CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

Hits 1 to 20 of 559

_id 2005_383
id 2005_383
authors Ebert, Oliver, Schoenemann, Patrick and Lenhart, Michael
year 2005
title Cityscape Computing System
source Digital Design: The Quest for New Paradigms [23nd eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-3-2] Lisbon (Portugal) 21-24 September 2005, pp. 383-389
summary The central feature of the project is the development of a computer and its interfaces to simulate urban space and, in the context of an intermedia city tour, to allow citizens to creatively influence their urban space by manipulating media structures at chosen points throughout the city. A master plan is set up to re-cultivate public spaces and points of architectural focus. The city reacts interactively to the commands. A dialog is created between user and public space. The tour route is an open structure which can be expanded at any time. Via interfaces the user activates a reaction in the real city by making changes to the virtual model. This results in a dynamic space, a communication based on the results of this transformation. The user interface allows an information transfer between real people and virtual space. Virtual reality then reacts to the input by transferring that information back to reality. The direct influence on the architecture is effected by a media-transformer. It projects an additional perception level on to reality while monitoring the data via various analysis interfaces.
keywords Interactive Urbanism; Media Installation; Human-Computer-Interaction
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:55

_id 2005_399
id 2005_399
authors Johansson, Mikael and Roupé, Mattias
year 2005
title From CAD to VR – Implementations for Urban Planning and Building Design
source Digital Design: The Quest for New Paradigms [23nd eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-3-2] Lisbon (Portugal) 21-24 September 2005, pp. 399-405
summary At present time, three-dimensional objects are often represented with 2D-data in urban planning and building design. In order to get all the involved parties to fully understand a certain project, this may not be enough. More and more projects therefore take use of the Virtual Reality (VR) technique as a complement to traditional 2D drawings and sketches. All the involved parties can then share a common frame of reference for all discussions regarding a certain project. Unfortunately, the technique is not yet adapted to fit the current building design process. In this paper, we present a solution for semi-automatic generation of a VR-model based on 3D CAD information and aerial photos obtained from the City Planning Authorities in Sweden. The data is imported to support real-time editing of terrain, roads and buildings. We also present a framework for importing 3D-models created in Autodesk Revit which enables a seamless integration of modern 3D CAD and VR-models. The features are implemented in a software developed at Chalmers Visualization studio (Gothenburg, Sweden) and technical details about terrain handling and speed-up techniques will be given.
keywords Virtual Reality; 3D City modeling; Urban planning; Terrain; Visualization
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:52

_id cf2011_p170
id cf2011_p170
authors Barros, Mário; Duarte José, Chaparro Bruno
year 2011
title Thonet Chairs Design Grammar: a Step Towards the Mass Customization of Furniture
source Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures 2011 [Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures / ISBN 9782874561429] Liege (Belgium) 4-8 July 2011, pp. 181-200.
summary The paper presents the first phase of research currently under development that is focused on encoding Thonet design style into a generative design system using a shape grammar. The ultimate goal of the work is the design and production of customizable chairs using computer assisted tools, establishing a feasible practical model of the paradigm of mass customization (Davis, 1987). The current research step encompasses the following three steps: (1) codification of the rules describing Thonet design style into a shape grammar; (2) implementing the grammar into a computer tool as parametric design; and (3) rapid prototyping of customized chair designs within the style. Future phases will address the transformation of the Thonet’s grammar to create a new style and the production of real chair designs in this style using computer aided manufacturing. Beginning in the 1830’s, Austrian furniture designer Michael Thonet began experimenting with forming steam beech, in order to produce lighter furniture using fewer components, when compared with the standards of the time. Using the same construction principles and standardized elements, Thonet produced different chairs designs with a strong formal resemblance, creating his own design language. The kit assembly principle, the reduced number of elements, industrial efficiency, and the modular approach to furniture design as a system of interchangeable elements that may be used to assemble different objects enable him to become a pioneer of mass production (Noblet, 1993). The most paradigmatic example of the described vision of furniture design is the chair No. 14 produced in 1858, composed of six structural elements. Due to its simplicity, lightness, ability to be stored in flat and cubic packaging for individual of collective transportation, respectively, No. 14 became one of the most sold chairs worldwide, and it is still in production nowadays. Iconic examples of mass production are formally studied to provide insights to mass customization studies. The study of the shape grammar for the generation of Thonet chairs aimed to ensure rules that would make possible the reproduction of the selected corpus, as well as allow for the generation of new chairs within the developed grammar. Due to the wide variety of Thonet chairs, six chairs were randomly chosen to infer the grammar and then this was fine tuned by checking whether it could account for the generation of other designs not in the original corpus. Shape grammars (Stiny and Gips, 1972) have been used with sucesss both in the analysis as in the synthesis of designs at different scales, from product design to building and urban design. In particular, the use of shape grammars has been efficient in the characterization of objects’ styles and in the generation of new designs within the analyzed style, and it makes design rules amenable to computers implementation (Duarte, 2005). The literature includes one other example of a grammar for chair design by Knight (1980). In the second step of the current research phase, the outlined shape grammar was implemented into a computer program, to assist the designer in conceiving and producing customized chairs using a digital design process. This implementation was developed in Catia by converting the grammar into an equivalent parametric design model. In the third phase, physical models of existing and new chair designs were produced using rapid prototyping. The paper describes the grammar, its computer implementation as a parametric model, and the rapid prototyping of physical models. The generative potential of the proposed digital process is discussed in the context of enabling the mass customization of furniture. The role of the furniture designer in the new paradigm and ideas for further work also are discussed.
keywords Thonet; furniture design; chair; digital design process; parametric design; shape grammar
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2012/02/11 19:21

_id 2005_491
id 2005_491
authors Beirão, José and Duarte, José
year 2005
title Urban Grammars: Towards Flexible Urban Design
source Digital Design: The Quest for New Paradigms [23nd eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-3-2] Lisbon (Portugal) 21-24 September 2005, pp. 491-500
summary Traditional urban plans have definitive design systems, without the flexibility required to deal with the complexity and change that characterise contemporary urban societies. To provide urban plans with increased flexibility, it is proposed a design methodology capable of producing various design solutions instead of a specific definitive design. The methodology uses shape grammars as a process for generating urban design. In this approach, design becomes a system of solutions rather than a specific one. Through the analyses of a group of urban plans, a design methodology was sketched in which rules are used to enable more flexibility. These plans where chosen for their perceived qualities in terms of language, planning efficiency, and latent flexibility. As a result, a four-phased methodology was identified and thus, proposed for designing urban plans. This methodology was then combined with shape grammars and tested in a design studio setting. Students were asked to use the methodology and shape grammars as auxiliary instruments in the design of a flexible plan for a new town. In the following year, to simulate real-world conditions and oblige students to consider urban ordering and scale, work was structured differently. First, students were asked to develop a rule-based urban plan as in the previous year. Second, they were asked to conceive a detail plan for a sector of an urban plan defined by another group of students following its rules. The plans were then analysed with the goal of refining the methodology. Results show that shape grammars produce urban plans with non-definitive formal solutions, while keeping a consistent spatial language. They also provide plans with explicit and implicit flexibility, thereby giving future designers a wider degree of freedom. Finally, they provide students with a concrete methodology for approaching urban design and foster the development of additional designing skills.
keywords Shape Grammars, Flexible Urban Design
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id cf2011_p135
id cf2011_p135
authors Chen Rui, Irene; Schnabel Marc Aurel
year 2011
title Multi-touch - the future of design interaction
source Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures 2011 [Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures / ISBN 9782874561429] Liege (Belgium) 4-8 July 2011, pp. 557-572.
summary The next major revolution for design is to bring the natural user interaction into design activities. Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) brought a new approach that was more effective compared to their conventional predecessors. In recent years, Natural User Interfaces (NUI) have advanced user experiences and multi-touch and gesture technologies provide new opportunities for a variety of potential uses in design. Much attention has been paid to leverage in the design of interactive interfaces. The mouse input and desktop screen metaphors limit the information sharing for multiple users and also delayed the direct interaction for communication between each other. This paper proposes the innovative method by integrating game engine ‘Unity3D’ with multi-touch tangible interfaces. Unity3D provides a game development tool as part of its application package that has been designed to let users to focus on creating new games. However, it does not limit the usage of area to design additional game scenarios since the benefits of Unity3D is allowing users to build 3D environments with its customizable and easy to use editor, graphical pipelines to openGL (, 2010 ). It creates Virtual Reality (VR) environments which can simulates places in the real world, as well as the virtual environments helping architects and designers to vividly represent their design concepts through 3D visualizations, and interactive media installations in a detailed multi-sensory experience. Stereoscopic displays advanced their spatial ability while solving issues to design e.g. urban spaces. The paper presents how a multi-touch tabletop can be used for these design collaboration and communication tasks. By using natural gestures, designers can now communicate and share their ideas by manipulating the same reference simultaneously using their own input simultaneously. Further studies showed that 3Dl forms are perceived and understood more readily through haptic and proprioceptive perception of tangible representations than through visual representation alone (Gillet et al, 2005). Based on the authors’ framework presented at the last CAADFutures, the benefits of integrating 3D visualization and tactile sensory can be illustrated in this platform (Chen and Wang, 2009), For instance, more than one designer can manipulate the 3D geometry objects on tabletop directly and can communicate successfully their ideas freely without having to waiting for the next person response. It made the work more effective which increases the overall efficiency. Designers can also collect the real-time data by any change they make instantly. The possibilities of Uniy3D make designing very flexible and fun, it is deeply engaging and expressive. Furthermore, the unity3D is revolutionizing the game development industry, its breakthrough development platform for creating highly interactive 3D content on the web ( , 2010) or similar to the interface of modern multimedia devices such as the iPhone, therefore it allows the designers to work remotely in a collaborative way to integrate the design process by using the individual mobile devices while interacting design in a common platform. In design activities, people create an external representation of a domain, often of their own ideas and understanding. This platform helps learners to make their ideas concrete and explicit, and once externalized, subsequently they reflect upon their work how well it sits the real situation. The paper demonstrates how this tabletop innovatively replaces the typical desktop metaphor. In summary, the paper addresses two major issues through samples of collaborative design: firstly presenting aspects of learners’ interactions with physical objects, whereby tangible interfaces enables them constructing expressive representations passively (Marshall, 2007), while focussing on other tasks; and secondly showing how this novel design tool allows designers to actively create constructions that might not be possible with conventional media.
keywords Multi-touch tabletop, Tangible User Interface
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2012/02/11 19:21

_id ecaaderis2018_103
id ecaaderis2018_103
authors Davidová, Marie and Prokop, Šimon
year 2018
title TreeHugger - The Eco-Systemic Prototypical Urban Intervention
source Odysseas Kontovourkis (ed.), Sustainable Computational Workflows [6th eCAADe Regional International Workshop Proceedings / ISBN 9789491207143], Department of Architecture, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus, 24-25 May 2018, pp. 75-84
keywords The paper discusses co-design, development, production, application of TreeHugger (see Figure 1). The co-design among community and trans-disciplinary participants with different expertise required scope of media mix, switching between analogue, digital and back again. This involves different degrees of physical and digital 'GIGA-Mapping' (Sevaldson, 2011, 2015), 'Grasshopper3d' (Davidson, 2017) scripting and mix of digital and analogue fabrication to address the real life world. The critical participation of this 'Time-Based Design' (Sevaldson, 2004, 2005) process is the interaction of the prototype with eco-systemic agency of the adjacent environment - the eco-systemic performance. The TreeHugger is a responsive solid wood insect hotel, generating habitats and edible landscaping (Creasy, 2004) on bio-tope in city centre of Prague. To extend the impact, the code was uploaded for communities to download, local-specifically edit and apply worldwide. Thus, the fusion of discussed processes is multi-scaled and multi-layered, utilised in emerging design field: Systemic Approach to Architectural Performance.
series eCAADe
last changed 2018/05/29 14:33

_id sigradi2005_700
id sigradi2005_700
authors Espina, Jane J. B.
year 2005
source SIGraDi 2005 - [Proceedings of the 9th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Lima - Peru 21-24 november 2005, vol. 2, pp. 700-706
summary This paper shows the use of digital means in the presentation and relation between the perception of those who have walked by in the past and circulate at present through the Baralt Square space, at specific historic periods, with the purpose of reconstructing the different urban scenarios, and foresee their future, through the use of scientific visualization. The digital reconstruction of the square, of colonial origin, is a complex process. This multifunctional space represented forms and types of societies, as the various actors participated with perceptions and perspectives which were apart from reality, imposing their vision and interests, defining themselves in the materialization of the space-site. This research originates the urban analysis and the interpretation of the public space with the help of input devices and real-time visualizers. Interaction, virtual surroundings and mixed reality technologies may contribute in designing tools for the recovery of patrimonial surroundings. [Full paper in Spanish]
series SIGRADI
type normal paper
last changed 2016/03/10 09:51

_id 2005_391
id 2005_391
authors Suneson, Kaj, Wernemyr, Claes, Westerdahl, Börje and Allwood, Carl Martin
year 2005
title The Effect of Stereovision on the Experience of VR Models of the External Surroundings and the Interior of a Building
source Digital Design: The Quest for New Paradigms [23nd eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-3-2] Lisbon (Portugal) 21-24 September 2005, pp. 391-398
summary Virtual reality offers considerable promise with regard to facilitating the building process. A good example is the facilitation of communication between architects and building companies, sellers and buyers or between community planners and the general public. It is often thought that in order to utilise the potential of VR in, for example, the above-mentioned contexts, it is necessary to use fully fledged versions of VR, including stereovision and the possibility of controlling the VR show. However, if a model can also be presented on less advanced equipment and still interpreted in a way that is useful to the viewer it will be possible to distribute the model simply and effectively. This would make it easier to create a more democratic urban planning process compared with if specialised equipment needed to be used and special shows needed to be arranged. In this study we compared the experience of two VR models (a large indoor exhibition hall and an outdoor street in Gothenburg, Sweden) when presented with and without stereovision. When the experience was measured using the Semantic Environmental Scale (the SMB scale, developed by Küller, 1975, 1991), questions on the experience of presence and six other questions on the experience of the models, the results only revealed one indication that stereovision made a difference. This indication was the result for the SMB factor Enclosedness. Suggestions are presented for future research in this area.
keywords Design Process; Virtual Environments; Human-Computer Interaction; 3D City Modelling; Environmental Simulation
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:56

_id 2005_331
id 2005_331
authors Al-Douri, Firas A., Clayton, Mark J. and Abrams, Robin F.
year 2005
title The Impact of 3D Digital Modeling on the 3D Design Aspects in Urban Design Plans
source Digital Design: The Quest for New Paradigms [23nd eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-3-2] Lisbon (Portugal) 21-24 September 2005, pp. 331-340
summary Some experts suggest that urban design plans in US cities may lack adequate coverage of the three-dimensional design aspects of the built environment. 3D digital models may help designers visualize and interact with design alternatives, large urban data sets, and 3D information more effectively, thus correcting this problem. Case studies of recent urban design plans that have used 3D digital models may indicate whether these technologies can increase the quality of the plan. This research discusses the role 3D urban models can play in supporting designers in addressing the 3D design aspects. A literature review focused on reviewing secondary sources to construct or adopt theoretical propositions against which the empirical data can be compared and contrasted. A case study involved investigating the methods with which 3D models have been used in developing a selected urban design plan. The content analysis of the case study refuted the premise that the plan would inadequately address 3D aspects and utilize 3D information, and indicated an effective usage of 3D modeling to analyze and represent most of the 3D and 2D information elements and issues. The results are consistent with a hypothesis that the effective usage of 3D modeling would result in the effective coverage of 3D information and issues. The effective usage of the model’s functionalities has improved the quality of the decision-making process through improving designers’ cognitive capabilities and providing a platform for communicating design ideas among and across design teams.
keywords 3D Modeling; Urban Design Plans; Digital Models; 3D Design Aspects
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id caadria2005_a_7c_a
id caadria2005_a_7c_a
authors Anandan Karunakaran
year 2005
title Organisation of Pedestrian Movements: an Agent-Based Approach
source CAADRIA 2005 [Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / ISBN 89-7141-648-3] New Delhi (India) 28-30 April 2005, vol. 1, pp. 305-313
summary Cities are becoming more complex in this digital era due to technological changes. Thinking of cities without such technological changes is equivalent to an embryonic state in the morphology of city growth, that is, the growth seems less advanced. So it is appropriate to think of the non digital city digitally. Urban design is one state which establishes the perfect relationship between the street, people and building. The relationship of the people with the building and street is becoming one of the key factors in architecture. It has been observed that the design of a city has been influenced by the pedestrian movement. Many cities prior to the industrial era were largely determined by the social interactions based on walking. Thus the pedestrians play a key role in the formation of the city. They are a very important component in any representation of transport movements. They generally terminate or initiate a chain of linked activities, and if observed carefully, a single pedestrian movement is meant to include various sub journeys from one location to another. In order to organize pedestrians, we need to understand the pedestrian movement system. Though there is a lot of development of urban models in this aspect, it is still in a nascent state in comparison with the digital advancement. Thus much research work is carried out which can be applied to any given environmental setting, and as a result urban designers can respond to the changing socio-cultural technologies.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id 2005_729
id 2005_729
authors Asanowicz, Alexander
year 2005
title Computer Renderings – „Reality is Overrated”
source Digital Design: The Quest for New Paradigms [23nd eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-3-2] Lisbon (Portugal) 21-24 September 2005, pp. 729-735
summary In this paper, two problems concerning truthfulness of computer-generated visualization are considered. The first one concerns relationships between reality and its representation by computer renderings. The second problem concerns the kind of representations people need. These problems are analyzed for static perception of architectural forms based on computer visualization, and for dynamic walk-through perception of urban space. The thesis of the paper is that many photorealistic renderings are excessively realistic and thus not true. In this context, a new question arises: do we need the true representation of an object? The author claims that we need “adequate” pictures. Adequate means a picture that is satisfactory in particular situation. The problem of equivalence of media (renderings and animations) and reality is not that important here. Much research is concerned with the truthfulness and falsity of information. However, they do not take into consideration that frequently what seems to be real exerts bigger influence on people than what is in fact real. Understanding this problem may help us in producing images that better correspond to people’s expectations.
keywords Perception, Rendering, Non-Photorealistic Rendering
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id 2005_441
id 2005_441
authors Biloria, Nimish
year 2005
title Emergent Technologies and Design
source Digital Design: The Quest for New Paradigms [23nd eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-3-2] Lisbon (Portugal) 21-24 September 2005, pp. 441-447
summary The recurrent issue of materializing a responsive architectural spatiality, emergent, in its conception and the need for collaborative substantiation of the design process, utilizing a multidisciplinary approach towards developing intelligent architectonics are exemplified upon in this research paper through a design research experiments conducted by the author: Developing concept prototypes for electronic media augmented spatial skins. The augmented skin project exemplifies a synergetic merger of scientific investigations into the fields of bio-mimetics, control system, material technology and embedded computation techniques.
keywords Control Systems; Real-Time Interactivity; Bio-Mimetics; Embedded Computation
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id sigradi2005_558
id sigradi2005_558
authors Carlos, Juliano; Cecílio Batista Oliveira
year 2005
title Dismissible packings of this atomic and electronic age
source SIGraDi 2005 - [Proceedings of the 9th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Lima - Peru 21-24 november 2005, vol. 2, pp. 558-563
summary Discuss concepts of urban nomadic and the revision of the contemporary habitation, from the reading of recent architectural proposals. It presents alterations of the international architecture after years 60, as the introduction of new medias in the domestic space and the life in society – the television, the radio, the communications for satellite and the computer – and boom technological with the production of new materials for the civil construction – the mega-structures in steel, new types of plastic, etc… - and the consequent unfoldings in the contemporary architecture. Analyze two works of the English group Archigram, (middle of 60), relating them with the production of three European offices in activity today. It concludes pointing future trends in the conception and production of the habitation, as the real necessity of its plastic, programmatical and technician-constructive rediscussion, searching to take care of the real necessities of its user, through special flexibility and plurifuntionality, beyond the incorporation of new technologies. [Full paper in Portuguese]
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:48

_id sigradi2005_603
id sigradi2005_603
authors Castañé, Dora; Claudio Deho, Adrián Barcesat, Carlos Tessier
year 2005
title Urbamedia: the design of an integrated system of urban-building visualization and communication
source SIGraDi 2005 - [Proceedings of the 9th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Lima - Peru 21-24 november 2005, vol. 2, pp. 603-608
summary This paper presents the advancements of the Urbamedia project which was designed as part of a research program at the Center CAO (Creation computer assist), School of Architectural Design and Urbanism, University of Buenos Aires, which was led by the valued master and advisory professor Architect Arturo F. Montagu. This proposal of the city of Buenos Aires on the Mayo Avenue expands the original historical fragment presented between the following two referenced representative landmarks: The Two Congresses Square and the Mayo Square. It continues with the advancement of methodologies and techniques implemented in a system of “integrated visualization and communication” for the development of a VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) 3D virtual non-immersive and interactive vision. It also incorporates the development of a “foundation of digitally integrated knowledge” with fragments of central areas from other surrounding cities as well as interfaced phenomenological situations. The application of digital VRML technology has allowed for thoroughly researching the processes through dynamic simulation of specific urban fragments (Mayo Avenue within Buenos Aires) and the cities that are also participating in the project. [Full paper in Spanish]
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:48

_id 2005_501
id 2005_501
authors Celani, Gabriela, Pupo, Regiane, Mendes, Gelly and Pinheiro, Érica
year 2005
title Generative Design Systems for Housing
source Digital Design: The Quest for New Paradigms [23nd eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-3-2] Lisbon (Portugal) 21-24 September 2005, pp. 501-506
summary The present paper describes an undergoing research that aims at developing a generative design computer implementation with an outside-in approach, OIDS. The system will allow developing and visualizing context-based housing development designs. This approach will include both natural characteristics of the site and the existing neighboring buildings. It is argued that certain common urban design practices are the result of a simplification due to difficulties in dealing with the irregularities of the natural environment, which often requires the use of time-consuming methods. The computer-based application will provide tools for dealing with such difficulties, allowing designers to describe their own design rules. In an initial phase of the project, a tool that can subdivide irregular land parcels into equally sized areas has been developed. In further stages, other environmental variables will be addressed, such as solar aspect and prevalent wind directions. Eventually, even the designs of interior layouts should result from exterior forces. The resulting generative system is expected to facilitate and encourage the use of a more organic approach to building siting and design, bringing about the important discussion about which should be the main forces in the generation of the built environment.
keywords Generative Design; Context-Based Design; Housing Design; Building Siting; Urban Space Simulation
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:55

_id cf2005_1_22_147
id cf2005_1_22_147
authors CHAN Chiu-Shui, DANG Anrong and TONG Ziyu
year 2005
title A 3D Model of the Inner City of Beijing
source Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures 2005 [Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures / ISBN 1-4020-3460-1] Vienna (Austria) 20–22 June 2005, pp. 63-72
summary This study has two major concentrations: 1) exploring methods of creating a digital city model, and 2) applying the model to study urban spatial structure, an issue of particular interest and importance to urban planners. Based on existing studies that primarily address two-dimensional (2D) urban structure, this paper focuses on the three-dimensional (3D) structure relating to the 3D urban form. Given their greater clarity and possibilities for quantitative analysis, both 3D digital urban models and GIS spatial overlay analysis methods hold tremendous potential for analysing and predicting future urban form. In this project, the Xidan Business District in Beijing's Inner City was the area selected to implement the digital-city application. Under the hypothesis that the existing urban spatial structure is determined by the city's urban planning scheme and current urban marketing forces, it is found that actual urban development does not follow the planning restrictions on zoning and building height regulations. Some contradictions and conflicts, such as building location and height, appeared in the studied district. The specific reasons for the discrepancies need to be further studied.
keywords 3D city modeling, GIS, remote sensing, virtual environments
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2006/11/07 07:27

_id cf2011_p051
id cf2011_p051
authors Cote, Pierre; Mohamed-Ahmed Ashraf, Tremblay Sebastien
year 2011
title A Quantitative Method to Compare the Impact of Design Mediums on the Architectural Ideation Process.
source Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures 2011 [Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures / ISBN 9782874561429] Liege (Belgium) 4-8 July 2011, pp. 539-556.
summary If we compare the architectural design process to a black box system, we can assume that we now know quite well both inputs and outputs of the system. Indeed, everything about the early project either feasibility studies, programming, context integration, site analysis (urban, rural or natural), as well as the integration of participants in a collaborative process can all be considered to initiate and sustain the architectural design and ideation process. Similarly, outputs from that process are also, and to some extent, well known and identifiable. We are referring here, among others, to the project representations or even to the concrete building construction and its post-evaluation. But what about the black box itself that produces the ideation. This is the question that attempts to answer the research. Currently, very few research works linger to identify how the human brain accomplishes those tasks; how to identify the cognitive functions that are playing this role; to what extent they operate and complement each other, and among other things, whether there possibly a chain of causality between these functions. Therefore, this study proposes to define a model that reflects the activity of the black box based on the cognitive activity of the human brain. From an extensive literature review, two cognitive functions have been identified and are investigated to account for some of the complex cognitive activity that occurs during a design process, namely the mental workload and mental imagery. These two variables are measured quantitatively in the context of real design task. Essentially, the mental load is measured using a Bakan's test and the mental imagery with eyes tracking. The statistical software G-Power was used to identify the necessary subject number to obtain for significant variance and correlation result analysis. Thus, in the context of an exploratory research, to ensure effective sample of 0.25 and a statistical power of 0.80, 32 participants are needed. All these participants are students from 3rd, 4th or 5th grade in architecture. They are also very familiar with the architectural design process and the design mediums used, i.e., analog model, freehand drawing and CAD software, SketchUp. In three experimental sessions, participants were asked to design three different projects, namely, a bus shelter, a recycling station and a public toilet. These projects were selected and defined for their complexity similarity, taking into account the available time of 22 minutes, using all three mediums of design, and this in a randomly manner to avoid the order effect. To analyze the two cognitive functions (mental load and mental imagery), two instruments are used. Mental imagery is measured using eye movement tracking with monitoring and quantitative analysis of scan paths and the resulting number and duration of participant eye fixations (Johansson et al, 2005). The mental workload is measured using the performance of a modality hearing secondary task inspired by Bakan'sworks (Bakan et al.; 1963). Each of these three experimental sessions, lasting 90 minutes, was composed of two phases: 1. After calibrating the glasses for eye movement, the subject had to exercise freely for 3 minutes while wearing the glasses and headphones (Bakan task) to get use to the wearing hardware. Then, after reading the guidelines and criteria for the design project (± 5 minutes), he had 22 minutes to execute the design task on a drawing table allowing an upright posture. Once the task is completed, the subject had to take the NASA TLX Test, on the assessment of mental load (± 5 minutes) and a written post-experimental questionnaire on his impressions of the experiment (± 10 minutes). 2. After a break of 5-10 minutes, the participant answered a psychometric test, which is different for each session. These tests (± 20 minutes) are administered in the same order to each participant. Thus, in the first experimental session, the subject had to take the psychometric test from Ekstrom et al. (1978), on spatial performance (Factor-Referenced Cognitive Tests Kit). During the second session, the cognitive style is evaluated using Oltman's test (1971). Finally, in the third and final session, participant creativity is evaluated using Delis-Kaplan test (D-KEFS), Delis et al. (2001). Thus, this study will present the first results of quantitative measures to establish and validate the proposed model. Furthermore, the paper will also discuss the relevance of the proposed approach, considering that currently teaching of ideation in ours schools of architecture in North America is essentially done in a holistic manner through the architectural project.
keywords design, ideation process, mental workload, mental imagery, quantitative mesure
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2012/02/11 19:21

_id 2005_547
id 2005_547
authors Elger, Dietrich and Russell, Peter
year 2005
title Crisis? What Crisis?
source Digital Design: The Quest for New Paradigms [23nd eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-3-2] Lisbon (Portugal) 21-24 September 2005, pp. 547-556
summary The paper describes the current situation concerning career opportunities in the field of architecture in developed western countries. Several aspects that are almost universal mark this situation. Firstly, there are too many architects chasing traditional work in competition with structural (civil) engineers. This is not surprising in consideration of the fact, that the architectural education industry produces far too many new architects for the economy to absorb. In Germany, the number is almost three times too many. Secondly, the needs of the building industry have changed over the past twenty years so that the skills that architects want to offer are not necessarily those that are sought. Lastly, the constant specialisation of work has continued unabated. Architects, as generalists, have idly watched their areas of expertise be usurped from neighbouring fields like civil and structural engineering The reasons for this crisis are manifold. In the schools of architecture, the discussions often deal with form or formal arguments, which, in fact, have little or no relevance to the building industry. This position was tenable so long as the clients were willing to accept formal arguments in order to receive buildings of high quality or current social relevance (i.e. current architectural fashion). With the dual aspects of globalisation and a shift to maintaining building stocks rather than producing new buildings, the tolerance for “architectural” discussions has been reduced even further. Indeed, the monetary pressures overwhelm almost all other aspects, including so-called green issues. What is more, most of the monetary issues are time based. Time represents, perhaps, the largest pressure in any current planning project. The clients expect expedient, accurate and inexpensive solutions. If architects are not able to produce these, the clients will (and do) go elsewhere. The authors argue that there remain serious problems to be solved for architects and the metier in general. Ever cheaper, ever faster and ever encompassing information technologies offer the architectural community a chance to turn recent trends on their head. By using information technologies to their full potential, architects can reassert themselves as the coordinators of building information and processes. Simply put, this means less photorealistic rendering and more databases, which may be unappealing for those architects who have positioned themselves as “designers” and are able to talk long on form, but short on cost or logistics. Nonetheless, the situation is not lost, so long as architects are able to recognise what is desired from the point of view of the client and what is desired from the point of view of the architect. It is not a question of one or the other. Architects must be able to offer innovative design solutions that not only address the fiscal, legal and programmatic constraints, but also push the boundaries at to the position of architecture in the community at large. For educators, it must be made clear that the real potential architects possess is their encompassing knowledge of the building process including their expertise concerning questions of architectural form, function, history and art. Precisely while they are generalists are architects invaluable in a sea of specialists. The biggest hurdle to asserting this in the past has been the control of the vast amounts of information. This is no longer a problem and also no longer an excuse. In the education of architects, it must be made clear that their role dictates sovereignty over architectural information. Architectural Information Management is a necessary skill alongside the more traditional architectural skills. A brief outlook as to how this might come about is detailed in the paper. The authors propose didactic steps to achieve this. Primarily, the education of computer supported planning should not simply end with a series of lectures or seminars, but culminate in integrated Design Studios (which including Design-Build scenarios).
keywords Architectural Information Mangement, Computer Supported Design Studios, CSCW
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:55

_id da71
id da71
authors Horne, Margaret
year 2004
title Visualisation of Martyr’s Square, Beirut
source CONVR2005 5th Conference of Construction Applications of Virtual Reality, ADETTI/ISCTE, Durham, UK, 12-13 September 2005
summary Solidere, a Lebanese joint-stock company, was created by government decree in 1994 to reconstruct Beirut city-centre. The company, a form of public-private partnership, has a majority share holding of former owners and tenants of city-centre property. Several projects are underway, including the redevelopment of Place des Martyrs, once the bustling heart of Beirut but badly damaged during the war. Urban planners in Beirut have recently developed a 3D computer model to visually describe the spatial characteristics of Martyr’s Square and its context, prior to inviting design proposals for an international competition. This paper describes issues pertaining to the development of the model to meet the needs of urban designers and town planners. It also considers potential future uses of the simulation, outlining areas for further research and development.
keywords Beirut, 3D Modelling, Visual Simulation, Town Planning
series other
type normal paper
last changed 2006/06/08 22:10

_id fbae
id fbae
authors Horne, Margaret
year 2005
title Virtual Beirut
source CUPUM05 9th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management, London, 29-30 June 2005
summary This paper describes how urban planners in Beirut are applying three-dimensional computer modelling to aid design decision making in the regeneration programme for the city. The study reports on the recent developments of a computer model of Beirut and its effectiveness in communicating the spatial characteristics of Martyr’s Square, a place of historic significance in the city. An international urban design competition for Martyr’s Square, and its new axis to the sea, is underway to identify new ideas for the development of this area. This paper reports on the process of creating the computer model and feedback from users. It considers future plans for further 3D modelling of the city centre to meet the needs of urban designers.
keywords Beirut, 3D Modelling, Urban Planning, Virtual Reality
series other
type normal paper
last changed 2006/06/08 00:05

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