CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

Hits 1 to 20 of 623

_id 2006_106
id 2006_106
authors Achten, Henri
year 2006
title Feature clusters for online recognition of graphic units in drawings
source Communicating Space(s) [24th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-5-9] Volos (Greece) 6-9 September 2006, pp. 106-112
summary Automated recognition of sketch drawings can provide the means for a natural interface between the designer and a design support system. Sketch drawing recognition is knowledge-intensive in the sense that the system must know what to look for in a drawing. In earlier work, we identified 24 different types of representations, termed graphic units. For recognition of graphic units we combine a multi-agent approach and online recognition. Each agent is specialised for one graphic unit. It continuously parses the online input stream for stroke features that fall within its scope. When an agent-specific threshold is reached, the agent puts a claim. Each agent has a specific cluster of features that can be viewed as distributed over a decision tree. The activation pattern of feature clusters over the decision tree is an indication which graphic unit is likely to be identified by the system. In this paper, we present the exhaustive set of features for agents and a binary decision tree over which the features are distributed.
keywords Image recognition; sketches; graphic units; feature-based modelling
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id sigradi2023_428
id sigradi2023_428
authors Armagno, Ángel
year 2023
title The spatial discourse of Power Architectures in Kurt Wimmer's film "Equilibrium".
source García Amen, F, Goni Fitipaldo, A L and Armagno Gentile, Á (eds.), Accelerated Landscapes - Proceedings of the XXVII International Conference of the Ibero-American Society of Digital Graphics (SIGraDi 2023), Punta del Este, Maldonado, Uruguay, 29 November - 1 December 2023, pp. 1421–1432
summary This article explores the correlation between the language of cinema and the architectural spatial discourse of power depicted in the film Equilibrium (Wimmer, 2002). This connection is examined through a discursive approach to communication studies. To analyze a specific sequence from the chosen film, a two-stage multimodal analysis was conducted. Initially, the visual analysis method proposed by Kress and Van Leeuwen (2006) designed for the representation of social actors, was employed. Subsequently, in the second stage, sociological and conceptual associations were drawn from the diverse semiotic resources identified in the first phase. The analyzed case revealed several intertextual relationships, among them; Hitler's figure recontextualized as an exemplifying archetype; the panopticon concept representing the spatial power dynamics; the presence of the German zeppelin symbolizing dominance and spreading propaganda through loudspeakers; the religious iconographic influence, its forms and symbols, contributing to a cultural identity inseparable from the history of the Western world.
keywords Cinema, Power Architectures, Critical discourse analysis, Multimodality, Intertextuality
series SIGraDi
last changed 2024/03/08 14:08

_id sigradi2006_e159b
id sigradi2006_e159b
authors Barrow, Larry
year 2006
title Digital Design Pedagogy - Basic Design - CADCAM Space Box Exploration
source SIGraDi 2006 - [Proceedings of the 10th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Santiago de Chile - Chile 21-23 November 2006, pp. 127-130
summary This proposed paper will highlight the work of a “pre-architecture” graduate student’s work produced in a “Digital Design II” course in Spring 06. This student has a bachelor’s degree in Architectural Technologies and hopes to attend a “professional” degree program in architecture after completing our Master of Science degree program. The student entered our “pre / post-professional” graduate program as a means of learning more about design, technology and architecture. This provided a rare opportunity to do “research” in the area of digital technology in the early formative phases of a new architecture / design students development. The student chose to study “shadows” as a means of design inquiry. The primary focus of the work was the study of various “4” x 4” x 4” “space-cubes.” The student was given various “design” constraints, and “transformative” operations for the study of positive-negative space relationships, light+shadows, and surface as a means of gaining in-sight to form. The CADCAM tools proved to be empowering for the student’s exploration and learning. With the recent emergence of both more user-friendly hardware and software, we are seeing a paradigm shift in design “ideation.” This is attributed to the evolving human-computer-interface (HCI) that now allows a fluidic means of creative design ideation, digital representation and physical making. Computing technology is now infusing early conceptual design ideation and allowing designers, and form, to follow their ideas. The argument will be supported with primary evidence generated in our pedagogy and research that has shown the visualization and representational power of emerging 2D and 3D CADCAM tools. This paper will analyze the basic “digital design” process used by the writer’s student. Architectural form concepts, heretofore, impossible to model and represent, are now possible due to CADCAM. Emerging designers are integrating “digital thinking” in their fundamental conceptualization of form. These creative free-forms are only feasible for translation to tectonic form using digital design-make techniques. CADCAM tools are empowering designers for form exploration and design creativity. Current computing technology is now infusing the creative design process; the computer is becoming a design “partner” with the designer and is changing form and architecture; thus, we are now seeing unprecedented design-make creativity in architecture.
keywords Basic Design; CADCAM; Digital Design; Virtual 3D Models; Physical 3D Printed Models
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id 2006_786
id 2006_786
authors Burry, Jane and Mark Burry
year 2006
title Sharing hidden power - Communicating latency in digital models
source Communicating Space(s) [24th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-5-9] Volos (Greece) 6-9 September 2006, pp. 786-793
summary As digital spatial models take on the complex relationships inherent in a lattice of dependencies and variables, how easy is it to fully comprehend and communicate the underlying structure and logical subtext of the architectural model: the metadesign? The design of a building, the relationships between a host of different attributes and performances was ever a complex system. Now the models, the representations, are in the early stages of taking on more of that complexity and reflexivity. How do we share and communicate these modelling environments or work on them together? This paper explores the issue through examples from one particular associative geometry model constructed as research to underpin the collaborative design development of the narthex of the Passion Façade on the west transept of Gaudi’s Sagrada Família church, part of the building which is now in the early stages of construction.
keywords Design communication; CAD CAM; mathematical models
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id sigradi2006_e070c
id sigradi2006_e070c
authors Cardoso, Daniel
year 2006
title Controlled Unpredictability: Constraining Stochastic Search as a Form-Finding Method for Architectural Design
source SIGraDi 2006 - [Proceedings of the 10th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Santiago de Chile - Chile 21-23 November 2006, pp. 263-267
summary Provided with a strict set of rules a computer program can perform the role of a simple designer. Taking advantage of a computer’s processing power, it can also provide an unlimited number of variations in the form while following a given set of constraints. This paper delineates a model for interrelating a rule-based system based on purely architectural considerations with non-deterministic computational procedures in order to provide controlled variations and constrained unpredictability. The experimental model consists of a verisimilar architectural problem, the design of a residential tower with a strict program of 200 units of different types in a given site. Following the interpretation of the program, a set of rules is defined by considering architectural concerns such as lighting, dimensions, circulations, etc. These rules are then encoded in a program that generates form in an unsupervised manner by means of a stochastic search algorithm. Once the program generates a design it’s evaluated, and the parameters on the constraints are adjusted in order to produce a new design. This paper presents a description of the architectural problem and of the rule building process, images and descriptions of three different towers produced, and the code for the stochastic-search algorithm used for generating the form. The succesful evolution of the experiments show how in a computation-oriented design process the interpretation of the problem and the rule setting process play a major role in the production of meaningful form, outlining the shifting role of human designers from form-makers to rule-builders in a computation-oriented design endeavour.
keywords Architectural Design; Stochastic; Random; Rule-based systems; Form-generation
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:48

_id sigradi2006_e068d
id sigradi2006_e068d
authors Catovic-Hughes, Selma
year 2006
title Digital Storytelling: "Memory….. Sarajevo, my personal story"
source SIGraDi 2006 - [Proceedings of the 10th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Santiago de Chile - Chile 21-23 November 2006, pp. 337-340
summary “It was a fresh summer night, sky deprived of stars, and hardly any signs of life. After hours of waiting, well passed midnight, they finally allowed us to enter. I couldn’t see or hear much, except movements of those in front of me, but judging by intense scent of mildew and worm-like smell of earth, I realized my mile long underground adventure had begun. There was no looking back, only the brave steps ahead into my new, and hopefully, safe and fruitful future.” [ from diary95 ] Just like many teens around the world, I too kept a journal. It began with playful thoughts of a teenage girl, living in Sarajevo, enjoying life. On my fifteenth birthday, those carefree moments were soon replaced with brutal facts of life under siege: Sarajevo and its citizens had been surrounded by the Serbs who took over all the roads leading in and out of the city. Three years later, I was weeks away from graduating high school, and instead of getting excited, I wondered about my future…”Yesterday was awesome -- we had both electricity and water for eight straight hours…hooray!! You could see the lights miles away…the entire city was awake, making pies and bread, washing clothes, watching movies.” [ from diary93 ] Was I going to spend the rest of my life anticipating the restricted electric and water timetable? Would I wake up the next day to see all my family alive? Would I ever have a chance to fulfill my dreams? This project captures the process of [re]tracing steps of my personal journey of leaving Sarajevo to come to the United States and [re]constructing memories as a sequence of spatial events using the artifacts and the text from my war journals. The intent of my project is to define that line between the old and the new, and intertwine and merge its current condition with the facts and memories from the past. Although there was never a permanent “Berlin-wall-like” divider, the natural contours of the river and invisible screens of the snipers served as impermeable walls and divided the city for four years. The implied boundary seemed to be more powerful than the massiveness of the concrete barricades. Is it possible to re-condition something [building, space, soul] to be and feel the same when it had been destroyed and deeply scarred on the inside? Instead of placing banal memorials engraved with the bare facts, how can we make a tribute to a series of events—a time period that changed the fabric of the city—in a more three-dimensional experience? How can we integrate digital phenomenon in the process of the post-war reconstruction to re-trace the past while creating necessary advanced improvements for the new contemporary society? The impact that social conditions have on architecture, art, culture, and ultimately, people can be told in a universal language – digital storytelling, containing pieces of history and personal memories to create representations of time and space of the past, present or future.
keywords memory; postwar; retrace; reconstruction; memorial
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:48

_id sigradi2006_e183a
id sigradi2006_e183a
authors Costa Couceiro, Mauro
year 2006
title La Arquitectura como Extensión Fenotípica Humana - Un Acercamiento Basado en Análisis Computacionales [Architecture as human phenotypic extension – An approach based on computational explorations]
source SIGraDi 2006 - [Proceedings of the 10th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Santiago de Chile - Chile 21-23 November 2006, pp. 56-60
summary The study describes some of the aspects tackled within a current Ph.D. research where architectural applications of constructive, structural and organization processes existing in biological systems are considered. The present information processing capacity of computers and the specific software development have allowed creating a bridge between two holistic nature disciplines: architecture and biology. The crossover between those disciplines entails a methodological paradigm change towards a new one based on the dynamical aspects of forms and compositions. Recent studies about artificial-natural intelligence (Hawkins, 2004) and developmental-evolutionary biology (Maturana, 2004) have added fundamental knowledge about the role of the analogy in the creative process and the relationship between forms and functions. The dimensions and restrictions of the Evo-Devo concepts are analyzed, developed and tested by software that combines parametric geometries, L-systems (Lindenmayer, 1990), shape-grammars (Stiny and Gips, 1971) and evolutionary algorithms (Holland, 1975) as a way of testing new architectural solutions within computable environments. It is pondered Lamarck´s (1744-1829) and Weismann (1834-1914) theoretical approaches to evolution where can be found significant opposing views. Lamarck´s theory assumes that an individual effort towards a specific evolutionary goal can cause change to descendents. On the other hand, Weismann defended that the germ cells are not affected by anything the body learns or any ability it acquires during its life, and cannot pass this information on to the next generation; this is called the Weismann barrier. Lamarck’s widely rejected theory has recently found a new place in artificial and natural intelligence researches as a valid explanation to some aspects of the human knowledge evolution phenomena, that is, the deliberate change of paradigms in the intentional research of solutions. As well as the analogy between genetics and architecture (Estévez and Shu, 2000) is useful in order to understand and program emergent complexity phenomena (Hopfield, 1982) for architectural solutions, also the consideration of architecture as a product of a human extended phenotype can help us to understand better its cultural dimension.
keywords evolutionary computation; genetic architectures; artificial/natural intelligence
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:49

_id sigradi2006_c017c
id sigradi2006_c017c
authors de la Barrera Poblete, Carlos Ignacio
year 2006
title Algoritmos Evolutivos como Modelo Propositivo de Diseño [Evolutionary Algorithms for Supple Design Systems]
source SIGraDi 2006 - [Proceedings of the 10th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Santiago de Chile - Chile 21-23 November 2006, pp. 273-277
summary The study uses a repetitive rule of geometric and arithmetical expression, cradle in the movement of the horse in the chess, as displacement continued within a well-known field. Each jump is an iteration of the algorithm, and does that a gene initiator mute, varying its genetic information in its chromosome. This Evolutionary Algorithm is used like an explorer of the space, which tends to move according to a pre-established atmosphere in the programming. The Evolutionary Algorithm imitates the biological evolution as strategy to solve design problems. Its unexpected answers and without direct intervention of a designer, is a family of forms with small variations among them, where each member is a possible solution to the problem. The Generative Calculation depends on its rules, and in this sense he is as genuine as the behaviour of any natural biological system.
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:50

_id acadia06_251
id acadia06_251
authors d’Estrée Sterk, Tristan
year 2006
title Shape Change in Responsive Architectural Structures: Current Reasons & Challenge
source Synthetic Landscapes [Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Design in Architecture] pp. 251-260
summary Shape control within architectural structures is a natural extension to the practice of engineering and architectural design. The knowledge needed for it’s development builds upon two well understood foundations: 1) the long existing knowledge that building performance and function are intimately connected to the shape of built spaces; and 2) the relatively new idea that embedded computational systems may be employed to control devices in useful and beautiful ways. When combined, each type of knowledge can be used to further architecture and engineering at both theoretical and methodological levels. Structural shape control is of major interest within architecture because it is the primary ingredient needed to produce building envelopes that change shape. Structural shape control also currently represents a major technological and methodological stumbling block for architects, posing many challenges that have theoretical and practical origins. Theoretically, responsive architectural structures demand a re-evaluation of existing notions of space making. Practically, these systems demand a re-evaluation of construction and design methodologies across both engineering and architectural practice.
series ACADIA
type normal paper
more admin
last changed 2022/06/07 07:55

_id ijac20064203
id ijac20064203
authors Eng, Markus; Camarata, Ken; Do, Ellen Yi-Luen; Gross, Mark D.
year 2006
title FlexM: Designing a physical construction kit for 3d modeling
source International Journal of Architectural Computing vol. 4 - no. 2, 27-47
summary We have designed a hub and strut kit that interfaces to a 3D graphics application. FlexM is a prototype flexible physical interface for manipulating and building 3D geometry. Using the FlexM hub and strut components, designers can build and explore 3D geometry with the ease of a toy and the power of a computer. The hubs transmit the model's topology and geometry to the computer, where the model is rendered on the screen in real time. The paper reports on the iterative development of several versions of the project.
series journal
last changed 2007/03/04 07:08

_id a126
id a126
authors Finucane E, Derix C and Coates P
year 2006
title Evolving Urban Structures using Computational Optimisation
source Proceedings of the Generative Arts conference, Milan, 2006
summary This paper investigates the use of computer analogies for naturally inspired optimisation techniques as an aid to developing the site layout and massing for the new World Trade Centre development in Pristina Kosovo, which is being designed and developed by 4M Group architectural company, in conjunction with the Advanced Modelling Group Aedas. The development of a genetic algorithm will incorporate various techniques, that have been developed in the field of multi-objective optimisation, to create three dimensional massing models, and site layout solutions which partially fulfil the Prisina brief requirements, which are taken from specifications created by 4M Group. Genetic algorithms are based on natural evolutionary principles which are explained in this paper. It will incorporate Pareto concepts to manage the optimisation of the various objective functions. For example, these will include volume and position of units, which will ensure that the different and sometime conflicting needs of the site are balanced throughout the optimisation. This type of problem is often known as an NP-complete (non-determinate polynomial time) problem. This will provide architects and planners with a number of Pareto optimised site massing solutions as an aid to the design process. An initial investigation into the specifics of the Pristina site requirements, will be followed by an investigation into the the genetic algorithm which is created in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) linked with AutoCAD as the graphical output of the code. The embryology (development) of the various solutions from the genetic information incorporates an ‘ant’ pheromone trail model, which simulates the action of ants during food foraging, as a tool for initial route planning within the site. Diffusion and cellular automata are used during the development of the solution to construct the massing for the site.
keywords urban planning, evolutionary algorithms, pareto optimization, Lindenmayer systems, ant-colony optimization, cellular automaton
series other
type normal paper
last changed 2012/09/20 18:33

_id caadria2015_246
id caadria2015_246
authors Fok, Wendy W.
year 2015
title Delineating Crowd Sourced Ownership in the Digital Age for the Built Environment
source Emerging Experience in Past, Present and Future of Digital Architecture, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA 2015) / Daegu 20-22 May 2015, pp. 43-52
summary Time Magazine, had named the “Person of the Year” to “YOU” (the crowd) in 2006 , due to the infinite potentials of the thousands and millions of ‘yous’ who control the media and financing within the new digital democracy. These same citizens of digital innovation create the new platforms—seen in the early beta developments of Kickstarter, Twitter, Wikipedia, and Facebook—and contribute to the manipulation of international exchange of information and power, creating value propositions beyond the traditional product complexity of the market. Peer exchange and crowd organizational strategy will be used to innovate the built environment, and it is pertinent for “digital” property and “real” property to recognize and benefit from this emergence. Professional codes of conduct, economic values, and legal regulations have become a means to an end of the designing of digital and physical property, as digital barriers lift much of the necessary pre-cautions that is required to govern collaboration. This body of research explores the qualifying factors of open innovation identity between the creators and the consumers, the state of design ethics and ownership uncertainties pertaining to the combinatory methods and mechanisms that employ these technologies.
keywords Open Innovation; Crowd source; Authorship; Ownership; Digital Media; Digital Property; Physical Property.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:51

_id 2006_058
id 2006_058
authors Fukuda, Tomohiro; Kazuhiro Sakata; Wookhyun Yeo and Atsuko Kaga
year 2006
title Development and Evaluation of a Close-range View Representation Method of Natural Elements in a Real-time Simulation for Environmental Design - Shadow, Grass, and Water Surface
source Communicating Space(s) [24th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-5-9] Volos (Greece) 6-9 September 2006, pp. 58-65
summary In this research, a close-range view expression method used in real-time simulation based on virtual reality technology is developed for environmental design evaluation. After describing the purpose and accuracy of representation, the problem of natural element representation in a close-range view, which has not been developed yet, is clarified. Next, the close-range view expression method of shadows, grass, and water surface is developed. Furthermore, the developed method is applied to a number of actual environmental design projects, and frame rate measurement and user evaluation are performed.
keywords Environmental Design; Real-time Simulation; Virtual Reality; Consensus-building; Representation of natural elements
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id sigradi2006_e185d
id sigradi2006_e185d
authors Geva, Anat and Mukherji, Anuradha
year 2006
title The Holy Darkness: A Study of Light in Brihadeshvara Hindu Temple, in Tanjore, Tamilnadu, India (1010 AD)
source SIGraDi 2006 - [Proceedings of the 10th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Santiago de Chile - Chile 21-23 November 2006, pp. 425-428
summary The study investigates how religious principles govern the treatment of light/darkness in sacred monument. Specifically, a digitized daylight simulation is used in the analysis of Brihadeshvara Hindu Temple, built in 1010 AD in Tanjore, Tamilnadu, India. This sacred monument, listed as one of UNESCO's World Heritage Sites, is an intriguing case study since the treatment of the 'holy light' in the temple is the treatment of the 'holy darkness'.In spite of the importance given to sun in ancient Hindu scriptures, natural light was used very sparsely in Hindu temples. According to Hindu religious belief, when a worshipper is in the presence of the divine, there should be nothing to distract his/her senses (including vision). Therefore, the innermost sanctum is shrouded in total darkness and the progression into the temple is a ritual movement where the devotee goes through the dynamic experience of the darkening spaces of the temple before reaching the dark sacred chamber (see Fig.1). The dictation of the Hindu faith to create this spiritual procession toward the 'holy darkness' is examined in the historic Brihadeshvara Temple by using Lightscape -- computerized lighting simulation software. To run the program, a 3-D CAD surface model of the temple was created and imported into Lightscape. Then the model was assigned materials and its openings and lighting systems were defined. The simulations were run on four interior horizontal (floor) and vertical (walls) surfaces, along four spaces of the procession in the temple. The simulation targeted three time frames: sunrise, sunset and at high noon on March 21st (the equinox). The location of Tanjore, India was used for light conditions. The Lightscape simulations used the process of radiosity to generate single frame daylight renderings along with light analysis of each surface. A lighting animation was then produced in Quick Time.The results of this analysis demonstrate that the average illumination values for specific surfaces of the temple along the procession sequence correspond to the schematic expectation depicted in Figure 1, i.e., a progressively decreased luminance towards the dark innermost chamber. Furthermore, the simulated values were compared to the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) standards, which recommend ranges of luminance for specific visual tasks and areas. The comparisons showed that the average luminance in the temple, from the illuminated entrance in the east to the darker chamber in the west, is lower than the IES standards for 'public places with dark surroundings' for 'short temporary visits'. Finally, a morphological analysis of the temple along accepted daylight design guidelines corroborated the previous findings. The multi-method investigation of the relationship of light and darkness, light and objects, and the designated light quality in the Brihadeshvara Temple demonstrates the strong influence of the specific dictum of Hinduism on the light/darkness treatment in the temple. The paper concludes that digitized media such as computerized daylight simulations can examine the significance of light/darkness in sacred monuments as a spiritual experience. This quantitative investigation can augment the qualitative studies in the field of historic sacred architecture.
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:52

_id sigradi2007_af13
id sigradi2007_af13
authors Granero, Adriana Edith; Alicia Barrón; María Teresa Urruti
year 2007
title Transformations in the educational system, Influence of the Digital Graph [Transformaciones en el sistema educacional, influencia de la Gráfica Digital]
source SIGraDi 2007 - [Proceedings of the 11th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] México D.F. - México 23-25 October 2007, pp. 182-186
summary The educative proposal was based on the summary attained through experiences piled up during the 2 last semester courses, 2/2006-1/2007. This proposal corresponds to a mix of methodology (by personal attendance / by internet). Founding on the Theory of the Game (Eric Berne 1960) and on different theories such as: Multiple intelligences (Haward Gardner 1983), Emotional Intelligence (Peter Salowey and John Mayer 1990, Goleman 1998), Social Intelligence (Goleman 2006), the Triarchy of Intelligence (Stemberg, R.J. 1985, 1997), “the hand of the human power”, it´s established that the power of the voice, that of the imagination, the reward, the commitment and association produce a significant increase of the productivity (Rosabeth Moss Kanter 2000), aside from the constructive processes of the knowledge (new pedagogical concepts constructivista of Ormrod J.E. 2003 and Tim O´Reilly 2004).
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:52

_id ijac20064207
id ijac20064207
authors Hanna, Raid; Barber, Tony
year 2006
title Digital Processes in Architectural Design:A Case Study of Computers and Creativity
source International Journal of Architectural Computing vol. 4 - no. 2, 95-120
summary This paper describes the results of a statistical-experimental investigation into the relationship between three variables: design cognition, the computer as a problem solving medium and 'creativity'. The hypothesis put forward suggests a directional link between the use of 'CAAD as a cognitive design medium' and 'levels' of creativity in the design process. The hypothesis was tested statistically using first year architecture students as research design subjects. In order to place the research within a context, develop a thesis and identify 'operational' measures for variables, a literature search with special emphasis on 'creativity' was conducted. The statistical findings did confirm that levels of architectural 'creativity' in the design process and in the final product were somehow affected by the use of CAAD. Ideation fluency and originality, as 'creativity' indicators, correlated positively with CAAD as a cognitive medium with coefficients 3 0.5. The statistics from subjects- group design- revealed that computers' power of visualisation, slicing and Boolean operations has helped spatial ability and could eventually help novice designers to venture and create complex objects more than they would normally do with conventional media.
series journal
last changed 2007/03/04 07:08

_id sigradi2006_e081d
id sigradi2006_e081d
authors Hecker, Douglas
year 2006
title Dry-In House: A Mass Customized Affordable House for New Orleans
source SIGraDi 2006 - [Proceedings of the 10th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Santiago de Chile - Chile 21-23 November 2006, pp. 359-362
summary Dry-in house is a mass customized affordable housing system proposed for the reconstruction of New Orleans. The dry-in House gets the owner back to their home site quickly while providing the infrastructure an occupant needs (shelter, water, electricity). The owner is supplied with an inhabitable shell that is customizable before it is fabricated as well as onsite as the project is “fitted out” over time. The key concept is to allow families to participate in the design of their customized homes and to get people back to their home sites as quickly as possible and to give them the opportunity to finish and further customize their home over time. The project addresses inefficiencies and redundancies in emergency housing currently provided by FEMA. Primarily the dry-in House as its name implies provides a timely dried-in space which doubles as a customized infrastructure for the reconstruction of homes and neighborhoods. The project is designed to meet the $59,000 life cycle cost of the presently provided temporary housing, the notorious “FEMA Trailer”. However, the Dry-in House provides a solution that: a) Is permanent rather than temporary. The house will be finished and further customized over time rather than disposed of. b) Reoccupies the owner’s home site rather than a “FEMA ghetto” keeping the community together and functioning. c) Is mass customized rather than mass-standardized allowing the owner to have input on the design of their home. The design is a “starter home” rather than an inflexible and over-determined solution. This also has the benefit of giving variation to the reconstruction of New Orleans as opposed to the monotony of mass-production. d) Allows the owners to further customize their home over time with additional exterior finishes and the subdivision and fit out of the interior. By utilizing plate truss technology and associated parametric modeling software, highly customized trusses can be engineered and fabricated at no additional cost as compared to off-the-shelf trusses. This mass customization technology is employed to create the building section of each individual’s house. The truss is not used in its typical manner, spanning over the house; rather, it is extruded in section to form the house itself (roof, wall, and floor). Dry-in House exploits this building technology to quickly rebuild communities in a sensible manner. It allows for an increased speed of design and construction and most importantly it involves the owner in this process. The process has other benefits like reducing waste not only because it replaces the FEMA trailer which is expensive and disposable but also since the components are prefabricated there is more precision and also quality. The Dry-in House allows the owner-designer to “draw” the section of their new home providing them with a unique design and a sense of belonging and security. The design of the section of the house also provides them with spatial configurations customized relative to site conditions, program etc... Because of the narrow lot configuration of New Orleans, the design maximizes the roof as a source for natural ventilation and light for the interior of the house. In addition, the house is one room deep providing cross ventilation in all rooms minimizing reliance on artificial mechanical systems. The timely and efficient off site fabrication of building sections facilitate larger concentrations of volunteers on site at one time, thereby promoting a greater collective spirit among the community and volunteer workforce, a therapeutic event for the community as they participate in the rebuilding of their homes and city. With individualized building sections arriving on site, the construction process is imagined to be more akin to a barn raising, making possible the drying in of multiple houses in less than one day.
keywords mass customization; digital manufacturing; affordable housing
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:53

_id 2006_052
id 2006_052
authors Kieferle, Joachim; Uwe Wössner and Martin Becker
year 2006
title Interactive Simulation of Architecture in Virtual Environments
source Communicating Space(s) [24th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-5-9] Volos (Greece) 6-9 September 2006, pp. 52-57
summary Architecture always has an environmental impact. By using simulations, planners can minimize the environmental impact. Since simulations normally take a long time and thus only allow a very limited number of iterations, our project describes the setup of a close-to-real-time simulation technique. By dividing the simulation into smaller parts and running the software on clusters or massively parallel computing platforms, first results are available within several seconds, reasonable results below one minute. In order to make this tool easily accessible to specialists and laymen, a tangible user interface provides an intuitive interaction method. The results of the simulation can be visualized and interacted with in different virtual environments. Limitations, mainly automatic grid generation, shape recognition and computation power are discussed.
keywords Interactive Simulation; Tangible User Interface; Virtual Environment; Virtual Reality
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:52

_id acadia06_554
id acadia06_554
authors Klinger, Kevin
year 2006
title Perimetric Boundary
source Synthetic Landscapes [Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Design in Architecture] p. 554
summary A strong dichotomy exists between the factors of fluctuating natural orders apparent in the river, and the striation of the land by human historical and cultural influence. The installation exists as surface of influence between these forces. The form is informed by parameters of light, vista, material, and process through a method of digitally folding and perforating sheets of steel to enable a self structuring membrane which rises and falls from the plateau edge. A swath of prairie grasses, rising and falling in their own cycle, demarcates this edge. A screen of 15 weathering steel sheets stretches for 63’ across the boundary of the human order and the encroaching erosion of the natural realm. From the initial generation of geometry pairings, well “adapted” pairings are spliced from the parent and “bred” with similarly fit geometries. The fit of these pairs is based on the relationships between the form and the desired criteria of reflection, screening, and framing. To properly combine these pairings, several mutations occur (indicated in red).
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:49

_id acadia06_555
id acadia06_555
authors Kudless, A., Vukcevich, I.
year 2006
title Flexible Formwork Research (FPR)
source Synthetic Landscapes [Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Design in Architecture] p. 555
summary FFR investigates the self-organization of plaster and elastic fabric to produce evocative visual and acoustic effects. Inspired by the work of the Spanish architect Miguel Fisac and his experiments with flexible concrete formwork in the 1960-70s, FFR continues this line of research by exploring aspects of pattern generation and recognition in relation to self-organized form. In line with the theme of the current exhibition, Digital Exchange, the work can be understood as a dialog between physical and digital computation. The form is a result of a negotiation between the digital manipulation of images and the physical deformations of materials under stress. Both digital and physical processes play an equal role in the final form of the plaster tiles.Reflecting on Miguel Fisac’s flexible concrete formwork, there was a desire to investigate the potential for more differentiated patterns while still using the same basic fabrication technique. This was accomplished through the use of a custom-designed script in Rhino that analyzes a given image and translates it into a field of points. These points establish areas of constraint in the elastic membrane of the mould. Through numerous physical tests, the minimum and maximum distances between constraint points was determined and these were entered into the script as limits for the point creation. If the points are too close, large wholes with very thin and weak plaster form whereas if the points are too far apart the amount of elastic deformation is so great that the weight of the plaster can cause failures to occur in the fabric mould. One of the most important aspects of the project is its resonance with the body and our natural attraction and repulsion for certain forms. Through exploring the natural self-organization of material under stress, FFR unintentionally reminds us of our own flesh. The plaster tiles resonate with our own body’s material as it sags, expands, and wrinkles in relationship with gravity, structure, and time.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:49

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