CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

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_id cf2011_p135
id cf2011_p135
authors Chen Rui, Irene; Schnabel Marc Aurel
year 2011
title Multi-touch - the future of design interaction
source Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures 2011 [Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures / ISBN 9782874561429] Liege (Belgium) 4-8 July 2011, pp. 557-572.
summary The next major revolution for design is to bring the natural user interaction into design activities. Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) brought a new approach that was more effective compared to their conventional predecessors. In recent years, Natural User Interfaces (NUI) have advanced user experiences and multi-touch and gesture technologies provide new opportunities for a variety of potential uses in design. Much attention has been paid to leverage in the design of interactive interfaces. The mouse input and desktop screen metaphors limit the information sharing for multiple users and also delayed the direct interaction for communication between each other. This paper proposes the innovative method by integrating game engine ‘Unity3D’ with multi-touch tangible interfaces. Unity3D provides a game development tool as part of its application package that has been designed to let users to focus on creating new games. However, it does not limit the usage of area to design additional game scenarios since the benefits of Unity3D is allowing users to build 3D environments with its customizable and easy to use editor, graphical pipelines to openGL (, 2010 ). It creates Virtual Reality (VR) environments which can simulates places in the real world, as well as the virtual environments helping architects and designers to vividly represent their design concepts through 3D visualizations, and interactive media installations in a detailed multi-sensory experience. Stereoscopic displays advanced their spatial ability while solving issues to design e.g. urban spaces. The paper presents how a multi-touch tabletop can be used for these design collaboration and communication tasks. By using natural gestures, designers can now communicate and share their ideas by manipulating the same reference simultaneously using their own input simultaneously. Further studies showed that 3Dl forms are perceived and understood more readily through haptic and proprioceptive perception of tangible representations than through visual representation alone (Gillet et al, 2005). Based on the authors’ framework presented at the last CAADFutures, the benefits of integrating 3D visualization and tactile sensory can be illustrated in this platform (Chen and Wang, 2009), For instance, more than one designer can manipulate the 3D geometry objects on tabletop directly and can communicate successfully their ideas freely without having to waiting for the next person response. It made the work more effective which increases the overall efficiency. Designers can also collect the real-time data by any change they make instantly. The possibilities of Uniy3D make designing very flexible and fun, it is deeply engaging and expressive. Furthermore, the unity3D is revolutionizing the game development industry, its breakthrough development platform for creating highly interactive 3D content on the web ( , 2010) or similar to the interface of modern multimedia devices such as the iPhone, therefore it allows the designers to work remotely in a collaborative way to integrate the design process by using the individual mobile devices while interacting design in a common platform. In design activities, people create an external representation of a domain, often of their own ideas and understanding. This platform helps learners to make their ideas concrete and explicit, and once externalized, subsequently they reflect upon their work how well it sits the real situation. The paper demonstrates how this tabletop innovatively replaces the typical desktop metaphor. In summary, the paper addresses two major issues through samples of collaborative design: firstly presenting aspects of learners’ interactions with physical objects, whereby tangible interfaces enables them constructing expressive representations passively (Marshall, 2007), while focussing on other tasks; and secondly showing how this novel design tool allows designers to actively create constructions that might not be possible with conventional media.
keywords Multi-touch tabletop, Tangible User Interface
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2012/02/11 19:21

_id sigradi2014_070
id sigradi2014_070
authors Velandia, Diego Alejandro
year 2014
title Proyecto 100/100: experiencia de modelado paramétrico como una opción adaptable de BIM para países en desarrollo [100/100 Project: an experience of parametric modeling as a flexible option of BIM for developing countries]
source SiGraDi 2014 [Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics - ISBN: 978-9974-99-655-7] Uruguay - Montevideo 12 - 14 November 2014, pp. 365-369
summary Quality observatory of new housing was created by a collaborative effort between the University of the Andes and Prodesa (building company). From 2005 to 2014 about 800 new housing projects have been evaluated whose results evidenced quality problems. In 2013, a new housing project, which integrated quality criteria from the quality observatory, was commissioned to Universidad de los Andes by Prodesa. Parametric modeling was proposed and applied as a useful tool in the variables integration and the decision making process, to integrate and guarantee quality.
keywords BIM; housing; parametric
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 10:02

_id ddss2006-hb-187
id DDSS2006-HB-187
authors Lidia Diappi and Paola Bolchi
year 2006
title Gentrification Waves in the Inner-City of Milan - A multi agent / cellular automata model based on Smith's Rent Gap theory
source Van Leeuwen, J.P. and H.J.P. Timmermans (eds.) 2006, Innovations in Design & Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning, Dordrecht: Springer, ISBN-10: 1-4020-5059-3, ISBN-13: 978-1-4020-5059-6, p. 187-201
summary The aim of this paper is to investigate the gentrification process by applying an urban spatial model of gentrification, based on Smith's (1979; 1987; 1996) Rent Gap theory. The rich sociological literature on the topic mainly assumes gentrification to be a cultural phenomenon, namely the result of a demand pressure of the suburban middle and upper class, willing to return to the city (Ley, 1980; Lipton, 1977, May, 1996). Little attempt has been made to investigate and build a sound economic explanation on the causes of the process. The Rent Gap theory (RGT) of Neil Smith still represents an important contribution in this direction. At the heart of Smith's argument there is the assumption that gentrification takes place because capitals return to the inner city, creating opportunities for residential relocation and profit. This paper illustrates a dynamic model of Smith's theory through a multi-agent/ cellular automata system approach (Batty, 2005) developed on a Netlogo platform. A set of behavioural rules for each agent involved (homeowner, landlord, tenant and developer, and the passive 'dwelling' agent with their rent and level of decay) are formalised. The simulations show the surge of neighbouring degradation or renovation and population turn over, starting with different initial states of decay and estate rent values. Consistent with a Self Organized Criticality approach, the model shows that non linear interactions at local level may produce different configurations of the system at macro level. This paper represents a further development of a previous version of the model (Diappi, Bolchi, 2005). The model proposed here includes some more realistic factors inspired by the features of housing market dynamics in the city of Milan. It includes the shape of the potential rent according to city form and functions, the subdivision in areal submarkets according to the current rents, and their maintenance levels. The model has a more realistic visualisation of the city and its form, and is able to show the different dynamics of the emergent neighbourhoods in the last ten years in Milan.
keywords Multi agent systems, Housing market, Gentrification, Emergent systems
series DDSS
last changed 2006/08/29 12:55

_id ecaade2021_108
id ecaade2021_108
authors Romero, Rosaura Noemy Hernandez and Pak, Burak
year 2021
title Understanding Design Justice in a Bottom-up Housing through Digital Actor-Network Mapping - The case of solidary mobile housing in Brussels
source Stojakovic, V and Tepavcevic, B (eds.), Towards a new, configurable architecture - Proceedings of the 39th eCAADe Conference - Volume 1, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia, 8-10 September 2021, pp. 131-140
summary This paper is a study of an ongoing housing project in Brussels (SMH) which involves bottom-up spatial occupation and 'making' by activists, activist architects, social workers and citizens. The particular focus of this paper is on the critical spatial agency of the citizens, activist-architects and artefacts for enabling architectural design justice (ADJ) in the SMH. Building on the Actor-Network Theory of Latour (2005) we developed an analytic method called Actor Link Mapping and Analysis (ALMA) which involves data collection from a wide range of network actors, the generation of a variety of digital network maps, making computational analysis, followed by workshops and interviews to discuss the findings. ALMA was used to recognize potential assets which are essential for design justice practices and networks. The analysis revealed the limits to community control of design processes and practices as well as limits to the conceptual links surrounding socio-spatial equality, thus limits to design justice in the SMH project. Our research also revealed a plethora of new roles and agencies in bottom-up housing production which were essential to understanding the dynamics and power distribution among the different actors.
keywords Network Mapping; Network Analysis; Housing; Co-creation; Design Justice; Actor-Network Theory
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:56

_id sigradi2005_400
id sigradi2005_400
authors Ambach, Barbara
year 2005
title Diagraphics: an exposé of visual expression
source SIGraDi 2005 - [Proceedings of the 9th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Lima - Peru 21-24 november 2005, vol. 1, pp. 400-404
summary This exposé introduces preparations for a publication based on what I have found to be a ‘missing link’ in the library of educational source materials. The skills necessary to record and interpret the complexity of the architectural design process are often illusive. The sophistication of computer modeling and graphics applications only adds to the dilemma of making clear and concise decisions about how to communicate the essence of one’s design intent. The publication will define and illustrate five Diagraphic models of analysis. Each offers ways of seeing and understanding the idiosyncrasies of recording the design process. Gestures, Traces, Pulls, Morphs and Transits exemplify specific modes of visual expression and integrate both their diagrammatic and graphic nature. The distinctive aspects of each model enable the student of architecture to choose appropriate and meaningful techniques for visual expression. The publication will also illustrate current and historically relevant examples of diagrammatic expression. These examples show how diagrams have been flexible over time in adapting to the needs of newly forming conceptual models, spatial analysis and belief systems.
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id 2005_491
id 2005_491
authors Beirão, José and Duarte, José
year 2005
title Urban Grammars: Towards Flexible Urban Design
source Digital Design: The Quest for New Paradigms [23nd eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-3-2] Lisbon (Portugal) 21-24 September 2005, pp. 491-500
summary Traditional urban plans have definitive design systems, without the flexibility required to deal with the complexity and change that characterise contemporary urban societies. To provide urban plans with increased flexibility, it is proposed a design methodology capable of producing various design solutions instead of a specific definitive design. The methodology uses shape grammars as a process for generating urban design. In this approach, design becomes a system of solutions rather than a specific one. Through the analyses of a group of urban plans, a design methodology was sketched in which rules are used to enable more flexibility. These plans where chosen for their perceived qualities in terms of language, planning efficiency, and latent flexibility. As a result, a four-phased methodology was identified and thus, proposed for designing urban plans. This methodology was then combined with shape grammars and tested in a design studio setting. Students were asked to use the methodology and shape grammars as auxiliary instruments in the design of a flexible plan for a new town. In the following year, to simulate real-world conditions and oblige students to consider urban ordering and scale, work was structured differently. First, students were asked to develop a rule-based urban plan as in the previous year. Second, they were asked to conceive a detail plan for a sector of an urban plan defined by another group of students following its rules. The plans were then analysed with the goal of refining the methodology. Results show that shape grammars produce urban plans with non-definitive formal solutions, while keeping a consistent spatial language. They also provide plans with explicit and implicit flexibility, thereby giving future designers a wider degree of freedom. Finally, they provide students with a concrete methodology for approaching urban design and foster the development of additional designing skills.
keywords Shape Grammars, Flexible Urban Design
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id acadia05_156
id acadia05_156
authors Cabrinha, Mark
year 2005
title From Bézier to NURBS: Integrating Material and Digital Techniques through a Plywood Shell
source Smart Architecture: Integration of Digital and Building Technologies [Proceedings of the 2005 Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design In Architecture / ISBN 0-9772832-0-8] Savannah (Georgia) 13-16 October 2005, pp. 156-169
summary The development of digital fabrication has reintroduced material processes with digital processes. There has been much discussion about the tool and the objects of the tool, but little discussion of the implication of the material process on the digital process. A brief historical review on the development of computer numerical control and the origins of the Bézier curve reveals an instrumental fact: computer numerical controlled tools necessitated advancements in computational surfaces which eventually led to NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines) surfaces. In other words, the origins of NURBS surfaces resides in its relation to material processes, rather than many current approaches that develop free form surfaces and then force the tool onto the material without regard to the material properties. From this historical and mathematical review, this project develops toward more intelligent construction methods based on the integration of NURBS differential geometry paired with material qualities and processes. Specifically, a digital technique of developing conceptual NURBS geometry into piecewise surface patches are then flattened based on the material thickness and density. From these flattened patches, a material technique is developed to intelligently remove material to allow the rigid flat material to re-develop into physical surface patches. The goal of this research is to develop digital and material techniques toward intelligent construction based on the correspondence between digitally driven surface and digitally driven material processes. The application of this technique as a rational and flexible system is to support the dynamic response of form and material toward such performative aspects as structure, daylight, ventilation, and thermal properties.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id sigradi2005_300
id sigradi2005_300
authors Cavieres, Andrés P.; Marcelo Quezada G.
year 2005
title Analysis of the possibilities offered by the application of parametric modeling technologies in the design processes shared between architects and industrial designers: The prefabricated house case.
source SIGraDi 2005 - [Proceedings of the 9th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Lima - Peru 21-24 november 2005, vol. 1, pp. 300-303
summary Traditionally, the teaching of digital design systems has been focused on the operative learning of software. However, this almost exclusively technical approach has leaded to a partial view of these systems, as well suited platforms to exploration of project’s possibilities. Consequently their relevance as a base for project representation and therefore as a useful instrument for conceptual exploration for design and experimental research of their processes have been undervalued. On the other hand, this restrictive perspective results in an important waste of the teaching possibilities lying in CAD software related with interdisciplinary teamwork. The following academic experience obeys to a new insight of how to teach these tools, based upon problem solving in Design by interdisciplinary students work teams from Architecture and Industrial Design. In this bet, the learning process is flexible, shared and collaborative, according to the requirements of each project, powered by the commitment of facing common goals. [Full paper in Spanish]
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:48

_id 2005_715
id 2005_715
authors Chitchian, Davood and Bekkering, Henco
year 2005
title A Decision Support Tool for Decision Makers
source Digital Design: The Quest for New Paradigms [23nd eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-3-2] Lisbon (Portugal) 21-24 September 2005, pp. 715-721
summary Many decisions in a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary process, as an intelligent activity, are too complex for decision makers to make choices based solely on instinct. The complexity stems from this fact that such activities cannot be defined precisely. Also satisfying goals depend on achievement of several interrelated tasks which cannot be solved simultaneously. Our decision support tool uses a mathematical application so called Analytical Hierarchy Process as a decision making aid. The developed tool provides a powerful and flexible mean for tackling the complex decision process into a simple concept of hierarchy, which incorporates factors influencing the decision alternatives in a systematic way.
keywords Decision Support System; AHP; Eigenvalue; Construction Industry
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:55

_id cf2005_2_51_24
id cf2005_2_51_24
authors DONATH Dirk and THUROW Torsten
year 2005
title Integrated Computer-Assisted Building Surveying for Architectural Planning
source Learning from the Past a Foundation for the Future [Special publication of papers presented at the CAAD futures 2005 conference held at the Vienna University of Technology / ISBN 3-85437-276-0], Vienna (Austria) 20-22 June 2005, pp. 183-192
summary The paper describes a concept for the step-by-step computer-aided capture and representation of geometric building data in the context of planning-oriented building surveying. Selected aspects of the concept have been implemented and tested as prototypes. The process of step-by-step capture and representation is determined by the order in which the user experiences the building. Only the information that the user knows (can see) or can reasonably deduce is represented. In addition approaches to the flexible combination of different measuring techniques and geometric abstractions are described which are based upon geodetic computational adjustment. The paper also examines the flexible combination of different surveying techniques and geometric abstractions achieved with the help of geodesic computational adjustment methods. Selected aspects have been implemented and investigated as prototypes. All prototypes will be shown and discussed.
keywords surveying techniques, geometric data capture, geometric representation, building information systems
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2005/05/05 07:06

_id acadia05_078
id acadia05_078
authors Fox, Michael and Hu, Catherine
year 2005
title Starting From The Micro: A Pedagogical Approach to Designing Interactive Architecture
source Smart Architecture: Integration of Digital and Building Technologies [Proceedings of the 2005 Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design In Architecture / ISBN 0-9772832-0-8] Savannah (Georgia) 13-16 October 2005, pp. 78-93
summary The paper outlines a pedagogical approach whereby a number of technology-intensive skills can be quickly learned to a level of useful practicality through a series of discrete, yet cumulative explorations with the design goal of creating intelligently responsive architectural systems. The culmination of such explorations in creating full-scale interactive architectural environments leads to a relatively unexplored area of negotiation whereby individual systems must necessarily manage environmental input to mediate a behavioural output. The emerging area of interactive architecture serves as a practical means for inventing entirely new ways of developing spaces, and the designing and building environments that address dynamic, flexible and constantly changing needs. Interactive architecture is defined here as spaces and objects that can physically re-configure themselves to meet changing needs. The central issues explored are human and environmental interaction and behaviours, embedded computational infrastructures, kinetic and mechanical systems and physical control mechanisms. Being both multidisciplinary and technology-intensive in nature, architects need to be equipped with at least a base foundational knowledge in a number of domains in order to be able to develop the skills necessary to explore, conceive, and design such systems. The teaching methods were carried out with a group of undergraduate design students who had no previous experience in mechanical engineering, electronics, programming, or kinetic design with the goal of creating a responsive kinetic system that can demonstrate physical interactive behaviours on an applicable architectural scale. We found the approach to be extremely successful in terms of psychologically demystifying unfamiliar and often daunting technologies, while simultaneously clarifying the larger architectural implications of the novel systems that had been created. The authors summarize the processes and tools that architects and designers can utilize in creating and demonstrating of such systems and the implications of adopting a more active role in directing the development of this new area of design.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id sigradi2005_144
id sigradi2005_144
authors Goldberg, Sergio Araya
year 2005
title ICHTYOMORPH - Design and development of a fish-skin double façade system for freeform super tall buildings using Parametric Design Tools
source SIGraDi 2005 - [Proceedings of the 9th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Lima - Peru 21-24 november 2005, vol. 1, pp. 144-149
summary Parametric design implies a whole new paradigm of non standard design through the propagation of the difference, the repetition of variation. The ability to control variation and adaptation to local conditions allows more precise yet complex designs. This paper describes a research project designing double skin façade systems for tall buildings using a parametric approach. These designs are tested later through rapid prototyping techniques. This research aims its design towards an adjustable façade structure, articulated according to various complex geometrical conditions on the façade of a building. The skin is conceived as a light, flexible, reconfigurable composition responding to different criteria regarding the design, its environment or the program. It achieves this through different levels of control on different scales of the project, by embedding several layers of parametric features, which are nested one inside the other, in order to produce the overall rainscreen surface of the tower.
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:52

_id sigradi2005_564
id sigradi2005_564
authors Haiek Coll, Alejandro
year 2005
title Occupation strategies in vertical contexts: anchorages, connections, bonds and other hybrid operations on urban preexistences. Vertical development of flexible domestic programs in surfaces, interstices or grounds.
source SIGraDi 2005 - [Proceedings of the 9th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Lima - Peru 21-24 november 2005, vol. 2, pp. 564-569
summary Vertical development of flexible domestic programs in surfaces, interstices or grounds. The studio explores several possibilities on coupling, adherence, or hybridation as a method of strategies of urban occupation and urban preexistences. The main subject centers its intentions on sustentation of an architectonic device and evaluates in them the conditions to implement a program domestic servant of extreme survival. Its focuses in the development of structural systems and process of adaptation and in the construction of dwellings devices with transformable components and technical details brought from them specially characteristics in operative furniture as an articulator of the house daily use. [Full paper in Spanish]
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:53

_id 2005_433
id 2005_433
authors Lang, Silke Berit
year 2005
title Designing Tele Reality Using Media and Communication Technologies
source Digital Design: The Quest for New Paradigms [23nd eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-3-2] Lisbon (Portugal) 21-24 September 2005, pp. 433-440
summary In this paper we describe the use of media and communication technologies with a special notification on video systems for the design of a technological enhanced environment. We make suggestions how architects can design environments that are more flexible and dynamic. These environments are adapted to our changing social and cultural trends. Developments in media and communication technologies allow extending the real world to a so called Tele Reality. These environments will have a certain degree of intelligence provided via computer performance. Humans will be able to receive information form anywhere and at anytime. The focus is on expanding the availability of human resources.
keywords Media and Communication Technologies; Tele Reality; Video Systems, Design Principles
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:52

_id caadria2005_b_4a_d
id caadria2005_b_4a_d
authors T. Thurow, D. Donath
year 2005
title Get the Surveying Building Data Into the CAAD System: A Realistic Approach for the Practice
source CAADRIA 2005 [Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / ISBN 89-7141-648-3] New Delhi (India) 28-30 April 2005, vol. 2, pp. 171-180
summary The digital support of the planning process is a currently a central focus of our research and will be presented and discussed in this paper. Concepts and prototypes for the computer aided support of the planning process are being developed as part of a special research project “Construction and materials for the renovation of buildings”. The paper examines the flexible combination of different surveying techniques and geometric abstractions achieved with the help of geodesic computational adjustment methods. Selected aspects have been implemented and investigated as prototypes and the prototypes are described and discussed.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:56

_id caadria2006_573
id caadria2006_573
year 2006
source CAADRIA 2006 [Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia] Kumamoto (Japan) March 30th - April 2nd 2006, 573-575
summary Recently, more and more researchers dedicated in the development of human computer interaction for CAD systems, such as gestural input of three dimensional coordinates (Lee, Hu, and Selker, 2005), flexible manipulation of NURBS objects (Cohen, Markosian, Zeleznik, Hughes, and Barzel, 1999; Emmerik, 1990), and the creation of force feedback (Wu, 2003). These research results indicated that the more intuitive control the device can provide in modeling process, the more creative solutions can be generated (Lee, Hu, and Selker, 2005; Schweikardt and Gross, 2000; Wu, 2003).
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:49

_id caadria2014_042
id caadria2014_042
authors Alam, Jack and Jeremy J. Ham
year 2014
title Towards a BIM-Based Energy Rating System
source Rethinking Comprehensive Design: Speculative Counterculture, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA 2014) / Kyoto 14-16 May 2014, pp. 285–294
summary Governments in Australia are faced with policy implementation that mandates higher energy efficient housing (Foran, Lenzen & Dey 2005). To this effect, the National Construction Code (NCC) 2013 stipulates the minimum energy performance for residential buildings as 114MJ/m2 per annum or 6 stars on an energy rating scale. Compliance with this minimum is mandatory but there are several methods through which residential buildings can be rated to comply with the deemed to satisfy provisions outlined in the NCC. FirstRate5 is by far the most commonly used simulation software used in Victoria, Australia. Meanwhile, Building Information Modelling (BIM), using software such as ArchiCAD has gained a foothold in the industry. The energy simulation software within ArchiCAD, EcoDesigner, enables the reporting on the energy performance based on BIM elements that contain thermal information. This research is founded on a comparative study between FirstRate5 and EcoDesigner. Three building types were analysed and compared. The comparison finds significant differences between simulations, being, measured areas, thermal loads and potentially serious shortcomings within FirstRate5, that are discussed along with the future potential of a fully BIM-integrated model for energy rating certification in Victoria.
keywords Building Information Modelling, energy rating, FirstRate 5, ArchiCAD EcoDesigner, Building Energy Model
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id 2005_501
id 2005_501
authors Celani, Gabriela, Pupo, Regiane, Mendes, Gelly and Pinheiro, Érica
year 2005
title Generative Design Systems for Housing
source Digital Design: The Quest for New Paradigms [23nd eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-3-2] Lisbon (Portugal) 21-24 September 2005, pp. 501-506
summary The present paper describes an undergoing research that aims at developing a generative design computer implementation with an outside-in approach, OIDS. The system will allow developing and visualizing context-based housing development designs. This approach will include both natural characteristics of the site and the existing neighboring buildings. It is argued that certain common urban design practices are the result of a simplification due to difficulties in dealing with the irregularities of the natural environment, which often requires the use of time-consuming methods. The computer-based application will provide tools for dealing with such difficulties, allowing designers to describe their own design rules. In an initial phase of the project, a tool that can subdivide irregular land parcels into equally sized areas has been developed. In further stages, other environmental variables will be addressed, such as solar aspect and prevalent wind directions. Eventually, even the designs of interior layouts should result from exterior forces. The resulting generative system is expected to facilitate and encourage the use of a more organic approach to building siting and design, bringing about the important discussion about which should be the main forces in the generation of the built environment.
keywords Generative Design; Context-Based Design; Housing Design; Building Siting; Urban Space Simulation
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:55

_id caadria2005_b_5a_b
id caadria2005_b_5a_b
authors De-Lun Huang, Shen-Guan Shih
year 2005
title A Case-Based Decision Support System for Housing Refurbishment
source CAADRIA 2005 [Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / ISBN 89-7141-648-3] New Delhi (India) 28-30 April 2005, vol. 2, pp. 288-299
summary Effective communication is a key for ensuring quality of housing refurbishment. This paper provides a framework of decision support system for housing refurbishment that helps designers better communicate with tenants who generally lack expert knowledge and can not express their needs clearly. The framework is constructed using Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) for retrieving past similar cases to meet the challenges and demands of the present refurbishment project at hand. With the help of the system, users can retrieve past cases that match the users’ requirements and revise them to meet current needs. It can also be used as design criteria for evaluating the final product to ensure its conformance with the initial planning. A test case is used to demonstrate the system’s suitability. The effectiveness of this system is supported by a post-experiment evaluation and interview with the tenant concerning his satisfaction on the refurbishment.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:49

_id caadria2005_b_4c_e
id caadria2005_b_4c_e
authors J. Jinu Louishidha Kitchley, A. Srivathsan
year 2005
title Combining Shape Grammar and Genetic Algorithm for Developing A Housing Layout: Capturing the Complexity of an Organic Fishing Settlement
source CAADRIA 2005 [Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / ISBN 89-7141-648-3] New Delhi (India) 28-30 April 2005, vol. 2, pp. 259-265
summary Many settlements like the fishermen’s habitat have organically developed and embody the complex relation between land characteristics, functional activities and social aspirations. However, the recent rehabilitation and planning projects, constrained by technical and inscriptional rigidities, have become relatively fixed, formal and monotonous. This research attempts to harness and integrate some of the qualities of organic design process into computer aided design. The two complementary fields of Shape Grammar and Genetic algorithm have been converged for this purpose.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

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