CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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Hits 1 to 20 of 550

_id 47e8
authors Pikaar, R.N.
year 1998
title Situation Analysis of Design Tasks for CAD Systems
source Behaviour and Information Technology 1989 v.8 n.3 p.191-206
summary There has been little empirical research on the human aspects of CAD systems. In this paper observations on the analyses of designer activities are presented, by using a systems design approach. The paper concentrates on situation analysis and subsequent allocation of system tasks. A situation analysis was carried out in two design departments. The analysis consisted of a formal system description and a reconstruction interview. During the interview the previous week's activities were reconstructed with the help of photographs of the drawing board and protocols completed by design draughtspersons. This procedure was used for six design projects. In this study the technique of the reconstruction interview proved to be very useful and informative, and enabled three general conclusions to be made. First, designers liked the initial design phase and their responsibility for the final result. Second, they disliked the activities associated with drawing as well as the project documentation phase. Third, they preferred to work with two or more drawings on the drawing board. A number of frequent tasks could be identified, for example, large scale manipulation within and between drawings. In the final section, an example of a global allocation of system tasks for the design of a CAD system is given.
series other
last changed 2002/07/07 16:01

_id a136
authors Blaise, J.Y., Dudek, I. and Drap, P.
year 1998
title Java collaborative interface for architectural simulations A case study on wooden ceilings of Krakow
source International Conference On Conservation - Krakow 2000, 23-24 November 1998, Krakow, Poland
summary Concern for the architectural and urban preservation problems has been considerably increasing in the past decades, and with it the necessity to investigate the consequences and opportunities opened for the conservation discipline by the development of computer-based systems. Architectural interventions on historical edifices or in preserved urban fabric face conservationists and architects with specific problems related to the handling and exchange of a variety of historical documents and representations. The recent development of information technologies offers opportunities to favour a better access to such data, as well as means to represent architectural hypothesis or design. Developing applications for the Internet also introduces a greater capacity to exchange experiences or ideas and to invest on low-cost collaborative working platforms. In the field of the architectural heritage, our research addresses two problems: historical data and documentation of the edifice, methods of representation (knowledge modelling and visualisation) of the edifice. This research is connected with the ARKIW POLONIUM co-operation program that links the MAP-GAMSAU CNRS laboratory (Marseilles, France) and the Institute HAiKZ of Kraków's Faculty of Architecture. The ARKIW programme deals with questions related to the use of information technologies in the recording, protection and studying of the architectural heritage. Case studies are chosen in order to experience and validate a technical platform dedicated to the formalisation and exchange of knowledge related to the architectural heritage (architectural data management, representation and simulation tools, survey methods, ...). A special focus is put on the evolution of the urban fabric and on the simulation of reconstructional hypothesis. Our contribution will introduce current ARKIW internet applications and experiences: The ARPENTEUR architectural survey experiment on Wieża Ratuszowa (a photogrammetrical survey based on an architectural model). A Gothic and Renaissance reconstruction of the Ratusz Krakowski using a commercial modelisation and animation software (MAYA). The SOL on line documentation interface for Kraków's Rynek G_ówny. Internet analytical approach in the presentation of morphological informations about Kraków's Kramy Bogate Rynku Krakowskiego. Object-Orientation approach in the modelling of the architectural corpus. The VALIDEUR and HUBLOT Virtual Reality modellers for the simulation and representation of reconstructional hypothesis and corpus analysis.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

_id 2796
authors Brown, Andy and Lee, Hwa, Ryong
year 1998
title A Mental Space Model
source Cyber-Real Design [Conference Proceedings / ISBN 83-905377-2-9] Bialystock (Poland), 23-25 April 1998, pp. 27-42
summary The architectural design process is often characterised a series of evolving ideas, and involving a cyclical process between design and visualisation. However, the nature of the internal representation still remains unclear. What is actually represented in a designers mental space and what drives and influences the mental design process? If we wish to programme a computer to mimic or work in tandem with the mental processes involved we need to make that representation and the associated cognitive processes explicit. The ways that designers form mental representations are so diverse, personal, and often transient that it is not easy to externalise and articulate them in explicit terms. In order to propose a mental model, we can take in a particular I psychological research approach; that of introspective observation from design drawing . In doing so, we posit an assumption that the designer's drawing can be seen as an extension of the internal mental feature, and hence internal representation could be inferred from the analysis of external representation - the drawing or sketch. This approach contrasts with the protocol analysis approach where mental operations are inferred from words, what could be termed thinking aloud.
series plCAD
last changed 2003/05/17 10:01

_id 6b33
authors Dudek, I., Czubinski J., Blaise, J.-Y. and Drap, P.
year 1998
title Collaborative Network Tools for the Architectural Analysis in Conservation Research
source Cyber-Real Design [Conference Proceedings / ISBN 83-905377-2-9] Bialystock (Poland), 23-25 April 1998, pp. 75-84
summary Development of net-based tools initiate a new architecture-computer science junction, offering a possibility to investigate distant exchange and updating of research work on architectural artefacts. Tools such as CAD platforms, rendering software and DBMS are integrated to the every day work of more and more architects and conservationists. Computer tools, which have been introduced in the process of analysing architecture as drawing and data management platforms, now bring to the fore a deeper change: distant analysis. The development of web technologies and the object oriented approach to knowledge representation give us an opportunity of research in the fields of collaborative work on architectural data models. The research presented in this paper focuses on a first set of network operative tools for a co-operation program aimed at developing web-enabled architectural data models referring to the evolution of Cracow's Old Town Hall.
series plCAD
last changed 1999/04/08 17:16

_id a114
authors Faucher, Didier and Nivet, Marie-Laure
year 1998
title Playing with Design Intent: Integration of Physical and Urban Constraints in CAD
source Digital Design Studios: Do Computers Make a Difference? [ACADIA Conference Proceedings / ISBN 1-880250-07-1] Québec City (Canada) October 22-25, 1998, pp. 118-137
summary Our work deals with the exploration of a universe of forms that satisfy some design intents. That is, we substitute a “generate and test” approach for a declarative approach in which an object is created from its properties. In this paper we present an original method that takes into account design intents relative to sunlight, visibility and urban regulation. First of all we study how current CAD tools have considered these properties until now. Our conclusion is that the classical design / simulation / analysis process does not suit design practices, especially in the early stages. We think that an improved CAD system should offer the architect the option of manipulating abstract information such as design intents. We define an intent as a conceptual expression of constraints having an influence on the project. For instance, a visual intent will be stated with no reference to vision geometry: “ from this place, I want to see the front of the new building”. We show how to represent each of these constraints with a 3D volume associated to some characteristics. If some solutions exist, we are sure that they are included in these volumes. For physical phenomena we compute the volume geometry using the principles of inverse simulation. In the case of urban regulation we apply deduction rules. Design intents are solved by means of geometrical entities that represent openings or obstructions in the project. Computing constraint volumes is a way of guiding the architect in his exploration of solutions. Constraint volumes are new spaces that can restore the link between form and phenomenon in a CAD tool. Our approach offers the designer the possibility of manipulating design intents.

series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:55

_id 7560
authors Gomez, Nestor
year 1998
title Conceptual Structural Design Through Knowledge Hierarchies
source Carnegie Mellon University, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Pittsburgh
summary Computer support for conceptual design still lags behind software available for analysis and detailed design. The Software Environment to Support the Early Phases in Building Design (SEED) project has the goal of providing design generation and exploration capabilities to aid in the conceptual design of buildings, from architectural programming and layout to enclosure design and structural configuration. The current work presents a component of the efforts of the SEED-Config Structure group in providing computer support for conceptual structural design. The Building Entity and Technology (BENT) approach models data about building elements in a general, hierarchical form, where design evolution is represented by the growing specificity of the design description. Two methods of system-supported design generation are provided: case-based reasoning and application of knowledge rules. The knowledge rules, termed technologies, and how they are specified and used are the primary focus of this thesis. In the BENT approach, conceptual structural engineering knowledge is modularized into technology nodes arranged in a directed 'AND/OR' graph, where OR nodes represent alternative design decisions and AND nodes represent problem decomposition. In addition, nodes in the graph may also be specified as having AND/OR incoming arcs thus reducing the duplication of nodes and enhancing the representational power of the approach. In order to facilitate the incorporation of new knowledge into the system, and verify and/or change the knowledge already in the system, the data model and the interface allow for dynamic creation, browsing, and editing of technology nodes. Design generation through the use of the knowledge hierarchy involves the conditional application of nodes according to the design context as represented by the building element(s) under consideration. Each application of a technology node expands the design of building elements by increasing the detail of the design description or by decomposing the elements into less abstract components. In addition, support for simultaneous design of multiple elements and for iteration control are also provided. An important feature of the BENT approach is that the generative knowledge (i.e., the technology hierarchy) is detached from the information repository (i.e., the database of entities which make up the building). This allows the technology hierarchies to be used in a modular fashion from building problem to building problem.
series thesis:PhD
last changed 2003/02/12 22:37

_id ca7b
authors Howes, Jaki
year 1999
title IT or not IT? An Examination of IT Use in an Experimental Multi-disciplinary Teamwork Situation
source Architectural Computing from Turing to 2000 [eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9523687-5-7] Liverpool (UK) 15-17 September 1999, pp. 370-373
summary Leeds Metropolitan University is well placed to carry out research into multi-disciplinary team-working, as all the design and construction disciplines are housed in one faculty. Staff have set up an experimental project, TIME IT (Team-working in Multi-disciplinary Environments using IT) which examines ways of working in the design/construction process and how IT is used when there is no commercial pressure. Four groups of four students, one graduate diploma architect, and one final year student from each of Civil Engineering, Construction Management and Quantity Surveying have been working on feasibility studies for projects that are based on completed schemes or have been devised by collaborators in the Construction Industry. Students have been asked to produce a PowerPoint presentation, in up to five working days, of a design scheme, with costs, structural analysis and construction programme. The students are not assessed on the quality of the product, but on their own ability to monitor the process and use of IT. Despite this, aggressive competition evolved between the teams to produce the 'best' design. Five projects were run in the 1998/99 session. A dedicated IT suite has been provided; each group of students had exclusive use of a machine. They were not told how to approach the projects nor when to use the available technology, but were asked to keep the use of paper to a minimum and to keep all their work on the server, so that it could be monitored externally. Not so. They plotted the AO drawings of an existing building that had been provided on the server. They like paper - they can scribble on it, fold it, tear it and throw it at one another.
keywords IT, Multi-disciplinary, Teamwork
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id 25a3
authors Martini, K.
year 1998
title Ancient structures and modern analysis: investigating damage and reconstruction at Pompeii
source Automation in Construction 8 (1) (1998) pp. 125-137
summary The paper describes the application of non-linear structural analysis methods to address archaeological questions concerning the reconstruction of the ancient city of Pompeii after a major earthquake that occurred 17 yr prior to the famous eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in 79 AD. It presents preliminary findings in an effort to develop an approach to modelling the two-way out-of-plane behavior of unreinforced masonry walls, including comparison studies with published analytic and experimental results for one-way loaded walls, plus a trial analysis for a two-way span condition. The approach requires the application of computationally intensive non-linear analysis techniques, since the linear analysis methods used in conventional design and education are inadequate to model the behavior of unreinforced masonry. Developing an understanding of the two-way behavior of unreinforced masonry has implications not only for archaeological investigation of ancient structures, but also for modern renovation of historic structures.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:22

_id 220b
authors Potier, S., Malret, J.-L-. and Zoller, J.
year 1998
title Computer Graphics: Assistance for Archaeological Hypotheses
source Digital Design Studios: Do Computers Make a Difference? [ACADIA Conference Proceedings / ISBN 1-880250-07-1] Québec City (Canada) October 22-25, 1998, pp. 366-383
summary This paper is a contribution to the domain of computer tools for architectural and archeological restitution of ancient buildings. We describe an application of these tools to the modeling of the 14th century AD. Thermae of Constantin in Arles, south of France. It was a diploma project in School of Architecture of MarseilleLuminy, and took place in a context defined in the European ARELATE project. The general objective of this project is to emphasize the archeological and architectural heritage of the city of Arles; it aims, in particular, to equip the museum of ancient Arles with a computer tool enabling the storage and consultation of archaeological archives, the communication of information and exchange by specialized networks, and the creation of a virtual museum allowing a redescription of the monuments and a “virtual” visit of ancient Arles. Our approach involves a multidisciplinary approach, calling on architecture, archeology and computer science. The archeologist’s work is to collect information and interpret it; this is the starting point of the architect’s work who, using these elements, suggests an architectural reconstruction. This synthesis contains the functioning analysis of the structure and building. The potential provided by the computer as a tool (in this case, the POV-Ray software) with access to several three-dimensional visualizations, according to hypotheses formulated by the architect and archaeologists, necessitates the use of evolutive models which, thanks to the parametrization of dimensions of a building and its elements, can be adapted to all the changes desired by the architect. The specific contribution of POV-Ray in architectural reconstruction of thermae finds its expression in four forms of this modeling program, which correspond to the objectives set by the architect in agreement with archeologists: (a) The parametrization of dimensions, which contributes significantly in simplifying the reintervention process of the architectural data base; (b) Hierarchy and links between variables, allowing “grouped” modifications of modelized elements in order to preserve the consistency of the architectural building’s morphology; (c) The levels of modeling (with or without facing, for example), which admit of the exploration of all structural and architectural trails (relationship form/ function); and, (d) The “model-type,” facilitating the setting up of hypotheses by simple scaling and transformation of these models (e.g., roofing models) on an already modelled structure. The methodological validation of this modeling software’s particular use in architectural formulation of hypotheses shows that the software is the principal graphical medium of discussion between architect and archaeologist, thus confirming the hypotheses formulated at the beginning of this project.

series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 08:00

_id ddss9845
id ddss9845
authors Reymen, Isabelle M.M.J.
year 1998
title Design in Architecture, Software Engineering and Mechanical EngineeringA comparative study
source Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Fourth Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning Maastricht, the Netherlands), ISBN 90-6814-081-7, July 26-29, 1998
summary The awareness about the gap between general design theory and design practice is increasing. Design practice is not really served with the results of current design theory. To build a bridge between theory and practice, design researchers should know what is really going on in practice. To explore design practice and to find the most important characteristics of design situations, I have chosen an empirical approach based on case studies in which design projects in different disciplines are compared. In each case study, an individual designer is interviewed and the design documents are analysed. The results in this article are based on two architectural projects, two software-engineering projects and two mechanical-engineering projects. The cross-case analysis has resulted indescriptions of design situations in these disciplines. A preliminary design frame to describe design situations in different disciplines has been derived. Based on similarities and differences in the descriptions, conclusions concerning design theory, design education and design practice are given. The most important conclusions are the following. First, designers are often not aware of their design process, but focus mainly on the product. Second, software designers more often than architects andmechanical engineers use methods to structure their overall design process.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/08/07 16:36

_id ga9804
id ga9804
authors Tang, Ming Xi
year 1998
title An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Industrial Design Support
source International Conference on Generative Art
summary The process of Industrial Design extends from market analysis, conceptualization, form generation to performance prediction, engineering analysis and user analysis etc. This requires a wide range of design knowledge and techniques from different disciplines. Computer-based support to industrial design is limited because the majority of the CAD systems deal with only geometric models and representations. The recent advancement in generative techniques utilizing evolutionary computation methods provides an opportunity for the study of more creative and systematic ways of supporting the industrial design process. However, one of the problems associated with the existing generative techniques is the difficulty in evaluating a large number of solutions generated by a generative system. This paper addresses this problem by presenting a system framework for industrial design support through an integrated application of Artificial Intelligence techniques.
series other
last changed 2003/08/07 17:25

_id ddss9821
id ddss9821
authors Varghese, G., Dhingra, S.L. and Sikdar, P.K.
year 1998
title The Role of Expert Systems, and RDBMS Strategies in a DSSfor Urban Bus Transport Management
source Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Fourth Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning Maastricht, the Netherlands), ISBN 90-6814-081-7, July 26-29, 1998
summary Efficient and well-managed urban bus transport systems supported by information systems with decision support capabilities developed within the framework of an advanced Relational Data Base Management System (RDBMS) can provide critical information at the right moment and assisttransport managers in conducting performance evaluations. This paper includes discussions on the use of the entity-relationship (E-R) model (a semantic data modeling technique) in the development of thestructure of the conceptual database for the information system planned to be implemented using RDBMS. The E-R data modeling approach enables database designers in obtaining the third normal forms of related databases for the efficient functioning of the information system. The inportance of decision tables in the development of DSS modules using Expert System shells are also discussed. The DSS modules will assist transport managers in the analysis of operational performance for bus depots or the organization as a whole. The E-R diagrams generated and the decision files developed will serve as important documents that can enhance the adaptability of the DSS to the changing needs ofthe organizations. The conceptualization of the information system to support decision-making in an RDBMS framework provides the advantage of a very low 'disk seek' time and facilitates frequent generation of reports.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/08/07 16:36

_id a545
authors Wood, John B. and Chambers, Tom
year 1998
title Value Added Learning: The Cadet Experience
source Computers in Design Studio Teaching [EAAE/eCAADe International Workshop Proceedings / ISBN 09523687-7-3] Leuven (Belgium) 13-14 November 1998, pp. 165-172
summary This paper reports on the integration of Information Technology in the Building Design Engineering Studio. It is based on the work carried out by the CADET Unit (CAD Education and Training), which promotes a better understanding of the built environment through an integrated approach to design studio teaching. This is achieved through a dynamic studio environment guided by a Building Design Engineering ethos that adopts a holistic approach to design; recognising that design in engineering, architecture and the visual arts demands an understanding of the challenges of a multidisciplinary approach that acknowledges a broader cultural dimension. There are increasing demands placed on students of architecture and engineering. They require skills in making physical as well as computer models, they must be able to draw in 18th & 19th century conventional media (paper, pen and pencil) as well as CAD and they must be proficient in rendering in full colour both conventionally and in the electronic media including animations. The creative use of the computer at the point of analysis and conceptualisation, as important as technical proficiency, is a necessary part of the design process. In recognition of the demands that we currently make of university students we are exploring two critical responses. In the first case we demonstrate an integrated approach to design studio practice, achieving a value added learning experience in the University Sector, and with a view to the longer term we are exploring the application of a similar design approach within the Secondary School Sector in order to raise the awareness of design at an earlier stage.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:57

_id ddss9801
id ddss9801
authors Achten, Henri and Leeuwen, Jos van
year 1998
title A Feature-Based Description Technique for Design Processes: A Case Study
source Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Fourth Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning Maastricht, the Netherlands), ISBN 90-6814-081-7, July 26-29, 1998
summary In order to develop appropriate tools for decision support in design processes, it is necessary to found them on an understanding of design. Analytical techniques of design processes that have a direct relationship with tool development can enhance design support systems development. The paper focuses on a design support system in the VR-DIS research program. The aim of this research program is to develop insight in the architectural design process and to establish design tools for architectsworking in Virtual Reality. The basic approach for data modelling in VR in this research is based on an extension of the Feature Based Modelling paradigm taken from design in mechanical engineering. The computer model of the design in the system is a Feature-based model. This paper describes design processes in terms of changes in the Feature-based model of the design. For this purpose, a case of a house design is used. Drawings in the conceptual design phase up to the preliminary design phase arestudied. Each state of the drawings is described in terms of a Feature-model. Particular design actions such as creation of spaces, definition of architectural elements, and changes during the design process can be expressed in terms of changes in the Feature-model. Because of the use of Features, the changes can be formalised in the VR-DIS system. The description in terms of Features offers an analytical toolthat leads to a functional brief for design support tools. The paper ends with a discussion of implications and future work.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/11/21 15:15

_id ddss9802
id ddss9802
authors Akin, O., Aygen, Z., Cumming, M., Donia, M., Sen, R. and Zhang, Y.
year 1998
title Computational Specification of Building Requirements in theEarly Stages of Design
source Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Fourth Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning Maastricht, the Netherlands), ISBN 90-6814-081-7, July 26-29, 1998
summary We have been exploring computational techniques to help building designers to specify design requirements during the early stages of design. In the past, little has been accomplished in this area either in terms of innovative computational technologies or the improvement of design performance.The prospect of improving design productivity and creating a seamless process between requirements specification and formal design are our primary motivations. This research has been conducted as partof a larger project entitled SEED (Software Environment to Support Early Phases in Building Design). SEED features an open-ended modular architecture, where each module provides support for a design activity that takes place in early design stages. Each module is supported by a database to store and retrieve information, as well as a user interface to support the interaction with designers. The module described in this paper, SEED-Pro (the architectural programming module of SEED), is a workingprototype for building design requirements specification. It can be used by other modules in SEED or by design systems in other domains, such as mechanical engineering, civil engineering, industrial designand electrical engineering. Our approach to SEED-Pro is divided into two phases: core, and support functionalities. The core functionalities operate in an interactive mode relying on a case-based approach to retrieve and adapt complex specification records to the problem at hand. The supportfunctionalities include the case-base, the data-base, and the standards processing environment for building specification tasks. Our findings indicate that SEED-Pro: (1) is a tool that structures the unstructured domain of design requirements; (2) enables the integration of design requirements with the rest of the design process, (3) leads to the creation of complex case-bases and (4) enables the observation of their performance in the context of real world design problems.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/11/21 15:15

_id ddss9803
id ddss9803
authors Arentze, T., Borgers, A. and Timmermans, H.
year 1998
title Extending spatial DSS with spatial choice models of multipurpose shopping trip behaviour
source Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Fourth Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning Maastricht, the Netherlands), ISBN 90-6814-081-7, July 26-29, 1998
summary Spatial choice or interaction models have been widely used in spatial DSS or customised GIS for analysing the impacts of retail location plans. The models typically used, however, do not account for spatial agglomeration effects on spatial choice behaviour. This study develops a model system for analysing the impacts of retail plans based on a choice model of multipurpose behaviour developed in earlier work. The model system is implemented in the spatial DSS called Location Planner. An empirical study demonstrates the empirical estimation and use of the model for analysing the impacts of an expansion of floor space in the major shopping centre of a middle-sized city in The Netherlands. The results indicate that agglomeration effects as predicted by the model can have substantial impacts on the performance of retail systems. Therefore, it is argued that when incorporated in a spatial DSS, the more complex models have the potential to improve the use of these systems for impact analysis.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/11/21 15:16

_id a037
authors Aygen, Z. and Flemming, U.
year 1998
title Classification of Precedents - A Hybrid Approach to Indexing and Retrieving Design Cases in SEED (a Software Environment for the Early Phases of Building Design)
source CAADRIA ‘98 [Proceedings of The Third Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / ISBN 4-907662-009] Osaka (Japan) 22-24 April 1998, pp. 435-444
summary An efficient indexing of past solutions is crucial to case-based design (CBD) systems performing complex retrieval on large case-bases. This paper suggests a hybrid approach to the indexing and retrieval of design precedents. The suggested approach accounts for the issues of classification manifested in architectural discussions on type and CBD literature. The indexing scheme integrates description-logic based representation for classification and an object-based representation for precedents. The hybrid scheme constitutes a basis for the implementation of a generic case indexing and retrieval mechanism for SEED.
keywords Case-Based Design, Classification, Typology
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id 215e
authors Bai, Rui-Yuan and Liu, Yu-Tung
year 1998
title Towards a Computerized Procedure for Visual Impact Analysis and Assessment - The Hsinchu Example
source CAADRIA ‘98 [Proceedings of The Third Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / ISBN 4-907662-009] Osaka (Japan) 22-24 April 1998, pp. 67-76
summary This paper examines the procedure of visual impact analysis and assessment proposed by Rahman and reviews the use of CAD applications in urban projects in the real world. A preliminary computerized procedure for visual impact analysis and assessment is proposed. An experiments was conducted in our laboratory to verify the preliminary procedure. In order to further study the revised procedure in real urban projects, it was also applied into the renew project of The Eastern Gate Plaza located in the center of city Hsinchu, Taiwan from 1996 to 1998. According to several face-to-face discussions with Hsinchu habitants, government officials, and professional designers, a final computerized procedure for visual impact analysis and assessment is concluded.
keywords Environmental Simulation, Visual Impact Analysis and Assessment, Virtual Reality
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id 4c8a
authors Ball, L.J., Maskill, L. and Ormerod, T.C.
year 1998
title Satisficing in engineering design: causes, consequences and implications for design support
source Automation in Construction 7 (2-3) (1998) pp. 213-227
summary We describe an approach to investigating design cognition which involved comparing prescriptive theories of good design practice with observations of actual design behaviour. The tenet of prescriptive theory which formed the focus of the research is the idea that designers should generate and evaluate multiple design alternatives in order to increase the chances of attaining better design solutions than might arise if they fixated upon an initial solution. Our study focused upon six professional electronic engineers attempting a novel integrated-circuit design problem. Verbal-protocol data revealed: (i) a failure to search for alternative solutions; (ii) a marked inclination to stick with early `satisficing' solution ideas even when these were showing deficiencies; and (iii) only superficial modelling and assessment of competing alternatives when such options were actually considered. We argue that while minimal solution search in design may sometimes be caused by motivational factors and working-memory limitations, its major determinant relates to inhibitory memory processes that arise subsequent to the recognition-based emergence of familiar design solutions. We conclude by exploring the implications of minimal solution search for design support, with particular reference to an agent-based indexing system which we are developing in order to facilitate the pursuit of design alternatives in engineering contexts.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:22

_id ddss9806
id ddss9806
authors Besio, M., Frixione, M. and Pedemonte, O.
year 1998
title GIS technologies in the transfer of theknowledge project to the plan projectmultiple representation of the environmental spaces
source Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Fourth Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning Maastricht, the Netherlands), ISBN 90-6814-081-7, July 26-29, 1998
summary An analysis is made of the relation between the conceptualand paradigmatic level of GIS technologies and the new forms of plan, whichmake environment the center of attention. The intention is to study newcriteria for zoning able to give contextual representations of theterritorial, environmental and landscape aspects of the geographical space,and also to study new legislative principles, able to establish integratedrules for theprojecting of soil uses, the safeguarding and recovery ofenvironmental systems and the tutelage and boosting of the landscape. The experimentation of GIS (Geographical Information System)technologies aims at the construction of systems helping to make decisionsfor the control of the environmental and landscape aspects of theterritory. An analysis is made of the ways in which there are formulated thedescriptions of the various aspects of the environment: the conceptsthrough which knowledge is expressed, the languages used forrepresentations, the cognitive models adopted. GIS technologies have made it possible to represent in an explicitmanner the paradigms underlying the various models of knowledge.Specifically, the following cognitive models have been developed:- ecological models of nature- ecological models of human settlement- ecological models of inhabitants’ mental perceptions
series DDSS
last changed 2003/11/21 15:16

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