CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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_id c7e9
authors Maver, T.W.
year 2002
title Predicting the Past, Remembering the Future
source SIGraDi 2002 - [Proceedings of the 6th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Caracas (Venezuela) 27-29 november 2002, pp. 2-3
summary Charlas Magistrales 2There never has been such an exciting moment in time in the extraordinary 30 year history of our subject area, as NOW,when the philosophical theoretical and practical issues of virtuality are taking centre stage.The PastThere have, of course, been other defining moments during these exciting 30 years:• the first algorithms for generating building layouts (circa 1965).• the first use of Computer graphics for building appraisal (circa 1966).• the first integrated package for building performance appraisal (circa 1972).• the first computer generated perspective drawings (circa 1973).• the first robust drafting systems (circa 1975).• the first dynamic energy models (circa 1982).• the first photorealistic colour imaging (circa 1986).• the first animations (circa 1988)• the first multimedia systems (circa 1995), and• the first convincing demonstrations of virtual reality (circa 1996).Whereas the CAAD community has been hugely inventive in the development of ICT applications to building design, it hasbeen woefully remiss in its attempts to evaluate the contribution of those developments to the quality of the built environmentor to the efficiency of the design process. In the absence of any real evidence, one can only conjecture regarding the realbenefits which fall, it is suggested, under the following headings:• Verisimilitude: The extraordinary quality of still and animated images of the formal qualities of the interiors and exteriorsof individual buildings and of whole neighborhoods must surely give great comfort to practitioners and their clients thatwhat is intended, formally, is what will be delivered, i.e. WYSIWYG - what you see is what you get.• Sustainability: The power of «first-principle» models of the dynamic energetic behaviour of buildings in response tochanging diurnal and seasonal conditions has the potential to save millions of dollars and dramatically to reduce thedamaging environmental pollution created by badly designed and managed buildings.• Productivity: CAD is now a multi-billion dollar business which offers design decision support systems which operate,effectively, across continents, time-zones, professions and companies.• Communication: Multi-media technology - cheap to deliver but high in value - is changing the way in which we canexplain and understand the past and, envisage and anticipate the future; virtual past and virtual future!MacromyopiaThe late John Lansdown offered the view, in his wonderfully prophetic way, that ...”the future will be just like the past, onlymore so...”So what can we expect the extraordinary trajectory of our subject area to be?To have any chance of being accurate we have to have an understanding of the phenomenon of macromyopia: thephenomenon exhibitted by society of greatly exaggerating the immediate short-term impact of new technologies (particularlythe information technologies) but, more importantly, seriously underestimating their sustained long-term impacts - socially,economically and intellectually . Examples of flawed predictions regarding the the future application of information technologiesinclude:• The British Government in 1880 declined to support the idea of a national telephonic system, backed by the argumentthat there were sufficient small boys in the countryside to run with messages.• Alexander Bell was modest enough to say that: «I am not boasting or exaggerating but I believe, one day, there will bea telephone in every American city».• Tom Watson, in 1943 said: «I think there is a world market for about 5 computers».• In 1977, Ken Olssop of Digital said: «There is no reason for any individuals to have a computer in their home».The FutureJust as the ascent of woman/man-kind can be attributed to her/his capacity to discover amplifiers of the modest humancapability, so we shall discover how best to exploit our most important amplifier - that of the intellect. The more we know themore we can figure; the more we can figure the more we understand; the more we understand the more we can appraise;the more we can appraise the more we can decide; the more we can decide the more we can act; the more we can act themore we can shape; and the more we can shape, the better the chance that we can leave for future generations a trulysustainable built environment which is fit-for-purpose, cost-beneficial, environmentally friendly and culturally significactCentral to this aspiration will be our understanding of the relationship between real and virtual worlds and how to moveeffortlessly between them. We need to be able to design, from within the virtual world, environments which may be real ormay remain virtual or, perhaps, be part real and part virtual.What is certain is that the next 30 years will be every bit as exciting and challenging as the first 30 years.
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:55

_id ddssar0216
id ddssar0216
authors Jones, Dennis B.
year 2002
title The Quantum Matrix:A Three Dimensional Data Integration and Collaboration ToolFor Virtual Environments
source Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Sixth Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning - Part one: Architecture Proceedings Avegoor, the Netherlands), 2002
summary If a picture is worth a thousand words, what if they could walk and talk? How would you like to bring a whole new dimension to your ideas; to use visualization to convey a sense of time and motion, to use imagery to give your ideas vividness; to use sound to give them voice and view them threedimensionally. The Matrix allows you to do all of this and much more. The Matrix resembles Rubik’s cube, but its purpose is to store, manage and access data of all types and to view them in three dimensions in virtual environments such as the CAVE and on your desktop. The current version can store, access and view almost anything that is in digital form, including:Text files Pictures Video Clips Sound Files Spreadsheets URL’s HTML pages Databases CAD drawings Gantt Charts Business Graphics VRML modelsExecutable Programs OLE (Object Link & Embedded) The Matrix is a three-dimensional multimedia and document management tool. The Matrix anticipates the convergence of electronic media into one consistent environment for analysis and representation. the Matrix uses VMRL and OpenGL technologies to allow the user to be immersed in their data as withCinerama, IMAX and Virtual Reality Environments. The Matrix allows the user to exercise their creativity by interactively placing and organizing their data three dimensionally and navigating through and viewingdata and documents in 3D (monocular and binocular – stereo). The Matrix user interface is simple to use. Employing the now familiar “drag and drop” method to manage data and documents. Items can be placed into the matrix grid at a user selected matrix cube location. Upon dropping a document on a cube it appears as a mapped image onto the surface. Navigating through the 3D Matrix-space is fun. All navigation uses real-time animation giving you instant feed back as to where you are. Data drilling is as simple as mouse click on a Matrix cube. Double clicking the on an object in the matrix activates that object. Data dreams was an image that preexisted the program by several years. The dream was to create a new way oforganizing and exploring data. The Qube image was created using Microstation by Bentley Systems, Inc. The figure was modeled using Poser by MetaCreations and composited using Adobe Photoshop.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/08/07 16:36

_id bf54
authors Vásquez De Velasco, Guillermo
year 2002
title The Computer is to Blame - The Disruptive Potential of a CAD Curriculum in an Architecture / Curriculum
source Connecting the Real and the Virtual - design e-ducation [20th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-0-8] Warsaw (Poland) 18-20 September 2002, pp. 50-54
summary In 2001 “DesignIntelligence” and the “Almanac of Architecture and Design” conducted a survey in which they interviewed over 800 leading U.S. architecture firms. The fundamental question was: “In your firm’s hiring experience within the past five years, which schools do you feel have best prepared students for the architecture profession?” This survey produces one of the most respected rankings of schools of architecture in the U.S., but in addition to that critical question, the survey gathers data on a number of additional parameters that are of fundamental importance on why some schools are doing better than others. If we compare current figures with figures of previous years we see that our students are improving in their computer skills at the same time that they are loosing ground in other skills and fields of knowledge. For a non-inquisitive mind the reason is simple: “Our students are too busy working on the computer and are failing to put attention to other important stuff”. This paper makes an attempt to understand the problem from a fair perspective and highlight ways in which our growth in the field of CAD, and the pervasive presence of computer technology in our classrooms, can be used to enhance our teaching / learning capabilities in fields that are currently failing to achieve excellence.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:58

_id ddssar0203
id ddssar0203
authors Alkass, Sabah and Jrade, Ahmad
year 2002
title A Web-Based Virtual Reality Model for Preliminary Estimates of Hi-Rise Building Projects
source Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Sixth Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning - Part one: Architecture Proceedings Avegoor, the Netherlands), 2002
summary Cost estimating of a construction project at its early stage is considered to be very important task since it will be used as a base to commit or otherwise not to commit funds to that project. Preparation of a reliableand realistic preliminary estimate to aid the decision makers to commit funds for a specific project is a complicated assignment. Traditional methods and operations produced unsatisfactory aid due to lack ofaccuracy especially in the pre-design stage of a project. This participates in the increase of percentage of bankruptcy in the construction industry, which has dramatically climbed up and ranked as 15 percent of thewhole bankruptcies claimed in Canada (Statistic Canada 1998). This paper presents a methodology for developing and a Web-based model to automate preliminary cost estimates for hi-rise buildings. This is achieved by integrating a database with design drawings in a Virtual Reality (VR) environment. The model will automatically generate preliminary estimates after modifying a 3D CAD drawing. It provides the user the option to visualize and simulate the drawing and its cost data through VR environment. Having done that, it will allow owners, architects and cost engineers to view a constructed building project, change its geometric objects and shapes, and accordingly generate a new conceptual cost estimate.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/11/21 15:15

_id ddssar0206
id ddssar0206
authors Bax, M.F.Th. and Trum, H.M.G.J.
year 2002
title Faculties of Architecture
source Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Sixth Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning - Part one: Architecture Proceedings Avegoor, the Netherlands), 2002
summary In order to be inscribed in the European Architect’s register the study program leading to the diploma ‘Architect’ has to meet the criteria of the EC Architect’s Directive (1985). The criteria are enumerated in 11 principles of Article 3 of the Directive. The Advisory Committee, established by the European Council got the task to examine such diplomas in the case some doubts are raised by other Member States. To carry out this task a matrix was designed, as an independent interpreting framework that mediates between the principles of Article 3 and the actual study program of a faculty. Such a tool was needed because of inconsistencies in the list of principles, differences between linguistic versions ofthe Directive, and quantification problems with time, devoted to the principles in the study programs. The core of the matrix, its headings, is a categorisation of the principles on a higher level of abstractionin the form of a taxonomy of domains and corresponding concepts. Filling in the matrix means that each study element of the study programs is analysed according to their content in terms of domains; thesummation of study time devoted to the various domains results in a so-called ‘profile of a faculty’. Judgement of that profile takes place by committee of peers. The domains of the taxonomy are intrinsically the same as the concepts and categories, needed for the description of an architectural design object: the faculties of architecture. This correspondence relates the taxonomy to the field of design theory and philosophy. The taxonomy is an application of Domain theory. This theory,developed by the authors since 1977, takes as a view that the architectural object only can be described fully as an integration of all types of domains. The theory supports the idea of a participatory andinterdisciplinary approach to design, which proved to be awarding both from a scientific and a social point of view. All types of domains have in common that they are measured in three dimensions: form, function and process, connecting the material aspects of the object with its social and proceduralaspects. In the taxonomy the function dimension is emphasised. It will be argued in the paper that the taxonomy is a categorisation following the pragmatistic philosophy of Charles Sanders Peirce. It will bedemonstrated as well that the taxonomy is easy to handle by giving examples of its application in various countries in the last 5 years. The taxonomy proved to be an adequate tool for judgement ofstudy programs and their subsequent improvement, as constituted by the faculties of a Faculty of Architecture. The matrix is described as the result of theoretical reflection and practical application of a matrix, already in use since 1995. The major improvement of the matrix is its direct connection with Peirce’s universal categories and the self-explanatory character of its structure. The connection with Peirce’s categories gave the matrix a more universal character, which enables application in other fieldswhere the term ‘architecture’ is used as a metaphor for artefacts.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/11/21 15:16

_id eabb
authors Boeykens, St. Geebelen, B. and Neuckermans, H.
year 2002
title Design phase transitions in object-oriented modeling of architecture
source Connecting the Real and the Virtual - design e-ducation [20th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-0-8] Warsaw (Poland) 18-20 September 2002, pp. 310-313
summary The project IDEA+ aims to develop an “Integrated Design Environment for Architecture”. Its goal is providing a tool for the designer-architect that can be of assistance in the early-design phases. It should provide the possibility to perform tests (like heat or cost calculations) and simple simulations in the different (early) design phases, without the need for a fully detailed design or remodeling in a different application. The test for daylighting is already in development (Geebelen, to be published). The conceptual foundation for this design environment has been laid out in a scheme in which different design phases and scales are defined, together with appropriate tests at the different levels (Neuckermans, 1992). It is a translation of the “designerly” way of thinking of the architect (Cross, 1982). This conceptual model has been translated into a “Core Object Model” (Hendricx, 2000), which defines a structured object model to describe the necessary building model. These developments form the theoretical basis for the implementation of IDEA+ (both the data structure & prototype software), which is currently in progress. The research project addresses some issues, which are at the forefront of the architect’s interest while designing with CAAD. These are treated from the point of view of a practicing architect.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:52

_id 138eaea2001
id 138eaea2001
authors Breen, Jack
year 2002
title A Room with a Different View
source Environmental Simulation - New Impulses in Planning Processes [Proceedings of the 5th European Architectural Endoscopy Association Conference / ISBN 3-922602-85-1]
summary This contribution documents the developments, results and findings of an experimental design visualisation and presentation exercise entitled ‘A Different View of Delft’. The primary aim of this project was to make students aware of the potentials of the active utilisation of physical models for the sake of designerly enquiry. Furthermore the ambition was to explore new ways of using such model ‘environments’ for the benefit of design communication and presentation. For this exercise a ‘game’ situation with clear constraints and rules was developed beforehand. The students were to work out a proposal for a new exhibition space, as an annex to a – hypothetical – existing museum. The new space was to create a fitting ‘setting’ for a single work of art: Johannes Vermeer’s famous View of Delft. The maximum contours of the new exhibition space were given, along with clear guidelines concerning which walls and roof segments might be (partly) opened. The emphasis lay on the viewer’s ‘approach’ to the painting, its positioning and ‘framing’ in an architectural context. A designerly search involving form and space, the choice of colours and materials and particularly the strategic use of (natural) lighting.
series EAEA
last changed 2005/09/09 10:43

_id 7f0a
authors Chen, K.-Z.,Feng, X.-A. and Ding, L.
year 2002
title Intelligent approaches for generating assembly drawings from 3-D computer models of mechanical products
source Computer-Aided Design, Vol. 34 (5) (2002) pp. 347-355
summary In order to reduce the time of mechanical product design and ensure the high quality of their assembly drawings, this paper develops an intelligent approach for generatingassembly drawings automatically from three-dimensional (3-D) computer assembly models of mechanical products by simulating the experienced human designer's thinkingmode with the aid of computer graphics and knowledge-based expert system. The key issues include the strategies and methods for selecting the necessary views in anassembly drawing, determining necessary sectional views in each view, eliminating the unreasonable projective overlap of the components in each view, and minimizing thenumbers of both the views in an assembly drawing and the sectional views in each view. Based on the approach, corresponding software prototype was developed. Finally, itis demonstrated, from an example of the fixture in a modularized drilling machine, that its assembly drawing was generated successfully using this intelligent softwareprototype.
keywords CAD, Intelligent CAD, Expert System, Artificial Intelligence, Assembly, Drawing
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:33

_id 6e0a
authors Craig, David Latch and Zimring, Craig
year 2002
title Support for collaborative design reasoning in shared virtual spaces
source Automation in Construction 11 (2) (2002) pp. 249-259
summary This paper discusses collaborative design, emphasizing the elaboration and transformations of a problem space, and the role that unstructured verbal communication and graphic communication can play in these processes. An asynchronous collaborative system, called the Immersive Discussion Tool (IDT), is introduced as a means for supporting productive design exchanges. IDT allows collaborators to reason about 3-D models over the Internet using view-dependent and view-independent diagrammatic marks, dynamic simulations, geometric design surrogates and text annotations. IDT relies on VRML to view the models, with an extensive Java-based interface driving the interactive behavior, including the construction and playback of graphical annotations, the management of threaded discussions, and the management of file input/output. The development and initial implementation of IDT has revealed the difficulty of constructing complex marks in a virtual 3-D space. Possible strategies for dealing with these problems are suggested.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:22

_id db00
authors Espina, Jane J.B.
year 2002
title Base de datos de la arquitectura moderna de la ciudad de Maracaibo 1920-1990 [Database of the Modern Architecture of the City of Maracaibo 1920-1990]
source SIGraDi 2002 - [Proceedings of the 6th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Caracas (Venezuela) 27-29 november 2002, pp. 133-139
summary Bases de datos, Sistemas y Redes 134The purpose of this report is to present the achievements obtained in the use of the technologies of information andcommunication in the architecture, by means of the construction of a database to register the information on the modernarchitecture of the city of Maracaibo from 1920 until 1990, in reference to the constructions located in 5 of Julio, Sectorand to the most outstanding planners for its work, by means of the representation of the same ones in digital format.The objective of this investigation it was to elaborate a database for the registration of the information on the modernarchitecture in the period 1920-1990 of Maracaibo, by means of the design of an automated tool to organize the it datesrelated with the buildings, parcels and planners of the city. The investigation was carried out considering three methodologicalmoments: a) Gathering and classification of the information of the buildings and planners of the modern architectureto elaborate the databases, b) Design of the databases for the organization of the information and c) Design ofthe consultations, information, reports and the beginning menu. For the prosecution of the data files were generated inprograms attended by such computer as: AutoCAD R14 and 2000, Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint and MicrosoftAccess 2000, CorelDRAW V9.0 and Corel PHOTOPAINT V9.0.The investigation is related with the work developed in the class of Graphic Calculation II, belonging to the Departmentof Communication of the School of Architecture of the Faculty of Architecture and Design of The University of the Zulia(FADLUZ), carried out from the year 1999, using part of the obtained information of the works of the students generatedby means of the CAD systems for the representation in three dimensions of constructions with historical relevance in themodern architecture of Maracaibo, which are classified in the work of The Other City, generating different types ofisometric views, perspectives, representations photorealistics, plants and facades, among others.In what concerns to the thematic of this investigation, previous antecedents are ignored in our environment, and beingthe first time that incorporates the digital graph applied to the work carried out by the architects of “The Other City, thegenesis of the oil city of Maracaibo” carried out in the year 1994; of there the value of this research the field of thearchitecture and computer science. To point out that databases exist in the architecture field fits and of the design, alsoweb sites with information has more than enough architects and architecture works (Montagu, 1999).In The University of the Zulia, specifically in the Faculty of Architecture and Design, they have been carried out twoworks related with the thematic one of database, specifically in the years 1995 and 1996, in the first one a system wasdesigned to visualize, to classify and to analyze from the architectural point of view some historical buildings of Maracaiboand in the second an automated system of documental information was generated on the goods properties built insidethe urban area of Maracaibo. In the world environment it stands out the first database developed in Argentina, it is the database of the Modern andContemporary Architecture “Datarq 2000” elaborated by the Prof. Arturo Montagú of the University of Buenos Aires. The general objective of this work it was the use of new technologies for the prosecution in Architecture and Design (MONTAGU, Ob.cit). In the database, he intends to incorporate a complementary methodology and alternative of use of the informationthat habitually is used in the teaching of the architecture. When concluding this investigation, it was achieved: 1) analysis of projects of modern architecture, of which some form part of the historical patrimony of Maracaibo; 2) organized registrations of type text: historical, formal, space and technical data, and graph: you plant, facades, perspectives, pictures, among other, of the Moments of the Architecture of the Modernity in the city, general data and more excellent characteristics of the constructions, and general data of the Planners with their more important works, besides information on the parcels where the constructions are located, 3)construction in digital format and development of representations photorealistics of architecture projects already built. It is excellent to highlight the importance in the use of the Technologies of Information and Communication in this investigation, since it will allow to incorporate to the means digital part of the information of the modern architecturalconstructions that characterized the city of Maracaibo at the end of the XX century, and that in the last decades they have suffered changes, some of them have disappeared, destroying leaves of the modern historical patrimony of the city; therefore, the necessity arises of to register and to systematize in digital format the graphic information of those constructions. Also, to demonstrate the importance of the use of the computer and of the computer science in the representation and compression of the buildings of the modern architecture, to inclination texts, images, mapping, models in 3D and information organized in databases, and the relevance of the work from the pedagogic point of view,since it will be able to be used in the dictation of computer science classes and history in the teaching of the University studies of third level, allowing the learning with the use in new ways of transmission of the knowledge starting from the visual information on the part of the students in the elaboration of models in three dimensions or electronic scalemodels, also of the modern architecture and in a future to serve as support material for virtual recoveries of some buildings that at the present time they don’t exist or they are almost destroyed. In synthesis, the investigation will allow to know and to register the architecture of Maracaibo in this last decade, which arises under the parameters of the modernity and that through its organization and visualization in digital format, it will allow to the students, professors and interested in knowing it in a quicker and more efficient way, constituting a contribution to theteaching in the history area and calculation. Also, it can be of a lot of utility for the development of future investigation projects related with the thematic one and restoration of buildings of the modernity in Maracaibo.
keywords database, digital format, modern architecture, model, mapping
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:51

_id 2205
authors Gabriel, Gerard Cesar and Maher, Mary Lou
year 2002
title Coding and modelling communication in architectural collaborative design
source Automation in Construction 11 (2) (2002) pp. 199-211
summary Although there has been some research done on collaborative face-to-face (FTF) and video-conferencing sessions involving architects, little is known about the effects these different media have on collaborative design in general and on collaborative communication and design representation in particular. In this paper, we argue that successful computer-mediated collaborative design (CMCD) does not necessarily mean emulating close-proximity environments. In order to investigate this view, we carried out experiments examining the effect and significance of different communication channels in collaborative sessions between architects. The experiments were conducted in different environments and classified into three categories. The first category is FTF. The second, CMCD sessions with full communication channels, CMCD-a. The third category was conducted also through CMCD sessions but with limited communication channels, CMCD-b. A custom coding scheme is developed using data, external and theoretically derived coding categories as a base. Examples of how the proposed coding scheme works are given from all three categories of experiments. The coding scheme provides the basis for modelling and understanding communication in collaborative design.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:22

_id 2acf
authors Gero, John
year 2002
title Situated Computing: A New Paradigm for Design Computing
source SIGraDi 2002 - [Proceedings of the 6th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Caracas (Venezuela) 27-29 november 2002, p. 1
summary Computer usage in design has largely been in the areas of document production, 3D modelling and to a lesser extent in specialised design analysis and design synthesis tasks. This use of computers by designers has been based on well-defined practices that have their genesis in the scientific approach to knowledge. Just as knowledge is independent of its use and independent of its user, so computer programs are designed to be independent of their use and independent of their users. This talk presents a complementary paradigm based on the notions of situated cognition as the basis of the development of new kinds of computational design tools.Situated cognition holds that where are you and when you are there matters and that the state you are in affects what you do. The fundamental difference is between encoding all knowledge prior to its use to allowing the knowledge to be grounded in the interaction between the computational system and its environment. In addition to the concepts of situated cognition there is another important concept called constructive memory. Constructive memory changes our view of “memory” in acomputational system from being a thing in a place that can be accessed with the correct index to being a process that produces a “memory” when needed. Thus, memory is constructed as needed and becomes a function of both the question it is used to respond to and the situation within which it was asked. These concepts provide the foundation for the developmentof novel tools to support computer-aided designing. Examples of situated cognition and constructive memory will be presented. This will be followed by examples of situated design analysis and situated computational design creativity.
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:52

_id d5ac
authors Kalisperis, L.N., Otto, G., Muramoto, K., Gundrum, J.S., Masters, R. and Orland, B.
year 2002
title Virtual Reality/Space Visualization in Design Education: The VR-Desktop Initiative
source Connecting the Real and the Virtual - design e-ducation [20th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-0-8] Warsaw (Poland) 18-20 September 2002, pp. 64-71
summary Although virtual reality (VR) is a fast-growing field, utilization of its potential within an affordable environment in the early years of architectural education has been limited. Currently, we are in the process of exploring the educational potential of virtual reality in the creation and understanding of space as a set of dynamic volumes that can be experienced. The VR-Desktop initiative is an effort to bring the salient features of projection-based VR to second-year architecture students in a way that is more generally accessible than the many canonical, first-generation, projection-based VR systems. The VR-Desktop has been implemented in the teaching of the architectural design studio in the second year of a fiveyear curriculum, as part of the physical architectural studio. Through the VR-Desktop system in the studio, students immediately start working in an immersive environment. They create space by manipulating solids and voids while evaluating the anthropometric relations of the proposed solution. The students are able to study and test conceptual details in a virtual environment from the very beginning of their architectural design project. In order to assess student perception of the usefulness of various system attributes for diverse tasks, we have begun a usability study. Thirty-five surveys were collected from the students who had used the lab during the two semesters for which the two-screen system was available. Preliminary observations indicate that within the architectural context, virtual reality techniques involving depth perception can convey relevant information to students more efficiently and with less misrepresentation than traditional techniques. This paper suggests that full field of view, motion, stereoscopic vision, and interactivity are possible components of the 3D visualization techniques that are necessary to enhance architectural education
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:52

_id 5c07
authors Lee, H.-L., Liu, Y.-T., Chen, S.-C., Tang, S.-K. and Huang, C.-P., Huang, C.-H., Chang, Y.-L., Chang, K.-W. and Chen, K.-Y.
year 2002
title A Comparative study of protocol analysis for - Spatiality of a Text-based Cyberspace
source Connecting the Real and the Virtual - design e-ducation [20th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-0-8] Warsaw (Poland) 18-20 September 2002, pp. 262-266
summary Graduate Institute of Architecture, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, 30050, TAIWAN The adaptation of the word cyberspace (Gibson, 1984) following the emergence of the World Wide Web Internet not only succinctly revolutionized the correlation of time and space but also poised to challenge how we view the existing spatial concept. This research tries to use protocol analysis to examine text-based cyberspace, such as bulletin board, chart rooms and so forth, and the objective of this research is to realize the spatiality of cyberspace through the cognitive point of view, and to compare the differences of the definitions and perception ways of spatiality between people with general domain and in design fields. Finally, we validate the existence of cyberspace, where the process not only allows further categorization of spatial elements concluded from the earlier study, but discover that varied backgrounds can affect how a user defines and perceives cyberspace (Strate, 1999).
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:51

_id b6f7
authors Morozumi, M., Sueshige, Y., Uchiyama, T. and Inoue, S.
year 2002
title Linked QTVR System for SimulatingCitizens’ Strolling Around Activities
source Thresholds - Design, Research, Education and Practice, in the Space Between the Physical and the Virtual [Proceedings of the 2002 Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design In Architecture / ISBN 1-880250-11-X] Pomona (California) 24-27 October 2002, pp. 217-227
summary This paper discusses a city model using the linked QTVR (cylinder-VR) technique to study relationshipsbetween people’s behavior while strolling around downtown shopping districts, and visual stimuli in eachpart of the district. At the beginning of the study, because a large city model was required, a majorobstacle was the necessity of taking a large number of photographic images of the area, especiallyimages with wide vertical view angles. The objectives of this paper are to: (a) discuss the major featuresof the simulation system and its uses for the study, (b) discuss a refined method of producing acylindrical image of QTVR allowing the operator to look up almost 56 degrees, and (c) evaluate theperformance of the developed system through experiment by 30 university students who know thedistrict well.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:59

_id ddssup0215
id ddssup0215
authors Ruiz, M., Fornés, A., Ramon, J., Alorda, J. Goula, M. and Pié, R.
year 2002
title GIS Tools for Landscape Impact Assessment
source Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Sixth Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning - Part two: Urban Planning Proceedings Avegoor, the Netherlands), 2002
summary This paper present the main results obtained by the development of the Artemis Project ”Design and Evaluation of Residential Patterns in the Mediterranan Region appropiate to sustainable development of environmentally deteriorated rural areas” 4th European Framework Program. Call ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE . ENV4-CT97-0656.) As results of the project an Integrated Landscape Assessment Model (AIAM) was created. AIAM is a resource modelling system focusing on the generation of a decision support system application oriented to provide criteria in order to evaluate effects and to optimise location of low density residential settlements. The Model includes a Landscape multicriteria analysis merged with spatial analysis tools set in a GIS Environment. The A.I.A.M. provides data structures, user interface components, and output mechanism witch allows the user to apply the knowledge acquired for Artemis Project. One of the main goals of the A.I.A.M is to give a landscape view of the territory including variables that are usually not considered in planning and environmental impact assessment processes. Also the models gives a sustainable support both to planner and designers projects. A.I.A.M. gives the data structure to define a residential patterns, the parameters through which a pattern is adequately described. This pattern definition allows comparison between the one’s of the reference area and so, extract conclusions about divergence between them.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/08/07 16:36

_id sigradi2007_af93
id sigradi2007_af93
authors Sperling, David; Ruy Sardinha
year 2007
title Dislocations of the spatial experience: From earthwork to liquid architecture [Deslocamentos da experiência espacial: De earthwork a arquitetura líquida]
source SIGraDi 2007 - [Proceedings of the 11th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] México D.F. - México 23-25 October 2007, pp. 423-427
summary This article reflects about the contemporary notion of “spatial experience” that can be drawn by means of the emergence of the “expanded field” in arts (Rosalind Krauss, 1979). For a perspective view of this notion and for its problematization in the current time we pretend to stablish a counterpoint between two historic moments related to the expansion of the spatial field and its experience: the 1960´s, with the focus on the immanent space by artistic propositions, and nowadays, with the ocurrence of “fusional fields” of art-architecture-landscape-digital media. We adopt as strategy to construct the question, the approximation of two paradigmatic works for their respective epochs: the “earthwork” Spiral Jetty of Robert Smithson, constructed in 1970 in the Great Salt Lake (Utah, USA) and the ephemeral architecture of Blur Building of Elizabeth Diller and Ricardo Scofidio, constructed in 2002 in the Lake Neuchatel, for the Suiss Expo (Yverdon-les-Bains – Suiss).
keywords Art; architecture; media; expanded field; spatial experience
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 10:01

_id 160eaea2001
id 160eaea2001
authors Stellingwerff, Martijn
year 2002
title Architects’ Visual Literacy
source Environmental Simulation - New Impulses in Planning Processes [Proceedings of the 5th European Architectural Endoscopy Association Conference / ISBN 3-922602-85-1]
summary This paper presents a partial summary of my PhD research with the working title: “View preferences and effects - a study of visual language for architectural design within a represented urban context”. In contrast to much VR-research that focuses on techniques for the public presentation of a completed design or an existing urban site, this research focuses on the use of 3D-city-models during the architectural design process. The models serve as a source of visual information that can be used to bring the design in a good relation with the yet existing built environment. In the research, I investigated the possibilities to make a VRML - city-model adaptable in its representation, in order to adhere to both the factual and the imaginative needs of a designing architect. The paper consecutively presents the problem, the conceptual change and development of research questions, the methodology and a brief overview of the research findings.
series EAEA
last changed 2005/09/09 10:43

_id ga0235
id ga0235
authors Turner, A.
year 2002
title Ecomorphic Dialogues
source International Conference on Generative Art
summary The biological concept of ecomorphology examines the morphology of the organism in relation to the environment it inhabits. However, the organism itself is an active agent that shapes the environment that in turn shapes it. The two are linked through what autopoietic theory calls structural coupling, and thus the environment itself evolves as an ecomorphic entity. This short paper discusses modelling the process of ecomorphic evolution of an art gallery, which is built around the natural interaction, or hermeneutic dialogue, between people and artworks within it. The natural interactions from the point of view of the person are those based on active perception of the environment, that is, based solely on possiblities that the environment affords to the person. In the model presented here, the possibilities of the gallery are to view the artwork on display, and agents with vision act out the part of the people. However, the artwork itself is engaged in a game in which it tries to place itself in popular rooms within the gallery, moving from location to location to achieve this. Around this visually coupled interaction between viewer and artwork, the walls of the gallery are formed and reformed according to the location of the players, in order to create a constantly evolving space in which the game is played: the ecomorphic dialogue of artwork and art viewer.
series other
last changed 2003/08/07 17:25

_id ddssar0220
id ddssar0220
authors Van Leeuwen, Jos P.
year 2002
title Knowledge Sharing for Collaborative Design
source Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Sixth Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning - Part one: Architecture Proceedings Avegoor, the Netherlands), 2002
summary This paper presents the preliminary results of a research project that aims to develop and apply Design Knowledge Servers (DesKs) in the building and construction industry. The paper starts with a view on where the development of computer application in design and construction might be heading. It briefly looks at the current situation concerning information modelling for design support and compares two alternative ways of developing standards in this area. After this sketch of its context, the DesKs project is introduced and its objectives, characteristics, implementations issues, and application scenarios are discussed. The paper concludes with a preview of the next steps we will attempt to take and with an explanation of why it all takes so long.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/08/07 16:36

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