CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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_id 2004_489
id 2004_489
authors Bille, Pia
year 2004
title CityScape - Analysing Modern Urbanism
source Architecture in the Network Society [22nd eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-2-4] Copenhagen (Denmark) 15-18 September 2004, pp. 489-494
summary Understanding scale is a major concern and a condition of working in the field of architecture and urban design. The project described in this case origins from Blauwe Koffer, a method developed in the 80’s by the Dutch architects Dolf Dobbelaar and Paul de Vroom. The method is devoted to analysis of form and function of important architectural and urban design projects in the last century and is a flexible model for searching architectural solutions at an early stage of a project. In the paper I will describe how a group of faculty transformed the Blauwe Koffer into a digital method serving as an introduction to urban design in the second year curriculum. The project introduced topics of modern urbanism defined as cityscapes. Through a series of mapping analysis the students studied variations of scale, extension, volume, density, borders, overlaps, bricollage, diversity etc. The students were required to do analysis in the form of a matrix of 6 x 7 cells. Categories in the analysis were three scales of figure / ground studies, bricollage and studies of the urban raster. DataTown was a particular category inspired by MVRDV. The project data derived from digital maps, and project presentations in books and magazines. At second year the students are assigned to do digital projects as a part of the curriculum and the students are required to have their own computer. The project was the first digital assignment in studio and previous computer courses and skills were limited to a one-week course in desktop publishing. The CityScape project was a successful experience in integrating computation in studio, in group work and in analysis of modern urbanism. The paper will show some of the projects and discuss the assignment as a part of the implementation of an IT-strategy.
keywords CAAD-Curriculum; Urban Morphology; Mapping; Education and Practise
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id ijac20053406
id ijac20053406
authors Kvan, Thomas
year 2005
title Professor Tsuyoshi Sasada 1941-2005
source International Journal of Architectural Computing vol. 3 - no. 4, 519-526
summary Tsuyoshi Sasada, known as Tee to so many of us, died on 30 September 2005 at the age of 64 after a long illness.Tee retired from Osaka University in 2004 upon reaching the mandatory retirement age but retained his association as Emeritus Professor.At the time of his death he held appointments as Honorary Professor, National Chiao Tung University (Taiwan) and Expert Researcher, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology. He had been with Osaka University since 1970, having earned his bachelor, master and doctoral degrees at Kyoto University. In 1988 he was appointed Professor in Osaka and established his laboratory, known as the Sasada Lab, from which over 200 students have graduated.
series journal
last changed 2007/03/04 07:08

_id caadria2004_k-1
id caadria2004_k-1
authors Kalay, Yehuda E.
year 2004
source CAADRIA 2004 [Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / ISBN 89-7141-648-3] Seoul Korea 28-30 April 2004, pp. 5-14
summary The introduction of VRML (Virtual Reality Markup Language) in 1994, and other similar web-enabled dynamic modeling software (such as SGI’s Open Inventor and WebSpace), have created a rush to develop on-line 3D virtual environments, with purposes ranging from art, to entertainment, to shopping, to culture and education. Some developers took their cues from the science fiction literature of Gibson (1984), Stephenson (1992), and others. Many were web-extensions to single-player video games. But most were created as a direct extension to our new-found ability to digitally model 3D spaces and to endow them with interactive control and pseudo-inhabitation. Surprisingly, this technologically-driven stampede paid little attention to the core principles of place-making and presence, derived from architecture and cognitive science, respectively: two principles that could and should inform the essence of the virtual place experience and help steer its development. Why are the principles of place-making and presence important for the development of virtual environments? Why not simply be content with our ability to create realistically-looking 3D worlds that we can visit remotely? What could we possibly learn about making these worlds better, had we understood the essence of place and presence? To answer these questions we cannot look at place-making (both physical and virtual) from a 3D space-making point of view alone, because places are not an end unto themselves. Rather, places must be considered a locus of contextualization and embodiment that ground human activities and give them meaning. In doing so, places acquire a meaning of their own, which facilitates, improves, and enriches many aspects of our lives. They provide us with a means to interpret the activities of others and to direct our own actions. Such meaning is comprised of the social and cultural conceptions and behaviors imprinted on the environment by the presence and activities of its inhabitants, who in turn, ‘read’ by them through their own corporeal embodiment of the same environment. This transactional relationship between the physical aspects of an environment, its social/cultural context, and our own embodiment of it, combine to create what is known as a sense of place: the psychological, physical, social, and cultural framework that helps us interpret the world around us, and directs our own behavior in it. In turn, it is our own (as well as others’) presence in that environment that gives it meaning, and shapes its social/cultural character. By understanding the essence of place-ness in general, and in cyberspace in particular, we can create virtual places that can better support Internet-based activities, and make them equal to, in some cases even better than their physical counterparts. One of the activities that stands to benefit most from understanding the concept of cyber-places is learning—an interpersonal activity that requires the co-presence of others (a teacher and/or fellow learners), who can point out the difference between what matters and what does not, and produce an emotional involvement that helps students learn. Thus, while many administrators and educators rush to develop webbased remote learning sites, to leverage the economic advantages of one-tomany learning modalities, these sites deprive learners of the contextualization and embodiment inherent in brick-and-mortar learning institutions, and which are needed to support the activity of learning. Can these qualities be achieved in virtual learning environments? If so, how? These are some of the questions this talk will try to answer by presenting a virtual place-making methodology and its experimental implementation, intended to create a sense of place through contextualization and embodiment in virtual learning environments.
series CAADRIA
type normal paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:52

_id sigradi2004_257
id sigradi2004_257
authors Antonio Serrato-Combe
year 2004
title Something 's gotta give' architectural animations
source SIGraDi 2004 - [Proceedings of the 8th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Porte Alegre - Brasil 10-12 november 2004
summary Architectural animations are like Harry Langer, a fifty-something entertainment mogul played by best actor nominee Jack Nicholson in the film Something.s Gotta Give. been surrounded by plenty of pathetic spiritless gimmicks. And, like Harry in the film, they have suffered a heart attack. Harry did not die. Architectural animations are still around, barely. Something.s wrong with them. When Harry begins to recover, he.s surprised to find himself growing fond of a woman his own age (played by best actress nominee Dianne Keaton). This is precisely what should happen to architectural animations. They need to come to terms with more mature attitudes and approaches. This paper presents a new and different approach to architectural animations. In ninety nine percent of the cases, architectural animations have been produced at the end of the design process, just when architects or architecture students are ready to present their schemes to an audience or client group. All design decisions have been made. All aspects of the architectural solutions have been set. Tectonic qualities, lighting schemes, construction approaches, everything has been cast in stone. The animation is simply shown as a public relations gesture to broadcast to the audience that the design team is digitally savvy and uses the latest technologies. The proposition contained herein is that animations be used throughout the design process, that is, from beginning to end.
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id eaea2003_15-breen
id eaea2003_15-breen
authors Breen, J. and Giro, H.
year 2004
title The DXI Experience. Ten Years of Design Visualization Developments in an Educational Laboratory Context
source Spatial Simulation and Evaluation - New Tools in Architectural and Urban Design [Proceedings of the 6th European Architectural Endoscopy Association Conference / ISBN 80-227-2088-7], pp. 71-77
summary Design visualisation is an essential aspect of virtually every form of design enquiry. The effects of potential environmental interventions may be simulated in order to gain the types of insights, which cannot be acquired easily from two-dimensional notations. Three-dimensional representations may be generated for very different reasons. The most direct form of design imaging is traditionally for the benefit of the designer him/herself, in order to test whether the working concepts offer fitting solutions to the complex array of design conditions such as context, programme and feasibility. Alternately, images may be generated for the benefit of communication, in order to offer insights into the expected workings of a particular proposal (possibly including alternatives). This may lead to greater understanding and possibly to reaching consensus amongst different ‘actors’ involved in the design and realisation process. In many cases the results of such visualisation studies contribute to ‘bridging the gap’ between the professionals and other parties involved more indirectly in design decision-making or the appraisal of the proposals. Designers can use distinctly different methods when going about such imaging procedures. Their choices for particular techniques may depend on their familiarity or the availability of certain media devices. Being confronted with new modelling and/or visualisation instruments can stimulate the interest in fresh approaches. In this respect, the design education environment can play an important role in not only teaching ‘proven’ applications to future designers, but also in creating a platform for the active development of innovative approaches to the design visualisation practices: education as a ‘laboratory’ for new insights and potentially a ‘breeding ground’ for the extension of the designer’s instrumentation. This contribution documents the experiences gained in some ten years within an educational application, involving active use of design driven media applications. The emphasis lies on the evolvement of techniques for eye-level imaging, whereby use can be made of different types of models: physical scale models as well as digital, virtual models. Changing attitudes towards dynamic and serial vision are considered, whereby storyboard approaches on the level of integral presentation are considered. By analysing a selection of cases and their underlying approaches an indication is given of the changing attitudes and combinations of multimedia techniques, which offer opportunities to design visualisation and communication.
series EAEA
last changed 2005/09/09 10:43

_id 2004_530
id 2004_530
authors Breen, Jack
year 2004
title Changing Roles for (Multi)Media Tools in Design - Assessing Developments and Applications of (Multi)Media Techniques in Design Education, Practice and Research
source Architecture in the Network Society [22nd eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-2-4] Copenhagen (Denmark) 15-18 September 2004, pp. 530-539
summary This contribution explores the continued evolvement of the instruments of design in relation to practice and education (and potentially: research) and attempts to characterize the effects brought about by recent media ‘shifts’. For this purpose a framework has been established to identify and ‘map’ relevant design media. The relationships between various ‘traditional’ media and computer based applications are scrutinized and characterized and the opportunities which they offer are compared. The underlying conceptual framework was recently put before a group of professionals in the in the course of an experimental workshop concerning the potentials of a virtual design media ‘museum’. In the following step an attempt is made to identify changing media roles, whereby the opportunities of the educational environment – as a ‘laboratory’ for emerging developments – is stressed. Some specific tendencies are identified, notably: the combined application of different sorts of design media; the surfacing of imaginative new working methods inspired by ‘classic’ media techniques and various new ways of escaping the serious limitations of traditional computer interfaces. These developments, making use of various types of computer platforms, may be expected to contribute to more structured – and imaginative – approaches to professional design as well as to architectural education and research.
keywords Computer Support For Learning; The Changing Role of the Design Studio; Educational Methodologies
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id 2004_426
id 2004_426
authors Carrara, Gianfranco and Fioravanti, Antonio
year 2004
title How to Construct an Audience in Collaborative Design - The Relationship Among which Actors in the Design Process
source Architecture in the Network Society [22nd eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-2-4] Copenhagen (Denmark) 15-18 September 2004, pp. 426-434
summary The features of complexity in architectural design have now been clarified. Complexity, intrinsic in architectural work, has increased in recent years as in all other fields of human endeavour – social, economic and cultural. In the specific case of architectural design, the most significant factors in this regard consist of the large number of actors, the numerous disciplines involved, technological innovation, regulations and rules governing the design process and the various different design aims. In order to address this complex of problems, long-term research based on the Collaborative Design paradigm, CD, is now being carried out. In it, thanks to the reciprocal exchange of information, the complementary nature of the knowledge possessed by the various actors, and the contemporary nature of the design action by the various actors on the same components, positive effects are exerted on the design as a whole. The latter thus gains in coherence and in improved integration among the design solutions proposed by the various actors. In CD all the actors are involved from the outset of the design work and are helped by distributed Knowledge Bases (KBs) and Intelligent Assistants (IAs). In this case it may happen that information and knowledge automatically exchanged among KBs (through the IAs) are excessive and/or not addressed to the right actors. How can information redundancy be avoided, and how can the flow of information sent over the network be controlled? The present paper introduces and defines the concept of „Audience“, that is, the group of actors to which it is permitted to send information concerning non respected requirements and the „reduced Audience“ to which to send the knowledge needed to overcome the difficulties encountered.
keywords Collaborative Architectural Design, Complexity, Intelligent Assistant, Context, Audience
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:55

_id disschoo
id disschoo
authors Choo, Seung Yeon
year 2004
source Technische Universität München
summary The research presented in this thesis describes a computer-aided design support of traditional architectural theories. Traditional architectural theories in western architecture have been considered as a basis for answering the fundamental questions of architecture: proportion, symmetry, colour, harmony and so on. In particular, the aesthetic aspect of these theories has been one of many important architectural aspects, and which is concerned with the field of architecture in determining the beauty of architectural form. The most significant role of the traditional theories in architecture is to maintain unity, to avoid chaos and then to achieve harmony in a design, using some specific design principles. However, current technology-guided constructions tend to neglect often the importance of these theories due to the standardization of building elements, due to mechanically-prepared construction and the reducing completion costs, etc. Thus, this research proposes a design support system as a design assistant that gives an intelligent advice on architectural design, using analytical design- and ordering- principles of traditional theories for the optimization of the architectural design from the aesthetic perspective. To evaluate the aesthetic quality of an architectural design, this system is implemented in the AutoCAD environment, using the AutoLISP. It is applied so as to explain and develop aesthetic qualities of a design. Designs proposed by this system include optimum designs, which are based on the traditional architectural theories, and new ones which can be in future connected to information models. To do this, the definition of information about building elements is accomplished by using the neutral format EXPRESS and EXPRESS-G for such application systems. The results of the application system are presented, such as the easily generating and quickly conceptualising of an object model, the checking of the aesthetic value of the design during the various design phases, the helping to find direction during rational searching for a solution. The user can easily appreciate the usefulness of the proposed system as a set of tools for searching for rational architectural aesthetics and formal solutions at different design-stages. It is to be hoped that a new "traditional" fundamental of architecture, such as the proposed system, incorporating CAAD systems, will find its place among new technological methods in the AEC industry and so help to bridge the gap between the value of traditional architecture and CAAD systems.
keywords Aesthetics, Design Theory, Order Principle, Product Model, IFC, AutoCAD/AutoLISP
series thesis:PhD
type normal paper
last changed 2004/05/23 07:05

_id sigradi2006_e183a
id sigradi2006_e183a
authors Costa Couceiro, Mauro
year 2006
title La Arquitectura como Extensión Fenotípica Humana - Un Acercamiento Basado en Análisis Computacionales [Architecture as human phenotypic extension – An approach based on computational explorations]
source SIGraDi 2006 - [Proceedings of the 10th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Santiago de Chile - Chile 21-23 November 2006, pp. 56-60
summary The study describes some of the aspects tackled within a current Ph.D. research where architectural applications of constructive, structural and organization processes existing in biological systems are considered. The present information processing capacity of computers and the specific software development have allowed creating a bridge between two holistic nature disciplines: architecture and biology. The crossover between those disciplines entails a methodological paradigm change towards a new one based on the dynamical aspects of forms and compositions. Recent studies about artificial-natural intelligence (Hawkins, 2004) and developmental-evolutionary biology (Maturana, 2004) have added fundamental knowledge about the role of the analogy in the creative process and the relationship between forms and functions. The dimensions and restrictions of the Evo-Devo concepts are analyzed, developed and tested by software that combines parametric geometries, L-systems (Lindenmayer, 1990), shape-grammars (Stiny and Gips, 1971) and evolutionary algorithms (Holland, 1975) as a way of testing new architectural solutions within computable environments. It is pondered Lamarck´s (1744-1829) and Weismann (1834-1914) theoretical approaches to evolution where can be found significant opposing views. Lamarck´s theory assumes that an individual effort towards a specific evolutionary goal can cause change to descendents. On the other hand, Weismann defended that the germ cells are not affected by anything the body learns or any ability it acquires during its life, and cannot pass this information on to the next generation; this is called the Weismann barrier. Lamarck’s widely rejected theory has recently found a new place in artificial and natural intelligence researches as a valid explanation to some aspects of the human knowledge evolution phenomena, that is, the deliberate change of paradigms in the intentional research of solutions. As well as the analogy between genetics and architecture (Estévez and Shu, 2000) is useful in order to understand and program emergent complexity phenomena (Hopfield, 1982) for architectural solutions, also the consideration of architecture as a product of a human extended phenotype can help us to understand better its cultural dimension.
keywords evolutionary computation; genetic architectures; artificial/natural intelligence
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:49

_id avocaad_2003_03
id avocaad_2003_03
authors Dag Boutsen
year 2003
source LOCAL VALUES in a NETWORKED DESIGN WORLD - ADDED VALUE OF COMPUTER AIDED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN, Stellingwerff, Martijn and Verbeke, Johan (Eds.), (2004) DUP Science - Delft University Press, ISBN 90-407-2507-1.
summary This paper talks about the hardness of CAAD.And it talks about the necessity to develop ‘soft’ CAAD.A lot of architectural adventures are stopped in the beginning or the middle of the road. Because of decisions far away from the designers or the clients. These decisions break in against some aspects of the design. Small details often kill a whole design-process.Does architectural design only belong to architects and planners ?To a “Me, myself and I”-world ? For the last 10 years, we have gained a lot of experience of designing architectural landscapes in a specific way. We design in such a way that developing projects can change or evolve strongly within themselves without losing their typical spirit. Change because of external and non-predictable events, change because of unexpected or changing circumstances, change because of the participation of new intervening people….New housing projects in Apeldoorn and Dordrecht,Rehabilitation projects in Gennevilliers (Paris) and Hellersdorf (Berlin), …Schools and hospitals in Amsterdam, …Each time very local aspects are incorporated in the different design-spirits.The networks are similar because of specific design-methods.This paper wants to explain something about this process-spirit.
keywords Architecture, Local values, Globalisation, Computer Aided Architectural Design
series AVOCAAD
type normal paper
last changed 2006/01/16 21:38

_id ijac20097405
id ijac20097405
authors Derix, Christian
year 2009
title In-Between Architecture Computation
source International Journal of Architectural Computing vol. 7 - no. 4, 565-586
summary In-Between Architecture Computation describes the evolution of the Computational Design approach at the AedasR&D Computational Design and Research group founded in 2004 at Aedas architects in London. The approach has transformed itself from an academic inspired thinking about computing media to a more flexible model of design heuristics and search algorithms that finally start to produce new hybrid design workflows in the industry while also swimming against the industry trend of super-integration software. Only if computing is not exclusively defined through architectural design intent or purely computing logic, does computational design explore new design thinking.
series journal
last changed 2010/09/06 08:02

_id ijac20042405
id ijac20042405
authors Heitor, Teresa V.; Duarte, José P.; Pinto, Rafaela M.
year 2004
title Combing Grammars and Space Syntax: Formulating, Generating and Evaluating Designs
source International Journal of Architectural Computing vol. 2 - no. 4, 492-515
summary This paper is concerned with how two different computational approaches to design – shape grammars and space syntax – can be combined into a single common framework for formulating, generating, and evaluating designs. The main goal is to explore how the formal principles applied in the design process interact with the spatial properties of the designed objects. Results suggest that space syntax is (1) useful in determining the universe of solutions generated by the grammar and (2) in evaluating the evolving designs in terms of spatial properties and, therefore, in guiding the generation of designs.
series journal
last changed 2007/03/04 07:08

_id 1959
id 1959
authors Heylighen, Ann; Martin, W Mike; Cavallin, Humberto
year 2004
source Journal of Design Research, Volume 4, Issue 1, 2004 [ISSN 1569-1551]
summary Central to Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) is the claim that knowledge in human memory takes the form of cases, i.e. interpreted representations of concrete experiences. The intimate relationship between knowledge and experience in design has inspired CBR researchers to develop various Case-Based Design tools, which try to support architects (and designers in general) in capitalizing on previous design experience. Typically, these tools is built around a case base, an indexed collection of concrete cases labeled by a set of characteristic features. In general, cases document buildings, i.e. design products. By contrast, Building Stories has chosen to complement product data by stories about the process that generated the product. Previous papers have documented and illustrated the ideas underlying Building Stories and situated the methodology with regard to other case study approaches. The present paper focuses on establishing the growing repository of building stories into a valuable resource of and for the profession.
series other
type normal paper
last changed 2005/01/26 22:50

_id 4b2a
id 4b2a
authors Jabi, Wassim
year 2004
source University of Michigan
summary The development of appropriate research frameworks and guidelines for the construction of software aids in the area of architectural design can lead to a better understanding of designing and computer support for designing (Gero and Maher 1997). The field of research and development in computer-supported collaborative architectural design reflects that of the early period in the development of the field of computersupported cooperative work (CSCW). In the early 1990s, the field of CSCW relied on unsystematic attempts to generate software that increases the productivity of people working together (Robinson 1992). Furthermore, a shift is taking place by which researchers in the field of architecture are increasingly becoming consumers of rather than innovators of technology (Gero and Maher . In particular, the field of architecture is rapidly becoming dependent on commercial software implementations that are slow to respond to new research or to user demands. Additionally, these commercial systems force a particular view of the domain they serve and as such might hinder rather than help its development. The aim of this dissertation is to provide information to architects and others to help them build their own tools or, at a minimum, be critical of commercial solutions.
series thesis:PhD
type normal paper
last changed 2004/10/24 22:35

_id acadia04_110
id acadia04_110
authors Kilian, Axel
year 2004
title Linking Digital Hanging Chain Models to Fabrication
source Fabrication: Examining the Digital Practice of Architecture [Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture and the 2004 Conference of the AIA Technology in Architectural Practice Knowledge Community / ISBN 0-9696665-2-7] Cambridge (Ontario) 8-14 November, 2004, 110-125
summary The paper traces the development of a digital hanging chain modeler in Java inspired by Antonio Gaudi’s physical hanging chain models. More importantly, it demonstrates how fabrication schemas for physical mockups of the digitally simulated hanging chain can be linked to the real time form finding simulation. Fabrication output is an integral part of the iterative process and not a post-design process. The current implementation is still limited and currently requires programming for reconfiguration. The paper proposes the link of form-finding and fabrication finding and lays out several examples and first steps of how to do so.
keywords form finding, simulation, fabrication
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:52

_id ascaad2004_paper13
id ascaad2004_paper13
authors Mandour, Mohamed Alaa
year 2004
title From “Hard Architecture” to “Soft Architecture”: Architecture Form in the 21st Century
source eDesign in Architecture: ASCAAD's First International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design, 7-9 December 2004, KFUPM, Saudi Arabia
summary The digital revolution is affecting not only the way we produce drawings, but also the way we think about architecture. Such expressionistic, neo-baroque forms would have been unthinkable without higher technology, which allows for customization at a massive scale. Three dimensional computation extends the architect's range, permitting a wealth of experimentation, any form seems possible, the architecture language, the vocabulary changed, and the way design thinking has various dimensions. Within a short space of time the computer has become a widely accepted feature of architecture, both in the design process and in the everyday operation of buildings, and we are constantly aware that the computer's introductions into architecture will eventually have farreaching consequences. After all, the current revolution is not just about the computer as a tool but about its role and effect on the form of architecture and thinking This paper will discuss what form will architecture take in the next years? Will every future problem be anticipated, developing more efficient solutions? Will projects reflect meaningful architecture, for dynamic and contemplative environments and for aesthetic quality? And, how we will stand this unavoidable futurism?
series ASCAAD
last changed 2007/04/08 19:47

_id caadria2005_b_5c_b
id caadria2005_b_5c_b
authors Martin Tamke
year 2005
title Crossing The Media
source CAADRIA 2005 [Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / ISBN 89-7141-648-3] New Delhi (India) 28-30 April 2005, vol. 2, pp. 364-374
summary An open-ended, diversified and critical approach of architectural design, using different form of ideas representation might offer best chances to gain new spatial solutions. Today’s most forward architects and designer are aware of this and make full use of physical and digital media during the process of design. During the summer term 2004 the experiment ‘Crossing the Media’ took place at the Technical University of Braunschweig. The main goal of this practical oriented seminar has been the exploration of the interface between analogue and digital Media within the design process. Both techniques, analogue and digital, were used in an experimental way and their interaction and adaptability in the field of architecture was analyzed. The work examines the possibility of a consistent integration of digital and physical representation in a design process and the individual benefits of each. In order to achieve this, we made up a stringent line of digital-analogue and analogue-digital (DA-AD) Technologies for our design experiment. During the examination we focused especially on the creative potential of the techniques used, their interaction and adaptability in the field of architecture. Hence one of the goals of the occupation with the digital analogue interfaces was the examination of the emerging shift within the structure during the process, the imprints of technology. This paper describes the workflow and tools that were used, our practical experiences with analogue digital interface and the emerging questions and impulses to architects future work and theory. The discovered limitations and consequences of interfaces between the analogue and digital realm of design and their creative chances will be revealed. We share results which we think are helpful to others, and we highlight areas where further research is necessary.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:59

_id acadia04_162
id acadia04_162
authors Perez, Santiago R.
year 2004
title The Synthetic Sublime
source Fabrication: Examining the Digital Practice of Architecture [Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture and the 2004 Conference of the AIA Technology in Architectural Practice Knowledge Community / ISBN 0-9696665-2-7] Cambridge (Ontario) 8-14 November, 2004, 162-175
summary The distinction between the artificial and the natural has been increasingly challenged as a result of advances in genetics, microbiol¬ogy, and robotics. Beginning with the molecular assemblage of organic systems into complex micro-surfaces and structures, and expanding into the realm of the macro landscape, our understanding of the term Synthetic must be revised. What is the relationship between the component (or part) and the whole, when confronted with the Synthetic? Digitally mediated fabrication technologies, combined with a renewed interest in topology and (bio)logical form, serve to challenge our preconceived notions of space and form. This inquiry will attempt to explore the relationship between traditional assemblies produced by hand, and the production of complex forms through digital rapid prototyping. The impact of D'Arcy Thompson's On Growth and Form will be considered both as a historical juncture and a contemporary source of knowledge for the exploration of new assemblages inspired by topology and biology. In particular, the organic micro-surfaces depicted in France Bourély's Hidden Beauty will be explored, in comparison with the mathematical development of organic forms inspired by Periodic Minimal Surfaces. The analysis of emerging forms and assemblages based on the notion of the Synthetic will be compared with the Organic, and considered within the context of twentieth century art and sculpture. An attempt will be made to establish new modes of inquiry for combining digital and physical explorations of space and form, influenced by advances in micro-scale structures, complex surfaces, and the history of organic form in art.
keywords landscape, form, surface, assemblage
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 08:00

_id 2004_358
id 2004_358
authors Serrato-Combe, Antonio
year 2004
title Something’s Gotta Give - Architectural Animations
source Architecture in the Network Society [22nd eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-2-4] Copenhagen (Denmark) 15-18 September 2004, pp. 358-365
summary Architectural animations are like Harry Langer, a fifty-something entertainment mogul played by best actor nominee Jack Nicholson in the film Something’s Gotta Give. They’ve been surrounded by plenty of pathetic spiritless gimmicks. And, like Harry in the film, they have suffered a heart attack. Harry did not die. Architectural animations are still around, barely. Something’s wrong with them. When Harry begins to recover, he’s surprised to find himself growing fond of a woman his own age (played by best actress nominee Dianne Keaton). This is precisely what should happen to architectural animations. They need to come to terms with more mature attitudes and approaches. This paper presents a new and different approach to architectural animations. In ninety nine percent of the cases, architectural animations have been produced at the end of the design process, just when architects or architecture students are ready to present their schemes to an audience or client group. All design decisions have been made. All aspects of the architectural solutions have been set. Tectonic qualities, lighting schemes, construction approaches, everything has been cast in stone. The animation is simply shown as a public relations gesture to broadcast to the audience that the design team is digitally savvy and uses the latest technologies. The proposition contained herein is that animations be used throughout the design process, that is, from beginning to end.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:57

_id 305caadria2004
id 305caadria2004
authors Somen Chakraborty
year 2004
title Archimetrics: A Necessary Discipline for Obtaining Objective Values From Architectural Subjective Values
source CAADRIA 2004 [Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / ISBN 89-7141-648-3] Seoul Korea 28-30 April 2004, pp. 443-452
summary If we are serious about using CAAD then many subjective design steps normally performed by the architect apparently creatively using subjective values are to be performed by the computer. To fulfil this purpose a tremendous research work is necessary to transform subjective design methods and values to objective design methods and values which should give realistic design solutions not less efficient than that produced by human being. For this purpose it has become imperative now to develop new methods or borrow methods from other disciplines like statistics and psychometrics so that this kind of transformation can be done effectively. It appears that this may form a distinct discipline by itself which may be termed as “archimetrics” keeping parity with similar terms like psychometrics, econometrics, anthropometrics etc. With this view in mind the author has attempted to develop few methods and concepts by virtue of which some of the subjective design methods and values can be transformed into objective design methods and values. The author describes here some basic concepts required for this purpose.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:56

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