CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

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_id ga9921
id ga9921
authors Coates, P.S. and Hazarika, L.
year 1999
title The use of genetic programming for applications in the field of spatial composition
source International Conference on Generative Art
summary Architectural design teaching using computers has been a preoccupation of CECA since 1991. All design tutors provide their students with a set of models and ways to form, and we have explored a set of approaches including cellular automata, genetic programming ,agent based modelling and shape grammars as additional tools with which to explore architectural ( and architectonic) ideas.This paper discusses the use of genetic programming (G.P.) for applications in the field of spatial composition. CECA has been developing the use of Genetic Programming for some time ( see references ) and has covered the evolution of L-Systems production rules( coates 1997, 1999b), and the evolution of generative grammars of form (Coates 1998 1999a). The G.P. was used to generate three-dimensional spatial forms from a set of geometrical structures .The approach uses genetic programming with a Genetic Library (G.Lib) .G.P. provides a way to genetically breed a computer program to solve a problem.G. Lib. enables genetic programming to define potentially useful subroutines dynamically during a run .* Exploring a shape grammar consisting of simple solid primitives and transformations. * Applying a simple fitness function to the solid breeding G.P.* Exploring a shape grammar of composite surface objects. * Developing grammarsfor existing buildings, and creating hybrids. * Exploring the shape grammar of abuilding within a G.P.We will report on new work using a range of different morphologies ( boolean operations, surface operations and grammars of style ) and describe the use of objective functions ( natural selection) and the "eyeball test" ( artificial selection) as ways of controlling and exploring the design spaces thus defined.
series other
last changed 2003/08/07 17:25

_id 4e1c
authors Berdinski, D.
year 1997
title Combining different kinds of perspective images in architectural practice.
source Architectural and Urban Simulation Techniques in Research and Education [Proceedings of the 3rd European Architectural Endoscopy Association Conference / ISBN 90-407-1669-2]
summary This paper is about combining photo-, video-, endoscope captured images with handmade or computer generated ones. Practically all optical systems are known to produce more or less curved perspective (spherical or cylindrical) which depends of angle-of-view, and a computer as a rule (as handmade) constructs linear perspective images. To combine them on any media correctly, an operator has to be professional painter or designer, because there is no mathematically determined way to combine them. The author's-made demo-computer program is able to generate spherical perspective of simple spatial constructions. It allows to illustrate mathematically and visually the principles of optical curved perspective, laws of their combination with linear ones and helps to feel how to achieve the accordance with natural visual architectural images.
keywords Architectural Endoscopy, Endoscopy, Simulation, Visualisation, Visualization, Real Environments
series EAEA
last changed 2005/09/09 10:43

_id 0627
authors Dijkstra, J. and Timmermans, H.J.P.
year 1997
title Exploring the Possibilities of Conjoint Measurement as a Decision-Making Tool for Virtual Wayfinding Environments
source CAADRIA ‘97 [Proceedings of the Second Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / ISBN 957-575-057-8] Taiwan 17-19 April 1997, pp. 61-71
summary Virtual reality systems may have a lot to offer in architecture and urban planning when visual and active environments may have a dramatic impact on individual preferences and choice behaviour. Conjoint analysis involves the use of designed hypothetical choice situations to measure individuals’ preferences and predict their choice in new situations. Conjoint experiments involve the design and analysis of hypothetical decision tasks. Alternatives are described by their main features, called attributes. Multiple hypothetical alternatives, called product profiles, are generated and presented to respondents, who are requested to express their degree of preference for these profiles or choose between these profiles. Conjoint experiments have become a popular tool to model individual preferences and decision-making in a variety of research areas. Most studies of conjoint analysis have involved a verbal description of product profiles, although some studies have used a pictorial presentation of production profiles. Virtual reality systems offer the potential of moving the response format beyond these traditional response modes. This paper describes a particular aspect of an ongoing research project which aims to develop a virtual reality based system for conjoint analysis. The principles underlying the system will be illustrated by a simple example of wayfinding in a virtual environment.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:55

_id 5222
authors Moloney, Jules
year 1999
title Bike-R: Virtual Reality for the Financially Challenged
source Architectural Computing from Turing to 2000 [eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9523687-5-7] Liverpool (UK) 15-17 September 1999, pp. 410-413
summary This paper describes a 'low tech' approach to producing interactive virtual environments for the evaluation of design proposals. The aim was to produce a low cost alternative to such expensive installations as CAVE virtual reality systems. The system utilises a library of pre-rendered animation, video and audio files and hence is not reliant on powerful hardware to produce real time simulation. The participant sits astride a bicycle exercise machine and animation is triggered by the pedal revolution. Navigation is achieved by steering along and around the streets of the animated design. This project builds on the work of Desmond Hii. ( Hii, 1997) The innovations are the bicycle interface and the application to urban scale simulation.
keywords Virtual, Design, Interface, Urban
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:58

_id ascaad2014_003
id ascaad2014_003
authors Parlac, Vera
year 2014
title Surface Dynamics: From dynamic surface to agile spaces
source Digital Crafting [7th International Conference Proceedings of the Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD 2014 / ISBN 978-603-90142-5-6], Jeddah (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia), 31 March - 3 April 2014, pp. 39-48
summary Behavior, adaptation and responsiveness are characteristics of live organisms; architecture on the other hand is structurally, materially and functionally constructed. With the shift from ‘mechanical’ towards ‘organic’ paradigm (Mae-Wan Ho, 1997) attitude towards architectural adaptation, behavior and performance is shifting as well. This change is altering a system of reference and conceptual basis for architecture by suggesting the integration of dynamics – dynamics that don’t address kinetic movement only but include flows of energies, material and information. This paper presents an ongoing research into kinetic material system with the focus on non-mechanical actuation (shape memory alloy) and the structural and material behavior. It proposes an adaptive surface capable of altering its shape and forming small occupiable spaces that respond to external and internal influences and flows of information. The adaptive structure is developed as a physical and digital prototype. Its behavior is examined at a physical level and the findings are used to digitally simulate the behavior of the larger system. The design approach is driven by an interest in adaptive systems in nature and material variability (structural and functional) of naturally constructed materials. The broader goal of the research is to test the scale at which shape memory alloy can be employed as an actuator of dynamic architectural surfaces and to speculate on and explore the capacity of active and responsive systems to produce adaptable surfaces that can form occupiable spaces and with that, added functionalities in architectural and urban environments.
series ASCAAD
last changed 2016/02/15 13:09

_id 07d8
authors Garza, J.M. de la and Howitt, I.
year 1998
title Wireless communication and computing at the construction jobsite
source Automation in Construction 7 (4) (1998) pp. 327-347
summary For many years, the walkie-talkie has been synonymous with the construction industry. During jobsite project execution, there are three variables which can either hinder or facilitate successful results, namely, quality, quantity, and timing of information. Wireless data communications technology is capable of delivering just-in-time information within the `last mile' between the trailer and a desired location on the jobsite. This paper reports on a study which surveyed information needs at the jobsite, emerging wireless data communications technology, and assessed the extent to which wireless data technology can fulfill the information needs of the jobsite [J.M. de la Garza, I. Howitt, Wireless communication and computing at the jobsite, Research Report 136-11, Construction Industry Institute, Austin, TX, 1997]. We have organized jobsite information needs into the following ten categories: (a) requests for information, (b) materials management, (c) equipment management, (d) cost management, (e) schedule and means and methods, (f) jobsite record keeping, (g) submittals, (h) safety, (i) QC/QA, and (k) future trends. Each category was analyzed in terms of its appropriateness to take advantage of wireless technology. The four formats considered to transmit information wirelessly were: (a) live voice, (b) live video, (c) batched data, and (d) live data. Current wireless communication technology has been classified into the following five classes: (a) circuit-switched wireless data systems, (b) packet-switched wireless data systems––this class was further subdivided into specialized mobile radio systems and cellular digital packet data systems, (c) wireless local area networks, (d) paging systems, and (e) satellite-based data communications. A primer for wireless communications covering both fundamental and advanced communications concepts has also been included to enable a better understanding of the issues involved in making trade-offs while configuring a wireless jobsite communication system. The example presented in this paper shows how a contractor can define a subset of information needs by choosing from those already articulated herein and determine if a given wireless technology should even be considered as a viable way of meeting the information needs that such company has.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:22

_id acadia18_226
id acadia18_226
authors Glynn, Ruairi; Abramovic, Vasilija; Overvelde, Johannes T. B.
year 2018
title Edge of Chaos. Towards intelligent architecture through distributed control systems based on Cellular Automata.
source ACADIA // 2018: Recalibration. On imprecisionand infidelity. [Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-0-692-17729-7] Mexico City, Mexico 18-20 October, 2018, pp. 226-231
summary From the “Edge of Chaos”, a mathematical space discovered by computer scientist Christopher Langton (1997), compelling behaviors originate that exhibit both degrees of organization and instability creating a continuous dance between order and chaos. This paper presents a project intended to make this complex theory tangible through an interactive installation based on metamaterial research which demonstrates emergent behavior using Cellular Automata (CA) techniques, illustrated through sound, light and motion. We present a multi-sensory narrative approach that encourages playful exploration and contemplation on perhaps the biggest questions of how life could emerge from the disorder of the universe.

We argue a way of creating intelligent architecture, not through classical Artificial Intelligence (AI), but rather through Artificial Life (ALife), embracing the aesthetic emergent possibilities that can spontaneously arise from this approach. In order to make these ideas of emergent life more tangible we present this paper in four integrated parts, namely: narrative, material, hardware and computation. The Edge of Chaos installation is an explicit realization of creating emergent systems and translating them into an architectural design. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of a custom CA for maximizing aesthetic impact while minimizing the live time of architectural kinetic elements.

keywords work in progress, complexity, responsive architecture, distributed computing, emergence, installation, interactive architecture, cellular automata
series ACADIA
type paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:51

_id 88fa
authors Alkhoven, P.
year 1997
title Computer Visualisation as a Tool in Architectural Historical Research
source Architectural and Urban Simulation Techniques in Research and Education [Proceedings of the 3rd European Architectural Endoscopy Association Conference / ISBN 90-407-1669-2]
summary The historical city has been represented over time using various ways of drawing, modelling and simulation. Using different kinds of visual information as a basis, computer visualisation techniques are used in this presentation to reconstruct the urban development in the twentieth century of the town of Heusden and other towns. The resulting visualisation provides us with a tool for a better understanding of the dynamics of urban transformation processes, typologies and morphological changes. Though for most of these rather specific research questions the computer images proved adequate and useful, some morphological studies can well be carried out using more traditional techniques.
keywords Architectural Endoscopy, Endoscopy, Simulation, Visualisation, Visualization, Real Environments
series EAEA
last changed 2005/09/09 10:43

_id eb53
authors Asanowicz, K. and Bartnicka, M.
year 1997
title Computer analysis of visual perception - endoscopy without endoscope
source Architectural and Urban Simulation Techniques in Research and Education [Proceedings of the 3rd European Architectural Endoscopy Association Conference / ISBN 90-407-1669-2]
summary This paper presents a method of using computer animation techniques in order to solve problems of visual pollution of city environment. It is our observation that human-inducted degradation of city environmental results from well - intentioned but inappropriate preservation actions by uninformed designers and local administration. Very often, a local municipality administration permits to build bad-fitting surroundings houses. It is usually connected with lack of visual information's about housing areas of a city, its features and characteristics. The CAMUS system (Computer Aided Management of Urban Structure) is being created at the Faculty of Architecture of Bialystok Technical University. One of its integral parts is VIA - Visual Impact of Architecture. The basic element of this system is a geometrical model of the housing areas of Bialystok. This model can be enhanced using rendering packages as they create the basis to check our perception of a given area. An inspiration of this approach was the digital endoscopy presented by J. Breen and M. Stellingwerff at the 2nd EAEA Conferences in Vienna. We are presenting the possibilities of using simple computer programs for analysis of spatial model. This contribution presents those factors of computer presentation which can demonstrate that computers achieve such effects as endoscope and often their use be much more efficient and effective.
keywords Architectural Endoscopy, Endoscopy, Simulation, Visualisation, Visualization, Real Environments
series EAEA
last changed 2005/09/09 10:43

_id 2e36
authors Bourdakis, Vassilis
year 1997
title Making Sense of the City
source CAAD Futures 1997 [Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-7923-4726-9] München (Germany), 4-6 August 1997, pp. 663-678
summary Large-scale, three dimensional, interactive computer models of cities are becoming feasible making it possible to test their suitability as a visualisation tool for the design and planning process, for data visualisation where socio-economic and physical data can be mapped on to the 3D form of the city and as an urban information repository. The CASA developed models of the City of Bath and London's West End in VRML format, are used as examples to illustrate the problems arising. The aim of this paper is to reflect on key issues related to interaction within urban models, data mapping techniques and appropriate metaphors for presenting information.
keywords 3D City modeling, Urban Modelling, Virtual Environments, Navigation, Data Mapping, VRML
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2003/11/21 15:16

_id 0024
authors Breen, J. and Dijk, T. van
year 1997
title Modelling for eye level composition; design media experiments in an educational setting.
source Architectural and Urban Simulation Techniques in Research and Education [Proceedings of the 3rd European Architectural Endoscopy Association Conference / ISBN 90-407-1669-2]
summary In order to simulate the visual effects of designs at eye level, it is necessary to construct models from which (sequences of) images can be taken. This holds true for both Optical Endoscopy and Computer Aided Visualisation techniques. In what ways can an eye level approach stimulate spatial awareness and create insights into the workings of a design concept? Can Endoscopic methods be used effectively as a creative environment for design decision-making and teamwork and even to stimulate the generation of new design ideas? How should modelmaking be considered if it is to be of use in an ‘impatient’ design process, and how can students be made aware of the opportunities of both direct eye level observations from design models and of the more sophisticated endoscopic imaging techniques? This paper explores the theme of eye level modelling by focusing on a number of formal exercises and educational experiments carried out by the Delft Media group in recent years. An attempt is made to describe and evaluate these experiences, in order to draw conclusions and to signal possible new opportunities for eye level composition for the benefit of both design education and practice...
keywords Architectural Endoscopy, Endoscopy, Simulation, Visualisation, Visualization, Real Environments
series EAEA
last changed 2005/09/09 10:43

_id 35a1
authors Caneparo, L.
year 1997
title Shared Information System for Urban and Architectural Design
source Coyne, R. Ramscar, M. Lee, J. and Zreik, K. (eds.) Design and the net. Proceedings of the Sixth International EuropIA Conference, Europia Productions, Paris, pp. 39-52
summary This paper briefly describes the implementation of an Internet-intranet information system applied to a large-scale project. The large-scale project is centered on the urban area around the Porta Susa railway station in Turin, Italy. The information system integrates the communicative tools used to facilitate and improve the collaboration between the different actors working on the project and the distributed environment used to elaborate the information across a wide area network. The main factors considered are those which exploit the potentialities of computers and networks for interaction and communication. One result is the possibility of interacting dynamically with the information, re-elaborating and distributing it in progress. The information systems opens different ways of collaboration between the project employees, and extends the participation in the project to the citizens.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

_id ffe2
authors Carrar, G., Luna, F. and Rajchman, A.
year 1999
title Cúpulas Telefónicas - Mobiliario Urbano, Diseño Industrial aplicado a una empresa de servicios (Telephone Cupolas - Urban Furniture, Industrial Design Applied to a Company of Services)
source III Congreso Iberoamericano de Grafico Digital [SIGRADI Conference Proceedings] Montevideo (Uruguay) September 29th - October 1st 1999, pp. 426-409
summary By november 1996, the state telecomunication company called for a national booth design contest. The idea was to use the awarded design shortly as part of the renovation of the public phone service. Gruppo MDM won the design contest and was contracted to do the manufacture technical drawings and a prototype which was tested during 1997. By 1997, an international bid was held, including the awarded project. Gruppo MDM was contracted for the follow up of the manufacture process, including research of suppliers worldwide, materials arriving on time with the quality required, verifying local suppliers with deadlines and quality controlls according to the specifications.
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:48

_id caadria2010_042
id caadria2010_042
authors Celento, David
year 2010
title Open-source, parametric architecture to propagate hyper-dense, sustainable urban communities: parametric urban dwellings for the experience economy
source Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / Hong Kong 7-10 April 2010, pp. 443-452
summary Rapid developments in societal, technological, and natural systems suggest profound changes ahead if research in panarchical systems (Holling, 2001) is to be believed. Panarchy suggests that systems, both natural and man-made, rise to the point of vulnerability then fail due to disruptive forces in a process of ‘creative destruction.’ This sequence allows for radical, and often unpredictable, renewal. Pressing sustainability concerns, burgeoning urban growth, and emergent ‘green manufacturing’ laws, suggest that future urban dwellings are headed toward Gladwell’s ‘tipping point’ (2002). Hyper-dense, sustainable, urban communities that employ open-source standards, parametric software, and web-based configurators are the new frontier for venerable visions. Open-source standards will permit the design, manufacture, and sale of highly diverse, inter-operable components to create compact urban living environments that are technologically sophisticated, sustainable, and mobile. These mass-customised dwellings, akin to branded consumer goods, will address previous shortcomings for prefabricated, mobile dwellings by stimulating consumer desire in ways that extend the arguments of both Joseph Pine (1992) and Anna Klingman (2007). Arguments presented by authors Makimoto and Manners (1997) – which assert that the adoption of digital and mobile technologies will create large-scale societal shifts – will be extended with several solutions proposed.
keywords Mass customisation; urban dwellings; open source standards; parametric design; sustainability
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:55

_id 8956
authors Charitos, D. and Rutherford, P.
year 1997
title Ways of aiding navigation in VRML worlds
source Proceedings of the Sixth international EuropIA Conference, europia Production
summary This paper suggests ways of enhancing spatial awareness for the operator of a VRML world, in order to augment her performance, in terms of orientation and wayfinding. In essence, it draws from the fields of environmental cognition, architectural and urban design theories, in order to address the problem of designing VRML worlds, so as to aid the operator's spatial awareness. In addition, it explores the possible development of navigation aids for wayfinding, within such virtual environments. The inclusion of these navigation aids will be seen to have a direct bearing upon the spatial awareness of the designed VRML world.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

_id 8030
authors Cheng, F.
year 1997
title Visual simulation techniques on environmental cognition systems.
source Architectural and Urban Simulation Techniques in Research and Education [Proceedings of the 3rd European Architectural Endoscopy Association Conference / ISBN 90-407-1669-2]
summary Findings of the simulation experiments using simple (inexpensive) simulation set-ups which were conducted by students of the fourth semester studying the course furniture design. They worked on two different examples with an emphasis on communication and orientation systems. Research findings of lightsimulation experiments at the SI with the emphasis on the miniaturization of simulation objects and optimisation of procedures.
keywords Architectural Endoscopy, Endoscopy, Simulation, Visualisation, Visualization, Real Environments
series EAEA
last changed 2005/09/09 10:43

_id ddss9829
id ddss9829
authors De Hoog, J., Hendriks, N.A. and Rutten, P.G.S.
year 1998
title Evaluating Office Buildings with MOLCA(Model for Office Life Cycle Assessment)
source Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Fourth Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning Maastricht, the Netherlands), ISBN 90-6814-081-7, July 26-29, 1998
summary MOLCA (Model for Office Life Cycle Assessment) is a project that aims to develop a tool that enables designers and builders to evaluate the environmental impact of their designs (of office buildings) from a environmental point of view. The model used is based on guidelinesgiven by ISO 14000, using the so-called Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method. The MOLCA project started in 1997 and will be finished in 2001 resulting in the aforementioned tool. MOLCA is a module within broader research conducted at the Eindhoven University of Technology aiming to reduce design risks to a minimum in the early design stages.Since the MOLCA project started two major case-studies have been carried out. One into the difference in environmental load caused by using concrete and steel roof systems respectively and the role of recycling. The second study focused on biases in LCA data and how to handle them. For the simulations a computer-model named SimaPro was used, using the world-wide accepted method developed by CML (Centre for the Environment, Leiden, the Netherlands). With this model different life-cycle scenarios were studied and evaluated. Based on those two case studies and a third one into an office area, a first model has been developed.Bottle-neck in this field of study is estimating average recycling and re-use percentages of the total flow of material waste in the building sector and collecting reliable process data. Another problem within LCA studies is estimating the reliability of the input data and modelling uncertainties. All these topics will be subject of further analysis.
keywords Life-Cycle Assessment, Office Buildings, Uncertainties in LCA
series DDSS
last changed 2003/08/07 16:36

_id 2a5e
authors Does, J. van der and Giró, H.
year 1997
title Design communication and image processing
source Architectural and Urban Simulation Techniques in Research and Education [Proceedings of the 3rd European Architectural Endoscopy Association Conference / ISBN 90-407-1669-2]
summary In the proceedings of the first EAEA conference, 1993, I mentioned our first study focused on refining endoscopic video images of a detailed architectural model and drawings. The study was based on work with 900 subjects, of which 200 were professional architects. It has led to a number of technical improvements. In the second study we compared computer-aided design techniques with two techniques from the first study, endoscopic video recordings and coloured and black and white elevations and perspective drawings. Four different groups of 50 subjects took part in this research. We found that computer images are invariably judged to be of moderate value, while drawings yielded consistently high scores. Endoscopic video recordings of the scale model received high scores as far as emotional response is concerned, and moderate scores when the participants were questioned on the actual content of the recordings.
keywords Architectural Endoscopy, Endoscopy, Simulation, Visualisation, Visualization, Real Environments
series EAEA
last changed 2005/09/09 10:43

_id 4062
authors Flanagan Robert and Shannon, Kelly
year 1998
title Digital Studio Confronts Tradition
source Computers in Design Studio Teaching [EAAE/eCAADe International Workshop Proceedings / ISBN 09523687-7-3] Leuven (Belgium) 13-14 November 1998, pp. 65-71
summary This is a record of a collaborative teaching effort of two architect/educators, each contributing theoretical components to the educational process necessary for the development of an urban housing strategy vis à vis an integrated digital/judgment effort. Twenty graduate architecture students were involved in this ‘computer design studio’. The focus of the studio was the 1997 Otis Elevator Housing Design Competition. A prerequisite introductory computer class was required for participation in this studio. Two distinct analysis and design methodologies were introduced; one concentrating on the formal tectonic aspects of architecture and the other highlighting the multiplicity, and often competing, forces shaping the built reality. The summary offered at the conclusion of this document both supports and questions the direction of the class as a whole and further classifies the relative success and failures of the individual student initiatives. In some cases, the computer simply facilitated (and occasionally hindered) progress. In the most opportunistic examples, the computer undoubtedly changed both the process and the consequence of the design effort.  
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:51

_id f7e8
authors Frazer, J.H. and Stephenson, P.
year 1997
title The Groningen Experiment
source Architectural Association Publications, publ. pend.
summary In its first five years, the Architectural Association's Diploma unit II developed the theoretical framework of an alternative generative process, using computer models to compress evolutionary space and time. This led to a prototype that could be demonstrated interactively and the launch on the Internet of an experimental evolutionary environment which attracted global participation, established a dematerialised model. The new phase of the programme has begun to externalise this conceptual model into constructed form, focusing on urban-scale evolution and other historical and natural examples of co-operative and ecologically i integrated development. The approach has been to consider metabolic processes as a way of understanding both the formal development of urban symbiosis and the specific problem of materialization. The city planning department of Groningen commissioned a small working prototype demonstration of a predictive urban computer model. The unit produced an evolving model which explains the transition from the past to the present, and projects future trajectories a "what if" model for generating, exploring and evaluating alternatives. The model mediates in scale, space and time: ; in scale between the urban context and the fine grain of the housing typologies ; in space between the existing fabric of Groningen and specific dwelling units ; in time between the lifestyle within the medieval core and the desires of the citizens of tile next century
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

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