CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

Hits 1 to 20 of 133

_id 88fa
authors Alkhoven, P.
year 1997
title Computer Visualisation as a Tool in Architectural Historical Research
source Architectural and Urban Simulation Techniques in Research and Education [Proceedings of the 3rd European Architectural Endoscopy Association Conference / ISBN 90-407-1669-2]
summary The historical city has been represented over time using various ways of drawing, modelling and simulation. Using different kinds of visual information as a basis, computer visualisation techniques are used in this presentation to reconstruct the urban development in the twentieth century of the town of Heusden and other towns. The resulting visualisation provides us with a tool for a better understanding of the dynamics of urban transformation processes, typologies and morphological changes. Though for most of these rather specific research questions the computer images proved adequate and useful, some morphological studies can well be carried out using more traditional techniques.
keywords Architectural Endoscopy, Endoscopy, Simulation, Visualisation, Visualization, Real Environments
series EAEA
last changed 2005/09/09 10:43

_id d60a
authors Casti, J.C.
year 1997
title Would be Worlds: How simulation is changing the frontiers of science
source John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York.
summary Five Golden Rules is caviar for the inquiring reader. Anyone who enjoyed solving math problems in high school will be able to follow the author's explanations, even if high school was a long time ago. There is joy here in watching the unfolding of these intricate and beautiful techniques. Casti's gift is to be able to let the nonmathematical reader share in his understanding of the beauty of a good theory.-Christian Science Monitor "[Five Golden Rules] ranges into exotic fields such as game theory (which played a role in the Cuban Missile Crisis) and topology (which explains how to turn a doughnut into a coffee cup, or vice versa). If you'd like to have fun while giving your brain a first-class workout, then check this book out."-San Francisco Examiner "Unlike many popularizations, [this book] is more than a tour d'horizon: it has the power to change the way you think. Merely knowing about the existence of some of these golden rules may spark new, interesting-maybe even revolutionary-ideas in your mind. And what more could you ask from a book?"-New Scientist "This book has meat! It is solid fare, food for thought . . . makes math less forbidding, and much more interesting."-Ben Bova, The Hartford Courant "This book turns math into beauty."-Colorado Daily "John Casti is one of the great science writers of the 1990s."-San Francisco Examiner In the ever-changing world of science, new instruments often lead to momentous discoveries that dramatically transform our understanding. Today, with the aid of a bold new instrument, scientists are embarking on a scientific revolution as profound as that inspired by Galileo's telescope. Out of the bits and bytes of computer memory, researchers are fashioning silicon surrogates of the real world-elaborate "artificial worlds"-that allow them to perform experiments that are too impractical, too costly, or, in some cases, too dangerous to do "in the flesh." From simulated tests of new drugs to models of the birth of planetary systems and galaxies to computerized petri dishes growing digital life forms, these laboratories of the future are the essential tools of a controversial new scientific method. This new method is founded not on direct observation and experiment but on the mapping of the universe from real space into cyberspace. There is a whole new science happening here-the science of simulation. The most exciting territory being mapped by artificial worlds is the exotic new frontier of "complex, adaptive systems." These systems involve living "agents" that continuously change their behavior in ways that make prediction and measurement by the old rules of science impossible-from environmental ecosystems to the system of a marketplace economy. Their exploration represents the horizon for discovery in the twenty-first century, and simulated worlds are charting the course. In Would-Be Worlds, acclaimed author John Casti takes readers on a fascinating excursion through a number of remarkable silicon microworlds and shows us how they are being used to formulate important new theories and to solve a host of practical problems. We visit Tierra, a "computerized terrarium" in which artificial life forms known as biomorphs grow and mutate, revealing new insights into natural selection and evolution. We play a game of Balance of Power, a simulation of the complex forces shaping geopolitics. And we take a drive through TRANSIMS, a model of the city of Albuquerque, New Mexico, to discover the root causes of events like traffic jams and accidents. Along the way, Casti probes the answers to a host of profound questions these "would-be worlds" raise about the new science of simulation. If we can create worlds inside our computers at will, how real can we say they are? Will they unlock the most intractable secrets of our universe? Or will they reveal instead only the laws of an alternate reality? How "real" do these models need to be? And how real can they be? The answers to these questions are likely to change the face of scientific research forever.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

_id 7ebf
authors Clark, G. and Mehta, P.
year 1997
title Artificial intelligence and networking in integrated building management systems
source Automation in Construction 6 (5-6) (1997) pp. 481-498
summary In recent years the emphasis has moved towards integrating all a building's systems via centralised building management systems (BMS). To provide a more intelligent approach to the facility management, safety and energy control in building management systems (IBMS), this paper proposes a methodology for integrating the data within a BMS via a single multi-media networking technology and providing the BMS with artificial intelligence (AI) through the use of knowledge-based systems (KBS) technology. By means of artificial intelligence, the system is capable of assessing, diagnosing and suggesting the best solution. This paper outlines how AI techniques can enhance the control of HVAC systems for occupant comfort and efficient running costs based on occupancy prediction. Also load control and load balancing are investigated. Instead of just using pre-programmed load priorities, this work has investigated the use of a dynamic system of priorities which are based on many factors such as area usage, occupancy, time of day and real time environmental conditions. This control strategy which is based on a set of rules running on the central control system, makes use of information gathered from outstations throughout the building and communicated via the building's data-bus.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:22

_id 2354
authors Clayden, A. and Szalapaj, P.
year 1997
title Architecture in Landscape: Integrated CAD Environments for Contextually Situated Design
source Challenges of the Future [15th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9523687-3-0] Vienna (Austria) 17-20 September 1997
summary This paper explores the future role of a more holistic and integrated approach to the design of architecture in landscape. Many of the design exploration and presentation techniques presently used by particular design professions do not lend themselves to an inherently collaborative design strategy.

Within contemporary digital environments, there are increasing opportunities to explore and evaluate design proposals which integrate both architectural and landscape aspects. The production of integrated design solutions exploring buildings and their surrounding context is now possible through the design development of shared 3-D and 4-D virtual environments, in which buildings no longer float in space.

The scope of landscape design has expanded through the application of techniques such as GIS allowing interpretations that include social, economic and environmental dimensions. In architecture, for example, object-oriented CAD environments now make it feasible to integrate conventional modelling techniques with analytical evaluations such as energy calculations and lighting simulations. These were all ambitions of architects and landscape designers in the 70s when computer power restricted the successful implementation of these ideas. Instead, the commercial trend at that time moved towards isolated specialist design tools in particular areas. Prior to recent innovations in computing, the closely related disciplines of architecture and landscape have been separated through the unnecessary development, in our view, of their own symbolic representations, and the subsequent computer applications. This has led to an unnatural separation between what were once closely related disciplines.

Significant increases in the performance of computers are now making it possible to move on from symbolic representations towards more contextual and meaningful representations. For example, the application of realistic materials textures to CAD-generated building models can then be linked to energy calculations using the chosen materials. It is now possible for a tree to look like a tree, to have leaves and even to be botanicaly identifiable. The building and landscape can be rendered from a common database of digital samples taken from the real world. The complete model may be viewed in a more meaningful way either through stills or animation, or better still, through a total simulation of the lifecycle of the design proposal. The model may also be used to explore environmental/energy considerations and changes in the balance between the building and its context most immediately through the growth simulation of vegetation but also as part of a larger planning model.

The Internet has a key role to play in facilitating this emerging collaborative design process. Design professionals are now able via the net to work on a shared model and to explore and test designs through the development of VRML, JAVA, whiteboarding and video conferencing. The end product may potentially be something that can be more easily viewed by the client/user. The ideas presented in this paper form the basis for the development of a dual course in landscape and architecture. This will create new teaching opportunities for exploring the design of buildings and sites through the shared development of a common computer model.

keywords Integrated Design Process, Landscape and Architecture, Shared Environmentsenvironments
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id fa1d
authors Colley, Tim
year 1997
title Visualizing Information: Internet Guidelines for Distributing Architectural Research
source Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
summary A web site was designed and constructed for the Research + Demonstration Facility (RDF) as a masters thesis project to help educators teach future architects more interactively by using the dynamic medium of the Internet. Students and faculty will learn about evolving architectural research and technology as well as potential consequences of design decisions. Educators will be able to conduct online research, or tele-experiments, in the classroom thus allowing students to learn, in near real-time, the outcome or progress of research on and off campus. This project presents some of the possibilities of how the Internet can enhance re-search information delivery to students and faculty of architecture.
keywords Architectural Research; Internet Guidelines; Web Site Documentation
series thesis:MSc
last changed 2004/06/02 19:12

_id aa79
authors Kardos, K.
year 1997
title Laboratorial verification of ideas for urban space compositional design completion
source Architectural and Urban Simulation Techniques in Research and Education [Proceedings of the 3rd European Architectural Endoscopy Association Conference / ISBN 90-407-1669-2]
summary The subject-matter of the contribution is presentation of the non-conventional didactical methods application in architectural education and research at the Faculty of Architecture of the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava. It is an application of a laboratorial method of architectural endoscopy based on a model urban space simulation principle and on the acquirement of an electrooptical visual display image information from a recording periscope unit interaction in the real time and the real model space, with the option of spontaneous semantic evaluation of the output on a video-monitor and of a synchronic timing process recording on a magnetoscope. Application of a consequential powerful PC-configuration with creative software enables further digital sequential processing both on the graphical output and for multimedial presentation.
keywords Architectural Endoscopy, Endoscopy, Simulation, Visualisation, Visualization, Real Environments
series EAEA
last changed 2005/09/09 10:43

_id 8569
authors Kurmann, D., Elte, N. and Engeli, M.
year 1997
title Real-Time Modeling with Architectural Space
source CAAD Futures 1997 [Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-7923-4726-9] München (Germany), 4-6 August 1997, pp. 809-819
summary Space as an architectural theme has been explored in many ways over many centuries; designing the architectural space is a major issue in both architectural education and in the design process. Based on these observations, it follows that computer tools should be available that help architects manipulate and explore space and spatial configurations directly and interactively. Therefore, we have created and extended the computer tool Sculptor. This tool enables the architect to design interactively with the computer, directly in real-time and in three dimensions. We developed the concept of 'space as an element' and integrated it into Sculptor. These combinations of solid and void elements - positive and negative volumes - enable the architect to use the computer already in an early design stage for conceptual design and spatial studies. Similar to solids modeling but much simpler, more intuitive and in real-time this allows the creation of complex spatial compositions in 3D space. Additionally, several concepts, operations and functions are defined inherently. Windows and doors for example are negative volumes that connect other voids inside positive ones. Based on buildings composed with these spaces we developed agents to calculate sound atmosphere and estimate cost, and creatures to test building for fire escape reasons etc. The paper will look at the way to design with space from both an architect's point of view and a computer scientist's. Techniques, possibilities and consequences of this direct void modeling will be explained. It will elaborate on the principle of human machine interaction brought up by our research and used in Sculptor. It will present the possibility to create VRML models directly for the web and show some of the designs done by students using the tool in our CAAD courses.
series CAAD Futures
last changed 1999/04/06 09:19

_id ab84
authors Li, Thomas S.P. and Will, Barry F.
year 1997
title A Computer-Aided Evaluation Tool for the Visual Aspects in Architectural Design for High-Density and High- Rise Buildings
source CAAD Futures 1997 [Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-7923-4726-9] München (Germany), 4-6 August 1997, pp. 345-356
summary The field of view, the nature of the objects being seen, the distances between the objects and the viewer, daylighting and sunshine are some major factors affecting perceived reactions when viewing through a window. View is one major factor that leads to the satisfaction and comfort of the users inside the building enclosure. While computer technologies are being widely used in the field of architecture, designers still have to use their own intelligence, experience and preferences in judging their designs with respect to the quality of view. This paper introduces an alternative approach to the analysis of views by the use of computers. The prototype of this system and its underlying principles were first introduced in the C A A D R I A 1997 conference. This paper describes the further development of this system where emphasis has been placed on the high- rise and high-density environments. Architects may find themselves facing considerable limitations for improving their designs regarding views out of the building under these environmental conditions. This research permits an interactive real-time response to altering views as the forms and planes of the building are manipulated.
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2001/05/27 18:39

_id 51c2
authors Melling, G., Bradley, D.A., McKee, H. and Widden, M.B.
year 1997
title The development of a rapid-prototyping technique for mechatronic-augmented heavy plant
source Automation in Construction 5 (5) (1997) pp. 365-378
summary Telechiric, semi-autonomous and autonomous heavy plant is finding an increasing role in applications such as construction, sub-sea work and decommissioning. There is a need for improved operator interfaces for such plant, and hence for rapid-prototyping tools which link the development of the operator interface with control and operational strategies and with machine geometries. The paper sets out a strategy by which different operator interfaces can be readily evaluated while at the same time generating the requisite information structure for the control of real items of plant. The proposed system is based on the use of interconnected PCs, one to simulate the operator interface and another to provide a kinematic representation of the machine using an appropriate "desk-top reality" environment. This system offers a safe, practical, rapid and cost-effective means of assessing proposed operator interfaces, as well as facilitating the development of machine kinematic structures and the associated operational and control strategies.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:22

_id 5222
authors Moloney, Jules
year 1999
title Bike-R: Virtual Reality for the Financially Challenged
source Architectural Computing from Turing to 2000 [eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9523687-5-7] Liverpool (UK) 15-17 September 1999, pp. 410-413
summary This paper describes a 'low tech' approach to producing interactive virtual environments for the evaluation of design proposals. The aim was to produce a low cost alternative to such expensive installations as CAVE virtual reality systems. The system utilises a library of pre-rendered animation, video and audio files and hence is not reliant on powerful hardware to produce real time simulation. The participant sits astride a bicycle exercise machine and animation is triggered by the pedal revolution. Navigation is achieved by steering along and around the streets of the animated design. This project builds on the work of Desmond Hii. ( Hii, 1997) The innovations are the bicycle interface and the application to urban scale simulation.
keywords Virtual, Design, Interface, Urban
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:58

_id cf2011_p093
id cf2011_p093
authors Nguyen, Thi Lan Truc; Tan Beng Kiang
year 2011
title Understanding Shared Space for Informal Interaction among Geographically Distributed Teams
source Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures 2011 [Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures / ISBN 9782874561429] Liege (Belgium) 4-8 July 2011, pp. 41-54.
summary In a design project, much creative work is done in teams, thus requires spaces for collaborative works such as conference rooms, project rooms and chill-out areas. These spaces are designed to provide an atmosphere conducive to discussion and communication ranging from formal meetings to informal communication. According to Kraut et al (E.Kraut et al., 1990), informal communication is an important factor for the success of collaboration and is defined as “conversations take place at the time, with the participants, and about the topics at hand. It often occurs spontaneously by chance and in face-to-face manner. As shown in many research, much of good and creative ideas originate from impromptu meeting rather than in a formal meeting (Grajewski, 1993, A.Isaacs et al., 1997). Therefore, the places for informal communication are taken into account in workplace design and scattered throughout the building in order to stimulate face-to-face interaction, especially serendipitous communication among different groups across disciplines such as engineering, technology, design and so forth. Nowadays, team members of a project are not confined to people working in one location but are spread widely with geographically distributed collaborations. Being separated by long physical distance, informal interaction by chance is impossible since people are not co-located. In order to maintain the benefit of informal interaction in collaborative works, research endeavor has developed a variety ways to shorten the physical distance and bring people together in one shared space. Technologies to support informal interaction at a distance include video-based technologies, virtual reality technologies, location-based technologies and ubiquitous technologies. These technologies facilitate people to stay aware of other’s availability in distributed environment and to socialize and interact in a multi-users virtual environment. Each type of applications supports informal interaction through the employed technology characteristics. One of the conditions for promoting frequent and impromptu face-to-face communication is being co-located in one space in which the spatial settings play as catalyst to increase the likelihood for frequent encounter. Therefore, this paper analyses the degree to which sense of shared space is supported by these technical approaches. This analysis helps to identify the trade-off features of each shared space technology and its current problems. A taxonomy of shared space is introduced based on three types of shared space technologies for supporting informal interaction. These types are named as shared physical environments, collaborative virtual environments and mixed reality environments and are ordered increasingly towards the reality of sense of shared space. Based on the problem learnt from other technical approaches and the nature of informal interaction, this paper proposes physical-virtual shared space for supporting intended and opportunistic informal interaction. The shared space will be created by augmenting a 3D collaborative virtual environment (CVE) with real world scene at the virtual world side; and blending the CVE scene to the physical settings at the real world side. Given this, the two spaces are merged into one global structure. With augmented view of the real world, geographically distributed co-workers who populate the 3D CVE are facilitated to encounter and interact with their real world counterparts in a meaningful and natural manner.
keywords shared space, collaborative virtual environment, informal interaction, intended interaction, opportunistic interaction
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2012/02/11 19:21

_id 4229
authors Pfeilsticker, A.
year 1997
title Further developments on light simulation.
source Architectural and Urban Simulation Techniques in Research and Education [3rd EAEA-Conference Proceedings]
summary Endoscopy or computer simulation? A light simulation was conducted by students on a building at night-time in Stuttgart using an endoscope as well as a computer. Findings are presented and true-to-life distribution of light in models is evaluated.
keywords Architectural Endoscopy, Endoscopy, Simulation, Visualisation, Visualization, Real Environments
series EAEA
last changed 2005/09/09 10:43

_id 4925
authors Poon, J. and Maher, M.L.
year 1997
title Co-evolution in Design
source CAADRIA ‘97 [Proceedings of the Second Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / ISBN 957-575-057-8] Taiwan 17-19 April 1997, pp. 439-448
summary A design process is traditionally viewed as a sequential process model from the formulation of the problem to the synthesis of solutions. Simon (1981) regards design as a state-space search where a problem leads to the solution. To be more practical, there are many versions of solution generated during design, where each current one is an improvement over the previous one. This kind of synthesis of solutions can be viewed as an evolutionary system over time. We propose to apply the metaphor of "exploration” to design, and further argue that evolution occurs in the problem space as well as in the solution space. Co-evolutionary design is introduced to remove the assumption of having a fixed goal (problem). The problem is allowed to change over time. Two algorithms for co-evolution are presented. Their characteristics and differences are highlighted. The paper moves on to review the design history of the Sydney Opera House and to show how observations from this real life example confirm our co-evolutionary model.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 08:00

_id 246d
authors Ribeiro, C.T.
year 1997
title A Dynamic Display of the Work Breakdown in Civil Engineering Projects
source Challenges of the Future [15th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9523687-3-0] Vienna (Austria) 17-20 September 1997
summary Displaying the progress of projects has been achieved by the use of planning outputs. Planning software, namely the well known WinProject™ , Time Line™ or Primavera™, allow chart displays, generally in the form of bar charts, logic diagrams and schedule reports to show it.

The aim of linking Planning and CAD systems is to display in real-time the progress of engineering projects, according its planning and control through their 2D or 3D architectural and engineering models.

This paper describes and illustrates, the development of an innovative software, that, in this way, links data from any Planning software to the popular AutoCAD producing colored 2D or 3D models of the multiple activities of an engineering project according the foreseen or real stages - not yet done, being done, completely done.

Same application examples to different engineering projects through some screen-shots of this software use, are illustrated.


series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id ab5b
authors Seta, S., Kohno, T. and Matsumoto, N.
year 1997
title A visual simulation system using scale models and computer graphics
source Architectural and Urban Simulation Techniques in Research and Education [3rd EAEA-Conference Proceedings]
summary It is very important to simulate the landscape when planning large scale buildings, such as skyscrapers and high-rise condominiums, and high-level visual simulation is anticipated in Japan. A landscape simulator using scale models which we have developed is useful to obtain eye-level images. Computer graphics is also useful to obtain eye-level images because of the high quality. This paper reports on a visual simulation system using a new image composition technique to combine the scenery of scale models recorded by the simulator with computer graphics images. The video images of scale models are obtained an eye-level images from a small CCD video camera controlled by a personal computer. The background images including the sky and clouds are created as CG images. A real-time image composition technique has been developed by means of a video editing system to combine the video images of scale models with the CG images. We show the potential of this hybrid simulation method as a useful technique for visual simulation.
keywords Architectural Endoscopy, Endoscopy, Simulation, Visualisation, Visualization, Real Environments
series EAEA
last changed 2005/09/09 10:43

_id 9e13
authors Seward, D.W., Scott, J.N., Dixon, R., Findlay, J.D. and Kinniburgh, H.
year 1997
title The automation of piling rig positioning using satellite GPS
source Automation in Construction 6 (3) (1997) pp. 229-240
summary The paper is divided in two parts. Part one describes the Stent Automatic Pile Positioning and Recording system (SAPPAR) which was launched in November 1994. The system utilises a Trimble satellite global positioning system (GPS) to assist rig drivers in accurately positioning the rig over a pile position without the need for setting out. Advantages of the system include: cost savings by removing the need for site survey staff; faster set-up times over pile positions; increased accuracy - the system can reliably position the rig to within ± 25 mm; removal of problems resulting from damage to setting out pins; constant monitoring of pile position; and Links to CAD for data input and as-built drawings. Part two describes a further development of the system in collaboration with Lancaster University and Casagrande, the Italian rig manufacturer. The aim of the research is to fully automate the final positioning process. This represents one of the first uses of GPS for real-time automation. The system hardware components include: ultra-compact PC104 processor cards for a compact and robust embedded system; minimum sensing on the rig to minimise cost and maximise robustness; and limit sensors to facilitate on-board safety. The control algorithms were developed on a fifth-scale model in the laboratory using an innovative and new approach to the design of model based control systems. The importance of careful consideration of safety issues is stressed and conclusions are drawn based on the early findings from preliminary field trials.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:23

_id a9d4
authors Stander, B.T. and Hart, J.C.
year 1997
title Guaranteeing the Topology of an Implicit Surface Polygonization for Interactive Modeling
source Computer Graphics, no. 31, pp. 279-286
summary Morse theory shows how the topology of an implicit surface is affected by its function's critical points, whereas catastrophe theory shows how these critical points behave as the function's parameters change. Interval analysis finds the critical points, and they can also be tracked efficiently during parameter changes. Changes in the function value at these critical points cause changes in the topology. Techniques for modifying the polygonization to accommodate such changes in topology are given. These techniques are robust enough to guarantee the topology of an implicit surface polygonization, and are efficient enough to maintain this guarantee during interactive modeling. The impact of this work is a topologically-guaranteed polygonization technique, and the ability to directly and accurately manipulate polygonized implicit surfaces in real time.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/04/23 15:50

_id 9748
authors Trikac, S.N., Banerjeea, P. and Kashyapb, R.L.
year 1997
title Virtual reality interfaces for feature-based computer-aided design systems
source Computer-Aided Design, Vol. 29 (8) (1997) pp. 565-574
summary A computer-aided design (CAD) system with a virtual reality (VR) interface simplifies the design of complex mechanical parts. To add a design feature (e.g., a hole,slot, or protrusion), the designer can navigate in the part to the appropriate face of the part where he/she wishes to attach the feature, and sketch directly on that face.Besides convenience, this method of feature specification implicitly enforces feature accessibility constraints, and also provides hints to the process-planner regardingthe order in which the features may be manufactured. We detail the design of a VR-based prototype CAD system. The system maintains the knowledge of part cavitiesand their adjacencies, and a triangulated boundary-representation of an approximating polyhedron. We present incremental provably correct algorithms for updatingthis representation as the user edits the part. We also show how this representation supports real-time displays, navigation, and collision detection. The user-interfaceof the CAD system relies on these capabilities to provide the above-mentioned advantages.
keywords User Interfaces, Virtual Reality, Feature-Based Design, Geometric Reasoning, Feature Extraction
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:33

_id 65d0
authors Tsai, Daniel E.
year 1997
title The Palladio Web Museum - A Heterogeneous Database of Architecture and History
source CAAD Futures 1997 [Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-7923-4726-9] München (Germany), 4-6 August 1997, pp. 655-662
summary This paper presents the overall information system architecture and the approaches used for creating the Palladio Virtual Museum - a heterogeneous database of history and architecture. Creating a virtual museum is treated as an information system engineering task. The World Wide Web (the Web) is used as the open access platform for both presentation and input. Client-server database transaction technology is used to provide a concurrent real-time system for consumers (visitors) and producers of information. The system is a test bed for structuring, searching, and presenting historical, architectural, spatial information.
series CAAD Futures
last changed 1999/04/06 09:19

_id 0286
authors Will, Barry F. and Siu-Pan Li , Thomas
year 1997
title Computers for Windows: Interactive Optimization Tools for Architects designing openings in walls (IOTA)
source Challenges of the Future [15th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9523687-3-0] Vienna (Austria) 17-20 September 1997
summary Size, shape and disposition of windows in walls has long been an integral expression of style in architecture. As buildings have grown taller the relationships of the windows to the ground plane and to the surrounding environments have become more complex and difficult to predict. Traditionally architects have had to use their own knowledge, experience and feelings in the design of windows. There may be few, if any, scientific bases for their decisions. The difficulty in making good design decisions is compounded because many criteria for window design, such as daylight, sunlight, ventilation, sound, view and privacy have to be considered simultaneously. It is here that computers can help, on the one hand, by providing ‘expert knowledge’ so that architects can consult the cumulative knowledge database before making a decision, whilst on the other hand, evaluations of the decisions taken can be compared with a given standard or with alternative solutions.

‘Expert knowledge’ provision has been made possible by the introduction of hypertext, the advancement of the world wide web and the development of large scale data-storage media. Much of the computer’s value to the architects lies in its ability to assist in the evaluation of a range of performance criteria. Without the help of a computer, architects are faced with impossibly complex arrays of solutions. This paper illustrates an evaluation tool for two factors which are important to the window design. The two factors to be investigated in this paper are sunlighting and views out of windows.

Sunlight is a quantitative factor that can theoretically be assessed by some mathematical formulae provided there is sufficient information for calculation but when total cumulative effects of insolation through the different seasons is required, in addition to yearly figures, a design in real-time evolution requires substantial computing power. Views out of windows are qualitative and subjective. They present difficulties in measurement by the use of conventional mathematical tools. These two fields of impact in window design are explored to demonstrate how computers can be used in assessing various options to produce optimal design solutions. This paper explains the methodologies, theories and principles underlying these evaluation tools. It also illustrates how an evaluation tool can be used as a design tool during the design process.

keywords Sunlight, View, Window Design, Performance Evaluation, Expert Systems, Simulation, Fuzzy LogicExpert Systems, Simulation, Fuzzy Logic
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

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