CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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Hits 1 to 20 of 514

_id 0992
authors Belibani, R. and Gadola, A.
year 1997
title On Digital Architecture
source Challenges of the Future [15th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9523687-3-0] Vienna (Austria) 17-20 September 1997
summary One of the main aims of this research was to highlight the influence of computer as a designing tool. Their wide acceptance as drawing tools might occult the importance of their role in architectural design. We will try to apprehend, with the help of synthetic images, that computers mark a historic step forward in drawing and representation, as well as a major progress in the understanding of creative processes.

Together these features offer a broader horizon to architectural design. New source of inspiration can be found in virtual reality that makes visible what does not really exist, permitting design to suggest itself with its primordial image. We mean a kind of architectural imprint, where the first three-dimensional lines suggest in some way the designer with their shape, and encourage the definition process.

Through the visualisation of some images, it is possible to show the modifications of language and style, to examine the transformation modalities of the design process and to propose an essay of the new methods to communicate architecture.

series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id 536e
authors Bouman, Ole
year 1997
title RealSpace in QuickTimes: architecture and digitization
source Rotterdam: Nai Publishers
summary Time and space, drastically compressed by the computer, have become interchangeable. Time is compressed in that once everything has been reduced to 'bits' of information, it becomes simultaneously accessible. Space is compressed in that once everything has been reduced to 'bits' of information, it can be conveyed from A to B with the speed of light. As a result of digitization, everything is in the here and now. Before very long, the whole world will be on disk. Salvation is but a modem away. The digitization process is often seen in terms of (information) technology. That is to say, one hears a lot of talk about the digital media, about computer hardware, about the modem, mobile phone, dictaphone, remote control, buzzer, data glove and the cable or satellite links in between. Besides, our heads are spinning from the progress made in the field of software, in which multimedia applications, with their integration of text, image and sound, especially attract our attention. But digitization is not just a question of technology, it also involves a cultural reorganization. The question is not just what the cultural implications of digitization will be, but also why our culture should give rise to digitization in the first place. Culture is not simply a function of technology; the reverse is surely also true. Anyone who thinks about cultural implications, is interested in the effects of the computer. And indeed, those effects are overwhelming, providing enough material for endless speculation. The digital paradigm will entail a new image of humankind and a further dilution of the notion of social perfectibility; it will create new notions of time and space, a new concept of cause and effect and of hierarchy, a different sort of public sphere, a new view of matter, and so on. In the process it will indubitably alter our environment. Offices, shopping centres, dockyards, schools, hospitals, prisons, cultural institutions, even the private domain of the home: all the familiar design types will be up for review. Fascinated, we watch how the new wave accelerates the process of social change. The most popular sport nowadays is 'surfing' - because everyone is keen to display their grasp of dirty realism. But there is another way of looking at it: under what sort of circumstances is the process of digitization actually taking place? What conditions do we provide that enable technology to exert the influence it does? This is a perspective that leaves room for individual and collective responsibility. Technology is not some inevitable process sweeping history along in a dynamics of its own. Rather, it is the result of choices we ourselves make and these choices can be debated in a way that is rarely done at present: digitization thanks to or in spite of human culture, that is the question. In addition to the distinction between culture as the cause or the effect of digitization, there are a number of other distinctions that are accentuated by the computer. The best known and most widely reported is the generation gap. It is certainly stretching things a bit to write off everybody over the age of 35, as sometimes happens, but there is no getting around the fact that for a large group of people digitization simply does not exist. Anyone who has been in the bit business for a few years can't help noticing that mum and dad are living in a different place altogether. (But they, at least, still have a sense of place!) In addition to this, it is gradually becoming clear that the age-old distinction between market and individual interests are still relevant in the digital era. On the one hand, the advance of cybernetics is determined by the laws of the marketplace which this capital-intensive industry must satisfy. Increased efficiency, labour productivity and cost-effectiveness play a leading role. The consumer market is chiefly interested in what is 'marketable': info- and edutainment. On the other hand, an increasing number of people are not prepared to wait for what the market has to offer them. They set to work on their own, appropriate networks and software programs, create their own domains in cyberspace, domains that are free from the principle whereby the computer simply reproduces the old world, only faster and better. Here it is possible to create a different world, one that has never existed before. One, in which the Other finds a place. The computer works out a new paradigm for these creative spirits. In all these distinctions, architecture plays a key role. Owing to its many-sidedness, it excludes nothing and no one in advance. It is faced with the prospect of historic changes yet it has also created the preconditions for a digital culture. It is geared to the future, but has had plenty of experience with eternity. Owing to its status as the most expensive of arts, it is bound hand and foot to the laws of the marketplace. Yet it retains its capacity to provide scope for creativity and innovation, a margin of action that is free from standardization and regulation. The aim of RealSpace in QuickTimes is to show that the discipline of designing buildings, cities and landscapes is not only a exemplary illustration of the digital era but that it also provides scope for both collective and individual activity. It is not just architecture's charter that has been changed by the computer, but also its mandate. RealSpace in QuickTimes consists of an exhibition and an essay.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

_id ae56
authors Bruton, Dean
year 1997
title Grammars and Art - A Contingent Sense of Rules
source CAAD Futures 1997 [Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-7923-4726-9] München (Germany), 4-6 August 1997, pp. 71-82
summary This paper contributes to the debate about the utility of the grammatical paradigm in art and design. It reports an investigation of the contingent sense in which grammars and grammatical design apply in the practice of form making in art using two complementary research strategies: the examination through a perspective of grammatical design of some selected bodies of art work, including interviews with artists, theorists and designers; and the reflective practice of image making with computer media in my own work as an artist. The major hypothesis is that a contingent, sense of grammar can facilitate the creation, understanding, and discussion of form-making in art. The sub-hypotheses are that (1) An understanding of grammatical design can enhance a reflective design activity, and that (2) Revealing the contingency of grammars can expose moments of inspiration and redirection in a reflective design activity.
series CAAD Futures
last changed 1999/04/06 09:19

_id 1073
authors Bruton, Dean
year 1997
title A contingent sense of grammar
source University of Adelaide
summary Investigates the contingent senses in which concepts of grammars and grammatical design apply in the practice of form making in art and design. Using the strategies of a literature review; an examination through a perspective of grammatical design of some selected bodies of art work, including interviews with artists, theorists and some designers; and the reflective practice of image making with computer media in the author's own work as an artists.
series thesis:PhD
last changed 2003/02/12 22:37

_id 426f
authors Colajanni, Benedetto and Pellitteri, Giuseppe
year 1997
title Image Recognition: from Syntax to Semantics
source Challenges of the Future [15th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9523687-3-0] Vienna (Austria) 17-20 September 1997
summary n a previous paper the authors presented an analyser of simple architectural images. It works at syntactical level inasmuch as it is able to detect the elementary components of the images and to perform on them some analyses regarding their reciprocal position and their combinations.

Here we present a second step of development of the analyser: the implementation of some semantic capabilities. The most elementary level of semantics is the simple recognition of each object present in the architectural image. Which, in turn means attributing to each object the name of the class of similar objects to which the single object is supposed to pertain. While at the syntactical level the pertinence to a class implies the identity of an object to the class prototype, at the semantic level this is not compulsory. Pertaining to the same class, that is having the same architectural meaning, can be objects having approximately the same shape. Consequently in order to detect the pertinence of an object to a class, that is giving it an architectural meaning, two things are necessary: a date base containing the class prototypes to which the recognized objects are to be assigned and a tool able to "measure" the difference of two shapes.

keywords Image Analysis, Semantics
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id 811e
authors Coyne, Richard and Mclachlan, Fiona
year 1997
title The Legacy of Surrealism in the Electronic Design Studio
source CAAD Futures 1997 [Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-7923-4726-9] München (Germany), 4-6 August 1997, pp. 733-748
summary We examine how Surrealist themes are evident in the world of information technology, and in the electronic design studio. We show that much of the current popular appeal of the computer in design schools is attributable to the computer's apparent surrealistic possibilities rather than the potentialities traditionally put forward by exponents of formalism, design methods and systems theory. We discuss developments on Surrealism, including the application of Freud's concept of the uncanny and Lacan's understanding of the image, before concluding that Surrealism and its developments support a "hermeneutics of suspicion", which is one way of interpreting what occurs in the design studio.
series CAAD Futures
last changed 1999/04/06 09:19

_id 2a5e
authors Does, J. van der and Giró, H.
year 1997
title Design communication and image processing
source Architectural and Urban Simulation Techniques in Research and Education [Proceedings of the 3rd European Architectural Endoscopy Association Conference / ISBN 90-407-1669-2]
summary In the proceedings of the first EAEA conference, 1993, I mentioned our first study focused on refining endoscopic video images of a detailed architectural model and drawings. The study was based on work with 900 subjects, of which 200 were professional architects. It has led to a number of technical improvements. In the second study we compared computer-aided design techniques with two techniques from the first study, endoscopic video recordings and coloured and black and white elevations and perspective drawings. Four different groups of 50 subjects took part in this research. We found that computer images are invariably judged to be of moderate value, while drawings yielded consistently high scores. Endoscopic video recordings of the scale model received high scores as far as emotional response is concerned, and moderate scores when the participants were questioned on the actual content of the recordings.
keywords Architectural Endoscopy, Endoscopy, Simulation, Visualisation, Visualization, Real Environments
series EAEA
last changed 2005/09/09 10:43

_id b3b1
authors Ebrahim, Mostafa Abdel-Bary
year 1997
title Application and evaluation of digital image techniques in close range photogrammetry
source University of Innsbruck
summary Most of the orthomapping techniques that are used in the present are restricted to surfaces that arise from a function of 'ground co- ordinates' z = f (x, y) , so-called 2.5D objects. Some techniques are also restricted to surfaces with kind of smooth shape or even to regular surfaces, but all of them are established to rectify images (although increasingly digitally). A new approach has been established for digital restitution and orthomapping of close range objects of almost any shape and size and with almost no restriction to images or objects. The idea of this approach is an inversion of the photographic technique and is (on the contrary to the 'rectification approach') strictly object oriented. All of the objects are regarded to be describable in their geometrical shape by a number of particular faces that can be regular or irregular but can anyway be created in a CAD environment. The data needed to get this surface can come from any photogrammetric, tachometric or other source with any particular one wants to have for the results. All the details that lie on that surface don't have to be restituted by analog or analytical point measurement but can after that be projected onto this surface from any photo, from any side and with any camera they have been taken. A 'Digital Projector' does the projection of the photos from the same positions and with the same inner orientation as of photographic camera. Using this approach any measurements of any details on the facades can be done easily. No details of the object can be neglected, none can be forgotten, no prior filtering of details has preceded this using. The full information of the original photos is available in the results. The results of the restitution can be presented in many ways. One of them is create orthoimages in any scale. Other results are any perspective or parallel view of the object. Other use of the strict 3D map-covered object for visualization (e.g. in architecture and archaeology application) is possible  
keywords Digital Image; Digital Projector; Close Range Photogrammetry; Architectural Photogrammetry; 2.5d Objects; Visualization
series thesis:PhD
last changed 2003/02/12 22:37

_id 6a37
authors Fowler, Thomas and Muller, Brook
year 2002
title Physical and Digital Media Strategies For Exploring ‘Imagined’ Realities of Space, Skin and Light
source Thresholds - Design, Research, Education and Practice, in the Space Between the Physical and the Virtual [Proceedings of the 2002 Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design In Architecture / ISBN 1-880250-11-X] Pomona (California) 24-27 October 2002, pp. 13-23
summary This paper will discuss an unconventional methodology for using physical and digital media strategies ina tightly structured framework for the integration of Environmental Control Systems (ECS) principles intoa third year design studio. An interchangeable use of digital media and physical material enabledarchitectural explorations of rich tactile and luminous engagement.The principles that provide the foundation for integrative strategies between a design studio and buildingtechnology course spring from the Bauhaus tradition where a systematic approach to craftsmanship andvisual perception is emphasized. Focusing particularly on color, light, texture and materials, Josef Albersexplored the assemblage of found objects, transforming these materials into unexpected dynamiccompositions. Moholy-Nagy developed a technique called the photogram or camera-less photograph torecord the temporal movements of light. Wassily Kandinsky developed a method of analytical drawingthat breaks a still life composition into diagrammatic forces to express tension and geometry. Theseschematic diagrams provide a method for students to examine and analyze the implications of elementplacements in space (Bermudez, Neiman 1997). Gyorgy Kepes's Language of Vision provides a primerfor learning basic design principles. Kepes argued that the perception of a visual image needs aprocess of organization. According to Kepes, the experience of an image is "a creative act ofintegration". All of these principles provide the framework for the studio investigation.The quarter started with a series of intense short workshops that used an interchangeable use of digitaland physical media to focus on ECS topics such as day lighting, electric lighting, and skin vocabulary tolead students to consider these components as part of their form-making inspiration.In integrating ECS components with the design studio, an nine-step methodology was established toprovide students with a compelling and tangible framework for design:Examples of student work will be presented for the two times this course was offered (2001/02) to showhow exercises were linked to allow for a clear design progression.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:51

_id 1f0c
authors Fukai, D.
year 1997
title PCIS: a piece-based construction information system on the world wide web
source Automation in Construction 6 (4) (1997) pp. 287-298
summary This paper describes a piece-based construction information system organized as a hypergraphic virtual environment on the World Wide Web. An array of cubes on the site's animated splash-page acts as a directory to a collection of data-theaters that give this information its virtual form. A mouse click on one of these cubes leads to an orthographic model of the object to be constructed. This model is an index to a database of scaled drawings, animations, and specifications. The index is hypergraphic because a click on the image of one of the pieces of the model leads to a data page that provides information about that piece in the context of its assembly. Panels surround the index to act as an interface to projections of the pieces of the object. These projections include elevations, plans, slices, and dimensioned details. A click on the elevation-panel leads to information on finishes, framing, and construction of each face of the object. From above, the plan-panel shows roofing, framing, floor plan, foundation layout, excavation, and utilities as an animation of the construction process. There are also animated slice-panels that cut through the object to give heights and materials. A click on one of these panels leads to two-dimensional drawings and details of the actual construction. The orthographic index morphs to a framed VR environment where the model can be turned and viewed in perspective. A click on one of the pieces of the model in this information the VR environment leads to specifications and manufacturing information about the materials of its construction. The user accesses this information through a tool-palette to communicate with design team members. In this way, the team can coordinate the document's development, review progress, and make changes to the information system. This breaks the notion of a construction document as an object-of-exchange and suggests the use of the computer as a medium of communication that facilitates the design and construction process.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:22

_id 673a
authors Fukuda, T., Nagahama, R. and Sasada, T.
year 1997
title Networked Interactive 3-D design System for Collaboration
source CAADRIA ‘97 [Proceedings of the Second Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / ISBN 957-575-057-8] Taiwan 17-19 April 1997, pp. 429-437
summary The concept of ODE (Open Design Environment) and corresponding system were presented in 1991. Then the new concept of NODE. which is networked version of ODE. was generated to make wide area collaboration in 1994. The aim of our research is to facilitate the collaboration among the various people involved in the design process of an urban or architectural project. This includes various designers and engineers, the client and the citizens who may be affected by such a project. With the new technologies of hyper medium, network, and component architecture, we have developed NODE system and applied in practical use of the collaboration among the various people. This study emphasizes the interactive 3-D design tool of NODE which is able to make realistic and realtime presentation with interactive interface. In recent years, ProjectFolder of NODE system, which is a case including documents, plans, and tools to proceed project., is created in the World Wide Web (WWW) and makes hyper links between a 3-D object and a text, an image. and other digital data.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id f5f8
id f5f8
authors Goldman, Glen
year 1997
source Prentice Hall (ISBN: 0-13-341967)
summary The media used to create architectural drawings are now more varied than ever before. Basic principles of drawing types, from two-dimensional orthographic projections (plans, elevations, etc.) to perspective to axonometrics are media independent. While "what the images are" may be constant, the way in which they are created and modified is, at time, media dependent and therefore variable. Because we can only modify what we create, the way an image or model is created (and therefore the media employed) affects its future uses and possibilities. Architectural Graphics is written from the point of view of today's architects - one who must be comfortable working in a variety of media. A variety of diagrams, photos, and simple drawings combine with well-executed finished samples to illustrate the basic principles of graphic communication, as well as the specific characteristics of both traditional and digital media.
series other
type normal paper
last changed 2004/09/18 19:06

_id 02e4
authors Groh, Paul H.
year 1997
title Computer Visualization as a Tool for the Conceptual Understanding of Architecture
source Design and Representation [ACADIA ‘97 Conference Proceedings / ISBN 1-880250-06-3] Cincinatti, Ohio (USA) 3-5 October 1997, pp. 243-248
summary A good piece of architecture contains many levels of interrelated complexity. Understanding these levels and their interrelationship is critical to the understanding of a building to both architects and non-architects alike. A building's form, function, structure, materials, and details all relate to and impact one another. By selectively dissecting and taking apart buildings through their representations, one can carefully examine and understand the interrelationship of these building components.

With the recent introduction of computer graphics, much attention has been given to the representation of architecture. Floor plans and elevations have remained relatively unchanged, while digital animation and photorealistic renderings have become exciting new means of representation. A problem with the majority of this work and especially photorealistic rendering is that it represents the building as a image and concentrates on how a building looks as opposed to how it works. Often times this "look" is artificial, expressing the incapacity of programs (or their users) to represent the complexities of materials, lighting, and perspective. By using digital representation in a descriptive, less realistic way, one can explore the rich complexities and interrelationships of architecture. Instead of representing architecture as a finished product, it is possible to represent the ideas and concepts of the project.

series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:51

_id a10d
authors Hall, Theodore W.
year 1997
title Hand-Eye Coordination in Desktop Virtual Reality
source CAAD Futures 1997 [Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-7923-4726-9] München (Germany), 4-6 August 1997, pp. 177-182
summary For hand-eye coordination and intuitive interaction with virtual-reality displays, the projected image of a 3-D cursor in virtual space should correspond to the real position of the 3-D input device that controls it. This paper summarizes some of the issues and algorithms for coordinating the physical and virtual worlds.
series CAAD Futures
last changed 1999/04/06 09:19

_id 041e
authors Hall, Theodore W.
year 1997
title Hand-Eye Coordination in Virtual Reality, Using a Desktop Display, Stereo Glasses and a 3-D Mouse
source CAADRIA ‘97 [Proceedings of the Second Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / ISBN 957-575-057-8] Taiwan 17-19 April 1997, pp. 73-82
summary Many virtual-reality displays augment the user’s view of the real world but do not completely mask it out or replace it. Intuitive control and realistic interaction with these displays depend on accurate hand-eye coordination: the projected image of a 3-D cursor in virtual space should align visually with the real position of the 3-D input device that controls it. This paper discusses some of the considerations and presents algorithms for coordinating the physical and virtual worlds.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id aa79
authors Kardos, K.
year 1997
title Laboratorial verification of ideas for urban space compositional design completion
source Architectural and Urban Simulation Techniques in Research and Education [Proceedings of the 3rd European Architectural Endoscopy Association Conference / ISBN 90-407-1669-2]
summary The subject-matter of the contribution is presentation of the non-conventional didactical methods application in architectural education and research at the Faculty of Architecture of the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava. It is an application of a laboratorial method of architectural endoscopy based on a model urban space simulation principle and on the acquirement of an electrooptical visual display image information from a recording periscope unit interaction in the real time and the real model space, with the option of spontaneous semantic evaluation of the output on a video-monitor and of a synchronic timing process recording on a magnetoscope. Application of a consequential powerful PC-configuration with creative software enables further digital sequential processing both on the graphical output and for multimedial presentation.
keywords Architectural Endoscopy, Endoscopy, Simulation, Visualisation, Visualization, Real Environments
series EAEA
last changed 2005/09/09 10:43

_id d910
authors Kieferle, Joachim B. and Herzberger, Erwin
year 2002
title The “Digital year for Architects” Experiences with an integrated teaching concept
source Connecting the Real and the Virtual - design e-ducation [20th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-0-8] Warsaw (Poland) 18-20 September 2002, pp. 88-95
summary The “digital year for architects” is an integrated course for graduate architecture students, that has been held since 1997 at Stuttgart University. Its concept is to link together traditional design teaching and working with computers. Three seminars and one design project are the framework of the course, in which the students are taught in design of e.g. image and space composition, typography, video, using virtual reality, theoretical basics for the final design project like information management or working environments, approximately a dozen software packages and finally a visionary design project. It has shown that the advantage of an integrated course compared to separate courses is the more intensive dealing with the project as well as achieving better skills when learning the new media. Not only because the project topics are different from usual architecture and more abstract, the main effect is to widen the students way of thinking and designing.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:52

_id ijac20031105
id ijac20031105
authors Kieferle, Joachim B.; Herzberger, Erwin
year 2003
title The "Digital year for Architects" - Experiences with an Integrated Teaching Concept
source International Journal of Architectural Computing vol. 1 - no. 1
summary The "digital year for architects" is an integrated course for graduate architecture students that has been running since 1997, at Stuttgart University. Its concept is to link together traditional design teaching and working with computers. Three seminar classes and one design project form the framework of the course. In it the students are taught the design of, for example, image and space composition, typography, video, and using virtual reality. Additionally we cover theoretical basics for the final design project, such as information management or working environments. The course takes in approximately a dozen software packages and ends with a visionary design project. The products have shown the advantage of an integrated course compared to separate courses. The course proves to be more intensive in dealing with the project as well as achieving better skills when learning the associated new digital media. An important feature is that because the project topics are different from conventional architectural schemes, and tend to be more abstract, a key effect is to widen the students' way of thinking about designing.
series journal
last changed 2007/03/04 07:08

_id 6e4f
authors Lewin, J.S., Ehrhardt, M. and Gross, M.D.
year 1997
title Not Just Another Pretty Face: Images and Arguments in an Anthropology Web Site
source CAAD Futures 1997 [Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-7923-4726-9] München (Germany), 4-6 August 1997, pp. 635-654
summary We are developing a web site with photorealistic animations and virtual reality walk throughs of architecture and artifacts at an archaeological site in El Salvador. The goal of the site is to support research and teaching about household anthropology in sixthcentury Meso-America. To counter the false sense of realism and truth these experiences often convey we have developed Image Arguments, a scheme for integrating with images the arguments and data that they are based on. We provide this contextual information using a server side database and client side Java applets, enabling viewers to examine the assumptions and the data behind the images.
series CAAD Futures
last changed 1999/04/06 09:19

_id ddss9837
id ddss9837
authors Liu, Yu-Tung and Bai, Rui-Yuan
year 1998
title The roles of virtual reality, image processing, and multimedia in thedesign of public spaces: 1997 Hsinchu Project
source Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Fourth Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning Maastricht, the Netherlands), ISBN 90-6814-081-7, July 26-29, 1998
summary This paper examines the procedure of visual impact analysis and assessment proposed by Rahman and reviews the use of CAD applications in urban projects in the real world. A preliminary computerized procedure for visual impact analysis and assessment is proposed. An experiments wasconducted in our laboratory to verify the preliminary procedure. In order to further study the revised procedure in real urban projects, it was also applied into the renew project of The Eastern Gate Plaza located in the center of city Hsinchu, Taiwan from 1996 to 1998. According to several face-to-face discussions with Hsinchu habitants, government officials, and professional designers, a final computerized procedure for visual impact analysis and assessment is concluded.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/08/07 16:36

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