CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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_id 14e6
authors Pegna, J.
year 1997
title Exploratory investigation of solid freeform construction
source Automation in Construction 5 (5) (1997) pp. 427-437
summary A radical departure from generally accepted concepts in construction robotics is proposed in this paper. A new process derived from the emerging field of additive manufacturing processes is investigated for its potential effectiveness in construction automation. In essence, complex assemblies of large construction components are substituted with a large number of elemental component assemblies. The massive complexity of information processing required in construction is replaced with a large number of simple elemental operations which lend themselves easily to computer control. This exploratory work is illustrated with sample masonry structures that cannot be obtained by casting. They are manufactured by an incremental deposition of sand and Portland cement akin to Navajo sand painting. A thin layer of sand is deposited, followed by the deposition of a patterned layer of cement. Steam is then applied to the layer to obtain rapid curing. A characterization of the resulting material properties shows rather novel anisotropic properties for mortar. Finally, the potential of this approach for solid freeform fabrication of large structures is assessed.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:23

_id diss_ruhl
id diss_ruhl
authors Ruhl, Volker R.
year 1997
title Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing of Complex Shaped Concrete Formwork
source Doctor of Design Thesis, Graduate School of Design, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
summary The research presented in this thesis challenges the appropriateness of existing, conventional forming practices in the building construction industry--both in situ or in prefabrication--for building concrete "freeforms," as they are characterized by impracticality and limitations in achieved geometric/formal quality. The author's theory proposes the application of alternative, non-traditional construction methods derived from the integration of information technology, in the form of Computer-Aided Design (CAD), Engineering (CAE) and Manufacturing (CAM), into the concrete tooling and placing process. This concept relies on a descriptive shape model of a physically non-existent building element which serves as a central database containing all the geometric data necessary to completely and accurately inform design development activities as well as the construction process. For this purpose, the thesis orients itself on existing, functioning models in manufacturing engineering and explores the broad spectrum of computer-aided manufacturing techniques applied in this industry. A two-phase, combined method study is applied to support the theory. Part I introduces the phenomenon of "complexity" in the architectural field, defines the goal of the thesis research and gives examples of complex shape. It also presents the two analyzed technologies: concrete tooling and automation technology. For both, it establishes terminology, classifications, gives insight into the state-of-the-art, and describes limitations. For concrete tooling it develops a set of quality criteria. Part II develops a theory in the form of a series of proposed "non-traditional" forming processes and concepts that are derived through a synthesis of state-of-the-art automation with current concrete forming and placing techniques, and describes them in varying depth, in both text and graphics, on the basis of their geometric versatility and their appropriateness for the proposed task. Emphasis is given to the newly emerging and most promising Solid Freeform Fabrication processes, and within this area, to laser-curing technology. The feasibility of using computer-aided formwork design, and computer-aided formwork fabrication in today's standard building practices is evaluated for this particular technology on the basis of case-studies. Performance in the categories of process, material, product, lead time and economy is analyzed over the complete tooling cycle and is compared to the performance of existing, conventional forming systems for steel, wood, plywood veneer and glassfiber reinforced plastic; value s added to the construction process and/or to the formwork product through information technology are pointed out and become part of the evaluation. For this purpose, an analytical framework was developed for testing the performance of various Solid Freeform Fabrication processes as well as the "sensitivity," or the impact of various influencing processes and/or product parameters on lead time and economy. This tool allows us to make various suggestions for optimization as well as to formulate recommendations and guidelines for the implementation of this technology. The primary objective of this research is to offer architects and engineers unprecedented independence from planar, orthogonal building geometry, in the realization of design ideas and/or design requirements for concrete structures and/or their components. The interplay between process-oriented design and innovative implementation technology may ultimately lead to an architecture conceived on a different level of complexity, with an extended form-vocabulary and of high quality.
series thesis:PhD
last changed 2005/09/09 12:58

_id e373
authors Johnson, Robert E. and Clayton, Mark
year 1997
title The Impact of Information Technology in Design and Construction: The Owner's Perspective
source Design and Representation [ACADIA ‘97 Conference Proceedings / ISBN 1-880250-06-3] Cincinatti, Ohio (USA) 3-5 October 1997, pp. 229-241
summary This paper reports on findings of a November 1996 exploratory survey of architecture-engineering clients (Fortune 500 corporate facility managers). This research investigated how the practices of corporate facility managers are being influenced by rapid changes in information technology. The conceptual model that served as a guide for this research hypothesized that information technology acts as both an enabler (that is, information technology provides an effective mechanism for managers to implement desired changes) as well as a source of innovation (that is, new information technology innovations create new facility management opportunities). The underlying assumption of this research is that information technology is evolving from a tool that incrementally improves "back-office" productivity to an essential component of strategic positioning that may alter the basic economics, organizational structure and operational practices of facility management organizations and their interactions with service providers (architects, engineers and constructors). The paper concludes with a discussion of researchable issues.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:52

_id 27
authors De Gregorio, R., Carmena, S., Morelli, R.D., AvendaÒo, C. and Lioi, C.
year 1998
title La Construccion del Espacio del Poder. Museo de la Casa Rosada (The Construction of the Space of Power. Museum of the "Casa Rosada" (Argentinean Presidential House))
source II Seminario Iberoamericano de Grafico Digital [SIGRADI Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-97190-0-X] Mar del Plata (Argentina) 9-11 september 1998, pp. 212-217
summary The present work is part of the exposition "Francesco Tamburini, La ConstrucciÛn del Espacio del Poder I", exhibited in Rivadavia Cultural Center ( Rosario city), and in Casa Rosada Museum during 1997. The Exposition is based on an investigation program of the space that involves Casa Rosada, determining this space as the first piece of its collection. In 1995, when a group of argentines where visiting the picture gallery Pianetti (Jesi, Italy) there have been found some watercolours of Francesco Tamburini (1846-1890), planner of the main faÁades of the Government and author of many works. These watercolours have great value for architecture, and unknown by public, they have been the starting point of the Exposition. Among these argentines was Roberto De Gregorio architect, historian teacher of this school of architecture, and in charge of the historical investigation. C.I.A.D.'s specific work consists in converting in digital data Casa Rosada's faÁades. The two first stages, already completed, finished on the digital data conversion of facades, in front of Plaza de Mayo and Rivadavia street, with presidential access esplanade. Actually the work is centred on the two facades left and on the elaboration of an electronic model for the edition of a CD-ROM containing the information of the exposition.
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:50

_id e82f
authors Howe, A Scott
year 1997
title Designing for Automated Construction
source CAADRIA ‘97 [Proceedings of the Second Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / ISBN 957-575-057-8] Taiwan 17-19 April 1997, pp. 83-92
summary The majority of automated construction research and development has been bottom-up, from the construction/engineering side rather than top-down from the design end. In order to optimize the use of automated technology, it is important that design principles based on the technology are considered. This paper seeks to address topics related to designing robotic systems for construction, and developing overall design principles for top-down architect/design applications. The research herein is divided into a theoretical research programme for the purpose of deriving a simple shape grammar and a simulation research programme for understanding component connections and robotic manipulation. The second part of this paper introduces a concept automated construction system designed according to the principles derived from the investigation.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id ad21
authors Laptali, E., Bouchlaghem, N. and Wild, S.
year 1997
title Planning and estimating in practice and the use of integrated computer models
source Automation in Construction 7 (1) (1997) pp. 71-76
summary Research into IT applications in the construction industry has been going on for many years, most of this work took the form of system development aimed at assisting construction practitioners and aimed at improving processes in order to reduce the cost of building. Most of these developments tended to identify a problem in a sector of the industry and focused on using a certain technology in IT to provide a solution. This was often done without a proper investigation into the suitability and the acceptability of the technology to the end users (construction practitioners). Furthermore, most of the work was too focused on solving problems in isolation and did not consider the overall organisational framework and structure of the industry. This paper discusses and presents the results of a survey conducted to investigate the planning and estimating work practices in the industry in order to establish the important issues for the development of an integrated planning and estimating computer model. The survey established the important issues for the acceptability of computer models, the technical aspect to be addressed and a better working practice for estimating and planning. The technical aspect on which the computer model was based is the optimisation of the time and cost of building and the best work practice used is the integration of estimating and planning.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:22

_id 4ec6
authors Richens, P.
year 1997
title Computer-aided Art Direction
source F. Penz and M. Thomas (Eds.) , Cinema & Architecture: Méliès, Mallet-Stevens, Multimedia, British Film Institute, London
summary Computer-aided design for architects began to be possible about 25 years ago; in the last five it has become commonplace. In a few years time, it will be as ubiquitous as the word-processor is today. But the construction industry as a whole is not a sophisticated user of Information Technology. The state of affairs in the film industry is quite different; computer graphics of the utmost sophistication plays an increasingly important part in the production of film, but very little in their design. Is it possible that an opportunity is being missed? This paper is written from the standpoint of a designer of architectural CAD software, and seeks to explore the extent to which computer graphics techniques, which have proved useful in architecture, could be used in Production Design, and the simulation of Cinematography. Several experiments, using commercial software of the sort that architects find useful, have lead to the realisation that much is possible, but that a full realisation of the benefits would require software specially adapted to the task. The bulk of this paper describes the nature of this adaptation; it is in the nature of a preliminary specification for software for Computer-aided art direction. The initial investigation centred on the needs of film students; it has since broadened to look at the needs of established practitioners.
series other
last changed 2003/03/05 13:10

_id avocaad_2001_19
id avocaad_2001_19
authors Shen-Kai Tang, Yu-Tung Liu, Yu-Sheng Chung, Chi-Seng Chung
year 2001
title The visual harmony between new and old materials in the restoration of historical architecture: A study of computer simulation
source AVOCAAD - ADDED VALUE OF COMPUTER AIDED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN, Nys Koenraad, Provoost Tom, Verbeke Johan, Verleye Johan (Eds.), (2001) Hogeschool voor Wetenschap en Kunst - Departement Architectuur Sint-Lucas, Campus Brussel, ISBN 80-76101-05-1
summary In the research of historical architecture restoration, scholars respectively focus on the field of architectural context and architectural archeology (Shi, 1988, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1995; Fu, 1995, 1997; Chiu, 2000) or on architecture construction and the procedure of restoration (Shi, 1988, 1989; Chiu, 1990). How to choose materials and cope with their durability becomes an important issue in the restoration of historical architecture (Dasser, 1990; Wang, 1998).In the related research of the usage and durability of materials, some scholars deem that, instead of continuing the traditional ways that last for hundreds of years (that is to replace new materials with old ones), it might be better to keep the original materials (Dasser, 1990). However, unavoidably, some of the originals are much worn. Thus we have to first establish the standard of eliminating components, and secondly to replace identical or similar materials with the old components (Lee, 1990). After accomplishing the restoration, we often unexpectedly find out that the renewed historical building is too new that the sense of history is eliminated (Dasser, 1990; Fu, 1997). Actually this is the important factor that determines the accomplishment of restoration. In the past, some scholars find out that the contrast and conflict between new and old materials are contributed to the different time of manufacture and different coating, such as antiseptic, pattern, etc., which result in the discrepancy of the sense of visual perception (Lee, 1990; Fu, 1997; Dasser, 1990).In recent years, a number of researches and practice of computer technology have been done in the field of architectural design. We are able to proceed design communication more exactly by the application of some systematic softwares, such as image processing, computer graphic, computer modeling/rendering, animation, multimedia, virtual reality and so on (Lawson, 1995; Liu, 1996). The application of computer technology to the research of the preservation of historical architecture is comparatively late. Continually some researchers explore the procedure of restoration by computer simulation technology (Potier, 2000), or establish digital database of the investigation of historical architecture (Sasada, 2000; Wang, 1998). How to choose materials by the technology of computer simulation influences the sense of visual perception. Liu (2000) has a more complete result on visual impact analysis and assessment (VIAA) about the research of urban design projection. The main subjects of this research paper focuses on whether the technology of computer simulation can extenuate the conflict between new and old materials that imposed on visual perception.The objective of this paper is to propose a standard method of visual harmony effects for materials in historical architecture (taking the Gigi Train Station destroyed by the earthquake in last September as the operating example).There are five steps in this research: 1.Categorize the materials of historical architecture and establish the information in digital database. 2.Get new materials of historical architecture and establish the information in digital database. 3.According to the mixing amount of new and old materials, determinate their proportion of the building; mixing new and old materials in a certain way. 4.Assign the mixed materials to the computer model and proceed the simulation of lighting. 5.Make experts and the citizens to evaluate the accomplished computer model in order to propose the expected standard method.According to the experiment mentioned above, we first address a procedure of material simulation of the historical architecture restoration and then offer some suggestions of how to mix new and old materials.By this procedure of simulation, we offer a better view to control the restoration of historical architecture. And, the discrepancy and discordance by new and old materials can be released. Moreover, we thus avoid to reconstructing ¡§too new¡¨ historical architecture.
series AVOCAAD
last changed 2005/09/09 10:48

_id 77bc
authors Cohen, S., Elber, G. and Bar-Yehuda, R.
year 1997
title Matching of freeform curves
source Computer-Aided Design, Vol. 29 (5) (1997) pp. 369-378
summary Freeform parametric curves are extensively employed in various fields such as computer graphics, computer vision, robotics, and geometric modeling. While manyapplications exploit and combine univariate freeform entities into more complex forms such as sculptured surfaces, the problem of a fair or even optimal relativeparameterization of freeforms, under some norm, has been rarely considered. In this work, we present a scheme that closely approximates the optimal relativematching between two or even n given freeform curves, under a user's prescribed norm that is based on differential properties of the curves. This matching iscomputed as a reparameterization of n - 1 of the curves that can be applied explicitly using composition. The proposed matching algorithm is completely automaticand has been successfully employed in different applications with several demonstrated herein: metamorphosis of freeform curves with feature preservations, keyframe interpolation for animation, self-intersection free ruled surface construction, and automatic matching of rail curves of blending surfaces.
keywords Dynamic Programming, Tangent/Gauss Map, Feature Recognition, Fairness
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:33

_id ae56
authors Bruton, Dean
year 1997
title Grammars and Art - A Contingent Sense of Rules
source CAAD Futures 1997 [Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-7923-4726-9] München (Germany), 4-6 August 1997, pp. 71-82
summary This paper contributes to the debate about the utility of the grammatical paradigm in art and design. It reports an investigation of the contingent sense in which grammars and grammatical design apply in the practice of form making in art using two complementary research strategies: the examination through a perspective of grammatical design of some selected bodies of art work, including interviews with artists, theorists and designers; and the reflective practice of image making with computer media in my own work as an artist. The major hypothesis is that a contingent, sense of grammar can facilitate the creation, understanding, and discussion of form-making in art. The sub-hypotheses are that (1) An understanding of grammatical design can enhance a reflective design activity, and that (2) Revealing the contingency of grammars can expose moments of inspiration and redirection in a reflective design activity.
series CAAD Futures
last changed 1999/04/06 09:19

_id 8b25
authors Do, Ellen Yi Luen and Gross, Mark D.
year 1997
title Inferring Design Intentions From Sketches: An Investigation of Freehand Drawing Conventions in Design
source CAADRIA ‘97 [Proceedings of the Second Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / ISBN 957-575-057-8] Taiwan 17-19 April 1997, pp. 217-227
summary Designers draw to explore ideas and solutions. We look at empirical studies of the use of drawing in design, including our own work on the connection between graphic symbols and specific design concerns. We describe an empirical study on sketching for designing an architect’s office. We found that designers use different drawing conventions when thinking about different design concerns. We are implementing a freehand drawing program to recognize these drawing conventions and to deliver appropriate knowledge based support for the task at hand.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:55

_id 6a37
authors Fowler, Thomas and Muller, Brook
year 2002
title Physical and Digital Media Strategies For Exploring ‘Imagined’ Realities of Space, Skin and Light
source Thresholds - Design, Research, Education and Practice, in the Space Between the Physical and the Virtual [Proceedings of the 2002 Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design In Architecture / ISBN 1-880250-11-X] Pomona (California) 24-27 October 2002, pp. 13-23
summary This paper will discuss an unconventional methodology for using physical and digital media strategies ina tightly structured framework for the integration of Environmental Control Systems (ECS) principles intoa third year design studio. An interchangeable use of digital media and physical material enabledarchitectural explorations of rich tactile and luminous engagement.The principles that provide the foundation for integrative strategies between a design studio and buildingtechnology course spring from the Bauhaus tradition where a systematic approach to craftsmanship andvisual perception is emphasized. Focusing particularly on color, light, texture and materials, Josef Albersexplored the assemblage of found objects, transforming these materials into unexpected dynamiccompositions. Moholy-Nagy developed a technique called the photogram or camera-less photograph torecord the temporal movements of light. Wassily Kandinsky developed a method of analytical drawingthat breaks a still life composition into diagrammatic forces to express tension and geometry. Theseschematic diagrams provide a method for students to examine and analyze the implications of elementplacements in space (Bermudez, Neiman 1997). Gyorgy Kepes's Language of Vision provides a primerfor learning basic design principles. Kepes argued that the perception of a visual image needs aprocess of organization. According to Kepes, the experience of an image is "a creative act ofintegration". All of these principles provide the framework for the studio investigation.The quarter started with a series of intense short workshops that used an interchangeable use of digitaland physical media to focus on ECS topics such as day lighting, electric lighting, and skin vocabulary tolead students to consider these components as part of their form-making inspiration.In integrating ECS components with the design studio, an nine-step methodology was established toprovide students with a compelling and tangible framework for design:Examples of student work will be presented for the two times this course was offered (2001/02) to showhow exercises were linked to allow for a clear design progression.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:51

_id 4df8
authors Hanna, R., Barber T. and Qaqish, R.
year 1997
title Computers as the Sole Design Tool: The Mackintosh Experiment
source Challenges of the Future [15th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9523687-3-0] Vienna (Austria) 17-20 September 1997
summary This paper reports on the findings of an empirical investigation into the use of the computer as the only design media in solving a design problem. Several 1st and 2nd year students took part in a two week experiment on the use of a CAD programme, AutoCAD 13 and AEC 5.0, to design a studio for a graphic designer.

Prior to the experiment an extensive literature search was carried out to explore the relationship between the design process, visual thinking, conventional sketching (interactive imagery) and Computer Aided Design. Out of this search a number of design variables were identified, developed and then tested through a series of observations and interviews with the students while they were engaged in the design of the Graphic Designer’s Studio. Questionnaires were also administered to students to explore their views on issues including, using CAD instead of conventional tools, design areas where CAD is most effective, and how CAD can improve design skills.

series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id cb26
authors Koutamanis, Alexander
year 1997
title Digital Architectural Visualization
source Challenges of the Future [15th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9523687-3-0] Vienna (Austria) 17-20 September 1997
summary The traditional emphasis of architectural education and practice on spatial visualization has contributed to the development of an overtly visual architectural culture which agrees with our predominantly visual interaction with the built environment. The democratization of computer technologies is changing architectural visualization in two significant ways. The first is that the availability of affordable, powerful digital versions of analogue visual media and of new, complementary techniques is facilitating the application of computer visualization in most aspects of the design and management of the built environment. The second is the opening of a wide and exciting new market for visualization in information systems, for example through interfaces that employ spatial metaphors, which arguably are extensions of the three dimensional structures the architect knows better than other design specialists of today.

The transition from analogue to digital visualization poses questions that encompass the traditional investigation of relationships between geometric representations and built form, as well as issues such as a unified theory of architectural representation, the relationships between analysis and visualization and the role of abstraction in the structure of a representation. In addition to theoretical investigations, the utilization of new possibilities in architectural visualization requires technology and knowledge transfer from areas other than computer science. The integration of such transfers suggests flexible, modular approach which contradicts the holistic, integral principles of computer-aided architectural design.

keywords Visualization
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id c669
authors Koutamanis, Alexander
year 1997
title On the Evaluation of Architectural Figural Goodness: A Foundation for Computational Architectural Aesthetic
source CAAD Futures 1997 [Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-7923-4726-9] München (Germany), 4-6 August 1997, pp. 245-266
summary The first stage of an investigation into the quantification and computability of architectural aesthetics is reported. Issues considered include the function, sources and role of aesthetic analysis in architecture in the framework of a descriptive approach to architectural analysis and design. The main focus is on the applicability of the concept of figural goodness to architectural aesthetics and the derivation of a representation for architectural form suitable to this purpose.
series CAAD Futures
last changed 1999/04/06 09:30

_id a017
authors Krawczyk, Robert J.
year 1997
title Programs as Pencils: Investigating Form Generation
source Design and Representation [ACADIA ‘97 Conference Proceedings / ISBN 1-880250-06-3] Cincinatti, Ohio (USA) 3-5 October 1997, pp. 95-109
summary This paper reviews two projects undertaken in a CAD programming course that demonstrate to the students how programs could be developed to investigate possible architectural forms. The projects highlight a very sequential approach to form investigation in using both common geometries and the introduction of randomness to control design rules. This approach stressed the development of rules and evaluating their results as a method to determine the next step to investigate. Equal importance was placed on the anticipated, as well as, the unexpected.

series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:51

_id 7e69
authors Lea, R., Honda, Y, and Matsuda, K.
year 1997
title Virtual Society: Collaboration in 3D Spaces on the Internet
source Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) 6(2): 227-250; Jan 1997
summary The Virtual Society (VS) project is a long term research initiative that is investigating the evolution of the future electronicsociety. Our vision for this electronic society is a shared 3D virtual world where users, from homes and offices, canexplore, interact and work. Our first implementation of an infrastructure to support our investigation is known asCommunityPlace and has been developed to support large-scale shared 3D spaces on the Internet using the Virtual RealityModeling Language (VRML). Obviously, such an ambitious project cuts across many different domains. In this paper weoutline the goals of the Virtual Society project, discuss the architecture and implementation of CommunityPlace withparticular emphasis on Internet related technologies such as VRML and present our views on the role of VRML and theInternet to support large-scale shared 3D spaces.
keywords Distributed Virtual Environment; Internet; Collaboration; Consistency; VRML
series other
last changed 2002/07/07 16:01

_id 69fb
authors Martini, Kirk
year 1997
title Ancient Structures and Modern Analysis: Investigating Damage and Reconstruction at Pompeii
source Design and Representation [ACADIA ‘97 Conference Proceedings / ISBN 1-880250-06-3] Cincinatti, Ohio (USA) 3-5 October 1997, pp. 283-293
summary The paper describes the application of non-linear structural analysis methods to address archaeological questions concerning the reconstruction of the ancient city of Pompeii after a major earthquake that occurred seventeen years prior to the famous eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in 79 AD. It presents preliminary findings in an effort to develop an approach to modeling the two-way out-of-plane behavior of unreinforced masonry walls, including comparison studies with published analytic and experimental results for one-way loaded walls, plus a trial analysis for a two-way span condition. The approach requires the application of computationally intensive non-linear analysis techniques, since the linear analysis methods used in conventional design and education are inadequate to model the behavior of unreinforced masonry. Developing an understanding of the two-way behavior of unreinforced masonry has implications not only for archaeological investigation of ancient structures, but also for modern renovation of historic structures.

series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:59

_id 87a7
authors Moore, R. and Antonini, B.
year 1997
title The Architectural Idea and the three dimensional Computer Model
source Challenges of the Future [15th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9523687-3-0] Vienna (Austria) 17-20 September 1997
summary The presentation is part of an investigation engaged in the analysis of form in some master building or landmark of the modern age. This istitution is going to set up a file system available for students and the teachers.

The VILLA SAVOYE of Le Corbusier, built in 1930 at Poissy, France, is one of the most important files in the system because it has an enormous amount of documents that explain the architectural context and meaning.

series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id ab09
authors Qaqish, Ra’ed and Hanna, Raid
year 1997
title The Impact of CAL Strategies on CAD
source CAADRIA ‘97 [Proceedings of the Second Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / ISBN 957-575-057-8] Taiwan 17-19 April 1997, pp. 475-489
summary This paper reports on a two fold study, which examines the impact of CAL on CAD and architectural education, and evaluates the overall effectiveness and efficiency of CAD teaching and strategies in the curriculum of architecture. The study also examined the need for a framework within which the creation of a module for applying CAL in CAD to support the curriculum of architecture can be structured and assessed. The main concern of the study was to explore the range and balance of computer assisted activities in the design studio, and the interpretation of the various roles of the CAD tutor and his/her involvement in delivering these activities. In delivering these activities two criteria, namely: teaching methods and CAD integration (which are interchangeable and yet play different roles), can have a distinct effect on the implementation of CAL in the design studio. The case study evaluated and investigated the CAL the AEC course as part of the 3rd year design studio at Mackintosh School of Architecture, to determine to what extent the AEC learning events were effective in advocating new strategies in CAD. The methods of this investigation consisted of classroom observations and administrating questionnaires. Variables such as the group and gender differences/participation, the tutor’s confidence, level of administration and strategies to help with technical problems and motivations, also the task-related activities, tangibility of the learning materials, and the minutes of lesson have been examined. The global rating of the CAL events in CAD lessons, the CAL organisation and sequence, the level of students’ confidence, the rate of students’ interest, the mode of classroom, the level of learner performance and the relationship between CAL and the overall curriculum have also been empirically examined and their interdependent relationships explored. The findings of this study may help in establishing future directions in adopting some form of effective CAL strategies in CAD. The study also serves as an evaluation tool for computing teaching in the design studio. Furthermore, the checklist used in this case study may also be used in evaluating the different courses in CAD in the curriculum of architectural schools.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 08:00

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