CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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Hits 1 to 20 of 519

_id 730e
authors Af Klercker, Jonas
year 1997
title Implementation of IT and CAD - what can Architect schools do?
source AVOCAAD First International Conference [AVOCAAD Conference Proceedings / ISBN 90-76101-01-09] Brussels (Belgium) 10-12 April 1997, pp. 83-92
summary In Sweden representatives from the Construction industry have put forward a research and development program called: "IT-Bygg 2002 -Implementation". It aims at making IT the vehicle for decreasing the building costs and at the same time getting better quality and efficiency out of the industry. A seminar was held with some of the most experienced researchers, developers and practitioners of CAD in construction in Sweden. The activities were recorded and annotated, analysed and put together afterwards; then presented to the participants to agree on. Co-operation is the key to get to the goals - IT and CAD are just the means to improve it. Co-operation in a phase of implementation is enough problematic without the technical difficulties in using computer programs created by the computer industry primarily for commercial reasons. The suggestion is that cooperation between software companies within Sweden will make a greater market to share than the sum of all individual efforts. In the short term, 2 - 5 years, implementation of CAD and IT will demand a large amount of educational efforts from all actors in the construction process. In the process of today the architect is looked upon as a natural coordinator of the design phase. In the integrated process the architect's methods and knowledge are central and must be spread to other categories of actors - what a challenge! At least in Sweden the number of researchers and educators in CAAD is easily counted. How do we make the most of it?
series AVOCAAD
last changed 2005/09/09 10:48

_id 472d
authors Burry, Mark and Murray, Zolna
year 1997
title Architectural Design Based on Parametric Variation and Associative Geometry
source Challenges of the Future [15th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9523687-3-0] Vienna (Austria) 17-20 September 1997
summary This paper considers the role of the computer for detailed design within the wider architectural design process. The central proposition is that parametric modelling software is invaluable for both preliminary and developed design where there is a need for the definition, manipulation and visualisation of complex geometry. The paper begins with a definition of 'parametric design' followed by a consideration of its potential to assist or hinder the designer. A worked example will demonstrate how the elements that make up a model can be referenced to each other using a number of clearly defined constraints, the completed model being changed, modified and regenerated while conforming to pre-set conditions. This will be followed by a report on research into the implications of parametric design modelling applied retrospectively to Jørn Utzon's documented design process for the Sydney Opera House. The study analyses how conventional modelling coped with the manipulation of these forms and compares this with the potential of computer-aided iterative design refinement.
keywords Architectural Design, Geometry, Parametric Variation
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id maver_107
id maver_107
authors Chen, Yan and Maver, Tom W.
year 1997
title Integrating Design Tools within a Human Collaborative Working Context
source International Journal of Construction IT, Vol5, No 2, pp 35-53
summary Integrating design tools has been an important research subject. The work to be reported in this paper differs from many previous efforts in that it not only tackles tool-tool interoperation, but also does so within a human collaborative working context We suggest that design integration support should include not only tool interoperability, but also mechanisms for co-ordinate and control the tool use. We also argue that the higher-level management support should include not only formalised and automated mechanisms, but also semi-automated and even informal mechanisms for human designers to directly interact with each other. Within a collaborative working framework, we'll present a hybrid architecture for tool integration, in which the human designers and the design tools are assumed to be distributed while the management is centralised. In this approach, each design tool is wrapped as an autonomous service provider with its own data store; thus the project design data is physically distributed with the design tools. A meta-data augmented product model, which populates a central meta-data repository serving as a "map" for locating the distributed design objects, is devised to provide a common vocabulary for communications and to assist the management of the distributed resources and activities. A design object broker is used to mediate among the distributed tools, and the central meta-data repository. The reported work has been part of a collaborative design system called virtual studio environment We'll illustrate how the integrated design tools might be used in human design work within the virtual studio environment.
series other
last changed 2003/09/03 15:36

_id d869
authors Chu, C.-C., Dani, T.H. and Gadh, R.
year 1997
title Multi-sensory user interface for a virtual-reality-based computer-aided design system
source Computer-Aided Design, Vol. 29 (10) (1997) pp. 709-725
summary The generation of geometric shapes called `geometric concept designs' via the multi-sensory user interface of a virtual reality (VR) based system motivates the currentresearch. In this new VR-based system, geometric designs can be more effectively inputted into the computer in a physically intuitive way. The interaction mechanism issimilar to the way in which industrial designers sit and discuss concept design shapes across a table from each other, prior to making a final decision about the productdetails. By using different sensory modalities, such as voice, hand motions and gestures, product designers can convey design ideas through the VR-basedcomputer-aided design (CAD) system. In this scenario, the multi-sensory interface between human and computer plays a central role with respect to usability, usefulnessand accuracy. The current paper focuses on determining the requirements for the multi-sensory user interface and assessing the applications of different input and outputmechanisms in the virtual environment (VE). In order to evaluate this multi-sensory user interface, this paper formulates the typical activities in product shape design intoa set of requirements for the VR-CAD system. On the basis of these requirements, we interviewed typical CAD users about the effectiveness of using different sensoryinput and output interaction mechanisms such as visual, auditory and tactile. According to the results of these investigations, a nodal network of design activity thatdefines the multi-sensory user interface of the VR-CAD system is determined in the current research. The VR-CAD system is still being developed. However, voicecommand input, hand motion input, three-dimensional visual output and auditory output have been successfully integrated into the current system. Moreover, severalmechanical parts have been successfully created through the VR interface. Once designers use the VR-CAD system that we are currently developing, the interfacerequirements determined in the current paper may be verified or refined. The objectives of the current research are to expand the frontiers of product design and establisha new paradigm for the VR-based conceptual shape design system.
keywords Virtual Reality, Multi-Sensory User Interface, Conceptual Shape Design, Sensory Interaction Mechanism
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:33

_id 7ebf
authors Clark, G. and Mehta, P.
year 1997
title Artificial intelligence and networking in integrated building management systems
source Automation in Construction 6 (5-6) (1997) pp. 481-498
summary In recent years the emphasis has moved towards integrating all a building's systems via centralised building management systems (BMS). To provide a more intelligent approach to the facility management, safety and energy control in building management systems (IBMS), this paper proposes a methodology for integrating the data within a BMS via a single multi-media networking technology and providing the BMS with artificial intelligence (AI) through the use of knowledge-based systems (KBS) technology. By means of artificial intelligence, the system is capable of assessing, diagnosing and suggesting the best solution. This paper outlines how AI techniques can enhance the control of HVAC systems for occupant comfort and efficient running costs based on occupancy prediction. Also load control and load balancing are investigated. Instead of just using pre-programmed load priorities, this work has investigated the use of a dynamic system of priorities which are based on many factors such as area usage, occupancy, time of day and real time environmental conditions. This control strategy which is based on a set of rules running on the central control system, makes use of information gathered from outstations throughout the building and communicated via the building's data-bus.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:22

_id 2489
authors DeLaura, Louis P.
year 1997
title Old Wine in New Wine Skins: Architecture, Representation and Electronic Media
source Design and Representation [ACADIA ‘97 Conference Proceedings / ISBN 1-880250-06-3] Cincinatti, Ohio (USA) 3-5 October 1997, pp. 73-82
summary Architectural computing too often is disengaged from the central culture of architectural discourse and traditional means of making. This paper proposes that one way to bridge this gap is to introduce electronic media in the context of a process-oriented theory of architectural representation - one that is principally concerned with issues of conception, intention, and perception. This approach to the use of computers in the design process requires the introduction of a morphology of representational modes that are intrinsic to the Architect and his musings, and proposes a pedagogical emphasis on electronic media's ability to perform in conjunction with the design intentions of these various representational forms.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:55

_id 20ff
id 20ff
authors Derix, Christian
year 2004
title Building a Synthetic Cognizer
source Design Computation Cognition conference 2004, MIT
summary Understanding ‘space’ as a structured and dynamic system can provide us with insight into the central concept in the architectural discourse that so far has proven to withstand theoretical framing (McLuhan 1964). The basis for this theoretical assumption is that space is not a void left by solid matter but instead an emergent quality of action and interaction between individuals and groups with a physical environment (Hillier 1996). In this way it can be described as a parallel distributed system, a self-organising entity. Extrapolating from Luhmann’s theory of social systems (Luhmann 1984), a spatial system is autonomous from its progenitors, people, but remains intangible to a human observer due to its abstract nature and therefore has to be analysed by computed entities, synthetic cognisers, with the capacity to perceive. This poster shows an attempt to use another complex system, a distributed connected algorithm based on Kohonen’s self-organising feature maps – SOM (Kohonen 1997), as a “perceptual aid” for creating geometric mappings of these spatial systems that will shed light on our understanding of space by not representing space through our usual mechanics but by constructing artificial spatial cognisers with abilities to make spatial representations of their own. This allows us to be shown novel representations that can help us to see new differences and similarities in spatial configurations.
keywords architectural design, neural networks, cognition, representation
series other
type poster
last changed 2012/09/17 21:13

_id c557
authors Fuchs, W. and Martinico, A.
year 1997
title The digital study in architecture
source Automation in Construction 6 (4) (1997) pp. 335-339
summary The project is an Internet-based educational and communication tool for the architectural community. Its goal is to encourage students from architecture programs across the country and around the world to examine problems and collaborate in the exploration of ideas through the World Wide Web. The central concept of the project involves the creation of a simulated, vital urban environment constructed from various forms of digital data. This `virtual city' will be comprised of projects executed by students of architecture and urban design in US and abroad. Projects will be proposed for specific sites and will reflect real-world questions as they are mirrored in the virtual world. The city exists as a heuristic tool and is not intended as a copy of any existing human habitat. The ultimate goal of the project is to create a dynamic platform to study the interrelationship of various forces effecting urban development: architecture, planning, civil engineering, economics, social sciences, etc. The project originates at the School of Architecture of the University of Detroit Mercy and is intended to be truly interdisciplinary.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:22

_id 412e
authors Gross, M.D., Do, E. and McCall, R.J.
year 1997
title Collaboration and Coordination in Architectural Design: approaches to computer mediated team work
source TeamCAD 97, 17-23
summary In 1993 and 1994, instructors and students of architecture at several universities around the world* collaborated briefly on two "virtual design studio" projects. Using off-the-shelf technology of the time-email, CU-See-Me internet video, international conference calls, and exchange of CAD drawings, images, and Quicktime animations-this ambitious project explored the possibility of bringing together diverse members of an international design team together to collaborate on a short term (two week) project. Central to the "Virtual Design Studio" was a 'digital pinup board', an area where participating designers could post and view drawings and textual comments; video links and email exchange provided the media for direct communication media about designs. A report on the project [21] makes clear that the process was not without technical difficulties: a significant amount of communication concerned scheduling and coordinating file formats; disappointingly little was devoted to discussions of design issues. Although it's clear that many of the minor technical problems that inevitably plague a forward-looking effort like the Virtual Design Studio will be solved in the near term, the project also reveals the need for research on software and design practices to make computer mediated design collaboration realize its attractive promise.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/04/23 15:50

_id e821
authors Hartkopf, V., Loftness, V., Mahdavi, A., Lee, S. and Shankavaram, J.
year 1997
title An integrated approach to design and engineering of intelligent buildings--The Intelligent Workplace at Carnegie Mellon University
source Automation in Construction 6 (5-6) (1997) pp. 401-415
summary In the past few years, there have been significant advances made in the design and engineering of "intelligent" workplaces, buildings that not only accommodate major advances in office technology but provide better physical and environmental settings for the occupants. This paper will briefly present recent approaches to the creation of innovative environments for the advanced workplace. The architectural and engineering advances demonstrated in Japan, Germany, North America, the United Kingdom, and France can be summarized in four major system categories: (1) enclosure innovations including approaches to load balancing, natural ventilation, and daylighting; (2) heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) system innovations including approaches to local control and improved environmental contact; (3) data/voice/power "connectivity" innovations; and (4) interior system innovations, including approaches to workstation and workgroup design for improved spatial, thermal, acoustic, visual, and air quality. In-depth international field studies of over 20 intelligent office buildings have been carried out by a multidisciplinary expert team of the Advanced Building Systems Integration Consortium (ABSIC) based at Carnegie Mellon University. ABSIC is a university-industry-government partnership focused on the definition and development of the advanced workplace. The ABSIC field team evaluated the component and integrated system innovations for their multidimensional performance qualities, through expert analysis, occupancy assessments, and field diagnostics. Based on the results of the case studies and building on the most recent technological advances, the ABSIC team developed the concepts for the Intelligent Workplace, a 7000 square foot living laboratory of office environments and innovations. This project is now under construction at Carnegie Mellon University and its features are discussed in the second section of this paper.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:22

_id c2c6
authors Hendricx , Ann
year 1997
title Shape, Space And Building Element: Development of a Conceptual Object Model for the Design Process
source Challenges of the Future [15th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9523687-3-0] Vienna (Austria) 17-20 September 1997
summary The paper describes the first steps taken in the search for a central object model presenting all possible data, concepts and operations concerning the architectural design process.  From the early design stage, an architectural model can be built on computer.  A central object model of this process is essential: a model describing geometrical shapes, spaces, building elements and user activities, together with all the basic operations these entities can undertake.  The model could provide the necessary information for the performance of tests to assist the designer (energy calculation, stability check, costs ...).  Appropriate interfaces between the object model and existing software packages allow different actors in the design process to make use of the model’s data. First, the conceptual model for CAAD in the design process is described. The second part deals with the methodology used for developing the object model: M.E.R.O.DE (Model-driven Entity-Relationship Object-oriented Development) proves to be a firm base to start our design.  Finally, we present some aspects of the first prototype for such a central object model.
keywords Object Model, CAAD, Object-oriented
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id dba1
authors Hirschberg, Urs and Wenz, Florian
year 2000
title Phase(x) - memetic engineering for architecture
source Automation in Construction 9 (4) (2000) pp. 387-392
summary Phase(x) was a successful teaching experiment we made in our entry level CAAD course in the Wintersemester 1996/1997. The course was entirely organized by means of a central database that managed all the students' works through different learning phases. This set-up allowed that the results of one phase and one author be taken as the starting point for the work in the next phase by a different author. As students could choose which model they wanted to work with, the whole of Phase(x) could be viewed as an organism where, as in a genetic system, only the "fittest" works survived. While some discussion of the technical set-up is necessary as a background, the main topics addressed in this paper will be the structuring in phases of the course, the experiences we had with collective authorship, and the observations we made about the memes2 that developed and spread in the students' works. Finally we'll draw some conclusions in how far Phase(x) is relevant also in a larger context, which is not limited to teaching CAAD. Since this paper was first published in 1997, we have continued to explore the issues described here in various projects3 together with a growing number of other interested institutions worldwide. While leaving the paper essentially in its original form, we added a section at the end, in which we outline some of these recent developments.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:22

_id 2c17
authors Junge, Richard and Liebich, Thomas
year 1997
title Product Data Model for Interoperability in an Distributed Environment
source CAAD Futures 1997 [Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-7923-4726-9] München (Germany), 4-6 August 1997, pp. 571-589
summary This paper belongs to a suite of three interrelated papers. The two others are 'The VEGA Platform' and 'A Dynamic Product Model'. These two companion papers are also based on the VEGA project. The ESPRIT project VEGA (Virtual Enterprises using Groupware tools and distributed Architectures) has the objective to develop IT solutions enabling virtual enterprises, especially in the domain of architectural design and building engineering. VEGA shall give answers to many questions of what is needed for enabling such virtual enterprise from the IT side. The questions range from technologies for networks, communication between distributed applications, control, management of information flow to implementation and model architectures to allow distribution of information in the virtual enterprises. This paper is focused on the product model aspect of VEGA. So far modeling experts have followed a more or less centralized architecture (central or central with 4 satellites'). Is this also the architecture for the envisaged goal? What is the architecture for such a distributed model following the paradigm of modeling the , natural human' way of doing business? What is the architecture enabling most effective the filtering and translation in the communication process. Today there is some experience with 'bulk data' of the document exchange type. What is with incremental information (not data) exchange? Incremental on demand only the really needed information not a whole document. The paper is structured into three parts. First there is description of the modeling history or background. the second a vision of interoperability in an distributed environment from the users coming from architectural design and building engineering view point. Third is a description of work undertaken by the authors in previous project forming the direct basis for the VEGA model. Finally a short description of the VEGA project, especially the VEGA model architecture.
series CAAD Futures
last changed 1999/04/06 09:19

_id 7eed
authors Koti, Vijayalakshmi
year 1997
title Hypermedia in Architectural Education: The World Wide Web as a Learning Tool
source University of Washington, Design Machine Group
summary Consideration of the World Wide Web as a tool for architectural education, especially through the production, presentation, and cataloging of critical case studies of buildings. Focuses on development of a collaborative paradigm for distributed development of such information through a case study template and central catalog web site. Includes an sample case study.
series thesis:MSc
last changed 2004/06/02 19:12

_id 6e4f
authors Lewin, J.S., Ehrhardt, M. and Gross, M.D.
year 1997
title Not Just Another Pretty Face: Images and Arguments in an Anthropology Web Site
source CAAD Futures 1997 [Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-7923-4726-9] München (Germany), 4-6 August 1997, pp. 635-654
summary We are developing a web site with photorealistic animations and virtual reality walk throughs of architecture and artifacts at an archaeological site in El Salvador. The goal of the site is to support research and teaching about household anthropology in sixthcentury Meso-America. To counter the false sense of realism and truth these experiences often convey we have developed Image Arguments, a scheme for integrating with images the arguments and data that they are based on. We provide this contextual information using a server side database and client side Java applets, enabling viewers to examine the assumptions and the data behind the images.
series CAAD Futures
last changed 1999/04/06 09:19

_id diss_marsh
id diss_marsh
authors Marsh, A.J.
year 1997
title Performance Analysis and Conceptual Design
source School of Architecture and Fine Arts, University of Western Australia
summary A significant amount of the research referred to by Manning has been directed into the development of computer software for building simulation and performance analysis. A wide range of computational tools are now available and see relatively widespread use in both research and commercial applications. The focus of development in this area has long been on the accurate simulation of fundamental physical processes, such as the mechanisms of heat flow though materials, turbulent air movement and the inter-reflection of light. The adequate description of boundary conditions for such calculations usually requires a very detailed mathematical model. This has tended to produce tools with a very engineering-oriented and solution-based approach. Whilst becoming increasingly popular amongst building services engineers, there has been a relatively slow response to this technology amongst architects. There are some areas of the world, particularly the UK and Germany, where the use of such tools on larger projects is routine. However, this is almost exclusively during the latter stages of a project and usually for purposes of plant sizing or final design validation. The original conceptual work, building form and the selection of materials being the result of an aesthetic and intuitive process, sometimes based solely on precedent. There is no argument that an experienced designer is capable of producing an excellent design in this way. However, not all building designers are experienced, and even fewer have a complete understanding of the fundamental physical processes involved in building performance. These processes can be complex and often highly inter-related, often even counter-intuitive. It is the central argument of this thesis that the needs of the building designer are quite different from the needs of the building services engineer, and that existing building design and performance analysis tools poorly serve these needs. It will be argued that the extensive quantitative input requirement in such tools acts to produce a psychological separation between the act of design and the act of analysis. At the conceptual stage, building geometry is fluid and subject to constant change, with solid quantitative information relatively scarce. Having to measure off surface areas or search out the emissivity of a particular material forces the designer to think mathematically at a time when they are thinking intuitively. It is, however, at this intuitive stage that the greatest potential exists for performance efficiencies and environmental economies. The right orientation and fenestration choice can halve the airconditioning requirement. Incorporating passive solar elements and natural ventilation pathways can eliminate it altogether. The building form can even be designed to provide shading using its own fabric, without any need for additional structure or applied shading. It is significantly more difficult and costly to retrofit these features at a later stage in a project’s development. If the role of the design tool is to serve the design process, then a new approach is required to accommodate the conceptual phase. This thesis presents a number of ideas on what that approach may be, accompanied by some example software that demonstrates their implementation.
series thesis:PhD
last changed 2003/11/28 07:33

_id a6a6
authors Peyret, F., Jurasz, J., Carrel, A., Zekri, E. and Gorham, B.
year 2000
title The Computer Integrated Road Construction project
source Automation in Construction 9 (5-6) (2000) pp. 447-461
summary This paper is about the "Computer Integrated Road Construction" (CIRC) project, which is a Brite-EuRam III funded project, lasting 1997–1999, aiming at introducing a new generation of control and monitoring tools for road pavements construction. These new tools are designed to bring on the sites significant improvements by creating a digital link between design office and job site. The first part of the paper describes the background of the project, which gathers seven European partners from five different countries, and gives the objectives of the project, in general and for each of the two targeted products: one for the compactors (CIRCOM) and one for the asphalt pavers (CIRPAV). Then, the two prototypes are described, each of them being broken down into three main sub-systems: the ground sub-system (GSS), the on-board sub-system (OB) and the positioning sub-system (POS). The expected benefits for the different users are also presented and quantified. The central part of the paper is devoted to the main technical innovations that have been developed in the frame of the project: universal vector database for road equipment guidance, multi-machine functionalities of CIRCOM and the two positioning systems which are actually the technological keys of the systems. Finally, the state of progress of the developments of the two CIRC products and the first commercial success achieved in parallel are presented.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:23

_id diss_ruhl
id diss_ruhl
authors Ruhl, Volker R.
year 1997
title Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing of Complex Shaped Concrete Formwork
source Doctor of Design Thesis, Graduate School of Design, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
summary The research presented in this thesis challenges the appropriateness of existing, conventional forming practices in the building construction industry--both in situ or in prefabrication--for building concrete "freeforms," as they are characterized by impracticality and limitations in achieved geometric/formal quality. The author's theory proposes the application of alternative, non-traditional construction methods derived from the integration of information technology, in the form of Computer-Aided Design (CAD), Engineering (CAE) and Manufacturing (CAM), into the concrete tooling and placing process. This concept relies on a descriptive shape model of a physically non-existent building element which serves as a central database containing all the geometric data necessary to completely and accurately inform design development activities as well as the construction process. For this purpose, the thesis orients itself on existing, functioning models in manufacturing engineering and explores the broad spectrum of computer-aided manufacturing techniques applied in this industry. A two-phase, combined method study is applied to support the theory. Part I introduces the phenomenon of "complexity" in the architectural field, defines the goal of the thesis research and gives examples of complex shape. It also presents the two analyzed technologies: concrete tooling and automation technology. For both, it establishes terminology, classifications, gives insight into the state-of-the-art, and describes limitations. For concrete tooling it develops a set of quality criteria. Part II develops a theory in the form of a series of proposed "non-traditional" forming processes and concepts that are derived through a synthesis of state-of-the-art automation with current concrete forming and placing techniques, and describes them in varying depth, in both text and graphics, on the basis of their geometric versatility and their appropriateness for the proposed task. Emphasis is given to the newly emerging and most promising Solid Freeform Fabrication processes, and within this area, to laser-curing technology. The feasibility of using computer-aided formwork design, and computer-aided formwork fabrication in today's standard building practices is evaluated for this particular technology on the basis of case-studies. Performance in the categories of process, material, product, lead time and economy is analyzed over the complete tooling cycle and is compared to the performance of existing, conventional forming systems for steel, wood, plywood veneer and glassfiber reinforced plastic; value s added to the construction process and/or to the formwork product through information technology are pointed out and become part of the evaluation. For this purpose, an analytical framework was developed for testing the performance of various Solid Freeform Fabrication processes as well as the "sensitivity," or the impact of various influencing processes and/or product parameters on lead time and economy. This tool allows us to make various suggestions for optimization as well as to formulate recommendations and guidelines for the implementation of this technology. The primary objective of this research is to offer architects and engineers unprecedented independence from planar, orthogonal building geometry, in the realization of design ideas and/or design requirements for concrete structures and/or their components. The interplay between process-oriented design and innovative implementation technology may ultimately lead to an architecture conceived on a different level of complexity, with an extended form-vocabulary and of high quality.
series thesis:PhD
last changed 2005/09/09 12:58

_id 736a
authors Van Helvoort, Rob
year 1997
title Drawing with Pencil, Pen and Mouse
source AVOCAAD First International Conference [AVOCAAD Conference Proceedings / ISBN 90-76101-01-09] Brussels (Belgium) 10-12 April 1997, pp. 363-368
summary The traditional way of architectural design leads to some shortcomings with respect to the quality of the design and the efficiency of the design process. Therefore possibilities for improvements have to be considered. In order to come to fundamental improvements the application of advanced computer technology in the field of architecture has to be co-ordinated with improvements in the area of design methodologies. In this paper we suggest a new methodology for architectural design. It is based on an integrated manner of designing. Despite some early design steps the whole design process is executed on the basis of a 3D model which is handled by means of computers. The central data objects in the design process are the different types of models. The models contain all relevant information generated in the design process. A comparison of our approach with the traditional way of designing illustrates the potential of the new methodology.
keywords Design Methodologies, Integrated Design Systems, Computer Support
series AVOCAAD
last changed 2005/09/09 10:48

_id bf21
authors Völker, Harry and Schwenk, Mathias
year 1997
title Approaching a New Methodology: Integrated Architectural Design on the Basis of 3D Computer Models
source AVOCAAD First International Conference [AVOCAAD Conference Proceedings / ISBN 90-76101-01-09] Brussels (Belgium) 10-12 April 1997, pp. 369-380
summary The traditional way of architectural design leads to some shortcomings with respect to the quality of the design and the efficiency of the design process. Therefore possibilities for improvements have to be considered. In order to come to fundamental improvements the application of advanced computer technology in the field of architecture has to be coordinated with improvements in the area of design methodologies. In this paper we suggest a new methodology for architectural design. It is based on an integrated manner of designing. Despite some early design steps the whole design process is executed on the basis of a 3D model which is handled by means of computers. The central data objects in the design process are the different types of models. The models contain all relevant information generated in the design process. A comparison of our approach with the traditional way of designing illustrates the potential of the new methodology.
series AVOCAAD
last changed 2005/09/09 10:48

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