CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

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_id ecaade2013_111
id ecaade2013_111
authors Androutsopoulou, Eirini
year 2013
title Urban Body Mutations through the Use of the Network Configuration
source Stouffs, Rudi and Sariyildiz, Sevil (eds.), Computation and Performance – Proceedings of the 31st eCAADe Conference – Volume 1, Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 18-20 September 2013, pp. 275-281
summary Taking as a starting point the hypotheses that the urban body is a self-adapted ecology made of material and non-material components (Bateson, 1972), relationships between elements are examined in an attempt to destabilize the static division of matter and idea and to inquire into those relationships that determine the structural coupling (Maturana, 2002) between body and environment, as well as the constitution of the body itself. Contemporary technology is used in order to trace these alterations and the urban body is examined as a network configuration. The importance of the methodology adopted by the current research lies in the fact that social and economic factors merge with spatial characteristics, allowing for a visualization and re-interpretation of the urban body mutations based on self-adapted reconfigurations and for a prediction of the structural alterations made possible through the reconfiguration of the synaptic forces between elements.
wos WOS:000340635300028
keywords Mutation; urban body; visualization techniques; network; data manipulation.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id caadria2006_597
id caadria2006_597
year 2006
title NEW MEDIA IN DIGITAL DESIGN PROCESS: Towards a standardize procedure of CAD/CAM fabrication
source CAADRIA 2006 [Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia] Kumamoto (Japan) March 30th - April 2nd 2006, 597-599
summary In 1990, due to the traditional architecture design and construction method difficult to build the complicated and non-geometry free-form Fish Structure in Barcelona, architect Frank Gehry started learn from the field of aerospace to utilize CAD/CAM technology in design and manufacture process. He created the free-form fish model in CAD system and exported the digital CAD model data to CAM machine (RP and CNC) to fabricate the design components, and finally assembled on the site. Gehry pioneered in the new digital design process in using CAD/CAM technology or so-called digital fabrication. It becomes an important issue recently as the CAD/CAM technology progressively act as the new digital design media in architectural design and construction process (Ryder et al., 2002; Kolarevic, 2003). Furthermore, in the field of architecture professional, some commercial computer systems had been developed on purpose of standardizes the digital design process in using CAD/CAM fabrication such as Gehry Technologies formed by Gehry Partners; SmartGeometry Group in Europe and Objectile proposed by Bernard Cache. Researchers in the research field like Mark Burry, Larry Sass, Branko Kolarevic, Schodek and others are enthusiastic about the exploration of the role of CAD/CAM fabrication as new design media in design process (Burry, 2002; Schodek et al., 2005; Lee, 2005).
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id 012c
authors De Araujo, Tereza Cristina Malveira and Rossi, Angela Maria Gabriella
year 2002
title O real, o virtual e a Internet na era da Informação [The Real, the virtual and the Internet in the Information Age]
source SIGraDi 2002 - [Proceedings of the 6th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Caracas (Venezuela) 27-29 november 2002, pp. 28-30
summary Over the last decade, advances in computer graphics plus the growing popularity of the Internet have incorporated the words reality and virtuality into our vocabulary, at the same time, making the distance between the words shorter. In this article, we discuss the two concepts - reality and virtuality - and analyze how this question has affected human communication, specially in the Web environment. This analysis will be used as a basis for research on the impact of “non-presence” in working relationships in a virtual environment, more specifically in the architecture and engineering areas where we find the Web being used as a communication tool for the development of collaborative design between groups involved with the design process of the built environment.
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:50

_id 349e
authors Durmisevic, Sanja
year 2002
title Perception Aspects in Underground Spaces using Intelligent Knowledge Modeling
source Delft University of Technology
summary The intensification, combination and transformation are main strategies for future spatial development of the Netherlands, which are stated in the Fifth Bill regarding Spatial Planning. These strategies indicate that in the future, space should be utilized in a more compact and more efficient way requiring, at the same time, re-evaluation of the existing built environment and finding ways to improve it. In this context, the concept of multiple space usage is accentuated, which would focus on intensive 4-dimensional spatial exploration. The underground space is acknowledged as an important part of multiple space usage. In the document 'Spatial Exploration 2000', the underground space is recognized by policy makers as an important new 'frontier' that could provide significant contribution to future spatial requirements.In a relatively short period, the underground space became an important research area. Although among specialists there is appreciation of what underground space could provide for densely populated urban areas, there are still reserved feelings by the public, which mostly relate to the poor quality of these spaces. Many realized underground projects, namely subways, resulted in poor user satisfaction. Today, there is still a significant knowledge gap related to perception of underground space. There is also a lack of detailed documentation on actual applications of the theories, followed by research results and applied techniques. This is the case in different areas of architectural design, but for underground spaces perhaps most evident due to their infancv role in general architectural practice. In order to create better designs, diverse aspects, which are very often of qualitative nature, should be considered in perspective with the final goal to improve quality and image of underground space. In the architectural design process, one has to establish certain relations among design information in advance, to make design backed by sound rationale. The main difficulty at this point is that such relationships may not be determined due to various reasons. One example may be the vagueness of the architectural design data due to linguistic qualities in them. Another, may be vaguely defined design qualities. In this work, the problem was not only the initial fuzziness of the information but also the desired relevancy determination among all pieces of information given. Presently, to determine the existence of such relevancy is more or less a matter of architectural subjective judgement rather than systematic, non-subjective decision-making based on an existing design. This implies that the invocation of certain tools dealing with fuzzy information is essential for enhanced design decisions. Efficient methods and tools to deal with qualitative, soft data are scarce, especially in the architectural domain. Traditionally well established methods, such as statistical analysis, have been used mainly for data analysis focused on similar types to the present research. These methods mainly fall into a category of pattern recognition. Statistical regression methods are the most common approaches towards this goal. One essential drawback of this method is the inability of dealing efficiently with non-linear data. With statistical analysis, the linear relationships are established by regression analysis where dealing with non-linearity is mostly evaded. Concerning the presence of multi-dimensional data sets, it is evident that the assumption of linear relationships among all pieces of information would be a gross approximation, which one has no basis to assume. A starting point in this research was that there maybe both linearity and non-linearity present in the data and therefore the appropriate methods should be used in order to deal with that non-linearity. Therefore, some other commensurate methods were adopted for knowledge modeling. In that respect, soft computing techniques proved to match the quality of the multi-dimensional data-set subject to analysis, which is deemed to be 'soft'. There is yet another reason why soft-computing techniques were applied, which is related to the automation of knowledge modeling. In this respect, traditional models such as Decision Support Systems and Expert Systems have drawbacks. One important drawback is that the development of these systems is a time-consuming process. The programming part, in which various deliberations are required to form a consistent if-then rule knowledge based system, is also a time-consuming activity. For these reasons, the methods and tools from other disciplines, which also deal with soft data, should be integrated into architectural design. With fuzzy logic, the imprecision of data can be dealt with in a similar way to how humans do it. Artificial neural networks are deemed to some extent to model the human brain, and simulate its functions in the form of parallel information processing. They are considered important components of Artificial Intelligence (Al). With neural networks, it is possible to learn from examples, or more precisely to learn from input-output data samples. The combination of the neural and fuzzy approach proved to be a powerful combination for dealing with qualitative data. The problem of automated knowledge modeling is efficiently solved by employment of machine learning techniques. Here, the expertise of prof. dr. Ozer Ciftcioglu in the field of soft computing was crucial for tool development. By combining knowledge from two different disciplines a unique tool could be developed that would enable intelligent modeling of soft data needed for support of the building design process. In this respect, this research is a starting point in that direction. It is multidisciplinary and on the cutting edge between the field of Architecture and the field of Artificial Intelligence. From the architectural viewpoint, the perception of space is considered through relationship between a human being and a built environment. Techniques from the field of Artificial Intelligence are employed to model that relationship. Such an efficient combination of two disciplines makes it possible to extend our knowledge boundaries in the field of architecture and improve design quality. With additional techniques, meta know/edge, or in other words "knowledge about knowledge", can be created. Such techniques involve sensitivity analysis, which determines the amount of dependency of the output of a model (comfort and public safety) on the information fed into the model (input). Another technique is functional relationship modeling between aspects, which is derivation of dependency of a design parameter as a function of user's perceptions. With this technique, it is possible to determine functional relationships between dependent and independent variables. This thesis is a contribution to better understanding of users' perception of underground space, through the prism of public safety and comfort, which was achieved by means of intelligent knowledge modeling. In this respect, this thesis demonstrated an application of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) as a partner in the building design process by employing advanced modeling techniques. The method explained throughout this work is very generic and is possible to apply to not only different areas of architectural design, but also to other domains that involve qualitative data.
keywords Underground Space; Perception; Soft Computing
series thesis:PhD
last changed 2003/02/12 22:37

_id ddssar0210
id ddssar0210
authors Friedl, G., Trum, H.M.G.J. and Rutten, P.G.S.
year 2002
title An Innovative Model of the Building Development ProcessDesign as a Process of Crystallisation
source Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Sixth Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning - Part one: Architecture Proceedings Avegoor, the Netherlands), 2002
summary In the past, models describing the development of artefacts, including buildings, usually were of a linear nature thereby suggesting a sequential path from conception of the artefact to its completion. This has consequences for the sequence of activities in the design and programming phase. However, designing is basically a thinking activity and is as such not bound to the same laws as e.g. the construction process. This must have repercussions for the way the design process is designed andmanaged. The proposed conceptual model of the artefact development process – in this case a building design process – is a kind of framework which is more in accordance with the nature of thinkingactivities. It should stimulate a non-sequential process. The development of a solution to a design problem thus should become a responsive search process driven by insights and creative leaps but guided by the framework the model provides. Furthermore, the model is meant to support the exploration and clarification of the problem as well as to extend the solution space by various means such as the development of scenarios and strategic values as a basis for the realisation of the building project’s goals. This model is an essential element in the development of an innovative approach towards the process design of the building design process. The creation of a building (conception, design and development) is not considered a sequential process but a process of crystallisation with the potential of developing in all directions, thus growing from a conceptual centre outwards.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/08/07 16:36

_id sigradi2006_e149b
id sigradi2006_e149b
authors Kendir, Elif
year 2006
title Prêt-à-Construire – An Educational Inquiry into Computer Aided Fabrication
source SIGraDi 2006 - [Proceedings of the 10th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Santiago de Chile - Chile 21-23 November 2006, pp. 162-165
summary This paper aims to show and discuss the relevance of developing necessary strategies for reintegrating the concept of fabrication into the architectural design process. The discussion will be partly based on the outcome of a graduate architectural design studio conducted in Spring semester 2002-2003. The graduate studio was part of a series of exploratory studies conducted on the nature of architectural design process transformed by information technologies. Preceded by studios investigating cognition and representation, this last studio focused on the concept of fabrication. The overarching aim of the studio series was to put CAD and CAM in context both within the actual architectural design process and within architectural education. The last of this series, which will be discussed within the frame of this paper, has specifically focused on CAM and the concept of fabrication in architecture. In accordance with the nature of a design studio, the research was more methodological than technical. The studio derived its main inspiration from the constructional templates used in dressmaking, which can be considered as an initial model for mass customization. In this context, the recladding of Le Corbusier’s Maison Domino was given as the main design problem, along with several methodological constraints. The main constraint was to develop the design idea through constructional drawings instead of representational ones. The students were asked to develop their volumetric ideas through digital 3D CAD models while working out structural solutions on a physical 1/50 model of Maison Domino. There was also a material constraint for the model, where only specified types of non-structural paper could be used. At this stage, origami provided the working model for adding structural strength to sheet materials. The final outcome included the explanation of different surface generation strategies and preliminary design proposals for their subcomponents. The paper will discuss both the utilized methodology and the final outcome along the lines of the issues raised during the studio sessions, some of which could be decisive in the putting into context of CAD – CAM in architectural design process. One such issue is mass customization, that is, the mass production of different specific elements with the help of CAM technologies. Another issue is “open source” design, indicating the possibility of a do-it-yourself architecture, where architecture is coded as information, and its code can be subject to change by different designers. The final key issue is the direct utilization of constructional drawings in the preliminary design phase as opposed to representational ones, which aimed at reminding the designer the final phase of fabrication right from the beginning. Finally, the paper will also point at the problems faced during the conduct of the studio and discuss those in the context of promoting CAM for architectural design and production in countries where there is no actual utilization of these technologies for these purposes yet.
keywords Education; Fabrication; CAM
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:53

_id e414
authors Lee, H.-L.
year 2002
title A Preliminary Study of Computerized Design Process and Methods
source Connecting the Real and the Virtual - design e-ducation [20th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-0-8] Warsaw (Poland) 18-20 September 2002, pp. 290-295
summary Graduate Institute of Architecture, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu 30050, Taiwan The evolution of design media has kept a close relationship with the development of design methods in the history. Nowadays, different computer media have been used in different stages of the design process. It is to believe that computer media have great impact on the design process and methods. The objective of this paper is to realize the design process and methods when designers use computer modeling to tackle an architectural design problem. The methodologies are non- participant observation and retrospection. The findings of this research prove that media does contribute to the changes in design process and methods. Not only does its conclusion help to better understand properties of different media, but also benefit the development of computer media.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:51

_id 6533
authors Maher, A.M. and Burry, M.C.
year 2002
title Hybridized Measurement: Interpreting historical images of Sagrada Família Church in Barcelona using CAD-based digital photogrammetry
source Connecting the Real and the Virtual - design e-ducation [20th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-0-8] Warsaw (Poland) 18-20 September 2002, pp. 448-455
summary This paper gives an account of the extrapolated use of digital photogrammetry undertaken by the Spatial Information Architecture Laboratory (SIAL) in the pursuit for new interpretations of historical images at the Sagrada Família Church. The work is an extension of the research activities undertaken as part of the Australian Research Council (ARC) Strategic Partnerships with Industry – Research and Training (SPIRT) project New onto Old : 3D flexible computer modelling to aid heritage building restoration, recycling and extension, where digital photogrammetry was first explored as a measurement tool for non-specialist implementation. The research makes use of the link between Computer Aided Design (CAD) and digital photogrammetry in a reverse manner, using built spatial data to produce orthographic rectified images of what was intended from the historical drawings and models of the architect Antoni Gaudí (1852-1926).
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:59

_id acadia16_140
id acadia16_140
authors Nejur, Andrei; Steinfeld, Kyle
year 2016
title Ivy: Bringing a Weighted-Mesh Representations to Bear on Generative Architectural Design Applications
source ACADIA // 2016: POSTHUMAN FRONTIERS: Data, Designers, and Cognitive Machines [Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-0-692-77095-5] Ann Arbor 27-29 October, 2016, pp. 140-151
summary Mesh segmentation has become an important and well-researched topic in computational geometry in recent years (Agathos et al. 2008). As a result, a number of new approaches have been developed that have led to innovations in a diverse set of problems in computer graphics (CG) (Sharmir 2008). Specifically, a range of effective methods for the division of a mesh have recently been proposed, including by K-means (Shlafman et al. 2002), graph cuts (Golovinskiy and Funkhouser 2008; Katz and Tal 2003), hierarchical clustering (Garland et al. 2001; Gelfand and Guibas 2004; Golovinskiy and Funkhouser 2008), primitive fitting (Athene et al. 2004), random walks (Lai et al.), core extraction (Katz et al.) tubular multi-scale analysis (Mortara et al. 2004), spectral clustering (Liu and Zhang 2004), and critical point analysis (Lin et al. 20070, all of which depend upon a weighted graph representation, typically the dual of a given mesh (Sharmir 2008). While these approaches have been proven effective within the narrowly defined domains of application for which they have been developed (Chen 2009), they have not been brought to bear on wider classes of problems in fields outside of CG, specifically on problems relevant to generative architectural design. Given the widespread use of meshes and the utility of segmentation in GAD, by surveying the relevant and recently matured approaches to mesh segmentation in CG that share a common representation of the mesh dual, this paper identifies and takes steps to address a heretofore unrealized transfer of technology that would resolve a missed opportunity for both subject areas. Meshes are often employed by architectural designers for purposes that are distinct from and present a unique set of requirements in relation to similar applications that have enjoyed more focused study in computer science. This paper presents a survey of similar applications, including thin-sheet fabrication (Mitani and Suzuki 2004), rendering optimization (Garland et al. 2001), 3D mesh compression (Taubin et al. 1998), morphin (Shapira et al. 2008) and mesh simplification (Kalvin and Taylor 1996), and distinguish the requirements of these applications from those presented by GAD, including non-refinement in advance of the constraining of mesh geometry to planar-quad faces, and the ability to address a diversity of mesh features that may or may not be preserved. Following this survey of existing approaches and unmet needs, the authors assert that if a generalized framework for working with graph representations of meshes is developed, allowing for the interactive adjustment of edge weights, then the recent developments in mesh segmentation may be better brought to bear on GAD problems. This paper presents work toward the development of just such a framework, implemented as a plug-in for the visual programming environment Grasshopper.
keywords tool-building, design simulation, fabrication, computation, megalith
series ACADIA
type paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:58

_id 8461
authors Saunders, Rob
year 2002
title Curious Design Agents and Artificial Creativity - A Synthetic Approach to the Study of Creative Behaviour
source The University of Sydney, Faculty of Architecture
summary Creative products are generally recognised as satisfying two requirements: firstly they are useful, and secondly they are novel. Much effort in AI and design computing has been put into developing systems that can recognise the usefulness of the products that they generate. In contrast, the work presented in this thesis has concentrated on developing computational systems that are able to recognise the novelty of their work. The research has shown that when computational systems are given the ability to recognise both the novelty and the usefulness of their products they gain a level of autonomy that opens up new possibilities for the study of creative behaviour in single agents and the emergence of social creativity in multi-agent systems. The work presented in this thesis has developed a model of curiosity in design as the selection of design actions with the goal of generating novel artefacts. Agents that embody this model of curiosity are called “curious design agents”. The behaviour of curious design agents is demonstrated with a range of applications to visual and nonvisual design domains. Visual domains include rectilinear drawings, Spirograph patterns, and “genetic artworks” similar to the work of Karl Sims. Non-visual domains include an illustrative abstract design space useful for visualising the behaviour of curious agents and the design of doorways to accommodate the passage of large crowds. The design methods used in the different domains show that the model of curiosity is applicable to models of designing by direct manipulation, parametric configuration or by using a separate design tool that embodies the generative aspects of the design process. In addition, an approach to developing multi-agent systems with autonomous notions of creativity called artificial creativity is presented. The opportunities for studying social creativity in design are illustrated with an artificial creativity system used to study the emergence of social notions of whom and what are creative in a society of curious design agents. Developing similar artificial creativity systems promises to be a useful synthetic approach to the study of socially situated, creative design.
series thesis:PhD
last changed 2003/05/06 11:33

_id ga0233
id ga0233
authors Sheridan, J.
year 2002
title The Evolving Role of the Artist
source International Conference on Generative Art
summary For more than a decade the author has designed and used algorithmic systems to produce artworks that incorporate generative and evolutionary concepts, forms and processes. This work has demonstrated that algorithmic aesthetic processes and products can be effectively created and modulated by both human beings and non-human systems. However, this work has also raised important questions such as: - What role can the individual human artist play in a cultural economy based upon industrialized generative processes and non-human systems? - How can artists integrate standardized scientific languages and algorithmic processes into personal visions and expressive languages? - How can artists capture their personal creative processes and encapsulate these processes in industry standard systems and software; and should they do so? - How might the generative systems and products created by human and non-human artists function and evolve in the larger social context? To address these questions, in this paper the author uses examples taken from his past and present artwork to illustrate the opportunities and pitfalls presented by computerized generative aesthetic processes and tools. In addition, the author offers a set of conjectures intended to help clarify issues such as: the evolving role of the artist as a producer of knowledge and form, and the value and appropriate structure of personalized computer languages for artists.
series other
last changed 2003/08/07 17:25

_id 18dd
authors Sjöström, Calle
year 2002
title Non-Visual Haptic Interaction Design - Guidelines and Applications
source Lund Institute of Technology, School of Architecture
summary This dissertation has three cornerstones: * Haptics * Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) * Blind Users Haptics deals with controlling human movements and getting feedback through the sense of touch. A haptic interface transmits forces to a person’s hand or fingers in a way that mimics the sensation of touching real objects. Virtual haptic touch can be particularly useful for people with visual impairments. It makes it possible for a blind person to touch virtual objects, corresponding to the way a sighted person can see objects on a computer screen. The goal of this research was to carry out an unbiased investigation of the potential of this technology for blind people. The more specific aims were to: * Investigate if and how blind people’s computer usage can be improved by virtual haptics. * Investigate the problems that arise with graphical user interfaces for blind people and how these problems can be managed with haptics. * Develop new applications and find new areas in which virtual haptics can be applied for blind people. The design process has been primarily influenced by theories of usability engineering and reflection in action/reflection on action, focusing on the role of the engineer-designer. A concerted effort is made to use technology as a language to communicate with the users. Several haptic interface devices have been involved. The Phantom from SensAble Technologies has been used the most. It is a small robot with a thimble or stylus attached to the tip which supplies force feedback to the user. The others are the FEELit Mouse from Immersion and the force feedback joysticks from Logitech and Microsoft. Eighteen test applications were developed over five years’ time. They included games, curves, textures, drawings, menus, floor plans, and geometrical objects. Formal and informal user tests were performed on blind, blind-deaf and sighted people. One of the key results presented are five guidelines for non-visual haptic interaction design for researchers, designers, testers, developers and users of such applications. The guidelines are: 1. Elaborate a virtual object design of its own 2. Facilitate navigation and overview 3. Provide contextual information 4. Utilize all available modalities 5. Support the user in learning the interaction method and the specific environments and programs These guidelines represent the filtered and condensed knowledge and experience that the Haptics Group at Certec has gained during the testing and development process. They are further delineated and are a complement to existing HCI guidelines. This work shows that there is great potential in using haptic technology in applications for blind people. It is viable to translate both 2D and 3D graphical information and make it comprehensible via haptics. It has been demonstrated that a blind person can orientate and navigate in a virtual haptic environment and that these tasks can be further supported by using complementary information such as sound and Braille. It is also possible for a blind person to use knowledge gained in the virtual world for real life orientation.
keywords Haptics; Human-Computer Interaction; Blind People; Design Guidelines; Computer Access
series thesis:PhD
last changed 2003/02/12 22:37

_id 428c
authors Smith, A.C., Bermúdez, J. and Striefel, S.
year 2002
title Visualizando la Naturaleza No-Visual de la Arquitectura [Visualizing the Non-Visual Nature of Architecture]
source SIGraDi 2002 - [Proceedings of the 6th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Caracas (Venezuela) 27-29 november 2002, pp. 19-23
summary During the last several years our architecture school has gone through the process of fully digitizing the studios. We, as faculty are learning much about the advantages and difficulties of teaching architectural design in this new electronic environment. This knowledge has been included in our development of a beginning design communications course that wefeel offers an important improvement in regards to our changing teaching situation. This paper presents one project from this course that introduces our students to the use of digital media for dealing with non-visual and subjective content — something contrary to what is usually associated with the teaching of digital graphics. We believe that this project breaks new ground for teaching and investigating the nature of computer graphics and through it into the very essence of our experience and understanding of architecture.
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 10:00

_id bf54
authors Vásquez De Velasco, Guillermo
year 2002
title The Computer is to Blame - The Disruptive Potential of a CAD Curriculum in an Architecture / Curriculum
source Connecting the Real and the Virtual - design e-ducation [20th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-0-8] Warsaw (Poland) 18-20 September 2002, pp. 50-54
summary In 2001 “DesignIntelligence” and the “Almanac of Architecture and Design” conducted a survey in which they interviewed over 800 leading U.S. architecture firms. The fundamental question was: “In your firm’s hiring experience within the past five years, which schools do you feel have best prepared students for the architecture profession?” This survey produces one of the most respected rankings of schools of architecture in the U.S., but in addition to that critical question, the survey gathers data on a number of additional parameters that are of fundamental importance on why some schools are doing better than others. If we compare current figures with figures of previous years we see that our students are improving in their computer skills at the same time that they are loosing ground in other skills and fields of knowledge. For a non-inquisitive mind the reason is simple: “Our students are too busy working on the computer and are failing to put attention to other important stuff”. This paper makes an attempt to understand the problem from a fair perspective and highlight ways in which our growth in the field of CAD, and the pervasive presence of computer technology in our classrooms, can be used to enhance our teaching / learning capabilities in fields that are currently failing to achieve excellence.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:58

_id ddssar0207
id ddssar0207
authors Conti, G. and Ucelli, G.
year 2002
title A Java3D Tool for Real-Time Collaboration in a Virtual Reality CAADEnvironment
source Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Sixth Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning - Part one: Architecture Proceedings Avegoor, the Netherlands), 2002
summary Today the development of network-based virtual communities and the use of avatars have brought a new level of complexity to the meaning of virtuality, providing the technology for remote presence and collaborative experiences. In this project the intention was to pursue this articulated vision of VR in order to assist the design profession during the early stages of the design process. The objective was to provide a tool that is capable of creating 3D shapes in a shared VR environment, thus allowing thedesign and its evolution to be shared. The use of the Java programming language was a natural choice for this project. Because of Java’s performance scalability and hardware independence the concept ofCAAD has been extended, making it possible to create a VR environment that can co-exist between high-end supercomputers and standard PCs. The project is currently being tested using PCs and an SGI system running a Reality Centre. The research reported in this paper describes the architecture and application of software that aims to increase the opportunity for collaboration within virtual worlds and enable effective and transparent information exchange.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/08/07 16:36

_id 392b
authors Kensek, K. and Dodd, L. and Cipolla, N.
year 2002
title Fantastic Reconstructions or Reconstructions of the Fantastic? Tracking and Presenting Ambiguity, Alternatives, and Documentation in Virtual Worlds
source Thresholds - Design, Research, Education and Practice, in the Space Between the Physical and the Virtual [Proceedings of the 2002 Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design In Architecture / ISBN 1-880250-11-X] Pomona (California) 24-27 October 2002, pp. 289-302
summary This paper considers the presence of ambiguity, evidence, and alternatives in virtual reconstructions ofancient, historic, and other no-longer-existing environments. Because the foundation of thesereconstructions is data coupled to interpretations, virtual intellectual products can be grounded throughcritique and citations. The real-world basis for a virtual world may include multiple sources of evidence.This paper will demonstrate a methodology for making ambiguity, the quality of the evidence, andalternative reconstructions dynamically transparent to a user. This methodology harnesses thedynamism and perceptual expectations of multimedia-literate users. In our experiments we have mainlyused Flash and rollovers to create a static version of a “self-tour” that lets the viewer engage ambiguityand evidence in a virtual world dynamically and interactively so that the level of confidence can bemediated and adjusted as desired.By creating these tools, reconstructions can be explicitly linked to the real world while maintaining theflexibility, experience, and interactivity of the multimedia environment. Most importantly, the virtualrendition offers researchers the ability to show a complex set of variables dynamically, thereby allowingthem to be intuitively and interactively grasped in combination, a process that is not presently possibleusing standard techniques of static research presentation.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:52

_id ddssar0223
id ddssar0223
authors Mahdavi, A, Suter G. and Ries, R.
year 2002
title A Representation Scheme for Integrated Building Performance Analysis
source Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Sixth Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning - Part one: Architecture Proceedings Avegoor, the Netherlands), 2002
summary This paper presents a representational scheme for integrated building performance analysis. The underlying research work was motivated by the need for seamless exchange of structured design information.A comprehensive and widely accepted industry standard suitable for exchanging design information among the various AEC (Architecture/Engineering/Construction) applications has yet to emerge. As a contribution to this on-going discussion, we present a specific approach to the integration problem in building product modeling. This approach can be viewed as pragmatic or bottom-up in the sense that itwas driven by the informational needs of related individual domains (particularly in the early stages of design) rather than by a quest for a universally applicable solution. In this paper, we describe a schemawhich emerged from the SEMPER effort, a multi-year project aimed at supporting detailed performance analysis for early design in the energy, life-cycle analysis, lighting, and thermal comfort domains. Thisschema relies on a representational division of labor between a shared building model, and various disciplinary (domain) models. Specifically, we present a documentation of the shared object model together with disciplinary models for the energy, light, acoustics, and life-cyle assessment domain.
keywords building product models, building performance, integration
series DDSS
last changed 2003/08/07 16:36

_id e80d
authors Szewczyk, Jaroslaw
year 2002
title Architectural Meaning in the Existing Architectural Notations - The Technologies for Interoperable Architectural Data Management
source Connecting the Real and the Virtual - design e-ducation [20th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-0-8] Warsaw (Poland) 18-20 September 2002, pp. 230-237
summary The paper presents results of investigations upon possible representations of architectural objects containing ‘architectural meaning’. Five groups of such existing representations are analyzed briefly: (1) structural EXPRESS–based definitions, (2) object EXPRESS- and IFC- based notations, (3) XML-based notations, (4) experimental ones, and (5) binary notations. The working taxonomy of the notations is presented and their shortcomings are mentioned. The potential of XML notations for CAD data has been recognized by software vendors and standard organizations all over the world. Many corporations and standardization bodies are developing XML-based notations of CAD data, focusing on interoperability problems. Some of these notations are becoming standards (aecXML, i-drop), influencing the development of all CAAD industry. There are some main groups of problems with the existing commercial standards: Lack of ‘open’ data in its ‘open’ context, lack of architectural meaning in commercial notations, problems with simpler intuitive standards for notation of conceptual design data in early design stages, too complex data semantics, too atomized data, and richness of the data structures. The problems are taken under consideration in order to discuss the present state of architectural standards. Nowadays architects are forced to work with semi-architectural notations, lacking their essence, i.e. lacking methods to describe elements of cultural heritage connected to geometry forms. Instead of language of architecture they deal with virtual cyber-slang.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:56

_id 0e4c
authors Uddin, M. Saleh and Yoon, So-Yeon
year 2002
title Peter Eisenman’s House X, Scheme G: 3D Game Engine for Portable Virtual Representation of Architecture
source Connecting the Real and the Virtual - design e-ducation [20th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-0-8] Warsaw (Poland) 18-20 September 2002, pp. 526-531
summary Recently introduced 3D games, game editors, along with gaming software offer great potential for delivering three-dimensional, collaborative virtual environments for online audiences. These capabilities have significant potential in architectural visualization. The University of Missouri-Columbia’s Emerging Technology Group developed the Virtual Campus Project introducing the university campus to prospective students through the Internet. Fascinating quality, seamless real time rendering, and smooth navigation are enough to impress visitors. However, the developers had to use eye measures and guesses based on photos rather than architectural drawings for initial 3D computer models. The absence of a precise scaling system as well as not being able to recognize a standard 3D architectural drawing format in a virtual environment were the prime generators of this paper. One important goal for this paper is to suggest architects the potentials of using universal or exchangeable formats of 3D models with accurate structure data to build virtual models. A second goal is to provide better understanding of potentials in 3D game engines for virtual representation of architecture.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:57

_id 12e3
authors Ahmad Rafi, M.E., Che Zulkhairi, A. and Karboulonis, P.
year 2002
title Interactive Storytelling and Its Role in the Design Process
source CAADRIA 2002 [Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / ISBN 983-2473-42-X] Cyberjaya (Malaysia) 18–20 April 2002, pp. 151-158
summary Projects of ever increasing complexity and size have incited the need for new and robust design methodologies and tools in an effort to manage complexity, lower costs, ascertain quality and reduce risk. Technology convergence through the growing availability of networked computers, rapid progress in Computer Aided Design (CAD) and information management have encouraged the undertaking of even more complex designs that demand high degrees of interaction, collaboration and the efficient sharing and dissemination of information. It is suggested that interactive storytelling and interactive design (Rafi and Karboulonis, 2001) techniques that use non-linear information mapping systems can be deployed to assist users as they navigate information that is structured to address localized needs as they arise. The design process is a collaborative effort that encompasses diverse knowledge disciplines and demands the management and utilization of available resources to satisfy the needs of a single or set of goals. It is thought that building industry specialists should work close together in an organised manner to solve design problems as they emerge and find alternatives when designs fall short. The design process involves the processing of dynamic and complex information, that can be anything from the amount of soil required to level lands - to the needs of specific lightings systems in operation theatres. Other important factors that affect the design process are related to costs and deadlines. This paper will demonstrate some of our early findings in several experiments to establish nonlinear storytelling. It will conclude with a recommendation for a plausible design of such a system based on experimental work that is currently being conducted and is reaching its final stages. The paper will lay the foundations of a possible path to implementation based on the concept of multi-path animation that is appropriate for structuring the design process as used in the building industry.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

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