CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

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_id cf2011_p051
id cf2011_p051
authors Cote, Pierre; Mohamed-Ahmed Ashraf, Tremblay Sebastien
year 2011
title A Quantitative Method to Compare the Impact of Design Mediums on the Architectural Ideation Process.
source Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures 2011 [Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures / ISBN 9782874561429] Liege (Belgium) 4-8 July 2011, pp. 539-556.
summary If we compare the architectural design process to a black box system, we can assume that we now know quite well both inputs and outputs of the system. Indeed, everything about the early project either feasibility studies, programming, context integration, site analysis (urban, rural or natural), as well as the integration of participants in a collaborative process can all be considered to initiate and sustain the architectural design and ideation process. Similarly, outputs from that process are also, and to some extent, well known and identifiable. We are referring here, among others, to the project representations or even to the concrete building construction and its post-evaluation. But what about the black box itself that produces the ideation. This is the question that attempts to answer the research. Currently, very few research works linger to identify how the human brain accomplishes those tasks; how to identify the cognitive functions that are playing this role; to what extent they operate and complement each other, and among other things, whether there possibly a chain of causality between these functions. Therefore, this study proposes to define a model that reflects the activity of the black box based on the cognitive activity of the human brain. From an extensive literature review, two cognitive functions have been identified and are investigated to account for some of the complex cognitive activity that occurs during a design process, namely the mental workload and mental imagery. These two variables are measured quantitatively in the context of real design task. Essentially, the mental load is measured using a Bakan's test and the mental imagery with eyes tracking. The statistical software G-Power was used to identify the necessary subject number to obtain for significant variance and correlation result analysis. Thus, in the context of an exploratory research, to ensure effective sample of 0.25 and a statistical power of 0.80, 32 participants are needed. All these participants are students from 3rd, 4th or 5th grade in architecture. They are also very familiar with the architectural design process and the design mediums used, i.e., analog model, freehand drawing and CAD software, SketchUp. In three experimental sessions, participants were asked to design three different projects, namely, a bus shelter, a recycling station and a public toilet. These projects were selected and defined for their complexity similarity, taking into account the available time of 22 minutes, using all three mediums of design, and this in a randomly manner to avoid the order effect. To analyze the two cognitive functions (mental load and mental imagery), two instruments are used. Mental imagery is measured using eye movement tracking with monitoring and quantitative analysis of scan paths and the resulting number and duration of participant eye fixations (Johansson et al, 2005). The mental workload is measured using the performance of a modality hearing secondary task inspired by Bakan'sworks (Bakan et al.; 1963). Each of these three experimental sessions, lasting 90 minutes, was composed of two phases: 1. After calibrating the glasses for eye movement, the subject had to exercise freely for 3 minutes while wearing the glasses and headphones (Bakan task) to get use to the wearing hardware. Then, after reading the guidelines and criteria for the design project (± 5 minutes), he had 22 minutes to execute the design task on a drawing table allowing an upright posture. Once the task is completed, the subject had to take the NASA TLX Test, on the assessment of mental load (± 5 minutes) and a written post-experimental questionnaire on his impressions of the experiment (± 10 minutes). 2. After a break of 5-10 minutes, the participant answered a psychometric test, which is different for each session. These tests (± 20 minutes) are administered in the same order to each participant. Thus, in the first experimental session, the subject had to take the psychometric test from Ekstrom et al. (1978), on spatial performance (Factor-Referenced Cognitive Tests Kit). During the second session, the cognitive style is evaluated using Oltman's test (1971). Finally, in the third and final session, participant creativity is evaluated using Delis-Kaplan test (D-KEFS), Delis et al. (2001). Thus, this study will present the first results of quantitative measures to establish and validate the proposed model. Furthermore, the paper will also discuss the relevance of the proposed approach, considering that currently teaching of ideation in ours schools of architecture in North America is essentially done in a holistic manner through the architectural project.
keywords design, ideation process, mental workload, mental imagery, quantitative mesure
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2012/02/11 19:21

_id 3f21
authors Donath, D., Lömker, T.M. and Richter, K.
year 2001
title Boundary debates: Extensions from analog to digital spaces
source CAADRIA 2001 [Proceedings of the Sixth Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / ISBN 1-86487-096-6] Sydney 19-21 April 2001, pp. 241-249
summary Our research focuses on the evaluation of digital space and its prospective use as a functional space for future architectural planning tasks. Through the existence of digital technologies the authors consider that architects will have to expose themselves to new - planning tasks, which are not comparable to traditional architectural duties. This requires us to rethink architectural terms and their meaning in digital space. It demands us to extend the borders within which we think, work and design. The paper presents exemplary projects that demonstrate the applicability and added value of these mergers as an extension of solid architectural buildings. Focus is laid onto digital architecture that either extends its analog counterpart by providing functionality that does not exist in the "real" world or which doesn¥t have an analog counterpart at all. The paper aims at the definition of new tasks for architects to be developed. It describes methods and strategies architects have to be aware of to be capable to offer an extended field of activity. Finally it presents exemplary projects which show the possible added value clients could gain from buildings to be established as mergers of analog and digital spaces.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:55

_id 668b
authors Heylighen, Ann
year 2001
title End, means and method - Three roles of design(ing) technology in design research
source Digital Creativity, Volume 12, No. 2, 2001 (ISSN 1462-6268), pp. 103-105
summary This article explores an approach to design research in which the development of design technology plays a key role. It presents the author's Ph.D. research on the role of cases in architectural design. The research aimed at investigating the applicability of Case-Based Design (CBD) to the domain of architecture. To this end, the author adopted and confronted different stakeholder perspectives, one of which is that of CBD technology developer. By consequence, a considerable part of the research covers the design, implementation and evaluation of a CBD tool to support architects/designers. The research did not have a strictly instrumental aim, but wanted to provide insights for the field of architectural design on both a theoretical and a technological level. While the tool itself aimed at providing architects with valuable design support, making the tool was used as a method to develop a better understanding of current CBD technology. Moreover, the resulting tool turned out to be an effective means to examine the role and impact of cases in architectural design. Rather than reporting on the outcome of the research, the main objective of the article is to make a methodological reflection on the possibilities and limitations of this approach.
keywords Design Research, Architectural Design, CAAD, Case-Based Design
series journal paper
last changed 2002/11/14 08:38

_id avocaad_2001_13
id avocaad_2001_13
authors Alexander Koutamanis
year 2001
title Modeling irregular and complex forms
source AVOCAAD - ADDED VALUE OF COMPUTER AIDED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN, Nys Koenraad, Provoost Tom, Verbeke Johan, Verleye Johan (Eds.), (2001) Hogeschool voor Wetenschap en Kunst - Departement Architectuur Sint-Lucas, Campus Brussel, ISBN 80-76101-05-1
summary Computational technologies provide arguably the first real opportunity architectural design has had for a comprehensive description of built form. With the advent of affordable computer-aided design systems (including drafting, modeling, visualization and simulation tools), architects believe they can be in full control of geometric aspects and, through these, of a wide spectrum of other aspects that are implicit or explicit in the geometric representation. This belief is based primarily on the efficiency and effectiveness of computer systems, ranging from the richness and adaptability of geometric primitives to the utility of geometric representations in simulations of climatic aspects. Such capabilities support attempts to design and construct more irregular or otherwise complex forms. These fall under two main categories: (1) parsing of irregularity into elementary components, and (2) correlation of the form of a building with complex geometric structures.The first category takes advantage of the compactness and flexibility of computational representations in order to analyse the form of a design into basic elements, usually elementary geometric primitives. These are either arranged into simple, unconstrained configurations or related to each other by relationships that define e.g. parametric relative positioning or Boolean combinations. In both cases the result is a reduction of local complexity and an increase of implicit or explicit relationships, including the possibility of hierarchical structures.The second category attempts to correlate built form with constraints that derive usually from construction but can also be morphological. The correlation determines the applicability of complex geometric structures (minimally ruled surfaces) to the description of a design. The product of this application is generally variable in quality, depending upon the designer's grounding in geometry and his ability to integrate constraints from different aspects in the definition of the design's geometry.Both categories represent a potential leap forward but are also equally hampered by the rigidity of the implementation mechanisms upon which they rely heavily. The paper proposes an approach to making these mechanisms subordinate to the cognitive and technical aspects of architectural thinking through fuzzy modeling. This way of modeling involves a combination of (a) canonical forms, (b) tolerances around canonical forms and positions, (c) minimal and maximal values, (d) fuzzy boundaries, and (e) plastic interaction between elements based on the dual principles of local intelligence and autonomy. Fuzzy models come therefore closer to the intuitive manners of sketching, while facilitating transition to precise and complex forms. The paper presents two applications of fuzzy modeling. The first concerns the generation of schematic building layouts, including adaptive control of programmatic requirements. The second is a system for designing stairs that can adapt themselves to changes in their immediate environment through a fuzzy definition of geometric and topological parametrization.
series AVOCAAD
last changed 2005/09/09 10:48

_id 117a
authors Bermudez, J., Agutter, J., Westenskow, D., Zhang, Y., Foresti, S., Syroid, N., Lilly, B., Strayer, D., Drews, F. and Gondeck-Becker, D.
year 2001
title LA ARQUITECTURA DE REPRESENTACION DE DATOS. DISEÑO ARQUITECTONICO APLICADO A LA VISUALIZACION EN ANESTESIOLOGIA (The Architecture of Data Representation. Architectonical Design Applied to the Visualization in Anestesiology)
source SIGraDi biobio2001 - [Proceedings of the 5th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics / ISBN 956-7813-12-4] Concepcion (Chile) 21-23 november 2001, pp. 135-138
summary This paper presents the architectural process and products that are being employed in an ongoing multidisciplinary research in anesthesiology. The project’s goal is to develop a new data representation technology to visualize physiologic information in real time. Using physiologic data, 3-D objects are generated in digital space that represent physiologic changes and show functional relationships that aid in the detection, diagnosis, and treatment of critical events. Preliminary testing results show statistically significant reduction in detection times. The research outcome, potential, and the NIH grant supporting the team’s scientific methods demonstrate the contributions that architecture offers to the growing field of data visualization.
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id 5a82
authors Bouvet, D., Froumentin, M. and Garcia, G.
year 2001
title A real-time localization system for compactors
source Automation in Construction 10 (4) (2001) pp. 417-428
summary An operator-aiding system for compactors must incorporate a localization system. In this paper, we consider real-time kinematic (RTK) GPS and we present the solutions we have developed to maintain the positioning error lower than 0.2 m even during the satellite (limited) masking phases. By combining gyro, steering angle and speed measurements, we show that it is possible to obtain satisfying performances in dead-reckoning navigation with a low-cost internal sensor set. A forward–backward Kalman filter is proposed to deal with particularly long maskings, which typically occur when the machine works under bridges. Results of experiments carried out with an instrumented machine are presented to validate the proposed solutions.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:22

_id 9a04
authors Bouza Rodríguez, J.B., Valcarce, J.D., Baltar, X.L. and Vázquez, M.P.
year 2001
title SISTEMA WEB INTERACTIVO CON CATÁLOGO PSEUDO-TRIDIMENSIONAL DE RODUCTOS Y VÍDEO EN TIEMPO REAL (Interactive Web System with Pseudo-Three-Dimensional Catalogue of Places and Video in Real Time)
source SIGraDi biobio2001 - [Proceedings of the 5th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics / ISBN 956-7813-12-4] Concepcion (Chile) 21-23 november 2001, pp. 104-106
summary It has been designed and developed a system Web that has video in real time and an interactive product catalogue based on pseudo-three-dimensional models, that is to say, models that they pretend to be three-dimensional, but that in fact do not have geometry 3D properly in the memory, but of an appropriate composition according to the case of geometry 2D (image or any graph), that allows to see the model from several points of view and to consult additional information (weight, material, dimensions, etc.). They have been analyzed and proven the different formats from transmission of video and audio by Internet, studying all its parameters, until finding the optimal ones for this server. In comparison with the use of format VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) used commonly to put models 3D in the Web, this system that we have devised presents like advantages the low time of load, the high precision of the views of the object and the low cost of maintenance of the Web. On the other hand, one does not have the infinity of views and facility of manipulation of the VRML.
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id db26
authors Cao, J., Chan, J.Y.K., Li, Heng, Mahdjoubi, Lamine and Love, Peter E.D.
year 2001
title REALMEDIA: providing multimedia-based real-estate services through the Internet
source Automation in Construction 10 (2) (2001) pp. 275-289
summary This paper presents the design and implementation of a software system, known as REALMEDIA, which provides Web-based, multimedia real-estate services on the Internet. REALMEDIA is innovative in that it is designed to provide both on-line services to clients and a tool for maintaining the system to real-estate agent. The software consists of a web-based interface, a client side editor and an application server. The web interface is used by both the customer and the real-estate agent to request particular services. When used by a customer, it allows the potential buyer to select and view desired properties, and to make an appointment with agents. Multimedia information, which integrates text, graphics and video clips, are presented to the customer. When used by the agent, the web interface allows the agent to dynamically update the contents of the web page and to manipulate property details through the Client Side Editor. The application server acts as a bridge between the Web Interface and the Client Side Editor. The computational architecture and major components of REALMEDIA as well as its implementation using JAVA, TCP/IP and FTP will be described.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:22

_id sigradi2003_092
id sigradi2003_092
authors Castañé, D., Tessier, C. and Deho, C.
year 2003
title Prácticas educativas: su impacto y riesgo en las tecnologías digitales (Educational Practices: Their impact and risk in digital technologies)
source SIGraDi 2003 - [Proceedings of the 7th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Rosario Argentina 5-7 november 2003
summary Based on the latest didactic teaching theories, this project presents a critical analysis of dynamic educational practices, which have been actively utilized through the last decade by the department of research and instruction in the School of Architecture at the University of Buenos Aires. This work proposes a journey through the landmarks that recognize the impact of technology on teaching best practices, mainly contained in a technical course. It presents the didactic theories of Bruner (90), Perkins, Gardner (93), Burbules (2001), E. Litwin (2002) and others. Crucial representative work developed by students has been taken to introduce criteria and construct practical reflections to arrive at an enriching proposition.
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:48

_id 4533
authors Datta, S., Morison, D. and Roberts, K.
year 2001
title Pedagogical Templates: A Comparative Study of Higher Order Reflective Making, Playful Design Learning Forum
source Adelaide University School of Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Urban Design, Adelaide
summary Schon's notion of reflection-in-action implies a constructivist process of learning, especially valid in the teaching of professional disciplines such as architecture. Action becomes the instrument of conjecture and learning arises in the context of reflection upon the act. Such a process of interleaving action and reflection constitutes a "higher-order" process of reflective making. Research in design studies has shown that strategies for making differ markedly between professional and novitiate designers. Further, such studies have shown that skilled designers employ past experience and precedents to create context for new problem situations. To address the lack of context in novitiate learning situations, we propose the use of "pedagogical templates" for the promotion of "higher-order" strategies in design learning contexts for supporting beginning design students. We focus on the use of digital media, specifically for the design, implementation and delivery of constructive learning situations. This paper presents the use of a pedagogical template in the creation of constructivist contexts for two complementary courses, a traditional design studio and a computermodelling course at Deakin University. The resulting implications for design learning and the integration of physical and digital forms of making through the use of a pedagogical template are discussed.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:50

_id 9517
authors Deng, Z.M., Li, H., Tam, C.M., Shen, Q.P. and Love, P.E.D.
year 2001
title An application of the Internet-based project management system
source Automation in Construction 10 (2) (2001) pp. 239-246
summary The great advance in information technologies (IT) and the availability of a wide range of software in recent years have brought many changes in the construction industry. The Internet, a new member of IT, offers a medium with new opportunities to manage construction projects. This paper describes an Internet-based project management system called "Total Information Transfer System" (TITS). TITS comprises six major functions including data exchange, information exchange, Internet chat, live video-cam, search engine and auxiliary services. TITS is demonstrated for project monitoring with a real-life project.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:22

_id bbfa
authors Donath, D., Beetz, J., Grether, K., Petzold, F. and Seichter, H.
year 2001
title Augmented Reality Techniques for Design and Revitalisation in Existing Built Environments
source Reinventing the Discourse - How Digital Tools Help Bridge and Transform Research, Education and Practice in Architecture [Proceedings of the Twenty First Annual Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Design in Architecture / ISBN 1-880250-10-1] Buffalo (New York) 11-14 October 2001, pp. 322-329
summary Building activity in Germany is moving increasingly toward combined newbuild and renovation projects. Essential for effective computer-aided planning within an existing context is not only the use of on-site computer-aided measurement tools but also an integrative cooperation between the different disciplines involved via an information and communication system. Interdisciplinary cooperation needs to be tailored to the integrative aspects in renovation and revitalisation work. Economic factors determine the viability of an architectural project, and reliable costing information is vital. Existing IT-approaches to this problem are not yet sufficiently exploited. In ongoing research at our university (collaborative research center ”Materials and Structure in the Revitalisation of Buildings”) methods and techniques of revitalisation are being investigated. A special branch of the collaborative research center is investigating possibilities of computer-aided building measurement and communication platforms for professional disciplines ( The aim is to develop a general approach to the revitalisation of buildings. This paper discusses possible application areas of AR/VR techniques in the revitalisation of buildings from the point of view of the user and are based on the real project “Cooling factory Gera”. Based on the necessities of revitalisation projects, technical requirements are developed. The project is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft (DFG).
keywords Augmented Reality, Architecture, Modernization, Measurement
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:55

_id 3c96
authors Kang, H., Anderson, S.D. and Clayton, M.J.
year 2001
title Web4D: Challenges and Practices for Construction Scheduling
source Reinventing the Discourse - How Digital Tools Help Bridge and Transform Research, Education and Practice in Architecture [Proceedings of the Twenty First Annual Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Design in Architecture / ISBN 1-880250-10-1] Buffalo (New York) 11-14 October 2001, pp. 132-141
summary Research has demonstrated that four-dimensional computer aided design (4D CAD), in which a three-dimensional (3D) CAD model is animated through time, is useful in helping professionals understand the construction schedule. However, cumbersome processes to update a 4D CAD model, which involve changing geometry representations, changing schedules and bar charts, linking the geometry to the scheduling information, and generating animations, may discourage professionals from using 4D CAD in actual construction projects. A software prototype implementing 4D CAD in a Web environment overcomes limitations of current 4D CAD tools. This software permits editing of the construction schedule over the Internet and shows the revised construction sequence visually on a Web browser using 3D computer graphics. This software is composed of a database on a server, Active Server Pages (ASP) scripts, and a Java applet that was developed using Java 3D Application Programming Interface (API) and Java JDBC. The Java applet retrieves the 4D model at the appropriate level of completion over the Internet and allows users to navigate around the model on the Web browser. Web4D visualization software can help professionals to expedite the schedule updating process by involving designers and constructors in collaborative decision- making.
keywords Web4D, 4D CAD, 4D Visualization, Construction Schedule, Internet
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:52

_id c8ce
authors Keefe, D., Acevedo, D., Moscovich, T., Laidlaw, D., and La Viola, J.
year 2001
title CavePainting: A Fully Immersive 3D Artistic Medium and Interactive Experience
source Proceedings of the 2001 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, March 2001
summary CavePainting is an artistic medium that uses a 3D analog of 2D brush strokes to create 3D works of art in a fully immersive Cave environment. Physical props and gestures are used to provide an intuitive interface for artists who may not be familiar with virtual reality. The system is designed to take advantage of the 8 ft. x 8 ft. x 8 ft. space in which the artist works. CavePainting enables the artist to create a new type of art and provides a novel approach to viewing this art after it has been created. In this paper, we describe Cave- Painting's 3D brush strokes, color pickers, artwork viewing mode, and interface.We also present several works of art created using the system along with feedback from artists. Artists are excited about this form of art and the gestural, full-body experience of creating it.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:50

_id 4cd0
authors Lee, Ming-Chun
year 2001
title SpaceMaker: A Symbol-based Three-dimensional Computer Modeling Tool for Early Schematic Development of the Architectural Design
source University of Washington, Design Machine Group
summary Designing architecture is an action of creating space. Architects start designing by making twodimensional (2-D) drawings in order to explore alternatives of spatial arrangement. However, architects are actually working with three-dimensional (3-D) space. They see 3-D space in their mind’s eye when making sketches in 2-D. It is thus valuable to help designers truly see 3-D space during designing. In addition, different spaces may have different functions and configurations of architectural components. Architects usually use text labels in their drawings to identify architectural concepts. They identify the function of space and remind themselves of the proposed configuration of architectural elements when labeling each space with a symbol. By recognizing the text label, it is possible to identify the architectural configuration of the space. Therefore, it is possible to create a 3-D modeling tool based on the recognition of labels in freehand sketches. This thesis introduces a symbol-based 3-D modeling tool – the SpaceMaker – that allows designers to make freehand floor-plan drawings to explore the initial concept of spatial layout and allows users to apply labels to identify different types of space. Finally, the program converts those floor plans into 3-D models according to the labels. In the SpaceMaker, a designer predefines a label by assigning it four boundary elements that encircle a space. When the designer draws the label in the sketch floor plan, the SpaceMaker then recognizes the label and constructs the space based on the defined boundary condition in a VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) format that enables the designer to view the 3-D space through a VRML enabled web browser.
series thesis:MSc
last changed 2004/06/02 19:12

_id f683
authors Lerner, P., Méndez, R. and Pimentel, D.
year 2001
title EL WEB SITE DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES: IMAGEN INSTITUCIONAL, DISEÑO E IMPLEMENTACIÓN. (The Web Site of the University of Buenos Aires: Institutional Image, Design and Implementation)
source SIGraDi biobio2001 - [Proceedings of the 5th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics / ISBN 956-7813-12-4] Concepcion (Chile) 21-23 november 2001, pp. 127-130
summary The present work constitutes a description of the design and implementation process for the new University of Buenos Aires’s Internet Website. The developed stages and the establishment of the institutional subjects generated a system able to support the growth of a variable information structure. Our intention was to complement two instances: to represent the University like an institution and to incorporate services for the user. The dialogue between the two instances generated an architecture of information with an almost fixed content and another one totally variable, that allows the natural growth of the thematics and opens the doors towards the self-manage of content.
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:54

_id 2d5c
authors Montagu, A., Kós, J.R., Rodriguez Barros, D., Stipech, A. and Alvarado, R.G.
year 2001
title Digital Design Curriculum: Developments in Latin America – A Field Report
source Architectural Information Management [19th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9523687-8-1] Helsinki (Finland) 29-31 August 2001, pp. 202-206
summary The introduction of early computer graphics procedures in the Architectural and Design fields in Latin America has been a complex and hard task due to different motives that can be summarized as educational prejudices, political instability and financial problems. The paper aims to summarize the origin of the “system approach” view in the region based in experiences of some leading institutions nowadays. A chronological development of the present curricular systems in some Faculties of Architecture and Design will also be included. It must be considered that the great majority of public universities in Latin America are free of charge for the students.
keywords Pedagogic Evolution, Educational Systems, Latin America, Curricular Differences, Prospective
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:58

_id 309d
authors Petry Battastini, Débora Kling
year 2001
title A RESTITUIÇÃO VIRTUAL TRIDIMENSIONAL DE UM DOS PRÉDIOS QUE COMPÕEM O ENTORNO DA PRAÇA DA MATRIZ DE PORTO ALEGRE - UM EXEMPLO PARA O ESTUDO DA EVOLUÇÃO URBANA DA PRAÇA (The Virtual Restitution of One of the Buildings that Constitute the Surroundings of "Matriz" Square in Porto Alegre - An Example for the Study of the Square Urban Evolution)
source SIGraDi biobio2001 - [Proceedings of the 5th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics / ISBN 956-7813-12-4] Concepcion (Chile) 21-23 november 2001, pp. 46-48
summary This work is a virtual reconstruction of a building called “Palácio Provisório”, that take place in Marechal Deodoro Square in Porto Alegre City, Brazil. It will be four virtual 3D model each of one representing a historical phase of the building. The objective of this work is to start studying the urban evolution of Marechal Deodoro Square by using graphical computation resources to reconstruct the various historical phases of the square. This study is a part of doctoral thesis of the author which is in development in the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia – Spain.
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:57

_id 76ea
authors Petzold, F., Thurow, T. and Donath, D.
year 2001
title Planing relevant survey of buildings - starting point in the revitalization process of existing buildings - requirements, concepts, prototypes and visions
source Abstract Book CIPA 2001 International Symposium, Potsdam 2001, pp. 58
summary Future tasks for the building trade in Germany will be more and more a combination of the fields of revitalization and new building projects. Prerequisite for computer-aided planing for existing buildings is both, the use of onsite computer-aided measurement and the integration of all specialists involved in the building process. Existing approaches for this problem are not yet satisfying. The aim of this research project is twofold: to design a practice-relevant software concept and to develop various prototypic systems, for a structured way of capturing and organizing building-related information about existing buildings in digital form. The research is oriented towards existing buildings, in particular residential and commercial buildings. This project is a special branch of SFB524. The project is founded by "Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft (DFG)".
series other
last changed 2003/02/26 18:58

_id 0651
authors Petzold, F., Thurow, T., Richter, K. and Donath, D.
year 2001
title Planning-oriented building surveying - Modules in the computer aided architectural planning process of existing buildings
source Architectural Information Management [19th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9523687-8-1] Helsinki (Finland) 29-31 August 2001, pp. 144-149
summary Activities in the building industry in Germany concentrate increasingly on a combination of renovation and new-build. A prerequisite for computer-aided planning in the context of existing buildings is both the use of on-site computer aided surveying techniques and the integration of all professional disciplines in an integrated information and communication system. Current approaches to these issues are unsatisfactory. Methods and techniques in renovation work are being investigated as part of ongoing research at the Bauhaus- Universität Weimar (SFB524 - “Collaborative research center 524 „Materials and Structure in Revitalization of Buildings”). A sub-group (SFB524 - D2 „Planning-Relevant Digital Building Surveying and Information System”) is currently investigating the possibilities of computer-aided building surveying and of joint communcation platforms for engineering disciplines ( May 2001). The objective is the development of a general approach for the renovation of buildings. The paper discusses concepts and requirements for a computer-aided system supporting the entire surveying process from the initial site visit to its use in a CAD system.
keywords Surveying, CAAD Systems, Computer Aided Planning Process, Building Model
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 08:00

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