CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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Hits 1 to 20 of 475

_id d610
authors Burdea, G.C.
year 1996
title Force and Touch Feedback for Virtual Reality
source New York: John Wiley & Sons
summary Could weight, temperature, and texture combine to bring simulated objects to life? Describing cutting-edge technology that will influence the way we interact with computers for years to come, this pioneering book answers yes: not only is it possible, but devices capable of providing force and tactile sensory feedback already exist. Force and Touch Feedback for Virtual Reality is the first comprehensive source of information on the design, modeling, and applications of force and tactile interfaces for VR. It is a must have for scientists, engineers, psychologists, and developers involved in VR, and for anyone who would like to gain a deeper understanding of this exciting and fast-growing field. Complete with hundreds of tables, figures, and color illustrations, Force and Touch Feedback for Virtual Reality offers * Basic information on human tactile sensing and control and feedback actuator technology * A worldwide survey of force and tactile interface devices, from the simple joystick to full-body instrumented suits based on human factor tests * Step-by-step instructions for realistic physical modeling of virtual object characteristics such as weight, surface smoothness, compliance, and temperature * A unified treatment of the benefits of the new haptic interface technology for simulation and training based on human factor tests * A detailed analysis of optimum control requirements for force and tactile feedback devices * A review of emerging applications in areas ranging from surgical training and entertainment to telerobotics and the military
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

_id 4b55
authors Af Klercker, J. , Ekholm, A. and Fridqvist, S. (Ed.)
year 1996
title Education for Practice [Conference Proceedings]
source 14th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9523687-2-2 / Lund (Sweden) 12-14 September 1996, 425 p.
summary There are many of us trying to make place for CAAD in a natural way in the Curriculum of the Architect school. We would like to make CAAD useful to the students already during their studies. Even if we have the support of our collegues for running courses there is very often no space in the timetable. And even if we have all the entusiasm of our students it is hard to practice your CAAD knowledge on projects where it is not asked for.

The education of architects in the use of computers has lead me to try to find "the roots of education of architects" in general. A collegue of mine in a bookshelf of course litterature in Informatics found and put into my hands "Educating the reflective practitioner" by Donald Schön. It lead to an interesting process of personal reflection and discussion within our CAAD team.

We think by the way that the theme of the conference points to the heart of the message in Donald Schöns book and we are inviting him as a key note speaker at the Conference.

series eCAADe
type normal paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:49

_id 8d52
authors Asanowicz, Aleksander and Jakimowicz, Adam (Eds.)
year 1996
title Approaches to Computer Aided Architectural Composition
source ISBN 83-905377-1-0, 1996, 234 p.
summary We have a pleasure to present a book of texts related to computer use in the field of architectural composition, showing its various aspects. As the field of composition is very wide - the papers represent also a wide spectrum of interests and approaches to Computer Aided Architectural Composition: from formal experiments, based either on mathematics or intuition, through educational and design methods, examples from architectural practice, computer based analytical systems to a new (and revolutionary) evolutionary model of design. We are sure that this publication occurs useful and interesting to all involved in Computer Aided Architectural Design, especially that it consists of papers of outstanding scientists in the field of CAD and design as well as articles of young researchers.
series other
last changed 1999/04/08 17:16

_id c1d2
authors Bartlett, B. (et. al.)
year 1996
title Architectural Rendering
source New Riders, Indianapolis
summary Readers learn techniques through step-by-step instructions and full-color illustrations with this first book on one of the hottest topics in the 3D Studio world. Readers discover the "finishing touch" secrets of expert designers, architects, and visualization specialists.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:18

_id b0d8
authors Bourdakis, V.
year 1996
title From CAAD to VRML: London Case Study
source The 3rd UK VRSIG Conference Full Paper Proceedings, De Montfort University
summary In this paper, the suitability and usability of VRML for urban modelling is discussed based on the experience gained by the creation of urban models of varying sizes, level of detail and use. Areas where the current VRML specification is failing to satisfy the needs of large-scale urban modelling are highlighted. Properties of a successful alternative or VRML3.0 specification are suggested and briefly discussed.
series other
last changed 2003/11/21 15:16

_id 0dfb
authors Bovill, C.
year 1996
title Fractal Geometry in Architecture and Design
source Design Science Collection, Harvard University, Boston
summary My intention in this book was to explain the essence of fractal geometry to the design community. Many of the fractals can be drawn by hand and fractal rhythms for use in design can be derived from musical scores. This approach was taken to make the material more approachable. Much of the literature on fractal geometry is hidden behind computer programs or complex mathematical notation systems.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

_id caadria2020_093
id caadria2020_093
authors Cerovsek, Tomo and Martens, Bob
year 2020
title The Evolution of CAADRIA Conferences - A Bibliometric Approach
source D. Holzer, W. Nakapan, A. Globa, I. Koh (eds.), RE: Anthropocene, Design in the Age of Humans - Proceedings of the 25th CAADRIA Conference - Volume 1, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, 5-6 August 2020, pp. 325-334
summary This paper presents an analysis of the output, impact, use and content of 1,860 papers that were published in the CAADRIA conference proceedings over the last 20+ years (from 1996 to 2019). The applied methodology is a blend of bibliometrics, webometrics and clustering with text mining. The bibliometric analysis leads to quantitative and qualitative results on three levels: (1) author, (2) article and (3) association. The most productive authors authored over 50 papers, and the top 20% authors have over 80 % of all citations generated by CAADRIA proceedings. The overall impact of CAADRIA may be characterised by nearly 2,000 known citations and by the h-index that is 17. The webometrics based on reveals that the CAADRIA papers served over 200 k users, which is a considerable visibility for scientific CAAD output. The keywords most frequently used by authors were digital fabrication, BIM and parametric, generative, computational design. Notably, 90% of the papers' descriptors are 2-grams. This study may be useful to researchers, educators and publishers interested in CAAD.
keywords bibliometrics; open source; text clustering; n-gram
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:55

_id 38d1
id 38d1
authors Cornick, Tim
year 1996
source Routledge [ISBN: 0419195904]
summary An accessible guide to the principles and practical applications of computer integrated systems in the field of construction management, this book provides an understanding of the potential of computer systems as information integration increases in the construction industry. Case studies offer examples of successful practice in this field.
series book
type normal paper
last changed 2005/03/06 07:32

_id eb51
authors Coyne, Richard
year 1996
title CAAD, Curriculum and Controversy
source Education for Practice [14th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9523687-2-2] Lund (Sweden) 12-14 September 1996, pp. 121-130
summary This paper brings some of the debate within educational theory to bear on CAAD teaching, outlining the contributions of conservatism, critical theory, radical hermeneutics and pragmatism. The paper concludes by recommending that CAAD teaching move away from conservative concepts of teaching, design and technology to integrate it into the studio. In a highly illuminating book on education theory, Shaun Gallagher (1991) outlines four current views on education that correspond to four major positions in contemporary social theory and philosophy. I will extend these categories to a consideration of attitudes to information technology, and the teaching of computing in architecture. These four positions are conservatism, critical theory, radical hermeneutics, and pragmatism. I will show how certain issues cluster around them, how each position provides the focus of various discursive practices, or intellectual conversations in contemporary thinking, and how information technology is caught up in those conversations. These four positions are not "cognitive styles," but vigorously argued domains of debate involving writers such as Gadamer, Habermas and Derrida about the theory of interpretation. The field of interpretation is known as hermeneutics, which is concerned less with epistemology and knowledge than with understanding. Interpretation theory applies to reading texts, interpreting the law, and appreciating art, but also to the application of any practical task, such as making art, drawing, defining and solving problems, and design (Coyne and Snodgrass, 1995). Hermeneutics provides a coherent focus for considering many contemporary issues and many domains of practice. I outline what these positions in education mean in terms of CAAD (computer-aided architectural design) in the curriculum.

series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:56

_id ae9f
authors Damer, B.
year 1996
title Inhabited Virtual Worlds: A New Frontier for Interaction Design
source Interactions, Vol.3, No.5 ACM
summary In April of 1995 the Internet took a step into the third dimension with the introduction of the Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) as a commercial standard. Another event that month caused fewer headlines but in retrospect was just as significant. A small company from San Francisco, Worlds Incorporated, launched WorldsChat, a three dimensional environment allowing any Internet user to don a digital costume, or avatar, and travel about and converse with other people inhabiting the space. WorldsChat was appropriately modeled on a space station complete with a central hub, hallways, sliding doors, windows, and escalators to outlying pods.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/04/23 15:50

_id 20ff
id 20ff
authors Derix, Christian
year 2004
title Building a Synthetic Cognizer
source Design Computation Cognition conference 2004, MIT
summary Understanding ‘space’ as a structured and dynamic system can provide us with insight into the central concept in the architectural discourse that so far has proven to withstand theoretical framing (McLuhan 1964). The basis for this theoretical assumption is that space is not a void left by solid matter but instead an emergent quality of action and interaction between individuals and groups with a physical environment (Hillier 1996). In this way it can be described as a parallel distributed system, a self-organising entity. Extrapolating from Luhmann’s theory of social systems (Luhmann 1984), a spatial system is autonomous from its progenitors, people, but remains intangible to a human observer due to its abstract nature and therefore has to be analysed by computed entities, synthetic cognisers, with the capacity to perceive. This poster shows an attempt to use another complex system, a distributed connected algorithm based on Kohonen’s self-organising feature maps – SOM (Kohonen 1997), as a “perceptual aid” for creating geometric mappings of these spatial systems that will shed light on our understanding of space by not representing space through our usual mechanics but by constructing artificial spatial cognisers with abilities to make spatial representations of their own. This allows us to be shown novel representations that can help us to see new differences and similarities in spatial configurations.
keywords architectural design, neural networks, cognition, representation
series other
type poster
last changed 2012/09/17 21:13

_id 4dcb
authors Dourish, P., Holmes, J., MacLean, A., Marqvardsen, P. and Zbyslaw, A.
year 1996
title Freeflow: Mediating Between Representation and Action in Workflow Systems
source Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work CSCW’96, Boston, USA
summary In order to understand some problems associated with workflow, we set out an analysis of workflow systems, identifying a number of basic issues in the underlying technology. This points to the conflation of temporal and dependency information as the source of a number of these problems. We describe Freeflow, a prototype which addresses these problems using a variety of technical innovations, including a rich constraint-based process modelling formalism, and the use of declarative dependency relationships. Its focus is on mediation between process "and action, rather than the enactment of a process. We outline the system and its design principles, and illustrate the features of our approach with examples from ongoing work.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:50

_id 6dda
authors Farin, Gerald E.
year 1996
title Curves and Surfaces for Computer-aided Geometric Design
source Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. San Francisco
summary System requirements: IBM and compatibles with DOS 2.0 or higher or UNIX. This book offers an introduction to the field that emphasizes Bernstein-Bezier methods and presents subjects in an informal, readable style, making this an ideal text for an introductory course at the advanced undergraduate or graduate level. This 3rd edition includes several new section and numerical examples, a treatment of the new blossoming principle, and new C programs. All C programs are available on a disk included with the book. The Problems Sections at the end of each chapter have also been extended.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

_id 0adc
authors Glanville, R.
year 1996
title Communication without Coding: Cybernetics, Meaning and Language (How Language, becoming a System, Betrays itself)
source Modern Language Notes, Vol 111, no 3 (ad Wellbery, D)
summary In this essay communication is considered as a cybernetic system in which two participants (the representer and the representee) share a representation (made up of a representing and a represented), each constructing his own meaning from the identity of the representing and the represented in the representation in the form of a conversation. Meaning, in this context, is not seen as lying in any part of the representation. This system is modified so as to incorporate a meta- and a subconversation which allow the participants in the conversation to negociate agreement more effectively, and to better handle error. Types of agreement are examined, as is the conversation as a source of novelty. Further pragmatic considerations are introduced such that a series of agreements may allow it to appear that there is, after all, meaning in the act of representation, although this is always a matter of "as if". Certain consequences of this cybernetic system are developed and some of the prerequisites for such a system to exist are explored. Possible tests (and the value of such testing) are considered.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:50

_id 6598
authors Goldman, Glenn
year 1996
title Reconstructions, Remakes and Sequels: Architecture and Motion Pictures
source Design Computation: Collaboration, Reasoning, Pedagogy [ACADIA Conference Proceedings / ISBN 1-880250-05-5] Tucson (Arizona / USA) October 31 - November 2, 1996, pp. 11-21
summary Motion pictures can illustrate worlds that have never been. They may show fantastic depictions of the future or an interpretation of the past. In either case, they have the power to reach millions of people across cultures, generations, and educational backgrounds with visions of our environment that do not exist in our everyday world.

The study of imaginary worlds in this design studio case study is limited to motion pictures that postulate unique, or new environments rather than those films that faithfully attempt to document or reconstruct reality. In this sense, the movies used for study have a lineage traceable to Georges Melies "who came to film from illusionism and the "heater," rather than to the reality of the Lumiere brothers who came from photography which ultimately would lead to "cinema-verite."

Discussions, assignments and presentations in the studio are organized to provide students with an opportunity to gain a different awareness of architecture and use varying stimuli as source material for design. The study of architectural history, art, formal principles of design, visual perception, and media are required in order to complete the reconstructions and creations of proposed environments.

All student work throughout the entire semester is created with electronic media and the computer is used as an integral component of the studio enabling analysis and study, design, model creation, and animation. The available capabilities of computer graphics in the studio enables students to explore analytic and synthetic issues of design in motion pictures in a manner not readily available when restricted to traditional media. Through the use of digital media we have an opportunity to better understand the imaginary worlds for what they communicate and the ideas they contain, and therefore create an opportunity to modify our own concept of architecture.

series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:51

_id d9bf
authors Goodchild, N.F., Steyaert, L.T., Parks, B.O., Johnson, C., Maidment, D., Crane, M. and Glendinning, S. (Eds.)
year 1996
title GIS and Environmental Modeling: Progress and Research Issues
source Fort Collins, CO: GIS World Books, pp.451-454
summary GIS and Environmental Modeling: Progress and Research Issues Michael F. Goodchild, Louis T. Steyaert, Bradley O. Parks, Carol Johnston, David Maidment, Michael Crane, and Sandi Glendinning, Editors With growing pressure on natural resources and landscapes there is an increasing need to predict the consequences of any changes to the environment. Modelling plays an important role in this by helping our understanding of the environment and by forecasting likely impacts. In recent years moves have been made to link models to Geographical Information Systems to provide a means of analysing changes over an area as well as over time. GIS and Environmental Modeling explores the progress made to date in integrating these two software systems. Approaches to the subject are made from theoretical, technical as well as data stand points. The existing capabilities of current systems are described along with important issues of data availability, accuracy and error. Various case studies illustrate this and highlight the common concepts and issues that exist between researchers in different environmental fields. The future needs and prospects for integrating GIS and environmental models are also explored with developments in both data handling and modelling discussed. The book brings together the knowledge and experience of over 100 researchers from academic, commercial and government backgrounds who work in a wide range of disciplines. The themes followed in the text provide a fund of knowledge and guidance for those involved in environmental modelling and GIS. The book is easily accessible for readers with a basic GIS knowledge and the ideas and results of the research are clearly illustrated with both colour and black and white graphics.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

_id ddssup9608
id ddssup9608
authors Gupta, M.K., Groves M. and Moran, J.D.
year 1996
title An EMIC approach to design: Methodology for creating supportive environments for young children
source Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Third Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning - Part two: Urban Planning Proceedings (Spa, Belgium), August 18-21, 1996
summary The responsibility of the designer is to understand the unique perspective of the users, in order to create functional and efficient environments. The task of creating supportive environments often becomes more difficult when there is discrepancy between the perspective of the designer and that of the user, which is the case when designing spaces for children. The interaction of children with their environment has been identified as the basis of their development Most of the previous research has focused on the perspectives that adults have of spaces for children (etic), rather than an understanding of the child's view as the primary user of the playspace (emic). Children's perceptions are influenced by their physical and cognitive perspectives thus posing a unique challenge for designers. The objective of this study was to learn about the perception and perspective of four-and five-year-olds of their favorite playspaces. The children needed to identify their favorite spaces and also be able to verbalize the activities and meanings associated with these spaces. To avoid adult bias at the onset, the idea of utilizing a Polaroid Captiva camera was formulated, facilitating an extremely short latency period between the child taking the pictures and the opportunity to talk about their favorite playspace. The process was extremely successful, and provides first hand insight into children's perception of their built environment Photographs taken by the young children include many spaces not designed for play. The emerging themes are a source of invaluable information for designers and planners for making informed design decisions and for creating supportive environments.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/08/07 16:36

_id b6a7
authors Jensen, K.
year 1996
title Coloured Petri Nets: Basic Concepts
source 2nd ed., Springer Verlag, Berlin
summary This book presents a coherent description of the theoretical and practical aspects of Coloured Petri Nets (CP-nets or CPN). It shows how CP-nets have been developed - from being a promising theoretical model to being a full-fledged language for the design, specification, simulation, validation and implementation of large software systems (and other systems in which human beings and/or computers communicate by means of some more or less formal rules). The book contains the formal definition of CP-nets and the mathematical theory behind their analysis methods. However, it has been the intention to write the book in such a way that it also becomes attractive to readers who are more interested in applications than the underlying mathematics. This means that a large part of the book is written in a style which is closer to an engineering textbook (or a users' manual) than it is to a typical textbook in theoretical computer science. The book consists of three separate volumes. The first volume defines the net model (i.e., hierarchical CP-nets) and the basic concepts (e.g., the different behavioural properties such as deadlocks, fairness and home markings). It gives a detailed presentation of many small examples and a brief overview of some industrial applications. It introduces the formal analysis methods. Finally, it contains a description of a set of CPN tools which support the practical use of CP-nets. Most of the material in this volume is application oriented. The purpose of the volume is to teach the reader how to construct CPN models and how to analyse these by means of simulation. The second volume contains a detailed presentation of the theory behind the formal analysis methods - in particular occurrence graphs with equivalence classes and place/transition invariants. It also describes how these analysis methods are supported by computer tools. Parts of this volume are rather theoretical while other parts are application oriented. The purpose of the volume is to teach the reader how to use the formal analysis methods. This will not necessarily require a deep understanding of the underlying mathematical theory (although such knowledge will of course be a help). The third volume contains a detailed description of a selection of industrial applications. The purpose is to document the most important ideas and experiences from the projects - in a way which is useful for readers who do not yet have personal experience with the construction and analysis of large CPN diagrams. Another purpose is to demonstrate the feasibility of using CP-nets and the CPN tools for such projects. Together the three volumes present the theory behind CP-nets, the supporting CPN tools and some of the practical experiences with CP-nets and the tools. In our opinion it is extremely important that these three research areas have been developed simultaneously. The three areas influence each other and none of them could be adequately developed without the other two. As an example, we think it would have been totally impossible to develop the hierarchy concepts of CP-nets without simultaneously having a solid background in the theory of CP-nets, a good idea for a tool to support the hierarchy concepts, and a thorough knowledge of the typical application areas.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

_id 9951
authors Johnson, R.E. and Clayton, M.J.
year 1998
title The impact of information technology in design and construction: the owner's perspective
source Automation in Construction 8 (1) (1998) pp. 3-14
summary This paper reports on findings of a November 1996 exploratory survey of architecture–engineering clients (Fortune 500 corporate facility managers). This research investigated how the practices of corporate facility managers are being influenced by rapid changes in information technology. The conceptual model that served as a guide for this research hypothesized that information technology acts as both an enabler (that is, information technology provides an effective mechanism for managers to implement desired changes), as well as a source of innovation (that is, new information technology innovations create new facility management opportunities). The underlying assumption of this research is that information technology is evolving from a tool that incrementally improves `back-office' productivity to an essential component of strategic positioning that may alter the basic economics, organizational structure and operational practices of facility management organizations and their interactions with service providers (architects, engineers, and constructors). The paper concludes with a discussion of researchable issues.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:22

_id e373
authors Johnson, Robert E. and Clayton, Mark
year 1997
title The Impact of Information Technology in Design and Construction: The Owner's Perspective
source Design and Representation [ACADIA ‘97 Conference Proceedings / ISBN 1-880250-06-3] Cincinatti, Ohio (USA) 3-5 October 1997, pp. 229-241
summary This paper reports on findings of a November 1996 exploratory survey of architecture-engineering clients (Fortune 500 corporate facility managers). This research investigated how the practices of corporate facility managers are being influenced by rapid changes in information technology. The conceptual model that served as a guide for this research hypothesized that information technology acts as both an enabler (that is, information technology provides an effective mechanism for managers to implement desired changes) as well as a source of innovation (that is, new information technology innovations create new facility management opportunities). The underlying assumption of this research is that information technology is evolving from a tool that incrementally improves "back-office" productivity to an essential component of strategic positioning that may alter the basic economics, organizational structure and operational practices of facility management organizations and their interactions with service providers (architects, engineers and constructors). The paper concludes with a discussion of researchable issues.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:52

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