CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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_id 2006_840
id 2006_840
authors Ciblac, Thierry; Louis-Paul Untersteller and Pierre Macé
year 2006
title Restitution and Interpretation of Spatial Representations: A New Approach for Teaching Representation
source Communicating Space(s) [24th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-5-9] Volos (Greece) 6-9 September 2006, pp. 840-847
summary The use of computers has changed the practice of spatial representations. The users are no longer drawers but modelers who need to be able to check the coherence of models. The teaching of representations has to adapt with this evolution, especially in Schools of Architecture. A pedagogical way is to give interpretation tools of spatial representations through projective properties (incidence or affine properties) and consequence of intrinsic constraints (parallelism, orthogonality, and symmetry). The application of this knowledge is essential for the rebuilding of existing 3D objects or for a design process, with the restitution of 3D models from sketches. These approaches are illustrated in a pedagogical way, using dynamic geometry, in the restitution of the polyhedron of the engraving “Melencolia I” of A. Dürer, and in a dynamic sketch of a skylight inspired of the Vitra museum of F. Ghery.
keywords restitution; perspective; teaching; geometric algebra; sketch
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:56

_id acadia08_382
id acadia08_382
authors Peters, Brady; Xavier De Kestelier
year 2008
title Rapid Prototyping and Rapid Manufacturing at Foster + Partners
source Silicon + Skin: Biological Processes and Computation, [Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) / ISBN 978-0-9789463-4-0] Minneapolis 16-19 October 2008, 382-389
summary Over the last 15 years, rapid prototyping has been an integral part of the design process in the car and aerospace industry (Brad Fox 2006). Recently the architecture profession has started to use these techniques in its design process (Greg Corke 2006), and some architecture schools have begun experimenting with these technologies. ¶ Foster + Partners have been one of the first architecture practices to fully integrate rapid prototyping within its design process. The technology was initially seen as a sketch model making tool in the early stages of the design, in particular for projects with complicated geometries. It surpassed this purpose within a year and it is now seen an essential design tool for many projects and in for many project stages. The office’s rapid prototyping department now produces about 3500 models a year. ¶ Besides, or perhaps because of, rapid prototyping, Foster + Partners have started to experiment with rapid manufacturing. This first was done through the design and manufacture of a Christmas tree for the charity organisation Save the Children.
keywords Complex Geometry; Design; Generative; Process; Rapid Prototyping
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 08:00

_id 2006_106
id 2006_106
authors Achten, Henri
year 2006
title Feature clusters for online recognition of graphic units in drawings
source Communicating Space(s) [24th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-5-9] Volos (Greece) 6-9 September 2006, pp. 106-112
summary Automated recognition of sketch drawings can provide the means for a natural interface between the designer and a design support system. Sketch drawing recognition is knowledge-intensive in the sense that the system must know what to look for in a drawing. In earlier work, we identified 24 different types of representations, termed graphic units. For recognition of graphic units we combine a multi-agent approach and online recognition. Each agent is specialised for one graphic unit. It continuously parses the online input stream for stroke features that fall within its scope. When an agent-specific threshold is reached, the agent puts a claim. Each agent has a specific cluster of features that can be viewed as distributed over a decision tree. The activation pattern of feature clusters over the decision tree is an indication which graphic unit is likely to be identified by the system. In this paper, we present the exhaustive set of features for agents and a binary decision tree over which the features are distributed.
keywords Image recognition; sketches; graphic units; feature-based modelling
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id sigradi2006_c129b
id sigradi2006_c129b
authors Abad, Gabriel; Adriane Borde; Mónica Fuentes; Virginia Agrielav; Adriana Granero and Jacqueline Fernández
year 2006
title Producción colaborativa de material de enseñanza-aprendizaje de Gráfica Digital con aportes multidisciplinarios [Collaborative production for taught-learning materials for digital graphic with multidisciplinary contributions]
source SIGraDi 2006 - [Proceedings of the 10th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Santiago de Chile - Chile 21-23 November 2006, pp. 117-121
summary For a contribution to problem solving processes at different areas, this paper presents the use of Digital Graphics as a knowledge object for a distance teaching/learning workshop. At the Learning Management System, different theoretical subjects with supporting tools were proposed, and exercises requiring collaborative work. An specific didactic situation using available technologies at Internet for 3D modelling, combined with satellite images and geographic information program was proposed. The final works were then shared by a 3D models repository. As a complement of this experience and in relation with their professional work, every student proposed a new didactic situation including Learning Objects, sharing them with the others members of the group, through conceptual maps built up in a co-operative way.
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id ascaad2006_paper8
id ascaad2006_paper8
authors Abdullah, Sajid; Ramesh Marasini and Munir Ahmad
year 2006
title An Analysis of the Applications of Rapid Prototyping in Architecture
source Computing in Architecture / Re-Thinking the Discourse: The Second International Conference of the Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD 2006), 25-27 April 2006, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
summary Rapid prototyping (RP) techniques are widely used within the design/manufacturing industry and are well established in manufacturing industry. These digital techniques offer quick and accurate prototypes with relatively low cost when we require exact likeness to a particular scale and detail. 3D modeling of buildings on CAD-systems in the AEC sector is now becoming more popular and becoming widely used practice as the higher efficiency of working with computers is being recognized. However the building of scaled physical representations is still performed manually, which generally requires a high amount of time. Complex post-modernist building forms are more faithfully and easily represented in a solid visualization form, than they could be using traditional model making methods. Using RP within the engineering community has given the users the possibility to communicate and visualize designs with greater ease with the clients and capture any error within the CAD design at an early stage of the project or product lifecycle. In this paper, the application of RP in architecture is reviewed and the possibilities of modeling architectural models are explored. A methodology of developing rapid prototypes with 3D CAD models using methods of solid freeform manufacturing in particular Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) is presented and compared against traditional model making methods. An economical analysis is presented and discussed using a case study and the potential of applying RP techniques to architectural models is discussed.
series ASCAAD
last changed 2007/04/08 19:47

_id ddss2006-pb-101
id DDSS2006-PB-101
authors Aloys W.J. Borgers, I.M.E. Smeets, A.D.A.M. Kemperman, and H.J.P. Timmermans
year 2006
title Simulation of Micro Pedestrian Behaviour in Shopping Streets
source Van Leeuwen, J.P. and H.J.P. Timmermans (eds.) 2006, Progress in Design & Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning, Eindhoven: Eindhoven University of Technology, ISBN-10: 90-386-1756-9, ISBN-13: 978-90-386-1756-5, p. 101-116
summary Over the years, scholars have developed various models of pedestrian movement. These models can be used to assess the effects of detailed design decisions or to predict pedestrian behaviour under conditions of crowding. To date, not much attention has been paid to pedestrians' shopping behaviour at the micro level. Therefore, the main purpose of this project is to test a model that aims at simulating micro pedestrian behaviour in shopping streets, including entering shops. The model assumes a detailed network of links to represent the structure of street segments and entrances to the shops. The basic principle underlying the model is that a pedestrian moves from one link in the network to another, adjacent link. In fact, a pedestrian enters a segment at one side, heading for the other side of the segment. However, a pedestrian might enter the segment by leaving a shop as well. Then, the pedestrian might be heading for either side of the segment. While transferring from the current link to the next link, the pedestrian will be attracted by the shops along both sides of the street. The study area is Antwerp's main shopping street. During a one-week workshop in July 2004, students observed pedestrian movement in this shopping street. An inventory of some physical characteristics of the shopping street was made and pedestrians were tracked through two separate segments of the shopping street. In total, 334 pedestrians were tracked. A conventional multinomial logit model is used to simulate pedestrians' micro behaviour. The process of consecutively selecting links continues until the pedestrian has reached one of the terminal links or a shop. The model performs very well. Simulated routes were used to assess the validity of the model. Observed and simulated link loading correspond fairly well, however, the model seems to slightly mispredict the attraction of a number of shops.
keywords Micro pedestrian behaviour, Shopping street, Simulation
series DDSS
last changed 2006/08/29 12:55

_id sigradi2006_e160c
id sigradi2006_e160c
authors Andrade, Max and Cheng, Liang-Yee
year 2006
title Diretrizez Geométricas de Auxílio ao Processo de Projeto de Edifícios Residenciais [Geometrical Guidelines to Aid the Design of Floor Plants of Residential Buildings]
source SIGraDi 2006 - [Proceedings of the 10th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Santiago de Chile - Chile 21-23 November 2006, pp. 243-247
summary This paper discusses the basic principles of a geometric method to aid the design process of residential buildings. It makes part of the initial phases of a research whose aim is to develop a computer system to aid the sketching and evaluation of floor plant design of multi-storied residential buildings. The fundamental idea of the research is the existence of some basic patterns of floor plants that reflect the designer’s mental models in this category of building. The models are regarding the usage of the space such as forms and dimensions, the elements for the circulation and the external skins. During the design process, architects work on each one of these models to generate the sketches of the floor plant layout. Generally, the layout of an apartment in multi-storied buildings depends basically on the internal dynamics of the users without the complex relationship with the neighborhood environment as in the case of houses. In this way, it would be easier to identify, to organize and to associate the mental models of multi-storied buildings on geometric basis, which, in their turns, might be effectively used as inputs for the layout planning of new design. By applying the geometric basis, the architects may reduce the universe of feasible alternatives into a small group of heuristic solutions that can be described by using few simple guidelines. In addition to this, the geometric bases of the existing buildings might be used to build a knowledge-based system to aid the architectural design. The objective of this paper is to show some initial results of the research obtained from a survey and the case studies of form, dimensions and topology of existing buildings. To limit the scope of the discussion, only residential buildings with two to three bedrooms are considered. At first, a survey of plants of residential buildings with two and three bedrooms, in Brazil, is carried out. In the next step, the dimensions, shape, external skin perimeter, circulation system and accessibility are analyzed. Finally, typical topologies of the building are investigated.
keywords Design process; geometric method; residential buildings
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id 2006_280
id 2006_280
authors Barelkowski, Robert and Marcin Sajdak
year 2006
title Web-based virtual models in knowledge exchange forum - The reconstruction and restitution support techniques in WW
source Communicating Space(s) [24th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-5-9] Volos (Greece) 6-9 September 2006, pp. 280-282
summary The article presents the web-based project which implements the idea of multidisciplinary information exchange related to historical objects and supports both research and studying activities. The proposed platform combines the concept of forum, information on resources, monitoring tools, as well as review and comment scientific oriented validation mechanisms.
keywords knowledge production; information exchange; web-based research; architectural research; reconstruction hypotheses
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id sigradi2006_e159b
id sigradi2006_e159b
authors Barrow, Larry
year 2006
title Digital Design Pedagogy - Basic Design - CADCAM Space Box Exploration
source SIGraDi 2006 - [Proceedings of the 10th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Santiago de Chile - Chile 21-23 November 2006, pp. 127-130
summary This proposed paper will highlight the work of a “pre-architecture” graduate student’s work produced in a “Digital Design II” course in Spring 06. This student has a bachelor’s degree in Architectural Technologies and hopes to attend a “professional” degree program in architecture after completing our Master of Science degree program. The student entered our “pre / post-professional” graduate program as a means of learning more about design, technology and architecture. This provided a rare opportunity to do “research” in the area of digital technology in the early formative phases of a new architecture / design students development. The student chose to study “shadows” as a means of design inquiry. The primary focus of the work was the study of various “4” x 4” x 4” “space-cubes.” The student was given various “design” constraints, and “transformative” operations for the study of positive-negative space relationships, light+shadows, and surface as a means of gaining in-sight to form. The CADCAM tools proved to be empowering for the student’s exploration and learning. With the recent emergence of both more user-friendly hardware and software, we are seeing a paradigm shift in design “ideation.” This is attributed to the evolving human-computer-interface (HCI) that now allows a fluidic means of creative design ideation, digital representation and physical making. Computing technology is now infusing early conceptual design ideation and allowing designers, and form, to follow their ideas. The argument will be supported with primary evidence generated in our pedagogy and research that has shown the visualization and representational power of emerging 2D and 3D CADCAM tools. This paper will analyze the basic “digital design” process used by the writer’s student. Architectural form concepts, heretofore, impossible to model and represent, are now possible due to CADCAM. Emerging designers are integrating “digital thinking” in their fundamental conceptualization of form. These creative free-forms are only feasible for translation to tectonic form using digital design-make techniques. CADCAM tools are empowering designers for form exploration and design creativity. Current computing technology is now infusing the creative design process; the computer is becoming a design “partner” with the designer and is changing form and architecture; thus, we are now seeing unprecedented design-make creativity in architecture.
keywords Basic Design; CADCAM; Digital Design; Virtual 3D Models; Physical 3D Printed Models
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id caadria2006_413
id caadria2006_413
authors Bhatt Anand; Martens, Bob
year 2006
title ON-TO-CAAD: Investigating the Knowledge Contained within the Corpus of CAAD Research
source CAADRIA 2006 [Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia] Kumamoto (Japan) March 30th - April 2nd 2006, 413-424
summary The work presented here discusses an ongoing research in constructing a knowledge representation system founded on CAAD document repositories and investigating the network of concepts constructed by CAAD research. The approach does not rely on conceptual models or theories about CAAD research, rather a formal semantics amenable to decidable reasoning on the corpus of research in CAAD. A web-based demonstration application is illustrated in the paper in which we discuss two propositions about CAAD research discovered in the process of our investigations.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:49

_id eaea2005_49
id eaea2005_49
authors Breen, Jack
year 2006
title The Model Image
source Motion, E-Motion and Urban Space [Proceedings of the 7th European Architectural Endoscopy Association Conference / ISBN-10: 3-00-019070-8 - ISBN-13: 978-3-00-019070-4], pp. 49-59
summary Designing is a specialized, unpredictable development process which is to a large extent visually generative and reflective – and, as such, predominantly pre-linguistic. Architectural designers make creative use of various imaging techniques, in order to elucidate design concepts that would otherwise remain ‘figments of the imagination’. By projecting their ideas, into readable information, these may be shared, communicated, evaluated and developed further. In this context, various types of models play an important role on different levels of design driven enquiry and representation. This contribution explores the dynamic conditions and potentials of models in architecture, in particular as a prerequisite for visual exploration and communication.
series EAEA
last changed 2008/04/29 20:46

_id 2006_146
id 2006_146
authors Brown, André; Michael Knight; Yu-Horng Chen and Ghousia Saeed
year 2006
title City information delivered to Mobile Digital devices - Reflection on contemporary potentials and problems
source Communicating Space(s) [24th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-5-9] Volos (Greece) 6-9 September 2006, pp. 146-150
summary The work described here builds on work reported previously on wireless access to digital city models. This paper presents a set of elements that contribute to such models. We look in particular at the issues of ground plane modeling, user location, user-device interface and information layering
keywords city modeling; wireless; interface
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id 2006_786
id 2006_786
authors Burry, Jane and Mark Burry
year 2006
title Sharing hidden power - Communicating latency in digital models
source Communicating Space(s) [24th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-5-9] Volos (Greece) 6-9 September 2006, pp. 786-793
summary As digital spatial models take on the complex relationships inherent in a lattice of dependencies and variables, how easy is it to fully comprehend and communicate the underlying structure and logical subtext of the architectural model: the metadesign? The design of a building, the relationships between a host of different attributes and performances was ever a complex system. Now the models, the representations, are in the early stages of taking on more of that complexity and reflexivity. How do we share and communicate these modelling environments or work on them together? This paper explores the issue through examples from one particular associative geometry model constructed as research to underpin the collaborative design development of the narthex of the Passion Façade on the west transept of Gaudi’s Sagrada Família church, part of the building which is now in the early stages of construction.
keywords Design communication; CAD CAM; mathematical models
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id 2006_890
id 2006_890
authors Calabrese, Antonio; Carlo Coppola; Luca Licenziato; Francesco Mele; Antonio Sorgente and Oliviero Talamo
year 2006
title Creation and editing of artifacts’ models by Generative Projects
source Communicating Space(s) [24th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-5-9] Volos (Greece) 6-9 September 2006, pp. 890-896
summary In this paper we propose an aiding system for the creation of models of artifacts which is based on a methodology that has its foundations in a concept that we call generative projects. This methodology has been defined separating the design paradigm of the designer from the computational model, defined in order to implement the system that support the designer in the design process, and from the graphical engine of the specific rendering system, chosen for the visualization of the generated artifact. In this work we defined an user interface that assists the designer during the design process, translates the result of the design into the underlying computational model and carries out the access to the rendering system in a transparent way. The experimentation of the system was conducted on various artifacts domains, as jewels, glasses, lamps, cutlery, wireless headphones, aerosols, pots and plans.
keywords formal ontology; generative design
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id sigradi2006_c133d
id sigradi2006_c133d
authors Castañé, Dora
year 2006
title Rosario, Views on the Integral Revitalization of a Cultural Heritage
source SIGraDi 2006 - [10th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Santiago de Chile - Chile 21-23 November 2006
summary This work shows the study of the methods and techniques for the development of a virtual vision VRML 3D included in an "Digitally-integrated knowledge base" with interactive interphases of a significantly revitalized fragment of a central area of the city of Rosario, Province of Santa Fé, Argentina, that includes an emblematic heritage for the Argentineans: the National Monument to the Flag. Digital models that partly allow the development of a hypothesis of integration between the digitized information and information technology - new digital proximity - to the effects of being able to investigate the generation of multimedia database that includes three-dimensional and dynamic models of the mentioned type, in this case, urban, architectonic, and cultural heritage. Different views and research on heritage have been developing. Nevertheless, the use of these new 3D non-immersive technologies and inter-phases are opening a new field of vision and understanding of the subject.
keywords Urban-architectural planning; heritage; virtual reality
series SIGRADI
type normal paper
last changed 2016/03/10 09:48

_id sigradi2006_p016d
id sigradi2006_p016d
authors Cavalcanti Neto, José Rodrigues and Leão de Amorim, Arivaldo
year 2006
title Simulação digital: modelos digitais fotorealísticos no mapeamento e quantificação de patologias em projetos de restauração [Digital Fabrication: photo realistic digital models on  mapping and quantifing the pathologies in restoration design]
source SIGraDi 2006 - [Proceedings of the 10th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Santiago de Chile - Chile 21-23 November 2006, pp. 341-345
summary This article is about the experience in the use of digital threedimensional models as an auxiliary tool in the phase of diagnosis on an architecture project of restoration. At first it deals with the importance and the methodology usually used in development of those projects. After telling about an experience that urged to look for new solutions, it was made a first exercise searching a new tool. It had about positive points the fact of being modeled quickly, to have made possible a clear vision of the pathologies and for being easily manipulable, providing a dynamic visualization of the construction. Another experience looked for the possibilities of analysis and quantification of damages in a photorealistic model. Afterwards analyzing the different potentials and restrictions of each accomplished experiment, this work looks for point out news ways that can be followed.
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:48

_id acadia06_232
id acadia06_232
authors Chaisuparasmikul, Pongsak
year 2006
title Bidirectional Interoperability Between CAD and Energy Performance Simulation Through Virtual Model System Framework
source Synthetic Landscapes [Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Design in Architecture] pp. 232-250
summary The paper describes a novel approach involving interoperability, data modeling technology, and application of the building information model (BIM) focused on sustainable architecture. They share relationships and multiple experiences that have existed for years but have never have been proven. This interoperability of building performance simulation maps building information and parametric models with energy simulation models, establishing a seamless link between Computer Aided Design (CAD) and energy performance simulation software. During the last four decades, building designers have utilized information and communication technologies to create environmental representations to communicate spatial concepts or designs and to enhance spaces. Most architectural firms still rely on hand labor, drafted drawings, construction documents, specifications, schedules and work plans in traditional means. 3D modeling has been used primarily as a rendering tool, not as the actual representation of the project.With this innovative digitally exchange technology, architects and building designers can visually analyze dynamic building energy performance in response to changes of climate and building parameters. This software interoperability provides full data exchange bidirectional capabilities, which significantly reduces time and effort in energy simulation and data regeneration. Data mapping and exchange are key requirements for building more powerful energy simulations. An effective data model is the bidirectional nucleus of a well-designed relational database, critical in making good choices in selecting design parameters and in gaining and expanding a comprehensive understanding of existing data flows throughout the simulation process, making data systems for simulation more powerful, which has never been done before. Despite the variety of energy simulation applications in the lifecycle of building design and construction projects, there is a need for a system of data integration to allow seamless sharing and bidirectional reuse of data.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:55

_id caadria2006_433
id caadria2006_433
year 2006
source CAADRIA 2006 [Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia] Kumamoto (Japan) March 30th - April 2nd 2006, 433-442
summary The objective of this research is to explain major procedure of creating the digital model database, and to discuss the future studies and applications of the results. We also describe some detail working process and results of one of the cities within the project. As a result, the digital model database includes three Taiwan cities, as well as sixty-four architecture models around the island. The significance of digital archive is not simply a collection, but critical for additional research and application. The outcomes of the project pointed out several implications.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id ddss2006-hb-137
id DDSS2006-HB-137
authors Chiung-Hui Chen and Mao-Lin Chiu
year 2006
title SCALE - A street case library for environmental design with agent interfaces
source Van Leeuwen, J.P. and H.J.P. Timmermans (eds.) 2006, Innovations in Design & Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning, Dordrecht: Springer, ISBN-10: 1-4020-5059-3, ISBN-13: 978-1-4020-5059-6, p. 137-150
summary Urban space provides a context for human interaction. Recently, urban planning has largely placed the user at the street as the centre of infrastructural design, with significant implications for the perceived attractiveness of user environments. However, visual observation is often difficult for verifying planning goals. The simulation of pedestrian behaviour is important for physical planning, but such research is scarce. In this study, we adopt an empirical approach for generating reactive path following. Further, we implement scenarios as computer scripts with agent-based interfaces to identify navigational patterns. Moreover, we built a hierarchy of individual behavioral models and define a behavior production system to control the agent. Key attributes of streets such as rest space, utilities, landmarks, and buildings have space tags as identifiers to associate streets with related activities.
keywords Agent interface, Behaviour, Simulator, Street design
series DDSS
last changed 2006/08/29 12:55

_id 2006_470
id 2006_470
authors Coates, Paul; Robert Thum and Christian Derix
year 2006
title The VIPA project - some notes on the pedagogical approach to design education using active 3d worlds
source Communicating Space(s) [24th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-5-9] Volos (Greece) 6-9 September 2006, pp. 470-477
summary This paper should be seen as complementary to the other papers by Mullins et al where the EU VIPA project is described. It is the intention of this paper to deal solely with the educational aspects of using computers in architectural education, which of course is the raison d’etre of both ECAADE and the VIPA project, but on this occasion to look at the earliest models of this, to revisit the pioneers in case we have forgotten something and to see in what way their original aims were achieved and how their self proclaimed task can be transferred into the current situation. It is the intention of this paper to argue that Papert and Kay’s use of the computer in education still has many useful things to say in the context of vipa. The general approach is fundamental to the VIPA project and will inform the ongoing design of the scripting and modelling platform, based on Smalltalk / Open Croquet, and Blender / Python.
keywords LOGO; Smalltalk; emergence; computer based education
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:56

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