CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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_id cf_2003_000
id cf_2003_000
authors Chiu, M.-L., Tsou, J.-Y., Kvan, Th., Morozumi, M. and Jeng, T.-S. (Eds.)
year 2003
title Digital Design - Research and Practice
source Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures / ISBN 1-4020-1210-1 / Tainan (Taiwan) 13–15 October 2003, 464 p.
summary The use of computers in the design of the built environment has reached a watershed. From peripheral devices in the design process, they have in recent years come to take centre stage. An illustration is immediately at hand. Just as the entries to the competition for the Chicago Tribune Tower in 1922 defined the state-of-the-art at the beginning of the twentieth century, we have a similar marker at the end of the century, the competition in 2002 to replace the World Trade Centre towers in Lower Manhattan offered us a range of architectural solutions that exemplified the state-of-the-art eighty years later, setting forth not only architectural statements but also illustrating clearly the importance of computers in the design of the built environment. In these entries of 2002, we can see that computers have not only become essential to the communication of design but in the investigation and generation of structure, form and composition. The papers in this book are the current state-of-the-art in computer-aided design as it stands in 2003. It is the tenth in a series sponsored by the CAAD Futures Foundation, compiled from papers presented at the biennial CAAD Futures Conferences. As a series, the publications have charted the steady progress in developing the theoretical and practical foundations for applications in design practice. This volume continues in that tradition; thus, this book is entitled Digital Design: Research and Practice. The papers are grouped into three major categories, reflecting thrusts of research and practice, namely: Data and information: its organisation, handling and access, including agents; Virtual worlds: their creation, application and interfaces; and Analysis and creation of form and fabric. The editors received 121 abstracts after the initial call for contributions. From these, 61 abstracts were selected for development into complete papers for further review. From these submissions, 39 papers were chosen for inclusion in this publication. These papers show that the field has evolved from theoretical and development concerns to questions of practice in the decade during which this conference has showcased leading work. Questions of theoretical nature remain as the boundaries of our field expand. As design projects have grasped the potentials of computer-aided design, so have they challenged the capabilities of the tools. Papers here address questions in geometric representation and manipulation (Chiu and Chiu; Kocaturk, Veltkamp and Tuncer), topics that may have been considered to be solved. As design practice becomes increasingly knowledge based, better ways of managing, manipulating and accessing the complex wealth of design information becomes more pressing, demanding continuing research in issues such as modelling (Yang; Wang; Zreik et al), data retrieval and querying (Hwang and Choi; Stouffs and Cumming; Zreik, Stouffs, Tuncer, Ozsariyildiz and Beheshti), new modes of perceiving data (Segers; Tan). Tools are needed to manage, mine and create information for creative work, such as agents (Liew and Gero; Smith; Caneparo and Robiglio; Ding et al) or to support design processes (Smith; Chase). Systems for the support and development of designs continue (Gero; Achten and Jessurun). As progress is made on some fronts, such as user interfaces, attention is again turned to previously research areas such as lighting (Jung, Gross and Do; Ng et al; Wittkopf; Chevier; Glaser, Do and Tai) or services (Garcia; Chen and Lin). In recent years the growth of connectivity has led to a rapid growth in collaborative experience and understanding of the opportunities and issues continues to mature (Jabi; Dave; Zamenopoulos and Alexiou). Increasing interest is given to implications in practice and education (Dave; Oxman; Caneparo, Grassi and Giretti). Topics new to this conference are in the area of design to production or manufacture (Fischer, Burry and Frazer; Shih). Three additional invited papers (Rekimoto; Liu; Kalay) provide clear indication that there is still room to develop new spatial concepts and computer augmented environments for design. In conclusion, we note that these papers represent a good record of the current state of the evolving research in the field of digital design.
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2003/09/22 12:21

_id acadia03_002
id acadia03_002
authors Anders, Peter
year 2003
title Four Degrees Of Freedom
source Connecting >> Crossroads of Digital Discourse [Proceedings of the 2003 Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design In Architecture / ISBN 1-880250-12-8] Indianapolis (Indiana) 24-27 October 2003, p. 17
summary Letting go is hard to do. Remember back to when, after months of trying, you let go of the handlebars of your bicycle and sailed down the street, effortless and assured. It was a freedom born of mastery, balance and technique. You had let go, but were in control. Technique extends to other devices as well and we are here to discuss architectural computation. Here too, as we will see, mastery is shown by letting go. These papers explore new degrees of freedom in design computation. Each is on a separate aspect of architecture, whether it be aesthetics, process, or structure. Two papers inquire into the entities of design and the processes by which they are manifested. They pose important questions. If we can affect the course of design going forward, are we free to change its past? By defining the characteristics of objects at the outset, are we through automation free to choose from a refined spectrum of outcomes? From the evidence of these papers, the answer to both questions is yes. Through the agency of parametric design we can affect the future and past of architectural processes and their products. Rather than being locked into rigid, linear decisions we are temporally free to choose, tweak and modify. Choice and chance play an important role in aesthetics as well. This has become emblematic of design trends as we have seen in recent years. One of our papers addresses the indeterminacy of particle systems in the design of a monument to the victims of 9/11. By letting go of the handlebars of the computer, the author has been freed to new, poetic forms and processes. Another paper opens urban design to its client community by use of a sophisticated web site. In the tradition of populist innovators like Charles Moore and Lucien Kroll, the authors have extended the design process beyond the office walls to the city itself. The designers, by loosening their grip on the project have made the effort democratic and participatory. Intriguingly, at the end of the paper, they note that this use of cyberspace opens the door to a non-physical architecture. Could architecture, then, let go its materialist biases as well? We hope to engage this and other questions shortly.We are pleased then, to share with you these insights and projects. Wassim and I hope that these presentations will be as liberating for you as they were for us.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:49

_id sigradi2008_049
id sigradi2008_049
authors Benamy, Turkienicz ; Beck Mateus, Mayer Rosirene
year 2008
title Computing And Manipulation In Design - A Pedagogical Experience Using Symmetry
source SIGraDi 2008 - [Proceedings of the 12th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] La Habana - Cuba 1-5 December 2008
summary The concept of symmetry has been usually restricted to bilateral symmetry, though in an extended sense it refers to any isometric transformation that maintains a certain shape invariant. Groups of operations such as translation, rotation, reflection and combinations of these originate patterns classified by modern mathematics as point groups, friezes and wallpapers (March and Steadman, 1974). This extended notion represents a tool for the recognition and reproduction of patterns, a primal aspect of the perception, comprehension and description of everything that we see. Another aspect of this process is the perception of shapes, primary and emergent. Primary shapes are the ones explicitly represented and emergent shapes are the ones implicit in the others (Gero and Yan, 1994). Some groups of shapes known as Semantic Shapes are especially meaningful in architecture, expressing visual features so as symmetry, rhythm, movement and balance. The extended understanding of the concept of symmetry might improve the development of cognitive abilities concerning the creation, recognition and meaning of forms and shapes, aspects of visual reasoning involved in the design process. This paper discusses the development of a pedagogical experience concerned with the application of the concept of symmetry in the creative generation of forms using computational tools and manipulation. The experience has been carried out since 1995 with 3rd year architectural design students. For the exploration of compositions based on symmetry operations with computational support we followed a method developed by Celani (2003) comprising the automatic generation and update of symmetry patterns using AutoCAD. The exercises with computational support were combined with other different exercises in each semester. The first approach combined the creation of two-dimensional patterns to their application and to their modeling into three-dimensions. The second approach combined the work with computational support with work with physical models and mirrors and the analysis of the created patterns. And the third approach combined the computational tasks with work with two-dimensional physical shapes and mirrors. The student’s work was analyzed under aspects such as Discretion/ Continuity –the creation of isolated groups of shapes or continuous overlapped patterns; Generation of Meta-Shapes –the emergence of new shapes from the geometrical relation between the generative shape and the structure of the symmetrical arrangement; Modes of Representation –the visual aspects of the generative shape such as color and shading; Visual Reasoning –the derivation of 3D compositions from 2D patterns by their progressive analysis and recognition; Conscious Interaction –the simultaneous creation and analysis of symmetry compositions, whether with computational support or with physical shapes and mirrors. The combined work with computational support and with physical models and mirrors enhanced the students understanding on the extended concept of symmetry. The conscious creation and analysis of the patterns also stimulated the student’s understanding over the different semantic possibilities involved in the exploration of forms and shapes in two or three dimensions. The method allowed the development of both syntactic and semantic aspects of visual reasoning, enhancing the students’ visual repertoire. This constitutes an important strategy in the building of the cognitive abilities used in the architectural design process.
keywords Symmetry, Cognition, Computing, Visual reasoning, Design teaching
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id ijac20031204
id ijac20031204
authors de Vries, Bauke; Achten, Henri; Orzechowski, Maciej; Tan, Amy; Segers, Nicole; Tabak, Vincent; Jessurun, Joran; Coomans, Marc
year 2003
title The Tangible Interface: Experiments as an Integral Part of a Research Strategy
source International Journal of Architectural Computing vol. 1 - no. 2
summary The Human-Computer interface is crucial to good design support tools. It has to be non-interruptive and non-distracting, yet allow the architect to interact with the computer software. The physical reality of the interface, such as the shape and manipulability of devices like the mouse, keyboard, joystick, or data-glove, has to be mapped on actions and commands in the software. Already the current user interfaces are felt to be inadequate for a good support of design, and the functionality of design tools is growing, requiring even more and new physical interface devices. In this paper, we present research on new tangible interfaces for architectural design support. In particular, we focus on the research methodological question how to investigate such devices.The research strategy is introduced and discussed, after which concrete implementations of this strategy are shown. Based on this work, we conclude that the combination of interface and the context of its use in terms of design method and user needs form crucial aspects for such research and cannot be considered separately.
series journal
last changed 2007/03/04 07:08

_id ecaade03_195_52_delic
id ecaade03_195_52_delic
authors Delic, Alenka and Kincl, Branko
year 2003
title Architecture of the virtual in housing
source Digital Design [21th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-1-6] Graz (Austria) 17-20 September 2003, pp. 195-198
summary Information and communication technologies (ICT) have brought about a revolution in architecture and urban planning; they are transforming learning and practice and presenting new challenges in our understanding of space, place and society. An entirely new world of architectural expression and experiment is opening up to us. At Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb a new optional course, Virtuality in Housing Architecture, has been proposed and is being taught for the first time. Subjects cover a wide area of use of ICT in housing architecture: research into the role of the computer in architecture as a creative discipline; encouragement of new challenges to the concept of the role of digital media in housing architecture through research of digital concepts such as computerization, information, electronic media, virtuality and cyberspace; themes related to development of intelligent environment and spaces, interactive buildings, virtual reality and cyberspace as directions of development. In our work we try to implement the method of e-learning, teamwork, communication and design through the Internet. Through experimental projects and research of new housing concepts, students create a basis for discussions on theoretical and practical solutions for the housing of the future, create new ways of presentation and open new fields of research. We shall here present the experience from our work.
keywords ICT, housing, virtuality, teamwork, e-learning
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:55

_id ecaade2023_000
id ecaade2023_000
authors Dokonal, Wolfgang, Hirschberg, Urs and Wurzer, Gabriel
year 2023
title eCAADe 2023 Digital Design Reconsidered - Volume 1
source Dokonal, W, Hirschberg, U and Wurzer, G (eds.), Digital Design Reconsidered - Proceedings of the 41st Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe 2023) - Volume 1, Graz, 20-22 September 2023, 905 p.
summary The conference logo is a bird’s eye view of spiral stairs that join and separate – an homage to the famous double spiral staircase in Graz, a tourist attraction of this city and a must-see for any architecturally minded visitor. Carved out of limestone, the medieval construction of the original is a daring feat of masonry as well as a symbolic gesture. The design speaks of separation and reconciliation: The paths of two people that climb the double spiral stairs separate and then meet again at each platform. The relationship between architectural design and the growing digital repertoire of tools and possibilities seems to undergo similar cycles of attraction and rejection: enthusiasm about digital innovations – whether in Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Energy Design, Robotic Fabrication, the many Dimensions of BIM or, as right now, in AI and Machine Learning – is typically followed by a certain disillusionment and a realization that the promises were somewhat overblown. But a turn away from these digital innovations can only be temporary. In our call for papers we refer to the first and second ‘digital turns’, a term Mario Carpo coined. Yes, it’s a bit of a pun, but you could indeed see these digital turns in our logo as well. Carpo would probably agree that design and the digital have become inseparably intertwined. While they may be circling in different directions, an innovative rejoinder is always just around the corner. The theme of the conference asked participants to re-consider the relationship between Design and the Digital. The notion of a cycle is already present in the syllable “re”. Indeed, 20 years earlier, in 2003, we held an ECAADE conference in Graz simply under the title “Digital Design” and our re-using – or is it re-cycling? – the theme can be seen as the completion of one of those cycles described above: One level up, we meet again, we’ve come full circle. The question of the relationship between Design and the Digital is still in flux, still worthy of renewed consideration. There is a historical notion implicit in the theme. To reconsider something, one needs to take a step back, to look into the past as well as into the future. Indeed, at this conference we wanted to take a longer view, something not done often enough in the fast-paced world of digital technology. Carefully considering one’s past can be a source of inspiration. In fact, the double spiral stair that inspired our conference logo also inspired many architects through the ages. Konrad Wachsmann, for example, is said to have come up with his famous Grapevine assembly system based on this double spiral stair and its intricate joinery. More recently, Rem Koolhaas deemed the double spiral staircase in Graz important enough to include a detailed model of it in his “elements of architecture” exhibition at the Venice Biennale in 2014. Our interpretation of the stair is a typically digital one, you might say. First of all: it’s a rendering of a virtual model; it only exists inside a computer. Secondly, this virtual model isn’t true to the original. Instead, it does what the digital has made so easy to do: it exaggerates. Where the original has just two spiral stairs that separate and join, our model consists of countless stairs that are joined in this way. We see only a part of the model, but the stairs appear to continue in all directions. The implication is of an endless field of spiral stairs. As the 3D model was generated with a parametric script, it would be very easy to change all parameters of it – including the number of stairs that make it up. Everyone at this conference is familiar with the concept of parametric design: it makes generating models of seemingly endless amounts of connected spiral stairs really easy. Although, of course, if we’re too literal about the term ‘endless’, generating our stair model will eventually crash even the most advanced computers. We know that, too. – That's another truth about the Digital: it makes a promise of infinity, which, in the end, it can’t keep. And even if it could: what’s the point of just adding more of the same: more variations, more options, more possible ways to get lost? Doesn’t the original double spiral staircase contain all those derivatives already? Don’t we know that ‘more’ isn’t necessarily better? In the original double spiral stair the happy end is guaranteed: the lovers’ paths meet at the top as well as when they exit the building. Therefore, the stair is also colloquially known as the Busserlstiege (the kissing stair) or the Versöhnungsstiege (reconciliation stair). In our digitally enhanced version, this outcome is no longer clear: we can choose between multiple directions at each level and we risk losing sight of the one we were with. This is also emblematic of our field of research. eCAADe was founded to promote “good practice and sharing information in relation to the use of computers in research and education in architecture and related professions” (see That may have seemed a straightforward proposition forty years ago, when the association was founded. A look at the breadth and depth of research topics presented and discussed at this conference (and as a consequence in this book, for which you’re reading the editorial) shows how the field has developed over these forty years. There are sessions on Digital Design Education, on Digital Fabrication, on Virtual Reality, on Virtual Heritage, on Generative Design and Machine Learning, on Digital Cities, on Simulation and Digital Twins, on BIM, on Sustainability, on Circular Design, on Design Theory and on Digital Design Experimentations. We hope you will find what you’re looking for in this book and at the conference – and maybe even more than that: surprising turns and happy encounters between Design and the Digital.
series eCAADe
last changed 2023/12/10 10:49

_id ecaade2023_001
id ecaade2023_001
authors Dokonal, Wolfgang, Hirschberg, Urs and Wurzer, Gabriel
year 2023
title eCAADe 2023 Digital Design Reconsidered - Volume 2
source Dokonal, W, Hirschberg, U and Wurzer, G (eds.), Digital Design Reconsidered - Proceedings of the 41st Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe 2023) - Volume 2, Graz, 20-22 September 2023, 899 p.
summary The conference logo is a bird’s eye view of spiral stairs that join and separate – an homage to the famous double spiral staircase in Graz, a tourist attraction of this city and a must-see for any architecturally minded visitor. Carved out of limestone, the medieval construction of the original is a daring feat of masonry as well as a symbolic gesture. The design speaks of separation and reconciliation: The paths of two people that climb the double spiral stairs separate and then meet again at each platform. The relationship between architectural design and the growing digital repertoire of tools and possibilities seems to undergo similar cycles of attraction and rejection: enthusiasm about digital innovations – whether in Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Energy Design, Robotic Fabrication, the many Dimensions of BIM or, as right now, in AI and Machine Learning – is typically followed by a certain disillusionment and a realization that the promises were somewhat overblown. But a turn away from these digital innovations can only be temporary. In our call for papers we refer to the first and second ‘digital turns’, a term Mario Carpo coined. Yes, it’s a bit of a pun, but you could indeed see these digital turns in our logo as well. Carpo would probably agree that design and the digital have become inseparably intertwined. While they may be circling in different directions, an innovative rejoinder is always just around the corner. The theme of the conference asked participants to re-consider the relationship between Design and the Digital. The notion of a cycle is already present in the syllable “re”. Indeed, 20 years earlier, in 2003, we held an ECAADE conference in Graz simply under the title “Digital Design” and our re-using – or is it re-cycling? – the theme can be seen as the completion of one of those cycles described above: One level up, we meet again, we’ve come full circle. The question of the relationship between Design and the Digital is still in flux, still worthy of renewed consideration. There is a historical notion implicit in the theme. To reconsider something, one needs to take a step back, to look into the past as well as into the future. Indeed, at this conference we wanted to take a longer view, something not done often enough in the fast-paced world of digital technology. Carefully considering one’s past can be a source of inspiration. In fact, the double spiral stair that inspired our conference logo also inspired many architects through the ages. Konrad Wachsmann, for example, is said to have come up with his famous Grapevine assembly system based on this double spiral stair and its intricate joinery. More recently, Rem Koolhaas deemed the double spiral staircase in Graz important enough to include a detailed model of it in his “elements of architecture” exhibition at the Venice Biennale in 2014. Our interpretation of the stair is a typically digital one, you might say. First of all: it’s a rendering of a virtual model; it only exists inside a computer. Secondly, this virtual model isn’t true to the original. Instead, it does what the digital has made so easy to do: it exaggerates. Where the original has just two spiral stairs that separate and join, our model consists of countless stairs that are joined in this way. We see only a part of the model, but the stairs appear to continue in all directions. The implication is of an endless field of spiral stairs. As the 3D model was generated with a parametric script, it would be very easy to change all parameters of it – including the number of stairs that make it up. Everyone at this conference is familiar with the concept of parametric design: it makes generating models of seemingly endless amounts of connected spiral stairs really easy. Although, of course, if we’re too literal about the term ‘endless’, generating our stair model will eventually crash even the most advanced computers. We know that, too. – That's another truth about the Digital: it makes a promise of infinity, which, in the end, it can’t keep. And even if it could: what’s the point of just adding more of the same: more variations, more options, more possible ways to get lost? Doesn’t the original double spiral staircase contain all those derivatives already? Don’t we know that ‘more’ isn’t necessarily better? In the original double spiral stair the happy end is guaranteed: the lovers’ paths meet at the top as well as when they exit the building. Therefore, the stair is also colloquially known as the Busserlstiege (the kissing stair) or the Versöhnungsstiege (reconciliation stair). In our digitally enhanced version, this outcome is no longer clear: we can choose between multiple directions at each level and we risk losing sight of the one we were with. This is also emblematic of our field of research. eCAADe was founded to promote “good practice and sharing information in relation to the use of computers in research and education in architecture and related professions” (see That may have seemed a straightforward proposition forty years ago, when the association was founded. A look at the breadth and depth of research topics presented and discussed at this conference (and as a consequence in this book, for which you’re reading the editorial) shows how the field has developed over these forty years. There are sessions on Digital Design Education, on Digital Fabrication, on Virtual Reality, on Virtual Heritage, on Generative Design and Machine Learning, on Digital Cities, on Simulation and Digital Twins, on BIM, on Sustainability, on Circular Design, on Design Theory and on Digital Design Experimentations. We hope you will find what you’re looking for in this book and at the conference – and maybe even more than that: surprising turns and happy encounters between Design and the Digital.
series eCAADe
type normal paper
last changed 2024/08/29 08:36

_id sigradi2006_e028c
id sigradi2006_e028c
authors Griffith, Kenfield; Sass, Larry and Michaud, Dennis
year 2006
title A strategy for complex-curved building design:Design structure with Bi-lateral contouring as integrally connected ribs
source SIGraDi 2006 - [Proceedings of the 10th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Santiago de Chile - Chile 21-23 November 2006, pp. 465-469
summary Shapes in designs created by architects such as Gehry Partners (Shelden, 2002), Foster and Partners, and Kohn Peterson and Fox rely on computational processes for rationalizing complex geometry for building construction. Rationalization is the reduction of a complete geometric shape into discrete components. Unfortunately, for many architects the rationalization is limited reducing solid models to surfaces or data on spread sheets for contractors to follow. Rationalized models produced by the firms listed above do not offer strategies for construction or digital fabrication. For the physical production of CAD description an alternative to the rationalized description is needed. This paper examines the coupling of digital rationalization and digital fabrication with physical mockups (Rich, 1989). Our aim is to explore complex relationships found in early and mid stage design phases when digital fabrication is used to produce design outcomes. Results of our investigation will aid architects and engineers in addressing the complications found in the translation of design models embedded with precision to constructible geometries. We present an algorithmically based approach to design rationalization that supports physical production as well as surface production of desktop models. Our approach is an alternative to conventional rapid prototyping that builds objects by assembly of laterally sliced contours from a solid model. We explored an improved product description for rapid manufacture as bilateral contouring for structure and panelling for strength (Kolarevic, 2003). Infrastructure typically found within aerospace, automotive, and shipbuilding industries, bilateral contouring is an organized matrix of horizontal and vertical interlocking ribs evenly distributed along a surface. These structures are monocoque and semi-monocoque assemblies composed of structural ribs and skinning attached by rivets and adhesives. Alternative, bi-lateral contouring discussed is an interlocking matrix of plywood strips having integral joinery for assembly. Unlike traditional methods of building representations through malleable materials for creating tangible objects (Friedman, 2002), this approach constructs with the implication for building life-size solutions. Three algorithms are presented as examples of rationalized design production with physical results. The first algorithm [Figure 1] deconstructs an initial 2D curved form into ribbed slices to be assembled through integral connections constructed as part of the rib solution. The second algorithm [Figure 2] deconstructs curved forms of greater complexity. The algorithm walks along the surface extracting surface information along horizontal and vertical axes saving surface information resulting in a ribbed structure of slight double curvature. The final algorithm [Figure 3] is expressed as plug-in software for Rhino that deconstructs a design to components for assembly as rib structures. The plug-in also translates geometries to a flatten position for 2D fabrication. The software demonstrates the full scope of the research exploration. Studies published by Dodgson argued that innovation technology (IvT) (Dodgson, Gann, Salter, 2004) helped in solving projects like the Guggenheim in Bilbao, the leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy, and the Millennium Bridge in London. Similarly, the method discussed in this paper will aid in solving physical production problems with complex building forms. References Bentley, P.J. (Ed.). Evolutionary Design by Computers. Morgan Kaufman Publishers Inc. San Francisco, CA, 1-73 Celani, G, (2004) “From simple to complex: using AutoCAD to build generative design systems” in: L. Caldas and J. Duarte (org.) Implementations issues in generative design systems. First Intl. Conference on Design Computing and Cognition, July 2004 Dodgson M, Gann D.M., Salter A, (2004), “Impact of Innovation Technology on Engineering Problem Solving: Lessons from High Profile Public Projects,” Industrial Dynamics, Innovation and Development, 2004 Dristas, (2004) “Design Operators.” Thesis. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, 2004 Friedman, M, (2002), Gehry Talks: Architecture + Practice, Universe Publishing, New York, NY, 2002 Kolarevic, B, (2003), Architecture in the Digital Age: Design and Manufacturing, Spon Press, London, UK, 2003 Opas J, Bochnick H, Tuomi J, (1994), “Manufacturability Analysis as a Part of CAD/CAM Integration”, Intelligent Systems in Design and Manufacturing, 261-292 Rudolph S, Alber R, (2002), “An Evolutionary Approach to the Inverse Problem in Rule-Based Design Representations”, Artificial Intelligence in Design ’02, 329-350 Rich M, (1989), Digital Mockup, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Reston, VA, 1989 Schön, D., The Reflective Practitioner: How Professional Think in Action. Basic Books. 1983 Shelden, D, (2003), “Digital Surface Representation and the Constructability of Gehry’s Architecture.” Diss. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, 2003 Smithers T, Conkie A, Doheny J, Logan B, Millington K, (1989), “Design as Intelligent Behaviour: An AI in Design Thesis Programme”, Artificial Intelligence in Design, 293-334 Smithers T, (2002), “Synthesis in Designing”, Artificial Intelligence in Design ’02, 3-24 Stiny, G, (1977), “Ice-ray: a note on the generation of Chinese lattice designs” Environmental and Planning B, volume 4, pp. 89-98
keywords Digital fabrication; bilateral contouring; integral connection; complex-curve
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:52

_id caadria2003_a6-1
id caadria2003_a6-1
authors Hu, Catherine and Fox, Michael A.
year 2003
title Starting From The Micro A Pedagogical Approach to Designing Responsive Architecture
source CAADRIA 2003 [Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / ISBN 974-9584-13-9] Bangkok Thailand 18-20 October 2003, pp. 761-770
summary The paper outlines a pedagogical approach whereby a number of technology-intensive skills can be quickly learned to a level of useful practicality through a series of discrete, yet cumulative explorations with the design goal of creating intelligently responsive architectural systems. The emerging area of responsive architecture serves as a practical means for inventing entirely new ways of developing spaces, and the designing and building environments that address dynamic, flexible and constantly changing needs. Responsive architecture is defined here as spaces and objects that can physically re-configure themselves to meet changing needs. The central issues explored are human and environmental interaction and behaviors, embedded computational infrastructures, kinetic and mechanical systems and physical control mechanisms. Being both multidisciplinary and technology-intensive in nature, architects need to be equipped with at least a base foundational knowledge in a number of domains in order to be able to develop the skills necessary to explore, conceive, and design such systems. The teaching methods were carried out with a group of undergraduate design students who had no previous experience in mechanical engineering, electronics, programming, or kinetic design with the goal of creating a responsive kinetic system that can demonstrate physical interactive behaviors on an applicable architectural scale. We found the approach to be extremely successful in terms of psychologically demystifying
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id acadia03_001
id acadia03_001
authors Jabi, Wassim
year 2003
title Digital Design
source Connecting >> Crossroads of Digital Discourse [Proceedings of the 2003 Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design In Architecture / ISBN 1-880250-12-8] Indianapolis (Indiana) 24-27 October 2003, p. 16
summary Describing design as a sequence of steps cannot convey the complexity of social interactions that it embodies. Design is not merely a process, but a co-evolution of efforts and events in various places and times—both synchronous and asynchronous. Designers share their values, effort and expertise within design settings via artifacts that further the design process. Increasingly, these design settings in academia, research, and professional practice combine physical and virtual modalities such as immersion, projection, and a range of interaction technologies. Peter Anders has described such spaces as cybrids: hybrids that integrate virtual and physical space. In these settings, designers use overlapping physical and virtual artifacts and tools to arrive at a co-operative design resolution. Within collaborative design, these artifacts take on an additional role. As embodiments of design ideas and actions, they become media for communication. Donald Schon asserts that design should be considered a form of making, rather than primarily a form of problem solving, information processing or research. Indeed the line separating creation from design is becoming increasingly blurred. For the design artifact itself may become a part of the design proposal—its virtual presence incorporated within a cybrid structure or object. We may in the future see a proliferation of cybrid settings that support collaborative, digital design. The technologies for this already exist in collaborative tools, networked computing, scanning and immersive media. However, it will take a creative vision to see how these disparate tools and devices can integrate within the ideal design setting.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:49

_id ecaade03_145_160_koutamanis
id ecaade03_145_160_koutamanis
authors Koutamanis, Alexander
year 2003
title CAAD influences in Web-based teaching
source Digital Design [21th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-1-6] Graz (Austria) 17-20 September 2003, pp. 145-152
summary A recent restructuring of the CAAD department at the Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology, was based on the principle of coupling technological and methodical development to application areas. This resulted into decentralization of CAAD and the positioning of computerization groups in other departments. The task of these groups is to stimulate broad integration of ICT and initiate the development of computational applications relating to specific tasks and areas. The paper is a description of a channel for such integration and applications: a Web site intended as a support to the research and educational activities of a whole department. In addition to its conventional role in presenting the department, the site accommodates the majority of learning aids for the students (lecture notes and presentations, readers, syllabi, audiovisual material) and a comprehensive database of completed and ongoing research output (online publications for internal use). The design of the site was based on earlier experiences with Web-based teaching and collaborative design environments, which were projected on the processes and products of the new context.
keywords web-based education, computer-mediated communication, interaction, collaboration
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:51

_id ecaade03_653_144_koutamanis
id ecaade03_653_144_koutamanis
authors Koutamanis, Alexander and Steijns, Yolanda
year 2003
title Types and precedents in design guidance
source Digital Design [21th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-1-6] Graz (Austria) 17-20 September 2003, pp. 653-658
summary In recent years Dutch secondary education has been undergoing a fundamental change due to the introduction of new didactic approaches which relate strongly to ongoing social and technological developments. This affects existing school buildings, the majority of which is quite conventional in spatial terms and is characterized by limited flexibility and transformability. Consequently, most schools require extensive modifications in their spatial and building structure. The requirements underlying these modifications are not stable. Many schools have become interested in experimental ideas that may require inevitably further changes in the buildings. The paper considers the continuous transformation of Dutch school buildings with respect to their typology: by correlating new design briefs to building types rather than their instances we arrive at general guidelines that can be easily adapted to specific cases. To achieve this, the types are analysed with respect to geometry, topology and zoning. The results of the analysis describe the affordances of each type in terms of general flexibility, transformability and adaptability, as well as in relation to generic briefs. They also provide an explanation of the historical evolution of the types and the means for relating primary characteristics to local configurations, thereby allowing the accurate description of hybrid instances. The descriptions and analysis of buildings are organized into a polyhierarchical multilevel database that supports typological abstraction and offers several starting points (at various abstraction levels) for matching a new brief to an existing building. This enriches the development of the brief or a design solution with explicit, specific information derived from concrete precedents with known form, structure, behaviour and performance.
keywords Typology, precedence, case-based design, briefing, design information systems
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:51

_id ecaade03_229_40_monedero
id ecaade03_229_40_monedero
authors Monedero, Javier and Muñoz, Francisco
year 2003
title Data Organization in City Modeling
source Digital Design [21th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-1-6] Graz (Austria) 17-20 September 2003, pp. 229-236
summary Working with big models requires a good balance between the technical requirements of the model and the technical requirements of the user. Although every virtual model, whether it is 2d, 3d or 4d, may be regarded as a particular form of a general data base, it is clear that is not, at the present time, a very flexible data base. It does not behave like a relational data base that can be inspected in a flexible way. On the contrary, it has a rigid structure, a hierarchical structure that is well suited for performance but is badly suited for navigating through the data and gathering derived information. These are well known disadvantages and advantages, related to the evolution of the data base software that has moved, in the last 30 years, from a hierarchical to a relational structure. These considerations are relevant for any kind of architectural or engineering model. But are particularly pertinent in the case of the model of a city where everything must have its place, and should relate properly with other parts of the model, be susceptible of further modifications and be able to receive new information. These and other related issues have been encountered and developed during the construction of several models at our Laboratory at the ETS Architecture of Barcelona. Our paper explains the main decisions we had to take during the course of these works with special emphasis on those aspects related with the organization of different kind of data in a unified whole that had to be sent to other professionals and had to be, for that reason, organized in a clear and comprehensible way for its further development.
keywords CAAD; City Modeling; Visual Simulation
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:58

_id acadia16_140
id acadia16_140
authors Nejur, Andrei; Steinfeld, Kyle
year 2016
title Ivy: Bringing a Weighted-Mesh Representations to Bear on Generative Architectural Design Applications
source ACADIA // 2016: POSTHUMAN FRONTIERS: Data, Designers, and Cognitive Machines [Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-0-692-77095-5] Ann Arbor 27-29 October, 2016, pp. 140-151
summary Mesh segmentation has become an important and well-researched topic in computational geometry in recent years (Agathos et al. 2008). As a result, a number of new approaches have been developed that have led to innovations in a diverse set of problems in computer graphics (CG) (Sharmir 2008). Specifically, a range of effective methods for the division of a mesh have recently been proposed, including by K-means (Shlafman et al. 2002), graph cuts (Golovinskiy and Funkhouser 2008; Katz and Tal 2003), hierarchical clustering (Garland et al. 2001; Gelfand and Guibas 2004; Golovinskiy and Funkhouser 2008), primitive fitting (Athene et al. 2004), random walks (Lai et al.), core extraction (Katz et al.) tubular multi-scale analysis (Mortara et al. 2004), spectral clustering (Liu and Zhang 2004), and critical point analysis (Lin et al. 20070, all of which depend upon a weighted graph representation, typically the dual of a given mesh (Sharmir 2008). While these approaches have been proven effective within the narrowly defined domains of application for which they have been developed (Chen 2009), they have not been brought to bear on wider classes of problems in fields outside of CG, specifically on problems relevant to generative architectural design. Given the widespread use of meshes and the utility of segmentation in GAD, by surveying the relevant and recently matured approaches to mesh segmentation in CG that share a common representation of the mesh dual, this paper identifies and takes steps to address a heretofore unrealized transfer of technology that would resolve a missed opportunity for both subject areas. Meshes are often employed by architectural designers for purposes that are distinct from and present a unique set of requirements in relation to similar applications that have enjoyed more focused study in computer science. This paper presents a survey of similar applications, including thin-sheet fabrication (Mitani and Suzuki 2004), rendering optimization (Garland et al. 2001), 3D mesh compression (Taubin et al. 1998), morphin (Shapira et al. 2008) and mesh simplification (Kalvin and Taylor 1996), and distinguish the requirements of these applications from those presented by GAD, including non-refinement in advance of the constraining of mesh geometry to planar-quad faces, and the ability to address a diversity of mesh features that may or may not be preserved. Following this survey of existing approaches and unmet needs, the authors assert that if a generalized framework for working with graph representations of meshes is developed, allowing for the interactive adjustment of edge weights, then the recent developments in mesh segmentation may be better brought to bear on GAD problems. This paper presents work toward the development of just such a framework, implemented as a plug-in for the visual programming environment Grasshopper.
keywords tool-building, design simulation, fabrication, computation, megalith
series ACADIA
type paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:58

_id ecaade03_269_43_achten
id ecaade03_269_43_achten
authors Achten, Henri and Joosen, Gijs
year 2003
title The Digital Design Process - Reflections on a Single Design Case
source Digital Design [21th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-1-6] Graz (Austria) 17-20 September 2003, pp. 269-274
summary CAD tools are increasing their expressive and geometric power to enable a design process in which the computer model can be used throughout the whole design process for realizing the design. Such a process, in which other media such as physical scale models or drawings are no longer required by necessity to facilitate the design process, can be considered a digital design process. Rather than proposing that such a process is ideal – drawings and scale models should not be discarded – we feel that when taken as a starting point, the digital design process raises a number of new challenges to architectural design that deserve attention. These challenges concern the basic activities in design: exploration of the problem space, creating preliminary solutions, understanding consequences of design decisions, and so forth. In this paper we take the concrete design case of a graduation project that was developed from the start solely in CAD. We identify a number of key issues in that process such as continuous modeling, the model as design, continuous pliability, localized focus, and postponed decision. These issues not only have a technical, CAD-related aspect, but also are connected to architectural design. Most of these aspects are subject of contemporary debate in architectural design. On this basis, we can indicate where CAD is making a potential difference in architectural design.
keywords Digital design, CAAD
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id sigradi2005_731
id sigradi2005_731
authors Albornoz Delgado, Humberto Ángel; Laura Talía Escalante Rodríguez, Leticia Gallegos Cazares
year 2005
title Didactic Design: light and optics for preschool level
source SIGraDi 2005 - [Proceedings of the 9th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Lima - Peru 21-24 november 2005, vol. 2, pp. 731-737
summary Since 2003, we have been developing a pedagogic proposal and didactic material for teaching Light and Optics to kindergarden children that enhances the construction of the first scientific thinking schemes. The design (industrial and graphic) applied to this project has generated an educational product composed of 44 objects. These materials allow teaching concepts such as: combination of colors, light indispensable to see, formation of shadows and images are not objects. These have been developed as inciters of curiosity, capable to awake the innate restlessness of children, achieving to stimulate their creativity. The purpose is to explore knowledge and construct their own ideas; enrich their experiences and inquire a reality that was drawn grey and tedious, generating a process of manipulation-action and then representation-conceptualization. This product has been successfully used as a pilot test in a kindergarden, reflecting significant gains in students’ science learning. [Full paper in Spanish]
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id ecaade03_587_34_asanowicz
id ecaade03_587_34_asanowicz
authors Asanowicz, Alexander
year 2003
title Architectural Composition in Digital Space
source Digital Design [21th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-1-6] Graz (Austria) 17-20 September 2003, pp. 587-590
summary In this paper the possibilities of using the computers at course of architectural compositions are considered. As the start point of the new teaching method of architectural composition we used the course of tradition architectural composition, elaborated at our Faculty. The course of Digital Architectural Composition was finished in 2002. The main goal of using the new digital media for modelling architectural forms was checking the new possibilities of form creation. Traditionally, searching of forms at the conceptual design stage is performed by using sketches, drawings and physical models. Our new method showed that is possible to do the same thing using the computerbased 3D modelling, experiencing no physical limitations of the 'real' substance. At the same time, at the early design stages, when formal value is sought, computer modelling can be done almost intuitively. In ours work we try to find a creative way of using computer - transforming the tool into medium. The attention was paid on exploring the possibilities characteristic for computers and not available with traditional methods of modelling. Architect’s tradition tools are effectively replaced by a computer, which create a new way of doing things.
keywords Architectural composition, computer modelling, method of teaching
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id sigradi2003_119
id sigradi2003_119
authors Bermudez, J., Foresti, S., Agutter, J., Westenskow, D., Syroid, N. Drews, F. Tashjian, E. and Adams, V.
year 2003
title Metodología Interdisciplinaria para Diseñar Nuevas Arquitecturas de Representación de Datos (Interdisciplinaria Methodologies for the Design of a New Architectures of Data Representation)
source SIGraDi 2003 - [Proceedings of the 7th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Rosario Argentina 5-7 november 2003
summary Data representation architecture can be defined as the organizational, functional, experiential, formal, and media-technological order defining the interaction between data, representation, and user. This paper presents an interdisciplinary methodology to develop such architectures in order to significantly improve real time decision making in complex data environments. We have reported in some aspects of this work elsewhere. In this occasion, we will describe our working methodology based on complete interdisciplinarity, the design process and evaluation protocols. We will show work done for Finance and Network Monitoring. Our long-term goal is to design a new generation of data representation architectures that is applicable to diverse fields.
keywords Data representation; visualization; design, architecture, interdisciplinary
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id acadia03_044
id acadia03_044
authors Bermúdez, Julio and Foresti, Stefano
year 2003
title Information Visualization
source Connecting >> Crossroads of Digital Discourse [Proceedings of the 2003 Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design In Architecture / ISBN 1-880250-12-8] Indianapolis (Indiana) 24-27 October 2003, p. 346
summary Digital visualization addresses representational challenges from within and without architecture. ‘Disciplinary’ digital visualization is used to explore, understand and communicate architectural information associated with the production of buildings. 3D modeling, rendering, animation and VR as well as the power of digital media to permit the seamless integration of various data types are unleashing completely new ways to display architecture. As digital power continues to increase and get cheaper, portability and wi-fi networks take root, and visualization work becomes even more main stream, we can expect growing changes in the way the design process is conducted, buildings are presented and documented, and the public and 3rd party’s demands from professional services. This demands a more conscious research/pedagogies aimed at developing new representation conventions.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:49

_id cf2011_p157
id cf2011_p157
authors Boton, Conrad; Kubicki Sylvain, Halin Gilles
year 2011
title Understanding Pre-Construction Simulation Activities to Adapt Visualization in 4D CAD Collaborative Tools
source Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures 2011 [Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures / ISBN 9782874561429] Liege (Belgium) 4-8 July 2011, pp. 477-492.
summary Increasing productivity and efficiency is an important issue in the AEC field. This area is mainly characterized by fragmentation, heterogeneous teams with low lifetimes and many uncertainties. 4D CAD is one of the greatest innovations in recent years. It consists in linking a 3D model of the building with the works planning in order to simulate the construction evolution over time. 4D CAD can fill several needs from design to project management through constructivity analysis and tasks planning (Tommelein 2003). The literature shows that several applications have been proposed to improve the 4D CAD use (Chau et al. 2004; Lu et al. 2007; Seok & al. 2009). In addition, studies have shown the real impact of 4D CAD use in construction projects (Staub-French & Khanzode 2007; Dawood & Sika 2007). More recently, Mahalingam et al. (2010) showed that the collaborative use of 4D CAD is particularly useful during the pre-construction phase for comparing the constructability of working methods, for visually identifying conflicts and clashes (overlaps), and as visual tool for practitioners to discuss and to plan project progress. So the advantage of the 4D CAD collaborative use is demonstrated. Moreover, several studies have been conducted both in the scientific community and in the industrial world to improve it (Zhou et al. 2009; Kang et al. 2007). But an important need that remains in collaborative 4D CAD use in construction projects is about the adaptation of visualization to the users business needs. Indeed, construction projects have very specific characteristics (fragmentation, variable team, different roles from one project to another). Moreover, in the AEC field several visualization techniques can represent the same concept and actors choose one or another of these techniques according to their specific needs related to the task they have to perform. For example, the tasks planning may be represented by a Gantt chart or by a PERT network and the building elements can be depicted with a 3D model or a 2D plan. The classical view (3D + Gantt) proposed to all practitioners in the available 4D tools seems therefore not suiting the needs of all. So, our research is based on the hypothesis that adapting the visualization to individual business needs could significantly improve the collaboration. This work relies on previous ones and aim to develop a method 1) to choose the best suited views for performed tasks and 2) to compose adapted multiple views for each actor, that we call “business views”. We propose a 4 steps-method to compose business views. The first step identifies the users’ business needs, defining the individual practices performed by each actor, identifying his business tasks and his information needs. The second step identifies the visualization needs related to the identified business needs. For this purpose, the user’s interactions and visualization tasks are described. This enables choosing the most appropriate visualization techniques for each need (step 3). At this step, it is important to describe the visualization techniques and to be able to compare them. Therefore, we proposed a business view metamodel. The final step (step 4) selects the adapted views, defines the coordination mechanisms and the interaction principles in order to compose coordinated visualizations. A final step consists in a validation work to ensure that the composed views really match to the described business needs. This paper presents the latest version of the method and especially presents our latest works about its first and second steps. These include making more generic the business tasks description in order to be applicable within most of construction projects and enabling to make correspondence with visualization tasks.
keywords Pre-construction, Simulation, 4D CAD, Collaboration, Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Human-Computer Interface, Information visualization, Business view, Model driven engineering
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2012/02/11 19:21

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