CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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_id avocaad_2001_05
id avocaad_2001_05
authors Alexander Koutamanis
year 2001
title Analysis and the descriptive approach
source AVOCAAD - ADDED VALUE OF COMPUTER AIDED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN, Nys Koenraad, Provoost Tom, Verbeke Johan, Verleye Johan (Eds.), (2001) Hogeschool voor Wetenschap en Kunst - Departement Architectuur Sint-Lucas, Campus Brussel, ISBN 80-76101-05-1
summary The rise of consciousness concerning the quality of working and living conditions has been a permanent though frequently underplayed theme in architecture and building since the reconstruction period. It has led to an explosive growth of programmatic requirements on building behaviour and performance, thus also stimulating the development of design analysis. The first stage of development was characterized by the evolution of prescriptive systems. These reversed the structure of pre-existing proscriptive systems into sequences of known steps that should be taken in order to achieve adequate results. Prescriptive systems complemented rather than replaced proscriptive ones, thereby creating an uncertain mixture of orthodoxy and orthopraxy that failed to provide design guidance for improving design performance and quality.The second stage in the development of design analysis focuses on descriptive methods and techniques for analyzing and supporting evaluation. Technologies such as simulation and scientific visualization are employed so as to produce detailed, accurate and reliable projections of building behaviour and performance. These projections can be correlated into a comprehensive and coherent description of a building using representations of form as information carriers. In these representations feedback and interaction assume a visual character that fits both design attitudes and lay perception of the built environment, but on the basis of a quantitative background that justifies, verifies and refines design actions. Descriptive analysis is currently the most promising direction for confronting and resolving design complexity. It provides the designer with useful insights into the causes and effects of various design problems but frequently comes short of providing clear design guidance for two main reasons: (1) it adds substantial amounts of information to the already unmanageable loads the designer must handle, and (2) it may provide incoherent cues for the further development of a design. Consequently the descriptive approach to analysis is always in danger of been supplanted by abstract decision making.One way of providing the desired design guidance is to complement the connection of descriptive analyses to representations of form (and from there to synthesis) with two interface components. The first is a memory component, implemented as case-bases of precedent designs. These designs encapsulate integrated design information that can be matched to the design in hand in terms of form, function and performance. Comparison between precedents with a known performance and a new design facilitate identification of design aspects that need be improved, as well as of wider formal and functional consequences. The second component is an adaptive generative system capable of guiding exploration of these aspects, both in the precedents and the new design. The aim of this system is to provide feedback from analysis to synthesis. By exploring the scope of the analysis and the applicability of the conclusions to more designs, the designer generates a coherent and consistent collection of partial solutions that explore a relevant solution space. Development of the first component, the design case-bases, is no trivial task. Transformability in the representation of cases and flexible classification in a database are critical to the identification and treatment of a design aspect. Nevertheless, the state of the art in case-based reasoning and the extensive corpus of analysed designs provide the essential building blocks. The second component, the adaptive generative system, poses more questions. Existing generative techniques do not possess the necessary richness or multidimensionality. Moreover, it is imperative that the designer plays a more active role in the control of the process than merely tweaking local variables. At the same time, the system should prevent that redesigning degenerates into a blind trial-and-error enumeration of possibilities. Guided empirical design research arguably provides the means for the evolutionary development of the second component.
series AVOCAAD
last changed 2005/09/09 10:48

_id 0e58
authors Campbell, D.A. and Wells, M.
year 1994
title A Critique of Virtual Reality in the Architectural Design Process, R-94-3
source Human Interface Technology Laboratory, University of Washington, Seattle, USA, 23 May 2001
summary An addition to a building was designed using virtual reality (VR). The project was part of a design studio for graduate students of architecture. During the design process a detailed journal of activities was kept. In addition, the design implemented with VR was compared to designs implemented with more traditional methods. Both immersive and non-immersive VR simulations were attempted. Part of the rationale for exploring the use of VR in this manner was to develop insight into how VR techniques can be incorporated into the architectural design process, and to provide guidance for the implementers of future VR systems. This paper describes the role of VR in schematic design, through design development to presentation and evaluation. In addition, there are some comments on the effects of VR on detailed design. VR proved to be advantageous in several phases of the design. However, several shortcomings in both hardware and software became apparent. These are described, and a number of recommendations are provided.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:50

_id 5eb9
authors Gröhn, M., Mantere, M., Savioja, L. and Takala, T.
year 2001
title Background screens on three walls and floor. The stereoscopic 3D Visualization of Building Services in Virtual Environment
source Architectural Information Management [19th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9523687-8-1] Helsinki (Finland) 29-31 August 2001, pp. 523-528
summary In currently on-going project we develop methods and techniques for visualizing building services in our virtual room. At first we have established a conversion and transmission path from contractors’ lighting modeling software to virtual environment software. Secondly we have visualized air flow data in a photo-realistic room in such a way that a nonspecialist can easily understand the behavior of air flow. Thirdly we have developed navigation techniques which allow an arbitrary visitor to explore the model without guidance.
keywords Virtual Environment, Building Services, Flow Visualization, Interaction Techniques
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:51

_id 7c0e
authors Koutamanis, Alexander and Den Hartog, Peter
year 2001
title Simulation and representation. Learning from airflow analyses in buildings
source Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures [ISBN 0-7923-7023-6] Eindhoven, 8-11 July 2001, pp. 657-666
summary The simulation of environmental aspects is a current priority in design research and practice. The availability of relatively efficient and reliable simulation systems and the emphasis on environmental aspects throughout a building’s lifecycle combine to stimulate exploration of aspects such as lighting and air quality by computational means. Nevertheless, a frequent complaint is that the addition of such simulations makes design information processing timeconsuming and cumbersome, thereby increasing uncertainty and indecision. Therefore, it is imperative that simulation is integrated in the strategies and tools normally used by the digitally-minded architect. In this respect a central issue is the relations between the simulation and the design representation used as connecting tissue for the whole design environment. Input of design information in the simulation means identification of relevant objects, aspects, parts and properties of these objects, as well as relationships between objects. The explicit description of objects such as spaces, doors and windows in the design representation allows for ready extraction of relevant information, including automatic recognition of relationships such as adjacency between a window and a space. The addition of information specific to the airflow analysis was resolved by the extension of the representation to cover front-end service components such as inlets and outlets and general properties (annotations) such as activities accommodated in a space and the primary choice of cooling and heating subsystems. The design representation is also the obvious target for the output of the simulation (feedback). Visualization of airflow in terms of the resulting voxels makes effortless and enjoyable viewing but merely allowing the visualization to coexist with the representation of spaces and building elements does not provide design guidance. One way of achieving that is by treating spaces not as integral entities but as containers of relevant surfaces. These surfaces determine the adaptive subdivision of the space and function as attractors for voxel clustering.
keywords Simulation, Representation, Visualization
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2006/11/07 07:22

_id 8095
authors Mahrouq, Abdulrahman and Al-Haddad, Baha'uddin
year 2001
title Gaza City: Virtual space and the control of physical space
source CORP 2001, Vienna, pp. 397-402
summary The interaction between virtual space and physical space is increasingly gaining more importance and consideration [1]. Much of theinterest concentrates upon theorizing this interaction and investigating the different concepts behind it [2]. Another concern is toexplore aspects of the physical space through its virtuality especially in the field of architecture and urban design [3]. Yet with theevidence that the increasing pace of development in multimedia, information and communications technology is exerting vastchanges on the physical space, there is a disparate need for control over these very fast changes. Control of the physical space is themain subject of physical planning where it is crucial to develop new tools and procedures for better control of the urban change.Applications of data, information and communications technologies in urban planning and geographic information system (GIS)constitute one of the vital fields for the control and guidance of urban development.In Gaza Strip for example, unprecedented developments resulted after the declaration of the Palestinian- Israeli peace agreements in1994. Information and communications technologies and data sources were improved with the introduction of computers, moderntelephone and wireless communications and satellite imaging. The new developments began to impinge the existing British Mandatesystem and the physical planning process. The municipality of Gaza city took the lead and became the most important and activelocal planning institution to benefit from the new situation. Although the new developments are in their early stage, the positiveimpact on the planning process and the control over the built environment in the city are paramount.This paper aims at exploring the new developments of spatial technologies in the municipality of Gaza and their impact on theplanning conduct and the built environment in the city.
series other
last changed 2002/09/04 13:19

_id a2bb
authors Shih, Shen-Guan and Huang, Wei-Lung
year 2001
title Toward the integration of spatial and temporal information for Building Construction
source Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures [ISBN 0-7923-7023-6] Eindhoven, 8-11 July 2001, pp. 47-60
summary Building construction is a kind of complex process that integrates activities regarding design, materials, personnel and equipments. Information systems that describe building construction need to represent both the spatial information of the building design and the temporal information of construction plan. We classify four levels of integration for spatiotemporal information in building construction. We consider that the classification is important for the guidance of our research for that it distinguishes levels of complexity and applicability of data models that integrates spatiotemporal information. A prototype system is developed and tested for providing us a means to gain more insights to the problem.
keywords Building Construction, Project Modelling, Representation
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2006/11/07 07:22

_id 3220
authors Lartigue, C. Thiebaut, F. and Maekawa, T.
year 2001
title CNC tool path in terms of B-spline curves
source Computer-Aided Design, Vol. 33 (4) (2001) pp. 307-319
summary We present an accurate and efficient method to generate a CNC tool path for a smooth free-form surface in terms of planar cubic B-spline curves which will be fed into afree-form curve interpolator. We assume the use of a three-axis CNC machine tool with a ball end-mill cutter. We first interpolate break points, which are generated bycomputing the offset surface-driving plane intersection curve reflecting the curvature, by a planar cubic B-spline curve. We then evaluate the maximum scallop height alonga scallop curve by computing the stationary points of the distance function between the scallop curve and the design surface. Furthermore, we compute the maximum pickfeed such that the maximum scallop height along a scallop curve coincides with the prescribed tolerance. Illustrative examples show the substantial improvements this methodachieves over conventional methods where the tool path consists of linear or circular paths.
keywords Free-Form Curve Interpolator, CNC Machine Tool, Pick Feed, Scallop Height, Tool Path, Offset Surface
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:33

_id 2abf
id 2abf
authors Rafi, A
year 2001
title Design creativity in emerging technologies
source In Von, H., Stocker, G. and Schopf, C. (Eds.), Takeover: Who’s doing art of tomorrow (pp. 41-54), New York: SpringerWein.
summary Human creativity works best when there are constraints – pressures to react to, to shape, to suggest. People are generally not very good at making it all up from scratch (Laurel, 1991). Emerging technology particularly virtual reality (VR) Multimedia and Internet is yet to be fully discovered as it allows unprecedented creative talent, ability, skill set, creative thinking, representation, exploration, observation and reference. In an effort to deliver interactive content, designers tend to freely borrow from different fields such as advertising, medicine, game, fine art, commerce, entertainment, edutainment, film-making and architecture (Rafi, Kamarulzaman, Fauzan and Karboulonis, 2000). As a result, content becomes a base that developers transfer the technique of conventional medium design media to the computer. What developers (e.g. artist and technologist) often miss is that to develop the emerging technology content based on the nature of the medium. In this context, the user is the one that will be the best judge to value the effectiveness of the content.

The paper will introduce Global Information Infrastructure (GII) that is currently being developed in the Asian region and discuss its impact on the Information Age society. It will further highlight the ‘natural’ value and characteristics of the emerging technologies in particular Virtual Reality (VR), Multimedia and Internet as a guidance to design an effective, rich and innovative content development. This paper also argues that content designers of the future must not only be both artist and technologist, but artist and technologist that are aware of the re-convergence of art and science and context in which content is being developed. Some of our exploration at the Faculty of Creative Multimedia, Multimedia University will also be demonstrated. It is hoped that this will be the evidence to guide future ‘techno-creative designers’.

keywords design, creativity, content, emerging technologies
series book
type normal paper
last changed 2007/09/13 03:46

_id sigradi2003_082
id sigradi2003_082
authors Sánchez Cavazos, María Estela
year 2003
title El proceso de Diseño y la representación digital de la arquitectura (The design process and the digital representation of architecture)
source SIGraDi 2003 - [Proceedings of the 7th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Rosario Argentina 5-7 november 2003
summary The following is a paper about a pseudoexperiment realized by the profesor in architectonic design, Ma. Estela Sánchez Cavazos with the tutory of the doctor in architecture, Adolfo Benito Narváez Tijerina in the Autonomy University of Nuevo León México, applied to students in architecture masters, with the finality of finding elements that permit to describe and interpret the transformations in the architectonic design process with the intoduction of digital representation. All of this is inside the studies that the professor is actually realizing in the Central University of Venezuela with the guidance of Dr. Isaac Abadí Abbo. Pseudoexperiment, action research in this case with a descriptive and interpretative approach (Maritza Barrios Yaselli, 2001, p.6). architectonic design process, Secuential whole of phases and activities of creating work to solve a design problem speeking in cronological form bat interactive in conceptual form.
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 10:01

_id ga0132
id ga0132
authors Abe, Yoshiyuki
year 2001
title Beyond the math visualization - Geometrica and Stochastica
source International Conference on Generative Art
summary Mathematically controlled imaging process provides attractive results because of its infinite scaling capabilities with some other elements that contribute to the visualization. Its global/local and precise manipulation of parameters holds potential for realizing an unpredictable horizon of imagery. When it meets the artist's taste, this method could be a strong enough system of creation, and I have been producing images using the surfaces of hyperbolic paraboloid. On the other hand, a method absolutely free from the geometric parameter manipulation is possible with a stochastic process [1]. Like the technique of pendulum in photography, while its production rate of acceptable result is very low, its potential of generating a strong visual message is also very attractive. It is possible to set stochastic elements at any stage of the process, and conditional probability on those elements, or the hierarchy of probability management characterizes the probability distribution. Math space has no light. No gravity. No color on the math surfaces. And the math equation providesonly the boundary in 3D or higher mathematical dimensions. The fact means that artists can keep artistic reality with their unique tastes in colors on the surface and light sources, and this is the most important element of the math based imaging. Being able to give artists' own choice of colors and that the artist may take only right ones from the results of a stochastic process guarantee the motif and aesthetics of artist could be reflected onto the work.
series other
last changed 2003/11/21 15:15

_id 7897
authors Achten, Henri and De Vries, Bauke
year 2001
title Multiple Sketch Users in DDDoolz
source Stellingwerff, Martijn and Verbeke, Johan (Eds.), ACCOLADE - Architecture, Collaboration, Design. Delft University Press (DUP Science) / ISBN 90-407-2216-1 / The Netherlands, pp. 153-162 [Book ordering info:]
summary This paper presents DDDoolz, a desktop-VR three-dimensional voxel sketchtool. DDDoolz is developed in the Design Systems Group to explore the use of Virtual Reality technology in the early design stage. The aim is to offer a sketch-like environment in VR with an unobtrusive interface. The paper presents DDDoolz, how it is used in education and with partners in architectural practice, and some future developments. As an extension to current functionality, the possibility of multiple users at the same time will be developed in the system for the {ACCOLADE} workshop.
series other
last changed 2001/09/14 21:30

_id 7e52
authors Achten, Henri
year 2001
title Normative Positions in Architectural Design - Deriving and Applying Design Methods
source Architectural Information Management [19th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9523687-8-1] Helsinki (Finland) 29-31 August 2001, pp. 263-268
summary This paper presents a recently finished course of eight weeks where CAAD skills, design methodology, and architectural theory are combined to discuss possible perspectives on the use of the computer in design, and its influence on architecture. In the course, three contemporary architects were studied; Peter Eisenman, Ben van Berkel, and Greg Lynn. Each was discussed on aspects of ontology (which are the elements of discourse), design method (design process and organization of the process), and the use of the computer (techniques and approaches). These were linked with design theory, architectural theory, and CAD-theory. The reflection on the work of the architects resulted in a number of design methods for each architect. The design methods were adapted to the available technologies in the university as well as to the scope of the exercise, since the period of eight weeks for an exercise cannot compete with design processes in practice that take many participants and much time. The students then applied the design methods to a design task: student housing and an exhibition pavilion on the campus area of the university. The task was so devised, that students could focus on either architectural or urban design level with one of the design methods. Also, the choice of architects and accompanying design methods was made in such a way that students with low, medium, and advanced computer skills could take part in the course and exercise. In a workshop held at the Czech Technical University (CVUT) in Prague, the same procedure was used in a one-week period for a different design task, but in an otherwise almost identical setting with respect to the CAAD software used. The methods and material were easily transferred to the other setting. The students were able to cope with the task and produced surprising results in the short time span available. The paper will provide an overview of the course, discuss the pedagogical implications of the work, and discuss how this particular work can be generalized to incorporate other architects and approaches.
keywords CAAD: Design Methods, Pedagogy
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id 28b9
authors Achten, Henri
year 2001
title Future Scenario for a Collaborative Design Session
source Stellingwerff, Martijn and Verbeke, Johan (Eds.), ACCOLADE - Architecture, Collaboration, Design. Delft University Press (DUP Science) / ISBN 90-407-2216-1 / The Netherlands, pp. 163-168 [Book ordering info:]
summary A collaborative design project consists of a team of design partners who are engaged during the period of the project in a particular design task. The group forms a short-lived community with the goal to create a design. The environment in which this is done today, consists of the participants office spaces, completed with equipment such as drawing tables, coffee machines, fax machines, CAD stations, etc. None of these elements reflect the existence of the (temporary) community that a design partner participates in. In this workshop paper we propose that the current two-dimensional desktop metaphor in a computer does not adequately support collaborative design. The typical 2D-desktop multiple open windows with different applications gives a fractured view of the design project in which by contrast the designer as a person conceives of himself as a whole. Moreover, the sense of place, or a consistent identity in which the design takes place is also lacking. The notion of _virtual environmentsÑ can assist in further developing design support for collaborative design in the future, as is sketched in the following outline.
series other
last changed 2001/09/14 21:30

_id avocaad_2001_14
id avocaad_2001_14
authors Adam Jakimowicz
year 2001
title Non-Linear Postrationalisation: Architectural Values Emergence in a Teamwork Interpretation
source AVOCAAD - ADDED VALUE OF COMPUTER AIDED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN, Nys Koenraad, Provoost Tom, Verbeke Johan, Verleye Johan (Eds.), (2001) Hogeschool voor Wetenschap en Kunst - Departement Architectuur Sint-Lucas, Campus Brussel, ISBN 80-76101-05-1
summary The paper presents the outcomes of the experiment being conducted at the Faculty of Architecture in Bialystok, which derives form three main sources: a new course of architectural composition by computer modelling, developed and conducted in Bialystok postrationalisation as a formulation platform for new architectural values and theories, applied by e.g. Bernard Tschumi the idea of new values emergence resulting form a teamwork, when placed in an appropriate environment; It is assumed that the work performed first intuitively, can be later seriously interpreted, and to some extent rationalised, verbalised, described. With no doubt we can state, that in creative parts of architectural activities, very often decision are taken intuitively (form design). So this ‘procedure’ of postrationalisation of intuitively undertaken efforts and results seems to be very important –when trying to explain ideas. This kind of activity is also very important during the first years of architectural education. In case of this experiment, the students’ works from the course of architectural composition are taken as a base and subjects for interpretation, and values research. However, when at first, individual works are being interpreted by their authors, at the latter stage, the teams are to be formed. The aim of the teamwork is to present individual works, analyse them, find common value(s), and represent it (them) in an appropriate, creative way. The ideal environment to perform this work is hypertext based internet, because the non-linearity of team interpretations is unavoidable. On the other hand, the digital input data (computer models) is a very appropriate initial material to be used for hypermedia development. The experiment is to analyse the specific of the following: the self-influence of the group on the individual work ‘qualification’, mutual influence of the team members on their own work interpretation, the influence of the digital non-linear environment on the final outcome definition. The added value of hypertext in architectural groupwork digital performance shall be examined and described. A new value of individualised, though group based, non-linearity of expression will be presented and concluded.
series AVOCAAD
last changed 2005/09/09 10:48

_id db60
authors Af Klercker, J., Achten, H. and Verbeke, J.
year 2001
title AVOCAAD - A First Step Towards Distance Learning?
source Architectural Information Management [19th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9523687-8-1] Helsinki (Finland) 29-31 August 2001, pp. 269-274
summary In the industrial world knowledge is developed very fast. As most countries are depending on employees with a high level of knowledge and skills the term ”Life Long Learning” has been formulated and the concept is more and more accepted. Institutions of higher education are more and more involved in creating supplementary education more independent of time and place. Distance learning was originally carried out by ordinary mail, which was slow but might then have been the only solution for people in remote places. With the Internet and e-mail the distance-learning concept has got a far better tool, for instance better interaction facilities. Architects and engineers in practise are deeply involved in solving the problems of the present projects. Education which is independent of time and place must be of great interest to both parties. The AVOCAAD project has created an education model for students to meet the possibilities of CAAD. The education model can be used in a curriculum at a school as well as for distance learning. Among the possible experiences from it, the one concerning distance learning might be the most important future application of the system in architectural education. This paper sketches the pedagogical background and gives examples from other areas of knowledge, where distance learning is already in use. We will put the question how the AVOCAAD concept meets the experiences from distance learning.
keywords Distance Learning, Pedagogic, CAAD, E-Learning, AVOCAAD
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id 9c0c
authors Af Klercker, Jonas and HenrichsÈn, Jan
year 2001
title Can simulations in VE support architects in solving complex design problems?
source Stellingwerff, Martijn and Verbeke, Johan (Eds.), ACCOLADE - Architecture, Collaboration, Design. Delft University Press (DUP Science) / ISBN 90-407-2216-1 / The Netherlands, pp. 77-82 [Book ordering info:]
summary Building design is facing development of industrialization of the production on the one hand and more complex 'One of a Kind' products on the other. This will be for rebuilding of a large stock of existing buildings and what can be left to new production. In both cases the results of the design process have to be solid to guarantee a successful product. In both cases an integrated and careful design process is absolutely crucial. The demands on the built environment make the systems of buildings more and more complex and have to be handled by a lot of different expertise. To avoid the 'Relay Race' of today the design teams of tomorrow must work much more integrated. To make integrated solutions, which means simultaneous constrains on all systems, the experts of different fields have to understand more of how all engaged systems relate and influence each other. Communication then consists of complex situations and processes that have to be understood and related to reality. In this aspect a multidimensional Virtual Environment interface has advantages and has been successfully used in design processes in other industries. In this paper the problems that have to be studied are for example Methodical, Conceptual, Technical and Process economical.
series other
last changed 2001/09/14 21:30

_id bb5f
authors Ahmad Rafi, M.E. and Mohd Fazidin, J.
year 2001
title Creating a City Administration System (CAS) using Virtual Reality in an Immersive Collaborative Environment (ICE)
source Architectural Information Management [19th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9523687-8-1] Helsinki (Finland) 29-31 August 2001, pp. 449-453
summary Current problems in administration of a city are found to be decentralized and noninteractive for an effective city management. This usually will result in inconsistencies of decision-making, inefficient services and slow response to a particular action. City administration often spends more money, time and human resource because of these problems. This research demonstrates our research and development of creating a City Administration System (CAS) to solve the problems stated above. The task of the system is to use information, multimedia and graphical technologies to form a database in which the city administrators can monitor, understand and manage an entire city from a central location. The key technology behind the success of the overall system uses virtual reality and immersive collaborative environment (ICE). This system employs emerging computer based real-time interactive technologies that are expected to ensure effective decisionmaking process, improved communication, and collaboration, error reduction, (Rafi and Karboulonis, 2000) between multi disciplinary users and approaches. This multi perspective approach allows planners, engineers, urban designers, architects, local authorities, environmentalists and general public to search, understand, process and anticipate the impact of a particular situation in the new city. It is hoped that the CAS will benefit city administrators to give them a tool that gives them the ability to understand, plan, and manage the business of running the city.
keywords City Administration System (CAS), Virtual Reality, Immersive Collaborative Environment (ICE), Database
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id 12e3
authors Ahmad Rafi, M.E., Che Zulkhairi, A. and Karboulonis, P.
year 2002
title Interactive Storytelling and Its Role in the Design Process
source CAADRIA 2002 [Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / ISBN 983-2473-42-X] Cyberjaya (Malaysia) 18–20 April 2002, pp. 151-158
summary Projects of ever increasing complexity and size have incited the need for new and robust design methodologies and tools in an effort to manage complexity, lower costs, ascertain quality and reduce risk. Technology convergence through the growing availability of networked computers, rapid progress in Computer Aided Design (CAD) and information management have encouraged the undertaking of even more complex designs that demand high degrees of interaction, collaboration and the efficient sharing and dissemination of information. It is suggested that interactive storytelling and interactive design (Rafi and Karboulonis, 2001) techniques that use non-linear information mapping systems can be deployed to assist users as they navigate information that is structured to address localized needs as they arise. The design process is a collaborative effort that encompasses diverse knowledge disciplines and demands the management and utilization of available resources to satisfy the needs of a single or set of goals. It is thought that building industry specialists should work close together in an organised manner to solve design problems as they emerge and find alternatives when designs fall short. The design process involves the processing of dynamic and complex information, that can be anything from the amount of soil required to level lands - to the needs of specific lightings systems in operation theatres. Other important factors that affect the design process are related to costs and deadlines. This paper will demonstrate some of our early findings in several experiments to establish nonlinear storytelling. It will conclude with a recommendation for a plausible design of such a system based on experimental work that is currently being conducted and is reaching its final stages. The paper will lay the foundations of a possible path to implementation based on the concept of multi-path animation that is appropriate for structuring the design process as used in the building industry.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id c39a
authors Ahumada Gallardo, N., López Morales, B., Mora Olate, M.L. and Muñoz, V.C.
year 2001
title MARCO ANTONIO DE LA PARRA COMO NARRADOR Y ENSAYISTA. MONOGRAFIA MULTIMEDIAL (Marco Antonio de la Parra as Narrator and Writer. Monography in Multimedia)
source SIGraDi biobio2001 - [Proceedings of the 5th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics / ISBN 956-7813-12-4] Concepcion (Chile) 21-23 november 2001, pp. 268-270
summary The analysis of Marco Antonio de la Parra’s novels and essays from the discourse perspective, is the contents of an interdisciplinary work for modernizing and improving communicative possibilities of universitary thesis through multimedia. For the multimedia design, the main and most recent digital creating software for the graphic treatment of texts and images were analised, then the navigation system and screens were designed, difining backgrounds, texts, audio and video, besides buttons and hits. Results permit: 1. To present the contents in an easy access and transportation support, reducing production costs. 2. The offering of three communication supports: written text, audio and video. 3. Ostensibly improves universitary thesis and seminars quality.
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id af65
authors Akleman, E., Chen, J. and Sirinivasan, V.
year 2001
title An Interactive Shape Modeling System for Robust Design of Functional 3D Shapes
source Reinventing the Discourse - How Digital Tools Help Bridge and Transform Research, Education and Practice in Architecture [Proceedings of the Twenty First Annual Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Design in Architecture / ISBN 1-880250-10-1] Buffalo (New York) 11-14 October 2001, pp. 248-257
summary In Architecture, it is essential to design functional and topologically complicated 3D shapes (i.e. shapes with many holes, columns and handles). In this paper, we present a robust and interactive system for the design of functional and topologically complicated 3D shapes. Users of our system can easily change topology (i.e. they can create and delete holes and handles, connect and disconnect surfaces). Our system also provide smoothing operations (subdivision schemes) to create smooth surfaces. Moreover, the system provides automatic texture mapping during topology and smoothing operations. We also present new design approaches with the new modeling system. The new design approaches include blending surfaces, construction of crusts and opening holes on these crusts.
keywords Modeling, Shape Design, Sculpting, Computer Aided Geometric Design
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

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