CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

Hits 1 to 20 of 127

_id e9f7
authors Bouchlaghem, N.
year 2000
title Optimising the design of building envelopes for thermal performance
source Automation in Construction 10 (1) (2000) pp. 101-112
summary Computer models for the simulation of the thermal performance of buildings have been in existence for many decades. Although these programs save a great deal of time and effort in computational terms they still rely on designers intuition and experience to achieve optimum solutions for a design problem. This paper presents a computer model which, not only simulates the thermal performance of the building taking into account design variables related to the building's envelope and fabric, but also applies numerical optimization techniques to automatically determine the optimum design variables, which achieve the best thermal comfort conditions. The main optimization program is supported by a graphical model for the design of window shading devices, which uses the numerical coefficients that define the window shading to model shading devices taking into account seasonal variations in solar angles and solar gains. The rationale and methodology used to develop the models is outlined and the resulting programs are described with examples of outputs. Finally, it is concluded that the models offer a valuable decision support system for designers at an early design state for the optimization of the passive thermal performance achieving optimum thermal comfort and savings in heating and cooling energy.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:22

_id 792a
authors Blaschke, Thomas and Tiede, Dirk
year 2003
title Bridging GIS-based landscape analysis/modelling and 3D-simulation.Is this already 4D?
source CORP 2003, Vienna University of Technology, 25.2.-28.2.2003 [Proceedings on CD-Rom]
summary Several studies have used remote sensing to map patterns of e.g. deforestation or to analyse the rates of land use change. Thesestudies have proven useful for interpreting the causes of urbanization, deforestation etc. and the impact of such changes on theregion. Monitoring of change (e.g. deforestation or reforestation) is frequently perceived as one of the most important contributionsof remote sensing technology to the study of global ecological and environmental change (Roughgarden et al. 1991). Manyresearchers believe that the integration of remote sensing techniques within analysis of environmental change is essential if ecologistsare to meet the challenges of the future, specifically issues relating to global change; however, in practice, this integration has so farbeen limited (Griffiths & Mather 2000). Considerable difficulties are encountered in linking, on the one hand, the biologies oforganisms and the ecologies of populations to the fluxes of material and energy quantifiable at the level of ecosystems. In this paper,we concentrate on the methodological aspects of the delineation of landscape objects and touch the ecological application onlysuperficially but we elucidate the potential of the proposed methodology for several ecological applications briefly.
series other
last changed 2003/11/21 15:16

_id 9b63
authors De Mesa, A., Quilez, J. and Regot, J.
year 1999
title Sunlight Energy Graphic and Analytic Control in 3D Modelling
source Architectural Computing from Turing to 2000 [eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9523687-5-7] Liverpool (UK) 15-17 September 1999, pp. 733-738
summary Linking solar positions with architecture is a traditional idea, but the use of graphical tools to control sunlight in urban surroundings or buildings is relatively recent. A three-dimensional working environment like the computer offers a new dimension to verify the relationships between the sun and the architecture. This paper shows a new way to calculate the incidence of solar energy in architectural environments using computer 3D modelling. The addition of virtual space visualisation to the analytic computation brings a new tool that simplifies the technical study of sunlight. We have developed several programs based upon the three-dimensional construction of the solar vault and the obstructing objects for a defined position. The first one draws the solar vault for a defined range of dates according to latitude, that is the basis of the energetic calculation. The second program computes the obstruction, i.e. the solar regions that are obstructed by any object. Finally, the third one, allow us to define an orientation to compute the energy that arrives to the analysed positioning. The last program returns the result of calculation in several ways: it shows the amount of energy through colours and makes a list of solar hours according to its energy.
keywords Sunlight, Energy, 3D modelling
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:56

_id 899f
authors Papamichael, K., Pal, V., Bourassa, N., Loffeld, J. and Capeluto, I.G.
year 2000
title An Expandable Software Model for Collaborative Decision-Making During the Whole Building Life Cycle
source Eternity, Infinity and Virtuality in Architecture [Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Design in Architecture / 1-880250-09-8] Washington D.C. 19-22 October 2000, pp. 19-28
summary Decisions throughout the life cycle of a building, from design through construction and commissioning to operation and demolition, require the involvement of multiple interested parties (e.g., architects, engineers, owners, occupants and facility managers). The performance of alternative designs and courses of action must be assessed with respect to multiple performance criteria, such as comfort, aesthetics, energy, cost and environmental impact. Several stand-alone computer tools are currently available that address specific performance issues during various stages of a building’s life cycle. Some of these tools support collaboration by providing means for synchronous and asynchronous communications, performance simulations, and monitoring of a variety of performance parameters involved in decisions about a building during building operation. However, these tools are not linked in any way, so significant work is required to maintain and distribute information to all parties. In this paper we describe a software model that provides the data management and process control required for collaborative decision-making throughout a building’s life cycle. The requirements for the model are delineated addressing data and process needs for decision making at different stages of a building’s life cycle. The software model meets these requirements and allows addition of any number of processes and support databases over time. What makes the model infinitely expandable is that it is a very generic conceptualization (or abstraction) of processes as relations among data. The software model supports multiple concurrent users, and facilitates discussion and debate leading to decision-making. The software allows users to define rules and functions for automating tasks and alerting all participants to issues that need attention. It supports management of simulated as well as real data and continuously generates information useful for improving performance prediction and understanding of the effects of proposed technologies and strategies.
keywords Decision Making, Integration, Collaboration, Simulation, Building Life Cycle, Software.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 08:00

_id a136
authors Blaise, J.Y., Dudek, I. and Drap, P.
year 1998
title Java collaborative interface for architectural simulations A case study on wooden ceilings of Krakow
source International Conference On Conservation - Krakow 2000, 23-24 November 1998, Krakow, Poland
summary Concern for the architectural and urban preservation problems has been considerably increasing in the past decades, and with it the necessity to investigate the consequences and opportunities opened for the conservation discipline by the development of computer-based systems. Architectural interventions on historical edifices or in preserved urban fabric face conservationists and architects with specific problems related to the handling and exchange of a variety of historical documents and representations. The recent development of information technologies offers opportunities to favour a better access to such data, as well as means to represent architectural hypothesis or design. Developing applications for the Internet also introduces a greater capacity to exchange experiences or ideas and to invest on low-cost collaborative working platforms. In the field of the architectural heritage, our research addresses two problems: historical data and documentation of the edifice, methods of representation (knowledge modelling and visualisation) of the edifice. This research is connected with the ARKIW POLONIUM co-operation program that links the MAP-GAMSAU CNRS laboratory (Marseilles, France) and the Institute HAiKZ of Kraków's Faculty of Architecture. The ARKIW programme deals with questions related to the use of information technologies in the recording, protection and studying of the architectural heritage. Case studies are chosen in order to experience and validate a technical platform dedicated to the formalisation and exchange of knowledge related to the architectural heritage (architectural data management, representation and simulation tools, survey methods, ...). A special focus is put on the evolution of the urban fabric and on the simulation of reconstructional hypothesis. Our contribution will introduce current ARKIW internet applications and experiences: The ARPENTEUR architectural survey experiment on Wieża Ratuszowa (a photogrammetrical survey based on an architectural model). A Gothic and Renaissance reconstruction of the Ratusz Krakowski using a commercial modelisation and animation software (MAYA). The SOL on line documentation interface for Kraków's Rynek G_ówny. Internet analytical approach in the presentation of morphological informations about Kraków's Kramy Bogate Rynku Krakowskiego. Object-Orientation approach in the modelling of the architectural corpus. The VALIDEUR and HUBLOT Virtual Reality modellers for the simulation and representation of reconstructional hypothesis and corpus analysis.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

_id 5d19
authors Gómez Arvelo, Susana Carolina
year 2001
title Simulador de proyecciones de sombras sobre modelos computarizados en 3d. Herramienta para evaluar la eficiencia de modelos de proteccion solar. [Shade simulator On 3D Computer Models. A Tool to Evaluate the Efficiency of Models for Solar Protection]
source 2da Conferencia Venezolana sobre Aplicación de Computadores en Arquitectura, Maracaibo (Venezuela) december 2001, pp. 156-165
summary A Program of Graphic Computing, developed in the Language of Programming AUTOLISP and run in AUTOCAD 2000, which is guided toward the Investigation in Bioclimatic Architecture, is presented. Before a model of solar protection in 3D, and loading the input data of the geographical localization and orientation, time and evaluation date (chosen by the user), the program calculates and projects the simulation of the corresponding shade contours on every plane that constitutes the 3D pattern (openings, walls, protections, floor...). In this research different areas of knowledge concur: Plane and spherical trigonometry applied to the solar ray and to the Bioclimatic Architecture, space geometry, plane graphical representation of three-dimensional objects, a concept of the transformation of vision for the three-dimensional representation of the objects in computers, and modern programming techniques.
keywords Bioclimatic Architecture; Heat Gaining Control; 3D Shades Simulator; Solar Protection
series other
last changed 2003/02/14 08:29

_id 4fa1
authors Lee, E., Ida, Y., Woo, S. and Sasada, T.
year 1999
title Environmental Design Using Fractals in Computer Graphics
source Architectural Computing from Turing to 2000 [eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9523687-5-7] Liverpool (UK) 15-17 September 1999, pp. 533-538
summary Computer graphics have developed efficient techniques for visualisation of the real world. Many of the algorithms have a physical basis, such as computational models for the light and the shadow, models of real objects (buildings, mountains, roads and so on) and the simulation of natural phenomenon. Now computer graphics techniques provide the virtual world with a perception of three dimensions. The concept of the virtual world and its technology have been expanding and intensifying in recent years. Almost everything in the real world has been simulated in virtual world. When it comes to a terrain model, what we need is labour and time. But now it is possible to simulate terrain like the real world using fractals in computer graphics with a very small program and small data set. This study aims to show how to build a real world impression in the virtual world. In this paper the authors suggest a landscape design method and show the results of its application.
keywords Fractals, Polygon-Reduction, Computer Graphics, Virtual World, Collaboration
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:51

_id ga0010
id ga0010
authors Moroni, A., Zuben, F. Von and Manzolli, J.
year 2000
title ArTbitrariness in Music
source International Conference on Generative Art
summary Evolution is now considered not only powerful enough to bring about the biological entities as complex as humans and conciousness, but also useful in simulation to create algorithms and structures of higher levels of complexity than could easily be built by design. In the context of artistic domains, the process of human-machine interaction is analyzed as a good framework to explore creativity and to produce results that could not be obtained without this interaction. When evolutionary computation and other computational intelligence methodologies are involved, every attempt to improve aesthetic judgement we denote as ArTbitrariness, and is interpreted as an interactive iterative optimization process. ArTbitrariness is also suggested as an effective way to produce art through an efficient manipulation of information and a proper use of computational creativity to increase the complexity of the results without neglecting the aesthetic aspects [Moroni et al., 2000]. Our emphasis will be in an approach to interactive music composition. The problem of computer generation of musical material has received extensive attention and a subclass of the field of algorithmic composition includes those applications which use the computer as something in between an instrument, in which a user "plays" through the application's interface, and a compositional aid, which a user experiments with in order to generate stimulating and varying musical material. This approach was adopted in Vox Populi, a hybrid made up of an instrument and a compositional environment. Differently from other systems found in genetic algorithms or evolutionary computation, in which people have to listen to and judge the musical items, Vox Populi uses the computer and the mouse as real-time music controllers, acting as a new interactive computer-based musical instrument. The interface is designed to be flexible for the user to modify the music being generated. It explores evolutionary computation in the context of algorithmic composition and provides a graphical interface that allows to modify the tonal center and the voice range, changing the evolution of the music by using the mouse[Moroni et al., 1999]. A piece of music consists of several sets of musical material manipulated and exposed to the listener, for example pitches, harmonies, rhythms, timbres, etc. They are composed of a finite number of elements and basically, the aim of a composer is to organize those elements in an esthetic way. Modeling a piece as a dynamic system implies a view in which the composer draws trajectories or orbits using the elements of each set [Manzolli, 1991]. Nonlinear iterative mappings are associated with interface controls. In the next page two examples of nonlinear iterative mappings with their resulting musical pieces are shown.The mappings may give rise to attractors, defined as geometric figures that represent the set of stationary states of a non-linear dynamic system, or simply trajectories to which the system is attracted. The relevance of this approach goes beyond music applications per se. Computer music systems that are built on the basis of a solid theory can be coherently embedded into multimedia environments. The richness and specialty of the music domain are likely to initiate new thinking and ideas, which will have an impact on areas such as knowledge representation and planning, and on the design of visual formalisms and human-computer interfaces in general. Above and bellow, Vox Populi interface is depicted, showing two nonlinear iterative mappings with their resulting musical pieces. References [Manzolli, 1991] J. Manzolli. Harmonic Strange Attractors, CEM BULLETIN, Vol. 2, No. 2, 4 -- 7, 1991. [Moroni et al., 1999] Moroni, J. Manzolli, F. Von Zuben, R. Gudwin. Evolutionary Computation applied to Algorithmic Composition, Proceedings of CEC99 - IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary Computation, Washington D. C., p. 807 -- 811,1999. [Moroni et al., 2000] Moroni, A., Von Zuben, F. and Manzolli, J. ArTbitration, Las Vegas, USA: Proceedings of the 2000 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Workshop Program – GECCO, 143 -- 145, 2000.
series other
last changed 2003/08/07 17:25

_id 998a
authors Navon, R.,
year 2000
title Process and quality control with a video camera, for a floor-tilling robot
source Automation in Construction 10 (1) (2000) pp. 113-125
summary The paper describes the development of a floor-tiling robot. Both the development and the performance measurements of the robot were carried out with a graphic simulation system. Based on those measurements and on a time study of the corresponding manual work, the robot's work output is expected to be 2–5 times higher than that of the manual work. It was decided to concentrate, at this stage of the development, on the robot's autonomy at a workstation, which means that all operations at a workstation –– stabilizing and calibrating, loading tiles, etc. –– including real-time quality assurance (QA) are done without human intervention, while the transfer between workstations is assisted by an operator. The QA function has to identify the exact location and orientation of tiles to be taken, since they may be expected to differ from those specified in the robot's program. This is needed in order to allow accurate placing of the tiles in straight lines and with a uniform distance between them. Additionally, the QA function has to identify defective tiles. A computer vision system was developed to perform the QA functions. The prototype, its operational principles, and the experiments are described. The system's limitations are discussed together with needs for further research.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:23

_id 63d2
authors Ng, Edward and Wu, Wei
year 2000
title Working with the Bits and Digits of Lighting Studies in Architectural Education
source Promise and Reality: State of the Art versus State of Practice in Computing for the Design and Planning Process [18th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9523687-6-5] Weimar (Germany) 22-24 June 2000, pp. 231-234
summary The study investigates learning and pedagogical differences between using physical models and computational simulations for architectural lighting design studies. The vehicle of the study is a real life architectural project for a church building. The research reveals that users of physical models were more aware of the need for technical knowledge whilst the users of simulation software are more contended with the virtual results without evaluating them critically. Preliminary results not only confirm the long established view that the computational simulation lacks the tactile quality for architectural understanding; worst still, it gives inexperienced users illusions of knowledge and claims of understanding. To further validate the results, works involving a larger sample set and a more comprehensive design program should be conducted.
keywords Daylighting, Design Process, Physical Models, Digital Model
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:58

_id ddss2004_ra-213
id ddss2004_ra-213
authors Penn, A., C. Mottram, A. Fatah gen. Schieck, M. Wittkämper, M. Störring, O. Romell, A. Strothmann, and F. Aish
year 2004
source Van Leeuwen, J.P. and H.J.P. Timmermans (eds.) Recent Advances in Design & Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN: 1-4020-2408-8, p. 213-231
summary Immersive virtual environments have received widespread attention as providing possible replacements for the media and systems that designers traditionally use, as well as, more generally, in providing support for collaborative work. Relatively little attention has been given to date however to the problem of how to merge immersive virtual environments into real world work settings, and so to add to the media at the disposal of the designer and the design team, rather than to replace it. In this paper we report on a research project in which optical see-through augmented reality displays have been developed together with prototype decision support software for architectural and urban design. We suggest that a critical characteristic of multi user augmented reality is its ability to generate visualisations from a first person perspective in which the scale of rendition of the design model follows many of the conventions that designers are used to. Different scales of model appear to allow designers to focus on different aspects of the design under consideration. Augmenting the scene with simulations of pedestrian movement appears to assist both in scale recognition, and in moving from a first person to a third person understanding of the design. This research project is funded by the European Commission IST program (IST-2000-28559).
keywords Design Collaboration, Tangible Interface, Gesture, Agent Simulation, Augmented Reality
series DDSS
type normal paper
last changed 2004/07/03 23:11

_id f80f
authors Samiaji, Doddy
year 2001
title Development Simulator
source University of Washington, Design Machine Group
summary Development Simulator is a 3D simulation design application for architects and urban designers. Written in Visual Basic environment, using COM and ActiveX, it serves as a decision-making-support-system that reveals the impact of development numbers to three dimensional building form. The tool combines the power of a drawing program, AutoCAD 2000 and a spreadsheet program, Excel 2000. Development Simulator runs in Windows 2000.
series thesis:MSc
last changed 2004/06/02 19:12

_id 259c
authors Wu, W., Ng, E. and Tsou, J.-Y.
year 2000
title A Comparative Investigation into a Process-Based Approach to Lighting Studies Using Physical and Computer Generated Models in Design Studio
source CAADRIA 2000 [Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / ISBN 981-04-2491-4] Singapore 18-19 May 2000, pp. 107-121
summary This pilot research attempts to investigate differences in process between lighting study using physical model and computational simulation. A Physical modelling team, a computational modelling team, and a monitoring and tracking team were formed to process and monitor the research by a defined workflow of the design process. Using a time schedule technique, the procedures of each of the two methods were tracked. The research reveals that the research team favoured physical modelling for its ease of use and computational simulation for its flexibly. And that the users of physical models were more aware of the need for technical knowledge whilst the users of simulation software are more contended with the virtual results without evaluating them critically. In addition, the experiment also shows that the feedback mechanism of the physical modelling process is instant, continues and intuitive, whereas that of the computational process is discrete. Preliminary results not only confirm the long established view that the computational process lacks the tactile quality required for architectural understanding; worst still, it gives inexperienced users an illusion of knowledge and claims of understanding. Due to limitations of time, the research captures only the feasibility stage of the design process, further works involving a more comprehensive design program should be conducted.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:57

_id ddssar0213
id ddssar0213
authors De Groot, Ellie and Paule, Bernard
year 2002
title DIAL-Europe: New Functionality’s for an Integrated Daylighting Design Tool
source Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Sixth Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning - Part one: Architecture Proceedings Avegoor, the Netherlands), 2002
summary The European project DIAL-Europe started in April 2000 and intends to enhance and to enlarge the capabilities of the LesoDIAL software. The aim of this “Swiss” tool was to give architects relevant information regarding the use of daylight, at the very first stage of the design process. DIAL-Europe focuses on European standards and climatic data. Further, a Heating & Cooling evaluation module and an Artificial Lighting module will be added. The objective of the Heating & Cooling module is to indicate the implications of the user’s design on heating and cooling energy and on thermal comfort.The objective of Artificial Lighting module is to develop a tool that will give an estimation of illuminance values on the work plane and provide guidance on qualitative aspects and visual comfort as well as on switching control and integration with daylight based on generic light sources and luminaires. Furthermore, the scope of the examples of simulated rooms will be increased in order to allow the user to compare their design with more similar cases. This paper will present the state of achievement and give an overview of the first version of the DIAL-Europe software, which will beavailable at the beginning of 2002.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/08/07 16:36

_id sigradi2006_k004
id sigradi2006_k004
authors Dutta Madhu C.
year 2006
title The Myth of Cyberspace: Towards a New Technopolis
source SIGraDi 2006 - [Proceedings of the 10th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Santiago de Chile - Chile 21-23 November 2006, pp. 41-44
summary Professor Madhu C. Dutta has worked professionally as an urban planner and architect and was an Assistant Professor of Architecture at the University of Texas at San Antonio before coming to Wentworth. She teaches a broad range of courses, from design studio and architectural history through digital media and advanced computer applications for architectural design. Some of her most significant works include a city-wide urban riverfront design project in Varanasi, India, and “Solar Sails” a renewable energy design for the U.S. Department of Energy competition (2000) for which she was awarded the second prize among 110 entries. She has presented her scholarly work at conferences in Asia, Europe, Latin America, and the U.S. Her research interests are eclectic; she has recently been exploring the expansion of our notions of architectural space to include hybridized and virtual milieus in the “new frontier” of digital architecture. Professor Dutta is deeply committed to the creative and performing arts as well. She studied and performed Indian classical dance for sixteen years. She holds a BArch from the Manipal Institute of Technology of Mangalore University, and a Master’s in Architecture, specializing in Urban Design, from the University of Texas at Austin.
keywords Technopolis, cyberspace, future, digital society
series SIGRADI
type keynote paper
last changed 2016/03/10 09:50

_id c839
authors Hwang, Jie-Eun
year 2002
title SpaceScope: Developing a Spatial Information Retrieval System - Focused on Apartment Unit Floor Plans -
source Yonsei University, Dept. of Housing & Interior Design
summary This research investigates the spatial information retrieval (IR) in architecture focused on constructing efficient metadata that is crucial for data retrieval. Generally speaking, metadata is ‘structured data about data’ to describe resources especially in a digital format. In this research, metadata is a sort of data object to be useful in searching spatial information. Metadata is also used to describe raw spatial data object as not only attribute data but also content structurally and semantic ally. There are two issues that motivate this research; 1) what is the spatial information – that materializes the intangible space as a data object, and 2) how we can search the information efficiently – the content-based information retrieval. Although knowledge of a building’s spatial content is most important in architecture, there has been no logical method to manage it.

From the viewpoint of content-based retrieval, the researcher analyzes spatial information of a floor plan, with a focus on the apartment unit floor plan common in Korea. Then the metadata items are extracted in a structured manner. To manage the items efficiently, the researcher develops a data model for spatial information according to the concept of the “Structured Floor Plan”. The main object of content to retrieve is a spatial network that consists of nodes of spaces and their linkages. There are two ways to organize the metadata: the traditional index files and the RDF (Resource Description Framework). While the index files are still efficient with computability, the RDF applies greater options to retrieve, such as fuzzy predicates, semantic predicates, and so on. To exploit the metadata, this research shows several possibilities of query operations that present a set of sample queries about L-DK(Living room – Dining room – Kitchen). Implementation of the prototype system is divided into three parts: 1) a modeling module using Vitruvius; 2) an indexing module using MS SQL Server? 2000 in conjunction XML; and 3) a browsing module using the SpaceScope browser.

The future works may consider XML-based databases and a knowledge based query language, such as RQL/XQL, working on such databases. The more specific domain knowledge is involved, the more practical systems would be. Even in architecture, there may be a diverse range of domain knowledge, such as design, building performance, facility management, energy management, post occupied evaluation, historical research, and so on. Also the issue of interface should be investigated in depth, so that it will be adequate to the needs of the architectural field.

keywords Content-based Information Retrieval; Metadata; RDF; XML; Spatial Information; Apartment Floor Plan; Semantics
series thesis:MSc
last changed 2003/04/25 07:27

_id ddssar0023
id ddssar0023
authors Jens Pohl, Art Chapman, and Kym Jason Pohl
year 2000
title Computer-aided design systems for the 21st century: some design guidelines
source Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Fifth Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning - Part one: Architecture Proceedings (Nijkerk, the Netherlands)
summary This paper proposes nine design principles for a new generation of computer-aided design (CAD) systems that actively support the decision making and problem solving activities of environmental design. Foremost among these are: a meaningful internal object-based representation of the artifact being designed within its environmental context; a collaborative problem solving paradigm in which the human designer and the computer form a complementary partnership; and, the notion of decision-support tools rather than predefined solutions. Two prototype computer-aided design systems implemented by the CAD Research Center that embody most of these concepts are described. ICADS (Intelligent Computer-Aided Design System) incorporates multiple expert agents in domains such as natural and artificial lighting, noise control, structural system selection, climatic determinants, and energy conservation. Given a particular building design context, the agents in ICADS draw upon their own expertise and several knowledgebases as they monitor the actions of the human designer and collaborate opportunistically. KOALA (Knowledge-Based Object-Agent Collaboration) builds on the multi-agent concepts embodied in ICADS by the addition of two kinds of agents. Mentor agents represent the interests of selected objects within the ontology of the design environment. In the implemented KOALA system building spaces are represented by agents capable of collaborating with each other, with domain agents for the provision of expert services, and with the human designer. Facilitator agents listen in on the communications among mentor agents to detect conflicts and moderate arguments. While both of these prototype systems are limited in scope by focussing on the earliest design stages and restricted in their understanding of the inherent complexity of a design state, they nevertheless promise a paradigm shift in computer-aided design.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/08/07 16:36

_id 0594
authors Kazakeviciute, G., Cinelis, G. and Kamaitis, Z.
year 2000
title Forming and automated energy analysis of integrated models of the public buildings and their enclosing structures
source Civil Engineering, 6(3), pp. 147-157
summary The article concerns the modelling and energy analysis problem of the spatial and structural solutions of newly designed buildings or those under renovation. The results of that task serve as a base for defining thermal indices of the project on different design stages. The core of the developed automated system is formed of integrated graphical digital spatial models of the parts of buildings. These models include different kind of structured geometric and non-geometric (physical, economical) information about the object. The proposed method could be used by interested experts as a tool for controll thermal and energy indices at various design stages, searching for rational architectural forms and structural solutions. It takes into account the latest requirements of Lithuanian building regulations concerning heating energy saving.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

_id 12ff
id 12ff
authors Maver, Tom
year 2000
title A number is worth a thousand pictures
source Automation in Construction 9 (4) (2000) pp. 333-336
summary This paper attempts to focus attention on modelling the functional behaviour of buildings –– a relatively neglected topic in the current CAAD literature. It provides a review of the seminal work which has been done and argues that further development would provide student architects with the means of designing buildings which are more fit-for-purpose, energy-efficient, environmentally-friendly and cost-effective.
keywords Function; Performance; Integrated appraisal; Design decision support
series journal paper
last changed 2003/08/27 11:40

_id 8b5e
authors Papamichael, Konstantinos
year 2000
title Desktop Radiance A New Tool for Computer-Aided Daylighting Design
source ACADIA Quarterly, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 9-11
summary The use of daylight for the illumination of building interiors has the potential to enhance the quality of the environment while providing opportunities to save energy by replacing or supplementing electric lighting. Moreover, it has the potential to reduce heating and cooling loads, which offer additional energy saving opportunities, as well as reductions in HVAC equipment sizing and cost. All of these benefits, however, assume proper use of daylighting strategies and technologies, whose performance depends on the context of their application. On the other hand, improper use can have significant negative effects on both comfort and energy requirements, such as increased glare and cooling loads. To ensure proper use, designers need tools that model the dynamic nature of daylight and accurately predict performance with respect to a multitude of performance criteria, extending beyond comfort and energy to include aesthetics, cost, security, safety, etc.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 08:00

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