CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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_id acadia06_555
id acadia06_555
authors Kudless, A., Vukcevich, I.
year 2006
title Flexible Formwork Research (FPR)
source Synthetic Landscapes [Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Design in Architecture] p. 555
summary FFR investigates the self-organization of plaster and elastic fabric to produce evocative visual and acoustic effects. Inspired by the work of the Spanish architect Miguel Fisac and his experiments with flexible concrete formwork in the 1960-70s, FFR continues this line of research by exploring aspects of pattern generation and recognition in relation to self-organized form. In line with the theme of the current exhibition, Digital Exchange, the work can be understood as a dialog between physical and digital computation. The form is a result of a negotiation between the digital manipulation of images and the physical deformations of materials under stress. Both digital and physical processes play an equal role in the final form of the plaster tiles.Reflecting on Miguel Fisac’s flexible concrete formwork, there was a desire to investigate the potential for more differentiated patterns while still using the same basic fabrication technique. This was accomplished through the use of a custom-designed script in Rhino that analyzes a given image and translates it into a field of points. These points establish areas of constraint in the elastic membrane of the mould. Through numerous physical tests, the minimum and maximum distances between constraint points was determined and these were entered into the script as limits for the point creation. If the points are too close, large wholes with very thin and weak plaster form whereas if the points are too far apart the amount of elastic deformation is so great that the weight of the plaster can cause failures to occur in the fabric mould. One of the most important aspects of the project is its resonance with the body and our natural attraction and repulsion for certain forms. Through exploring the natural self-organization of material under stress, FFR unintentionally reminds us of our own flesh. The plaster tiles resonate with our own body’s material as it sags, expands, and wrinkles in relationship with gravity, structure, and time.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:49

_id acadia06_122
id acadia06_122
authors Senagala, Mahesh
year 2006
title Curvilinear Pedagogy of Tensile Fabrications
source Synthetic Landscapes [Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Design in Architecture] pp. 122-134
summary This paper outlines the pedagogical issues of design and fabrication of tensile membrane structures. Pedagogy needs to closely follow the nature of structures, materials and fabrication processes. Pedagogy of tensile fabric structures is significantly different from that of the conventional frame and panel (stick-built) structures. To explore the digital design and fabrication of tensile membrane structures, a design/build studio was conducted at the University of Texas at San Antonio. The present paper identifies the peculiarities of this type of project and discusses the pedagogical lessons learned from this design-build studio.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:57

_id acadia06_538
id acadia06_538
authors Senagala, Mahesh
year 2006
title Light Exchange
source Synthetic Landscapes [Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Design in Architecture] pp. 538-539
summary The notions of collaborative exchanges, leadership, and entrepreneurialism that cross disciplinary boundaries were promoted in a digital design-build studio taught in spring 2005. With the starting funds of one dollar, the studio took up the challenge of building two full-scale tensile fabric structures that mark the entrances to a downtown San Antonio building. Structures of 1200 square feet total surface area were successfully designed, engineered, and executed within a semester framework at a final cost of $102,490. Collaborations were fostered with 24 industry partners from Asia, Europe, Australia, and USA, including four structural engineers. Innovative pedagogical, collaborative and project management methods were employed. The studio was structured as a self-organized design “firm.” Positions were created and students were “hired” into the firm to play different roles. The studio utilized web-based communication and project management tools. After a four-week warm-up project that established an innovative studio culture, professional schedules were prepared and the engineers were engaged in the collaborative process of designing the anchors, cables, connections and PTFE/PVC membranes. The peculiarities of digitally designing, fabricating and erecting tensile fabric structures were comprehensively explored. The studio completed all the CNC fabrication, concrete footings and membrane fabrication at local workshops through special partnerships.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:56

_id ascaad2006_paper20
id ascaad2006_paper20
authors Chougui, Ali
year 2006
title The Digital Design Process: reflections on architectural design positions on complexity and CAAD
source Computing in Architecture / Re-Thinking the Discourse: The Second International Conference of the Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD 2006), 25-27 April 2006, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
summary These instructions are intended to guide contributors to the Second Architecture is presently engaged in an impatient search for solutions to critical questions about the nature and the identity of the discipline, and digital technology is a key agent for prevailing innovations in architectural design. The problem of complexity underlies all design problems. With the advent of CAD however, Architect’s ability to truly represent complexity has increased considerably. Another source that provides information about dealing with complexity is architectural theory. As Rowe (1987) states, architectural theory constitutes “a corpus of principles that are agreed upon and therefore worthy of emulation”. Architectural theory often is a mixed reflection on the nature of architectural design, design processes, made in descriptive and prescriptive terms (see Kruft 1985). Complexity is obviously not a new issue in architectural theory. Since it is an inherent characteristic of design problems, it has been dealt with in many different ways throughout history. Contemporary architects incorporate the computer in their design process. They produce architecture that is generated by the use of particle systems, simulation software, animation software, but also the more standard modelling tools. The architects reflect on the impact of the computer in their theories, and display changes in style by using information modelling techniques that have become versatile enough to encompass the complexity of information in the architectural design process. In this way, architectural style and theory can provide directions to further develop CAD. Most notable is the acceptance of complexity as a given fact, not as a phenomenon to oppose in systems of organization, but as a structuring principle to begin with. No matter what information modelling paradigm is used, complex and huge amounts of information need to be processed by designers. A key aspect in the combination of CAD, complexity, and architectural design is the role of the design representation. The way the design is presented and perceived during the design process is instrumental to understanding the design task. More architects are trying to reformulate this working of the representation. The intention of this paper is to present and discuss the current state of the art in architectural design positions on complexity and CAAD, and to reflect in particular on the role of digital design representations in this discussion. We also try to investigate how complexity can be dealt with, by looking at architects, in particular their styles and theories. The way architects use digital media and graphic representations can be informative how units of information can be formed and used in the design process. A case study is a concrete architect’s design processes such as Peter Eisenman Rem Koolhaas, van Berkel, Lynn, and Franke gehry, who embrace complexity and make it a focus point in their design, Rather than viewing it as problematic issue, by using computer as an indispensable instrument in their approaches.
series ASCAAD
last changed 2007/04/08 19:47

_id sigradi2006_e068d
id sigradi2006_e068d
authors Catovic-Hughes, Selma
year 2006
title Digital Storytelling: "Memory….. Sarajevo, my personal story"
source SIGraDi 2006 - [Proceedings of the 10th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Santiago de Chile - Chile 21-23 November 2006, pp. 337-340
summary “It was a fresh summer night, sky deprived of stars, and hardly any signs of life. After hours of waiting, well passed midnight, they finally allowed us to enter. I couldn’t see or hear much, except movements of those in front of me, but judging by intense scent of mildew and worm-like smell of earth, I realized my mile long underground adventure had begun. There was no looking back, only the brave steps ahead into my new, and hopefully, safe and fruitful future.” [ from diary95 ] Just like many teens around the world, I too kept a journal. It began with playful thoughts of a teenage girl, living in Sarajevo, enjoying life. On my fifteenth birthday, those carefree moments were soon replaced with brutal facts of life under siege: Sarajevo and its citizens had been surrounded by the Serbs who took over all the roads leading in and out of the city. Three years later, I was weeks away from graduating high school, and instead of getting excited, I wondered about my future…”Yesterday was awesome -- we had both electricity and water for eight straight hours…hooray!! You could see the lights miles away…the entire city was awake, making pies and bread, washing clothes, watching movies.” [ from diary93 ] Was I going to spend the rest of my life anticipating the restricted electric and water timetable? Would I wake up the next day to see all my family alive? Would I ever have a chance to fulfill my dreams? This project captures the process of [re]tracing steps of my personal journey of leaving Sarajevo to come to the United States and [re]constructing memories as a sequence of spatial events using the artifacts and the text from my war journals. The intent of my project is to define that line between the old and the new, and intertwine and merge its current condition with the facts and memories from the past. Although there was never a permanent “Berlin-wall-like” divider, the natural contours of the river and invisible screens of the snipers served as impermeable walls and divided the city for four years. The implied boundary seemed to be more powerful than the massiveness of the concrete barricades. Is it possible to re-condition something [building, space, soul] to be and feel the same when it had been destroyed and deeply scarred on the inside? Instead of placing banal memorials engraved with the bare facts, how can we make a tribute to a series of events—a time period that changed the fabric of the city—in a more three-dimensional experience? How can we integrate digital phenomenon in the process of the post-war reconstruction to re-trace the past while creating necessary advanced improvements for the new contemporary society? The impact that social conditions have on architecture, art, culture, and ultimately, people can be told in a universal language – digital storytelling, containing pieces of history and personal memories to create representations of time and space of the past, present or future.
keywords memory; postwar; retrace; reconstruction; memorial
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:48

_id 2006_860
id 2006_860
authors Duarte, José P. and João Rocha
year 2006
title A Grammar for the Patio Houses of the Medina of Marrakech - Towards a Tool for Housing Design in Islamic Contexts
source Communicating Space(s) [24th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-5-9] Volos (Greece) 6-9 September 2006, pp. 860-866
summary The goal of the research described in this paper is to develop a computational model of the Medina of Marrakech in Morocco. The ultimate goal is to develop a system that could capture some of the characteristics of traditional Muslim cities fabric and use it in contemporary urban planning. Previous papers have proposed the use of three grammars to encode the spatial complexity of the Medina: the urban grammar, the negotiation grammar, and the housing grammar, and addressed the development of the urban grammar. This paper proposes a grammar to describe the formal structure of the houses, the first step in the developments of the remaining two grammars. It describes the set of rules and then illustrates its application in the generation of an existing house. The basic formal structure consists of three concentric rectangular rings with the patio in the middle. The location of the entrance and the staircase are fundamental for the definition of the basic layout.
keywords Shape grammars; housing design; Islamic architecture
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:55

_id ijac20064206
id ijac20064206
authors MacBain, Keith; Spillers, William R.
year 2006
title A Tool for the design of Fabric Structures
source International Journal of Architectural Computing vol. 4 - no. 2, 81-94
summary This paper describes the development of a tool, now available for use over the Internet, for the preliminary design of a class of fabric structures. This tool is based on the so-called grid method in which vertical equilibrium over a grid in the horizontal plane is used to determine shape for a cable net. It can subsequently be combined with other analysis routines to produce a detailed structural design.
series journal
last changed 2007/03/04 07:08

_id 2006_464
id 2006_464
authors Mullins, Michael; Tadeja Zupancic, Christian Kühn, Paul Coates and Orhan Kipcak
year 2006
title V I PA: A virtual campus for virtual space design
source Communicating Space(s) [24th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-5-9] Volos (Greece) 6-9 September 2006, pp. 464-469
summary The conceptual design of virtual spaces is creating new places in which to live and work. In consequence, new opportunities for work and employment are opening up for architects as well as for architectural educators. In response to this challenge, VIPA, a transnational virtual campus is currently being developed; it contains an e-learning and research platform for European architectural schools with a focus on virtual space design. The virtual campus integrates administrative, curricular, and communicative infrastructures, interactive, multimedia 3-D contents, and pedagogical considerations in respect of the aims, content and technologies employed. Virtual campuses are already established at most universities in the European Community, yet surprisingly e-learning is not yet widespread in architectural schools in Europe. E-learning is arguably still in an initial research phase; although there are best practice examples where e-learning is already replacing traditional study forms in other teaching disciplines. However, it has been found that although all the universities involved in the VIPA project have been involved in e-learning projects for many years, there is a considerable resistance to e-learning as being equally effective as traditional face-to-face studio teaching. Given the new virtual conditions of space design however, new contexts for learning are increasingly relevant. University curricula have developed out of local competencies, networks of teachers and researchers. These local factors need to be woven into the fabric of a transnational VIPA curriculum and supported with organizational layout, platform, user interfaces and their features. Participants will offer existing courses in virtual space design, as well as developing new ones. This offers the option for both present and future participants to adjust the VIPA courseware to suit local curricula demands, while offering a large range of courses and knowledge. An additional feature of VIPA is thus as a platform for curricula development in virtual space design. The paper reports on the VIPA project’s aims, pedagogical problems, solutions, course content and methods; it will describe prototype results from participating universities and include perspectives on its future application.
keywords Architectural Education; E-Learning; Virtual Space
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:59

_id ijac20064305
id ijac20064305
authors Sanguinetti, Paola
year 2006
title Utilization of Time-Based Techniques in Research and Teaching
source International Journal of Architectural Computing vol. 4 - no. 3, 63-77
summary This article describes how computer animations, combined with cinematic techniques, have served as a teaching and research tool in architecture. Animations were used in the following areas: case studies of precedents in architecture using the animated modeling as a form of tectonic analysis; conceptualization of space through the study of film, specifically three approaches using film in the early stages of design: cinematic structure, film as site, and transcoding transparency; and mapping the urban fabric combining various time-based media.
series journal
last changed 2007/03/04 07:08

_id ascaad2006_paper25
id ascaad2006_paper25
authors Artopoulos, Giorgos; Stanislav Roudavski and Francois Penz
year 2006
title Adaptive Generative Patterns: design and construction of Prague Biennale pavilion
source Computing in Architecture / Re-Thinking the Discourse: The Second International Conference of the Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD 2006), 25-27 April 2006, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
summary This paper describes an experimental practice-based research project that considered design process, implementation and construction of a pavilion built to be part of the Performative Space section of the International Biennale of Contemporary Art, Prague 2005. The project was conceptualized as a time-bound performative situation with a parasite-like relationship to its host environment. Its design has emerged through an innovative iterative process that utilized digital simulative and procedural techniques and was formed in response to place-specific behavioral challenges. This paper presents the project as an in-depth case-study of digital methods in design, mass customization and unified methods of production. In particular, it considers the use of Voronoi patterns for production of structural elements providing detail on programming and construction techniques in relationship to design aspirations and practical constraints.
series ASCAAD
last changed 2007/04/08 19:47

_id caadria2006_597
id caadria2006_597
year 2006
title NEW MEDIA IN DIGITAL DESIGN PROCESS: Towards a standardize procedure of CAD/CAM fabrication
source CAADRIA 2006 [Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia] Kumamoto (Japan) March 30th - April 2nd 2006, 597-599
summary In 1990, due to the traditional architecture design and construction method difficult to build the complicated and non-geometry free-form Fish Structure in Barcelona, architect Frank Gehry started learn from the field of aerospace to utilize CAD/CAM technology in design and manufacture process. He created the free-form fish model in CAD system and exported the digital CAD model data to CAM machine (RP and CNC) to fabricate the design components, and finally assembled on the site. Gehry pioneered in the new digital design process in using CAD/CAM technology or so-called digital fabrication. It becomes an important issue recently as the CAD/CAM technology progressively act as the new digital design media in architectural design and construction process (Ryder et al., 2002; Kolarevic, 2003). Furthermore, in the field of architecture professional, some commercial computer systems had been developed on purpose of standardizes the digital design process in using CAD/CAM fabrication such as Gehry Technologies formed by Gehry Partners; SmartGeometry Group in Europe and Objectile proposed by Bernard Cache. Researchers in the research field like Mark Burry, Larry Sass, Branko Kolarevic, Schodek and others are enthusiastic about the exploration of the role of CAD/CAM fabrication as new design media in design process (Burry, 2002; Schodek et al., 2005; Lee, 2005).
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id caadria2006_111
id caadria2006_111
year 2006
source CAADRIA 2006 [Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia] Kumamoto (Japan) March 30th - April 2nd 2006, 111-117
summary This paper describes ongoing research into how emerging Internet concepts used in conjunction with existing Information Technologies (IT) can improve inter-project communication and understanding. The emphasis of the research is to use technology as an enabler to share personal thoughts and enhance the conversation that takes place within a development team. It stems from the observation that the emphasis of many new Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) technologies is to minimise and diffuse project conversation with highly complex, machine interpretable building information models.Project teams are usually brought together for a relatively short but intense period of time. Following project completion these unique teams are dissolved just as quickly and often are never formed again. As a consequence it is difficult to justify the investment in time and resources required to implement complex IT-based collaboration solutions. A further barrier to adoption is the differential application of IT skills across the AEC industry. Therefore in order for a new technology to gain broad acceptance and be most beneficial it must be applicable to the broadest audience with the minimum investment required from all parties. The primary objective of this research is to preserve the rich design history of a project from conception to completion. Submitted information can be intelligently searched using the meta-data sourced from syndicated data feeds about team members, project timelines, work diaries and email communication. Once indexed users can tag documents and messages in order to provide a further, far richer layer of meta-data to assist in searching, identification of issues and semantic clarification. This strategy of defining AEC semantics through social interaction differs greatly from that of more complex, computer interpretable solutions such as Industry Foundation Classes. Rather than abstracting information to suit a generic yet highly intelligent building model, the emphasis is on preserving the participant’s own thoughts and conversation about decisions and issues in order to create a forum for intelligent conversation as the design evolves.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:49

_id caadria2006_313
id caadria2006_313
year 2006
title HOUSE SENSE: Designing smart houses with intelligent interface design
source CAADRIA 2006 [Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia] Kumamoto (Japan) March 30th - April 2nd 2006, 313-322
summary The research and development of smart houses are emergent because of the information and communication technological development and the search for better living quality from occupants. This paper therefore explores how smart technologies are applied into smart houses within the living context. Through a pilot study of cases and technological innovations to address the new living context by technology-interface-design strategies, a development framework of smart house is formed by three major elements, i.e. smart materials, technologies, and design. In order to actualize house senses, the prototype for smart houses is evolved. When space and wireless smart components are integrated, the living environment becomes more flexible and adaptable to accommodate or support activities digitally, and users can interact with space via context aware computing for acquiring and assimilating information in order to enhance their living experience.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id 2006_168
id 2006_168
authors Papalexopoulos, Dimitris
year 2006
title Digital Territories and the Design Construction Continuum
source Communicating Space(s) [24th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-5-9] Volos (Greece) 6-9 September 2006, pp. 168-174
summary The purpose of the paper is to bring together the two newly elaborated concepts of Digital Territories (DT) and Design Construction Continuum (DCC) in order to approach the design of evolving – intelligent environments.Digital Territories is a concept elaborated 2005 by a Core Expert Group, conceived as an ephemeral Ambient Intelligence (AmI) space. DTs formed through the interconnection of physical objects embedding digital technologies, postulate the integration of the physical and the digital world, searching for operative definitions of new evolving in time functionalities. In DT’s, bridges between the physical and the digital are discrete elements disposing of certain autonomy in their conception and internal structure. Bridges have to be designed and located. The DCC proposes to relate design, fabrication and construction through information networks (it is in fact a DT). Through the DCC approach, design information is becoming construction information and industrial fabrication information. The DCC has to integrate interaction design and respond to questions posed by DTs design. DTs are integrated to DCC by constituting an intermediate level between building programming and design. Intelligent Building Components, that is AmI components operating as bridges between the physical and the digital in Digital Territories formations, cooperating to develop swarm intelligence applications to architectural space, are elements managed by the DCC. DT’s are about spaces communicating and the DCC is about communicating (design) space.
keywords Digital Territories; Design Construction Continuum; Interaction Design; Evolving Environments; Intelligent Environments; Location Diagrams; Building Programming
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 08:00

_id ddss2006-hb-221
id DDSS2006-HB-221
authors Selma Celikyay
year 2006
title Research on New Residential Areas Using GIS - A case study
source Van Leeuwen, J.P. and H.J.P. Timmermans (eds.) 2006, Innovations in Design & Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning, Dordrecht: Springer, ISBN-10: 1-4020-5059-3, ISBN-13: 978-1-4020-5059-6, p. 221-233
summary Planning is a decision-making process which is about 'the future'. In each scale of planning process, spatial rules of the social life are formed. In this process, firstly series of spatial analyses should be practised. Throughout the world, spatial planning strategies which focus on the sustainable development adapt an ecological approach and both the regional and urban planning processes are based upon ecological bases. Under the guidance of this notion, also in Turkey, spatial planning strategies should be urgently reviewed and any level of planning process should be directed to ecological bases. Furthermore, in all these steps, natural resources and ecological characteristics should be taken into consideration. In the city of Bartin, where Bartin River flows through, a case study has been carried out regarding the above mentioned planning strategies. The case study has three stages. These stages also frame the data, analysis and evaluation stages. In the case study, a combination of McHarg's ecological evaluation method and Kiemstedt's usage value analysis in planning has been employed. With the help of ecological analyses, in the rural areas that have not been settled yet, the potential of the natural resources has been examined for the new residential areas. As a result, in the city of Bartin, the potential residential areas have been defined on the unsettled regions. What is more, concerning the subject, a map has been formed on the scale of 1/25 000. As a result of the case study, it has been concluded that in Bartin city because of the physical planning which ignores the potential of the natural resources, some of the existing residential areas have been chosen improperly.
keywords Decision support systems, Ecological analysis, Geographical information systems, Residential areas, Spatial analysis
series DDSS
last changed 2006/08/29 12:55

_id sigradi2006_e131c
id sigradi2006_e131c
authors Ataman, Osman
year 2006
title Toward New Wall Systems: Lighter, Stronger, Versatile
source SIGraDi 2006 - [Proceedings of the 10th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Santiago de Chile - Chile 21-23 November 2006, pp. 248-253
summary Recent developments in digital technologies and smart materials have created new opportunities and are suggesting significant changes in the way we design and build architecture. Traditionally, however, there has always been a gap between the new technologies and their applications into other areas. Even though, most technological innovations hold the promise to transform the building industry and the architecture within, and although, there have been some limited attempts in this area recently; to date architecture has failed to utilize the vast amount of accumulated technological knowledge and innovations to significantly transform the industry. Consequently, the applications of new technologies to architecture remain remote and inadequate. One of the main reasons of this problem is economical. Architecture is still seen and operated as a sub-service to the Construction industry and it does not seem to be feasible to apply recent innovations in Building Technology area. Another reason lies at the heart of architectural education. Architectural education does not follow technological innovations (Watson 1997), and that “design and technology issues are trivialized by their segregation from one another” (Fernandez 2004). The final reason is practicality and this one is partially related to the previous reasons. The history of architecture is full of visions for revolutionizing building technology, ideas that failed to achieve commercial practicality. Although, there have been some adaptations in this area recently, the improvements in architecture reflect only incremental progress, not the significant discoveries needed to transform the industry. However, architectural innovations and movements have often been generated by the advances of building materials, such as the impact of steel in the last and reinforced concrete in this century. There have been some scattered attempts of the creation of new materials and systems but currently they are mainly used for limited remote applications and mostly for aesthetic purposes. We believe a new architectural material class is needed which will merge digital and material technologies, embedded in architectural spaces and play a significant role in the way we use and experience architecture. As a principle element of architecture, technology has allowed for the wall to become an increasingly dynamic component of the built environment. The traditional connotations and objectives related to the wall are being redefined: static becomes fluid, opaque becomes transparent, barrier becomes filter and boundary becomes borderless. Combining smart materials, intelligent systems, engineering, and art can create a component that does not just support and define but significantly enhances the architectural space. This paper presents an ongoing research project about the development of new class of architectural wall system by incorporating distributed sensors and macroelectronics directly into the building environment. This type of composite, which is a representative example of an even broader class of smart architectural material, has the potential to change the design and function of an architectural structure or living environment. As of today, this kind of composite does not exist. Once completed, this will be the first technology on its own. We believe this study will lay the fundamental groundwork for a new paradigm in surface engineering that may be of considerable significance in architecture, building and construction industry, and materials science.
keywords Digital; Material; Wall; Electronics
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id cf2011_p027
id cf2011_p027
authors Herssens, Jasmien; Heylighen Ann
year 2011
title A Framework of Haptic Design Parameters for Architects: Sensory Paradox Between Content and Representation
source Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures 2011 [Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures / ISBN 9782874561429] Liege (Belgium) 4-8 July 2011, pp. 685-700.
summary Architects—like other designers—tend to think, know and work in a visual way. In design research, this way of knowing and working is highly valued as paramount to design expertise (Cross 1982, 2006). In case of architecture, however, it is not only a particular strength, but may as well be regarded as a serious weakness. The absence of non-visual features in traditional architectural spatial representations indicates how these are disregarded as important elements in conceiving space (Dischinger 2006). This bias towards vision, and the suppression of other senses—in the way architecture is conceived, taught and critiqued—results in a disappearance of sensory qualities (Pallasmaa 2005). Nevertheless, if architects design with more attention to non visual senses, they are able to contribute to more inclusive environments. Indeed if an environment offers a range of sensory triggers, people with different sensory capacities are able to navigate and enjoy it. Rather than implementing as many sensory triggers as possible, the intention is to make buildings and spaces accessible and enjoyable for more people, in line with the objective of inclusive design (Clarkson et al. 2007), also called Design for All or Universal Design (Ostroff 2001). Within this overall objective, the aim of our study is to develop haptic design parameters that support architects during design in paying more attention to the role of haptics, i.e. the sense of touch, in the built environment by informing them about the haptic implications of their design decisions. In the context of our study, haptic design parameters are defined as variables that can be decided upon by designers throughout the design process, and the value of which determines the haptic characteristics of the resulting design. These characteristics are based on the expertise of people who are congenitally blind, as they are more attentive to non visual information, and of professional caregivers working with them. The parameters do not intend to be prescriptive, nor to impose a particular method. Instead they seek to facilitate a more inclusive design attitude by informing designers and helping them to think differently. As the insights from the empirical studies with people born blind and caregivers have been reported elsewhere (Authors 2010), this paper starts by outlining the haptic design parameters resulting from them. Following the classification of haptics into active, dynamic and passive touch, the built environment unfolds into surfaces that can act as “movement”, “guiding” and/or “rest” plane. Furthermore design techniques are suggested to check the haptic qualities during the design process. Subsequently, the paper reports on a focus group interview/workshop with professional architects to assess the usability of the haptic design parameters for design practice. The architects were then asked to try out the parameters in the context of a concrete design project. The reactions suggest that the participating architects immediately picked up the underlying idea of the parameters, and recognized their relevance in relation to the design project at stake, but that their representation confronts us with a sensory paradox: although the parameters question the impact of the visual in architectural design, they are meant to be used by designers, who are used to think, know and work in a visual way.
keywords blindness, design parameters, haptics, inclusive design, vision
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2012/02/11 19:21

_id 32b4
id 32b4
authors Heylighen, Ann; Casaer, Mathias; Neuckermans, Herman
year 2006
source International Journal of Web-Based Communities, Volume 2, Number 1, Jan 2006, pp.31-44
summary DYNAMO (Dynamic Architectural Memory Online) is an interactive platform to share ideas, knowledge and insights in the form of concrete building projects among designers in different contexts and at different levels of expertise. Interaction with various user groups revealed two major thresholds: submitting project material to the platform takes time, effort, and specific skills; in addition, designers tend to sense a psychological threshold to share their ideas and insights with others. In response to this ‘free-ridership’, the paper proposes to conceive DYNAMO as an associative network of projects, and develops ideas about how the links in this network can be determined and updated by exploiting insights implicitly available in project documentation and user (inter)actions. This should allow DYNAMO to learn from the insights of all designers using the platform, active contributors and ‘free-riders’ alike, without any awareness on their side and to apply these insights to continuously enhance its performance.
keywords architectural design; self-organisation; usage logs; connectionism
series other
type normal paper
last changed 2006/02/01 14:28

_id 2006_244
id 2006_244
authors Lee, Ji-Hyun and Shu-Feng Pan
year 2006
title eCAADe: An Educational Commendation Mechanism for the Adaptive Semantic Web to Use in the Architectural Design Environment
source Communicating Space(s) [24th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-5-9] Volos (Greece) 6-9 September 2006, pp. 244-251
summary The “Case Studies in Architecture” phase of a course in architectural design includes in-depth comparisons and analyses of architectural precedents. However, with the large number of cases now readily available, Web searching and navigation is a time-consuming, low precision activity. In the work described in this paper, we built eCAADe, an educational commendation system for the adaptive semantic Web to allow students to query and retrieve semantically for architectural cases during the case study phase of an architectural design process. In our suggested system, we built a Semantic Web for design knowledge representation to make query and retrieval efficient. We also applied a hybrid recommendation mechanism, which is combining both content-based filtering and collaborative filtering to help for students to find relevant cases more efficient and precise with their preferences. We illustrate our concepts with several concrete examples.
keywords Recommendation mechanism; adaptive; semantic Web; architectural cases; ontology
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:51

_id acadia06_064
id acadia06_064
authors Luhan, Gregory A.
year 2006
title Synthetic Making
source Synthetic Landscapes [Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Design in Architecture] pp. 64-67
summary Various approaches of virtual and physical modeling have led to a synthetic form of making that is plastic and scalable in nature. This shift from traditional forms of representing and generating architecture now offers a better possibility of full-scale construction and fabrication processes and links transparently to industry. Architects are beginning to dynamically inform the visioning processes of assemblies and design through a range of precise subassemblies. Further to this end, the synthetic techniques and materials are opening up avenues for designers to investigate a range of fibers and fabrics that radically transform light and color renditions, and texture. Investigations in the realm of traditional materials such as stone, wood, and concrete continue to evolve, as do their associated methods of making. As a result of synthetic technologies, architects today have the possibility to work along side industry engineers and professionals to design castings, moldings, patterns, and tools that challenge not only the architectural work of art, but industrial and product design as well. This cultural shift from physical space to virtual space back to physical space and the combination of hand-, digital-, and robotic-making offers a unique juxtaposition of the built artifact to its manufacturing that challenges both spatial conventions and also the levels of precision and tolerance by which buildings are assembled. Traditional forms of documentation for example result typically in discrepancies between the drawn and the actualized which are now challenged by the level of precision and tolerance at the virtual level. It is within this context that leading-edge architects and designers operate today. Yet, how the profession and the academy respond to these opportunities remains an open line of inquiry and addressing these concerns opens up the rich potential enabled through synthetic making.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:59

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