CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

Hits 1 to 20 of 256

_id sigradi2006_e034d
id sigradi2006_e034d
authors Ryan, Rachel and Donn, Michael
year 2006
title A 3D, interactive, multilayered, web-enabled model as a tool for multiple sets of end user groups: A case study and end user analysis
source SIGraDi 2006 - [Proceedings of the 10th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Santiago de Chile - Chile 21-23 November 2006, pp. 392-396
summary This research undertakes a case study involving focus groups of potential end users, to identify how a successful digital tool could be created using new and emerging technologies, to accommodate the multiple needs of these end users. 2005 saw the completion of a research paper, which proposed that a single, 3 dimensional digital model of a city forming a core for many different information systems, is a better approach to the needs of the city than many individual models optimised for each information system. The case for the single 3D model was evaluated through the research, development, delivery and analysis of a prototype 3 Dimensional model of Wellington City, New Zealand, presenting different ‘views’ of information in Wellington: a rendered visualisation in an animated “walkthrough”; the impact of planning constraints on daylight; interactive “plots” of property values. The development and delivery of the prototype model was analysed in regards to how complex, costly and time consuming it may be to exploit one base model for several purposes; and also therefore how beneficial, affordable and potentially successful a single model may be. The prototype model was created to test the idea, and therefore provided conclusions based on a limited feasibility analysis - with four potential information layers modelled and two potential delivery methods tested. The prototype model and user analysis results were presented in a research report that suggested further research and development of a single model could be very beneficial: Positive feedback from potential end users and data providers, and examples of potential data mining opportunities forming the basis of the need for continued research. 2006 sees the research continue as an 18 month research project in conjunction with an industry partner, Terralink International, ( Terralink International Limited provides GIS and mapping solutions which according to their web site: “enable better business management.” The company maintains a national resource of “imagery, cartography, and spatial databases” and provides consultancy services linking these to company databases through GIS systems. The research investigates the potential for 3 dimensional, interactive, multilayered models to enhance delivery of information to multiple end user groups. The research method uses functional prototypes in end-user focus group workshops. These workshops, consisting of a combination of presentations, hands on interactive examples, group discussions, and individual feedback surveys, aim to establish how a tool might best be developed to communicate to a wide range of end users. The means of delivery whether a stand alone tool or web-based is a key element of the user group workshop assessment process. Note: The submission of the prototype tool (via video or interactive media) would greatly increase the effectiveness of the research presentation. Ability to include such media would be greatly appreciated.
keywords multilayered; 3D; end users; interactive; web-enabled
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:59

_id cf2005_2_12_157
id cf2005_2_12_157
authors SRINIVASAN Vinod, OZENER Ozan Onder and AKLEMAN Ergun
year 2005
title Interactive Inverted Perspective Rendering for Architectural Visualization
source Learning from the Past a Foundation for the Future [Special publication of papers presented at the CAAD futures 2005 conference held at the Vienna University of Technology / ISBN 3-85437-276-0], Vienna (Austria) 20-22 June 2005, pp. 21-30
summary Inverted perspective is an illusion of depth perception characterized by the inversion of depth cues in the scene. Distant parts of the scene are shown larger and nearer parts shown smaller than they would appear in linear perspective to achieve the illusion. In this paper, we present a method to achieve this illusion in real-time for interactive applications. We also present a 3D modelling environment for conceptual design which makes use of this display method. Apart from the artistic and perceptual applications of inverted perspective rendering, our method is also very useful for creating an active viewport scene for 3D modelling of solid models with boundaries and complex interior structures. Effective and legible visualization of complex conceptual objects with different kind of layered structures is an important topic for design research. Our method also enables the user to easily create non-photorealistic renderings to understand both the interior and exterior structure of a spatial model from a single image.
keywords inverted perspective, conceptual design, architectural visualization
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2005/05/05 07:06

_id 2005_547
id 2005_547
authors Elger, Dietrich and Russell, Peter
year 2005
title Crisis? What Crisis?
source Digital Design: The Quest for New Paradigms [23nd eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-3-2] Lisbon (Portugal) 21-24 September 2005, pp. 547-556
summary The paper describes the current situation concerning career opportunities in the field of architecture in developed western countries. Several aspects that are almost universal mark this situation. Firstly, there are too many architects chasing traditional work in competition with structural (civil) engineers. This is not surprising in consideration of the fact, that the architectural education industry produces far too many new architects for the economy to absorb. In Germany, the number is almost three times too many. Secondly, the needs of the building industry have changed over the past twenty years so that the skills that architects want to offer are not necessarily those that are sought. Lastly, the constant specialisation of work has continued unabated. Architects, as generalists, have idly watched their areas of expertise be usurped from neighbouring fields like civil and structural engineering The reasons for this crisis are manifold. In the schools of architecture, the discussions often deal with form or formal arguments, which, in fact, have little or no relevance to the building industry. This position was tenable so long as the clients were willing to accept formal arguments in order to receive buildings of high quality or current social relevance (i.e. current architectural fashion). With the dual aspects of globalisation and a shift to maintaining building stocks rather than producing new buildings, the tolerance for “architectural” discussions has been reduced even further. Indeed, the monetary pressures overwhelm almost all other aspects, including so-called green issues. What is more, most of the monetary issues are time based. Time represents, perhaps, the largest pressure in any current planning project. The clients expect expedient, accurate and inexpensive solutions. If architects are not able to produce these, the clients will (and do) go elsewhere. The authors argue that there remain serious problems to be solved for architects and the metier in general. Ever cheaper, ever faster and ever encompassing information technologies offer the architectural community a chance to turn recent trends on their head. By using information technologies to their full potential, architects can reassert themselves as the coordinators of building information and processes. Simply put, this means less photorealistic rendering and more databases, which may be unappealing for those architects who have positioned themselves as “designers” and are able to talk long on form, but short on cost or logistics. Nonetheless, the situation is not lost, so long as architects are able to recognise what is desired from the point of view of the client and what is desired from the point of view of the architect. It is not a question of one or the other. Architects must be able to offer innovative design solutions that not only address the fiscal, legal and programmatic constraints, but also push the boundaries at to the position of architecture in the community at large. For educators, it must be made clear that the real potential architects possess is their encompassing knowledge of the building process including their expertise concerning questions of architectural form, function, history and art. Precisely while they are generalists are architects invaluable in a sea of specialists. The biggest hurdle to asserting this in the past has been the control of the vast amounts of information. This is no longer a problem and also no longer an excuse. In the education of architects, it must be made clear that their role dictates sovereignty over architectural information. Architectural Information Management is a necessary skill alongside the more traditional architectural skills. A brief outlook as to how this might come about is detailed in the paper. The authors propose didactic steps to achieve this. Primarily, the education of computer supported planning should not simply end with a series of lectures or seminars, but culminate in integrated Design Studios (which including Design-Build scenarios).
keywords Architectural Information Mangement, Computer Supported Design Studios, CSCW
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:55

_id sigradi2005_075
id sigradi2005_075
authors Müller, Milagros
year 2005
title Perception of representation space for present forms of art
source SIGraDi 2005 - [Proceedings of the 9th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Lima - Peru 21-24 november 2005, vol. 1, pp. 75-79
summary Contemporaneus art constructs its own space: interactive, multiple, eidetic, heterogenous, discontinuous and subjective: essence, forms and idea of a heterotopic at the same time atopic space, that arises at the moment of the intelligible apprehension of the work. This work sets out to study the construction codes of that space from the spectator point of view, for whom the history is the sum of histories narrated by the space, the scenery, stage scene, choreography, dances, hairdos, accessories, make-up, clothes, illumination, music, sounds, songs, word, performance, gestures etc., for which sets out the analysis from the perceived, analyzed and interpreted images by the spectator. It will be exemplified from the Dogville film, of Lars Von Traer (2004), using the qualitative research method, where the speaker meaning is introduced: the creator intentionality of those spaces, but is inescapable who arises the “interpretation” from the observer. [Full paper in Spanish]
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:55

_id caadria2005_a_7c_a
id caadria2005_a_7c_a
authors Anandan Karunakaran
year 2005
title Organisation of Pedestrian Movements: an Agent-Based Approach
source CAADRIA 2005 [Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / ISBN 89-7141-648-3] New Delhi (India) 28-30 April 2005, vol. 1, pp. 305-313
summary Cities are becoming more complex in this digital era due to technological changes. Thinking of cities without such technological changes is equivalent to an embryonic state in the morphology of city growth, that is, the growth seems less advanced. So it is appropriate to think of the non digital city digitally. Urban design is one state which establishes the perfect relationship between the street, people and building. The relationship of the people with the building and street is becoming one of the key factors in architecture. It has been observed that the design of a city has been influenced by the pedestrian movement. Many cities prior to the industrial era were largely determined by the social interactions based on walking. Thus the pedestrians play a key role in the formation of the city. They are a very important component in any representation of transport movements. They generally terminate or initiate a chain of linked activities, and if observed carefully, a single pedestrian movement is meant to include various sub journeys from one location to another. In order to organize pedestrians, we need to understand the pedestrian movement system. Though there is a lot of development of urban models in this aspect, it is still in a nascent state in comparison with the digital advancement. Thus much research work is carried out which can be applied to any given environmental setting, and as a result urban designers can respond to the changing socio-cultural technologies.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id cf2005_1_73_113
id cf2005_1_73_113
authors BARRIOS Carlos
year 2005
title Transformations on Parametric Design Models
source Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures 2005 [Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures / ISBN 1-4020-3460-1] Vienna (Austria) 20–22 June 2005, pp. 393-400
summary This paper presents a research in progress in the development of parametric models for generation of complex shapes, and introduces a methodology for exploration of possible designs generated from a single model. The research presents a case study on the designs of the Spanish architect Antonio Gaudi, and takes on the fundamental rules of form generation of the lateral nave columns of the Sagrada Familia temple in Barcelona. A parameterization schema is presented as a fundamental tool for design exploration, which allows the reproduction of the original shapes designed by Gaudi, and the generation of a large set of new designs.
keywords parametric modeling, parametric design, design transformations
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2006/11/07 07:27

_id 2005_483
id 2005_483
authors Datta, Sambit
year 2005
title The Generation of Superstructure Geometry in Latina Temples: A Hybrid Approach
source Digital Design: The Quest for New Paradigms [23nd eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-3-2] Lisbon (Portugal) 21-24 September 2005, pp. 483-488
summary The Nâgara tradition of temple building created a rich corpus of Latina (single-spired) temples spread across Northern India between the fifth and thirteenth centuries. Computing methods offer a distinct methodology for reconstructing the genesis and evolution of geometry in this tradition over time. This paper reports a hybrid technique, comprising three distinct computations for recovering and explaining the geometry of temples. The application of the technique enables scholars to bring together fragments of evidence, construe “best-fit” strategies and unearth implicit or hidden relationships. The advantage of this approach is that changes in assumptions and testing of geometric alternatives can be easily simulated from multiple sources of information, such as texts, sacred diagrams and individual temples.
keywords Generative Design: 2D Representation; 3D Modeling; Visualization; Constraint Based Design
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:55

_id acadia05_212
id acadia05_212
authors Luhan, Gregory A.
year 2005
title Modern Translations, Contemporary Methods: DL-1_Resonance House®
source Smart Architecture: Integration of Digital and Building Technologies [Proceedings of the 2005 Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design In Architecture / ISBN 0-9772832-0-8] Savannah (Georgia) 13-16 October 2005, pp. 212-225
summary As the first design-build-fabricate-assemble experiment at our school, the intent of the studio was to design a framework from which to examine a “lived space” through digital-to-digital processes. Moving from digital models and physical stereo lithographic models to hand-fabrication and digital assembly allowed the students to move from creation to completion. As part of our holistic design process, the studio fabricated almost all components for the project. These elements include the wood flooring, the copper and wood skins, the building’s structural panels, and the two-story light vortex. This single-family, in-fill house is located within an historic downtown neighborhood and is subject to historic district zoning regulations, design guidelines, and Board of Architecture Review approvals. The project is analogous to design challenges presenting themselves in historic districts throughout the United States including the Savannah, Georgia site for the 2005 ACADIA Conference. The scale of the project relates well to the horizontal nature of this context and after a formal, televised review process with the local Board of Architecture Review, the project represents a dynamic, yet sympathetic architectural dialogue with the surrounding buildings. The project develops simultaneously from the exterior and interior resulting in two courtyards that mediate the urban “front door” and the private “terrace.” The students designed these areas through a series of two-dimensional axonometric drawings, three-dimensional physical and digital models, and four-dimensional time-based animations. The building massing separates into two core elements: gabled copper volume and wood screen volume. These elements maintain their conceptual purity by using the same types of modulations on their skins. The copper form with its deep-cut reveals and proportionally placed light scoring patterns reflects the horizontal datum lines of the floor, sill, threshold, and ceiling. In contrast, the wood volume reflects these same lines as applied “shadow screens” which create depths that seamlessly tie together the side, rear, and front facades.The hinge point of the house is the light vortex. Designed in Rhino, translated in Catia, fabricated out of aluminum, and clad in stainless steel, this two-story sculptural element will literally wrap light around its surfaces. Like a sunflower, the light vortex, with its angel hair stainless steel finish, responds to the incremental differentiation of light throughout the day. Photosensitive floor-mounted lights designed to augment the volume of natural light will provide a continuous light rendition on the sculpture. The project, scheduled for completion at the end of the 2005 summer session, is at the time of this submission about 60% complete.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:59

_id sigradi2005_133
id sigradi2005_133
authors Luhan, Gregory A.
year 2005
title From art to part | DL-1_Resonance house®
source SIGraDi 2005 - [Proceedings of the 9th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Lima - Peru 21-24 november 2005, vol. 1, pp. 133-138
summary Moving from digital models and physical stereo lithographic models to hand-fabrication and digital assembly allowed the students to move from creation to completion. As part of our holistic design process, the studio fabricated almost all components for the project. These elements include the wood flooring and cantilevered staircase, the copper and wood skins, the building’s structural panels, and the two-story light vortex. This project—a single-family, in-fill house located within an historic downtown neighborhood—is subject to historic district zoning regulations, design guidelines, and Board of Architecture Review approvals. The students designed these areas through a series of two-dimensional plans and axonometric drawings, three-dimensional physical and digital models, and four-dimensional time-based animations. The building massing separates into two core elements: a gabled copper volume and a wood screen volume. The hinge point of the house is the light vortex. Photosensitive floor-mounted lights designed to augment the volume of natural light will provide a continuous light rendition on the sculpture. The project is scheduled for completion in October 2005.
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:55

_id acadia06_544
id acadia06_544
authors Schindler, C., Braach, M., Scheurer, F.
year 2006
title Inventioneering Architecture: building a doubly curved section through Switzerland
source Synthetic Landscapes [Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Design in Architecture] pp. 544-545
summary Inventioneering Architecture is an exhibition of the four Swiss architecture schools that has been traveling the world during 2005/06. This doubly curved exhibition platform, resembling an abstract crosscut through Swiss topography, measures 40 by 3 meters. The authors proposed to assemble the hilly platform from 1000 individually curved rafters that were milled out of 40mm medium density fiberboard (MDF). By implementing a continuous digital chain from the definition of the surface geometry in the CAD software Maya to the control of the five-axis CNC-mill that manufactures the parts, production costs could be lowered significantly. The detailing was developed closely after the capabilities of a five-axis router. The platform is divided into 40 mm wide cross sections, each describing the upper surface path of one rafter. The milling tool follows this path and rotates around it at the same time, cutting out a so called “ruled surface” that follows the topography of the platform both along and across the section. In order to meet the budget requirements, the crucial point was to automate the translation of the platform geometry into the geometry of the single parts and finally into the steering code (G-Code) for the computer controlled mill.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:56

_id acadia20_114p
id acadia20_114p
authors Zivkovic, Sasa; Havener, Brian; Battaglia, Christopher
year 2020
title Log Knot
source ACADIA 2020: Distributed Proximities / Volume II: Projects [Proceedings of the 40th Annual Conference of the Association of Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-0-578-95253-6]. Online and Global. 24-30 October 2020. edited by M. Yablonina, A. Marcus, S. Doyle, M. del Campo, V. Ago, B. Slocum. 114-119.
summary Log Knot, developed by the Robotic Construction Laboratory (RCL) at Cornell University, is a robotically fabricated architectural installation that establishes a method for variable compound timber curvature creation utilizing both regular and irregular roundwood geometries. Moreover, the project develops methods for minimal formwork assembly and moment force optimization of customized mortise and tenon joints. Following the logic of a figure-8 knot, the project consists of an infinite loop of roundwood, curving three-dimensionally along its length. There are a variety of techniques to generate single curvature in wood structures – such as steam bending (Wright et al., 2013) or glue lamination (Issa and Kmeid, 2005) – but only a few techniques to generate complex curvature from raw material within a single wooden structural element exist. To construct complex curvature, the research team developed a simple method that can easily be replicated. First, the log is compartmentalized, establishing a series of discrete parts. Second, the parts are reconfigured into a complex curvature “whole” by carefully manipulating the assembly angles and joints between the logs. Timber components reconfigured in such a manner can either follow planar curvature profiles or spatial compound curvature profiles. Based on knowledge gained from the initial joinery tests, the research team developed a custom tri-fold mortise and tenon joint, which is self-supportive during assembly and able to resist bending in multiple directions. Using the tri-fold mortise and tenon joint, a number of full-scale prototypes were created to test the structural capacity of the overall assembly. Various structural optimization protocols are deployed in the Log Knot project. While the global knot form is derived from spatial considerations – albeit within the structurally sound framework of a closed-loop knot structure – the project is structurally optimized at a local level, closely calibrating structural cross-sections, joinery details, and joint rotation in relation to prevailing load conditions.
series ACADIA
type project
last changed 2021/10/26 08:03

_id sigradi2005_749
id sigradi2005_749
authors Bessone, Miriam; Susana Garramuño de Galuzzi
year 2005
title Design education, technology and visualization
source SIGraDi 2005 - [Proceedings of the 9th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Lima - Peru 21-24 november 2005, vol. 2, pp. 749-754
summary University faculty -adult culture- work from the logic that goes through their speech, didactic model and strategies, providing special links with: the aim of knowledge, transmission mechanisms and technological medium. Students -young culture- receive and deal with knowledge mechanisms from a new logic. In a multimedia framework they establish interpretations using technological medium from semantic decodification. Young graduates, assistants, studio leaders -intermediate culture- coming from traditional learning models with acquired abilities in digital media, are a “potential interface” between both cultures. The impact between fields and cultures implies limitations and risks that may encourage change. A discourse about “new didactic configurations” from the point of view of these three cultures makes possible the exploration of other ways of teaching. Therefore the articulation of teacher-student interrelations and media promotes the development of teaching-learning techniques. [Full paper in Spanish]
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id sigradi2005_089
id sigradi2005_089
authors Caldi, Leonardo
year 2005
title Ethnomethodology and experience design
source SIGraDi 2005 - [Proceedings of the 9th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Lima - Peru 21-24 november 2005, vol. 1, pp. 89-94
summary Through a reading of the work of David Carson, this article seeks to shed light on certain contributions from ethnomethodology to experience design. Looking form better ways of communicating, Carson – himself a member of the skater and surfer communities with whom he wanted to communicate – advanced a new manner of doing graphic design, effectively challenging established paradigms of visual communication. In our view, Carson made use of ethnomethodology in a special way, based on intuition. [Full paper in Portuguese]
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id sigradi2005_300
id sigradi2005_300
authors Cavieres, Andrés P.; Marcelo Quezada G.
year 2005
title Analysis of the possibilities offered by the application of parametric modeling technologies in the design processes shared between architects and industrial designers: The prefabricated house case.
source SIGraDi 2005 - [Proceedings of the 9th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Lima - Peru 21-24 november 2005, vol. 1, pp. 300-303
summary Traditionally, the teaching of digital design systems has been focused on the operative learning of software. However, this almost exclusively technical approach has leaded to a partial view of these systems, as well suited platforms to exploration of project’s possibilities. Consequently their relevance as a base for project representation and therefore as a useful instrument for conceptual exploration for design and experimental research of their processes have been undervalued. On the other hand, this restrictive perspective results in an important waste of the teaching possibilities lying in CAD software related with interdisciplinary teamwork. The following academic experience obeys to a new insight of how to teach these tools, based upon problem solving in Design by interdisciplinary students work teams from Architecture and Industrial Design. In this bet, the learning process is flexible, shared and collaborative, according to the requirements of each project, powered by the commitment of facing common goals. [Full paper in Spanish]
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:48

_id sigradi2005_463
id sigradi2005_463
authors Costa Cabral, Cláudia Piantá
year 2005
title Computer City, 1994
source SIGraDi 2005 - [Proceedings of the 9th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Lima - Peru 21-24 november 2005, vol. 1, pp. 463-467
summary This paper is about an emblematic design of the sixties, Dennis Crompton’s Computer City, published in 1964 by Archigram Magazine. Besides other enterprises of its time, Archigram promoted a critical view over institutionalised post-war modernism for not being able to recognize the emergence of new social realities, identified with the new technologies of automation and information, the restructuring of capitalist fordism and the shift from a predominantly industrial culture to an electronic culture. This paper sustains that more than a direct translation of unquestionable technical necessities; it was a conscious attempt of producing a sort of representation of technology. Crompton’s design clearly demonstrates the actual change in the character of technology, when it is no longer primarily identified with artefacts and objects, as the machine, and seems to be progressively identified with abstract and ubiquitous systems and processes of control, as automation and information systems. [Full paper in Portuguese]
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:49

_id 1375
id 1375
authors Coyne, Richard
year 2005
title Cornucopia Limited: Design and Dissent on the Internet
source MIT Press: Cambridge, Mass
summary The Internet provides a remarkable demonstration of the persistence of the gift in contemporary commerce. Net enthusiasts seem prepared to donate much to the common good. This generous spirit ought to strike resonances with the culture of design, which generally promotes a creative ethos of generosity, conspicuous display, and exuberance. But the cornucopia of the gift economy is offset by net culture's recent leanings towards consumerism. This book challenges the supposed gift society of the Internet, and supplants the gift by a more compelling metaphor, enjoyed in certain quarters of contemporary design, that of theft, rule breaking, and transgression. The relationship between design thinking and the network economy is characterized by the reckless spirit of the trickster, the crosser of boundaries, and the malingerer in the hybrid and uncertain condition of the threshold. The book thus presents a designer's view of the network economy, drawing on insights from design theorists, economists, philosophers and cultural theorists. It provides valuable insights for theorists of human-computer interaction, architects, designers, and those interested in registering the source and direction of the impulse to create, innovate, and design.

The book examines five metaphors: household, machine, game, gift and threshold. Economic theory is grounded in the household. The romantics and Marx claimed that labor is dominated by the rampant machinery of capitalism. The computer game represents a potent exemplar of new media economics. The gift is presented as precursor to commercial exchange. Coyne subjects each metaphor to scrutiny in terms of how it deals with the threshold, in other words as it is dissected by the cynic or manipulated by the trickster, and other liminal dwellers in the network economy.

'What’s shaping the culture of the Internet? This turns out to be a surprisingly tricky question, one that Richard Coyne explores with verve and erudition.' --Albert Borgmann, author of Holding On to Reality

keywords design computing digital media economics threshold trickster e-commerce
series book
type normal paper
last changed 2006/05/27 18:21

_id caadria2006_545
id caadria2006_545
year 2006
source CAADRIA 2006 [Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia] Kumamoto (Japan) March 30th - April 2nd 2006, 545-548
summary Over 10 months ending in July 2005, architecture students from Aachen, Karlsruhe and Weimar took part in a design studio that differed significantly from other studios in that the result of the studio was a 1:1 realisation of the design. This is part of an evolution of the virtual faculty of architecture “Liquid Campus”, founded in 2001, which has seen the complexity of the projects steadily rise and this continued in the Project “Ein Fest: Ein Dach”. The integrated studio is arranged to encourage an active, economic and transparent learning process, which encompasses design, communication and cooperation issues. The stated goal at the beginning of the two-semester process is to build and although only a few of the ideas are realised, all participants are involved in the realisation. In this case, the project was to create “roofs” for an open-air concert for 200,000 people in Karlsruhe, Germany. The planning was carried out using the Netzentwurf platform, with which the authors have several years experience.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id cf2005_2_43_190
id cf2005_2_43_190
authors GEMEINBOECK Petra and BLACH Roland
year 2005
title Interfacing the Real and the Virtual: User Embodiment in Immersive Dynamic Virtual Spaces
source Learning from the Past a Foundation for the Future [Special publication of papers presented at the CAAD futures 2005 conference held at the Vienna University of Technology / ISBN 3-85437-276-0], Vienna (Austria) 20-22 June 2005, pp. 171-180
summary This paper discusses the performative boundary between the real and the virtual as it constitutes itself based on the potentials, conditions and abilities of Virtual Reality (VR), considered as both a technology and a medium. Starting from the prospects and the areas of application of 'new' technologies within the context of architecture, the paper seeks the point of intersection between an architectural perspective, a posthuman view and a technological potential. The focus thereby lies in the greatest challenge of VR, that is, the integration of the users as they interface the virtual and the real. The conditions and implications of such dynamic processes, perceived as space generating, rather than representing, are explored based on the authors' virtual environment: Uzume.
keywords embodiment, interface, negotiation, nonlinear systems, virtual reality
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2005/05/05 07:06

_id b3f6
authors Goodwin, G.
year 1997
title Software and hardware summary
source Automation in Construction 6 (1) (1997) pp. 29-31
summary With the rate of change accelerating in both technological development and in the spread of global markets, very few cost cutting businesses will survive in a value added marketplace. Information sharing over networks has a lot to offer the Industry by way of eliminating delays from the construction process and inventory from the Supply Chain. The most significant change by 2005 will be in networking and communications. Discovering design flaws at the design stage rather than when the building is in use must be very attractive to clients of the Construction Industry. Construction firms must have some sort of IT Strategy or clear view of how to exploit IT to support their businesses. Large companies need to act as coaches and mentors to smaller ones. The Industry cannot maximise its IT benefits unless all the players participate.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:22

_id cf2005_2_22_193
id cf2005_2_22_193
authors HSIEH Chun-Yu
year 2005
title A Preliminary Model of Creativity in Digital Development of Architecture
source Learning from the Past a Foundation for the Future [Special publication of papers presented at the CAAD futures 2005 conference held at the Vienna University of Technology / ISBN 3-85437-276-0], Vienna (Austria) 20-22 June 2005, pp. 63-74
summary Research into the various forms and processes of creativity has been a topic of great interest in the design field for many years. Part of the view is personality, and part of the answer is behavioural. Creativity is also explained through the identity of social values and the whole creative process. This paper proposes to use the interacting creativity model of Csikszentmihalyi as the basic structure, to establish the major criteria of testing creativity in the digital era. This paper demonstrates two facts: first, it confirms that creativity in architecture is truly valuable in the digital age; second, it proves that in the digital era, individuals, cultures and societies are all under the impact of digital technologies, a fact which transforms the model of interacting creativity proposed by Csikszentmihalyi in 1988 into a new model of digital interacting creativity.
keywords creativity, digital media, society, culture
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2005/05/05 07:06

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