, complex sites effectively. The idea was that a piece of city could be modeled on the computer and an urban design study would then be carried out on it which would test varying options for development, resulting in an outline, but three dimensional, model for an area which could be used in three ways: as a briefing tool, as part of a marketing exercise and as a tool to aid effective negotiation and consultation at the planning stage. A pilot project was carried out on a set of development sites at East India Dock and, following the success of this, a full study was carried at Surrey Quays Centre. The paper describes these projects and discusses both their products and their effect on the developmentprocess as aids in decision making.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/08/07 16:36

_id dda4
authors Yezioro, Abraham
year 1994
title Form and Performance in Intelligent CAAD Systems for Early Stages in Solar Design Building
source Technion, Faculty of Architecture and Town Planing, Haifa
summary Great care should be taken at the initial design stages to determine the principles and solution schemes for climate and energy-conscious buildings. The present study deals with supporting the designer's efforts at the early stages to lay down the appropriate principles for a conceptual and geometric design of energy-preserving buildings, which are also thermally comfortable and adapted to local climatic conditions. For years, especially during the last decade, important data concerning climate-conscious construction has been compiled, but the information has not been utilized by designers, due to its inaccessibility. It is significant, though, that solutions based on this knowledge could be found and assessed at the preliminary design steps. A correct climate-conscious design conceived at the initial stages may guarantee that during later phases of the project's development no problems calling for essential and drastic changes in the basic design will crop up. The meaning of such changes at later stages may require sometimes a redesigning of the entire project. It is vital, therefore, to understand at the pre-conceptual phase, what are the correct climatic-solar design strategies which satisfy the requirements of the local conditions, and enable the attainment of thermal comfort conditions, while consuming the least possible energy. The present study proposes a computer-aided passive solar design system (PASYS) which enables the handling of entire designing process, and its general, conceptual aspects, as well as the preliminary designing steps and their particular, practical aspects. The system is based both on a knowledge base which stores the existing information concerning solar-climatic construction in the form of rules of thumb, and on precise procedural models which enable finding solutions suited to the local climatic conditions. The proposed system is an intelligent CAAD system which equips the designer who is aware of the constraints of climate and energy, with a tool to achieve a better design. PASYS was developed as a universal system to deal with the various activities involved in the initial – pre-conceptual and conceptual - design stages. The system supports the following design activities of each stage of this kind: analysis, synthesis, documentation, assessment and decision making. It is capable of analyzing given conditions, thus helping the designer understand which are the significant preliminary design stages that have a bearing on thermal comfort conditions in a given climate. The system is also capable of proposing solutions corresponding with the particular design phase, and assess their adequacy. These solutions take into account the constraints determined both by the designer and by the system itself, owing to the knowledge base it contains. The system can also document the various solutions that have been found and selected, so that may be further developed at later stages. This documentation is carried out by a graphic interface, developed as part of the system, as well as by an interface devised for existing CAD software. This study highlights the interaction between form and performance. The system is able to assess the performance of a proposed design by considering a given geometry (form), or viceversa, it is able to recommend a solution that can deliver desired and required performances. The study comprises three parts: (a.) Development of the conceptual model of a knowledge based design process. (b.) Further development of the initial stages of the afore mentioned process, including the pre-conceptual and conceptual stages. (c.) Demonstration of the mode of work with the PASYS system. // The first part of the study deals with the definition of the design process, the definition of the various design steps and their characteristics, and the definition of the activities involved in each design step. This part of the work also presents the kinds of knowledge bases affecting the design process, and shows how this knowledge is an inseparable part of the design process. The second part deals with the development of the initial design stages - the pre-conceptual and the conceptual - which are based on knowledge. This part also contains compiled knowledge that is relevant to the design stage, and a knowledge storage and retrieval method that was developed so as to make the knowledge available and accessible on demand. This part further presents precise procedural methods, developed to find solutions adapted to the specific given conditions, and to precisely assess the performance of the proposed solution. A case in point is the module of the SHADING system which enables a precise assessment of the mutual shading of buildings, and an examination of the exposure of the southern elevation to the sun, which is necessary in order to determine the effective solar absorption area in a proposed project in given environment conditions. The third part of the study demonstrates the solar-climatic design process put into action and supported by the system that was developed. This system enables the designer, even at the preliminary design stages, to determine which properties relating to local climatic conditions he will introduce into the building. This important, seemingly natural act, is usually performed during more advanced stages, when it might generate significant changes in the design, at a juncture when changes are hard to make. A PASYS-aided design environment ensures that from the beginning of the designing process, the project will be designed correctly and efficiently as far as energy is concerned.
keywords Knowledge Base; Design Process; Form; Performance; CAAD Systems
series thesis:PhD
last changed 2003/03/03 11:58

_id ddss9434
id ddss9434
authors Grant, M.
year 1994
title Urban Gis - The Application of the Information Technologies to Urban Management
source Second Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture & Urban Planning (Vaals, the Netherlands), August 15-19, 1994
summary Many cities in the UK and indeed throughout the developed world are characterised by the all too familiar symptoms of urban blight caused by insensitive intervention in the environment. The common denominator within this class of problem is the lack of a coordinated, integrated approach to the planning, design and maintenance of our cities. The cycle of development and redevelopment calls for input from a diverse range of disciplines relating to architecture, civilengineering, transport engineering, and the management of city utilities. This lack of a common up datable information base renders access to a global view of the city difficult, if not impossible.This problem has provided the motivation to move towards an integrated philosophy regarding information collection, collation and dissemination. The impetus is provided primarily through theincreasing complexity of urban management but also through central governments policy to progress towards decentralisation of services. Fiscal pressure to increase efficiency, lower manpower resources and arrive at speedier judgements all point to an increasing reliance on the information technologies. Current work at ABACUS within Strathclyde University addresses research whose objective is to identify, and then prototype, a relevant urban information system. It is proposed that by attributing a geometrical framework with those physical quantities thatare relevant to the formal and functional evaluation of the urban environment, the means of evaluating the qualities and quantities of the buildings aswell as the social and economic prospects may be realised.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/08/07 16:36

_id b9c4
authors Kim, Inhan
year 1994
title Data representations in an integrated architectural design environment
source University of Strathclyde, Dept. of Architecture and Building Science
summary The architectural design process is very complex and involves cross-disciplinary communication among many related fields. Given the further problems arising from the technological advances in building materials and construction methods, an integrated design environment becomes a central design issue. There have been many attempts to analyse and structure the design process as a uniform hierarchical framework. Most of the attempts resulted in a vague and inappropriate outcome due to the lack of understanding of architectural design complexity and inconsistent design data control sequence. A design problem cannot be comprehensively stated because the design problem has a multi-disciplinary nature and the design problem itself evolves as solutions are attempted by the designer. Therefore, an ideal CAAD system should have the capability to accommodate the multi-disciplinary nature of design and should not prescribe or restrict design concepts and design knowledge. A well designed integrated design environment provides more information and invokes creative imagination for each design stage, and therefore creative decision making by the designer can be achieved. This thesis proposes a prototype architectural design environment, Hybrid Integrated Design Environment [HIDE], which aims to integrate all applications for designing a building. Within the object-oriented design environment, a unified data model and a data management system have been implemented to seamlessly connect all applications. Development of the environment needs to consider the fundamental interaction between each module. Devising a data structure that is appropriate to an effective data communication among the various design stages is essential in a totally integrated CAAD system. The suggested unified data model organizes the structure of the design data to keep the design consistent throughout the design and construction process. By means of the unified data model, integrated CAAD systems could represent and exchange design information at a semantic level, i.e. the user’s way of thinking, such as exchanging components and features of a building rather than graphical primitives. In consequence, the unified data model reduces the misunderstandings and communication problems among the multiple disciplines of architectural design. The suggested data management system supports the consistent and straight forward mechanisms for controlling the data representation through the inter-connected modules. It is responsible for creating, maintaining, and viewing a consistent database of the design description. It also helps to perform effective data communication among the various design stages to ensure quality and time saving in the final construction of the building. To support inter-disciplinary communication of design concepts and decisions, the integrating of relevant CAAD tools is essential. In the environment, the integration of CAAD tools has been performed on the basis of how well computerized design tools can assist designers to develop better solutions, enabling them to manipulate and appraise varying solutions quickly and with a minimum of effort in an environment conducive to creative design. A well designed user interface system can also benefit the seamless working environment. The proposed user friendly interface system allows a user to explore the environment in a highly interactive manner. From the development of the early data model to the final design, a user could benefit from the prototypes and methods of the user interface system. The ultimate goal of the prototype environment is to suggest a future design environment which helps the architect to have minimum discontinuity in his creativity and make the design process similar to the natural design process with the help of a set of design assistance modules. A prototype version of HIDE has been implemented and a demonstration of the environment is part of this thesis.
series thesis:PhD
last changed 2003/02/12 22:37

_id ddss9420
id ddss9420
authors Christie, Colin Ian
year 1994
title User Interfaces and Systems for Remote Design Working on ISDN Systems
source Second Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture & Urban Planning (Vaals, the Netherlands), August 15-19, 1994
summary This paper will discuss the requirements and possible configurations of user interfaces suitable for remote working multi-disciplinary design practices. Telecom companies throughout Europe are making heavy investments in digital communication technology (ISDN). The networks being created will form a standard method of high speed data transfer which can be readily accessed by any computer hardware platform. There are great opportunities for remote working by design groups, not simply sharing data but also interactive working and video communications. Digital communications provide the electronic arterial system to the new field of remote computing,whilst cheap and effective hardware and software support systems provide readily usable platforms on which to build remote multi-disciplinary design practices where the exploitation of specialistknowledge and skills is not limited by traditional methods of communication. ISDN networks allow real time video, voice and design software interaction - indeed, everything except the designer's physical presence. However as with all computer technology and indeed communications technology the user interface which gives access and control is vitally important. The user interface should provide the following features: be transparent to the user and simple and reliable to operate; allow an interactive window/s into the remote site's design information whatever the type of application being dealt with; carry out data compression, file transfer and file management procedures with minimum input from the user; cause no conflicts with design software or secondary applications;be able to access different platforms.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/08/07 16:36

_id 211f
authors Giangrande, A., Marinelli, A.M. and Sansoni, C.
year 1994
title A CAAD Based Method for Designing Industrial Plants in Sensitive Landscapes
source The Virtual Studio [Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Education in Computer Aided Architectural Design / ISBN 0-9523687-0-6] Glasgow (Scotland) 7-10 September 1994, pp. 75-83
summary The protection and management of the visual landscape require new conceptual and operative tools to better link (integrate) the creative and the evaluation phases of the design process. These tools should aid the designer to take into account and evaluate the visual impact of a new project from the early steps of the process: that is the same as saying that we have to upset the logic of EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment), a procedure that usually is applied when the project is finished or is coming to an end. This paper illustrates the first results of a research that aims to produce a system to aid the designer of buildings or infrastructures — industry plants, transport systems, etc. — that could generate a strong impact on the surrounding landscape. To this end we applied some methods and techniques which was worked out in scientific fields that have developed a lot in the late years: MCDA (Multi-Criteria Decision Aid) and CAAD (Computer Aided Architectural Design). The paper describes a software prototype to aid design of industrial installations for the early design phases.

series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:51

_id ddss9439
id ddss9439
authors Halin, G., Bignon, J.C. and Leonard, D.
year 1994
title Contributions of a Complex Object Retrieval Model to a Dynamical Architectural Design Process
source Second Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture & Urban Planning (Vaals, the Netherlands), August 15-19, 1994
summary When a new Architectural Construction Project starts, all the steps of the technical design are completely redefined. The experience gained in old projects is not easily reusable. Only personal experience of each project member is relevant. The global experience of a project is difficult to manage and to define. The designers of new project have many things to learn from previous experiences that may or not be good. The use of experiences may avoid either looking for asolution to previously resolved problems or making the same mistakes. To realise experience reuse during an architectural technical design we proposed to combine two actual research works:(i) a Dynamical Architectural Construction Process (DACP), (ii) a Complex Object Management System (COMS). The first work puts forward an original construction process based on a model that uses a geometrical definition of an architectural object to produce the constructive definition of this same object. The original features of this model are: (i) the insertion of a logic level between the volume level of an architectural object and its element level, (ii) dynamic management of the different representations of an architectural object during its technical life cycle. The COMS capabilities concern memorisation and retrieval of complex objects. The use of classicalData Management Systems to store these objects is either impossible or unusable due to data dispersion. In our approach, an architectural experience is viewed as an complex object. The COMS manages an Object Base which contains different Architectural Construction Experiences in previous projects forms. At any time during the DACP, the designer can asked the COMS to retrieve a part or a whole of a previous project that illustrates its current technical state. Thearticle presents two research projects and a study of the contribution of experience reuse in a construction process.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/08/07 16:36

_id a43d
authors Kim, Inhan
year 1994
title Unified Data Organization and Management in an Integrated Design Environment
source The Virtual Studio [Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Education in Computer Aided Architectural Design / ISBN 0-9523687-0-6] Glasgow (Scotland) 7-10 September 1994, pp. 254
summary The architectural design process is very complex and it is not easily confined to a single design environment. As the design process gets more complex due to the technological advances in building materials and construction methods, an integrated design system becomes a central design issue. To have an integrated design system, all applications should be integrated in a unified environment within which there should be a data structure to facilitate an effective data communication among the various design stages and data control facility to seamlessly connect all these applications. A primary purpose of this work is to suggest an object oriented architectural design environment for the essential part of the seamless environment for designing a building. Within the object-oriented design environment, a unified data model and detailed data control module have been implemented to seamlessly connect all these applications. The unified data model organizes the structure of the design data to keep the design consistent throughout the design and construction process. It also helps to do effective data communication among the various design stages to ensure quality and time saving in the final construction of the building. The data management module supports the consistent and easy mechanisms in controlling the data representation through the inter-connected modules. It is also responsible for creating, maintaining, and viewing a consistent database of the design description. In the suggested design environment, each architectural element partially describes the model and individual elements are aggregated hierarchically. Some parts of the projection are defined and other can be inherited from above. Also, creation of an improved or new design element can easily be accommodated in the environment. The integrated database in the suggested environment is the basis by which design data can be shared among the design tools of the design environment. The database organizes the design description within each representation, correlates equivalent descriptions across the representations, and attempts to maintain these correspondences as the design incrementally evolves.

series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id 58a0
authors Persson, J.A.
year 1994
title Resource Based Approach to Generalization in the Context of GIS
source Linkoping, Suécia: Department of Computer and Information Science, Linkoping University
summary A reactive planning system for decision support in the context of GIS will be a complex system. The information flow is often great but of varying quality. Resources should be used as knowledge structures to organize the data involved in such systems and generalizations to reduce the data volume and create overviews. This paper discusses what is meant by resources in the context of GIS and planning and how generalizations can be used in a wider perspective than only for cartographic simplification. The project, which is in an early state, has the goal to design the data structures for a decision support system for crisis and emergency management.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:50

_id ddss9506
id ddss9506
authors Yaakup, A., Johar, F. and Dahlan, N.A.
year 1994
title A Decision Support System for Local Authorities in Malaysia
source Second Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture & Urban Planning (Vaals, the Netherlands), August 15-19, 1994
summary Given the dynamic nature of urban development, if is particularly important to have a well conceived planning management activity which can serve as the eyes and ears of a large planning process, up-to-date and reliable. It provides monitoring and the surveillance of compliance with planning regulations and it serves as an easy warning system with regard to sources of shortfalls in the process of urban planning. Information is therefore needed at the local authority level to facilitate administrative procedures, policy planning and plan implementation. Also, the advent of corporate planning and the continued squeeze on local authority expenditure require local authorities to examine critically whether rational decisions are made. Against this background, this paper examines the functions of a local authority particularly in the context of planning and urban management. These and the types of data which support them provide the fundamental framework upon which a model of geographic data entities and their relationship is developed. Ultimately, it will be reasonable to assume that a local authority will have developed a GIS providing a complete local authority coverage of up-to-date and accurate information at the parcel base. Consequently, it will be used to assist planning decisions taking into account among other things, the current scenario of the proposed development, physical constraints and future impacts. Further, a customized menu driven user interface is developed to allow planners and decision makers to view and analyze the planning scenarios interactively before deciding on the final plan. The paper concludes with a discussion on problems encountered in the project namely data availability and organizational issues.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/08/07 16:36

_id cbed
authors Yakubu, G.S.
year 1994
title Maximising the Benefits of CAD Systems in Architectural Education
source The Virtual Studio [Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Education in Computer Aided Architectural Design / ISBN 0-9523687-0-6] Glasgow (Scotland) 7-10 September 1994, p. 228
summary The positive impact of Computer Aided Design (CAD) in professional architectural practice has been in focus in recent times but relatively little has been written on its significance in the education of the contemporary architect. It is common knowledge that the profession of architecture is currently undergoing enormous strains as it battles to keep abreast of trends and developments in a period of series of rapid advancement in science, technology and management (RIBA, 1992). Whilst attempts are being made to redress the shortcomings of the profession in the above context, the requirements for architectural education are yet to forge a coherent strategy for the implementation of CAD/IT in the curriculum of schools of architecture. In almost every other field, including engineering, medicine and the humanities, computing application to problem-solving and decision-making is seen as a way forward as we move into 21st century. Architectural education must integrate CAD/IT into the teaching of core modules that give the architect distinctive competence: studio design. That is one of the best ways of doing justice to the education of the architect of today and the future. Some approaches to the teaching of CAD in schools of architecture have been touched upon in the recent past. Building upon this background as well as an understanding of the nature of design teaching/learning, this paper examines ways of maximising the benefits of CAD systems in architectural education and of bringing computer aided designing into the studio not only to enhance design thinking and creativity but also to support interactive processes. In order to maximise or optimise any function, one approach is to use the hard systems methodology which utilises analytic, analogic and iconic models to show the effect of those factors which are significant for the purposes being considered. The other approach is to use the soft systems methodology in which the analysis encompasses the concept of a human activity system as a means of improving a situation. The use of soft systems methodology is considered more appropriate for dealing with the problem of design which is characterised by a flux of interacting events and ideas that unroll through time. The paper concludes that the main impediment to maximising the benefits of CAD systems in architectural education is not only the inappropriate definition of the objectives for the implementation of CAD education but also that the control subsystems are usually ill-structured and relatively poorly defined. Schools must attempt to define a coherent and consistent policy on the use of CAD systems as an integral part of studio design and evolve an in-house strategic and operational controls that enable the set objectives to be met. Furthermore, it is necessary to support the high level of productivity from CAD systems with a more efficient management system, especially in dealing with communication, data sharing via relational database, co-ordination and integration. Finally, the use of soft systems methodology is recommended as the way forward to optimising CAD systems in design education as it would provide continuous improvements while maintaining their productive value.

series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id ddss9422
id ddss9422
authors Daru, Roel and Snijder, Philip
year 1994
title Sketch-Trigger: A Specification for a Form Generator and Design Analysis Toolbox for Architectural Sketching
source Second Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture & Urban Planning (Vaals, the Netherlands), August 15-19, 1994
summary In order to develop design and decision support techniques in the early sketch design phases, weshould (1) experience and (2) observe real behaviour in practice, (3) transform observations intoideas for improvement, (4) develop behaviour models to explain the sketch design activities and(5) to evaluate between the proposals, (6) decide between the alternatives, (7) implement theselected option in a supporting tool. Our paper reports about the results of step 3 in particular inthe first phase of a Ph D project, started this year. Our main objective is to amplify the effects ofthe sketch as a very effective instrument to generate original forms and to stimulate the mind to discover new shapes and meanings in the roughly sketched patterns. Instead of considering the sketch only as a representation of what the designer has in mind as is usually assumed in CAD systems, we see sketching as form activation. Thus, we want also to offer triggering images to spark off the imagination of the designer while generating images which are practically impossibleto create by hand and certainly not at short notice. The main improvement proposed is the use of an evolutionary form breeding system: one or more sketched parent images (either ready-made'partis' or basic schemes drafted by the designer) presented in the centre of the screen, will generate surrounding mutated children as defined at random but constrained by default or customization of the available transformations. By selecting one or more children a next generation will be produced in the same way. At all times the designer can introduce or reduce constraints. To complete the usually offered 'classical' symmetrical, spatial and logical operations,we want to introduce dis-functional operations like dislocation, explosion, deformation, anti-logic etc, in short all kinds of antagonistic operations, among them the transformations applied indeconstructionist and post-modern design. Our expectation is that these operations will correspond roughly to the 'move' pertaining to a design entity as the operational unit most appropriate for design behaviour research, in particular the analysis of the chunking and parsing behaviour of the designer. The applicability of the 'move' approach has been shown experimentally by Habraken and others. Goldschmidt has abandoned the usual typology approach of protocolanalysis based on moves and concentrated on the linking of moves, but has been hampered by the lack of a good representational instrument. This brings us to the representation of moves and linkages as a research instrument. The 'linkograph' approach as proposed by Goldschmidt is a first step towards a graphical representation of the designers associative reasoning mode, necessary for tracking the heuristics of designers at the most basic level, but its practical implementation remained as yet incredibly laborious. What is proposed here is an instrument and approach which makes such registration and analysis possible within a structured software environment.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/08/07 16:36

_id a887
authors Kaplan, Nancy and Moulthrop, Stuart
year 1994
title Where No Mind Has Gone Before: Ontological Design for Virtual Spaces Papers
source Proceedings of the ECHT'94 European Conference on Hypermedia Technologies 1994 pp. 206-216
summary Hypermedia designers have tried to move beyond the directed graph concept, which defines hypermedia structures as aggregations of nodes and links. A substantial body of work attempts to describe hypertexts in terms of extended or global spaces. According to this approach, nodes and links acquire meaning in relation to the space in which they are deployed. Some theory of space thus becomes essential for any advance in hypermedia design; but the type of space implied by electronic information systems, from hyperdocuments to "consensual hallucinations," requires careful analysis. Familiar metaphors drawn from physics, architecture, and everyday experience have only limited descriptive or explanatory value for this type of space. As theorists of virtual reality point out, new information systems demand an internal rather than an external perspective. This shift demands a more sophisticated approach to hypermedia space, one that accounts both for stable design properties (architectonic space) and for unforeseen outcomes, or what Winograd and Flores call "breakdowns." Following Wexelblat in cyberspace theory and Dillon, McKnight, and Richardson in hypermedia theory, we call the domain of these outcomes semantic space. In two thought experiments, or brief exercises in interface design, we attempt to reconcile these divergent notions of space within the conceptual system of hypermedia.
keywords Spatial Hypertext; Interface Design; Information Mapping; Navigation
series other
last changed 2002/07/07 16:01

_id ddss9468
id ddss9468
authors Mustoe, I. and Bridges, A.
year 1994
title An Intelligent Architectural Design Resource
source Second Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture & Urban Planning (Vaals, the Netherlands), August 15-19, 1994
summary With the development of optical disc technology very large resources of visual material are becoming available to designers. For example, the School of Architecture at University College Dublin has compiled a 30 cm Phillips Laser vision disc containing some 20,000 images of buildings from all parts of Europe. Conventional methods of accessing such large bodies of information tend to be based on formal query languages and are unsuitable for designers searching design precedents or other forms of inspiration. Conventional expert systems, based on deductive inference engines, are equally unsuitable. The difficulty stems from design being an exploratory rather than deductive process. The paper describes a novel type of pattern matching expert system, referred to as "image", which has been developed to provide a method of search which is more appropriate to designers. By the use of image, designers can make meaningful but non-deductive connections between their attitudes towards design and the contents of an optical disc. The bit-string manipulation algorithm underlying image is explained and an example of the use of the system in controlling the Dublin disc is also described.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/08/07 16:36

_id 4f13
authors Ronchi, Alfredo M.
year 1994
title A Brief History of CAAD in Italy
source The Virtual Studio [Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Education in Computer Aided Architectural Design / ISBN 0-9523687-0-6] Glasgow (Scotland) 7-10 September 1994, p. 227
summary Twenty years of revolution, from the middle '70 to the middle '90. Many things have changed since the origins of computer graphics and computer aided design in architecture. We started teaching drafting on terminals which connected to mini computers, complex procedures or sets of graphics libraries working with keywords, vectors and storage screens. The next step was devoted to the discovery of workstations in the early '80's, where the user sat face on to the whole power of a multitasking system. At that time to use up to 16 time sharing processes running on the same work station seemed to have no practical use at all. Fortunately someone (ie Xerox PARC laboratories) at the same time started to develop the so-called GUI. Graphical user interface started a revolution in human/machine interface (ie Smalltalk). The desktop metaphor, the use of multiple windows and dialogues joined with icons and pop up menus let the user manage more applications and, even more important, created a standard in application/user interface (CUA). In the meantime focus had moved from hardware to software, systems being chosen from the software running. The true revolution we have seen starting from that base and involving an ever increasing number of users was the birth of PC based applications for CAAD. Generally speaking nowadays there are three main technologies concerning teaching: communication, multimedia and virtual reality. The first is the real base for future revolution. In the recent past we have started to learn how to manage information by computers. Now we can start to communicate and share information all over the world in real time. The new age opened by fax, followed by personal communication systems and networks is the entry point for a real revolution. We can work in the virtual office, meet in virtual space and cooperate in workgroups. ATM and ISDN based teleconferencing will provide a real working tool for many. The ever increasing number of e-mail addresses and network connections is carrying us towards the so called 'global village'. The future merger between personal digital assistant and personal communication will be fascinating. Multi & HyperMedia technology is, like a part of VR, a powerful way to share and transfer information in a structured form. We do not need to put things in a serial form removing links because we can transfer knowledge as is. Another interesting and fundamental aspect typical of VR applications is the capability to change cognitive processes from secondary (symbolic - reconstructive) to primary (perceptive - motory). In this way we can learn by direct experience, by experiment as opposed to reading books. All these things will affect not only ways of working but also ways of studying and teaching. Digital communications, multimedia and VR will help students, multimedia titles will provide different kinds of information directly at home using text, images, video clips and sounds. Obviously all those things will not substitute human relationship as a multimedia title does not compete against a book but it helps.

series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id ddss9481
id ddss9481
authors Schmid, Peter
year 1994
title MHP: Method Holistic Participation, Research and Experience During the Decades
source Second Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture & Urban Planning (Vaals, the Netherlands), August 15-19, 1994
summary Design Decision Support Systems always are closely related to the cooperation of more (than single) people and mostly even of several groups of people. Hence teamwork is an important part inorder to support (design) decisions or systematical and methodical collaboration and cooperation or participation. A system(atic) approach towards these participatory processes will be given in this paper. The MHP can get a place and meaning in the fields of the most urgent problems and within the discussions concerning SBS and ecological disaster (as significantly pointed out in already so many scientific reports and conferences). Collaboration and cooperation is needed more than ever before - although we can find examples and models already long ago. Two main problems can be answered by using the method - as already proofed in several cases: the facing of the environmental demands for building activities, because of the ecological crisis - worldwide combined with the SBS and the necessity for the different (power) groups to come together in order to reach some consensus for our common survival. The paper presentation will be enriched by many illustrations.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/08/07 16:36

_id ddss9488
id ddss9488
authors Solans, Joan Antoni and Fargas, Josep
year 1994
title Towards Hybrid Technologies for Urban Design: Balancing Reliability, Power and Speed in Decision Support
source Second Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture & Urban Planning (Vaals, the Netherlands), August 15-19, 1994
summary This paper constructs a theory of decision support system design, based on the three independent concepts of reliability, power and speed borrowed from epistemology. We say that a system is reliable if a large part of its performance is useful or correct, that it is powerful if it performs in a useful way in a variety of situations of interest, and that it is fast if its behaviour is consistently dynamic. An arithmetic calculator, for example, is more reliable than a mathematician, but the latter is more powerful. A programming language is as reliable as a calculator, but the calculator is faster. We use this framework to argue that a successful deployment of decision support technology must take into account the balance between reliability power and speed. We illustrate this approach with the case of a hybrid system for studying urban transportation issues in the Greater Barcelona Region based on land use, contrasting it with more conventional tools such as traditional geographic information systems or traffic analysis software. The hybrid system is shown to sacrifice the reliability and speed characteristic of commercially available software for a powerful set of computational tools developed specifically for the problem at hand. This tradeoff process is formalized using an analysis based on second-order reliability, power and speed concepts. We show that micro-level sacrifices of one of these properties are often inversely correlated with the same characteristics at the macro level. For example, the relatively slow performance of in-house software components on a given project can result in a high level of dynamism in addressing several related projects. We extend the design theory outlined above to a methodology for characterizing decision support systems in general, and argue that the hybrid technologies approach is more likely to result in systems reflecting the user's domain knowledge and skills.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/08/07 16:36

_id ddss9495
id ddss9495
authors Tombre, Karl and Paul, Jean-Claude
year 1994
title Document Analysis: A Way To Integrate Existing Paper Information In Architectural Databases
source Second Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture & Urban Planning (Vaals, the Netherlands), August 15-19, 1994
summary In any domain, the use of information systems leads to the problem of converting the existing archives of paper documents into a format suitable the computerized system. In this area, most attention has probably been given to structured document analysis, i.e. the automated analysis of business documents such as letters, forms, documentation, manuals etc., including the well-known area of character recognition. But document analysis is also a powerful tool in technical domains such as architecture, where large quantities of drawings of various kinds are available on paper. In this paper, we shortly present the state of the art in technical drawing analysis and propose some techniques suitable for the specific application of the conversion from paper to architectural databases.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/08/07 16:36

_id ddss9409
id ddss9409
authors Beekman, Solange and Rikhof, Herman G.A.
year 1994
title Strategic Urban Planning in the Netherlands
source Second Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture & Urban Planning (Vaals, the Netherlands), August 15-19, 1994
summary Since the mid-1980s, several Dutch towns have initiated many urban planning and design activities for their existing area. This represented a shift in that previous urban planning projects typicallyconcerned expansion in the outskirts of the city, or urban renewal. The complex and expensive renovation of the existing housing stock rarely allowed a deep interest in urban design. Since 1985, attention shifted from the housing stock to the city as a whole. Furthermore, public andprivate actors increasingly become involved in the planning process. It became clear that a more comprehensive plan for the whole existing town or region was needed. Conventional planning instruments were considered ill-suited for this new challenge. The paper discusses promising attempts of various urban planning instruments to get a stronger but also more flexible hold on thetransformation of the urban planning area in the Netherlands. These new planning instruments have three common characteristics: (i) they give special attention to the different levels of urban management needed for different urban areas, (ii) these strategic plans provide an integral view on the urban developments, and (iii) these plans introduce a new strategy to deal with both private initiatives to transform urban sites and monitor wishes, proposals, etc. from inhabitants in the neighbourhoods. A comparative analyses of several cities indicates, however, that, in addition to these common characteristics, major differences between their strategic plans exist depending upon their historic patrimonium, economic status and planning tradition.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/08/07 16:36

_id ddss9425
id ddss9425
authors Deguchi, Atsushi and Hagishima, Satoshi
year 1994
title Integration System for Urban Design from Planning Management to Visalization
source Second Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture & Urban Planning (Vaals, the Netherlands), August 15-19, 1994
summary Advanced tools based on CAD or GIS systems and simulation methods have recently been introduced to support the many aspects of urban planning (design, analysis, evaluation, presentation). This research aims at constructing a system by integrating these support tools and linking GIS and simulation tools. The major purpose of this system are to manage the geographical data base of the target urban area, utilize the digital information of the area for planning and analysis,evaluate the impact of alternative proposals on the physical environment such as sunlight and daylight, visualize the results of analysis, and support the management of urban redevelopment /development projects. This paper shows some applications to illustrate usefulness of the system. These examples are concerned with a contemporary problem in urban planning of Tokyo: redevelopment of low-rise high-density residential districts and high-rise development in the central business districts. Urban redevelopment for the high-density urban areas in Japan requiresa evaluation of alternative plans by visualizing their environmental impact. This system enables the quantitative analysis of the environmental impact by using 3-dimensional geographical data andsimulation methods. In general, the merit and effect of planning support systems are recognized in terms of the "efficiency" of the planning process. The primary function of GIS is thought to bethe unification and management of various pieces of information. In addition, this research indicates the effectiveness of the integrated system in terms of utilizing the geographical information and visualizing the image of the future environment.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/08/07 16:36

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