CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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_id 11cb
id 11cb
authors Oguzhan Özcan
year 2004
source Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference of Mathematics & Design, Special Edition of the Journal of Mathematics & Design, Volume 4, No.1, pp. 199-203.
summary Many people believe that mathematical thought is an essential element of creativity. The origin of this idea in art dates back to Plato. Asserting that aesthetics is based on logical and mathematical rules, Plato had noticed that geometrical forms were “forms of beauty” in his late years. Unlike his contemporaries, he had stressed that the use of geometrical forms such as lines, circles, planes, cubes in a composition would aid to form an aesthetics. The rational forms of Plato and the rules of geometry have formed the basis of antique Greek art, sculpture and architecture and have influenced art and design throughout history in varying degrees. This emphasis on geometry has continued in modern design, reflected prominently by Kandinsky’s geometric classifications .

Mathematics and especially geometry have found increasing application in the computer-based design environment of our day. The computer has become the central tool in the modern design environment, replacing the brush, the paints, the pens and pencils of the artist. However, if the artist does not master the internal working of this new tool thoroughly, he can neither develop nor express his creativity. If the designer merely learns how to use a computer-based tool, he risks producing designs that appear to be created by a computer. From this perspective, many design schools have included computer courses, which teach not only the use of application programs but also programming to modify and create computer-based tools.

In the current academic educational structure, different techniques are used to show the interrelationship of design and programming to students. One of the best examples in this area is an application program that attempts to teach the programming logic to design students in a simple way. One of the earliest examples of such programs is the Topdown Programming Shell developed by Mitchell, Liggett and Tan in 1988 . The Topdown system is an educational CAD tool for architectural applications, where students program in Pascal to create architectural objects. Different examples of such educational programs have appeared since then. A recent fine example of these is the book and program called “Design by Number” by John Maeda . In that book, students are led to learn programming by coding in a simple programming language to create various graphical primitives.

However, visual programming is based largely on geometry and one cannot master the use of computer-based tools without a through understanding of the mathematical principles involved. Therefore, in a model for design education, computer-based application and creativity classes should be supported by "mathematics for design" courses. The definition of such a course and its application in the multimedia design program is the subject of this article.

series other
type normal paper
last changed 2005/04/07 15:36

_id 5cf4
id 5cf4
authors Barrionuevo, Luis F.
year 2004
source Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference of Mathematics & Design, Special Edition of the Journal of Mathematics & Design, Volume 4, No.1, pp. 179-187.
summary This paper deals with “Spirospaces”. These are a conversion to the third dimension of the two dimensional geometric entities called “Spirolaterals”.

Abelson, Harold, diSessa and Andera (1968) gave the first rules concerning Spirolaterals. To obtain a Spirolateral from a set of straight lines, the first of them must be one unit long and the following must be incremented one unit at each step, at the same time that they turn in a constant direction. Odds (1973) establish the variation of the rotation direction, either to the left or the right. However, he did not give a mathematical relation able to calculate open Spirolaterals. Krawczyk (2001) developed a computer program that generates Spirolaterals following the method suggested by Abelson. These are Spirolaterals obtained by enumeration without a predictive mathematical formula. Krawczyc went farther proposing Spirolaterals based in curved lines. He pointed out that there are a variety of spirolateral forms that have architectural potentiality. Following this, the architectural potentiality of Spirolaterals is the basis of this paper.

To take advantage of that potentiality a computer program was implemented to generate spatial configurations based in Spirolaterals. When a third dimension is given to the Spirolaterals they become Spirospaces. These new entities need spatial and design parameters to be useful for architectural purposes. Barrionuevo and Borsetti (2001) gave results about that work establishing the concept of Spirospaces.

The aim of this paper is to describe a work directed to improve rules and procedures concerning Spirospaces. It is expected that these procedures governed by the proposed rules can be employed as tools during the early steps in the architectural design process.

In this work some aspects concerning Spirospaces are considered. First, Spirolaterals are presented as the predecessors of Spirospaces. Second, Spirospaces are defined, together with their structural parameters. Architectural modeling is studied at the light of two special elements of the Spirospaces: Interstitial spaces and Object spaces. Next, a computer program is presented as the appropriate tool to model configurations having architectural potentiality. Finally, the results obtained running the computer program are analyzed to determine their possible use as architectural forms. Several graphic illustrations are presented showing steps going from the exploration of spatial alternatives to the selection of a specific configuration to be developed.

It is expected that the described computer program could be employed as a design aid tool. As the operation of the program generates a variety of spaces able to dwell architectural objects, it eases the search of configurations suitable to specific functions. The results obtained have the possibility of being exported to computer graphic applications able to add materials, lights and cameras.

keywords Spirolaterals, Spirospaces, architectural spaces, interstitial spaces, objectual spaces
series other
type normal paper
last changed 2005/04/07 15:34

_id acadia11_138
id acadia11_138
authors Buell, Samantha; Shaban, Ryan; Corte, Daniel; Beorkrem, Christopher
year 2011
title Zero-waste, Flat Pack Truss Work: An Investigation of Responsive Structuralism
source ACADIA 11: Integration through Computation [Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA)] [ISBN 978-1-6136-4595-6] Banff (Alberta) 13-16 October, 2011, pp. 138-143
summary The direct and rapid connections between scripting, modeling and prototyping allow for investigations of computation in fabrication. The manipulation of planar materials with two-dimensional CNC cuts can easily create complex and varied forms, volumes, and surfaces. However, the bulk of research on folding using CNC fabrication tools is focused upon surfaces, self-supporting walls and shell structures, which do not integrate well into more conventional building construction models.This paper attempts to explain the potential for using folding methodologies to develop structural members through a design-build process. Conventional building practice consists of the assembly of off-the-shelf parts. Many times, the plinth, skeleton, and skin are independently designed and fabricated, integrating multiple industries. Using this method of construction as an operative status quo, this investigation focused on a single structural component: the truss. A truss is defined as: “A triangulated arrangement of structural members that reduces nonaxial external forces to a set of axial forces in its members.” (Allen and Iano 2004)Using folding methodologies and sheet steel to create a truss, this design investigation employed a recyclable and prolific building material to redefine the fabrication of a conventional structural member. The potential for using digital design and two-dimensional CNC fabrication tools in the design of a foldable truss from sheet steel is viable in the creation of a flat-packed, minimal waste structural member that can adapt to a variety of aesthetic and structural conditions. Applying new methods to a component of the conventional ‘kit of parts’ allowed for a novel investigation that recombines zero waste goals, flat-packing potential, structural expression and computational processes.
series ACADIA
type normal paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id sigradi2004_129
id sigradi2004_129
authors Clarissa Ribeiro; Anja Pratschke; Azael Camargo
year 2004
title [on]_ambiente para uma comunidade virtual ["[on]_ambiente" for a Virtual Community]
source SIGraDi 2004 - [Proceedings of the 8th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Porte Alegre - Brasil 10-12 november 2004
summary Inside of a public politics project . Comunidades Online . that considers the construction of a virtual community as intervention in a concrete community, the article considers some initial parameters capable to guide the design of a virtual environment of dialogue and interaction for this on-line community. The objective of this article is to trace the main lines that will direct the design process this environment in a boarding with approaches to the architecture, placing on questions to the space where this dialogue happens. The work develops from the discussions circa the concept of community; of interfaces examples that illustrate different ways to give quality support to the dialogue between users, and one more consistent representation of .I., as well as expression of the identity in the virtual environment; and of an alternative presentation for technological basement, the semantic web.
keywords Community; virtual communities; semantic web; virtual environment design
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:49

_id a0d4
id a0d4
authors Rosa Enrich, Andrea Carnicero, Gustavo Fornari & Pedro Orazzi
year 2004
source Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference of Mathematics & Design, Spetial Edition of the Journal of Mathematics & Design, Volume 4, No.1, pp. 13-21.
summary Abstract: A series of practical tasks have been done under the general name of “Surfaces in invisible cities”. Each task was based on a story taken from the book The Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino. The research carried out allows to design a pedagogical project which makes evident , generates and connects several intentions, motivations and learning structures. It proposes the use of multi- level languages and readings. Therefore, each task takes more time than that of the proposed mathematical class. Its implementation generates a broader view than that seen at the time of design.

From the detailed analysis of the results obtained, the following diverse pedagogical aspects of this work project arise: a. The use of several multiple intelligence: Howard Gardner (1985) found that a man has several distinct intelligence types among which Logical-Mathematical; Spatial; Linguistic -oriented; Musical; Intra-personal; Kinesthetic-Corporal; Interpersonal stand out. Only those types used in the task will be analyzed, making a brief description of each type. b. The architectonic-city planning aspects: architectonic-city planning interpretation of the space imagined after reading the text, with the purpose of identifying figures, shapes, volumes and colors which are expressed via an analogous space. They consist of visual, architectonic and territorial speculations without a rigorous spatial theory and it is pretended that they possess a technical precision at mathematical concept level. c. The mathematical contents: a study of the conical and square shapes present in the designs done and used in a creative manner in students’ compositions following the reading of the story chosen is carried out. An analysis of shapes is performed and mathematical problems are posed within the design context.

Traditional sketching methods have been used in task solving and the possibilities offered by the virtual tools are analyzed.

Emphasis has been put on the vertical and horizontal interchanges in the Chair, generating changes in knowledge transmission perspectives, thus allowing the sharing of contents, abilities and resources. The architectonic work imagined and created by the students will focus on these different working lines creating a harmonious and significant whole. The work is the result of multiple connections and creative proposals.

keywords city, geometry, multiple intelligence
series other
type normal paper
last changed 2005/04/07 12:46

_id 041123sowa-a
id 041123sowa-a
authors Sowa, Agnieszka
year 2004
title Generation and optimization of complex and irregular construction/structure on example of NDS2004 final project
source ETH postgraduate studies final thesis, Zurich
summary During the postgraduate studies in CAAD at ETH the research is mainly focused on computer based architectural design and its automatic production. Usually the way from an architectural idea to production starts with creating of a digital model of the structure which is than transformed into data which can be used by CNC machines. The final group work of NDS 2004students also follows this schema. This thesis is centered on its first element–computer aided architectural design.The aim of the research was to create a programming tool which generate linear construction grids for a cubic form and then optimize them according to given parameters. The data produced during this process is then visualized by digital models which can be evaluated by a designer as ready for production or can be changed in a further design process. Eventually, this data is an input for scripting tools creating production drawings for CNC machines. The thesis contains information about the mathematical description of the structure, methods of its generation, analysis and optimization. It deals also with problems connected with data exchange and storage. The effect of the work is presented by visualizations of digital models as well as by using rapid prototyping methods. Moreover, the most spectacular result of using tools presented in this thesis is the NDS2004 exhibition structure.
series thesis:MSc
last changed 2005/09/09 12:58

_id eaea2003_06-walz-borg
id eaea2003_06-walz-borg
authors Walz, M. and Borg, N.
year 2004
title Process of Perception –A Guiding Line to Moving in a Real Street
source Spatial Simulation and Evaluation - New Tools in Architectural and Urban Design [Proceedings of the 6th European Architectural Endoscopy Association Conference / ISBN 80-227-2088-7], pp. 11-15
summary By a special research design we try to find out in which way subjective perception influences the processes of orientation and moving. Our research design compares an objectified process of orientation and moving of several persons in two real streets – which were unknown to them – with the subjectively differentiated strategies and guiding results of personal perception. By comparing the lines of moving, the strategies of perception to the more subjective results we gained hints on the criteria and the influences of the modes of perception on one side and the influences of the material design of the real street on the other side, on the individual processes of orientation and moving. As last we tried to give some general guidance for future research.
series EAEA
last changed 2005/09/09 10:43

_id sigradi2004_323
id sigradi2004_323
authors Yoshihiro Kobayashi; Meenakshi Sharma
year 2004
title Dynamic interface for axial spatial arrangements using soft computing
source SIGraDi 2004 - [Proceedings of the 8th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Porte Alegre - Brasil 10-12 november 2004
summary This paper describes a computer application that can organize 3D objects along an axis and also redistribute those based on a set of constraints or existing patterns as selected by the user. In particular, the focus of the paper is the two dynamic Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs): the Constraint Arrangement (CA) and the Pattern Arrangement (PA). For these, we use the Soft Computing Techniques . Kohonen.s Self Organizing Map (SOM) and Genetic Algorithm (GA). In both the cases, the application outputs an axial organization of predefined 3D objects which, either adhere to selected constraints or follow patterns set by prior design. The application is implemented, tested and its results are demonstrated using buildings systems.
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 10:03

_id ascaad2004_paper4
id ascaad2004_paper4
authors Ahmad, Sumbul and Scott C. Chase
year 2004
title Design Generation of the Central Asian Caravanserai
source eDesign in Architecture: ASCAAD's First International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design, 7-9 December 2004, KFUPM, Saudi Arabia
summary Challenges for the study of Islamic architecture include its abundance and diversity in expression and its classification based on distinct functional or stylistic types. We address these issues by presenting shape grammars as a methodology for the analysis and design generation of Islamic architecture, with a specific example in the form of a parametric shape grammar for central Asian caravanserais. The grammar is developed by identifying distinct design types. Shape rules are created based on a study of the spatial elements and their organisation in the designs. We illustrate the utility of the grammar by deriving an extant design and as well as, previously unknown designs. We conclude by discussing possible extensions to the current grammar and future work involving the development of a grammar based framework for the comparative analysis of medieval Islamic courtyard buildings.
series ASCAAD
last changed 2007/04/08 19:47

_id sigradi2004_333
id sigradi2004_333
authors Andrés S. Rodríguez
year 2004
title Exploración de relaciones entre analogías y bocetos durante la generación de ideas en diseño industrial como elicitación de requerimientos para CAD [Exploration of Relations between Analogies and Sketches During the Generation of Ideas in Industrial Design for Eliciting CAD Requirements]
source SIGraDi 2004 - [Proceedings of the 8th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Porte Alegre - Brasil 10-12 november 2004
summary An exploration on the analogy-based idea generation process in industrial design is reported. In particular we try to identify relationships between the sketching process and the analogy building in order to elicit requirements for a supporting software. We use concurrent think aloud protocols to obtain experimental data and an extension of a proved content oriented schema to analyze them. Statistical analysis on segments containing .analogical chains. found relations between analogical and design actions that allow us to support the hypothesis that the sketch seems to be more useful for helping the analytical aspects of the analogical making (i.e. to code a situation in terms of higher order relations) than the synthetic ones (i.e. to identify an analogy source). Results were interpreted as software requirements for a Computer Aided Design Application.
keywords Sketching, Analogy, CAD, Industrial design, Protocol analysis
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id 2004_350
id 2004_350
authors Asanowicz, Alexander
year 2004
title Computer, Creativity and Unpredictability
source Architecture in the Network Society [22nd eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-2-4] Copenhagen (Denmark) 15-18 September 2004, pp. 350-357
summary Computers in designing are usually considered as a tool for preparing technical documentation, storage and managing information, coordinating of flow of design process, modelling and all kind of visualisations (renderings, animation, VR models). At the early design stages, when an idea of the form is created, computer is not used very often. The reason for this is that traditional computer drawing is too completed to be used at this stage. In new methods of supporting creativity, computer should be used for creation of less precise, unpredictable but more inspiring images. This method are based on the thesis that emotional elements have a great affect on the decision making process in designing. Intuition, unpredictability and no logic are the essence of creativity in the selection of associations. Confirmation of this statement we may find in many theories of creativity (theory of incubation elaborated by Wallas, genploration (Finke, Ward and Smith), redundant generation (Lem), synectics (Gordon)). All these theories emphasize the role of unpredictable associations and metaphors in creativity. Process of metaphorisation is characteristic for our era and plays important role in creative process. That’s why we need the new methods of graphic computer and non-computer transformation, which allows us a fuller exploration of design metaphors. The final conclusion is built on the thesis that too precise tools promote cause to decrease differences.
keywords Creativity; Design Theory; Metaphors
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id caadria2017_182
id caadria2017_182
authors Austin, Matthew
year 2017
title The Other Digital - What is the Glitch in Architecture?
source P. Janssen, P. Loh, A. Raonic, M. A. Schnabel (eds.), Protocols, Flows, and Glitches - Proceedings of the 22nd CAADRIA Conference, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou, China, 5-8 April 2017, pp. 551-559
summary This paper will discuss and investigate the issues with the concept of 'glitch' in architecture. There are currently two definitions that sit in a symbiotic relationship with each other; Moradi's (2004) and Menkman's (2011). This paper will explore the implications of these two approaches, while investigating the possibility of a third, unique definition (the encoded transform), and what effect they have on the possibility for a 'glitch architecture'. The paper will then focus on the glitches' capacity to be disruptive within the design process. In the context of architecture, it has been previously argued that the inclusion of glitches within a design process can easily create a process that does not 'converge' to a desired design outcome, but instead shifts haphazardly within a set of family resemblances (Austin & Perin 2015). Further to this, it will be revealed that this 'divergent' quality of glitches is due to the encoded nature of architectural production.
keywords Glitch aesthetics; Theory; Algorithmic Design; Process.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id ddss2004_ra-161
id ddss2004_ra-161
authors Bandini, S., S. Manzoni, and G. Vizzari
year 2004
title Crowd Modeling and Simulation
source Van Leeuwen, J.P. and H.J.P. Timmermans (eds.) Recent Advances in Design & Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN: 1-4020-2408-8, p. 161-175
summary The paper introduces a Multi Agent Systems (MAS) approach to crowd modelling and simulation, based on the Situated Cellular Agents (SCA) model. This is a special class of Multilayered Multi Agent Situated System (MMASS), exploiting basic elements of Cellular Automata. In particular SCA model provides an explicit spatial representation and the definition of adjacency geometries, but also a concept of autonomous agent, provided with an internal architecture, an individual state and behaviour. The latter provides different means of space-mediated interaction among agents: synchronous, between adjacent agents, and asynchronous among at-a-distance entities. Heterogeneous entities may be modelled through the specification of different agent types, defining different behaviours and perceptive capabilities. After a brief description of the model, its application to simple crowd behaviours will be given, and an application providing the integration of a bidimensional simulator based on this model and a 3D modelling application (3D Studio) will also be described. The adoption of this kind of system allows the specification and simulation of an architectural design with reference to the behaviour of entities that will act in it. The system is also able to easily produce a realistic visualization of the simulation, in order to facilitate the evaluation of the design and the communication with involved decision-makers. In fact, while experts often require only abstract and analytical results deriving from a quantitative analysis of simulation results, other people involved in the decision-making process related to the design may be helped by qualitative aspects better represented by other forms of graphical visualization.
keywords Multi-Agent Systems, 3D modelling, Simulation
series DDSS
last changed 2004/07/03 22:13

_id ascaad2004_paper2
id ascaad2004_paper2
authors Barrionuevo, Luis F.; Roberto Gómez López, and Roberto Serrentino
year 2004
title Spirospaces in Architectural Design
source eDesign in Architecture: ASCAAD's First International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design, 7-9 December 2004, KFUPM, Saudi Arabia
summary The proposal of this paper is to present "Spirospaces" and their utility in Architectural Design, exploring their relation with other geometrical disciplines such as knot theory, tiling and patterns generation. A spirospace is a geometrical entity generated from the spatial interpretation of a "Spirolateral", a well known bidimentional entity. A computer program to generate spirospaces configurations is presented and demonstrated with several examples. This is complemented with the exposition of the mathematical framework that supports closed spirospaces generation.
series ASCAAD
last changed 2007/04/08 19:47

_id ddss2004_ra-279
id ddss2004_ra-279
authors Bax, M.F.Th. and H.M.G.J. Trum
year 2004
title On the Notion of Level in Architecture
source Van Leeuwen, J.P. and H.J.P. Timmermans (eds.) Recent Advances in Design & Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN: 1-4020-2408-8, p. 279-292
summary The notion of Level (in a scale of Levels) is probably the most authentic notion in Architecture. Already in the work of Vitruvius the notion is implicitly present in the triad ‘ordinatio – symmetria – eurythmia’. In more recent times, the notion always appears in relation with hierarchical organization as a means of control of quality. However used in drawings and in architectural discourse, the term lacks precision; there are many types of level like abstraction, specification, dependency, resolution levels etc., but no operational definition can be found as a notion that structures architectural objects and design processes simultaneously in a consistent way. Defining this notion of Level is the purpose of this paper. An example of application in an architectural decision-making process completes the paper.
keywords Levels, Hierarchy, Architecture, Composition, Complexity, Control
series DDSS
last changed 2004/07/03 22:13

_id ddss2004_ra-247
id ddss2004_ra-247
authors Bi, G. and B. Medjdoub
year 2004
title Hybrid Approach to Solve Space Planning Problems in Building Services
source Van Leeuwen, J.P. and H.J.P. Timmermans (eds.) Recent Advances in Design & Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN: 1-4020-2408-8, p. 247-261
summary In this paper an object-based CAD programming is used to take advantage of standardization to handle the schematic design, sizing, layout for services in a building ceiling void. From the specification of the building 3D model, our software proceeds through different steps; from the determination of the standard number and size of fan coils to the generation of 3D solutions. In order to deal with more complex geometry and larger problems, we have used a hybrid approach: Case Based Reasoning (CBR) within Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) approaches. In practice, engineers in building services use previous solutions and adapt them to new problems. CBR mirrors this practical approach and does help us to deal with increasingly complex geometry effectively, and meanwhile CSP has been used for layout adaptation. The results have shown that it is possible to define and implement standard solutions to produce designs comparable with current practice. The benchmarking exercise has underlined many advantages and made some suggestions for further development. This project is funded by The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) in UK.
keywords Case-Based Reasoning, Constraint Satisfaction Problem, Ceiling Voids Layout, Complex Geometry, Large Problem
series DDSS
last changed 2004/07/03 22:13

_id sigradi2004_357
id sigradi2004_357
authors Carlos Calderon and Nicholas Worley
year 2004
title An automatic real-time camera control engine for the exploration of architectural designs
source SIGraDi 2004 - [Proceedings of the 8th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Porte Alegre - Brasil 10-12 november 2004
summary This paper is concerned with the use of real-time camera engines in architectural virtual environments as a method of enhancing the user.s experience and as a way of facilitating the understanding of architectural concepts. This paper reports on an initial prototype of a real-time cinematic control camera engine for dynamic virtual environments in the architectural domain. The paper discusses the potential of the system to convey architectural concepts using well known architectural concepts such as rhythm and proposes a series of future improvements to address those limitations. Keywords: virtual environments, camera control, design process, filmaking.
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:48

_id sigradi2004_213
id sigradi2004_213
authors Carlos Roberto Barrios Hernandez
year 2004
title Parametric Gaudi
source SIGraDi 2004 - [Proceedings of the 8th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Porte Alegre - Brasil 10-12 november 2004
summary This research is a work in progress in the development of parametric systems for modeling of complex shapes. The research takes on the fundamental rules for form generation of column knots of the Expiatory Temple of the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona. Designed by the Spanish Architect, Antonio Gaudi, the forms of the Sagrada Familia represent a synthesis of manipulation of simple geometrical rules and the use of basic procedures which result in a rich language with no precedents in architecture.
keywords Parametric modeling, design variations, evaluation of designs
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:48

_id 0131
id 0131
authors Chiarella, Mauro
year 2004
source Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference of Mathematics & Design, Special Edition of the Journal of Mathematics & Design, Volume 4, No.1, pp. 135-139.
summary Geometry regarded as a tool for understanding is perhaps the part of Mathematics which is the most intuitive, concrete and linked to reality. From its roots as a tool to describe and measure shapes, geometry as ‘the space science’ , has grown towards a theory of ideas and methods by means of which it is possible to build and study idealised models, not only from the physical world but also from the real world. In graphic architecture thought, geometry usually appears as an instrumental support for project speculation. Geometric procedures are presented as representational resources for the graphic testing of reflection and for the exposition of ideas in order to build a logical order as regards representation and formal prefiguration. The fast rise of computing in the last decades has made it possible for architects to work massively and in a graphic and intuitive way with mathematical representations of tridimensional geometry, such as the NURBS . These organic surfaces of free shapes defined by vectorial curves have allowed access to a rapid generation of complex shapes with a minumum amount of data and of specific knowledge.

The great development of modelling achieved by the digital media and the limitations in the technical and building areas and in the existence of materials which are coherent with the resultant shapes reveal a considerable distance between the systems of ideation and simulation characteristic of the computing era and the analogous systems of production inherited from the slow industrial development. This distance has been shortened by CAD/CAM systems, which are, however, not very accessible to the architectural field. If we incorporate to the development of these divergent media the limitations which are distinctive of the material resources and procedures of the existent local technology, the aforementioned distance seems even greater.

Assuming the metaphor of living at the threshold of two ages (industrial-computing, analogical-digital, material-virtual) and the challenge of the new conceptual and operational tools in our field, we work in the mixture, with no exclusions or substitutions, proposing (by means of the development of informational complements) some alternatives of work to approach the issue under discussion from the Architecture Workshop.

keywords Geometry, Design, NURBS, Unfolding, Pedagogy
series other
type normal paper
last changed 2005/04/07 12:51

_id disschoo
id disschoo
authors Choo, Seung Yeon
year 2004
source Technische Universität München
summary The research presented in this thesis describes a computer-aided design support of traditional architectural theories. Traditional architectural theories in western architecture have been considered as a basis for answering the fundamental questions of architecture: proportion, symmetry, colour, harmony and so on. In particular, the aesthetic aspect of these theories has been one of many important architectural aspects, and which is concerned with the field of architecture in determining the beauty of architectural form. The most significant role of the traditional theories in architecture is to maintain unity, to avoid chaos and then to achieve harmony in a design, using some specific design principles. However, current technology-guided constructions tend to neglect often the importance of these theories due to the standardization of building elements, due to mechanically-prepared construction and the reducing completion costs, etc. Thus, this research proposes a design support system as a design assistant that gives an intelligent advice on architectural design, using analytical design- and ordering- principles of traditional theories for the optimization of the architectural design from the aesthetic perspective. To evaluate the aesthetic quality of an architectural design, this system is implemented in the AutoCAD environment, using the AutoLISP. It is applied so as to explain and develop aesthetic qualities of a design. Designs proposed by this system include optimum designs, which are based on the traditional architectural theories, and new ones which can be in future connected to information models. To do this, the definition of information about building elements is accomplished by using the neutral format EXPRESS and EXPRESS-G for such application systems. The results of the application system are presented, such as the easily generating and quickly conceptualising of an object model, the checking of the aesthetic value of the design during the various design phases, the helping to find direction during rational searching for a solution. The user can easily appreciate the usefulness of the proposed system as a set of tools for searching for rational architectural aesthetics and formal solutions at different design-stages. It is to be hoped that a new "traditional" fundamental of architecture, such as the proposed system, incorporating CAAD systems, will find its place among new technological methods in the AEC industry and so help to bridge the gap between the value of traditional architecture and CAAD systems.
keywords Aesthetics, Design Theory, Order Principle, Product Model, IFC, AutoCAD/AutoLISP
series thesis:PhD
type normal paper
last changed 2004/05/23 07:05

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