CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

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_id ecaadesigradi2019_471
id ecaadesigradi2019_471
authors Güzelci, Orkan Zeynel, Alaçam, Sema and Güzelci, Handan
year 2019
title Trend Topics and Changing Concepts of Computational Design in the Last 16 Years - A content analysis
source Sousa, JP, Xavier, JP and Castro Henriques, G (eds.), Architecture in the Age of the 4th Industrial Revolution - Proceedings of the 37th eCAADe and 23rd SIGraDi Conference - Volume 1, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal, 11-13 September 2019, pp. 423-430
summary This study argues that analysis of written content might be helpful to provide clues at a certain extent on the future directions of current research areas and the emergence of new study areas. In the scope of the study, the International Journal of Architectural Computing (IJAC) which has been a scientific platform covering many pioneer publications on education research in computer-aided architectural design (CAAD) field was selected as source content. Although the size of the source domain is limited, the analysis of abstracts and titles of 439 articles published in IJAC between 2003 and 2018 revealed promising results which can be examined under four characteristics: "constant", "emerging", "fading" and "solidifying" concepts. The tokens in the analysis process are words, phrases, topic nodes and links between topic nodes. The outcomes of this study might contribute to tracking the evolution of concepts their emergence or disusage in different time and contexts, and interrelations between different concepts.
keywords content analysis; computational design concepts; IJAC
series eCAADeSIGraDi
last changed 2022/06/07 07:49

_id 7655
authors Okeil, Ahmad and El Araby, Mostafa
year 2003
title Realism vs. Reality in Digital Reconstruction of Cities
source CORP 2003, Vienna University of Technology, 25.2.-28.2.2003 [Proceedings on CD-Rom]
summary The digital reconstruction of existing cities using virtual reality techniques is being increasingly used. For consultants, municipalities and planning departments these models provide decision support through visual simulations (El Araby, 2001). For academia they provide a new tool for teaching students urban design and planning (Okeil, 2001). For authorities they provide a tool for promoting the city on the world wide web trying to attract more businesses and tourists to it. The built environment is very rich in detail. It does not only consist of open spaces surrounded by abstract buildings but it also includes many smaller objects such as street furniture, traffic signs, street lights, different types of vegetation and shop signs for example. All surfaces in the built environment have unique properties describing color, texture and opacity. The built environmentis dynamic and our perception is affected by factors such as pedestrian movement, traffic, environmental factors such as wind, noise and shadows. The built environment is also shaped by the accumulation of changes caused by many influences through time. All these factors make the reconstruction of the built environment a very complex task. This paper tries to answer the question: how realistic the reconstructed models of urban areas can be. It sees “Realism“ as a variable floating between three types of realties. The reality of the physical environment which we are trying to represent. The reality of the digital environment which will host the digitally reconstructed city. And the reality of the working environment which deals with the problem of limitation of resources needed to digitally reconstruct the city. A case study of building a 3D computer model of an urban area in the United Arab Emirates demonstrates that new time-saving techniques for data acquisition can enhance realism by meetingbudget limitations and time limitations.
keywords Virtual Reality; Photo Realism; Texture Maps; 3D Modeling; Urban Design
series other
last changed 2003/03/11 20:39

_id caadria2003_a1-1
id caadria2003_a1-1
authors Burrow, A., Burry, J., More, G., Tengono, Y. and Burry, M.
year 2003
title Visual and Sonic Communication Representations to Support Design Interaction
source CAADRIA 2003 [Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / ISBN 974-9584-13-9] Bangkok Thailand 18-20 October 2003, pp. 29-42
summary Interaction between collaborating parties exerts strong and surprising forces on the design process and thus its outcomes. Hence, there is much to be gained by investigating the nature of these communications. By definition, an organisation establishes clear protocols to realise effective communication, and does so in response to business needs. In contrast, creative endeavours must often harness loose teams of specialised individuals, working in different contexts, disciplines, and language bases, and relying on nonformalised yet highly selective exchanges of information. It is therefore a considerable challenge to comprehend and improve these processes. One approach is to exploit the discrete information contained within digital communications to produce models of these complex conditions. This paper reports preliminary work to identify the components of an email visualisation system. The goal is to apprehend developing structures, providing the collective with the capacity for reflection.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id sigradi2006_e028c
id sigradi2006_e028c
authors Griffith, Kenfield; Sass, Larry and Michaud, Dennis
year 2006
title A strategy for complex-curved building design:Design structure with Bi-lateral contouring as integrally connected ribs
source SIGraDi 2006 - [Proceedings of the 10th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Santiago de Chile - Chile 21-23 November 2006, pp. 465-469
summary Shapes in designs created by architects such as Gehry Partners (Shelden, 2002), Foster and Partners, and Kohn Peterson and Fox rely on computational processes for rationalizing complex geometry for building construction. Rationalization is the reduction of a complete geometric shape into discrete components. Unfortunately, for many architects the rationalization is limited reducing solid models to surfaces or data on spread sheets for contractors to follow. Rationalized models produced by the firms listed above do not offer strategies for construction or digital fabrication. For the physical production of CAD description an alternative to the rationalized description is needed. This paper examines the coupling of digital rationalization and digital fabrication with physical mockups (Rich, 1989). Our aim is to explore complex relationships found in early and mid stage design phases when digital fabrication is used to produce design outcomes. Results of our investigation will aid architects and engineers in addressing the complications found in the translation of design models embedded with precision to constructible geometries. We present an algorithmically based approach to design rationalization that supports physical production as well as surface production of desktop models. Our approach is an alternative to conventional rapid prototyping that builds objects by assembly of laterally sliced contours from a solid model. We explored an improved product description for rapid manufacture as bilateral contouring for structure and panelling for strength (Kolarevic, 2003). Infrastructure typically found within aerospace, automotive, and shipbuilding industries, bilateral contouring is an organized matrix of horizontal and vertical interlocking ribs evenly distributed along a surface. These structures are monocoque and semi-monocoque assemblies composed of structural ribs and skinning attached by rivets and adhesives. Alternative, bi-lateral contouring discussed is an interlocking matrix of plywood strips having integral joinery for assembly. Unlike traditional methods of building representations through malleable materials for creating tangible objects (Friedman, 2002), this approach constructs with the implication for building life-size solutions. Three algorithms are presented as examples of rationalized design production with physical results. The first algorithm [Figure 1] deconstructs an initial 2D curved form into ribbed slices to be assembled through integral connections constructed as part of the rib solution. The second algorithm [Figure 2] deconstructs curved forms of greater complexity. The algorithm walks along the surface extracting surface information along horizontal and vertical axes saving surface information resulting in a ribbed structure of slight double curvature. The final algorithm [Figure 3] is expressed as plug-in software for Rhino that deconstructs a design to components for assembly as rib structures. The plug-in also translates geometries to a flatten position for 2D fabrication. The software demonstrates the full scope of the research exploration. Studies published by Dodgson argued that innovation technology (IvT) (Dodgson, Gann, Salter, 2004) helped in solving projects like the Guggenheim in Bilbao, the leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy, and the Millennium Bridge in London. Similarly, the method discussed in this paper will aid in solving physical production problems with complex building forms. References Bentley, P.J. (Ed.). Evolutionary Design by Computers. Morgan Kaufman Publishers Inc. San Francisco, CA, 1-73 Celani, G, (2004) “From simple to complex: using AutoCAD to build generative design systems” in: L. Caldas and J. Duarte (org.) Implementations issues in generative design systems. First Intl. Conference on Design Computing and Cognition, July 2004 Dodgson M, Gann D.M., Salter A, (2004), “Impact of Innovation Technology on Engineering Problem Solving: Lessons from High Profile Public Projects,” Industrial Dynamics, Innovation and Development, 2004 Dristas, (2004) “Design Operators.” Thesis. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, 2004 Friedman, M, (2002), Gehry Talks: Architecture + Practice, Universe Publishing, New York, NY, 2002 Kolarevic, B, (2003), Architecture in the Digital Age: Design and Manufacturing, Spon Press, London, UK, 2003 Opas J, Bochnick H, Tuomi J, (1994), “Manufacturability Analysis as a Part of CAD/CAM Integration”, Intelligent Systems in Design and Manufacturing, 261-292 Rudolph S, Alber R, (2002), “An Evolutionary Approach to the Inverse Problem in Rule-Based Design Representations”, Artificial Intelligence in Design ’02, 329-350 Rich M, (1989), Digital Mockup, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Reston, VA, 1989 Schön, D., The Reflective Practitioner: How Professional Think in Action. Basic Books. 1983 Shelden, D, (2003), “Digital Surface Representation and the Constructability of Gehry’s Architecture.” Diss. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, 2003 Smithers T, Conkie A, Doheny J, Logan B, Millington K, (1989), “Design as Intelligent Behaviour: An AI in Design Thesis Programme”, Artificial Intelligence in Design, 293-334 Smithers T, (2002), “Synthesis in Designing”, Artificial Intelligence in Design ’02, 3-24 Stiny, G, (1977), “Ice-ray: a note on the generation of Chinese lattice designs” Environmental and Planning B, volume 4, pp. 89-98
keywords Digital fabrication; bilateral contouring; integral connection; complex-curve
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:52

_id acadia03_037
id acadia03_037
authors Anders, Peter
year 2003
title Cynergies: Technologies that Hybridize Physical and Cyberspaces
source Connecting >> Crossroads of Digital Discourse [Proceedings of the 2003 Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design In Architecture / ISBN 1-880250-12-8] Indianapolis (Indiana) 24-27 October 2003, pp. 289-297
summary This paper presents ways in which cybrids depend for their technology upon three existing models of architectural hybrid: display space, environmental computing, and augmented/mixed reality. Cybrids bring these techniques together into a synergistic whole that depends as much on the observer for its consistency as it does on its comprising technologies. This synergy is a product of corroborative behavior between different modes, which provide cybrid users with a coherent social/spatial experience. The paper notes cybrids’ similarity to theater, not only for their technological dependency, but also for the tacit yet vital role of the observer in their effect.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id avocaad_2003_06
id avocaad_2003_06
authors Arturo F. Montagu and Juan Pablo Cieri
year 2003
title Urbamedia - Development of an urban database of fragments of some Argentinian and Latin-American cities using digital technology
source LOCAL VALUES in a NETWORKED DESIGN WORLD - ADDED VALUE OF COMPUTER AIDED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN, Stellingwerff, Martijn and Verbeke, Johan (Eds.), (2004) DUP Science - Delft University Press, ISBN 90-407-2507-1.
summary The proposal of "Urbamedia" is to undertake the development of 3D virtual and interactive models of historical areas of Latin-American cities. The selected zone is the "Mayo Avenue" including the "Mayo Square", an historical place of the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina; this project is financed by the National Agency of Scientific and Technological Development of Argentina and the University of Buenos Aires.We are presenting the first experimental model of the "Mayo Square" that has been developed at ABACUS, Department of Architecture & Building Aids Computer Unit, University of Strathclyde UK. combined with a system analysis of urban activities using the “Atlas.ti” CAQDAS software.This particular use of the “Atlas.ti” software is under experimental applications to this type of urban analysis procedures; allowed us the possibility to analysed a set of activities by means of graph theory as result of a series of interviews to the people working in the area. We are also looking to include historical areas of three cities: Mar del Plata, Rosario and Santa Fe (Argentina) and eventually other cities from Latin América as Rio de Janeiro and Habana.Due that ABACUS has a strong experience in city modelling plus the powerful software and hardware used there, we must develop a VRML customized menu to be adapted to our low cost PC equipment. The 3D model will be used mainly in urban design simulation procedures and the idea is to extend to other type of simulations of the environmental parameters.
keywords Architecture, Local values, Globalisation, Computer Aided Architectural Design
series AVOCAAD
last changed 2006/01/16 21:38

_id cf2003_m_040
id cf2003_m_040
authors BAY, Joo-Hwa
year 2003
title Making Rebuttals Available Digitally for Minimising Biases in Mental Judgements
source Digital Design - Research and Practice [Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures / ISBN 1-4020-1210-1] Tainan (Taiwan) 13–15 October 2003, pp. 147-156
summary The problem of heuristic biases (illusions) discussed by Tversky and Kahneman (1982) that can lead to errors in judgement by human designers, when they use precedent knowledge presented graphically (Bay 2001). A Cognitive framework of belief, goal, and decision, and a framework of representation of architectural knowledge by Tzonis are used to map out the problem of heuristic biases in the human mind. These are used to discuss what aspects of knowledge can be presented explicitly and digitally to users to make rebuttal more available for human thinking at the cognitive level. The discussion is applicable to both inductive and analytic digital knowledge systems that use precedent knowledge. This discussion is targeted directly at means of addressing bias in the human mind using digital means. The problem of human bias in machine learning and generalisation are discussed in a different paper, and the problems of international or non-intentional machine bias are not part of discussion in this paper.
keywords analogy, bias, design thinking, environmental design, heuristics
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2003/11/22 07:26

_id c35c
authors Bender, Oliver
year 2003
title The Geographical Alpine Information System “Galpis” in the Raumalp Project. Outlay and Output
source CORP 2003, Vienna University of Technology, 25.2.-28.2.2003 [Proceedings on CD-Rom]
summary RAUMALP, an interdisciplinary research project of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, shall examine problem areas of spatial development on community level in the Austrian alpine region. The aim is the investigation of scientific basics for political decision finding, especially for the regional-specific realisation of the Alpine Convention. All ascertained information shall be included in “GALPIS”, a comprehensive Alpine Space Information System. GALPIS based on ESRI ArcGIS and MS Access software works with data from different sources, like ISIS, the electronic data base of Statistic Austria, and original data and maps gathered and elaborated by the working groups of RAUMALP. This also includes ecological raster data. Dealing with administrative units, „real“ space and raster space, RAUMALP will integrate the different space levels mostly to administrative spatial units representing the existing 1145 communities of the RAUMALP study area. This will be realised by overlay of grids, types of land use and communitypolygons. Major task of GALPIS is a conversion of former communal data (p. e. 1451 communities in 1951) that should represent the recent administrative boundaries. By this way it is possible to make thematic and time-integrative analyses of community data. GIS modelling of the six case studies is more complex. The conceptual model has to integrate several vector and raster layers such as land plots (“Digitale Katastralmappe”), types of land use (“Land Use and Land Cover Austria” by M. Seger) and biodiversity. P. e., the working group settlement is using a logical data model based on the entity “building” with the attributes “construction”,“function”, etc.
series other
last changed 2003/11/21 15:16

_id eaea2003_11-bremer-sander
id eaea2003_11-bremer-sander
authors Bremer, S. and Sander, H.
year 2004
title View from the Road: Environmental Simulation for the Fractal City of Rhine Ruhr
source Spatial Simulation and Evaluation - New Tools in Architectural and Urban Design [Proceedings of the 6th European Architectural Endoscopy Association Conference / ISBN 80-227-2088-7], pp. 43-47
summary Highway seems to be more an issue of traffic planning than of urban design. But the highway can be a very important factor for the modern city pattern. Highways shape the spatial form of the fractal city. The modern highway can define new cores outside and “interior edges” within the city. Seen as a planning tool, highways are the great neglected opportunity in city and regional design. The 1st Architecture Biennial, 1ab, taking place from May 2003 to July 2003 in Rotterdam, explores the creative potentials of modern highways worldwide. An international research team discovered the spatial functions of highways in modern agglomerations. This lecture will give an overview of the results of the worldwide analyses and the design projects that had been undertaken. Both authors are members of the German research team. The German team examined the A 42 running through the Ruhrgebiet, a former coal and steal area in western Germany. The Ruhr Area is converting from an industrially orientated region to an agglomeration of high technology and science. But the regional image remains the same due to the fact that the changes cannot be seen, neither physically, nor from the road. Here, the highway could be used as a catalyst supporting and structuring the spatial changes to make them more legible for the people of Rhine-Ruhr. The nature becomes the most important tool of highway design. Landscape forms a linkage between the different cities of the region. Together with the A 40 and other local highways the region becomes the most important (and largest) public space of the new Rhine-Ruhr. The highway seen as a work of urban art can be designed only from the perspective of the driving car.
series EAEA
last changed 2005/09/09 10:43

_id adae
id adae
authors Cheng, Nancy Yen-wen
year 2003
title Approaches to Design Collaboration Research
source Automation in Construction Volume 12, Issue 6, November 2003, Pages 715-723
summary This survey of architectural design collaboration identifies and categorizes strong research from the past ten years. It starts by describing how the research ranges in focus, scale and structure, then clarifies how different projects fit in a continuum from conceptual theory to pragmatic application. It explains how conceptual frameworks and standards enable interdisciplinary exchange by envisioning and structuring interaction. It then highlights specific interaction studies and compares methods for analyzing how media affects teamwork. The paper continues by explaining the promise of innovations such as tangible interfaces and interactive artwork, and concludes by identifying areas for further development.
keywords design collaboration, groupwork, computer-supported cooperative design, human-computer interaction
series journal paper
type normal paper
last changed 2007/12/14 19:54

_id ecaade2022_398
id ecaade2022_398
authors Dzurilla, Dalibor and Achten, Henri
year 2022
title What’s Happening to Architectural Sketching? - Interviewing architects about transformation from traditional to digital architectural sketching as a communicational tool with clients
source Pak, B, Wurzer, G and Stouffs, R (eds.), Co-creating the Future: Inclusion in and through Design - Proceedings of the 40th Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe 2022) - Volume 1, Ghent, 13-16 September 2022, pp. 389–398
summary The paper discusses 23 interviewed architects in practice about the role of traditional and digital sketching (human-computer interaction) in communication with the client. They were selected from 1995 to 2018 (the interval of graduation) from three different countries: the Czech Republic (CR), Slovakia (SR), Netherland (NR). To realize three blending areas that impact the approach to sketching: (I) Traditional hand and physical model studies (1995-2003). (II)Transition form - designing by hand and PC (2004–2017). (III) Mainly digital and remote forms of designing (2018–now). Interviews helped transform 31 “parameters of tools use” from the previous theoretical framework narrowed down into six main areas: (1) Implementation; (2)Affordability; (3)Timesaving; (4) Drawing support; (5) Representativeness; (6) Transportability. Paper discusses findings from interviewees: (A) Implementation issues are above time and price. (B) Strongly different understanding of what digital sketching is. From drawing in Google Slides by mouse to sketching in Metaverse. (C) Substantial reduction of traditional sketching (down to a total of 3% of the time) at the expense of growing responsibilities. (D) 80% of respondents do not recommend sketching in front of the client. Also, other interesting findings are further described in the discussion.
keywords Architectural Sketch, Digital Sketch, Effective Visual Communication
series eCAADe
last changed 2024/04/22 07:10

_id 6648
authors Issa, Rajaa
year 2003
title Cellular Texture Generator for Architectural Models
source University of Texas at Arlington, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
summary Cellular materials are used extensively in architectural settings. These materials usually have well defined geometry such as brick, stone and tiles. Patterns created with cellular materials are mostly the product of an intuitive design process that goes through cycles of synthesis and reflection until reaching final solution. Therefore interactivity is critical to intuitive designs. This paper presents a system that enables interactive creation of 3D cellular textures. It recognizes critical design areas that can have special design consideration such as edges. The system makes use of existing graphic engines and provides an intuitive interface to create patterns interactively. Rendering time is also considered through defining multiple levels of details for cells so it looks convincing in different scales. The paper presents results with an implementation of cellular texture generation system. It also shows some examples of brick walls generated with this implementation.
series thesis:MSc
last changed 2003/04/25 07:20

_id ijac20031305
id ijac20031305
authors Kos, José R.
year 2003
title 3D models of urban icons: tracing Benjamin and Koolhaas
source International Journal of Architectural Computing vol. 1 - no. 3
summary Walter Benjamin and Rem Koolhaas developed two significant investigations, which explored the culture of Paris and New York through the analysis of their architectural artifacts. Their research projects successfully construct, from a few meaningful components of the built environment, an understanding of the overall city and its society. The objective of this paper is to address the similarities between the research carried out at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and the work of these two acclaimed writers. Our group aims to select urban icons, from different moments and areas in Rio de Janeiro, to be studied in order to understand the city evolution in the 20th Century. The distinguished Ministry of Education building is the investigation's prototype, analyzed thorough several 3D models and other digital techniques. We conclude that a thorough study of Benjamin's and Koolhaas' work should be considered a primary support for the interrogation of our own investigation.
series journal
type normal paper
last changed 2007/03/04 07:08

_id ecaade03_237_51_zone
id ecaade03_237_51_zone
authors Lee, Y.Z. Lim, C.K. and Liu, Y.T.
year 2003
title Multiple digital media in realizing various urban spaces: Project 2050 Taiwan
source Digital Design [21th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-1-6] Graz (Austria) 17-20 September 2003, pp. 237-246
summary In Taiwan, it is a common phenomenon that landscape, urban spaces, and buildings are not considered as a whole by governments at all levels and private clients. More terribly, the government has never proposed any urban statement for the future. The Minister strongly therefore proposes this statement: 2050 vision Taiwan, aim to design the public spaces for the life of Taiwan in the year 2050. The Council for Culture Affairs plans to spend two years to cover 100 locations and invite 20 design teams to provide new vision of the places. Our design team, AleppoZONE first conducts the initial stage of this project that includes three areas of Taiwan: Taipei as the capital of Taiwan is expected to become a better place reflecting new and old space combination. Hsinchu is planned to explore the prototype for a digital city where digital technology is wellinstalled in the city plaza and public buildings. In the island of Pen-Hu, the ecology and high-tech transportation are equally considered to shape Pen-Hu as an island with nature. In the process, design team successfully synthesizes digital models and dynamic films into virtual and physical coexisting environmental animations by using multiple digital media in realizing the 2050 vision cities. The aim of this research is to give a throughout introduction of this project.
keywords Digital media; urban spaces; representation
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:52

_id autcons0926580503000529
id autconS0926580503000529
authors Maver, T.; Petric, J.
year 2003
title Sustainability: real and/or virtual?
source Automation in Construction, 12(6), November 2003, pp. 641–648
summary The starting point for this paper is the identification of the four necessary and sufficient conditions which a building should exhibit to be judged to be sustainable; fitness-for-purpose, cost effectiveness, environmental friendliness, and cultural significance. The contribution which the current generation of CAD tools is making to the complex human activity of designing sustainable buildings is then discussed under the headings of widening the search for solutions, integrating the decision-making process, improving design insights, differentiating objective/subjective issues and photorealistic visualization. The paper then describes developments in the next generation of IT tools, based on virtual reality, which will allow multiple designers, working in distributed locations and on different computer platforms, to design from within the virtual world.
keywords Sustainability; Virtual reality; Computer-aided design; Virtual environments
series journal paper
type normal paper
last changed 2013/09/20 19:05

_id mourshedp503final
id mourshedp503final
authors Monjur M Mourshed, Denis Kelliher, Marcus Keane
year 2003
title ArDOT: A tool to optimise environmental design of buildings
source Building Simulation 2003 (Eighth IBPSA Conference). Eindhoven, Netherlands
summary Environmental design of buildings involves ‘finding the optimum’ solution satisfying predefined objective(s) (e.g., reduction in operating/capital cost, maximisation of daylighting etc.). A number of computer based simulation models exist to assist professionals in finding this optimum through building performance assessment. Contemporary practices involving building simulation require enormous effort to prepare input, extract output, and visualize data, which restricts designers from realizing the full potentials offered. In most cases, rules of thumb are applied and experienced guesses are made; simulation software is used only to validate the assumptions, which do not necessarily lead to the intended optimum. Moreover, these tools have been developed as simulation engines, which is inadequate to visualize the compounded and interdependent effect of a large number of design variables.

The authors believe that to realize the potential offered by building simulation software, a new breed of DBSs (Decision Based Systems) is needed coupling existing simulation engines with formal optimisation methods through neutral data standards (BPM – building product models) for seamless integration. This paper first elaborates on the previous attempts at solving integration issues related to the design process and simulation; also attempts at finding the limitations. Secondly, formulation of design problems as optimisation has been discussed with reference to the different stages of design. Thirdly, for effective integration of activities among stakeholders and processes, the use of client/ server oriented building product model has been proposed to overcome the limitations of file-based prototypes. Analysis and discussions based on the above aspects form as justification for ArDOT, an Architectural Design Optimisation Tool under development at IRUSE, National University of Ireland, Cork. Combining all three aspects into one makes ArDOT unique, which is essentially an enhanced decision making tool for the design of energy efficient buildings.

keywords ArDOT, Architectural Design Optimisation, Building Energy Simulation, EnergyPlus
series other
last changed 2003/08/27 11:57

_id 1373
authors Pfaffenbichler, Paul C. and Emberger, Günter
year 2003
title Are European cities becoming similar?
source CORP 2003, Vienna University of Technology, 25.2.-28.2.2003 [Proceedings on CD-Rom]
summary The paper discusses city specific development patterns to overcome todays transport problems. The results are based on recent andongoing research activities at TUW-IVV and ITS. At previous CORP-conferences, we presented the basics and the development of aplanning support tool to find optimal policy packages in urban transport and land use (Emberger, 1998), (Pfaffenbichler, Emberger, 2001). The core of this planning support tool is a dynamic land use and transport interaction model. This model, which we refer to as Sketch Planning Model (SPM), is embedded into an appraisal and optimisation framework. The SPM and this framework were developed in the recently finished European Union funded research project PROSPECTS1. Case studies with this planning supporttool were performed within PROSPECTS for the cities Edinburgh, Helsinki, Madrid, Oslo, Stockholm and Vienna. These cities are principally comparable in regards of their status (capitals and major business and education centres), but different in their size, population density, transport system etc. A set of policy instruments like public transport improvements, car traffic restrictions, and infrastructure provision was available to formulate strategies to reduce negative impacts of transport and to increase welfare. The overall objective was a sustainable development of the city. Although the instruments and the goals are similar in all investigatedcites, different solutions were adequate. The solutions vary in regard of spatial implementation, implementation time and level of implementation. The paper will highlight some reasons for the different development paths of the cities. As well the comparison of the do nothing scenario as the comparison of the most feasible policy strategies shows that European cities are different, need different solutions for their problems and will stay different in the future.
series other
last changed 2003/03/11 20:39

_id caadria2006_557
id caadria2006_557
year 2006
source CAADRIA 2006 [Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia] Kumamoto (Japan) March 30th - April 2nd 2006, 557-559
summary Environmental design implementations are generally applied within limited and specialised areas of environmental design making them difficult to use intuitively by designers (Maneesatid and Szalapaj, 2003). Building simulations have mostly focused on accurate parameters and physical properties of building elements. Such tools typically require numerous numerical data which is often only accurately known in the detail design stages. Conventional environmental building design systems (EBS) have typically required highly experienced users who are familiar with extensive qualitative input and output requirements. A successful architectural design solution that is both energy efficient and environmentally friendly, cannot be obtained simply by additively combining a set of discrete specialist analyses. A move towards better architectural design with environmental considerations can be achieved by allowing designers themselves to express relationships between salient environmental parameters that can subsequently be analysed in integrated ways. This presentation is concerned with the issues involved in developing a quick and intuitive interface for expression of relationships between environmental parameters.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:49

_id b1f3
id b1f3
authors Rafi A, Karboulonis P, Fazidin J, Badrolhisham H
year 2003
title Virtual environments in architecture and planning design: 4 possible approaches
source International Journal of Design Computing
summary Advancements in information retrieval (IR), local and wide area networks (LAN, WAN) and the Internet, human-computer interaction (HCI), and virtual reality (VR) technologies have enabled the emergence and availability of affordable real-time computer data visualisation and manipulation systems that can be deployed and interfaced to most Computer Aided Design (CAD) software systems. However, the rapid advancement and adoption of information visualisation in different areas is currently challenging VR system designers to formulate and deploy strategies and tools to effectively visualise, navigate and effectively communicate various types of information within a virtual environment (VE). A further problem relates to the fact that even within a single area or application the requirements are still diverse to the extent that different approaches and technologies still need to be employed before a satisfactory solution is reached.

This paper presents four possible approaches in identifying and designing effective VR systems for architecture and planning design to allow the user to effectively communicate and share their experiences and ideas in a collaborative manner. It is also proposed that VEs should look beyond plain representations and reproductions of the real world environments that they portray and bear higher interpretation and expression values. The value of eliciting structuring and interfacing information and knowledge to a VE is also highlighted, as is the need for efficient database systems and CAD systems capable of exchanging information and data with VEs. Current efforts in prolonging the lifetime of VEs are being examined through four case studies that highlight the ever-escalating requirements that currently face VR researchers.

keywords Virtual Reality, Virtual Environment, Collaborative Design
series journal paper
type normal paper
last changed 2006/09/29 03:05

_id sigradi2003_127
id sigradi2003_127
authors Ripper Kós, José
year 2003
title Modelos 3D e banco de dados: investigações de narrativas históricas (3D models and database: investigations on historical narratives)
source SIGraDi 2003 - [Proceedings of the 7th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Rosario Argentina 5-7 november 2003
summary RIO-H is a web-based system that aims to present an alternative to historical narrative. Images from 3D historical models of Rio de Janeiro link spaces within the city to historical documents stored in a database. The users retrieve the files of different sources associated to specific areas in the city. The 3D historical images facilitate the creation of relationships between the city in the past and the current city users dwell. Thus, users experience in the current city is critical for the generation of images of the past city and individual historical narratives as they navigate through the system.
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:58

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