CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

Hits 1 to 20 of 412

_id 1fb3
authors Akin, O., Cumming, M., Shealey, M. and Tuncer, B.
year 1997
title An electronic design assistance tool for case-based representation of designs
source Automation in Construction 6 (4) (1997) pp. 265-274
summary In precedent based design, solutions to problems are developed by drawing from an understanding of landmark designs. Many of the key design operations in this mode are similar to the functionalities present in case-based reasoning systems: case matching, case adapting, and case representation. It is clear that a rich case-base, encoding all major product types in a design domain would be the centerpiece of such an approach. EDAT (Electronic Design Assistance Tool) is intended to assist in precedent based design in the studio with the potential of expansion into the office setting. EDAT has been designed using object oriented system development methods. EDAT was used in a design studio at Carnegie Mellon University, during Spring 1996.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:22

_id 4cda
authors Akin, O., Cumming, M. , Shealey, M. and Tuncer, B.
year 1996
title An Electronic Design Assistance Tool for Case Based Representation of Designs
source Design Computation: Collaboration, Reasoning, Pedagogy [ACADIA Conference Proceedings / ISBN 1-880250-05-5] Tucson (Arizona / USA) October 31 - November 2, 1996, pp. 123-132
summary In precedent based design, solutions to problems are developed by drawing from an understanding of landmark designs. Many of the key design operations in this mode are similar to the functionalities present in case based reasoning systems: case matching, case adapting, and case representation. It is clear that a rich case base, encoding all major product types in a design domain would be the centerpiece of such an approach. EDAT (Electronic Design Assistance Tool) is intended to assist in precedent based design in the studio with the potential of expansion into the office setting. EDAT has been designed using object oriented system development methods. EDAT was used in a design studio at Carnegie Mellon University, during Spring 1996, and will be used in future studios, as well.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id f5ee
authors Erhorn, H., De Boer, J. and Dirksmueller, M.
year 1997
title ADELINE, an Integrated Approach to Lighting Simulation
source Proceedings of Right Light 4, 4th European Conference on Energy-Efficient Lighting, pp.99-103
summary The use of daylighting and artificial lighting simulation programs to calculate complex systems and models in the design practice often is impeded by the fact that the operation of these programs, especially the model input, is extremely complicated and time-consuming. Programs that are easier to use generally do not show the calculation capabilities required in practice. A second obstacle arises as the lighting calculations often do not allow any statements regarding the interactions with the energetic and thermal building performance. Both problems are mainly due to a lacking integration of the design tools of other building design practitioners as well as due to insufficient user interfaces. The program package ADELINE (Advanced Daylight and Electric Lighting Integrated New Environment) being available since May 1996 as completely revised version 2.0 presents a promising approach to solve these problems. This contribution describes the approaches and methods used within the international project IEA Task 21 for a further development of the ADELINE system. Aim of this work is a further improvement of user interfaces based on the inclusion of new dialogs and on a portation of the program system from MS-DOS to the Windows NT platform. Additional focus is laid on the use of recent developments in the field of information technology and experiences gained in other projects on integrated building design systems, like for example EU-COMBINE, in a pragmatical way. An integrated building design system with open standardized interfaces is to be achieved inter alia by using ISOSTEP formats, database technologies and a consequent, object-oriented design.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:50

_id 8a25
authors Alshawi, M. and Underwood, J.
year 1996
title Applying object-oriented analysis to the integration of design and construction
source Automation in Construction 5 (2) (1996) pp. 105-121
summary This paper implements an Object Oriented Analysis technique to model information related to design and construction. In a previous study, an approach to integrate design and construction processes based upon information analysis and modelling has been proposed. By breaking down the project's vast information into groups of related information, construction related problems have been identified and then traced back too their relevant design processes. This paper models this process using a relatively young and new method of analysis rather than a traditional structured approach. An Object-Oriented Analysis (OOA) method has been applied to model the information in terms of the fundamental ideas that underlie object-oriented technology i.e. object types and classes, methods, requests, encapsulation and inheritance. Proceeding through the five major activities of Coad and Yourdon's OOA method, a complete OOA model has been developed with potential to improve the construction related problems.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:22

_id ddssup9604
id ddssup9604
authors Boelen, A.J.
year 1996
title Impact-Analysis of Urban Design Realtime impact-analysis models for urban designers
source Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Third Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning - Part two: Urban Planning Proceedings (Spa, Belgium), August 18-21, 1996
summary The past five years Prof Dr Jr T.M. de Jong, professor in environmental planning and sustainability at the Technical University of Delft, has developed a theoretical foundation for the analysis of urban design on the ecological, technical, economical, cultural and political impacts of morphologic interventions on different levels of scale. From september 1994 Jr AJ. Boelen (Urban Design Scientist and Knowledge Engineer) started a research project at the same university to further explore the possibilities of these theories and to develop impact evaluation models for urban design and development with the theoretical work of De Jong as a starting point. The paper discusses the development of a design and decision support system based on these theories. For the development of this system, techniques like object-orientation, genetic algorithms and knowledge engineering are used. The user interface, the relation between the real world, paper maps and virtual maps and the presentation of design-interventions and impacts caused by the interventions are important issues. The development-process is an interactive step by step process. It consists of the making of a prototype of the system, testing the theory and hypothe-sisses the system is based on, by applying tests end adjusting the theory and hypothesisses where needed. Eventually the system must be able to act as an integrator of many different models already developed or still to be developed. The structure of the system will allow easy future expansion and adjustment to changing insights. The logic used to develop the basic theory on which this system is founded makes it possible to even introduce and maintain rather subjective aspects like quality or appraisal as impacts that can be evaluated. In a previously developed system "Momentum" this was proved to work effectively for the national level. In this project we will - amongst other things - try to prove the effectiveness of impact-evaluation for other levels of scale.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/11/21 15:16

_id ecaade2024_230
id ecaade2024_230
authors Fekar, Hugo; Novák, Jan; Míèa, Jakub; Žigmundová, Viktória; Suleimanova, Diana; Tsikoliya, Shota; Vasko, Imrich
year 2024
title Fabrication with Residual Wood through Scanning Optimization and Robotic Milling
source Kontovourkis, O, Phocas, MC and Wurzer, G (eds.), Data-Driven Intelligence - Proceedings of the 42nd Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe 2024), Nicosia, 11-13 September 2024, Volume 1, pp. 25–34
summary The project deals with the use of residual wood of tree stumps and roots through scanning, optimization and robotic milling. Wood logging residue makes up to 50 percent of the trees harvested biomass. (Hakkila and Parikka 2002). Among prevailing strategies is leaving residue on site, and recovering residue for bioenergy. (Perlack and others 2005). The project explores the third strategy, using parts of the logging residue for fabrication, which may reduce the overall amount of wood logging volume. Furthermore approach aims for applying residue in its natural form and taking advantage of specific local characteristics of wood (Desch and Dinwoodie 1996). The project applies the strategy on working with stump and roots of an oak tree. Due to considerations of scale, available milling technics and available resources, chosen goal of the approach is to create a functioning chair prototype. Among the problems of the approach is the complex shape of the residue, uneven quality of wood, varying humidity and contamination with soil. After cleaning and drying, the stump is scanned and a 3D model is created. The 3D model od a stump is confronted with a 3D modelled limits of the goal typology (height, width, length, sitting surface area and overal volume of a chair) and topological optimization algorithm is used to iteratively reach the desired geometry. Unlike in established topological optimization proces, which aims for a minimal volume, the project attempts to achieve required qualities with removing minimal amount of wood. Due to geometric complexity of both stump and goal object, milling with an 6axis industrial robotic arm and a rotary table was chosen as a fabrication method. The object was clamped to the board (then connected to a rotary table) in order to provide precise location and orientation in 3D space. The milling of the object was divided in two parts, with the seating area milled in higher detail. Overall process of working with a residual wood that has potential to be both effective and present aesthetic quality based on individual characteristics of wood. Further development can integrate a generative tool which would streamline the design and fabrication proces further.
keywords Robotic arm milling, Scanning, Residual wood
series eCAADe
last changed 2024/11/17 22:05

_id ddssar9632
id ddssar9632
authors Sun M. and Lockley S.R.
year 1996
title A STEP Towards a Computer based Integrated Building Design System
source Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Third Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning - Part one: Architecture Proceedings (Spa, Belgium), August 18-21, 1996
summary Building design is a multi-actor and multi-task process. In a design project architects, engineers and other specialists need to exchange information in order to produce a coherent design. These design participants often have different views of the design from their own perspectives. The aim of an integrated building design system is to develop a building data model that integrates all views so that building information can be exchanged in electronic form between the designers and also throughout various design stages. This paper introduces an integrated building design system developed as part of the European project, Computer Models for the Building Industry in Europe. It concentrates on the development of the Data Exchange System which is a central data repository implemented using an object oriented database and ISO STEP technology and it is able to support concurrent engineering, versioning, history tracing and other data transaction management
series DDSS
last changed 2003/08/07 16:36

_id ddssar9615
id ddssar9615
authors Hill, S.M., Sinclair, B.S., Sandall, D., Butt, T.S., Sampson, N. and Blackie, N.
year 1996
title A Computer-Facilitated Approach for Development, Visualization and Testing of Functional Programming Information
source Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Third Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning - Part one: Architecture Proceedings (Spa, Belgium), August 18-21, 1996
summary Functional programming processes for complex architectural projects have traditionally been hampered by the static nature of available tools and technologies. Connection with user groups have likewise been disadvantaged through the employment of sender-oriented communications models that limit feedback and interaction. In addition, diminishing project budgets place increasing pressure on clients and consult-ants to develop more effective and efficient methods for the design and construction of buildings. This paper discusses a case-study involving the design of a highly complex medical laboratory wherein infoc mation technologies were used to facilitate the development, visualization and testing of functional pro-gramming information. The objectives for the project involved creating an environment where users and clients actively participate in consideration of programming directions and implications in a manner that would not only increase confidence that the program would meet user requirements now and in the future, but also would reduce redundant and or inefficient space within the overall building programme. In the approach used the distinction between programming and design is diminished to improve communication of desires and design responses. The findings of the study indicate that the computer-facilitated approach met the objectives of the project and that the methods developed hold promise for application across a broader range of project types.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/08/07 16:36

_id ddssar9621
id ddssar9621
authors van Leeuwen, J.P., Wagter, H. R. and Oxman, M.
year 1996
title Information Modelling for Design Support - a Feature-based approach
source Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Third Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning - Part one: Architecture Proceedings (Spa, Belgium), August 18-21, 1996
summary The research described in this paper addresses the problem of modelling design information with respect to the dynamic nature of design. This requires information models to be highly flexible and extensible with domain-specific information-definitions. The approach followed in this research is inspired by the concepts of Features-technology, mainly applied in Mechanical Engineering, and results in a framework for defining flexible and extensible information models for architectural application. This approach distinguishes Generic Feature Types for the domain of architecture and Specific Feature Types for particular sub-domains. It proposes a classification of Feature Types, as well as an infrastructure that accommodates the definition and particularization of Features Types. The research involves the development of a pilot-system for the computational support of this Dynamic Information-Modelling approach. At the end of this paper we discuss the possibilities of the Feature-based Modelling approach as a basis for design support systems.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/08/07 16:36

_id a06c
authors Batie, David L.
year 1996
title The Incorporation of Construction History into Architectural History: The HISTCON Interactive Computer Program
source Design Computation: Collaboration, Reasoning, Pedagogy [ACADIA Conference Proceedings / ISBN 1-880250-05-5] Tucson (Arizona / USA) October 31 - November 2, 1996, pp. 235-243
summary Current teaching methods for architectural history seldom embrace building technology as an essential component of study. Accepting the premise that architectural history is a fundamental component to the overall architectural learning environment, it is argued that the study of construction history will further enhance student knowledge. This hypothesis created an opportunity to investigate how the study of construction history could be incorporated to strengthen present teaching methods. Strategies for teaching architectural history were analyzed with the determination that an incorporation of educational instructional design applications using object-oriented programming and hypermedia provided the optimal solution. This evaluation led to the development of the HISTCON interactive, multimedia educational computer program. Used initially to teach 19th Century iron and steel construction history, the composition of the program provides the mechanism to test the significance of construction history in the study of architectural history. Future development of the program will provide a method to illustrate construction history throughout the history of architecture. The study of architectural history, using a construction oriented methodology, is shown to be positively correlated to increased understanding of architectural components relevant to architectural history and building construction.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id 7a20
id 7a20
authors Carrara, G., Fioravanti, A.
year 2002
source Proceedings of Collaborative Decision-Support Systems Focus Symposium, 30th July, 2002; under the auspices of InterSymp-2002, 14° International Conference on Systems Research, Informatics and Cybernetics, 2002, Baden-Baden, pg. 27-44.
summary The present paper describes on-going research on Collaborative Design. The proposed model, the resulting system and its implementation refer mainly to architectural and building design in the modes and forms in which it is carried on in advanced design firms. The model may actually be used effectively also in other environments. The research simultaneously pursues an integrated model of the: a) structure of the networked architectural design process (operators, activities, phases and resources); b) required knowledge (distributed and functional to the operators and the process phases). The article focuses on the first aspect of the model: the relationship that exists among the various ‘actors’ in the design process (according to the STEP-ISO definition, Wix, 1997) during the various stages of its development (McKinney and Fischer, 1998). In Collaborative Design support systems this aspect touches on a number of different problems: database structure, homogeneity of the knowledge bases, the creation of knowledge bases (Galle, 1995), the representation of the IT datum (Carrara et al., 1994; Pohl and Myers, 1994; Papamichael et al., 1996; Rosenmann and Gero, 1996; Eastman et al., 1997; Eastman, 1998; Kim, et al., 1997; Kavakli, 2001). Decision-making support and the relationship between ‘private’ design space (involving the decisions of the individual design team) and the ‘shared’ design space (involving the decisions of all the design teams, Zang and Norman, 1994) are the specific topic of the present article.

Decisions taken in the ‘private design space’ of the design team or ‘actor’ are closely related to the type of support that can be provided by a Collaborative Design system: automatic checks performed by activating procedures and methods, reporting of 'local' conflicts, methods and knowledge for the resolution of ‘local’ conflicts, creation of new IT objects/ building components, who the objects must refer to (the ‘owner’), 'situated' aspects (Gero and Reffat, 2001) of the IT objects/building components.

Decisions taken in the ‘shared design space’ involve aspects that are typical of networked design and that are partially present in the ‘private’ design space. Cross-checking, reporting of ‘global’ conflicts to all those concerned, even those who are unaware they are concerned, methods for their resolution, the modification of data structure and interface according to the actors interacting with it and the design phase, the definition of a 'dominus' for every IT object (i.e. the decision-maker, according to the design phase and the creation of the object). All this is made possible both by the model for representing the building (Carrara and Fioravanti, 2001), and by the type of IT representation of the individual building components, using the methods and techniques of Knowledge Engineering through a structured set of Knowledge Bases, Inference Engines and Databases. The aim is to develop suitable tools for supporting integrated Process/Product design activity by means of a effective and innovative representation of building entities (technical components, constraints, methods) in order to manage and resolve conflicts generated during the design activity.

keywords Collaborative Design, Architectural Design, Distributed Knowledge Bases, ‘Situated’ Object, Process/Product Model, Private/Shared ‘Design Space’, Conflict Reduction.
series other
type symposium
last changed 2005/03/30 16:25

_id 6279
id 6279
authors Carrara, G.; Fioravanti, A.
year 2002
title Private Space' and ‘Shared Space’ Dialectics in Collaborative Architectural Design
source InterSymp 2002 - 14th International Conference on Systems Research, Informatics and Cybernetics (July 29 - August 3, 2002), pp 28-44.
summary The present paper describes on-going research on Collaborative Design. The proposed model, the resulting system and its implementation refer mainly to architectural and building design in the modes and forms in which it is carried on in advanced design firms. The model may actually be used effectively also in other environments. The research simultaneously pursues an integrated model of the: a) structure of the networked architectural design process (operators, activities, phases and resources); b) required knowledge (distributed and functional to the operators and the process phases). The article focuses on the first aspect of the model: the relationship that exists among the various ‘actors’ in the design process (according to the STEP-ISO definition, Wix, 1997) during the various stages of its development (McKinney and Fischer, 1998). In Collaborative Design support systems this aspect touches on a number of different problems: database structure, homogeneity of the knowledge bases, the creation of knowledge bases (Galle, 1995), the representation of the IT datum (Carrara et al., 1994; Pohl and Myers, 1994; Papamichael et al., 1996; Rosenmann and Gero, 1996; Eastman et al., 1997; Eastman, 1998; Kim, et al., 1997; Kavakli, 2001). Decision-making support and the relationship between ‘private’ design space (involving the decisions of the individual design team) and the ‘shared’ design space (involving the decisions of all the design teams, Zang and Norman, 1994) are the specific topic of the present article.

Decisions taken in the ‘private design space’ of the design team or ‘actor’ are closely related to the type of support that can be provided by a Collaborative Design system: automatic checks performed by activating procedures and methods, reporting of 'local' conflicts, methods and knowledge for the resolution of ‘local’ conflicts, creation of new IT objects/ building components, who the objects must refer to (the ‘owner’), 'situated' aspects (Gero and Reffat, 2001) of the IT objects/building components.

Decisions taken in the ‘shared design space’ involve aspects that are typical of networked design and that are partially present in the ‘private’ design space. Cross-checking, reporting of ‘global’ conflicts to all those concerned, even those who are unaware they are concerned, methods for their resolution, the modification of data structure and interface according to the actors interacting with it and the design phase, the definition of a 'dominus' for every IT object (i.e. the decision-maker, according to the design phase and the creation of the object). All this is made possible both by the model for representing the building (Carrara and Fioravanti, 2001), and by the type of IT representation of the individual building components, using the methods and techniques of Knowledge Engineering through a structured set of Knowledge Bases, Inference Engines and Databases. The aim is to develop suitable tools for supporting integrated Process/Product design activity by means of a effective and innovative representation of building entities (technical components, constraints, methods) in order to manage and resolve conflicts generated during the design activity.

keywords Collaborative Design, Architectural Design, Distributed Knowledge Bases, ‘Situated’ Object, Process/Product Model, Private/Shared ‘Design Space’, Conflict Reduction.
series other
type symposium
last changed 2012/12/04 07:53

_id ddssup9615
id ddssup9615
authors Lucardie, L., de Gelder, J. and Duursma, C.
year 1996
title Matching the Knowledge Needs of Trade and Industry: Advanced and Operational Knowledge Based Systems
source Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Third Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning - Part two: Urban Planning Proceedings (Spa, Belgium), August 18-21, 1996
summary Complex tasks that are being performed in trade and industry such as diagnosis, engineering and planning, increasingly require rapid and easy access to large amounts of complicated knowledge. To cope with these demands on trade and industry, advanced automated support for managing knowledge seems to be needed. Knowledge based systems are claimed to match these needs. However, to deal with the vast volume and complexity of knowledge through knowledge based systems, preconditions at three computer systems levels should be fulfilled. At the first level, called the knowledge level, the development of knowledge based systems requires a well-elaborated theory of the nature of knowledge that helps to get a clear and consistent definition of knowledge. By providing guidelines for selecting and developing methodologies and for organising the mathematical functions underlying knowledge representation formalisms, such a definition significantly advances the process of knowledge engineering. Here, we present the theory of functional object-types as a theory of the nature of knowledge. At the second level, called the symbol level, the representation formalisms used must be compatible with the chosen theory of the nature of knowledge. The representation formalisms also have to be interpretable as propositions representing knowledge, so that their knowledge level import can be assessed. Furthermore, knowledge representation formalisms have to play a causal role in the intelligent behaviour of the knowledge based system. At the third level, called the systems level, a knowledge based system should be equipped with facilities that enable an effective management of the representation formalisms used. Yet other system facilities are needed to allow the knowledge base to communicate with existing computer systems used in the daily practice of trade and industry, for instance Database Management Systems, Geographical Information Systems and Computer Aided Design Systems. It should be taken into account that these systems may run in different networks and on different operating systems. A real-world knowledge based system that operates in the field of soil contamination exemplifies the development of an advanced and operational knowledge-based system that complies with the preconditions at each computer systems level.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/08/07 16:36

_id e02e
authors Mahdavi, A., Mathew, P., Lee, S., Brahme, R., Kumar, S., Liu, G., Ries, R. and Wong, N.H.
year 1996
title On the Structure and Elements of SEMPER
source Design Computation: Collaboration, Reasoning, Pedagogy [ACADIA Conference Proceedings / ISBN 1-880250-05-5] Tucson (Arizona / USA) October 31 - November 2, 1996, pp. 71-84
summary This paper introduces the concept, structure, components, and application results of "SEMPER", an active, multi-aspect computational tool for comprehensive simulation-based design assistance. Specifically, SEMPER seeks to meet the following requirements: a) a methodologically consistent (first- principles-based) performance modeling approach through the entire building design and engineering process; b) seamless and dynamic communication between the simulation models and an object- oriented space-based design environment using the structural homology of various domain representations; and c) "preference-based" performance-to-design mapping technology (bidirectional inference). SEMPER involves the integrated computational modeling of heat transfer, air flow, HVAC system performance, thermal comfort, daylighting and electrical lighting, acoustics, and life-cycle assessment.

series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:59

_id ddssar9624
id ddssar9624
authors Nguyen, T.H., Ha, K.H. and Bddard, C.
year 1996
title Architectural and structural design with code compliance checking
source Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Third Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning - Part one: Architecture Proceedings (Spa, Belgium), August 18-21, 1996
summary This paper focuses on the development of an integrated information model suitable for a knowledge-based system to automate the building design process including code compliance checking. The development of such a data model is based on object-oriented knowledge representation techniques in which building entities and relationships are represented by objects and attributes through appropriate frame-based forms, whereas rule-based representations are used to describe the knowledge contained in building regulations. The proposed approach integrates all relevant information among different disciplines such as architecture, engineering, and building regulations in an object-oriented model capable of exchanging all the information by means of a common database. The implementation of a prototype system is also described.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/08/07 16:36

_id 096e
authors Papamichael, K., Porta, J.L., Chauvet, H., Collins, D., Trzcinski, T. , Thorpe, J. and Selkowitz, S.
year 1996
title The Building Design Advisor
source Design Computation: Collaboration, Reasoning, Pedagogy [ACADIA Conference Proceedings / ISBN 1-880250-05-5] Tucson (Arizona / USA) October 31 - November 2, 1996, pp. 85-97
summary The Building Design Advisor (BDA) is a software environment that supports the integrated use of multiple analysis and visualization tools throughout the building design process, from the initial, schematic design phases to the detailed specification of building components and systems. Based on a comprehensive design theory, the BDA uses an object-oriented representation of the building and its context, and acts as a data manager and process controller to allow building designers to benefit from the capabilities of multiple tools.

The BDA provides a graphical user interface that consists of two main elements: the Building Browser and the Decision Desktop. The Browser allows building designers to quickly navigate through the multitude of descriptive and performance parameters addressed by the analysis and visualization tools linked to the BDA. Through the Browser the user can edit the values of input parameters and select any number of input and/or output parameters for display in the Decision Desktop. The Desktop allows building designers to compare multiple design alternatives with respect to any number of parameters addressed by the tools linked to the BDA.

The BDA is implemented as a Windows-based application for personal computers. Its initial version is linked to a Schematic Graphic Editor (SGE), which allows designers to quickly and easily specify the geometric characteristics of building components and systems. For every object created in the SGE, the BDA supplies “smart” default values from a Prototypical Values Database (PVD) for all non-geometric parameters required as input to the analysis and visualization tools linked to the BDA. In addition to the SGE and the PVD, the initial version of the BDA is linked to a daylight analysis tool, an energy analysis tool, and a multimedia Case Studies Database (CSD). The next version of the BDA will be linked to additional tools, such as a photo-accurate rendering program and a cost analysis program. Future versions will address the whole building life-cycle and will be linked to construction, commissioning and building monitoring tools.

series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 08:00

_id a32f
authors Qamhiyah, A.Z., Venter, R.D. and Benhabib, B.
year 1996
title Geometric reasoning for the extraction of form features
source Computer-Aided Design, Vol. 28 (11) (1996) pp. 887-903
summary The primary limitation of feature-recognition approaches, namely their lack of generalization, has been addressed by the development of feature-extraction techniques. This paper presents a boundary-based procedurefor the sequential extraction of form features from CAD models of objects with planar surfaces. An object is viewed as an initial basic shape that has been iteratively altered through the introduction of form features.Form features are first classified based on their effect in changing a basic shape. Geometric reasoning is then used to obtain generalized properties of the form-features' classes. Finally, form-features' classes aresequentially extracted based on the obtained properties.
keywords CAD, Form-Feature, Feature Extraction
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:33

_id e1a1
authors Rodriguez, G.
year 1996
source Full-Scale Modeling in the Age of Virtual Reality [6th EFA-Conference Proceedings]
summary Advances in electronic design and communication are already reshaping the way architecture is done. The development of more sophisticated and user-friendly Computer Aided Design (CAD) software and of cheaper and more powerful hardware is making computers more and more accessible to architects, planners and designers. These professionals are not only using them as a drafting tool but also as a instrument for visualization. Designers are "building" digital models of their designs and producing photo-like renderings of spaces that do not exist in the dimensional world.

The problem resides in how realistic these Computer Generated Models (CGM) are. Moss & Banks (1958) considered realism “the capacity to reproduce as exactly as possible the object of study without actually using it”. He considers that realism depends on: 1)The number of elements that are reproduced; 2) The quality of those elements; 3) The similarity of replication and 4) Replication of the situation. CGM respond well to these considerations, they can be very realistic. But, are they capable of reproducing the same impressions on people as a real space?

Research has debated about the problems of the mode of representation and its influence on the judgement which is made. Wools (1970), Lau (1970) and Canter, Benyon & West (1973) have demonstrated that the perception of a space is influenced by the mode of presentation. CGM are two-dimensional representations of three-dimensional space. Canter (1973) considers the three-dimensionality of the stimuli as crucial for its perception. So, can a CGM afford as much as a three-dimensional model?

The “Laboratorio de Experimentacion Espacial” (LEE) has been concerned with the problem of reality of the models used by architects. We have studied the degree in which models can be used as reliable and representative of real situations analyzing the Ecological Validity of several of them, specially the Real-Scale Model (Abadi & Cavallin, 1994). This kind of model has been found to be ecologically valid to represent real space. This research has two objectives: 1) to study the Ecological Validity of a Computer Generated Model; and 2) compare it with the Ecological Validity of a Real Scale Model in representing a real space.

keywords Model Simulation, Real Environments
series other
type normal paper
last changed 2004/05/04 14:42

_id cc4f
authors Donath, Dirk
year 1996
title University CAAD-Education for Architectural Students - A Report on the Realisation of a User-oriented Computer Education at the Bauhaus University Weimar
source Education for Practice [14th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9523687-2-2] Lund (Sweden) 12-14 September 1996, pp. 143-154
summary Practically no other field of human creativity is evolving as fast and innovatively as the development and integration of the computer into every possible area imaginable. The computer has today become a natural tool in the fields of architecture and space-planning. The changing form of professional practice due to the increasing application of computerassisted work techniques results in the need, currently being addressed in the education of future architects and town planners, to bring these new mediums into the realm between architecture - art - and building - science.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:55

_id b6a7
authors Jensen, K.
year 1996
title Coloured Petri Nets: Basic Concepts
source 2nd ed., Springer Verlag, Berlin
summary This book presents a coherent description of the theoretical and practical aspects of Coloured Petri Nets (CP-nets or CPN). It shows how CP-nets have been developed - from being a promising theoretical model to being a full-fledged language for the design, specification, simulation, validation and implementation of large software systems (and other systems in which human beings and/or computers communicate by means of some more or less formal rules). The book contains the formal definition of CP-nets and the mathematical theory behind their analysis methods. However, it has been the intention to write the book in such a way that it also becomes attractive to readers who are more interested in applications than the underlying mathematics. This means that a large part of the book is written in a style which is closer to an engineering textbook (or a users' manual) than it is to a typical textbook in theoretical computer science. The book consists of three separate volumes. The first volume defines the net model (i.e., hierarchical CP-nets) and the basic concepts (e.g., the different behavioural properties such as deadlocks, fairness and home markings). It gives a detailed presentation of many small examples and a brief overview of some industrial applications. It introduces the formal analysis methods. Finally, it contains a description of a set of CPN tools which support the practical use of CP-nets. Most of the material in this volume is application oriented. The purpose of the volume is to teach the reader how to construct CPN models and how to analyse these by means of simulation. The second volume contains a detailed presentation of the theory behind the formal analysis methods - in particular occurrence graphs with equivalence classes and place/transition invariants. It also describes how these analysis methods are supported by computer tools. Parts of this volume are rather theoretical while other parts are application oriented. The purpose of the volume is to teach the reader how to use the formal analysis methods. This will not necessarily require a deep understanding of the underlying mathematical theory (although such knowledge will of course be a help). The third volume contains a detailed description of a selection of industrial applications. The purpose is to document the most important ideas and experiences from the projects - in a way which is useful for readers who do not yet have personal experience with the construction and analysis of large CPN diagrams. Another purpose is to demonstrate the feasibility of using CP-nets and the CPN tools for such projects. Together the three volumes present the theory behind CP-nets, the supporting CPN tools and some of the practical experiences with CP-nets and the tools. In our opinion it is extremely important that these three research areas have been developed simultaneously. The three areas influence each other and none of them could be adequately developed without the other two. As an example, we think it would have been totally impossible to develop the hierarchy concepts of CP-nets without simultaneously having a solid background in the theory of CP-nets, a good idea for a tool to support the hierarchy concepts, and a thorough knowledge of the typical application areas.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

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