CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

Hits 1 to 20 of 624

_id ddss2006-hb-447
id DDSS2006-HB-447
authors G. Arthaud and J.C. Lombardo
year 2006
title Automatic Semantic Comparison of STEP Product Models - Application to IFC product models
source Van Leeuwen, J.P. and H.J.P. Timmermans (eds.) 2006, Innovations in Design & Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning, Dordrecht: Springer, ISBN-10: 1-4020-5059-3, ISBN-13: 978-1-4020-5059-6, p. 447-463
summary This paper introduces an original method to compare IFC models and more generally any STEP models. Unlike common 'diff-like' tools which compare textual files by proceeding line against line, our approach compares actual graphs created from STEP-files. Therefore added, removed, and changed objects can be tracked between two versions of the model. Besides, this standalone tool does not need any heavy database to work so it is fully adapted to design methods of construction projects, where actors are free to modify a local version of their project without any dependence on the database. Moreover it is reusable for other industrial fields thanks to its compatibility with any STEP model. This tool is a part from a more global project which tends to improve accessibility and sustainability of IFC therefore it can be used as a support for VR based design tools.
keywords Industry Foundation Classes (IFC), STEP models, EXPRESS language, Semantic comparison, Design process
series DDSS
last changed 2006/08/29 12:55

_id ascaad2006_paper8
id ascaad2006_paper8
authors Abdullah, Sajid; Ramesh Marasini and Munir Ahmad
year 2006
title An Analysis of the Applications of Rapid Prototyping in Architecture
source Computing in Architecture / Re-Thinking the Discourse: The Second International Conference of the Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD 2006), 25-27 April 2006, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
summary Rapid prototyping (RP) techniques are widely used within the design/manufacturing industry and are well established in manufacturing industry. These digital techniques offer quick and accurate prototypes with relatively low cost when we require exact likeness to a particular scale and detail. 3D modeling of buildings on CAD-systems in the AEC sector is now becoming more popular and becoming widely used practice as the higher efficiency of working with computers is being recognized. However the building of scaled physical representations is still performed manually, which generally requires a high amount of time. Complex post-modernist building forms are more faithfully and easily represented in a solid visualization form, than they could be using traditional model making methods. Using RP within the engineering community has given the users the possibility to communicate and visualize designs with greater ease with the clients and capture any error within the CAD design at an early stage of the project or product lifecycle. In this paper, the application of RP in architecture is reviewed and the possibilities of modeling architectural models are explored. A methodology of developing rapid prototypes with 3D CAD models using methods of solid freeform manufacturing in particular Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) is presented and compared against traditional model making methods. An economical analysis is presented and discussed using a case study and the potential of applying RP techniques to architectural models is discussed.
series ASCAAD
last changed 2007/04/08 19:47

_id 2006_326
id 2006_326
authors Zisimopoulou, Katerina and Alexis Fragkiadakis
year 2006
title Constructing the String Wall - Mapping the Material Process
source Communicating Space(s) [24th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-5-9] Volos (Greece) 6-9 September 2006, pp. 326-335
summary The String Wall is the emergent product of a study on technological applications in architecture. Our team attempted to test the limits of the common partition wall construction, challenging the standard notion of the partition screen wall that recedes behind the structures, spaces and objects as a background condition. Such vibrant a partition as the SW becomes the center to the formation of the space it defines. The story of the SW could be described as the organic combination of the bow and the twist. The latent materiality and geometry of the bow and the twist as composite systems that are mined for their structural, tectonic and programmatic potential are tested prior to final construction by 3D printed scaled models. The SW is composed of successive frames that consist of vertical twisted strips of plywood attached to wooden beams. These frames emulate the stud elements of the conventional dry wall partition systems and are manufactured entirely manually. On the other hand, the use of CNC milling machine is employed for the production of the bowed plywood strips that fill in the frame. Three fluctuated curvatures produce strips that are combined rhythmically to produce the striated effect of the SW. The material is manipulated in order to expose its hidden side, the sequence of the multiple layers of the different infilling conditions. The oblique perspective of the SW is achieved through a novel geometric transparency, thus offering constantly changing views to a moving observer. The manipulation of the position of the component bowed and twisted strips explore the application of a see-through condition that escapes the norm and reveals the back to the front in a unique whole. The void of the screen wall becomes ultimately programmatic through the use of light. A sequence of halogen lights situated at the top and bottom of the in-between the wooden strips void create the dumbfounded effect of the SW experience.
keywords Digital construction methods; shape studies; rapid prototyping; 3D printer models
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:57

_id caadria2006_111
id caadria2006_111
year 2006
source CAADRIA 2006 [Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia] Kumamoto (Japan) March 30th - April 2nd 2006, 111-117
summary This paper describes ongoing research into how emerging Internet concepts used in conjunction with existing Information Technologies (IT) can improve inter-project communication and understanding. The emphasis of the research is to use technology as an enabler to share personal thoughts and enhance the conversation that takes place within a development team. It stems from the observation that the emphasis of many new Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) technologies is to minimise and diffuse project conversation with highly complex, machine interpretable building information models.Project teams are usually brought together for a relatively short but intense period of time. Following project completion these unique teams are dissolved just as quickly and often are never formed again. As a consequence it is difficult to justify the investment in time and resources required to implement complex IT-based collaboration solutions. A further barrier to adoption is the differential application of IT skills across the AEC industry. Therefore in order for a new technology to gain broad acceptance and be most beneficial it must be applicable to the broadest audience with the minimum investment required from all parties. The primary objective of this research is to preserve the rich design history of a project from conception to completion. Submitted information can be intelligently searched using the meta-data sourced from syndicated data feeds about team members, project timelines, work diaries and email communication. Once indexed users can tag documents and messages in order to provide a further, far richer layer of meta-data to assist in searching, identification of issues and semantic clarification. This strategy of defining AEC semantics through social interaction differs greatly from that of more complex, computer interpretable solutions such as Industry Foundation Classes. Rather than abstracting information to suit a generic yet highly intelligent building model, the emphasis is on preserving the participant’s own thoughts and conversation about decisions and issues in order to create a forum for intelligent conversation as the design evolves.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:49

_id ddss2006-pb-343
id DDSS2006-PB-343
authors Jumphon Lertlakkhanakul, Sangrae Do, and Jinwon Choi
year 2006
title Developing a Spatial Context-Aware Building Model and System to Construct a Virtual Place
source Van Leeuwen, J.P. and H.J.P. Timmermans (eds.) 2006, Progress in Design & Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning, Eindhoven: Eindhoven University of Technology, ISBN-10: 90-386-1756-9, ISBN-13: 978-90-386-1756-5, p. 343-358
summary The current notion of space seems to be inappropriate to deal with contemporary and future CAAD applications because it lacks of user and social values. Instead of using a general term called 'space', our approach is to consider the common unit in architectural design process as a place composed of space, user and activity information. Our research focuses on developing a novel intelligent building data model carrying the essence of place. Through our research, the needs of using virtual architectural models among various architectural applications are investigated at first step. Second, key characteristics of spatial information are summarized and systematically classified. The third step is to construct a semantically-rich building data model based on structured floor plan and the semantic location modeling. Then intermediate functions are created providing an interface between the model and future applications. Finally, a prototype system, PlaceMaker, is developed to demonstrate how to apply our building data model to construct virtual architectural models embodying the essences of place.
keywords Spatial context-aware building model, Spatial reasoning, Virtual place, Location modeling, Design constraint
series DDSS
last changed 2006/08/29 12:55

_id bsct_tsiopoulou
id bsct_tsiopoulou
authors Tsiopoulou, Chamaidi
year 2006
title Calibrated Sky Luminance Maps for Daylight Simulation
source Vienna University of Technology; Building Science & Technology
summary Building design and control applications can benefit from daylight simulation. Sky models help to model the sky conditions and predict the availability of daylight in indoor environments. Sky luminance is changing according to the weather, the season of the year and the time of the day, therefore it is difficult to create an accurate sky model. The simplified models that are currently used for computational simulation do not take into account these constant changes. It is important to test if there is the possibility of creating a sky model that approaches the characteristics of real sky and provides the architects with more precise daylight predictions. As past research has demonstrated, relatively low-cost sky luminance mapping via digital imaging can provide an alternative to highly sophisticated sky scanners and support the provision of information on sky luminance distribution patterns on a more pervasive basis. The aim of this research is first to explore the potential of deriving sky luminance distribution maps based on digital imaging and then to test their efficiency for the prediction of indoor daylight. A comparison is made between the predictions based on existing sky models (CIE Standard Skies and Perez All-weather sky) and the camera-based sky model. Thus, the effects of the selection of the sky model on indoor daylighting prediction are explored. A set of measurements were performed at the roof of the TU Vienna in order to obtain the necessary data. The horizontal illuminance levels due to 12 sky sectors were measured with the help of a sky monitoring device. A scale (1:5) model of an architectural space was used to measure the indoor illuminance values with the help of three sensors. At the same time, images of the sky were obtained with the help of a digital camera with a fish-eye converter. Luminance values were derived from the images and four calibration methods were used to generate accurate sky luminance distribution maps. These variously calibrated luminance values were then compared with the corresponding photometric measurements. Finally, the application of a digitally derived sky model based on the best calibration method was compared with the other two sky models toward the prediction of indoor illuminance levels using the case of the scale model. The results demonstrated that the camera-based sky model was more reliable than the other two sky models. It was concluded that digital imaging combined with parallel photometric calibration can provide a valuable means for a real-time generation of sky luminance maps. Detailed sky luminance models can be generated and their application can increase the predictive accuracy of the computational daylight prediction tools. Moreover, the reliability of daylight simulation can be increased toward supporting the design process and the operation of daylighting systems in buildings.
keywords Daylight simulation; sky luminance mapping; digital imaging; sky models.
series thesis:MSc
type normal paper
last changed 2006/07/02 22:33

_id ddss2006-hb-121
id DDSS2006-HB-121
authors Wei Zhu and Harry Timmermans
year 2006
title Exploring Heuristics Underlying Pedestrian Shopping Decision Processes - An application of gene expression programming
source Van Leeuwen, J.P. and H.J.P. Timmermans (eds.) 2006, Innovations in Design & Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning, Dordrecht: Springer, ISBN-10: 1-4020-5059-3, ISBN-13: 978-1-4020-5059-6, p. 121-136
summary Most analytical pedestrian behavior researches use utility-maximizing models and have paid less attention to models based on alternative behavioral theories such as bounded rationality. Consequently, there is a lack of deeper explorations into the decision processes of pedestrians. This lack of such alternative models may also be the result of inappropriate methods to estimate such models. For this reason, the paper first introduces a modeling platform GEPAT which has the ability to estimate parallel functions using a multi-gene-sectional chromosome structure and to facilitate building models using processors emulating simple decision mechanisms. The going-home decision of pedestrians in Wang Fujing Street is taken as an example to illustrate the use of GEPAT. The most important conclusion from a comparison of the MNL, hard cut-off, soft cut-off and hybrid model is that the satisficing heuristic fits better to the problem structure, at least in this case, than the utility-maximizing rule does. This example also shows the flexibility of GEPAT as a modeling toolbox and the power of estimating complex models.
keywords GEPAT, Decision process, Bounded rationality, Satisficing heuristic, Utility maximization, Model comparison
series DDSS
last changed 2006/08/29 12:55

_id sigradi2006_e028c
id sigradi2006_e028c
authors Griffith, Kenfield; Sass, Larry and Michaud, Dennis
year 2006
title A strategy for complex-curved building design:Design structure with Bi-lateral contouring as integrally connected ribs
source SIGraDi 2006 - [Proceedings of the 10th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Santiago de Chile - Chile 21-23 November 2006, pp. 465-469
summary Shapes in designs created by architects such as Gehry Partners (Shelden, 2002), Foster and Partners, and Kohn Peterson and Fox rely on computational processes for rationalizing complex geometry for building construction. Rationalization is the reduction of a complete geometric shape into discrete components. Unfortunately, for many architects the rationalization is limited reducing solid models to surfaces or data on spread sheets for contractors to follow. Rationalized models produced by the firms listed above do not offer strategies for construction or digital fabrication. For the physical production of CAD description an alternative to the rationalized description is needed. This paper examines the coupling of digital rationalization and digital fabrication with physical mockups (Rich, 1989). Our aim is to explore complex relationships found in early and mid stage design phases when digital fabrication is used to produce design outcomes. Results of our investigation will aid architects and engineers in addressing the complications found in the translation of design models embedded with precision to constructible geometries. We present an algorithmically based approach to design rationalization that supports physical production as well as surface production of desktop models. Our approach is an alternative to conventional rapid prototyping that builds objects by assembly of laterally sliced contours from a solid model. We explored an improved product description for rapid manufacture as bilateral contouring for structure and panelling for strength (Kolarevic, 2003). Infrastructure typically found within aerospace, automotive, and shipbuilding industries, bilateral contouring is an organized matrix of horizontal and vertical interlocking ribs evenly distributed along a surface. These structures are monocoque and semi-monocoque assemblies composed of structural ribs and skinning attached by rivets and adhesives. Alternative, bi-lateral contouring discussed is an interlocking matrix of plywood strips having integral joinery for assembly. Unlike traditional methods of building representations through malleable materials for creating tangible objects (Friedman, 2002), this approach constructs with the implication for building life-size solutions. Three algorithms are presented as examples of rationalized design production with physical results. The first algorithm [Figure 1] deconstructs an initial 2D curved form into ribbed slices to be assembled through integral connections constructed as part of the rib solution. The second algorithm [Figure 2] deconstructs curved forms of greater complexity. The algorithm walks along the surface extracting surface information along horizontal and vertical axes saving surface information resulting in a ribbed structure of slight double curvature. The final algorithm [Figure 3] is expressed as plug-in software for Rhino that deconstructs a design to components for assembly as rib structures. The plug-in also translates geometries to a flatten position for 2D fabrication. The software demonstrates the full scope of the research exploration. Studies published by Dodgson argued that innovation technology (IvT) (Dodgson, Gann, Salter, 2004) helped in solving projects like the Guggenheim in Bilbao, the leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy, and the Millennium Bridge in London. Similarly, the method discussed in this paper will aid in solving physical production problems with complex building forms. References Bentley, P.J. (Ed.). Evolutionary Design by Computers. Morgan Kaufman Publishers Inc. San Francisco, CA, 1-73 Celani, G, (2004) “From simple to complex: using AutoCAD to build generative design systems” in: L. Caldas and J. Duarte (org.) Implementations issues in generative design systems. First Intl. Conference on Design Computing and Cognition, July 2004 Dodgson M, Gann D.M., Salter A, (2004), “Impact of Innovation Technology on Engineering Problem Solving: Lessons from High Profile Public Projects,” Industrial Dynamics, Innovation and Development, 2004 Dristas, (2004) “Design Operators.” Thesis. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, 2004 Friedman, M, (2002), Gehry Talks: Architecture + Practice, Universe Publishing, New York, NY, 2002 Kolarevic, B, (2003), Architecture in the Digital Age: Design and Manufacturing, Spon Press, London, UK, 2003 Opas J, Bochnick H, Tuomi J, (1994), “Manufacturability Analysis as a Part of CAD/CAM Integration”, Intelligent Systems in Design and Manufacturing, 261-292 Rudolph S, Alber R, (2002), “An Evolutionary Approach to the Inverse Problem in Rule-Based Design Representations”, Artificial Intelligence in Design ’02, 329-350 Rich M, (1989), Digital Mockup, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Reston, VA, 1989 Schön, D., The Reflective Practitioner: How Professional Think in Action. Basic Books. 1983 Shelden, D, (2003), “Digital Surface Representation and the Constructability of Gehry’s Architecture.” Diss. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, 2003 Smithers T, Conkie A, Doheny J, Logan B, Millington K, (1989), “Design as Intelligent Behaviour: An AI in Design Thesis Programme”, Artificial Intelligence in Design, 293-334 Smithers T, (2002), “Synthesis in Designing”, Artificial Intelligence in Design ’02, 3-24 Stiny, G, (1977), “Ice-ray: a note on the generation of Chinese lattice designs” Environmental and Planning B, volume 4, pp. 89-98
keywords Digital fabrication; bilateral contouring; integral connection; complex-curve
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:52

_id ijac20064205
id ijac20064205
authors Hadjri, Karim
year 2006
title Experimenting with 3D Digitization of Architectural Physical Models using Laser Scanning Technology
source International Journal of Architectural Computing vol. 4 - no. 2, 67-80
summary This paper assesses the use of 3D Digitization techniques by carrying out laser scanning of typical physical models produced by architecture students. The aim was to examine the product of laser scanning with respect to scanning and 3D modeling processes, and the effects of variables such as characteristics of the models, materials used, and design complexity. In order to assess the similarities and accuracies achieved by the scanning and 3D modeling processes, the research investigated human perception of differences between analogue and digital models. This enabled an assessment of the degree to which digital models were accurate representations of the real ones, and whether laser scanning can successfully be used as a medium to recreate and represent complex architectural physical models. The study presents a potential direction for digital translation in architectural education.
series journal
last changed 2007/03/04 07:08

_id caadria2006_443
id caadria2006_443
year 2006
source CAADRIA 2006 [Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia] Kumamoto (Japan) March 30th - April 2nd 2006, 443-451
summary The work presented here brings together two core interests that have been developed by the first two authors over recent years. The first is the development of city models for use in a range of applications where different data sets and different levels of detail may be appropriate. The second is the development of low cost systems that can deliver useful tools to help address Computer Aided Architectural Design problems. In addition the involvement of a colleague in Electrical Engineering and Electronics reflects a long standing belief in the benefits of cross-disciplinary and interdisciplinary work between architecture and parallel research fields. The product of the collaboration is a system that can aid in the production of terrain models that, in our case, are particularly important as the base for a city model (Brown, 2005).
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id caadria2006_471
id caadria2006_471
year 2006
source CAADRIA 2006 [Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia] Kumamoto (Japan) March 30th - April 2nd 2006, 471-477
summary For the recent years the authors have developed techniques for automatic generation of 3D city models using LIDAR data, 2D digital map and aerial photograph, as well as a virtual reality (VR) viewer software with high-speed graphic engine which can deal with a large area of 3D city models on VR. The authors also have developed Web3D-GIS system which can provide transmission and reception of a great amount of urban information with interactive manipulation of detailed 3D city models linked with geographic information systems (GIS), on ordinary internet infrastructure such as DSL. Using those techniques and systems the authors have been conducting a research project called “Kyoto Virtual Time-Space” which aims at reconstruction and visualization of Kyoto at different eras on VR and on the internet, starting from the present and finally up to Heian era.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id 2006_320
id 2006_320
authors Ahmad, Sumbul and Scott Chase
year 2006
title Grammar Representations to Facilitate Style Innovation - An Example From Mobile Phone Design
source Communicating Space(s) [24th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-5-9] Volos (Greece) 6-9 September 2006, pp. 320-323
summary Previous research in generative design has suggested that shape grammar transformations could be used for developing new design styles by the systematic modification of grammars that encode existing styles. Our research explores how such grammar transformations can be facilitated to be responsive to changes in design style requirements. For this it is important to consider the structure and organization of rules, as well as the description of the styles of designs generated by a grammar. Using an example of mobile phone design, we outline the development of a flexible grammar structure that is conducive to transformations. The grammar is augmented with a style description scheme based on the concept of semantic differential to map the style characteristics of grammar components. These measures could be significant for driving purposeful grammar transformations for style adaptation and innovation.
keywords Design grammars; style; product design; generative design
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id sigradi2006_c091d
id sigradi2006_c091d
authors Garcia Alvarado, Rodrigo; fuentealba, Jessica and Guinez, Rodrigo
year 2006
title Suave Infinitud - Desfase Pasivo: Modelos Digitales como Comunicadores de Pensamiento Arquitectonico [Soft Infinity - Pasive Disruption: Digital Models for Communication of Architectural Though]
source SIGraDi 2006 - [Proceedings of the 10th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Santiago de Chile - Chile 21-23 November 2006, pp. 355-358
summary This research studies the relationship between architectural language and thought, using digital models to communicate architectural concepts. It studies in particular two renowned buildings of contemporary architecture in Chile. A tower for insurance company in the downtown of the city of Concepcion, designed by architect Enrique Browne, well- known by his ecological approach. And offices for industry of timber boards close to the city of Arauco, designed by architect Jose Cruz Ovalle, whom applied sensitive background. Digital models of both buildings were developed to show different characteristic and parts. A group of students evaluate semantic interpretation of these digital models, when other evaluates same conditions with pictures of the buildings. The results showed high understanding of language, but low appreciation of meaning and thoughts, close to general values than particular approaches, supporting basic architectural concepts and use of diverse digital models.
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:52

_id 2006_566
id 2006_566
authors Rafi, Ahmad; Mohamad Izani Zainal Abidin; Avijit Paul and Aishah Abdul Razak
year 2006
title Simulation of architectural lighting in a virtual environment - A case study on real and fake High Dynamic Range Images (HDRI)
source Communicating Space(s) [24th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-5-9] Volos (Greece) 6-9 September 2006, pp. 566-572
summary The early findings of this research were presented in eCAADe 2005 International Conference, Lisbon primarily to highlight the concept of High Dynamic Range Images (HDRI) when representing architectural spaces in the form of still images. An experiment had been carried out to compare the results between HDRI rendering and ‘conventional’ lighting simulation algorithms namely ray tracing and radiosity. The results were based on static and using the same exposure factors, when capturing HDRI. This project, funded by Intensification Research Priority Area (IRPA) grant continues to present and report HDRI results in a simulation environment. In this paper, we first briefly explain on the concept of real and fake HDRI. Then a comparison experiment is conducted to compare these two methods and discuss the impact and effectiveness of the illumination computation in architectural simulation environment. In order to carry out the experiment, a few models of the architectural scenes were developed. These models were then textured with real photos and manipulated with ‘shaders’, and further rendered using fake and real HDRI techniques. As for the fake HDRI, two methods were developed. The first was using an image as the ambient map and different exposures were created by increasing the value of Hue, V of HSV and saturation. The second involved a series of digital photos with the selection of the brightest and darkest area using Adobe Photoshop to establish the scale of luminosity. A few camera movements were triggered and position for ‘real-time’ rendering simulation. The result of the experiment has shown a significant improvement on the rendering time and quality of the rendering. Finally this paper suggests the selection criteria for choosing real and fake HDRI, and how each technique can be best utilized for architectural representations in a simulation environment.
keywords HDRI; simulation; Real HDRI;Fake HDRI; illumination computation
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:59

_id 2006_852
id 2006_852
authors Tidafi, Temy and Ivanka Iordanova
year 2006
title Experimental Approach in an Architectural Design Studio - How Digital Technologies Could Change a Design Process
source Communicating Space(s) [24th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-5-9] Volos (Greece) 6-9 September 2006, pp. 852-858
summary This article communicates results of an experimental pedagogical strategy aiming at both, introducing and taking advantage of new technologies in an architectural design studio. One of the reasons for the notorious unfriendliness of CAD software to the design process comes from the attempt to imitate traditional pen and paper design on the computer. While the whole process could be completely different when performed in a digital environment offering powerful form generation and knowledge modelling possibilities. the proposed teaching method is based on the following principles: (1) emphasis on new methods of designing made possible by the use of computer; (2) communicating the design process, and not only the final result; (3) exploring parametric design for generation of different formal expressions of a design concept; (4) using visual programming to create inter-object relations, etc. A comparison of this experimental approach to other approaches used in design studios (digital or traditional), proves that the architectural results obtained are largely related to the chosen medium and the tools of work. In our opinion, this teaching approach proves to be promising for introducing considerable qualitative changes in the architectural profession, and this way in our built environment as well.
keywords digital design studio; teaching the process; parametric models; visual programming
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:58

_id sigradi2006_e160c
id sigradi2006_e160c
authors Andrade, Max and Cheng, Liang-Yee
year 2006
title Diretrizez Geométricas de Auxílio ao Processo de Projeto de Edifícios Residenciais [Geometrical Guidelines to Aid the Design of Floor Plants of Residential Buildings]
source SIGraDi 2006 - [Proceedings of the 10th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Santiago de Chile - Chile 21-23 November 2006, pp. 243-247
summary This paper discusses the basic principles of a geometric method to aid the design process of residential buildings. It makes part of the initial phases of a research whose aim is to develop a computer system to aid the sketching and evaluation of floor plant design of multi-storied residential buildings. The fundamental idea of the research is the existence of some basic patterns of floor plants that reflect the designer’s mental models in this category of building. The models are regarding the usage of the space such as forms and dimensions, the elements for the circulation and the external skins. During the design process, architects work on each one of these models to generate the sketches of the floor plant layout. Generally, the layout of an apartment in multi-storied buildings depends basically on the internal dynamics of the users without the complex relationship with the neighborhood environment as in the case of houses. In this way, it would be easier to identify, to organize and to associate the mental models of multi-storied buildings on geometric basis, which, in their turns, might be effectively used as inputs for the layout planning of new design. By applying the geometric basis, the architects may reduce the universe of feasible alternatives into a small group of heuristic solutions that can be described by using few simple guidelines. In addition to this, the geometric bases of the existing buildings might be used to build a knowledge-based system to aid the architectural design. The objective of this paper is to show some initial results of the research obtained from a survey and the case studies of form, dimensions and topology of existing buildings. To limit the scope of the discussion, only residential buildings with two to three bedrooms are considered. At first, a survey of plants of residential buildings with two and three bedrooms, in Brazil, is carried out. In the next step, the dimensions, shape, external skin perimeter, circulation system and accessibility are analyzed. Finally, typical topologies of the building are investigated.
keywords Design process; geometric method; residential buildings
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id caadria2006_413
id caadria2006_413
authors Bhatt Anand; Martens, Bob
year 2006
title ON-TO-CAAD: Investigating the Knowledge Contained within the Corpus of CAAD Research
source CAADRIA 2006 [Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia] Kumamoto (Japan) March 30th - April 2nd 2006, 413-424
summary The work presented here discusses an ongoing research in constructing a knowledge representation system founded on CAAD document repositories and investigating the network of concepts constructed by CAAD research. The approach does not rely on conceptual models or theories about CAAD research, rather a formal semantics amenable to decidable reasoning on the corpus of research in CAAD. A web-based demonstration application is illustrated in the paper in which we discuss two propositions about CAAD research discovered in the process of our investigations.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:49

_id acadia06_232
id acadia06_232
authors Chaisuparasmikul, Pongsak
year 2006
title Bidirectional Interoperability Between CAD and Energy Performance Simulation Through Virtual Model System Framework
source Synthetic Landscapes [Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Design in Architecture] pp. 232-250
summary The paper describes a novel approach involving interoperability, data modeling technology, and application of the building information model (BIM) focused on sustainable architecture. They share relationships and multiple experiences that have existed for years but have never have been proven. This interoperability of building performance simulation maps building information and parametric models with energy simulation models, establishing a seamless link between Computer Aided Design (CAD) and energy performance simulation software. During the last four decades, building designers have utilized information and communication technologies to create environmental representations to communicate spatial concepts or designs and to enhance spaces. Most architectural firms still rely on hand labor, drafted drawings, construction documents, specifications, schedules and work plans in traditional means. 3D modeling has been used primarily as a rendering tool, not as the actual representation of the project.With this innovative digitally exchange technology, architects and building designers can visually analyze dynamic building energy performance in response to changes of climate and building parameters. This software interoperability provides full data exchange bidirectional capabilities, which significantly reduces time and effort in energy simulation and data regeneration. Data mapping and exchange are key requirements for building more powerful energy simulations. An effective data model is the bidirectional nucleus of a well-designed relational database, critical in making good choices in selecting design parameters and in gaining and expanding a comprehensive understanding of existing data flows throughout the simulation process, making data systems for simulation more powerful, which has never been done before. Despite the variety of energy simulation applications in the lifecycle of building design and construction projects, there is a need for a system of data integration to allow seamless sharing and bidirectional reuse of data.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:55

_id caadria2006_433
id caadria2006_433
year 2006
source CAADRIA 2006 [Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia] Kumamoto (Japan) March 30th - April 2nd 2006, 433-442
summary The objective of this research is to explain major procedure of creating the digital model database, and to discuss the future studies and applications of the results. We also describe some detail working process and results of one of the cities within the project. As a result, the digital model database includes three Taiwan cities, as well as sixty-four architecture models around the island. The significance of digital archive is not simply a collection, but critical for additional research and application. The outcomes of the project pointed out several implications.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id 2006_840
id 2006_840
authors Ciblac, Thierry; Louis-Paul Untersteller and Pierre Macé
year 2006
title Restitution and Interpretation of Spatial Representations: A New Approach for Teaching Representation
source Communicating Space(s) [24th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-5-9] Volos (Greece) 6-9 September 2006, pp. 840-847
summary The use of computers has changed the practice of spatial representations. The users are no longer drawers but modelers who need to be able to check the coherence of models. The teaching of representations has to adapt with this evolution, especially in Schools of Architecture. A pedagogical way is to give interpretation tools of spatial representations through projective properties (incidence or affine properties) and consequence of intrinsic constraints (parallelism, orthogonality, and symmetry). The application of this knowledge is essential for the rebuilding of existing 3D objects or for a design process, with the restitution of 3D models from sketches. These approaches are illustrated in a pedagogical way, using dynamic geometry, in the restitution of the polyhedron of the engraving “Melencolia I” of A. Dürer, and in a dynamic sketch of a skylight inspired of the Vitra museum of F. Ghery.
keywords restitution; perspective; teaching; geometric algebra; sketch
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:56

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