CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

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_id ecaade03_037_79_lang
id ecaade03_037_79_lang
authors Lang, Silke and Hovestadt, Ludger
year 2003
title An architectural framework within a spatially immersive real-time environment for advanced communication and collaboration
source Digital Design [21th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-1-6] Graz (Austria) 17-20 September 2003, pp. 37-43
summary In this paper we present a framework for use in the blue-c, a collaborative telepresence environment. We implemented the framework on top of the blue-c API to enable new ways of designing digital 3D spaces in an immersive way. The framework will be used to support designers in creating spatial scenarios within CAVETM – like environments. It concentrates on the integration aspect of different media and data types. Architectural knowledge and information technology is combined to introduce a new approach for designing virtual environments.
keywords Virtual Reality; Tele-Immersion; Collaborative Environment; 3D Video;Human-Computer Interaction
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:52

_id ecaade03_587_34_asanowicz
id ecaade03_587_34_asanowicz
authors Asanowicz, Alexander
year 2003
title Architectural Composition in Digital Space
source Digital Design [21th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-1-6] Graz (Austria) 17-20 September 2003, pp. 587-590
summary In this paper the possibilities of using the computers at course of architectural compositions are considered. As the start point of the new teaching method of architectural composition we used the course of tradition architectural composition, elaborated at our Faculty. The course of Digital Architectural Composition was finished in 2002. The main goal of using the new digital media for modelling architectural forms was checking the new possibilities of form creation. Traditionally, searching of forms at the conceptual design stage is performed by using sketches, drawings and physical models. Our new method showed that is possible to do the same thing using the computerbased 3D modelling, experiencing no physical limitations of the 'real' substance. At the same time, at the early design stages, when formal value is sought, computer modelling can be done almost intuitively. In ours work we try to find a creative way of using computer - transforming the tool into medium. The attention was paid on exploring the possibilities characteristic for computers and not available with traditional methods of modelling. Architect’s tradition tools are effectively replaced by a computer, which create a new way of doing things.
keywords Architectural composition, computer modelling, method of teaching
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id 6915
authors Dorninger, Peter
year 2003
title XML Technologies and Geodata
source CORP 2003, Vienna University of Technology, 25.2.-28.2.2003 [Proceedings on CD-Rom]
summary Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing are very important methods for acquisition of geodata. During the previous decade, severalrevolutionary changes occurred in this area. Until the appearance of automated image analysis tools, it was necessary to measureselected points in the images given. At that time, it was much faster and even cheaper to get images of real world objects compared tothe time and money consuming process of manual analyses. So one tried to minimize this effort by measuring only characteristicpoints such as edges, break-lines, peaks and valleys and, for sure, a grid with a given grid step which was selected to meet the efforts.Lots of information in the images was neglected.Digital point matching algorithms and airborne laser scanning provide many new possibilities. The only restriction on spatialresolution is the one of the used sensors. Given a more precise image sensor, the matching algorithm will be able to match moresurface points; given a higher frequency laser scanner, more points can be measured of the same area. And those sensors get moreand more precise every day. Besides, those techniques allow for fast repetition which is necessary to create time series as a basis for4D modeling! However, this fact is accompanied by several problems concerning the capability of available computers. Some years ago, as the first ideas of 3D city models arose, it was very difficult to acquire the necessary data. Today the new sensors and methods have thenecessary capability, but we are not able to handle the available datasets efficiently, because of shortcomings in the past. In a time ofworld wide data exchange through the internet and global datasets, it is necessary to have efficient methods and algorithms tomanage the available data. There is a need for international, vendor independent data exchange and management standards that haveto be accepted and supported by the industry. This article is going to present several methods of data encoding using standardized data formats based on eXtensible Markup Language (XML). After an introduction to this kind of data encoding, two derived applications for management, storage and presentation of geodata are described. As XML data is written in text format, the datasets have the ability to become rather long.Therefore some promising methods to reduce the amount of data are introduced afterwards. XML documents are mainly used fordata exchange between databases. Therefore the capabilities of commonly used database systems for storage of geodata are describedin the end and current implementation results of the Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (I.P.F.) are presented.
series other
last changed 2003/03/11 20:39

_id ecaade03_217_35_peng
id ecaade03_217_35_peng
authors Peng, Chengzhi
year 2003
title Visualising City in Change with the MEDIUM Platform
source Digital Design [21th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-1-6] Graz (Austria) 17-20 September 2003, pp. 217-224
summary Work on a methodology that attempts to deliver a dynamic urban information system for visualising city in change is presented. We have developed a Multi-tier Extensible platform for Dynamic and Interactive Urban Modelling (MEDIUM) in connection with a large-scale historical urban study programme that investigates the history of the City of Sheffield. The MEDIUM platform shows some new properties that could address the limitations observed in conventional static urban modelling. We consider that 3D virtual city models can be created along a chronological axis and the time dimension of each model segment can be registered in such a way that the 3D models of different times can be brought together under a unifying visualisation platform. This will allow a visual understanding of how a city may have evolved to develop. To date, we have applied the MEDIUM platform to real city datasets and produced examples that allow us to examine what effects of urban visualisation could be achieved through the dynamic user-centred approach.
keywords Dynamic urban modelling; virtual city; urban study, VRML; Web.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:59

_id ascaad2007_036
id ascaad2007_036
authors Pratini, E.F.
year 2007
title Experimental Tools for the Teaching of Technical Graphics and Improving Visualization
source Em‘body’ing Virtual Architecture: The Third International Conference of the Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD 2007), 28-30 November 2007, Alexandria, Egypt, pp. 457-468
summary This paper presents an updated evaluation of an experience of applying computer graphics, virtual reality and Internet resources in the teaching of technical graphics at the University of Brasilia, Brazil. It differs from a previous paper (Pratini, 2004) for the addition of an overview of the course, the context and the new teaching methodology. It is an extended, more detailed paper, which includes examples, and closes with some results of surveys on the didactic material and the methodology. Our motivation for this experiment is the fact that most of the students have a lack of previous knowledge on the basis of drawings, resulting difficulties in both understanding and visualizing technical drawings. In this experiment, we introduced VRML 3D modeling in addition to CAD and regular pencil-and-paper drawings study and practice. To support the learning of this broad knowledge not present in the technical graphics bibliography, we first provided a website with animations and virtual reality resources. Since 2003 we are providing a CD-ROM containing all the former website material which is updated each semester. At the present time, the CD-ROM contains almost all the needed didactic material and software for the one semester technical graphics course. This experience was intended to improve and to support learning in a way that motivates the students, young people who are used to play video and computer games. Classes, website and CD-ROM material were conceived to take advantage of computers´ interactivity and animated resources. The use of computers´ technology and new media to support the learning resulted a new methodology and several new unanswered questions.
series ASCAAD
last changed 2008/01/21 22:00

_id acadia07_174
id acadia07_174
authors Bontemps, Arnaud; Potvin, André; Demers, Claude
year 2007
title The Dynamics of Physical Ambiences
source Expanding Bodies: Art • Cities• Environment [Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture / ISBN 978-0-9780978-6-8] Halifax (Nova Scotia) 1-7 October 2007, 174-181
summary This research proposes to support the reading of physical ambiences by the development of a representational technique which compiles, in a numerical interface, two types of data: sensory and filmic. These data are recorded through the use of a portable array equipped with sensors (Potvin 1997, 2002, 2004) as well as the acquisition of Video information of the moving environment. The compilation of information is carried out through a multi-media approach, by means of a program converting the environmental data into dynamic diagrams, as well as the creation of an interactive interface allowing a possible diffusion on the Web. This technique, named APMAP/Video, makes it possible to read out simultaneously spatial and environmental diversity. It is demonstrated through surveys taken at various seasons and time of the day at the new Caisse de dépôt et de placement headquarters in Montreal which is also the corpus for a SSHRC (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council) research grant on Environmental Adaptability in Architecture (Potvin et al. 2003-2007). This case study shows that the technique can prove of great relevance for POEs (Post Occupancy Evaluation) as well as for assistance in a new design project.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id cf2011_p157
id cf2011_p157
authors Boton, Conrad; Kubicki Sylvain, Halin Gilles
year 2011
title Understanding Pre-Construction Simulation Activities to Adapt Visualization in 4D CAD Collaborative Tools
source Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures 2011 [Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures / ISBN 9782874561429] Liege (Belgium) 4-8 July 2011, pp. 477-492.
summary Increasing productivity and efficiency is an important issue in the AEC field. This area is mainly characterized by fragmentation, heterogeneous teams with low lifetimes and many uncertainties. 4D CAD is one of the greatest innovations in recent years. It consists in linking a 3D model of the building with the works planning in order to simulate the construction evolution over time. 4D CAD can fill several needs from design to project management through constructivity analysis and tasks planning (Tommelein 2003). The literature shows that several applications have been proposed to improve the 4D CAD use (Chau et al. 2004; Lu et al. 2007; Seok & al. 2009). In addition, studies have shown the real impact of 4D CAD use in construction projects (Staub-French & Khanzode 2007; Dawood & Sika 2007). More recently, Mahalingam et al. (2010) showed that the collaborative use of 4D CAD is particularly useful during the pre-construction phase for comparing the constructability of working methods, for visually identifying conflicts and clashes (overlaps), and as visual tool for practitioners to discuss and to plan project progress. So the advantage of the 4D CAD collaborative use is demonstrated. Moreover, several studies have been conducted both in the scientific community and in the industrial world to improve it (Zhou et al. 2009; Kang et al. 2007). But an important need that remains in collaborative 4D CAD use in construction projects is about the adaptation of visualization to the users business needs. Indeed, construction projects have very specific characteristics (fragmentation, variable team, different roles from one project to another). Moreover, in the AEC field several visualization techniques can represent the same concept and actors choose one or another of these techniques according to their specific needs related to the task they have to perform. For example, the tasks planning may be represented by a Gantt chart or by a PERT network and the building elements can be depicted with a 3D model or a 2D plan. The classical view (3D + Gantt) proposed to all practitioners in the available 4D tools seems therefore not suiting the needs of all. So, our research is based on the hypothesis that adapting the visualization to individual business needs could significantly improve the collaboration. This work relies on previous ones and aim to develop a method 1) to choose the best suited views for performed tasks and 2) to compose adapted multiple views for each actor, that we call “business views”. We propose a 4 steps-method to compose business views. The first step identifies the users’ business needs, defining the individual practices performed by each actor, identifying his business tasks and his information needs. The second step identifies the visualization needs related to the identified business needs. For this purpose, the user’s interactions and visualization tasks are described. This enables choosing the most appropriate visualization techniques for each need (step 3). At this step, it is important to describe the visualization techniques and to be able to compare them. Therefore, we proposed a business view metamodel. The final step (step 4) selects the adapted views, defines the coordination mechanisms and the interaction principles in order to compose coordinated visualizations. A final step consists in a validation work to ensure that the composed views really match to the described business needs. This paper presents the latest version of the method and especially presents our latest works about its first and second steps. These include making more generic the business tasks description in order to be applicable within most of construction projects and enabling to make correspondence with visualization tasks.
keywords Pre-construction, Simulation, 4D CAD, Collaboration, Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Human-Computer Interface, Information visualization, Business view, Model driven engineering
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2012/02/11 19:21

_id ecaade03_117_101_bund
id ecaade03_117_101_bund
authors Bund, Sébastien and Do, Ellen Yi-Luen
year 2003
title SPOT! Fetch Light - Interactive navigable 3D visualization of direct sunlight
source Digital Design [21th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-1-6] Graz (Austria) 17-20 September 2003, pp. 117-124
summary SPOT is a 3D environment for direct sunlight visualization. Implemented in Java 3D, SPOT features two distinct and complementary components: Time Projection and Navigable Animation for virtual interaction. SPOT supports multi-dimensional data visualization including sun angle variations with diurnal and annual cycles in threedimensional space. In SPOT users can sketch on any surface in the 3D environment to indicate the area for simulation. SPOT then generates a spatial distribution representation of the illuminance level on a selected surface over time, rendered with colors of varied gradients. SPOT also enables designers to visualize the temporal information of light distribution over time for a given point. For each point clicked on the 3D model, SPOT generates a calendar diagram where the X and Y axis represent the months of the year and the time of the day. The color of each cell of the calendar is the result of the calculation of the light amount reaching the selected point.
keywords Daylighting, virtual worlds, virtual environments, sketching in 3D, gestureinterface, multi-dimension information visualization
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id c5c5
id c5c5
authors Calderon, C., Cavazza M. and Diaz, D.
year 2003
source 7th IEEE International Information Visualisation Conference, London, UK, 16-17 July 2003.
summary In this paper, we present a new framework for the use of Virtual Reality (VR) in engineering design for configuration applications. Traditional VR systems support the visual exploration of a design solution but do not assist the user in exploring alternative solutions based on domain knowledge. Extending previous work in the area of Intelligent Virtual Environment, we propose an intelligent configuration system based on constraint logic programming (CLP), integrated in a real-time 3D graphic environment. This type of integration facilitates the expression of design knowledge in the VE and enables the user to interactively solve and/or refine a spatial configuration problem. In the system described in this paper, the user can visually explore configurations, but his interaction with objects of the configuration problem triggers new cycles of constraint propagation from the modified configuration to produce a new compatible solution.
keywords Virtual Reality, Virtual Design
series other
type normal paper
last changed 2005/12/02 11:31

_id ecaade03_311_58_chen
id ecaade03_311_58_chen
authors Chen, G.-Y. M., Shih, C.-H. and Liu, Y.-T.
year 2003
title Realizing various urban spaces in Year 2050 Taiwan: Camera-matching in helicopter movement animations
source Digital Design [21th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-1-6] Graz (Austria) 17-20 September 2003, pp. 311-314
summary This paper combines the 3D dynamic camera-matching technology adapted from the movie industry with the computer animation of digitally designed model and the multimedia video on high altitude of helicopter will enable realer and more effective representation of the diversities in an urban space.
keywords Digital media, urban spaces, camera-matching, representation
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:55

_id sigradi2003_010
id sigradi2003_010
authors Curcio, Esteban
year 2003
title Projekct Uno - De Bono y el Rinoceronte (Project One - Of Bond and the Rhino)
source SIGraDi 2003 - [Proceedings of the 7th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Rosario Argentina 5-7 november 2003
summary Information Technologies are part of our daily lives - use of terminologies, interphases, interactions, etc -. By the time a student goes into university has a potential, intuitive, dispersed and none valued knowledge on the matter. Using this as a starting point, the experience related below has an equipment of first year students"of" Industrial Design as protagonists, gathered in order to learn 3D modeling, simultaneously to the implementation of project methodologies and techniques of creativity for the development of concepts and ideas.
keywords Technological project, Innovation, Modeled 3D
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:49

_id cf2003_m_097
id cf2003_m_097
authors FRÖST, Peter
year 2003
title A Real Time 3D Environment for Collaborative Design
source Digital Design - Research and Practice [Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures / ISBN 1-4020-1210-1] Tainan (Taiwan) 13–15 October 2003, pp. 203-212
summary By setting up collaborative design processes in architecture it is possible to considerably improve the integration of customer needs and ideas into the programming phase of a building project. Our design process includes active collaboration between customers, users and other stakeholders as well as the use of virtual environments in conceptual design. The output from the process is treated as visualised input to the architectural programming. The work presented focuses on developing digital tools to support this collaborative design dialogue. We have developed an extremely “easy to use” digital modelling tool called “ForeSite Designer”. The tool enables the users to build layouts of prefabricated components on a building site in 2D. This 2D layout can then instantly be exported to a lit-up real time 3D environment in the computer game “Half-Life.” ForeSite Designer has been used in a several design events with different settings. This paper presents the tool and one project where it was utilized. The results show that ForeSite Designer can promote dialogue and collaborative design work among the participants. We have also found that it is important how the virtual environment and its components are visually designed in order to support the dialogue and collaborative design work.
keywords collaboration, customer, real time, virtual environment
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2003/09/22 12:21

_id caadria2003_c5-1
id caadria2003_c5-1
authors Hoon, M. , Jabi, W. and Goldman, G.
year 2003
title Immersion, Interaction, and Collaboration In Architectural Design Using Gaming Engines
source CAADRIA 2003 [Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / ISBN 974-9584-13-9] Bangkok Thailand 18-20 October 2003, pp. 721-738
summary "This paper investigates the role of gaming engines in the architectural design process through the introduction of features such as immersion, interaction and collaboration. While traditional 3D modelling and visualization systems such as 3D Studio MAX and form?Z offer increasingly convincing visual simulations, gaming engines are approaching the visual realism of such systems and are offering additional interactive features that are usually available only in more expensive immersive virtual reality systems . Additionally, the capability to have multiple individuals inhabit and navigate the space offers unique opportunities for collaboration as well as the investigation of human behaviour. Participants with internet access can be invited to access a shared virtual environment. Collaboration among users can be further enhanced by combining immersive navigation with peer-to-peer instant messaging and/or adding a voice channel. This paper analyzes these issues through research summary and the creation and user testing of a prototype based on a publicly available gaming engine. Through a series of assignments within an academic course, students in the school of architecture were asked to iteratively use and test this prototype for the collaborative exploration of designed environments. Students made their environments available for others to navigate in real-time and offer comments. A final design review was conducted in which critics were asked to enter the designed environment, explore it at will and interact with the student as well as others present in the same virtual space. This paper will illustrate some of the student projects and describe the immersive,"
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id acadia03_045
id acadia03_045
authors Hoon, Michael and Kehoe, Michael
year 2003
title Enhancing Architectural Communication with Gaming Engines
source Connecting >> Crossroads of Digital Discourse [Proceedings of the 2003 Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design In Architecture / ISBN 1-880250-12-8] Indianapolis (Indiana) 24-27 October 2003, pp. 349-355
summary This paper makes a case for exploring the feasibility of utilizing the advanced graphics and sound systems of contemporary gaming engines to promote architecturally relevant work. Gaming engines, while developed largely for the PC entertainment industry, have vast potential for application in architecture. This paper will explore the depth of this potential and will outline work demonstrating the advantages and the limitations of this technology. The supporting research and observations examine the technology and reveal its potential usefulness as an instructional or depictive authoring tool. Game engines were selected that had appropriate graphical prowess, but were customizable as to allow the removal of game-specific features (to create a “professional” user interface). Projects were authored that expressed complex building details using the engine for visual depiction. The details, which included constructional components, structural assemblies, or simple design nuances, were modeled with 3D geometry and realistically textured and lighted. The game engine allowed one user or many remote simultaneous users in the virtual environment to interactively explore the presentation in real time. Scripts were developed to encourage end-users to interactively disassemble or reassemble building components as desired. Audile and/or text-based information regarding the assembly sequence were provided by exploiting the game interface features. Furthermore, interactive object scaling was provided to facilitate analysis of component relationships.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id ecaade03_047_70_maher
id ecaade03_047_70_maher
authors Maher, M.L., Liew, P.-S., Gu, N. and Ding, L.
year 2003
title An Agent Approach to Supporting Collaborative Design in 3D Virtual Worlds
source Digital Design [21th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-1-6] Graz (Austria) 17-20 September 2003, pp. 47-52
summary 3D Virtual worlds facilitate a level of communication and collaboration not readily available in conventional CAD systems. The integration of virtual worlds and CAD systems using a common data model can make a significant impact on synchronous collaboration and real time multi-user multi-disciplinary modification of building data. By using agents, the integration of 3D virtual worlds and CAD systems can go beyond that of passive data transfer. With sensors and effectors, each agent can interact with its environment by responding to changes in the CAD system or 3D virtual world, which can take the form of an update to the geometry, or as a recommendation to change non geometric information or to propagate changes to other parts of the design. The reasoning process for each agent can vary from a reflexive behaviour in which the agent responds directly to the sensor data to a reflective behaviour in which the agents reasons about its goals and alternatives before making a change to the environment. We demonstrate this approach using ArchiCAD and Active Worlds as the CAD system and the virtual world platform. An EDM database is used as the central repository for storing the representation of the relevant data model. A multi-agent system is developed to connect the virtual world to this database to allow active data sharing. This agent approach can be extended to the integration of other applications and data models.
keywords Design Collaboration, Virtual World, Agent and CAD
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:59

_id 7655
authors Okeil, Ahmad and El Araby, Mostafa
year 2003
title Realism vs. Reality in Digital Reconstruction of Cities
source CORP 2003, Vienna University of Technology, 25.2.-28.2.2003 [Proceedings on CD-Rom]
summary The digital reconstruction of existing cities using virtual reality techniques is being increasingly used. For consultants, municipalities and planning departments these models provide decision support through visual simulations (El Araby, 2001). For academia they provide a new tool for teaching students urban design and planning (Okeil, 2001). For authorities they provide a tool for promoting the city on the world wide web trying to attract more businesses and tourists to it. The built environment is very rich in detail. It does not only consist of open spaces surrounded by abstract buildings but it also includes many smaller objects such as street furniture, traffic signs, street lights, different types of vegetation and shop signs for example. All surfaces in the built environment have unique properties describing color, texture and opacity. The built environmentis dynamic and our perception is affected by factors such as pedestrian movement, traffic, environmental factors such as wind, noise and shadows. The built environment is also shaped by the accumulation of changes caused by many influences through time. All these factors make the reconstruction of the built environment a very complex task. This paper tries to answer the question: how realistic the reconstructed models of urban areas can be. It sees “Realism“ as a variable floating between three types of realties. The reality of the physical environment which we are trying to represent. The reality of the digital environment which will host the digitally reconstructed city. And the reality of the working environment which deals with the problem of limitation of resources needed to digitally reconstruct the city. A case study of building a 3D computer model of an urban area in the United Arab Emirates demonstrates that new time-saving techniques for data acquisition can enhance realism by meetingbudget limitations and time limitations.
keywords Virtual Reality; Photo Realism; Texture Maps; 3D Modeling; Urban Design
series other
last changed 2003/03/11 20:39

_id cf2003_m_079
id cf2003_m_079
authors PETRIC, J., CONTI, G. and UCELLI, G.
year 2003
title Designing within Virtual Worlds
source Digital Design - Research and Practice [Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures / ISBN 1-4020-1210-1] Tainan (Taiwan) 13–15 October 2003, pp. 213-224
summary This paper celebrates the successful outcome of a trial of an innovative multi-platform distributed design decision support system in which the shared design environment exists within the virtual world. The outcome is the result of a sustained three-year research and development effort, within an internationally recognised research group. The project set itself a number of ambitious targets within the broad spectrum of distributed design decision support, viz: • A multi-platform environment: the trial demonstrates inter-operability of different machine platforms - from a home PC to an international standard Virtual Reality Centre. • A distributed environment: the trial demonstrates the high level of understanding amongst the design team separated by time and space. • An ability to propose, discuss and agree upon, design decision from within the virtual world. Hitherto, virtual environments were viewing galleries; designers had to leave them to effect design changes in a conventional CAD package. The trial described in the paper amply demonstrates the potential to design, collaboratively and, in distributed mode, from within the virtual world. The two ideas upon which the system (known as JCAD-VR) is built are: • That all the users present in the virtual world have to be able to share the same virtual environment in a "transparent fashion"; • The user interface, instead of the traditional menu/windows based layout, is part of the virtual world itself. Any element of the interface becomes an object belonging to the 3D world and therefore it is treated as any other object. Each element of the interface can then be moved or scaled according to the user’s needs. The entire project is based on client-server architecture where every user logs into a virtual world and starts sharing design tasks with other users. The authors propose to present a video which demonstrates the positive outcome of the trials to date. More importantly, perhaps, the authors will put the achievements of the R+D into the context of past aspirations and developments in the subject area and, most importantly of all, suggest how these modest achievements will impact on the next decade of increasingly rapid R+D.
keywords collaboration, distributed design, interface, virtual environment
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2003/09/22 12:21

_id ecaade03_287_199_rebelo
id ecaade03_287_199_rebelo
authors Rebelo, Pedro and Coyne, Richard
year 2003
title Resisting the smooth - Time-based interactive media in the production of distressed space
source Digital Design [21th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-1-6] Graz (Austria) 17-20 September 2003, pp. 287-291
summary Time is central to architectural design, but to date has not been fully investigated through computational media. The works of Heidegger, Bergson, Virilio and Deleuze suggest that the study of the elusive concept of time has more to contribute to an understanding of the human condition than space. One can argue that contemporary society is being governed increasingly by temporal structures, as the space of the town square is replaced by time-based broadcasting and digital communications. This shift from space to time is commonly associated with the ideal of smoothing boundaries and developing seamless environments. Contrary to this supposition, we propose that the putative “collapse” of time and space exposes disjunction and disruption. We develop the notion of “distressed space” as part of a design strategy in the context of time-based media. We draw on examples from real-time 3D animation using the MAX/MSP/Jitter programming environment and discuss some of its implications for design.
keywords Jitter; time-based architecture; distressed space
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 08:00

_id caadria2003_c2-2
id caadria2003_c2-2
authors Sallkachat, Raktum and Choutgrajank, Araya
year 2003
title Collaborative Design: Integrating Game Engine to Online Interactive Presentation Tool
source CAADRIA 2003 [Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / ISBN 974-9584-13-9] Bangkok Thailand 18-20 October 2003, pp. 295-306
summary In this research, we aim at the development of a computeraided collaborative design tool, which supports the online architectural presentation independently from computer platforms and locations. Users are enabled to access the system and collaborate among working team via the Internet. Various online 3D Game engines are explored and evaluated. One 3D Game engine is selected and used as a base engine for the collaborative tool development. The application development will specifically concentrate on real-time presentation, shared representation and understanding among design teams and project owner. Traditional architectural design presentation in collaboration process will be imitated and transformed into digital age online presentation.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 08:00

_id cf2005_2_52_159
id cf2005_2_52_159
authors SHIH Naai-Jung and WU Ming-Chang
year 2005
title A 3D Point-cloud-based Verification of As-built Construction Progress
source Learning from the Past a Foundation for the Future [Special publication of papers presented at the CAAD futures 2005 conference held at the Vienna University of Technology / ISBN 3-85437-276-0], Vienna (Austria) 20-22 June 2005, pp. 193-202
summary Point clouds were overlapped to reveal differences between two working days. The same type of comparison was made between 2003.2.11 and 2003.12.11. Comparisons between the original schedule and real schedule (the catch-up schedule) were also made. The overlapping test provides one of the most comprehensive checking methods of the as-built progress in a digital format. Examples show that the overlapping comparisons help identify the addition and removal of objects scanned from 50 meters away. The geometric information is feasible for construction inspection and records. Limitations and benefits of overlapping are discussed.
keywords 3D scan, construction technology, schedule
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2005/05/05 07:06

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