CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

Hits 1 to 20 of 716

_id 9e31
authors Osman, Yasser
year 2001
title The Use of Tools in the Creation of Form: Frank (L. Wright & O. Gehry)
source Reinventing the Discourse - How Digital Tools Help Bridge and Transform Research, Education and Practice in Architecture [Proceedings of the Twenty First Annual Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Design in Architecture / ISBN 1-880250-10-1] Buffalo (New York) 11-14 October 2001, pp. 044-051
summary This paper is a study of shape, attempting to understand the effect of Computer Aided Architecture Drafting and Design on the Geometry of Form. This is a part of a larger question: When the tool of presentation changes, does the form generated change as well? The study is in two main parts: 1 Comparing two Guggenheim Museums. 2 Re-Modeling Bilbao Museum. The final questions are: why does form become more complex? How do architects use tools to obtain more complexity? What Computer Aided Architecture Design programs let architects achieve more complexity? For an architect, is the motivation to demonstrate a set of 3D geometric operations sufficient to generate complex assemblies, and are there other possible operations needed?
keywords Form, Tool, Digital, Model
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 08:00

_id avocaad_2001_18
id avocaad_2001_18
authors Aleksander Asanowicz
year 2001
title The End of Methodology - Towards New Integration
source AVOCAAD - ADDED VALUE OF COMPUTER AIDED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN, Nys Koenraad, Provoost Tom, Verbeke Johan, Verleye Johan (Eds.), (2001) Hogeschool voor Wetenschap en Kunst - Departement Architectuur Sint-Lucas, Campus Brussel, ISBN 80-76101-05-1
summary The present paper is devoted to the deliberation on the genesis and development of designing from the point of view of the potential use of computers in the process. Moreover, it also presents the great hopes which were connected with the use of the systematic designing methods in the 1960’s, as well as the great disappointment resulting from the lack of concrete results. At this time a great deal of attention was paid to the process of design as a branch of a wider process of problem-solving. Many people believed that the intuitive methods of design traditionally used by architects were incapable of dealing with the complexity of the problems to be solved. Therefore, the basic problem was the definition of a vertical structure of the designing process, which would make it possible to optimise each process of architectural design. The studies of design methodology directed at the codification of the norms of actions have not brought about any solutions which could be commonly accepted, as the efforts to present the designing process as a formally logical one and one that is not internally “uncontrary” from the mathematical point of view, were doomed to fail. Moreover, the difficulties connected with the use of the computer in designing were caused by the lack of a graphic interface, which is so very characteristic of an architect’s workshop. In result, the methodology ceased to be the main area of the architect’s interest and efforts were focused on facilitating the method of the designer’s communication with the computer. New tools were created, which enabled both the automatic generation of diversity and the creation of forms on the basis of genetic algorithms, as well as the presentation of the obtained results in the form of rendering, animation and VRML. This was the end of the general methodology of designing and the beginning of a number of methods solving the partial problems of computer-supported design. The present situation can be described with the words of Ian Stewart as a “chaotic run in all directions”. An immediate need for new integration is felt. Cyber-real space could be a solution to the problem. C-R-S is not a virtual reality understood as an unreal world. Whilst VR could be indeed treated as a sort of an illusion, C-R-S is a much more realistic being, defining the area in which the creative activities are taking place. The architect gains the possibility of having a direct contact with the form he or she is creating. Direct design enables one to creatively use the computer technology in the designing process. The intelligent system of recognising speech, integrated with the system of virtual reality, will allow to create an environment for the designer – computer communication which will be most natural to the person. The elimination of this obstacle will facilitate the integration of the new methods into one designing environment. The theoretical assumptions of such an environment are described in the present paper.
series AVOCAAD
last changed 2005/09/09 10:48

_id 5225
authors Gomez de Silva Garza, Andres and Maher, Mary Lou
year 2001
title Using Evolutionary Methods for Design Case Adaptation
source Reinventing the Discourse - How Digital Tools Help Bridge and Transform Research, Education and Practice in Architecture [Proceedings of the Twenty First Annual Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Design in Architecture / ISBN 1-880250-10-1] Buffalo (New York) 11-14 October 2001, pp. 180-191
summary Case-based reasoning (CBR) provides a methodology for directly using previous designs in the development of a new design. An aspect of CBR that is not well developed for designing is the combination and adaptation of previous designs. The difficulty with this aspect of case-based design is partly due to the extensive amounts of specialised knowledge needed to select the appropriate features of a previous design to include in the new design and the adaptation of these features to fit the context of a new design problem. In this paper we present a design process model that combines ideas from CBR and genetic algorithms (GA’s). The CBR paradigm provides a method for the overall process of case selection and adaptation. The GA paradigm provides a method for adapting design cases by combining and mutating their features until a set of new design requirements and constraints are satisfied. We have implemented the process model and illustrate the model for residential floor plan layout. We use a set of Frank Lloyd Wright prairie house layouts as the case base. The constraints used to determine whether new designs proposed by the process model are acceptable are taken from feng shui, the Chinese art of placement. This illustration not only clarifies how our process model for design through the evolutionary adaptation of cases works, but it also shows how knowledge sources with distinct origins can be used within the same design framework.
keywords Evolutionary Design, Case-Based Reasoning, Floor Plan Layout
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:51

_id 6430
authors Jabi, Wassim (Ed.)
year 2001
title ACADIA 2001 [Conference Proceedings]
source Proceedings of the Twenty First Annual Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Design in Architecture / ISBN 1-880250-10-1/ Buffalo (New York) 11-14 October 2001, 415 p.
summary The theme, which preceded my knowledge of ACADIA’s true age, resulted from a realization regarding the development and current state of CAD in Research, Education, and Practice. While I only got involved with ACADIA in the last half of its current life to date, I had the honor of studying with some of the early pioneers of CAD: 1) Harold Borkin, a founding member of ACADIA, 2) Jim Turner, a longtime ACADIAn, and a past ACADIA Conference organizer (actually the very first conference I attended), and 3) Ted Hall, another longtime ACADIAn. What I have learned from conversations with them and later witnessed for myself is a fundamental shift of focus in CAD from building tools to using tools. That is, while early CAD students, including myself, used to learn how to create software and tools to solve a particular problem, the current focus in the majority of schools that include a CAD component in their curriculum is on teaching the use of commercial software and/or the use of digital media in the design studio. One need only take a look at old list of courses that used to be offered in the CAD area and compare it with a new list to see this shift. Yet, one form of tool building that is continuing in a significant number of schools is the creation of scripts or small software modules (usually built using a visual editor) to create interactive systems for delivery over the web or on CD-ROM. Examples include the use of Macromedia Director or Flash for creating interactive digital titles. While this current state of affairs has increased the receptivity to digital tools and media, it does obscure an important fact. For knowledge to advance in this area, we need researchers who can not only use tools, but also invent new ones to solve new problems that are not addressed by the existing crop of commercial software. The more time we spend not educating our students in the art and science of building digital tools, the harder it will be to: 1) find teachers in the future with those skills, 2) advance and influence the development of the state-of-the-art in CAD, and 3) erase the use of CAD as a euphemism for slick computer-generated imagery. While not common, the tradition of tool building is still going on most notably in architecture schools with strong financial resources and those that offer doctoral level education. Commercial, governmental and business/education entities are also continuing the research tradition of tool building. ACADIA, as a reflection of the field it focuses on, has widened its scope to solicit papers that deal with CAD education and the use of CAD in practice. Thus, you will read in this book papers that focus on all three aspects: research, education, and practice and in some cases the intersection of two or more of those areas. Thankfully, ACADIA, while concerned with CAD in education has maintained its receptivity to basic research papers as well as a willingness to publish innovative papers in the area of practice. As chair of the technical committee, I made sure that the call for papers and the final selection reflects this desire. We should continue to emphasize the need for presenting this diversity of work in our annual conferences and I am optimistic that the ACADIA community is in support of this notion.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:49

_id fe63
authors Lindsey, B.
year 2001
title Digital Gehry
source Princeton, NJ: Princeton Architectural Press
summary Frank O. Gehry, born in 1929, founded his own architectural firm in Los Angeles in 1962, and since the building of the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, he is undoubtedly among the ranks of international architecture superstars. His buildings are complex constructions, with curves and distortions, skilful plastic shapes which never cease to surprise with their breath-taking spatial effects. To create these daring designs, Gehry makes extensive use of the latest electronic tools, physical models are transformed into digital models using software and hardware which has been adapted from the space industry and medical research. This book provides a colourful insight into Gehry's design methods and the creative process behind his fantastic buildings.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

_id 0b0e
authors Neto de Faria, J., Pellegrin, L., Senna, N. and Cardoso, V.
year 2001
title REVISTA PROTÓTIPO DESIGN: DIVULGAÇÃO E PUBLICAÇÃO DE NOVO MODELO DE REVISTA (Magazine Protótipo Design: Promotion and Publication of a New Magazine Model)
source SIGraDi biobio2001 - [Proceedings of the 5th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics / ISBN 956-7813-12-4] Concepcion (Chile) 21-23 november 2001, pp. 257-259
summary The magazine “Protótipo Design” proposes the exploration of cyberspace in the construction of a virtual design magazine capable of using coherently the resources offered by the new media and employing adequately the existing languages. The magazine works its interface with the intention of always offering new possibilities in the navigation analogies in order to edify the cyberspace with a unique form, not delimited by wore down analogies with the impressed magazines. Another preoccupation that moves the magazine is the investigation of the use of the Internet as a more economic form of publishing the theoretical and practical researches in design.
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:56

_id cf2009_poster_39
id cf2009_poster_39
authors Wang, Chung-Yang
year 2009
title The Modular Units of CAD/CAM Fabrication
source T. Tidafi and T. Dorta (eds) Joining Languages Cultures and Visions: CAADFutures 2009 CD-Rom
summary After Frank O’Gehry’s completion of the fish sculpture in Barcelona, the technique of CAD/CAM fabrication has gradually matured. Designers could use computer to acquire the freedom of form without most restrictions. Typical CAD/CAM fabrication can precisely capture the sections of 3D (three-dimensional) freeform and output those contours into 2D (two-dimensional) structures by computer assistance (Kolarevic 2001; Groover and Emory 1984). In the procedure, due to the accurate output of frameworks, designers could realize the outlines of complicated forms in a low error way. After making frames, architects have to attach suitable skins on the structures according to different situations of form (Lim 2006). It is a traditional CAD/CAM fabrication which has established for a long time.
keywords CAD/CAM, Fabrication, Modular Units
series CAAD Futures
type poster
last changed 2009/08/21 07:39

_id 9ab2
authors Yun, Yong Gib
year 2001
title Structural Composite Members in Architecture Fabricated by CAD/CAE/CAM Technology
source Harvard University
summary The doctoral research in this dissertation is aimed at exploring new materials and innovative methods for fabricating complex-shaped buildings, which have surfaced as a prevailing trend in architecture today. Over the past few years, the field of architecture has witnessed revolutionary changes in design. The recent completion of Frank O. Gehry's new Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain, brought unprecedented attention to complex-shaped, non-conventional designs and its influence on the global architectural trend has been immense. In following these latest trends, the author was drawn to the issues concerning construction materials and methods that are being currently adopted in realizing these complicated designs. It is perhaps inevitable that the traditional steel construction methods, suitable for use in the conventional linear shapes, face tremendous challenges and limitations in building such complex-shaped designs. In the author's opinion, the next step to go from here is to seek joint efforts between the architectural field and the engineering field to search for a new methodology which will best serve the contemporary design style. This research first focused on examining the problems that traditional methods pose for the new complex-shaped buildings. Paying attention to Gehry's recent projects, the author was able to identify major difficulties in association with representing and constructing these complicated shapes, mainly in terms of the relationship between the primary structure and the envelope surface. The second part of the research moved on to proposing a new alternative to the traditional methods, by utilizing polymer composite materials (PCM) as construction material and employing advanced Computer-Aided Design (CAD)/Computer Aided Engineering (CAE)/Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) technologies. More specifically, the author has attempted to present effective theories in support of the two following ideas: (1) circular tubes made of PCM are the most promising alternative to regular steel members, especially steel tubes, to follow the envelope surface of the complex shaped building. (2) state-of-the-art CAD/CAE/CAM technologies are the most essential tools to achieve the geometrical and functional quality of the proposed new material. In the second phase, the primary focus of the quantitative approach was on fabricating an experimental model (1:1 scale prototype) called “ a unit of boundary structures”, the basic unit of structure system that wraps a complex-shaped building's entire territory . (Abstract shortened by UMI.)
series thesis:PhD
last changed 2003/02/12 22:37

_id avocaad_2001_02
id avocaad_2001_02
authors Cheng-Yuan Lin, Yu-Tung Liu
year 2001
title A digital Procedure of Building Construction: A practical project
source AVOCAAD - ADDED VALUE OF COMPUTER AIDED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN, Nys Koenraad, Provoost Tom, Verbeke Johan, Verleye Johan (Eds.), (2001) Hogeschool voor Wetenschap en Kunst - Departement Architectuur Sint-Lucas, Campus Brussel, ISBN 80-76101-05-1
summary In earlier times in which computers have not yet been developed well, there has been some researches regarding representation using conventional media (Gombrich, 1960; Arnheim, 1970). For ancient architects, the design process was described abstractly by text (Hewitt, 1985; Cable, 1983); the process evolved from unselfconscious to conscious ways (Alexander, 1964). Till the appearance of 2D drawings, these drawings could only express abstract visual thinking and visually conceptualized vocabulary (Goldschmidt, 1999). Then with the massive use of physical models in the Renaissance, the form and space of architecture was given better precision (Millon, 1994). Researches continued their attempts to identify the nature of different design tools (Eastman and Fereshe, 1994). Simon (1981) figured out that human increasingly relies on other specialists, computational agents, and materials referred to augment their cognitive abilities. This discourse was verified by recent research on conception of design and the expression using digital technologies (McCullough, 1996; Perez-Gomez and Pelletier, 1997). While other design tools did not change as much as representation (Panofsky, 1991; Koch, 1997), the involvement of computers in conventional architecture design arouses a new design thinking of digital architecture (Liu, 1996; Krawczyk, 1997; Murray, 1997; Wertheim, 1999). The notion of the link between ideas and media is emphasized throughout various fields, such as architectural education (Radford, 2000), Internet, and restoration of historical architecture (Potier et al., 2000). Information technology is also an important tool for civil engineering projects (Choi and Ibbs, 1989). Compared with conventional design media, computers avoid some errors in the process (Zaera, 1997). However, most of the application of computers to construction is restricted to simulations in building process (Halpin, 1990). It is worth studying how to employ computer technology meaningfully to bring significant changes to concept stage during the process of building construction (Madazo, 2000; Dave, 2000) and communication (Haymaker, 2000).In architectural design, concept design was achieved through drawings and models (Mitchell, 1997), while the working drawings and even shop drawings were brewed and communicated through drawings only. However, the most effective method of shaping building elements is to build models by computer (Madrazo, 1999). With the trend of 3D visualization (Johnson and Clayton, 1998) and the difference of designing between the physical environment and virtual environment (Maher et al. 2000), we intend to study the possibilities of using digital models, in addition to drawings, as a critical media in the conceptual stage of building construction process in the near future (just as the critical role that physical models played in early design process in the Renaissance). This research is combined with two practical building projects, following the progress of construction by using digital models and animations to simulate the structural layouts of the projects. We also tried to solve the complicated and even conflicting problems in the detail and piping design process through an easily accessible and precise interface. An attempt was made to delineate the hierarchy of the elements in a single structural and constructional system, and the corresponding relations among the systems. Since building construction is often complicated and even conflicting, precision needed to complete the projects can not be based merely on 2D drawings with some imagination. The purpose of this paper is to describe all the related elements according to precision and correctness, to discuss every possibility of different thinking in design of electric-mechanical engineering, to receive feedback from the construction projects in the real world, and to compare the digital models with conventional drawings.Through the application of this research, the subtle relations between the conventional drawings and digital models can be used in the area of building construction. Moreover, a theoretical model and standard process is proposed by using conventional drawings, digital models and physical buildings. By introducing the intervention of digital media in design process of working drawings and shop drawings, there is an opportune chance to use the digital media as a prominent design tool. This study extends the use of digital model and animation from design process to construction process. However, the entire construction process involves various details and exceptions, which are not discussed in this paper. These limitations should be explored in future studies.
series AVOCAAD
last changed 2005/09/09 10:48

_id c840
authors Cheung, S.-O., Tong, T.K.-L. and Tam, C.-M.
year 2001
title Site pre-cast yard layout arrangement through genetic algorithms
source Automation in Construction 11 (1) (2002) pp. 35-46
summary The use of modular construction has gained wide acceptance in the housing sector. Standardized modular units are often pre-cast on site. The establishment of site pre-cast yard, in particular arranging the pre-cast facilities within the compound, presents real challenge to site management. This complex task is further aggregated with the involvement of several resources with different transport cost. A GA-model is developed for the search for a near optimal layout solution. The fitness function is to minimize the total transport cost for a pre-determined daily output. The use of the model is illustrated by an example. When compared with the best solution within the initial population, 18.45% reduction in cost for resources flow was achieved by the near optimal layout arrangement arrived at the 673rd trial. It is also suggested that the model can be extended to other layout problems such as warehouse and production line.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:22

_id 5d15
authors Clayton, M.J., Song, Y., Han, K., Darapureddy, K., Al-Kahaweh, H. and Soh, I.
year 2001
title Data for Reflection: Monitoring the Use of Web-Based Design Aids
source Reinventing the Discourse - How Digital Tools Help Bridge and Transform Research, Education and Practice in Architecture [Proceedings of the Twenty First Annual Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Design in Architecture / ISBN 1-880250-10-1] Buffalo (New York) 11-14 October 2001, pp. 142-152
summary Web technology provides a new way of generating information about design processes. By monitoring student use of Web-based design aids, it is possible to collect empirical, quantitative evidence regarding the time and sequence of activities in design. The research team has undertaken several software development projects to explore these concepts. In one project, students can use a Web browser running alongside CAD software to access a cost database and evaluate their designs. In a second project, students use a browser to record their time expenditures. They can better document, plan and predict their time needs for a project and better manage their efforts. In a third project, students record the rationale supporting their design decisions. The information is stored in databases and HTML files and is hyperlinked into the CAD software. Each tool provides facilities to record key information about transactions. Interactions are documented with student identification, time of activity, and kind of activity. The databases of empirical information tracking student activity are a unique substantiation of design process that can feed back into teaching and the creation of ever better design tools.
keywords Design Methods, Empirical, Web, Cost Estimating, Time Management
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:56

_id ga0123
id ga0123
authors Coates P., Appels, T. Simon, C. and Derix, C.
year 2001
title Current work at CECA
source International Conference on Generative Art
summary The centre for environment computing and architecture continues to experiment with new ways to form, and this paper presents three recent projects from the MSc programme. The three projects all share underlying assumptions about the use of generative algorithms to constructform, using fractal decomposition, lindenmayer systems and the marching cubes algorithm respectively to construct three dimensional "architectural" objects. The data needed to drive the morphology however ranges from formal proportional systems and Genetic L systems programming through swarming systems to perceptive self organising neural nets. In all cases, the projects pose the question what is architectural form. While after Stanford Anderson (Anderson 66) we know it is simplistic to say that it is an automatic outcome of a proper definition of the brief, it is also difficult to accept that the form of a building is an entirely abstract geometrical object existing without recourse to social or contextual justification. In anattempt to resolve these issues we have turned to the study of systems and general system theory as a way of understanding the mechanics of emergence and morphogenesis generally, and the
series other
last changed 2003/08/07 17:25

_id 7e02
authors Elger, Dietrich and Russell, Peter
year 2002
title The Virtual Campus: A new place for (lifelong) learning?
source Connecting the Real and the Virtual - design e-ducation [20th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-0-8] Warsaw (Poland) 18-20 September 2002, pp. 472-477
summary 472 eCAADe 20 [design e-ducation] Modeling Real and Virtual Worlds Session 13 In the early spring of 2001 a collection of German universities founded a virtual faculty of architecture, which was named „Liquid Campus“. Current thinking about future forms of education in the field of architecture combined with over 4 years of experience with net-based design studios, led to questions about the future of existing universities, their buildings and their use. This problem was put to 43 students in the form of a design exercise to create a place for a virtual university. In the current situation, in which the administration of knowledge is more and more located on the internet, and even the so-called meeting places themselves can be virtualised through the help of video-conference-software, the exercise was to design a virtual campus in the framework and to carry out this design work in a simulation of distributed practice. Initial criticism of the project came from the students in that exemplary working methods were not described, but left for the students to discover on their own. The creation of a concept for the Liquid Campus meant that the participants had to imagine working in a world without the face to face contacts that form the basis (at present) of personal interaction. Additionally, the assignment to create or design possible links between the real and the virtual was not an easy task for students who normally design and plan real physical buildings. Even the tutors had difficulties in producing focused constructive criticism about a virtual campus; in effect the virtualisation of the university leads to a distinctive blurring of its boundaries. The project was conducted using the pedagogical framework of the; a relatively well established Internet based communication platform. This means that the studio was organised in the „traditional“ structure consisting of an initial 3 day workshop, a face to face midterm review, and a collective final review, held 3,5 months later in the Museum of Communication in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. In teams of 3 (with each student from a different university and a tutor located at a fourth) the students worked over the Internet to produce collaborative design solutions. The groups ended up with designs that spanned a range of solutions between real and virtual architecture. Examples of the student’s work (which is all available online) as well as their working methods are described. It must be said that the energy invested in the studio by the organisers of the virtual campus (as well as the students who took part) was considerably higher than in normal design studios and the paper seeks to look critically at the effort in relation to the outcomes achieved. The range and depth of the student’s work was surprising to many in the project, especially considering the initial hurdles (both social and technological) that had to overcome. The self-referential nature of the theme, the method and the working environment encouraged the students to take a more philosophical approach to the design problem. The paper explores the implications of the student’s conclusions on the nature of the university in general and draws conclusions specific to architectural education and the role of architecture in this process.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:55

_id ga0124
id ga0124
authors Feuerstein, Penny L.
year 2001
title Art In The Digital Age: Using Computer As An Expressive Tool
source International Conference on Generative Art
summary I use digital technology to visualize the theory that we experience any one moment in a "constant state of collage". I literally "scan" the moment, scanning objects such as rocks or paper, energy, and ideas into the computer to convert them to a new common language of binary numbers. After scanning, I work with digital tools to create generation, replication, and integration. These three attributes of the computer are used throughout my work. In this way the computer is used as an expressive tool to visualize the subconscious layering and relayering that occurs as the mind processes "experience" -that moment when the physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual come together as one. I call this my "assemblage of the mind" with all that surrounds it. To illustrate this concept, I use software such as High Rez QFX or Photoshop to manipulate images of photographs drawings and paintings. I am exploring what happens to the gestural quality of the line or brushtroke when it has been maniplatedwith these digital tools. The manipulation of photography, drawings, paintings and found objects expresses a new reality that reflects this digital age.Digital imaging intensifies this reality because youhave the potential for infinite replications of the same image within one artwork. By making many reproductions it substitutes a plurality of copies for a unique existance. Using the generative tools, this plurality is taken a step further because it actually mimics our existance. Looking at Kasimir Malevich's painting, "basic Suprematist Element" inspired me to paint a brushstroke and transcend a photo of a landscape into it. By using transparency tools to integrate objects and photos with paintings, I want toconvey that the objective consciousness of an object is just as important as the subjective inner state of consciousness in experiencing reality. The irony is that my theory directly opposes Malevich's theories on Suprematism, yet it was Malevich who inspired me.
series other
last changed 2003/08/07 17:25

_id 3386
authors Gavin, L., Keuppers, S., Mottram, C. and Penn, A.
year 2001
title Awareness Space in Distributed Social Networks
source Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures [ISBN 0-7923-7023-6] Eindhoven, 8-11 July 2001, pp. 615-628
summary In the real work environment we are constantly aware of the presence and activity of others. We know when people are away from their desks, whether they are doing concentrated work, or whether they are available for interaction. We use this peripheral awareness of others to guide our interactions and social behaviour. However, when teams of workers are spatially separated we lose 'awareness' information and this severely inhibits interaction and information flow. The Theatre of Work (TOWER) aims to develop a virtual space to help create a sense of social awareness and presence to support distributed working. Presence, status and activity of other people are made visible in the theatre of work and allow one to build peripheral awareness of the current activity patterns of those who we do not share space with in reality. TOWER is developing a construction set to augment the workplace with synchronous as well as asynchronous awareness. Current, synchronous activity patterns and statuses are played out in a 3D virtual space through the use of symbolic acting. The environment itself however is automatically constructed on the basis of the organisation's information resources and is in effect an information space. Location of the symbolic actor in the environment can therefore represent the focus of that person's current activity. The environment itself evolves to reflect historic patterns of information use and exchange, and becomes an asynchronous representation of the past history of the organisation. A module that records specific episodes from the synchronous event cycle as a Docudrama forms an asynchronous information resource to give a history of team work and decision taking. The TOWER environment is displayed using a number of screen based and ambient display devices. Current status and activity events are supplied to the system using a range of sensors both in the real environment and in the information systems. The methodology has been established as a two-stage process. The 3D spatial environment will be automatically constructed or generated from some aspect of the pre-existing organisational structure or its information resources or usage patterns. The methodology must be extended to provide means for that structure to grow and evolve in the light of patterns of actual user behaviour in the TOWER space. We have developed a generative algorithm that uses a cell aggregation process to transcribe the information space into a 3d space. In stage 2 that space was analysed using space syntax methods (Hillier & Hanson, 1984; Hillier 1996) to allow the properties of permeability and intelligibility to be measured, and then these fed back into the generative algorithm. Finally, these same measures have been used to evaluate the spatialised behaviour that users of the TOWER space show, and will used to feed this back into the evolution of the space. The stage of transcription from information structure to 3d space through a generative algorithm is critical since it is this stage that allows neighbourhood relations to be created that are not present in the original information structure. It is these relations that could be expected to help increase social density.
keywords Algorithmic Form Generation, Distributed Workgroups, Space Syntax
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2006/11/07 07:22

_id 811d
authors Goulthorpe, M., Burry, M. and Dunlop, G.
year 2001
title Aegis Hyposurface©: The Bordering of University and Practice
source Reinventing the Discourse - How Digital Tools Help Bridge and Transform Research, Education and Practice in Architecture [Proceedings of the Twenty First Annual Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Design in Architecture / ISBN 1-880250-10-1] Buffalo (New York) 11-14 October 2001, pp. 344-349
summary Throughout history, profound technological shifts have been accompanied by significant cultural changes. The current shift from a technical paradigm based on physical, mechanical production to one based on electronic media impacts on forms of architectural practice in unexpected ways. The use of design software not only enhances graphic and modeling capacity but also reveals new possibilities for both form generation and fabrication. At a more subtle level it may influence the patterns of thought and creativity that have underpinned traditional forms of architectural practice. This paper examines the implications of the redefined praxis by considering the new role of ‘town and gown’ in the production of the interactive hypersurface: the AegisHypersurface©, the first working prototype of which was unveiled in March 2001.
keywords Real-Time Animation, Interactive Architecture, Hypersurface
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:51

_id sigradi2009_903
id sigradi2009_903
authors Harris, Ana Lúcia Nogueira de Camargo
year 2009
title O Uso da Técnica dos "Planos em Série" com o Desenvolvimento da Computação Gráfica - Uma Experência Didática [The Use of the 'Serial Plan' Technique with the Development of the Computer Graphic - A Teaching Experience]
source SIGraDi 2009 - Proceedings of the 13th Congress of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics, Sao Paulo, Brazil, November 16-18, 2009
summary This paper is about comparative didactic experiences where the “Serial plan Technique” defined by Wong (1998), was applied in 2001 and 2008 which computer resources from that time. In 2001 this technique was applied with the help of AutoCAD for generation of the planifications, but in 2008 the appliances of AutoCAd and Sketch Up were used for the virtual construction of objects. The quality of the results showed a didactic potential and an increasement in the possible creative rhythm, mainly because the facility of the three-dimensional virtual visualization and because the speed in the physical execution of the created project.
keywords didactic experiences; serial plan technique; CAD; AutoCAD; Skecht Up
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:53

_id 943c
authors Hendricx, A. and Neuckermans, H.
year 2001
title The object model at the core of the IDEA+ design environment
source Beheshti, R. (ed), Advances in Building Informatics, Proceedings of the 8th EuropIA International Conference on the application of Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Image Processing to Architecture, Building Engineering & Civil Engineering, Delft, The Netherlands, April 25-27, 2001, pp. 113-125
summary This paper focuses on three different aspects in which the IDEA+ core model differs from many other product modelling research initiatives: the systematic approach in the construction of the model, the respect for the evolutionary nature of architectural design, and the use of actual and complete design cases to test the model. Key words: CAAD, product modelling, integrated design environment, MERODE 1 The IDEA+ project: towards an integrated design environment In spite of the extensive use of all kinds of hardware and software in the architectural offices, the use of computers still does not contribute essentially to better architecture. For the CAD packages on the one hand, they have proven to be an efficient alternative for the traditional drawing board. Yet they fail in the early conceptual stage of design where creativity and exploration play the leading role. For computational tests and analysis tools on the other hand, they can hardly handle the typical absence o
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

_id f8e3
authors Hew, K.-P., Fisher, N. and Awbi, H.B.
year 2001
title Towards an integrated set of design tools based on a common data format for building and services design
source Automation in Construction 10 (4) (2001) pp. 459-476
summary The emerging technology in building product design using knowledge-based engineering (KBE), is currently exciting practitioners in the building construction industry. This paper investigates the use of KBE techniques and assesses the contribution this approach can make to the traditional design process. To do this, the investigation has developed an integrated set of design tools based on a common data format, for integrating 3D electronic prototypes with building services information for use in building design. This approach has been developed on the basis of an open framework and has been applied to the design of an airport terminal building and its plant room. Within the framework, the design process and the information needed, are divided into modules and represented in the form of 3D digital mock-up models (or electronic prototypes). Within the integrated system, an interface has been developed to facilitate the sharing of information with a thermal analysis software application, which contributes to the design process. In this paper, the methodology is discussed and its working system is illustrated and evaluated.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:22

_id 6d37
authors Léglise, Michel
year 2001
title Computer-stimulated design: construction of a personal repertoire from scattered fragments
source Automation in Construction 10 (5) (2001) pp. 577-588
summary This paper describes some possibilities of creating and structuring a personal digital memory capable of facilitating architectural design and design learning. The raw materials of this memory are different representations that can be found on the Web. Having interpreted these representations, one is able to construct a meaningful memory, educated and personal, which can be called upon subsequently during the design phase, as long as one has a medium that can represent this memory and put it to good use. As a practical, effective application of this process, we will describe part of a configuration geared towards the learning of architectural design. This configuration is composed of various elements, precisely arranged in space and time in a set of interrelations and interactions. The design student is placed at the centre of the arrangement, from where he or she can call on a broad spectrum of possibilities from the Web as provider of image documents. When necessary, students can use specially developed software that allows them a verbal and pictorial interpretation stimulated during particular phases of the learning process. In this way, through pictorial material presented on the network, the students can build up a digital library appropriate to their own understanding of architecture and their own representation of the world. At this point, they can abandon the universe of digital documents and media and return to the world of materials and shapes in intensive design studio sessions, where slowly maturing ideas can at last find concrete form. Thus, we deal with the relationship between the public, shareable aspect of the documents, and the private aspect: the individual interpretation of these documents. In the same way, we show how, within the framework of the teaching programme that has been set up, and without interference, this relationship between public and private can be linked into a dimension of the work of learning which is at times personal, at times collective. The conclusion attempts to outline the issues raised by this sort of configuration, and to show how thoughtful use of computers and networks can stimulate and enrich design rather than just "aid" it, as is generally accepted.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:22

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