CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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_id 5799
authors Richens, P. and Trinder, M.
year 1999
title Design Participation through the Internet: A Case Study
source Architectural Research Quarterly Vol 3 No 4. CUP, Cambridge
summary Cambridge University and Microsoft are planning a shared computer research and teaching laboratory on a green-field site to the west of the city. The clients wished to use internet based communication between themselves and their architects, including email, a web site and virtual reality. We explain how this is to be achieved, and describe experiences during the first half of a two-year project. Particularly successful has been the use of games software (QuakeII) for 3D presentation of the emerging building design.
series journal
last changed 2003/05/15 10:29

_id d155
authors Richens, Paul and Trinder, Michael
year 1999
title Design participation through the Internet: a case study
source arq . vol3 . no 4 . 1999
summary Cambridge University and Microsoft are planning a shared computer research and teaching laboratory on a green-field site to the west of the city. The clients wished to use internet based communication between themselves and their architects, including email, a web site and virtual reality. We explain how this is to be achieved, and describe experiences during the first half of a two-year project. Particularly successful has been the use of games software (QuakeII) for 3D presentation of the emerging building design.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/03/05 13:21

_id 53f0
authors Richens, Paul and Trinder, Michael
year 1999
title Exploiting the Internet to Improve Collaboration between Users and Design Team: The Case of the New Computer Laboratory at the University of Cambridge
source Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures [ISBN 0-7923-8536-5] Atlanta, 7-8 June 1999, pp. 31-47
summary Cambridge University and Microsoft are building a shared computer research and teaching laboratory on a green-field site to the west of the city. The clients wished to use internet based communication between themselves and their architects, including email, a web site and virtual reality. We explain how this is to be achieved, and describe experiences during the first six months of a two year project. Particularly successful has been the use of games software (Quake 11) for 3d presentation of the emerging building design.
keywords Collaborative Design, Internet, Virtual Reality
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2006/11/07 07:22

_id 7387
authors Richens, P.
year 1999
title Painting a Perfect Picture
source Gallery 5/99
series journal
last changed 2000/03/05 19:05

_id ab9c
authors Kvan, Thomas and Kvan, Erik
year 1999
title Is Design Really Social
source International Journal of Virtual Reality, 4:1
summary There are many who will readily agree with Mitchell's assertion that "the most interesting new directions (for computer-aided design) are suggested by the growing convergence of computation and telecommunication. This allows us to treat designing not just as a technical process... but also as a social process." [Mitchell 1995]. The assumption is that design was a social process until users of computer-aided design systems were distracted into treating it as a merely technical process. Most readers will assume that this convergence must and will lead to increased communication between design participants, that better social interaction leads to be better design. The unspoken assumption appears to be that putting the participants into an environment with maximal communication channels will result in design collaboration. The tools provided, therefore, must permit the best communication and the best social interaction. We see a danger here, a pattern being repeated which may lead us into less than useful activities. As with several (popular) architectural design or modelling systems already available, however, computer system implementations all too often are poor imitations manual systems. For example, few in the field will argue with the statement that the storage of data in layers in a computer-aided drafting system is an dispensable approach. Layers derive from manual overlay drafting technology [Stitt 1984] which was regarded as an advanced (manual) production concept at the time many software engineers were specifying CAD software designs. Early implementations of CAD systems (such as RUCAPS, GDS, Computervision) avoided such data organisation, the software engineers recognising that object-based structures are more flexible, permitting greater control of data editing and display. Layer-based systems, however, are easier to implement in software, more familiar to the user and hence easier to explain, initially easier to use but more limiting for an experienced and thoughtful user, leading in the end to a lesser quality in resultant drawings and significant problems in output control (see Richens [1990], pp. 31-40 for a detailed analysis of such features and constraints). Here then we see the design for architectural software faithfully but inappropriately following manual methods. So too is there a danger of assuming that the best social interaction is that done face-to-face, therefore all collaborative design communications environments must mimic face-to-face.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 10:29

_id 4511
authors Ratti, Carlo and Richens, Paul
year 1999
title Urban Texture Analysis with Image Processing Techniques
source Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures [ISBN 0-7923-8536-5] Atlanta, 7-8 June 1999, pp. 49-64
summary A new paradigm for investigating the environmental consequences of urban texture is proposed. Using raster-based models and software algorithms derived from image processing, efficient methods of measuring geometric parameters and predicting radiation exchange are developed. The possibilities of generating synthetic urban textures, and integrating cellular automata, are explored. Results suggest the possibility of a raster-based urban model to inform planning and design.
keywords Urban Texture, Image Processing, Urban Environmental Analysis, Urban Morphology, Cellular Automata
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2006/11/07 07:22

_id 6883
authors Richens, Paul
year 1999
title The Piranesi System for Interactive Rendering
source Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures [ISBN 0-7923-8536-5] Atlanta, 7-8 June 1999, pp. 381-398
summary Photorealistic rendering requires special skills to achieve, but the result is not necessarily ideal for architectural communication. The Piranesi software provides an alternative way of producing a much wider range of images from the same geometrical model. Piranesi appears to be a 2d paint program for editing raster images, but its input includes a z-buffer. This allows painting and and pasting to reflect the perspective of the image, and many other depthrelated effects. The result is a new, and enjoyable, way of producing architectural images.
keywords Computer Graphics, Non-Photorealism, Painting, Interaction, Rendering
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2006/11/07 07:22

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