CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

Hits 1 to 20 of 345

_id 2005_181
id 2005_181
authors Madrazo, Leandro and Massey, Joan
year 2005
title HOUSING@21.EU
source Digital Design: The Quest for New Paradigms [23nd eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-3-2] Lisbon (Portugal) 21-24 September 2005, pp. 181-188
summary HOUSING@21.EU is a pedagogic research group, formed by five Architecture Schools in Belgium, Germany, Poland, Spain and the United Kingdom, working under the auspices of the Erasmus Intensive Programme. The purpose of the research is to study the emergent forms of housing and living in 21st century Europe. The pedagogic goals are twofold: one has to do with architectural content - proposing adequate forms of dwelling for contemporary European societies; the other with pedagogy - integrating teaching methods and information technologies.
keywords Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning; Web-based Learning environments; Digital repositories; Constructivism; Housing
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:59

_id ecaadesigradi2019_253
id ecaadesigradi2019_253
authors Velandia Rayo, Diego Alejandro
year 2019
title Option One-second Iteration - Analysis, evaluation and redesign of a rural housing prototype
source Sousa, JP, Xavier, JP and Castro Henriques, G (eds.), Architecture in the Age of the 4th Industrial Revolution - Proceedings of the 37th eCAADe and 23rd SIGraDi Conference - Volume 1, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal, 11-13 September 2019, pp. 187-194
summary In 2005, the rural housing deficit in Colombia was 1,600,000 units, which is equivalent to 68.25% of the total households. This very high number shows the difficulties faced by public policies on rural housing. This deficit is partly due to logistical problems related to the supply of materials and complexity in construction processes. It is necessary to explore new alternatives to offer more and better homes at lower costs. The research project presented in this manuscript started in 2013 as an initiative to reduce the housing deficit. It proposed to build a rural housing prototype integrating digital manufacturing processes. The performance of part of the structural and enclosing system was evaluated during a first iteration process to include changes in a second iteration later. With the adjustments to the design process discussed here, the prototype is expected to be built and tested to measure its efficiency and functioning.
series eCAADeSIGraDi
last changed 2022/06/07 07:58

_id ascaad2006_paper25
id ascaad2006_paper25
authors Artopoulos, Giorgos; Stanislav Roudavski and Francois Penz
year 2006
title Adaptive Generative Patterns: design and construction of Prague Biennale pavilion
source Computing in Architecture / Re-Thinking the Discourse: The Second International Conference of the Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD 2006), 25-27 April 2006, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
summary This paper describes an experimental practice-based research project that considered design process, implementation and construction of a pavilion built to be part of the Performative Space section of the International Biennale of Contemporary Art, Prague 2005. The project was conceptualized as a time-bound performative situation with a parasite-like relationship to its host environment. Its design has emerged through an innovative iterative process that utilized digital simulative and procedural techniques and was formed in response to place-specific behavioral challenges. This paper presents the project as an in-depth case-study of digital methods in design, mass customization and unified methods of production. In particular, it considers the use of Voronoi patterns for production of structural elements providing detail on programming and construction techniques in relationship to design aspirations and practical constraints.
series ASCAAD
last changed 2007/04/08 19:47

_id cf2011_p170
id cf2011_p170
authors Barros, Mário; Duarte José, Chaparro Bruno
year 2011
title Thonet Chairs Design Grammar: a Step Towards the Mass Customization of Furniture
source Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures 2011 [Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures / ISBN 9782874561429] Liege (Belgium) 4-8 July 2011, pp. 181-200.
summary The paper presents the first phase of research currently under development that is focused on encoding Thonet design style into a generative design system using a shape grammar. The ultimate goal of the work is the design and production of customizable chairs using computer assisted tools, establishing a feasible practical model of the paradigm of mass customization (Davis, 1987). The current research step encompasses the following three steps: (1) codification of the rules describing Thonet design style into a shape grammar; (2) implementing the grammar into a computer tool as parametric design; and (3) rapid prototyping of customized chair designs within the style. Future phases will address the transformation of the Thonet’s grammar to create a new style and the production of real chair designs in this style using computer aided manufacturing. Beginning in the 1830’s, Austrian furniture designer Michael Thonet began experimenting with forming steam beech, in order to produce lighter furniture using fewer components, when compared with the standards of the time. Using the same construction principles and standardized elements, Thonet produced different chairs designs with a strong formal resemblance, creating his own design language. The kit assembly principle, the reduced number of elements, industrial efficiency, and the modular approach to furniture design as a system of interchangeable elements that may be used to assemble different objects enable him to become a pioneer of mass production (Noblet, 1993). The most paradigmatic example of the described vision of furniture design is the chair No. 14 produced in 1858, composed of six structural elements. Due to its simplicity, lightness, ability to be stored in flat and cubic packaging for individual of collective transportation, respectively, No. 14 became one of the most sold chairs worldwide, and it is still in production nowadays. Iconic examples of mass production are formally studied to provide insights to mass customization studies. The study of the shape grammar for the generation of Thonet chairs aimed to ensure rules that would make possible the reproduction of the selected corpus, as well as allow for the generation of new chairs within the developed grammar. Due to the wide variety of Thonet chairs, six chairs were randomly chosen to infer the grammar and then this was fine tuned by checking whether it could account for the generation of other designs not in the original corpus. Shape grammars (Stiny and Gips, 1972) have been used with sucesss both in the analysis as in the synthesis of designs at different scales, from product design to building and urban design. In particular, the use of shape grammars has been efficient in the characterization of objects’ styles and in the generation of new designs within the analyzed style, and it makes design rules amenable to computers implementation (Duarte, 2005). The literature includes one other example of a grammar for chair design by Knight (1980). In the second step of the current research phase, the outlined shape grammar was implemented into a computer program, to assist the designer in conceiving and producing customized chairs using a digital design process. This implementation was developed in Catia by converting the grammar into an equivalent parametric design model. In the third phase, physical models of existing and new chair designs were produced using rapid prototyping. The paper describes the grammar, its computer implementation as a parametric model, and the rapid prototyping of physical models. The generative potential of the proposed digital process is discussed in the context of enabling the mass customization of furniture. The role of the furniture designer in the new paradigm and ideas for further work also are discussed.
keywords Thonet; furniture design; chair; digital design process; parametric design; shape grammar
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2012/02/11 19:21

_id acadia05_156
id acadia05_156
authors Cabrinha, Mark
year 2005
title From Bézier to NURBS: Integrating Material and Digital Techniques through a Plywood Shell
source Smart Architecture: Integration of Digital and Building Technologies [Proceedings of the 2005 Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design In Architecture / ISBN 0-9772832-0-8] Savannah (Georgia) 13-16 October 2005, pp. 156-169
summary The development of digital fabrication has reintroduced material processes with digital processes. There has been much discussion about the tool and the objects of the tool, but little discussion of the implication of the material process on the digital process. A brief historical review on the development of computer numerical control and the origins of the Bézier curve reveals an instrumental fact: computer numerical controlled tools necessitated advancements in computational surfaces which eventually led to NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines) surfaces. In other words, the origins of NURBS surfaces resides in its relation to material processes, rather than many current approaches that develop free form surfaces and then force the tool onto the material without regard to the material properties. From this historical and mathematical review, this project develops toward more intelligent construction methods based on the integration of NURBS differential geometry paired with material qualities and processes. Specifically, a digital technique of developing conceptual NURBS geometry into piecewise surface patches are then flattened based on the material thickness and density. From these flattened patches, a material technique is developed to intelligently remove material to allow the rigid flat material to re-develop into physical surface patches. The goal of this research is to develop digital and material techniques toward intelligent construction based on the correspondence between digitally driven surface and digitally driven material processes. The application of this technique as a rational and flexible system is to support the dynamic response of form and material toward such performative aspects as structure, daylight, ventilation, and thermal properties.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id 2005_269
id 2005_269
authors Caldas, Luisa and Duarte, José
year 2005
title Fabricating Ceramic Covers
source Digital Design: The Quest for New Paradigms [23nd eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-3-2] Lisbon (Portugal) 21-24 September 2005, pp. 269-276
summary This paper describes a studio experiment developed with the aim of exploring the design and fabrication of innovative roof systems based on ceramic tiles using digital technologies. History is rich in examples of the use of ceramic roof tiles since the ancient world. Today’s systems derive from such ancient systems and fall into several basic categories depending on the form of the tiles and how they interlock. These systems present acceptable functional performances due to centuries of refinement, but as they have suffered little formal evolution in recent centuries, to respond to modern needs they require complex layering and assemblies. Recent technological evolution has emphasized the optimization of the tile production process in terms of time saving and cost reduction, and the improvement of product quality in terms of material homogeneity and durability. Little attention has been paid to the tile form and the roof system as a whole, including the assembly process. As a result, despite the variety and performance of existing designs, they are often perceived as outdated by architects who refuse to use them following a stylistic trend in architectural design towards primary forms and flat roofs. The challenge of the experiment was to take advantage of digital design and fabrication technology to conceive systems with improved performance and contemporary designs. The hope was that this could lead architects to consider integrating roof tiles systems in their architectural proposals. Results yielded five different roof systems. These systems are innovative from a formal viewpoint both at the tile and roof level. In addition, they are easy to assemble and possess better thermal and water-proofing performance. Digital technologies were determinant to enable students to design the complex shape of the tiles, to manipulate them into assemblies, and to assess the shape of the roofs, as well as their thermal and structural performance in some cases.
keywords Design Education; Rapid Prototyping; Collaboration; Ceramics; Innovation; Tiles
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id cf2011_p135
id cf2011_p135
authors Chen Rui, Irene; Schnabel Marc Aurel
year 2011
title Multi-touch - the future of design interaction
source Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures 2011 [Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures / ISBN 9782874561429] Liege (Belgium) 4-8 July 2011, pp. 557-572.
summary The next major revolution for design is to bring the natural user interaction into design activities. Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) brought a new approach that was more effective compared to their conventional predecessors. In recent years, Natural User Interfaces (NUI) have advanced user experiences and multi-touch and gesture technologies provide new opportunities for a variety of potential uses in design. Much attention has been paid to leverage in the design of interactive interfaces. The mouse input and desktop screen metaphors limit the information sharing for multiple users and also delayed the direct interaction for communication between each other. This paper proposes the innovative method by integrating game engine ‘Unity3D’ with multi-touch tangible interfaces. Unity3D provides a game development tool as part of its application package that has been designed to let users to focus on creating new games. However, it does not limit the usage of area to design additional game scenarios since the benefits of Unity3D is allowing users to build 3D environments with its customizable and easy to use editor, graphical pipelines to openGL (, 2010 ). It creates Virtual Reality (VR) environments which can simulates places in the real world, as well as the virtual environments helping architects and designers to vividly represent their design concepts through 3D visualizations, and interactive media installations in a detailed multi-sensory experience. Stereoscopic displays advanced their spatial ability while solving issues to design e.g. urban spaces. The paper presents how a multi-touch tabletop can be used for these design collaboration and communication tasks. By using natural gestures, designers can now communicate and share their ideas by manipulating the same reference simultaneously using their own input simultaneously. Further studies showed that 3Dl forms are perceived and understood more readily through haptic and proprioceptive perception of tangible representations than through visual representation alone (Gillet et al, 2005). Based on the authors’ framework presented at the last CAADFutures, the benefits of integrating 3D visualization and tactile sensory can be illustrated in this platform (Chen and Wang, 2009), For instance, more than one designer can manipulate the 3D geometry objects on tabletop directly and can communicate successfully their ideas freely without having to waiting for the next person response. It made the work more effective which increases the overall efficiency. Designers can also collect the real-time data by any change they make instantly. The possibilities of Uniy3D make designing very flexible and fun, it is deeply engaging and expressive. Furthermore, the unity3D is revolutionizing the game development industry, its breakthrough development platform for creating highly interactive 3D content on the web ( , 2010) or similar to the interface of modern multimedia devices such as the iPhone, therefore it allows the designers to work remotely in a collaborative way to integrate the design process by using the individual mobile devices while interacting design in a common platform. In design activities, people create an external representation of a domain, often of their own ideas and understanding. This platform helps learners to make their ideas concrete and explicit, and once externalized, subsequently they reflect upon their work how well it sits the real situation. The paper demonstrates how this tabletop innovatively replaces the typical desktop metaphor. In summary, the paper addresses two major issues through samples of collaborative design: firstly presenting aspects of learners’ interactions with physical objects, whereby tangible interfaces enables them constructing expressive representations passively (Marshall, 2007), while focussing on other tasks; and secondly showing how this novel design tool allows designers to actively create constructions that might not be possible with conventional media.
keywords Multi-touch tabletop, Tangible User Interface
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2012/02/11 19:21

_id sigradi2005_385
id sigradi2005_385
authors Graf Seballos, Sebastián; María José Monras Charles
year 2005
title Dinamic architecture: the inclusion of digital media in architectural design process. A new reality?
source SIGraDi 2005 - [Proceedings of the 9th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Lima - Peru 21-24 november 2005, vol. 1, pp. 385-389
summary Until some years ago the discussion about the role of technology inside architecture was centered almost exclusively in the constructive environment. However with the development of digital technology, an impact has been generated on operations, design methods and working methodology, besides offering new possibilities to the architectural imagination. The technology of information has not only incorporated a series of new instruments but also an arsenal of methodological support resources to the designer, modifying the working model, it ways to perceive, anticipate and conceive an architectural project as it was traditionally made during centuries. Within this scenario, the changes hat would be taking place due to the inclusion of the digital media in the architectural enviroment, as much as in the “project language” as in the project process structure, integrating such concepts as movement, time and information, constitute the main reason of this investigation. [Full paper in Spanish]
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:52

_id 2d39
id 2d39
authors Heylighen A, Heylighen F, Bollen J, Casaer M
year 2005
source SID 2005, Proceedings of the 4th Social Intelligence Design Workshop, Stanford University, March 2005 (CD Rom)
summary The distributed cognition approach, and by extension the domain of social intelligence design, attempts to integrate three until recently separate realms: mind, society, and matter. The field offers a heterogeneous collection of ideas, observations, and case studies, yet lacks a coherent theoretical framework for building models of concrete systems and processes. Despite the intrinsic complexity of integrating individual, social and technologically-supported intelligence, the paper proposes a relatively simple ‘connectionist’ framework for conceptualizing a distributed cognitive system. This framework represents shared information sources (documents) as nodes connected by links of variable strength, which increases interactively with the number of co-occurrences of documents in the patterns of their usage. This connectionist learning procedure captures and uses the implicit knowledge of its community of users to help them find relevant information, thus supporting an unconscious form of exchange. The principles are illustrated by an envisaged application to a concrete problem domain: the dynamic sharing of design knowledge among a multitude of architects through a database of associatively connected building projects.
keywords connectionism, distributed cognition, tacit knowledge, architectural design
series other
type normal paper
last changed 2005/04/01 13:24

_id caadria2005_a_7c_d
id caadria2005_a_7c_d
authors Jin Yeu Tsou, Jie He, Yucai Xue
year 2005
title An Open Space with Scenery: ‘Greenscape Index’ for Performance Based Planning of High Density Urban Habitation
source CAADRIA 2005 [Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / ISBN 89-7141-648-3] New Delhi (India) 28-30 April 2005, vol. 1, pp. 328-334
summary This paper presents an improvement of the original openness ratio concept, which has been formulated as an integrated index for early-stage urban open space planning and design support. The ‘greenscape index’ is a rating system which quantitatively integrates human visual perception with the visible landscape resources to evaluate the visual quality of open space vision within high-density urban environment. This new index is expected to provide more comprehensive environmental performance consideration criteria for urban planning and design. The research team also discusses the potential of the introducing this index to assess both psychological preference and physical form of urban open spaces. The new concept also has shown its feasibility on integrating key environmental considerations in visual sensitivity, urban wind, urban noise and solar heat gain into simple massing study which is applicable in the preliminary planning stage.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:52

_id caadria2005_b_5c_f
id caadria2005_b_5c_f
authors Jumphon Lertlakkhanakul, Ilju Lee, Miyun Kim, Jin Won Choi
year 2005
title Using the Mobile Augmented Reality Techniques for Construction Management
source CAADRIA 2005 [Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / ISBN 89-7141-648-3] New Delhi (India) 28-30 April 2005, vol. 2, pp. 396-403
summary In this paper we attempt to develop a new system called “C-Navi” for construction site simulation and management system. By integrating AR technology with mobile computing, the new system will extend the abilities of AR systems to be implemented in large outdoor space. The concept of 4D CAD system is utilized by integrating related information and displaying them in the time-based visualization approach. Our system could help with decision making and also act as a tool for improved communications between project partners.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:52

_id 2005_147
id 2005_147
authors Lai, Ih-Cheng
year 2005
title Infilling Time into Space - A Pedagogical Approach for Evolving Space Using Digital Media
source Digital Design: The Quest for New Paradigms [23nd eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-3-2] Lisbon (Portugal) 21-24 September 2005, pp. 147-154
summary This paper presents a pedagogical approach to explore the relationships between time and space by using digital media. Based on a pedagogical model called e-Space proposed by Lai (2004), we apply motion as a spatial issue to approach this study. Through integrating with the characteristics of digital media, students are encouraged to evolve architectural space and form by decomposing, re-organizing, interpreting and realizing the spatial composition. Simultaneously, diverse digital media applications integrated with design thinking in a design process enables students to bridge two design spaces - physical and virtual. This process introduces the students to a new approach of design-creation and form finding. Finally, we use an advanced digital media course as an example to understand the impacts of the pedagogical approach. The students’ outcomes are also reported in this paper
keywords Digital Media, Pedagogy, Motion, Design Space, Design Learning
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:52

_id 2005_067
id 2005_067
authors Pellitteri, Giuseppe, Colajanni Benedetto and Concialdi, Salvatore
year 2005
title Distance Collaboration. A Comparative Analysis of Tools and Procedures
source Digital Design: The Quest for New Paradigms [23nd eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-3-2] Lisbon (Portugal) 21-24 September 2005, pp. 67-73
summary Besides design theory and practice, curricula of architectural students should include some experiences referring to professional situations. Among these experiences, Collaborative Design is nowadays somewhat frequent. It is normally practised by large professional studios, using expansive software which is beyond what they can afford on average. Much academic research on the topic has also been carried out often resulting in the proposition of new and too complex description models of the building object. We think that students should instead get acquainted with such a design process: an experience has been planned and carried out in our Department for the purpose of practising the possible paradigm in a more ordinary context. Its purpose was threefold. First, making the students grasp the method’s potentialities and learn the right approach. Second, testing the practical suitability of the most widely used software. Third, comparing their relative efficiency. The software we used was: Architectural Desktop, AutoCad Revit, ArchiCad for Teamwork. We focused special attention on how representing and managing restraints, since they are the main source of conflicts. This was the hardest topic to manage. The results were partly positive inasmuch as the experience showed that it could be possible to adopt the Collaborative Design paradigm which is also used in the AEC field. The drawbacks emerged from the analysis of non-dedicated software are: a relative slow process for the lack of certain specific tools; a subsequent necessity of integrating them with different communication software; the difficulty of managing hard and soft restraints. However, in the final analysis, the experience can be considered as positive.
keywords Collaborative Design, Architectural teaching
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:59

_id cf2005_2_11_132
id cf2005_2_11_132
authors SCHNABEL Marc Aurel
year 2005
title Interplay of Domains
source Learning from the Past a Foundation for the Future [Special publication of papers presented at the CAAD futures 2005 conference held at the Vienna University of Technology / ISBN 3-85437-276-0], Vienna (Austria) 20-22 June 2005, pp. 11-20
summary A diversified, open-ended, and critical approach of architectural design that interplays with a variety of media, suggests an innovative development to gain new spatial solutions. Architects and designers are aware of these possibilities by integrating physical and digital media during their design process, yet the creative potentials of these media are rarely used to their full potentials. The architectural design process can be enriched by using uncommon perceptions, comprehensions, and conceptions of spatial design translations within both physical and virtual environments. A wilful interplay with the design media and the process offers the possibility to dismantle the limits of each domain and explore the design itself in unorthodox ways. The overall engagement within both real and virtual environments leads to innovative form creations and powerful design solutions. Following the tradition of artists, who explore media in unusual ways, new architectural interpretations emerge, reflecting on the media as well as the architectural design.
keywords design process, design media, form generation, physical and virtual environments
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2005/05/05 07:06

_id cf2005_2_31_60
id cf2005_2_31_60
authors TALBOTT Kyle
year 2005
title Integrating Generative Modelling and Design Process
source Learning from the Past a Foundation for the Future [Special publication of papers presented at the CAAD futures 2005 conference held at the Vienna University of Technology / ISBN 3-85437-276-0], Vienna (Austria) 20-22 June 2005, pp. 77-88
summary While researchers learn to generate design options with a computer, the question of how a designer interacts with these options remains largely unexcavated. This paper explores how a generative system should interact with a designer. It argues that limitations in human cognition require a designer to manage the complexity of his task with a creative thinking strategy called Perception-Imagination Overlay. To support this, a generative system should present a progression of contextual design “moves” rather than a collection of finished solutions. After validating a set of interface requirements, the paper presents an example interface. The paper concludes that the development of computational methods cannot be legitimately isolated from the development of an appropriate designer-system interaction, and that integrating these concerns might transform our conception of generative systems.
keywords human-computer interaction, generative design, creativity, design process, 3D modelling
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2005/05/05 07:06

_id caadria2005_b_4c_a
id caadria2005_b_4c_a
authors Yu-Chung Cheng, Ji-Hyun Lee
year 2005
title Integrating scenario-based design and case-based design for user participation in Apartment plan design process
source CAADRIA 2005 [Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / ISBN 89-7141-648-3] New Delhi (India) 28-30 April 2005, vol. 2, pp. 233-239
summary It has been a ubiquitous problem that users generally do not participate in housing design process. In Taiwan, however, apartment buyers have a chance to customize their plan until the construction takes place. This paper attempts to solve the problem about user participation in apartment plan design by integrating scenario-based design and case-based design approaches. We build an interactive computational tool for designers to support user participation in the apartment plan design process and to prove our concepts by some concrete examples.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:57

_id sigradi2005_000
id sigradi2005_000
authors Angulo, Antonieta and Vásquez de Velasco, Guillermo (eds.)
year 2005
title SiGradi2005: Vision and Visualization
source Proceedings of the 9th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics Graphics / ISBN 978-1-59975-306-5] Lima (Perú) 21-23 november 2005, 826 p.
summary Paradoxically, one of the most difficult but enjoyable things we do is to imagine. To open the eyes of our mind and see what no one else can see. We see images of things that are yet to be and through the same skill we devise ways in which to make them happen. We design the future in the form of environments, graphics, products, films, and a growing range of new media. Our ability to develop a vision and to visualize it is a gift that we are called to cultivate and put to good use. We have been privileged with a great responsibility. In the process of developing a vision and communicating that vision to others, we “visualize”. Visualization can be a very private experience in which we are alone with mental images that help us shape our vision. In other instances visualization can be a component of mass communication. Visualization can be a means or can be an end. It can be a small architectural sketch on a paper napkin or a mega-graphic covering a high-rise building, an airplane or a ship. In every case, the relationship between vision and visualization is a mutually supportive articulation of what our eyes and our minds can see. Our vision of the role of computers in the art and science of visualization is in constant development. Computer visualization can support an intimate dialog between a designer and his/her vision. It can translate and communicate that vision to a larger audience and in the hands of a new-media artist it can actually constitute his/her vision. The 9th Annual Conference of SIGraDI (Ibero American Society for Computer Graphics) will explore our collective vision on the future of digital visualization and digital media in Environmental Design, Product Design, Graphic Design, Cinematography, New Media, and Art. Authors are invited to share their research work with a focus on how it contributes to shape a collective understanding of the past, awareness of the present, and vision of the future in our multiple disciplines.
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id 2005_607
id 2005_607
authors Coppola, C., Calabrese, A., Iazzetta, A., Mele, F. and Talamo, O.
year 2005
title The Transformation’s Control and Development
source Digital Design: The Quest for New Paradigms [23nd eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-3-2] Lisbon (Portugal) 21-24 September 2005, pp. 607-614
summary The study of DNA of artifact and the development leading to its use in the field of industrial production of a single piece is now a common feature in the syllabus of the degree in Industrial Design at Faculty of Architecture “Luigi Vanvitelli” of SUN. The Generative Design Laboratory is where this process is carried out and includes the PROGEOR project for Generative Jewels Design. The experience acquired in the Generative Design Laboratory has developed along the lines of THE SINGLE PIECE, a product which combines the uniqueness of a handcrafted artefact with mass production methods. The development of project control technologies and also production technologies enables real-life experimentation of these hypotheses to be conducted.
keywords Generative Model Design, Ontology, Agents
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:56

_id 1375
id 1375
authors Coyne, Richard
year 2005
title Cornucopia Limited: Design and Dissent on the Internet
source MIT Press: Cambridge, Mass
summary The Internet provides a remarkable demonstration of the persistence of the gift in contemporary commerce. Net enthusiasts seem prepared to donate much to the common good. This generous spirit ought to strike resonances with the culture of design, which generally promotes a creative ethos of generosity, conspicuous display, and exuberance. But the cornucopia of the gift economy is offset by net culture's recent leanings towards consumerism. This book challenges the supposed gift society of the Internet, and supplants the gift by a more compelling metaphor, enjoyed in certain quarters of contemporary design, that of theft, rule breaking, and transgression. The relationship between design thinking and the network economy is characterized by the reckless spirit of the trickster, the crosser of boundaries, and the malingerer in the hybrid and uncertain condition of the threshold. The book thus presents a designer's view of the network economy, drawing on insights from design theorists, economists, philosophers and cultural theorists. It provides valuable insights for theorists of human-computer interaction, architects, designers, and those interested in registering the source and direction of the impulse to create, innovate, and design.

The book examines five metaphors: household, machine, game, gift and threshold. Economic theory is grounded in the household. The romantics and Marx claimed that labor is dominated by the rampant machinery of capitalism. The computer game represents a potent exemplar of new media economics. The gift is presented as precursor to commercial exchange. Coyne subjects each metaphor to scrutiny in terms of how it deals with the threshold, in other words as it is dissected by the cynic or manipulated by the trickster, and other liminal dwellers in the network economy.

'What’s shaping the culture of the Internet? This turns out to be a surprisingly tricky question, one that Richard Coyne explores with verve and erudition.' --Albert Borgmann, author of Holding On to Reality

keywords design computing digital media economics threshold trickster e-commerce
series book
type normal paper
last changed 2006/05/27 18:21

_id caadria2005_b_5b_b
id caadria2005_b_5b_b
authors Dean Bruton, Arus Kunkhet
year 2005
title Grammatical Design and Crowd Behaviour: A study of factors that influence human movement in urban spaces
source CAADRIA 2005 [Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / ISBN 89-7141-648-3] New Delhi (India) 28-30 April 2005, vol. 2, pp. 328-336
summary Crowd behaviour in traffic and emergency situations has been recorded and documented since the early 1990s, often using digital representations of balls as an indicator of mass and movement. This paper reports the investigation of the factors that influence human movement in urban spaces and visualises the impact on human movements of changes to an urban design space. Using an agent-oriented approach is the common method for investigating the simulation of crowd behaviour. The relation of grammatical design to crowd behaviour is proposed as an important research area. This area developed since the technology for the advanced design visualisation of avatars or animated characters became available. The authors of the software used in Lord of the Rings and other well-known crowd movies have contributed to knowledge of the key issues in crowd behaviour in particular contexts and general situations. This paper relates experiments in teaching grammatical approaches to architectural design with digital media as a tool with three different implementations: a café, restaurant and gallery. Using a variety of design visualisation techniques gives different understandings of the use of a design space. By representing human movement in a design space in more complex visualisations we see more alternatives for better design more readily. Using notions of grammar, contingency and play to explore simple changes in design, the resulting crowd animations present an insightful early research stage experiment with the theories and models of crowd behaviour.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:49

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