CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

Hits 1 to 20 of 550

_id 029f
authors Bermudez, Julio and King, Kevin
year 1998
title Media Interaction & Design Process: Establishing a Knowledge Base
source Digital Design Studios: Do Computers Make a Difference? [ACADIA Conference Proceedings / ISBN 1-880250-07-1] Québec City (Canada) October 22-25, 1998, pp. 6-25
summary Integrating computers in architectural design means to negotiate between centuries-old analog design methods and the new digital systems of production. Analog systems of architectural production use tracing paper, vellum, graphite and ink, clipboard, clay, balsa wood, plastic, metal, etc. Analog systems have also been termed ‘handmade’, ‘manual’, ‘material’ or ‘physical’. Digital systems of architectural production use scanning, image manipulation, visualization, solid modeling, computer aided drafting, animation, rendering, etc. Digital systems have also been called ‘electronic’, ‘computer-aided’, ‘virtual’, etc. The difficulty lies in the underdeveloped state of the necessary methods, techniques, and theories to relate traditional and new media. Recent investigations on the use of multiple iterations between manual and electronic systems to advance architectural work show promising results. However, these experiments have not been sufficiently codified, cross-referenced and third party tested to conform a reliable knowledge base. This paper addresses this shortcoming by bringing together reported experiences from diverse researchers over the past decade. This summary is informed by more than three years of continuous investigation in the impacts of analog-digital conversations in the design process. The goal is to establish a state-of-the-art common foundation that permits instructors, researchers and practitioners to refer to, utilize, test, criticize and develop. An appendix is included providing support for the paper’s arguments.

series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:52

_id ddss9813
id ddss9813
authors Cordan, Ozge and Besgen, Asu
year 1998
title No Times But Principles, A Case Study From Priene, Anatolia
source Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Fourth Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning Maastricht, the Netherlands), ISBN 90-6814-081-7, July 26-29, 1998
summary To emphasise the reusing of the local identities and cultural effects on contemporary designs, this paper is believed to have an important role for architects and for further designs. In this paper design theories in 1000's BC from Priene is held. The theories in urban and architectural design took place. From the intersection point of Ancient Greek and Western Anatolia, a city named "Priene" is chosen as a point of view because of its speciallocation on the Aegean Sea Coasts; Asia Minor and its design principles on urban and housing scale which were used during 1000's and are still common. Also, in this paper, an analysis is done on urban and housing scale. The analysis has two main parts. In the first part, the important buildings in Priene and their settlement decisions take part. And in the second part, the houses of Priene are explained. The general outputs of the study can be put under two titles: urbanism and architecture. In terms of urbanism, those features of a city image reflecting onto today’s world have been examined and the city of Priene has been analysed in the content of Lynch’s elements ensuring formation of a city image. In terms of architecture, results obtained have been separately examined in the content of today’s architecture as public buildings reflecting unique characteristics of Hellenistic architecture and as settlements. In short, the result that it is wished to reach in terms of city scale of the city of Priene in this study isthe expression of the essence of the historical heritage using a modern language to ensure historical continuity.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/08/07 16:36

_id ddss9837
id ddss9837
authors Liu, Yu-Tung and Bai, Rui-Yuan
year 1998
title The roles of virtual reality, image processing, and multimedia in thedesign of public spaces: 1997 Hsinchu Project
source Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Fourth Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning Maastricht, the Netherlands), ISBN 90-6814-081-7, July 26-29, 1998
summary This paper examines the procedure of visual impact analysis and assessment proposed by Rahman and reviews the use of CAD applications in urban projects in the real world. A preliminary computerized procedure for visual impact analysis and assessment is proposed. An experiments wasconducted in our laboratory to verify the preliminary procedure. In order to further study the revised procedure in real urban projects, it was also applied into the renew project of The Eastern Gate Plaza located in the center of city Hsinchu, Taiwan from 1996 to 1998. According to several face-to-face discussions with Hsinchu habitants, government officials, and professional designers, a final computerized procedure for visual impact analysis and assessment is concluded.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/08/07 16:36

_id 2b30
authors Mejía, Ricardo Cuberos
year 1998
title Integration of CAD on a Planning Support System Experiences in Urban Planning of Altagracia
source Cyber-Real Design [Conference Proceedings / ISBN 83-905377-2-9] Bialystock (Poland), 23-25 April 1998, pp. 53-74
summary This paper relates to the group of strategies of information automation utilized for the development of a planning support system, conceived for the preparation of the urban plan of an intermediate city, with semi-industrial, tourist and fishing character, whish is located in the occident from Venezuela. Developed according the official methodology of urban analysis established for the national urban authorities, the planning support system incorporates different technical for the automated processing of information in innovative way, to obtaining each one of the products that constitute the urban plan. Such system bases on a model of integral management and structured control of cartographic and document information, databases, images and animations, respect to information fields so different as routes networks, census segments, building inventories, and tourist videos. For it, a CAD system was combined with analysis and information presentation tools, elaborated through GIS, word processors, image processors, spreadsheet, database systems, presentation programs and hypertext interfaces, under the administration of a local network area.
series plCAD
last changed 1999/04/08 17:16

_id 37
authors Morelli, RubÈn DarÌo and Marina, Cristian
year 1998
title Geometria y Grafica Digital Como Reflexion y Racionalizacion Del Proyecto Arquitectonico (Geometry and Digital Graphics as Reflexion and Rationalization of the Architectural Project)
source II Seminario Iberoamericano de Grafico Digital [SIGRADI Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-97190-0-X] Mar del Plata (Argentina) 9-11 september 1998, pp. 280-285
summary The methodology of the work consists in the following: (a) Starting from the photographic image of an architectonic work (Santisimo Sacramento Church situated in 3451 Bv. OroÒo street, Rosario city, Santa Fe, Republica Argentina), and applying the rules of Descriptive Geometry. about photographic perspective, rebuild - restore the orthogonal parallel projection of its facade. (b) Once the restitution is done, introduce the information into the computer, in order to: Make a geometric analysis of the architectonic shape, applying 2D systems (bidimensional diedric or Monge method ) and 3D (tridimensional, wireframes and renders); Obtain a complete 3D image of the Tower, that means the virtual model of the real object.
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:55

_id e184
authors Popov, V., Popova, L. and De Paoli, G.
year 1998
title Towards an Object-Oriented Language for the Declarative Design of Scenes
source Digital Design Studios: Do Computers Make a Difference? [ACADIA Conference Proceedings / ISBN 1-880250-07-1] Québec City (Canada) October 22-25, 1998, pp. 316-353
summary We propose a prototype “kernel” of an object-oriented language, SOML (Scene Objects Modeling Language), intended to assist in the declarative design of scenes in image synthesis. This language is an attempt to provide the designer with a tool to facilitate the rapid prototyping of 3D scenes. It can also serve as a tool for knowledge acquisition and representation , and for communication and exchange of data with other tools in a design environment. Advantages offered by the implementation of SOML are: (a) from user’s viewpoint: the possibility of declarative description of the initial concept associated with the target scene in terms of properties and constraint vocabulary, the possibility of quantitative and qualitative reasoning on these properties, the modification of the intermediate solutions to different levels of detail, the utilisation of previous solutions; and (b) from the implementation viewpoint: the structuring of the properties and methods in the form of domain knowledge, the optimal solution generation according to heuristic causal-probabilistic criteria, the transformation of the semantic concept description of the scene in generic entry code for a geometrical CSG modeler or for rendering and visualization software, the integration of functionality for parameter generation and modification, the compilation of a scene from components of other final scenes and operations of geometrical transformations acting on groups of scenes. We present the architecture of the object-based implantation of the language and its interpreter, in the unified notation formalism UML. The utilization of the SOML language is illustrated by some examples.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 08:00

_id 3
authors Andia, Alfredo
year 1998
title Computadoras y Arquitectura en la Era Digital (Computers and Architecture in the Digital Era)
source II Seminario Iberoamericano de Grafico Digital [SIGRADI Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-97190-0-X] Mar del Plata (Argentina) 9-11 september 1998, pp. 22-31
summary It seems that when architects think, and talk about computers, they only reflect on very narrow images of the phenomenon. Architects think that the impact of computers in their profession is only related to how PCs, CAD/CAM, networks, software, peripherals, can improve the way they work today. Architects, by enlarge, are unable to reflect beyond the screen of their computers and the wall of their offices when it comes to recognize the real consequences resulting from the new technological advances. In this paper we argue that we should think differently. We must recognize that computers are having much more profound impact on the profession. Computers - the technology of the fantastic, par excellence - are changing the city! They are fundamentally transforming the way we use space, and buildings! Computers are beginning to create new kinds of urban cultures and infrastructures. Building types such as offices, banks, retail spaces, and museums are being transformed into virtual workplaces, telecommuting centers, networks of automated teller machines, home banking, smart stores and multimedia experiences. Computers are transforming the concept of working, the concept of banking, the concept of shopping, etc. In the end, something fundamental about the architecture of these activities.
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id ddss9803
id ddss9803
authors Arentze, T., Borgers, A. and Timmermans, H.
year 1998
title Extending spatial DSS with spatial choice models of multipurpose shopping trip behaviour
source Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Fourth Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning Maastricht, the Netherlands), ISBN 90-6814-081-7, July 26-29, 1998
summary Spatial choice or interaction models have been widely used in spatial DSS or customised GIS for analysing the impacts of retail location plans. The models typically used, however, do not account for spatial agglomeration effects on spatial choice behaviour. This study develops a model system for analysing the impacts of retail plans based on a choice model of multipurpose behaviour developed in earlier work. The model system is implemented in the spatial DSS called Location Planner. An empirical study demonstrates the empirical estimation and use of the model for analysing the impacts of an expansion of floor space in the major shopping centre of a middle-sized city in The Netherlands. The results indicate that agglomeration effects as predicted by the model can have substantial impacts on the performance of retail systems. Therefore, it is argued that when incorporated in a spatial DSS, the more complex models have the potential to improve the use of these systems for impact analysis.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/11/21 15:16

_id 0f4c
authors Asanowicz, Aleksander
year 1998
title From Real to Cyber Reality
source Cyber-Real Design [Conference Proceedings / ISBN 83-905377-2-9] Bialystock (Poland), 23-25 April 1998, pp. 11-19
summary Human activity takes place in two planes, at two levels. Practical activity is present in one of the planes, the other level is occupied by purely cognitive activity. When observing sufficiently long sequences of practical and cognitive activities, one notices transitions between them, which prove true the suspicions of their functional relationship. Because on both of these planes of human activity there is always one and the same element present - an informative element - which on the first plane functions as subordinate, and in the other as an independent one, one can search for a common characteristic for both planes. Such common characteristic for both levels of human activity can be perceived in the fact that in both situations the activity of a human is based on CREATION. Human thinking is based on transitions between what is accessible through experience and what is referred to conceptually. The human thought exists only and exclusively in the vertical motion: from the phenomenal level to the structural level direction of abstraction) and from the conceptual level to the empirical level direction of concretisation). All human activity is multilayered or, more precisely, it is an activity within many layers: the sensual one as well as the structural one. The appearance of conceptual thinking has created a qualitatively new type of a situation. This novelty can be easily seen both in the sphere of the practical cognitive activity as well as in the sphere of the pure cognitive activity. In both cases, the cognitive activity of a human is of a "double-decker" character: image and concept. It is necessary to note here that the "image" does not only mean structural, concrete, but also one which is purely visual, abstract, of no physical form. Therefore, the human experience, being the result of the cognitive activity, is being expressed, becoming objective, materialising in two different but compatible ways. Firstly, in the material structures of practical significance - this way the material culture is created. Secondly - in material structures which have no practical meaning but are solely used for expressing the spiritual contents - thus creating the spiritual culture. Humans have developed an extraordinarily strong need for spiritual activity, which is manifested by the material activity, redundant from the point of view of the material needs.
series plCAD
last changed 2003/05/17 10:01

_id 215e
authors Bai, Rui-Yuan and Liu, Yu-Tung
year 1998
title Towards a Computerized Procedure for Visual Impact Analysis and Assessment - The Hsinchu Example
source CAADRIA ‘98 [Proceedings of The Third Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / ISBN 4-907662-009] Osaka (Japan) 22-24 April 1998, pp. 67-76
summary This paper examines the procedure of visual impact analysis and assessment proposed by Rahman and reviews the use of CAD applications in urban projects in the real world. A preliminary computerized procedure for visual impact analysis and assessment is proposed. An experiments was conducted in our laboratory to verify the preliminary procedure. In order to further study the revised procedure in real urban projects, it was also applied into the renew project of The Eastern Gate Plaza located in the center of city Hsinchu, Taiwan from 1996 to 1998. According to several face-to-face discussions with Hsinchu habitants, government officials, and professional designers, a final computerized procedure for visual impact analysis and assessment is concluded.
keywords Environmental Simulation, Visual Impact Analysis and Assessment, Virtual Reality
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id ddss9811
id ddss9811
authors Barbanente, A., Conte, E. and Monno, V.
year 1998
title Changing trends and approaches in human and computer modelling for social housing policies
source Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Fourth Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning Maastricht, the Netherlands), ISBN 90-6814-081-7, July 26-29, 1998
summary The paper discusses conceptual issues, goals and preliminary results of an on-going research which aims at building a Decision Support System for public housing environmental oriented maintenance and management in a city in Southern Italy, Bari. Traditional post-war Italian housing policies are compared with more recent approaches in the field, pointing out the change from quantitative, aggregated, more simple building problems and relatedapproaches to qualitative, differentiated, complex ones integrating social, economic and environmental dimensions with the aim of regenerating deteriorated residential areas. The paper claims for the need shift, both in the human and computer areas, from traditional quantitative models to new approaches able to manage also qualitative variables, temporal dynamics, emergencies, and intentionality, since they appear key aspects of the real world to be modelled. The housing estate of Bari and its needs of maintenance and management are examined, eliciting essential related knowledge using the interview technique. The clear orientation towards sustainable policies for urban regeneration, at a local, national, and Community level, is also considered. The innovative and collaborative nature of such policies and the attention to be paid to the social aspects ofthe problem require a complex DSS, integrating various kind of hypertexts, information systems and case-based fuzzy expert systems, whose main aims, functions, software and general organisation are outlined in the paper.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/11/21 15:16

_id 7436
authors Barría Chateau, H., Muñoz Viveros, C. and Cerda Brintrup, G.
year 1999
title Virtual Tour Through Modern Architecture in Conception
source III Congreso Iberoamericano de Grafico Digital [SIGRADI Conference Proceedings] Montevideo (Uruguay) September 29th - October 1st 1999, pp. 475-477
summary This paper describes the development of a project that was selected and sponsoured by the Regional Competition FONDART 1998 (Funds for the Development of Arts of the Regional Secretary of Education) that follows the aim of cultural diffusion. Towards the middle of the 30s, the city of Concepción developed an architecture distinctly colonial, neoclassical and eclectic. An earthquake in 1939 abruptly interrupted this scene, destroying the enterity of its most important buildings. The reconstruction of the city followed the manifestoes of Modern Architecture, consolidating the urban importance of buildings such us the Law Courts, the Railway Station and the Regional Government, that emerged as the new architectural and cultural heritage of the city. The project consisted on the modeling of eleven buildings of the modern architectural heritage, and on the generation of 42 virtual tours through the buildings that were finally edited on a 16' video. This video allows the spectator to make a virtual tour through the original modern heritage of the city, nowadays demolished, altered, and sometimes, even forgotten. This project pretends to widen the ways of comprehension of our cultural identity by using computer modelling and animation as a tool for the conservation of the architectural heritage; and creating a record that can be used as a reference and as an instrument of cultural difussion.
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id 473f
authors Bartnicka, Malgorzata
year 1998
title The Influence of Light upon the Spatial Perception of Image
source Cyber-Real Design [Conference Proceedings / ISBN 83-905377-2-9] Bialystock (Poland), 23-25 April 1998, pp. 21-26
summary With regard to mental perception, light is one of the basic and strongest experiences influencing man. It is a phenomenon unchanged since the beginning of human kind, regardless of the fact what form or shape it was transmitted in. We are so used to light that we have stopped noticing how much we owe to it. It is the basic source and condition of our visual perception. Without light, illumination, we would not be able to see anything as it is light that transmits the shapes, distances and colours seen by us. The light which we perceive is a specific sight stimulus. It constitutes of only a small range of the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation existing in nature. The visible radiation encompasses the wave length from 400 to 800 nm. When the whole range of the visible wave spectrum enters the eye, the impression of seeing white light is produced. The light rays entering the sight receptors are subject to reflection, absorption and transmission. In the retina of the eye, the light energy is transformed into nerve impulses. The reception of light is dependent on the degree of absorption of the length of certain waves and the concentration of light. A ray of light entering the eye pupil is the proper eye stimulus which stimulates the receptors of the retina and causes visual impressions.
series plCAD
last changed 1999/04/08 17:16

_id 487c
authors Blazquez, Oscar and Hardin, Mary
year 1998
title Balancing Computer Use and Design Content in Studio Projects
source Digital Design Studios: Do Computers Make a Difference? [ACADIA Conference Proceedings / ISBN 1-880250-07-1] Québec City (Canada) October 22-25, 1998, pp. 36-43
summary Particular design approaches must be taught in order to take advantage of the strengths of computers in design rather than attempting to make computers conform to methods developed as by-products of manual design techniques. For the last three years our team of faculty teaching the second year design studio has been trying different approaches to the use of computers in design, in order to find the advantages and opportunities especially suited to electronic media. There are several projects during the semester which use computers at different stages of the design process. One of these projects, called “A Spatial Sequence,” uses information from a previous project as well as the knowledge from the computer class in parallel to design studio. The project asked students to create spatial archetypes based on the work of well-known architects. They explore the following topics as represented in the work of one particular architect: relationships of major spaces/minor spaces, approach/entry, and transition/threshold. Following the analysis, they create digital models to explore the spaces formed by their archetypes. Before committing to a physical study model, they look at the transitions between spaces by creating a sequence using the digital model and producing a series of shots through the digital model to show the flow of spaces. The use of computer through the process accelerates the options available to explore a sequence of elements, while simultaneously giving them a window to look into the spaces they have created. This hybridized approach of precedent analysis, digital modeling, and physical modeling was uniquely suited to the studio problem.

series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:52

_id 32
authors Bogado, Sandra Daniela
year 1998
title La Idea de Realizar Una Base de Datos de la Ciudad de Resistencia (The Idea to Develop a Data Base of the City of Resistencia)
source II Seminario Iberoamericano de Grafico Digital [SIGRADI Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-97190-0-X] Mar del Plata (Argentina) 9-11 september 1998, pp. 244-249
summary The idea of making a Data Base of Resistencia City, came through the evaluation of the potential educational, touristic and commercial value that this sort of information has. The fragmented state of the information and its nonsystematic registration up to now emphasize the real value of this project. The different subjects are grouped in the following headings: Sculpture, Architecture, Places and Cultural Events. They are presented to the user as multimedia data in CD. The information available could be printed.
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id a47a
authors Bourdakis, V.
year 1998
title Navigation in Large VR Urban Models. In Virtual Worlds
source J. Heudin (ed.), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1434, Springer, Berlin, pp. 345-356
summary The aim of this research project is to utilise VR models in urban planning in order to provide easy-to-use visualisation tools that will allow non-experts to understand the implications of proposed changes to their city. In this paper, the navigation problems identified whilst working on large VR city models are discussed and a "fly" based navigation mode is proposed and evaluated.

keywords 3D City modeling
series other
last changed 2003/04/02 11:55

_id a841
authors Brady, Darlene A.
year 1998
title Premise & Process: The Pedagogical Implications of Computing in Design
source Computers in Design Studio Teaching [EAAE/eCAADe International Workshop Proceedings / ISBN 09523687-7-3] Leuven (Belgium) 13-14 November 1998, pp. 31-39
summary Form is capable of communicating a profound idea only when it is linked to a more essential metaphorical intention. The design studio is a forum for addressing this relationship of idea and the means of expression. Computing offers the potential to enhance the design enquiry, but issues of how and when to integrate computer applications in the studio have significant pedagogical implications. It not only has an impact on the size, complexity and number of design projects, but also on whether architectural ideas or computer technology is the content of the studio. It is important to distinguish between the computer image and the process used to achieve the final result. Many computer-based studios focus on the final product which encourages technology to drive design. This paper addresses how design issues can determine the use of technology so that design ideas and computing can reinforce each other, rather than be competing issues. It examines how the unique strengths of computer modeling and animation is used to explore the relationship between visual expression and intention via the issues of metaphor, tectonic color, context and kinetics in several of my graduate and upper-level undergraduate computer-based design studios in the School of Architecture at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UI-UC). The studio topics are diverse in nature and include Normative Studio: Prototype as Formgiver; Urban Issues: Context, Color & Kinetics; and Virtual Metaphors: Literature as Formgiver.

series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id ddss9809
id ddss9809
authors Brondino, Nair Cristina Margarido and Da Silva, Antônio Nélson Rodrigues
year 1998
title A comparison of land valuation methods supported by GIS
source Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Fourth Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning Maastricht, the Netherlands), ISBN 90-6814-081-7, July 26-29, 1998
summary The purpose of this work was to study three different strategies for the appraisal of urban land. The first, a theoretical strategy created by the authors of this study to reproduce the common conditions of Brazilian cities, uses increments and reductions in the value of a square meter of land according to each lot’s individual features. The second method, based on Multiple Regression techniques, is widely used for valuation purposes. Finally, the effectiveness of Artificial Neural Networks to deal with thiskind of problem is studied. A sample of 157 lots was collected from several neighbourhoods of a small Brazilian city for the case study. The lot features recorded were area, width, shape, distance to the downtown district of the city through the street network, existence of fences and paved sidewalks, and market price. Prediction errors have been estimated for each of the three methods in order to compare their results. Predicted and error values, added to Geographical Information Systems, may be used to build thematic maps and to check how each strategy applies to different areas of the city. The analyses of error values conducted in this study showed that Artificial Neural Networks presented the best performance as a land appraisal method for the case studied.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/11/21 15:16

_id 10
authors Bund, Elizabeth and Barros, Diana Rodriguez
year 1998
title Imagen Digital: Proceso Proyectual Confluyente (Digital Image: Confluyent Design Process)
source II Seminario Iberoamericano de Grafico Digital [SIGRADI Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-97190-0-X] Mar del Plata (Argentina) 9-11 september 1998, pp. 84-93
summary The introduction of new technologies in architectural projects causes, in first place, their adaptation as an operative and instrumental resource, without considering the deep changes that their use generates. The digital image, understood as a reference of this process, is spreading and conquering new fields on ideation, representation and communication. The absence of theoretical support, that would offered another point of view is evident, so consequently we believe that is necessary to consider approaches qualitatively new, from epistemologic, methodologic, perceptive and aesthetic fields, in order to transfer them into professional an teaching practice. Today, the annulment of universal validity rules, and the different and contradictory interpretations, oblige to center our view in the interrelationships and,connections, rather than in the definition of each entity. This work develops synthetically a study which confronts and compares traditional project process - composition and heuristic design supported by linear proceeding and analogic media, with confluent project process, based on digital data and hypermedia links, generated simultaneously. The variants of the topics analyzed are at the same time the project itself, the underlying thinking model, and the project communication strategies.
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id c0e0
authors Campbell, Dace
year 1998
title Architectural Construction Documents on the Web: VRML as a Case Study
source Digital Design Studios: Do Computers Make a Difference? [ACADIA Conference Proceedings / ISBN 1-880250-07-1] Québec City (Canada) October 22-25, 1998, pp. 266-275
summary The Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) and the World Wide Web (WWW) offer new opportunities to communicate an architect’s design intent throughout the design process. We have investigated the use of VRML in the production and communication of construction documents, the final phase of architectural building design. A prototype, experimental Web site was set up and used to disseminate design data as VRML models and HTML text to the design client, contractor, and fabricators. In this paper, we discuss the way our construction documents were developed in VRML, the issues we faced implementing it, and critical feedback from the users of the Web space/site. We analyze the usefulness of VRML as a communication tool for the design and construction industries. Finally, we discuss technical, social, and legal issues the AEC industry faces as it shifts to embrace widespread use of a “paperless” Web-based communications infrastructure for design documentation.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

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