CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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Hits 1 to 20 of 139

_id 349e
authors Durmisevic, Sanja
year 2002
title Perception Aspects in Underground Spaces using Intelligent Knowledge Modeling
source Delft University of Technology
summary The intensification, combination and transformation are main strategies for future spatial development of the Netherlands, which are stated in the Fifth Bill regarding Spatial Planning. These strategies indicate that in the future, space should be utilized in a more compact and more efficient way requiring, at the same time, re-evaluation of the existing built environment and finding ways to improve it. In this context, the concept of multiple space usage is accentuated, which would focus on intensive 4-dimensional spatial exploration. The underground space is acknowledged as an important part of multiple space usage. In the document 'Spatial Exploration 2000', the underground space is recognized by policy makers as an important new 'frontier' that could provide significant contribution to future spatial requirements.In a relatively short period, the underground space became an important research area. Although among specialists there is appreciation of what underground space could provide for densely populated urban areas, there are still reserved feelings by the public, which mostly relate to the poor quality of these spaces. Many realized underground projects, namely subways, resulted in poor user satisfaction. Today, there is still a significant knowledge gap related to perception of underground space. There is also a lack of detailed documentation on actual applications of the theories, followed by research results and applied techniques. This is the case in different areas of architectural design, but for underground spaces perhaps most evident due to their infancv role in general architectural practice. In order to create better designs, diverse aspects, which are very often of qualitative nature, should be considered in perspective with the final goal to improve quality and image of underground space. In the architectural design process, one has to establish certain relations among design information in advance, to make design backed by sound rationale. The main difficulty at this point is that such relationships may not be determined due to various reasons. One example may be the vagueness of the architectural design data due to linguistic qualities in them. Another, may be vaguely defined design qualities. In this work, the problem was not only the initial fuzziness of the information but also the desired relevancy determination among all pieces of information given. Presently, to determine the existence of such relevancy is more or less a matter of architectural subjective judgement rather than systematic, non-subjective decision-making based on an existing design. This implies that the invocation of certain tools dealing with fuzzy information is essential for enhanced design decisions. Efficient methods and tools to deal with qualitative, soft data are scarce, especially in the architectural domain. Traditionally well established methods, such as statistical analysis, have been used mainly for data analysis focused on similar types to the present research. These methods mainly fall into a category of pattern recognition. Statistical regression methods are the most common approaches towards this goal. One essential drawback of this method is the inability of dealing efficiently with non-linear data. With statistical analysis, the linear relationships are established by regression analysis where dealing with non-linearity is mostly evaded. Concerning the presence of multi-dimensional data sets, it is evident that the assumption of linear relationships among all pieces of information would be a gross approximation, which one has no basis to assume. A starting point in this research was that there maybe both linearity and non-linearity present in the data and therefore the appropriate methods should be used in order to deal with that non-linearity. Therefore, some other commensurate methods were adopted for knowledge modeling. In that respect, soft computing techniques proved to match the quality of the multi-dimensional data-set subject to analysis, which is deemed to be 'soft'. There is yet another reason why soft-computing techniques were applied, which is related to the automation of knowledge modeling. In this respect, traditional models such as Decision Support Systems and Expert Systems have drawbacks. One important drawback is that the development of these systems is a time-consuming process. The programming part, in which various deliberations are required to form a consistent if-then rule knowledge based system, is also a time-consuming activity. For these reasons, the methods and tools from other disciplines, which also deal with soft data, should be integrated into architectural design. With fuzzy logic, the imprecision of data can be dealt with in a similar way to how humans do it. Artificial neural networks are deemed to some extent to model the human brain, and simulate its functions in the form of parallel information processing. They are considered important components of Artificial Intelligence (Al). With neural networks, it is possible to learn from examples, or more precisely to learn from input-output data samples. The combination of the neural and fuzzy approach proved to be a powerful combination for dealing with qualitative data. The problem of automated knowledge modeling is efficiently solved by employment of machine learning techniques. Here, the expertise of prof. dr. Ozer Ciftcioglu in the field of soft computing was crucial for tool development. By combining knowledge from two different disciplines a unique tool could be developed that would enable intelligent modeling of soft data needed for support of the building design process. In this respect, this research is a starting point in that direction. It is multidisciplinary and on the cutting edge between the field of Architecture and the field of Artificial Intelligence. From the architectural viewpoint, the perception of space is considered through relationship between a human being and a built environment. Techniques from the field of Artificial Intelligence are employed to model that relationship. Such an efficient combination of two disciplines makes it possible to extend our knowledge boundaries in the field of architecture and improve design quality. With additional techniques, meta know/edge, or in other words "knowledge about knowledge", can be created. Such techniques involve sensitivity analysis, which determines the amount of dependency of the output of a model (comfort and public safety) on the information fed into the model (input). Another technique is functional relationship modeling between aspects, which is derivation of dependency of a design parameter as a function of user's perceptions. With this technique, it is possible to determine functional relationships between dependent and independent variables. This thesis is a contribution to better understanding of users' perception of underground space, through the prism of public safety and comfort, which was achieved by means of intelligent knowledge modeling. In this respect, this thesis demonstrated an application of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) as a partner in the building design process by employing advanced modeling techniques. The method explained throughout this work is very generic and is possible to apply to not only different areas of architectural design, but also to other domains that involve qualitative data.
keywords Underground Space; Perception; Soft Computing
series thesis:PhD
last changed 2003/02/12 22:37

_id 10eaea2001
id 10eaea2001
authors Gorczyca, Adam and Wrona, Stefan
year 2002
title Evaluation in 3D Endoscopic Simulation – Application in Architectural Studios
source Environmental Simulation - New Impulses in Planning Processes [Proceedings of the 5th European Architectural Endoscopy Association Conference / ISBN 3-922602-85-1]
summary Simulation techniques are nowadays commonly spread in CAAD applications. They are so popular, that even notion of SAAD (Simulation Aided Architectural Design) is used. Practical implementation of simulation techniques is present almost everywhere in our lives. All of us had a possibility of watching on TV, how Russians are going to pick up their atomic submarine “Kursk” from a sea-bottom. It is very tragic but significant example. People convinced themselves, that it is much cheaper to analyze any “virtual environment”, than to experiment with reality. Especially, when cost this “tampering” is extremely expensive. That is why some light and scenography simulation are prepared by computers. From the same reasons filmic special effects are produced (sink of Titanic…). There are also obvious medical applications, where endoscopic surgery replaced invading methods, while simulation of human body help students to learn anatomy. Forensic medicine try to identify faces of murders or body remains.
series EAEA
last changed 2005/09/09 10:43

_id 2d03
authors Head, J., Hoag, R. and Brooks, K.
year 2002
title An Evaluation of Urban Simulation Processes for the Elumens Vision Dome
source Thresholds - Design, Research, Education and Practice, in the Space Between the Physical and the Virtual [Proceedings of the 2002 Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design In Architecture / ISBN 1-880250-11-X] Pomona (California) 24-27 October 2002, pp. 55-63
summary This paper reports an evaluation of the potential use and value of three digital urban simulationstechniques presented on a hemispheric display system made by Elumens®. The utility of this system toengage students and decision-makers in a process of envisioning alternative futures for a communitycollege campus in a Midwestern U.S. city is discussed. Visualization of alternative environments is acritical part of planning and design. The ability of designers, planners and their students to use media toengage and communicate proposals is essential to effective participatory design processes.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:49

_id ddssup0215
id ddssup0215
authors Ruiz, M., Fornés, A., Ramon, J., Alorda, J. Goula, M. and Pié, R.
year 2002
title GIS Tools for Landscape Impact Assessment
source Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Sixth Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning - Part two: Urban Planning Proceedings Avegoor, the Netherlands), 2002
summary This paper present the main results obtained by the development of the Artemis Project ”Design and Evaluation of Residential Patterns in the Mediterranan Region appropiate to sustainable development of environmentally deteriorated rural areas” 4th European Framework Program. Call ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE . ENV4-CT97-0656.) As results of the project an Integrated Landscape Assessment Model (AIAM) was created. AIAM is a resource modelling system focusing on the generation of a decision support system application oriented to provide criteria in order to evaluate effects and to optimise location of low density residential settlements. The Model includes a Landscape multicriteria analysis merged with spatial analysis tools set in a GIS Environment. The A.I.A.M. provides data structures, user interface components, and output mechanism witch allows the user to apply the knowledge acquired for Artemis Project. One of the main goals of the A.I.A.M is to give a landscape view of the territory including variables that are usually not considered in planning and environmental impact assessment processes. Also the models gives a sustainable support both to planner and designers projects. A.I.A.M. gives the data structure to define a residential patterns, the parameters through which a pattern is adequately described. This pattern definition allows comparison between the one’s of the reference area and so, extract conclusions about divergence between them.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/08/07 16:36

_id 98b2
authors Takatalo, Jari
year 2002
title Presence and Flow in Virtual Environments: An Explorative Study
source University of Helsinki
summary Virtual environments (VEs) are thought to elicit a sense of presence to the user. The sense of presence is considered as a psychological experience of being in a world generated by the computer instead of using the computer from the outside. As a field of research the psychology of VE is quite new and not well explored. In this study the three components of the sense of presence are examined: spatial awareness, attention and the realness of the VE. The three components solution of presence is accused of following Cartesian tradition in separating perception from action. Interaction is considered an important part of the experience of presence. Some authors consider it as the only determinant of presence. The purpose of this study was to explore empirically this human experience. The idea was to integrate the presented presence components into a cognitive-emotional appraisal process from the environment. This type of an appraisal process in generating emotions dominates the field of modern psychological emotion theories. It has also been presented that similar appraisal process precedes optimal experience, i.e., flow. Flow has been used as a metrics to evaluate human computer interaction. However, there are only few studies in which both presence and flow has been measured. In this study the participants gained experiences while conducting a simple search task in a virtual CAVEtm. These experiences were measured with a questionnaire. Based on the results a three-dimensional framework was constructed. This framework integrated the experience of presence and interaction as well as an appraisal process from the environment based on one’s skills and challenges provided by the environment. In the appraisal process also personal relevance and evaluation of the interactivity of the VE are included. Framework also included two basic emotional dimensions arousal and control, which are considered important in producing the overall emotional experience. The framework was used to explain different endpoint experiences gained by the users. The results showed that the sense of presence is an integral part of the flow experience in VEs and in order to experience VE positively a user should experience both presence and flow in VE. Although, the framework needs more careful studying, it provides a fair depiction of the basic dynamics behind a subjective experience in VE.
series thesis:MSc
last changed 2003/02/12 22:37

_id 156e
authors Tsou, J.-Y., Chow, B. and Lam, S.
year 2002
title Performance-Based Simulation for the Planning and Design of Hyper Dense Urban Habitation
source CAADRIA 2002 [Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / ISBN 983-2473-42-X] Cyberjaya (Malaysia) 18–20 April 2002, pp. 249-256
summary The rapid development of the economy and urbanization create great pressure on population of Hong Kong, China and other developing countries. This not only brings great changes on the form and style of the urban sphere, but also, challenges to the natural environment and resources to support urban habitation. Regarding the process of urbanization, the development of the housing industry becomes the focus to resolve the need of materialization for urban living. For this reason, from time to time, technical and economical considerations are always prior to the significance of human settlement environment, humanity, and sustainable development. Considering the deficiency in urban human settlements environment, especially in responsiveness to the natural environment. Information technology (IT) undoubtedly can help to promote and assess the design and planning quality in both environmental and regional microenvironment aspects. A research project-Environmental Responsible Architecture and Urban Design (ERAU)-is established to support urban scale planning, information processing, and computer-aided performance evaluation on both micro and macro building design and planning efficiency.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:57

_id 899b
authors Alvarado, R.G., Abufarde, F.B., Moreno, P.R. and Bravo, M.P.
year 2002
title Modelación de Actividades [Modeling of Activities]
source SIGraDi 2002 - [Proceedings of the 6th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Caracas (Venezuela) 27-29 november 2002, pp. 151-154
summary Despite increasing interest in the functionality and humanization of architecture, scarcely the occupation of buildings are studied and it lacks methods to represent activities in the spaces. By this reason, it proposes a system such integrates simulation of processes and virtual modeling software, to program the behavior of tri-dimensional characters based on the probabilistic evolution of events, testing this approach in the study of emergency services of hospitals. It describes the procedure developed and reflections about temporal representation, demonstrating that modeling of activities allows to suggest functional and spatial improvements.
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id ga0214
id ga0214
authors De Felice, F,Abbattista, F. and Scagliola, F.
year 2002
title GenOrchestra: An Interactive Evolutionary Agent for Musical Composition
source International Conference on Generative Art
summary GenOrchestra is a project involving the Dipartimento d’Informatica and Conservatorio di Musica “N. Piccinni” in Bari. This project concern a Creative Evolutionary System, based on Evolutionary Computation (EC) techniques, applied to the field of western tonal music. With GenOrchestra a novel way to evaluate the produced tunes is presented: indeed we adopt a hybrid solution composed for two kinds of fitness functions. The first, called technique fitness, evaluates the consonance degree between melodic, harmonic and rhythmic sections, moreover, it defines how well the rhythmic paths is organized into a coherent musical event. The second fitness function called human fitness, determine how well the tunes are perceived from a human audience, like in a concert. This task is accomplished by presenting the tunes on the Internet and then gathering the surfers evaluations in a database from which the system take the final population scoring. This, coupled with a no limited musical primordial soup, makes GenOrchestra a promising eclectic artificial composer. The ultimate goal of this project, currently in progress, is the development of a very human-like composer, which can produce music in any musical genre, and which is able to show a “personal style”. Samples will be soon available at
series other
last changed 2003/08/07 17:25

_id 9c70
authors Stouffs, R., Tunçer, B., Venne, R-F. and Sariyildiz, I.S.
year 2002
title InfoBase: A multimedia learning environment to support group work
source Proceedings of ITC@EDU 1st International Workshop on Construction Information Technology in Education, Portoroz, Slovenia, 12-13 September 2002
summary We are developing a multimedia learning environment to support group work and discourse. It aims to offer the student the means and tools to organize his or her learning activities in cooperation with oth-ers. The focus is on information and document management, presentation and publication, communication and discourse, and cooperation and group work. The design of this environment is considered in relationship to an educational process in which the student becomes familiar with the use of ICT for supporting communi-cation and cooperation. We believe that such an environment plays a vital role in the application of e-learning to the design context, and that it will facilitate the initiation of networks or working groups that serve as vir-tual centers of knowledge and experimentation.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:50

_id 2f17
authors Dokonal, W., Martens, B. and Plösch, R.
year 2002
title New Expectations: City Modeling in the Internet Age
source SIGraDi 2002 - [Proceedings of the 6th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Caracas (Venezuela) 27-29 november 2002, pp. 97-100
summary The first part of this paper tries to give an overview over the different aspects of city modeling. After a short history on city models the paper starts with a categorization of the different “types” of city models. We try to explain the various aspects involved in the creation of a city model and the problem of maintaining a city model. Then the paper shows the example of two computer models of parts of the same European city which have been created in two different ways. The first version of this computer model tries to use as many automatic or semi automatic procedures as possible to create the model. In the paper examples of these differentprocedures are given - from the automatic creation of the buildings itself, its roofs, and the surrounding terrain to the automatic cleaning of texture photos of the façade. The second version shows a model, which has been done with just a few automatic procedures and a lot of human effort (mainly students). The paper describes the limitation of both techniques and tries to give an outlook towards the combination of these methods. We will also show the importance of internet techniques in the use and presentation of computer city models.
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:50

_id ga0220
id ga0220
authors Eleni, P., Turner, A. and Thum, R.
year 2002
title Interacting unities: an agent-based system
source International Conference on Generative Art
summary Recently architects have been inspired by Thompson’s Cartesian deformations and Waddington’s flexible topological surface to work within a dynamic field characterized by forces. In this more active space of interactions, movement is the medium through which form evolves. This paper explores the interaction between pedestrians and their environment by regarding it as a process occurring between the two. It is hypothesized that the recurrent interaction between pedestrians and environment can lead to a structural coupling between those elements. Every time a change occurs in each one of them, as an expression of its own structural dynamics, it triggers changes to the other one. An agent-based system has been developed in order to explore that interaction, where the two interacting elements, agents (pedestrians) and environment, are autonomous units with a set of internal rules. The result is a landscape where each agent locally modifies its environment that in turn affects its movement, while the other agents respond to the new environment at a later time, indicating that the phenomenon of stigmergy is possible to take place among interactions with human analogy. It is found that it is the environment’s internal rules that determine the nature and extent of change.
series other
last changed 2003/08/07 17:25

_id ddssar0205
id ddssar0205
authors Batara, A., Dave, B. and Bishop, I.
year 2002
title Design Decision Support through Translation between Multiple Representations of Spatial Data
source Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Sixth Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning - Part one: Architecture Proceedings Avegoor, the Netherlands), 2002
summary Urban planning and urban design involve collaboration of diverse participants with multiple agendas and multiple criteria. The participants typically use multiple representations of spatial data to derive inferences and insights about the planning problems, leading to a shared decision-making process. To support such multidisciplinary work, this paper proposes a new computational approach and technique for translation between multiple representations of spatial data. This approach is designed to supportdesign decision-making in the interrelated interests of design participants. Prototype implementation and evaluation are conducted to test and validate the proposals.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/11/21 15:16

_id acadia07_174
id acadia07_174
authors Bontemps, Arnaud; Potvin, André; Demers, Claude
year 2007
title The Dynamics of Physical Ambiences
source Expanding Bodies: Art • Cities• Environment [Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture / ISBN 978-0-9780978-6-8] Halifax (Nova Scotia) 1-7 October 2007, 174-181
summary This research proposes to support the reading of physical ambiences by the development of a representational technique which compiles, in a numerical interface, two types of data: sensory and filmic. These data are recorded through the use of a portable array equipped with sensors (Potvin 1997, 2002, 2004) as well as the acquisition of Video information of the moving environment. The compilation of information is carried out through a multi-media approach, by means of a program converting the environmental data into dynamic diagrams, as well as the creation of an interactive interface allowing a possible diffusion on the Web. This technique, named APMAP/Video, makes it possible to read out simultaneously spatial and environmental diversity. It is demonstrated through surveys taken at various seasons and time of the day at the new Caisse de dépôt et de placement headquarters in Montreal which is also the corpus for a SSHRC (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council) research grant on Environmental Adaptability in Architecture (Potvin et al. 2003-2007). This case study shows that the technique can prove of great relevance for POEs (Post Occupancy Evaluation) as well as for assistance in a new design project.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id ddssar0213
id ddssar0213
authors De Groot, Ellie and Paule, Bernard
year 2002
title DIAL-Europe: New Functionality’s for an Integrated Daylighting Design Tool
source Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Sixth Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning - Part one: Architecture Proceedings Avegoor, the Netherlands), 2002
summary The European project DIAL-Europe started in April 2000 and intends to enhance and to enlarge the capabilities of the LesoDIAL software. The aim of this “Swiss” tool was to give architects relevant information regarding the use of daylight, at the very first stage of the design process. DIAL-Europe focuses on European standards and climatic data. Further, a Heating & Cooling evaluation module and an Artificial Lighting module will be added. The objective of the Heating & Cooling module is to indicate the implications of the user’s design on heating and cooling energy and on thermal comfort.The objective of Artificial Lighting module is to develop a tool that will give an estimation of illuminance values on the work plane and provide guidance on qualitative aspects and visual comfort as well as on switching control and integration with daylight based on generic light sources and luminaires. Furthermore, the scope of the examples of simulated rooms will be increased in order to allow the user to compare their design with more similar cases. This paper will present the state of achievement and give an overview of the first version of the DIAL-Europe software, which will beavailable at the beginning of 2002.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/08/07 16:36

_id ddssup0206
id ddssup0206
authors Dickey, J.W. and Jones, Dennis B.
year 2002
title CyberQuest Prospector (CQP):A Guide for the Evolutionary Discovery Process
source Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Sixth Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning - Part two: Urban Planning Proceedings Avegoor, the Netherlands), 2002
summary CyberQuest Prospector (CQP) is a tool to guide an individual or team through the evolutionary process of finding better approaches to a particular problem, project, program, plan, or design. This prospectingprocess can involve, for example, new definitions, different data, altered evaluation techniques and new ideas and actions on many other topics. CQP involves a five step process. At step zero all the requisite historical background knowledge is entered. This knowledge is divided into topical areas or statements. In step one the team updates the various knowledge statements in the system and then assigns a "maturity" to them. The team then adds any new statements (step two). Next, (step three) the team makes decisions on actions to be undertaken and also on the external factors likely to be "in play" in the upcoming time period. After that period (step four) the team records the results and rates the "success" achieved. CQP subsequently changes the associated knowledge statement confidences. In the last step the clock is advanced. The ultimate result is a set of definitions, data, relationships, experimental techniques, issues,implications, and even personality traits in which some degree of confidence has evolved. The CQP process is demonstrated here with an urban transportation planning example involving such diverse topics asplanning/analysis techniques, data collection methods, and procedures for working with advocacy coalition networks.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/08/07 16:36

_id ga0207
id ga0207
authors Fischer, T.
year 2002
title Computation-Universal Voxel Automata as Material for Generative Design Education
source International Conference on Generative Art
summary This paper is a report on the educational application of a voxel automata system for massively parallel execution of computation-universal cellular units in the generative design field. The software, designed and co-developed by the author to enable developmental strategies in generative design - for example with respect to 3D design generation, semantic self-evaluation and self-replication - was applied in teaching at the School of Design at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University to achieve two goals: to teach programming as part of the School’s Interactive Systems Design stream and to teach generative concepts at a theoretical, yet hands-on and highly intensive level. An introduction to the software, its development and its functions as well as a discussion of the teaching/learning experience is given, highlighting design educational aspects and student design work. The paper concludes with an analysis of how student approaches to generative concepts have been affected by the tool and how ideas and feedback from students have supported the ongoing development of the voxel automata system and its documentation.
series other
last changed 2003/08/07 17:25

_id 29b8
authors Hanzl, Malgorzata
year 2002
title The Role of Virtual City Models in Urban Tissue Evaluation
source Connecting the Real and the Virtual - design e-ducation [20th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-0-8] Warsaw (Poland) 18-20 September 2002, pp. 396-399
summary The shape of town is the main issue which planners deal with. The function of some buildings and urban facilities is flexible, it changes in time. The appearance of city public areas and, what follows, the life conditions of its inhabitants, depends on elements of the town structure - the surrounding buildings, their density, state and form. All lasting elements of the city form its shape which reflects urban processes which have been taking place over ages. The aim of this paper is to define how latest computer technology can be used as an aid in the evaluation of the town landscape.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:49

_id 49a6
authors He, J., Tsou, J.-Y. and Lam, S.
year 2002
title Potential of Using a GIS-based Natural Visual Landscape Evaluation Tool in Large-scale Urban Planning - A Comparative Study in Dongshan New Town
source Connecting the Real and the Virtual - design e-ducation [20th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-0-8] Warsaw (Poland) 18-20 September 2002, pp. 478-487
summary Natural visual landscape is under deterioration due to improper construction and planning in modern development of China. One of the main reasons is the feebleness in planning supporting methodology and technology in respect for natural visual landscape. In such supporting information, landscape evaluation always acts as a significant component. Especially in comprehensive planning, it is the only approach to access visual value distribution in large-scale region. In this paper, we present a GISbased natural visual landscape evaluation tool through a case study. By an integrated rating statistics function of this tool, visual quality of natural landscape is quantified through analysis in visibility, landuse, and visual resource quality. Then we make comprehensive planning strategies based on this scientific supporting tool. Furthermore, we discuss the potential of this tool by comparing these strategies with schemes of the same project conducted through traditional planning module. This comparative study reveals the efficiency and effectiveness of the tool as well as its implementation in large-scale comprehensive urban planning.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:49

_id 9f9c
authors Hu, Xiaochun
year 2002
title An Information-based Framework for Composites Design
source Drexel University
summary The heterogeneity of composites determines that composite materials can be engineered to better satisfy a specific design requirement. The main problems that have hindered the application of composites are the need for the material and manufacturing design to be conducted simultaneously, the involvement of a large number of design factors, the difficulty in the characterization of composites, and the inherent repetition of the design process. Considering these problems, this thesis presents an information-based framework for composites design. This research consists of four main aspects: (1) The development of a heterogeneous CAD modeling algorithm and an integrated CAD/CAE method, and their application in a unit cell-based characterization of composite materials with a complex fiber form; (2)The development of a unit cell database for improving the material and manufacturing process design, which covers the design of its database model and the access strategies based on the logic architecture of unit cells and the relationships among elements of unit cells and with the environments; (3)The design of an Information-Based Design Support System (IBDSS) to support the composites design by using the unit cell database, in which the blackboard framework is adopted for the system to organize various computer techniques for different design stages, and to support the design iterating to satisfactory ones incrementally and efficiently, and the data structure of the blackboard, the algorithm to control design iterations, and design procedures for every stage are studied; and (4) The introduction of a ranking-based unit cell evaluation methodology and effective ranking factors for facilitating and improving the composite design process. The approach improves the efficiency of composites design by automating design iterations, supporting composite characterization, alleviating the cost of composite material and manufacturing method design, and assisting in tailored material selection. Case studies are presented to show how the IBDSS is applied to support composites design.
keywords Mechanical Engineering
series thesis:PhD
last changed 2003/02/12 22:37

_id c839
authors Hwang, Jie-Eun
year 2002
title SpaceScope: Developing a Spatial Information Retrieval System - Focused on Apartment Unit Floor Plans -
source Yonsei University, Dept. of Housing & Interior Design
summary This research investigates the spatial information retrieval (IR) in architecture focused on constructing efficient metadata that is crucial for data retrieval. Generally speaking, metadata is ‘structured data about data’ to describe resources especially in a digital format. In this research, metadata is a sort of data object to be useful in searching spatial information. Metadata is also used to describe raw spatial data object as not only attribute data but also content structurally and semantic ally. There are two issues that motivate this research; 1) what is the spatial information – that materializes the intangible space as a data object, and 2) how we can search the information efficiently – the content-based information retrieval. Although knowledge of a building’s spatial content is most important in architecture, there has been no logical method to manage it.

From the viewpoint of content-based retrieval, the researcher analyzes spatial information of a floor plan, with a focus on the apartment unit floor plan common in Korea. Then the metadata items are extracted in a structured manner. To manage the items efficiently, the researcher develops a data model for spatial information according to the concept of the “Structured Floor Plan”. The main object of content to retrieve is a spatial network that consists of nodes of spaces and their linkages. There are two ways to organize the metadata: the traditional index files and the RDF (Resource Description Framework). While the index files are still efficient with computability, the RDF applies greater options to retrieve, such as fuzzy predicates, semantic predicates, and so on. To exploit the metadata, this research shows several possibilities of query operations that present a set of sample queries about L-DK(Living room – Dining room – Kitchen). Implementation of the prototype system is divided into three parts: 1) a modeling module using Vitruvius; 2) an indexing module using MS SQL Server? 2000 in conjunction XML; and 3) a browsing module using the SpaceScope browser.

The future works may consider XML-based databases and a knowledge based query language, such as RQL/XQL, working on such databases. The more specific domain knowledge is involved, the more practical systems would be. Even in architecture, there may be a diverse range of domain knowledge, such as design, building performance, facility management, energy management, post occupied evaluation, historical research, and so on. Also the issue of interface should be investigated in depth, so that it will be adequate to the needs of the architectural field.

keywords Content-based Information Retrieval; Metadata; RDF; XML; Spatial Information; Apartment Floor Plan; Semantics
series thesis:MSc
last changed 2003/04/25 07:27

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