CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

Hits 1 to 20 of 559

_id 2005_647
id 2005_647
authors Caldas, Luisa G.
year 2005
title Three-Dimensional Shape Generation of Low-Energy Architectural Solutions using Pareto Genetic Algorithms
source Digital Design: The Quest for New Paradigms [23nd eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-3-2] Lisbon (Portugal) 21-24 September 2005, pp. 647-654
summary This paper extends on a previous work on the application of a Generative Design System [GDS] to the evolution, in a computational environment, of three-dimensional architectural solutions that are energy-efficient and adapted to the climatic environment where they are located. The GDS combines a well-known building energy simulation software [DOE2.1E] with search procedures based on Genetic Algorithms and on Pareto optimization techniques, successfully allowing to tackle complex multi-objective problems. In the experiments described, architectural solutions based on a simplified layout were generated in response to two often-conflicting requirements: improving the use of daylighting in the space, while controlling the amount of energy loss through the building fabric. The choice of a cold climate like Chicago provided an adequate framework for studying the role of these opposing forces in architectural form generation. Analysis of results shows that building characteristics that originate successful solutions extend further than the building envelope. Issues of massing, aspect ratio, surface-to-volume ratio, orientation, and others, emerge from the analysis of solutions generated by the GDS, playing a significant role in dictating whether a given architectural form will prove adapted to its climatic and energy requirements. Results suggest that the questions raised by the exploration of form generation driven by environmental concerns are complex, deserving the pursuit of further experiments, in order to better understand the interaction of variables that the evolutionary process congregates.
keywords Generative Design System, Genetic Algorithms, Evolutionary Architecture, Artificial Intelligence in Design, Building Energy Simulation, Bioclimatic Architecture, Environmental Design.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id 2005_547
id 2005_547
authors Elger, Dietrich and Russell, Peter
year 2005
title Crisis? What Crisis?
source Digital Design: The Quest for New Paradigms [23nd eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-3-2] Lisbon (Portugal) 21-24 September 2005, pp. 547-556
summary The paper describes the current situation concerning career opportunities in the field of architecture in developed western countries. Several aspects that are almost universal mark this situation. Firstly, there are too many architects chasing traditional work in competition with structural (civil) engineers. This is not surprising in consideration of the fact, that the architectural education industry produces far too many new architects for the economy to absorb. In Germany, the number is almost three times too many. Secondly, the needs of the building industry have changed over the past twenty years so that the skills that architects want to offer are not necessarily those that are sought. Lastly, the constant specialisation of work has continued unabated. Architects, as generalists, have idly watched their areas of expertise be usurped from neighbouring fields like civil and structural engineering The reasons for this crisis are manifold. In the schools of architecture, the discussions often deal with form or formal arguments, which, in fact, have little or no relevance to the building industry. This position was tenable so long as the clients were willing to accept formal arguments in order to receive buildings of high quality or current social relevance (i.e. current architectural fashion). With the dual aspects of globalisation and a shift to maintaining building stocks rather than producing new buildings, the tolerance for “architectural” discussions has been reduced even further. Indeed, the monetary pressures overwhelm almost all other aspects, including so-called green issues. What is more, most of the monetary issues are time based. Time represents, perhaps, the largest pressure in any current planning project. The clients expect expedient, accurate and inexpensive solutions. If architects are not able to produce these, the clients will (and do) go elsewhere. The authors argue that there remain serious problems to be solved for architects and the metier in general. Ever cheaper, ever faster and ever encompassing information technologies offer the architectural community a chance to turn recent trends on their head. By using information technologies to their full potential, architects can reassert themselves as the coordinators of building information and processes. Simply put, this means less photorealistic rendering and more databases, which may be unappealing for those architects who have positioned themselves as “designers” and are able to talk long on form, but short on cost or logistics. Nonetheless, the situation is not lost, so long as architects are able to recognise what is desired from the point of view of the client and what is desired from the point of view of the architect. It is not a question of one or the other. Architects must be able to offer innovative design solutions that not only address the fiscal, legal and programmatic constraints, but also push the boundaries at to the position of architecture in the community at large. For educators, it must be made clear that the real potential architects possess is their encompassing knowledge of the building process including their expertise concerning questions of architectural form, function, history and art. Precisely while they are generalists are architects invaluable in a sea of specialists. The biggest hurdle to asserting this in the past has been the control of the vast amounts of information. This is no longer a problem and also no longer an excuse. In the education of architects, it must be made clear that their role dictates sovereignty over architectural information. Architectural Information Management is a necessary skill alongside the more traditional architectural skills. A brief outlook as to how this might come about is detailed in the paper. The authors propose didactic steps to achieve this. Primarily, the education of computer supported planning should not simply end with a series of lectures or seminars, but culminate in integrated Design Studios (which including Design-Build scenarios).
keywords Architectural Information Mangement, Computer Supported Design Studios, CSCW
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:55

_id ijac20053205
id ijac20053205
authors Kacher, Sabrina; Halin, Gilles; Bignon, Jean-Claude; Humbert, Pascal
year 2005
title A method for Constructing a Reference Image Database to Assist with Design Process. Application to the Wooden Architecture Domain
source International Journal of Architectural Computing vol. 3 - no. 2, 227-244
summary Designing architectural projects requires the introduction of references, because design is an activity oriented towards a result which does not yet exist. If we summarise the current categories used in Artificial Intelligence to characterise the different forms of reasoning, we are able to consider that design is more the concern of the induction or the abduction mechanism than the deduction mechanism. Moreover, the main characteristic of the designer's activity is to work towards non-routine situations with the use of many references. In this paper we will present method principles to construct a reference image database. These references will enable the designer to further in solving the design problem. To illustrate these reference usage, we choose photographic images belonging to the wooden construction domain We also present at the end of the paper an experiment which aims to evaluate the real help that this reference image database can bring to designers during their creation task.
series journal
last changed 2007/03/04 07:08

_id 5b89
id 5b89
authors Sevaldson, Birger
year 2005
title Developing Digital Design Techniques Investigations on Creative Design Computing
source Oslo School of Architecture and Design, PHD-Thesis
summary 1.1. The themes in this theses 16 1.1.1. Mind the mind gap 16 1.1.2. Prologue: The World Center for Human Concerns 17 1.1.3. Creative computer use 26 1.1.4. Design strategies and techniques 31 1.2. Overview 33 1.2.1. Main issues 34 1.2.2. The material 36 1.2.3. The framework of this thesis 37 2. CURRENT STATE AND BACKGROUND 39 2.1. New tools, old thoughts. 39 2.1.1. A misuse strategy 44 2.1.2. Emergence in design 47 2.1.3. Programming and design 50 2.1.4. Artificial intelligence 53 2.1.5. Human intelligence and artificial representations 53 2.2. Electronic dreams 54 2.2.1. The dream of intuitive software 55 2.2.2. The dream of the designing machine 60 2.2.3. The dream of self-emerging architecture; genetic algorithms in design 61 2.2.4. A cultural lag 62 2.3. Ideas and ideology 64 2.3.1. A personal perspective on the theories of the 1990s 65 2.3.2. "The suffering of diagrams" 68 2.3.3. Architectural theory and design methodology 69 2.4. Ideas on creativity 72 2.4.1. What is creativity? 73 2.4.2. Creativity, a cultural phenomenon. 75 2.4.3. Creativity in the information age 79 2.4.4. Creativity-enhancing techniques 81 2.4.5. Crucial fiicro-cultures 82 2.4.6. A proposal for a practitioner approach to creativity 83 2.5. Summary and conclusion of part 2 84 3. NEW DESIGN TECHNIQUES 86 3.1. Introduction 86 3.2. New technology - new strategy 87 3.3. Thinking through design practice: the inspirational playful design approach 88 3.4. A Corner stone: emergence 89 3.4.1. The source material 94 3.5. Recoding, translation and interpretation 95 A case: Tidsrom 97 3.6. Reconfiguring schemata 109 3.7. Rules and games 113 3.8. Virtuality and virtual models 118 3.8.1. What is "The Virtual"? 118 3.8.2. Virtual reality 119 Investigating "the virtual" 120 3.8.3. Analysing the virtual 126 3.9. Visual thinking (diagrams and visual thinking) 130 3.9.1. Visual Thinking and Abstraction. 130 3.9.2. A heuristic process 132 3.9.3. Visual thinking, skills and tacit knowledge 132 3.9.4. Media for visual thinking 133 3.10. Diagrammatic thinking 138 3.10.1. Descriptive diagrams 142 3.10.2. Generative diagrams 144 3.10.3. Versioning 149 3.10.4. Finding 153 3.10.5. Translation and interpretation 158 3.10.6. From generative diagram to program 168 3.10.7. Dynamic generative diagrams 171 3.11. The question of selection 175 3.12. Summary and conclusion of part 3 178 4. WAYS OF WORKING: FROM DESIGN PRACTICE TOWARDS THEORY AND DIGITAL DESIGN METHODS 179 4.1. Introduction 179 4.1.1. Practice-based research 180 4.1.2. Visual material is central. 180 4.1.3. Two investigation paths 180 4.1.4. Achievements 180 4.2. Methods 181 4.2.1. Explorative and generative research 182 4.2.2. A first-person approach 183 4.2.3. Analysis 184 4.2.4. The Material 185 4.3. Systematising creative computer use. Ways of working; techniques in creative computer use. 186 4.3.1. Categorization 186 4.3.2. Mapping the field of design computing. 187 4.3.3. Generic techniques 190 4.3.4. Specific techniques 192 4.3.5. Table of techniques 193 4.3.6. Examples of techniques 200 4.3.7. Traces of technology. 213 4.4. The further use of the generated material 219 4.4.1. Realisation strategies 221 4.4.2. Templates and scaffolds 223 4.5. Summary of Part 4 240 PART 5. WAYS OF THINKING: INTENTIONS IN CREATIVE COMPUTER USE. 241 5.1. Intentions 241 5.1.1. Categorising intentions 242 5.2. Intention themes 243 5.2.1. Cases and samples from Group one: Formal, phenomenal, spatial and geometrical themes 244 5.2.2. Intentions of response to the complexity of urban systems 297 5.3. The Hybrid Process 317 5.3.1. Hybridization strategies 319 5.3.2. The hybrid process and its elements. 328 6. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 344 6.1. Principles, concepts and methods for creative design computing 344 6.2. A new type of creativity? 348 6.3. A practice as the field for an investigation 349 6.4. Suggestions for further studies 349
series thesis:PhD
type normal paper
last changed 2007/04/08 16:11

_id sigradi2005_673
id sigradi2005_673
authors Amorim, Arivaldo Leão de; Daniel Chudak
year 2005
title Digital Historic Heritage: documenting of Pelourinho, Salvador - Bahia, Brazil, with 3D laser scanning technology
source SIGraDi 2005 - [Proceedings of the 9th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Lima - Peru 21-24 november 2005, vol. 2, pp. 673-678
summary This paper describes the Pelourinho Project realized past July in Salvador, during the 1st International Conference on 3D Laser Scanning for Heritage Documentation. The Pelourinho located at the historic center of Salvador, is an impressive wide set of buildings listed by UNESCO as World Heritage. The text contains a quickly overview about the 3D laser scanning technology, shows how data are captured and what they stored and what they means. The 3D laser scanning model, another kind of 3D geometric model is called point cloud and represents an excellent way to store data of some particular constructions. Because its irregular shapes it is very arduous to survey and represent these constructions by any other method. The point cloud model is an excellent way to represent with integrity and accuracy these particular complex shapes like the colonial baroque churches in Brazil. [Full paper in Portuguese]
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id caadria2005_a_7c_a
id caadria2005_a_7c_a
authors Anandan Karunakaran
year 2005
title Organisation of Pedestrian Movements: an Agent-Based Approach
source CAADRIA 2005 [Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / ISBN 89-7141-648-3] New Delhi (India) 28-30 April 2005, vol. 1, pp. 305-313
summary Cities are becoming more complex in this digital era due to technological changes. Thinking of cities without such technological changes is equivalent to an embryonic state in the morphology of city growth, that is, the growth seems less advanced. So it is appropriate to think of the non digital city digitally. Urban design is one state which establishes the perfect relationship between the street, people and building. The relationship of the people with the building and street is becoming one of the key factors in architecture. It has been observed that the design of a city has been influenced by the pedestrian movement. Many cities prior to the industrial era were largely determined by the social interactions based on walking. Thus the pedestrians play a key role in the formation of the city. They are a very important component in any representation of transport movements. They generally terminate or initiate a chain of linked activities, and if observed carefully, a single pedestrian movement is meant to include various sub journeys from one location to another. In order to organize pedestrians, we need to understand the pedestrian movement system. Though there is a lot of development of urban models in this aspect, it is still in a nascent state in comparison with the digital advancement. Thus much research work is carried out which can be applied to any given environmental setting, and as a result urban designers can respond to the changing socio-cultural technologies.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id sigradi2005_000
id sigradi2005_000
authors Angulo, Antonieta and Vásquez de Velasco, Guillermo (eds.)
year 2005
title SiGradi2005: Vision and Visualization
source Proceedings of the 9th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics Graphics / ISBN 978-1-59975-306-5] Lima (Perú) 21-23 november 2005, 826 p.
summary Paradoxically, one of the most difficult but enjoyable things we do is to imagine. To open the eyes of our mind and see what no one else can see. We see images of things that are yet to be and through the same skill we devise ways in which to make them happen. We design the future in the form of environments, graphics, products, films, and a growing range of new media. Our ability to develop a vision and to visualize it is a gift that we are called to cultivate and put to good use. We have been privileged with a great responsibility. In the process of developing a vision and communicating that vision to others, we “visualize”. Visualization can be a very private experience in which we are alone with mental images that help us shape our vision. In other instances visualization can be a component of mass communication. Visualization can be a means or can be an end. It can be a small architectural sketch on a paper napkin or a mega-graphic covering a high-rise building, an airplane or a ship. In every case, the relationship between vision and visualization is a mutually supportive articulation of what our eyes and our minds can see. Our vision of the role of computers in the art and science of visualization is in constant development. Computer visualization can support an intimate dialog between a designer and his/her vision. It can translate and communicate that vision to a larger audience and in the hands of a new-media artist it can actually constitute his/her vision. The 9th Annual Conference of SIGraDI (Ibero American Society for Computer Graphics) will explore our collective vision on the future of digital visualization and digital media in Environmental Design, Product Design, Graphic Design, Cinematography, New Media, and Art. Authors are invited to share their research work with a focus on how it contributes to shape a collective understanding of the past, awareness of the present, and vision of the future in our multiple disciplines.
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id caadria2005_a_1a_b
id caadria2005_a_1a_b
authors B. Senyapili, I. Basa
year 2005
source CAADRIA 2005 [Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / ISBN 89-7141-648-3] New Delhi (India) 28-30 April 2005, vol. 1, pp. 13-22
summary As computers were newly emerging in the field of architectural design, it was claimed that the impact of computers would change the way architects design and present. However, within the course of computer use in design, although the field of architectural practice might have been altered extremely, in architectural education there still seems to be a bond to conventional mind-hand-paper relation. One of the reasons for that bond is the fact that although being r 1000 elated to many technologies, architecture essentially positions itself around an artistic core that is still fed with conventional modes of creation. Architectural education aims at adopting and working on this very core. One of the major contributors in the formation of this core is the presence of author identity. This paper makes a critical approach to computers in terms of expressing author identity in design presentations especially during design education. We believe that the author identity is important in design education in terms of identifying the potential and skills of the student. Especially in design education the final step of design process turns out to be the presentation, unlike architectural practice where the presented design is actually built. Within this conception, two different studies were held in an educational environment with 160 design students and 20 design instructors. The results of both studies pointed at the fact that the digital opportunities that exist for design education should evolve around preserving and underlining the author identity in design presentations.
series CAADRIA
type normal paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id sigradi2005_438
id sigradi2005_438
authors Bessone, Miriam; Ricardo Pérez Miró, Isabel Molinas
year 2005
title Digital visualization and new intellectual associations among language - music - architecture
source SIGraDi 2005 - [Proceedings of the 9th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Lima - Peru 21-24 november 2005, vol. 1, pp. 438-443
summary Throughout history, architecture has transposed contributions bound to structuralist focus or to musical composition. This is from linguistic and music respectively. New visualization systems show the possibility to give transpositions a new meaning, form the potentialities of hypermedia; locking for new projects parameters. This papers will show experimental workshop results developed within CI+D 2000 “New speeches and design process”. They study links and explore our work interrelating word – music and image. These processes are developed by people coming from literature, visual arts, music, and architecture areas. Lastly, the first results will be shown. Since parameters were transposed from music, by using NURBS forms, space prefiguration is tried out. [Full paper in Spanish]
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id cf2005_1_36_100
id cf2005_1_36_100
authors BILDA Zafer and GERO John S.
year 2005
title Do We Need CAD during Conceptual Design?
source Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures 2005 [Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures / ISBN 1-4020-3460-1] Vienna (Austria) 20–22 June 2005, pp. 155-164
summary This paper presents the results of experiments to test whether a designer necessarily needs to produce and utilize external representations in the very early phases of conceptual design. Three architects are engaged in two separate design processes, one is the experiment condition where they were not allowed sketch, and the other, the control condition where they were allowed to sketch. In the experiment condition, architects were required to put on a blindfold and think aloud while designing. The results show that in both conditions the design outcomes fit in the given dimensions of the site, accommodate the space requirements and allow an effective use for the clients. Thus, when the participants were blindfolded, they were able to produce designs by using their cognitive resources to create and hold an internal representation of the design rather than by sketching, or using a CAD tool. We finally raise the question: do architects need CAD representations during the conceptual phase of the design activity?
keywords representations, protocol studies, conceptual design
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2006/11/07 07:27

_id 2005_253
id 2005_253
authors Breen, Jack and Stellingwerff, Martijn
year 2005
title Towards Ornamatics
source Digital Design: The Quest for New Paradigms [23nd eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-3-2] Lisbon (Portugal) 21-24 September 2005, pp. 253-260
summary Computer aided modelling and drafting protocols – in combination with new production technologies – have contributed to wholly new ways of shaping building elements. Some examples of new techniques, which have recently become very successful in building production and in architectural design education, are: 3D Rapid Prototyping; 2,5D and 3D Milling and computer aided Shape Cutting (notably using laser and water jet modes). Such new approaches not only create new opportunities for traditional production processes (including physical modelling), they also offer new perspectives for design and manufacturing on the level of architectural components and connections. We foresee innovative approaches to building product design, with a renewed interest in expressive Ornamentation. A phenomenological development we would like to address using the concept of ‘Ornamatics’. This contribution explores the potentials of product design with a renewed focus on ornamentation, involving the active utilization of computer aided modelling and manufacturing techniques. The paper furthermore documents results and findings of a series of explorative studies carried out within an educational laboratory environment.
keywords Design Driven Research; Computer Aided Fabrication; Aesthetics; Ornamentation; Education
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id ijac20053102
id ijac20053102
authors Burry, Jane; Felicetti, Peter; Tang, Jiwu; Burry, Mark; Xie, Mike
year 2005
title Dynamical structural modeling A collaborative design exploration
source International Journal of Architectural Computing vol. 3 - no. 1, 27-42
summary This study is based on a generative performative modeling approach that engages architects and structural engineers in close dialogue. We focus on knowledge shared between engineers and architects to apply the Finite Element Analysis based structural design technique Evolutionary Structural Optimization [ESO] as a way to understand or corroborate the performance factors that are significant in determining architectural form. ESO is very close conceptually to the dynamical system of matter and forces of growth itself. It has parallels both mathematical and metaphorical with natural evolution and morphogenesis so it has been poignant to apply the approach to a formal architectural case study in which the generative influence of these processes is inherent.
series journal
last changed 2007/03/04 07:08

_id acadia05_156
id acadia05_156
authors Cabrinha, Mark
year 2005
title From Bézier to NURBS: Integrating Material and Digital Techniques through a Plywood Shell
source Smart Architecture: Integration of Digital and Building Technologies [Proceedings of the 2005 Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design In Architecture / ISBN 0-9772832-0-8] Savannah (Georgia) 13-16 October 2005, pp. 156-169
summary The development of digital fabrication has reintroduced material processes with digital processes. There has been much discussion about the tool and the objects of the tool, but little discussion of the implication of the material process on the digital process. A brief historical review on the development of computer numerical control and the origins of the Bézier curve reveals an instrumental fact: computer numerical controlled tools necessitated advancements in computational surfaces which eventually led to NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines) surfaces. In other words, the origins of NURBS surfaces resides in its relation to material processes, rather than many current approaches that develop free form surfaces and then force the tool onto the material without regard to the material properties. From this historical and mathematical review, this project develops toward more intelligent construction methods based on the integration of NURBS differential geometry paired with material qualities and processes. Specifically, a digital technique of developing conceptual NURBS geometry into piecewise surface patches are then flattened based on the material thickness and density. From these flattened patches, a material technique is developed to intelligently remove material to allow the rigid flat material to re-develop into physical surface patches. The goal of this research is to develop digital and material techniques toward intelligent construction based on the correspondence between digitally driven surface and digitally driven material processes. The application of this technique as a rational and flexible system is to support the dynamic response of form and material toward such performative aspects as structure, daylight, ventilation, and thermal properties.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id 2005_269
id 2005_269
authors Caldas, Luisa and Duarte, José
year 2005
title Fabricating Ceramic Covers
source Digital Design: The Quest for New Paradigms [23nd eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-3-2] Lisbon (Portugal) 21-24 September 2005, pp. 269-276
summary This paper describes a studio experiment developed with the aim of exploring the design and fabrication of innovative roof systems based on ceramic tiles using digital technologies. History is rich in examples of the use of ceramic roof tiles since the ancient world. Today’s systems derive from such ancient systems and fall into several basic categories depending on the form of the tiles and how they interlock. These systems present acceptable functional performances due to centuries of refinement, but as they have suffered little formal evolution in recent centuries, to respond to modern needs they require complex layering and assemblies. Recent technological evolution has emphasized the optimization of the tile production process in terms of time saving and cost reduction, and the improvement of product quality in terms of material homogeneity and durability. Little attention has been paid to the tile form and the roof system as a whole, including the assembly process. As a result, despite the variety and performance of existing designs, they are often perceived as outdated by architects who refuse to use them following a stylistic trend in architectural design towards primary forms and flat roofs. The challenge of the experiment was to take advantage of digital design and fabrication technology to conceive systems with improved performance and contemporary designs. The hope was that this could lead architects to consider integrating roof tiles systems in their architectural proposals. Results yielded five different roof systems. These systems are innovative from a formal viewpoint both at the tile and roof level. In addition, they are easy to assemble and possess better thermal and water-proofing performance. Digital technologies were determinant to enable students to design the complex shape of the tiles, to manipulate them into assemblies, and to assess the shape of the roofs, as well as their thermal and structural performance in some cases.
keywords Design Education; Rapid Prototyping; Collaboration; Ceramics; Innovation; Tiles
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id sigradi2023_253
id sigradi2023_253
authors Cavalcanti, Isabella, Teixeira Mendes, Leticia and Albuquerque, Fernando
year 2023
title From Modeling to Collective Digital Fabrication: Experience of the "Banco Cabaça"
source García Amen, F, Goni Fitipaldo, A L and Armagno Gentile, Á (eds.), Accelerated Landscapes - Proceedings of the XXVII International Conference of the Ibero-American Society of Digital Graphics (SIGraDi 2023), Punta del Este, Maldonado, Uruguay, 29 November - 1 December 2023, pp. 543–554
summary This paper presents an experience of collective digital fabrication and parametric modeling of furniture made with recycled plastic waste, inspired by natural elements of the Brazilian northeast. In addition to conventional joinery techniques, we highlight the technologies of rapid prototyping (PR) and digital fabrication (FD) (Volpato, 2007, Pupo, 2008; Pupo, 2009); as tools that promote a paradigm shift, both in the design process and in production and materialization (Kolarevic, 2005), allowing recycled plastic to have new applications. We started with a brief review of digital fabrication processes in Brazil, emphasizing collaboration in design and execution. Then, we contain the recycling of plastic and the need for actions for its best destination. Finally, we present a sustainable and collaborative design experience: the modeling and digital fabrication of furniture, entirely produced from recycled plastic, called “Banco Cabaça”.
keywords Sustainable Design, Digital fabrication, Collaborative process, Parametric modeling, Brazilian design.
series SIGraDi
last changed 2024/03/08 14:07

_id 20e8
id 20e8
authors Cavallin H, Martin W M, Heylighen A
year 2005
source SID 2005, Proceedings of the 4th Social Intelligence Design Workshop, Stanford University, March 2005 (CD Rom)
summary In this paper we discuss the impact that upgrading applications may have across different users, using for this purpose the case of GUI improvements to a market leading drafting application. Our findings show that even though there are improvements in productivity that can be associated with the changes to the GUI, these improvements will not necessarily affect evenly all users, suggesting an interaction between the level of expertise and variations in productivity.
keywords software evaluation, problem solving, reliability, absolute benchmarking, commercial CAD software, upgrading
series other
type normal paper
last changed 2005/04/01 13:24

_id 0a93
id 0a93
authors Cavallin H, Martin W M, Heylighen A
year 2005
source SID 2005, Proceedings of the 4th Social Intelligence Design Workshop, Stanford University, March 2005 (CD Rom)
summary In this paper we describe our findings regarding the role of context in usability evaluation, particularly how the nature of the tasks can affect the users’ perception of the performance of a particular application. Our findings show a relationship between the variation in the nature of the tasks used for usability evaluation and the way in which subjects evaluate these applications afterwards using user -administered questionnaires. Our findings contradict the absolute benchmarking goal of some of these tools, and pose questions about the possibility of achieving that kind of benchmarks in software usability evaluation.
keywords software evaluation, problem solving, reliability, absolute benchmarking, commercial CAD software, upgrading
series other
type normal paper
last changed 2005/04/01 13:23

_id caadria2006_565
id caadria2006_565
year 2006
title DESIGN ON SITE: Portable, Measurable, Adjustable Design Media
source CAADRIA 2006 [Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia] Kumamoto (Japan) March 30th - April 2nd 2006, 565-567
summary Space designers usually look for information on site before proceeding design. They image any possibilities of design, while they are on site. Restricted to traditional design media, if they want to develop their ideas further, they have to go back to desks. This kind of design process can capture only part of information of the site. Why not do some developments directly when designers are on the site? That is the starting point of this paper. The whole situation of site is very complicated, so it is very difficult discussing all the possibilities. In order to understand how to design on site, reducing the variations is needed. Tsai and Chang (2005) proposed a prototype about design on site, which focuses on land forming. So I chose interior as the site to reduce the variation and have more controllable factors. Still there are many factors effecting design on site, scale is very unique and very important factor of them. Beginners are difficult to really feel how long it is on the plan drawing, and even most advanced VR equipment still can’t fully present the rich information on the site. To experience the site though body, the main idea is how to propose a portable device that can support space designer to do design on site directly, with intuitional body movement and precise scale, and get feedback immediately.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:49

_id cf2011_p135
id cf2011_p135
authors Chen Rui, Irene; Schnabel Marc Aurel
year 2011
title Multi-touch - the future of design interaction
source Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures 2011 [Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures / ISBN 9782874561429] Liege (Belgium) 4-8 July 2011, pp. 557-572.
summary The next major revolution for design is to bring the natural user interaction into design activities. Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) brought a new approach that was more effective compared to their conventional predecessors. In recent years, Natural User Interfaces (NUI) have advanced user experiences and multi-touch and gesture technologies provide new opportunities for a variety of potential uses in design. Much attention has been paid to leverage in the design of interactive interfaces. The mouse input and desktop screen metaphors limit the information sharing for multiple users and also delayed the direct interaction for communication between each other. This paper proposes the innovative method by integrating game engine ‘Unity3D’ with multi-touch tangible interfaces. Unity3D provides a game development tool as part of its application package that has been designed to let users to focus on creating new games. However, it does not limit the usage of area to design additional game scenarios since the benefits of Unity3D is allowing users to build 3D environments with its customizable and easy to use editor, graphical pipelines to openGL (, 2010 ). It creates Virtual Reality (VR) environments which can simulates places in the real world, as well as the virtual environments helping architects and designers to vividly represent their design concepts through 3D visualizations, and interactive media installations in a detailed multi-sensory experience. Stereoscopic displays advanced their spatial ability while solving issues to design e.g. urban spaces. The paper presents how a multi-touch tabletop can be used for these design collaboration and communication tasks. By using natural gestures, designers can now communicate and share their ideas by manipulating the same reference simultaneously using their own input simultaneously. Further studies showed that 3Dl forms are perceived and understood more readily through haptic and proprioceptive perception of tangible representations than through visual representation alone (Gillet et al, 2005). Based on the authors’ framework presented at the last CAADFutures, the benefits of integrating 3D visualization and tactile sensory can be illustrated in this platform (Chen and Wang, 2009), For instance, more than one designer can manipulate the 3D geometry objects on tabletop directly and can communicate successfully their ideas freely without having to waiting for the next person response. It made the work more effective which increases the overall efficiency. Designers can also collect the real-time data by any change they make instantly. The possibilities of Uniy3D make designing very flexible and fun, it is deeply engaging and expressive. Furthermore, the unity3D is revolutionizing the game development industry, its breakthrough development platform for creating highly interactive 3D content on the web ( , 2010) or similar to the interface of modern multimedia devices such as the iPhone, therefore it allows the designers to work remotely in a collaborative way to integrate the design process by using the individual mobile devices while interacting design in a common platform. In design activities, people create an external representation of a domain, often of their own ideas and understanding. This platform helps learners to make their ideas concrete and explicit, and once externalized, subsequently they reflect upon their work how well it sits the real situation. The paper demonstrates how this tabletop innovatively replaces the typical desktop metaphor. In summary, the paper addresses two major issues through samples of collaborative design: firstly presenting aspects of learners’ interactions with physical objects, whereby tangible interfaces enables them constructing expressive representations passively (Marshall, 2007), while focussing on other tasks; and secondly showing how this novel design tool allows designers to actively create constructions that might not be possible with conventional media.
keywords Multi-touch tabletop, Tangible User Interface
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2012/02/11 19:21

_id ecaade2011_122
id ecaade2011_122
authors Chronis, Angelos; Jagannath, Prarthana; Siskou, Vasiliki Aikaterini; Jones, Jonathan
year 2011
title Sensing digital co-presence and digital identity: Visualizing the Bluetooth landscape of the City of Bath
source RESPECTING FRAGILE PLACES [29th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-9-4912070-1-3], University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture (Slovenia) 21-24 September 2011, pp.87-92
summary The impact of ubiquitous digital technologies on the analysis and synthesis of our urban environment is undoubtedly great. The urban topography is overlaid by an invisible, yet very tangible digital topography that is increasingly affecting our urban life. As W. J. Mitchell (Mitchell 2005) pointed out, the digital revolution has filled our world with “electronic instruments of displacement” that “embed the virtual in the physical, and weave it seamlessly into daily urban life”. The mobile phone, the most integrated mobile device is closely related to the notion of a digital identity, our personal identity on this digital space. The Bluetooth is the mainly used direct communication protocol between mobile phones today and in this scope, each device has its own unique ID, its “MAC address”. This paper investigates the potential use of recording and analysing Bluetooth enabled devices in the urban scale in understanding the interrelation between the physical and the digital topographies.
wos WOS:000335665500009
keywords Pervasive systems; digital presence; urban encounter; digital identity
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/05/01 23:21

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