CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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_id sigradi2006_e183a
id sigradi2006_e183a
authors Costa Couceiro, Mauro
year 2006
title La Arquitectura como Extensión Fenotípica Humana - Un Acercamiento Basado en Análisis Computacionales [Architecture as human phenotypic extension – An approach based on computational explorations]
source SIGraDi 2006 - [Proceedings of the 10th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Santiago de Chile - Chile 21-23 November 2006, pp. 56-60
summary The study describes some of the aspects tackled within a current Ph.D. research where architectural applications of constructive, structural and organization processes existing in biological systems are considered. The present information processing capacity of computers and the specific software development have allowed creating a bridge between two holistic nature disciplines: architecture and biology. The crossover between those disciplines entails a methodological paradigm change towards a new one based on the dynamical aspects of forms and compositions. Recent studies about artificial-natural intelligence (Hawkins, 2004) and developmental-evolutionary biology (Maturana, 2004) have added fundamental knowledge about the role of the analogy in the creative process and the relationship between forms and functions. The dimensions and restrictions of the Evo-Devo concepts are analyzed, developed and tested by software that combines parametric geometries, L-systems (Lindenmayer, 1990), shape-grammars (Stiny and Gips, 1971) and evolutionary algorithms (Holland, 1975) as a way of testing new architectural solutions within computable environments. It is pondered Lamarck´s (1744-1829) and Weismann (1834-1914) theoretical approaches to evolution where can be found significant opposing views. Lamarck´s theory assumes that an individual effort towards a specific evolutionary goal can cause change to descendents. On the other hand, Weismann defended that the germ cells are not affected by anything the body learns or any ability it acquires during its life, and cannot pass this information on to the next generation; this is called the Weismann barrier. Lamarck’s widely rejected theory has recently found a new place in artificial and natural intelligence researches as a valid explanation to some aspects of the human knowledge evolution phenomena, that is, the deliberate change of paradigms in the intentional research of solutions. As well as the analogy between genetics and architecture (Estévez and Shu, 2000) is useful in order to understand and program emergent complexity phenomena (Hopfield, 1982) for architectural solutions, also the consideration of architecture as a product of a human extended phenotype can help us to understand better its cultural dimension.
keywords evolutionary computation; genetic architectures; artificial/natural intelligence
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:49

_id cf2011_p016
id cf2011_p016
authors Merrick, Kathryn; Gu Ning
year 2011
title Supporting Collective Intelligence for Design in Virtual Worlds: A Case Study of the Lego Universe
source Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures 2011 [Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures / ISBN 9782874561429] Liege (Belgium) 4-8 July 2011, pp. 637-652.
summary Virtual worlds are multi-faceted technologies. Facets of virtual worlds include graphical simulation tools, communication, design and modelling tools, artificial intelligence, network structure, persistent object-oriented infrastructure, economy, governance and user presence and interaction. Recent studies (Merrick et al., 2010) and applications (Rosenman et al., 2006; Maher et al., 2006) have shown that the combination of design, modelling and communication tools, and artificial intelligence in virtual worlds makes them suitable platforms for supporting collaborative design, including human-human collaboration and human-computer co-creativity. Virtual worlds are also coming to be recognised as a platform for collective intelligence (Levy, 1997), a form of group intelligence that emerges from collaboration and competition among large numbers of individuals. Because of the close relationship between design, communication and virtual world technologies, there appears a strong possibility of using virtual worlds to harness collective intelligence for supporting upcoming “design challenges on a much larger scale as we become an increasingly global and technological society” (Maher et al, 2010), beyond the current support for small-scale collaborative design teams. Collaborative design is relatively well studied and is characterised by small-scale, carefully structured design teams, usually comprising design professionals with a good understanding of the design task at hand. All team members are generally motivated and have the skills required to structure the shared solution space and to complete the design task. In contrast, collective design (Maher et al, 2010) is characterised by a very large number of participants ranging from professional designers to design novices, who may need to be motivated to participate, whose contributions may not be directly utilised for design purposes, and who may need to learn some or all of the skills required to complete the task. Thus the facets of virtual worlds required to support collective design differ from those required to support collaborative design. Specifically, in addition to design, communication and artificial intelligence tools, various interpretive, mapping and educational tools together with appropriate motivational and reward systems may be required to inform, teach and motivate virtual world users to contribute and direct their inputs to desired design purposes. Many of these world facets are well understood by computer game developers, as level systems, quests or plot and achievement/reward systems. This suggests the possibility of drawing on or adapting computer gaming technologies as a basis for harnessing collective intelligence in design. Existing virtual worlds that permit open-ended design – such as Second Life and There – are not specifically game worlds as they do not have extensive level, quest and reward systems in the same way as game worlds like World of Warcraft or Ultima Online. As such, while Second Life and There demonstrate emergent design, they do not have the game-specific facets that focus users towards solving specific problems required for harnessing collective intelligence. However, a new massively multiplayer virtual world is soon to be released that combines open-ended design tools with levels, quests and achievement systems. This world is called Lego Universe ( This paper presents technology spaces for the facets of virtual worlds that can contribute to the support of collective intelligence in design, including design and modelling tools, communication tools, artificial intelligence, level system, motivation, governance and other related facets. We discuss how these facets support the design, communication, motivational and educational requirements of collective intelligence applications. The paper concludes with a case study of Lego Universe, with reference to the technology spaces defined above. We evaluate the potential of this or similar tools to move design beyond the individual and small-scale design teams to harness large-scale collective intelligence. We also consider the types of design tasks that might best be addressed in this manner.
keywords collective intelligence, collective design, virtual worlds, computer games
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2012/02/11 19:21

_id sigradi2006_e011c
id sigradi2006_e011c
authors Narahara, Taro and Terzidis, Kostas
year 2006
title Optimal Distribution of Architecture Programs with Multiple-constraint Genetic Algorithm
source SIGraDi 2006 - [Proceedings of the 10th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Santiago de Chile - Chile 21-23 November 2006, pp. 299-303
summary A genetic algorithm (GA) is a search technique for optimizing or solving a problem based on evolutionary biology, using terms and processes such as genomes, chromosomes, cross-over, mutation, or selection. The evolution starts from a population of completely random individuals and happens in generations. In each generation, the fitness of the whole population is evaluated, multiple individuals are stochastically selected from the current population (based on their fitness), modified (mutated or recombined) to form a new population, which becomes current in the next iteration of the algorithm. In architecture, GAs are of special interest mainly because of their ability to address a problem offering a multiplicity of possible solutions. Contrary to other algorithms where the objective is to accommodate a manually conceived diagram, GAs are emergent procedures that evolve over time through multiple attempt cycles (i.e. generations) and therefore offer a bottom-up approach to design. In addition, by using the computational power of computers they can resolve complex interactions between multiple factors and under multiple constraints offering solutions that occasionally surprise the designer. One of the main problems in architecture today is the quantity of the information and the level of complexity involved in most building projects. As globalization and economic development has started to arise at unprecedented levels, the need for large urban developments have become commonplace. Housing projects for a few hundreds to thousands of people have started to emerge over large urban areas. In such cases, the old paradigm for housing design was the development of high rises that served as stacking devices for multiple family housing units. Such a direction was unfortunately the only way to address excessive complexity using manual design skills mainly because it was simple to conceive but also simple to construct. The unfortunate nature of this approach lies rather in the uniformity, similarity, and invariability that these projects express in comparison to individuality, discreteness, and identity that human beings and families manifest. One of the main areas of complexity that could benefit architecture is in housing projects. In these projects there is a typology of residential units that need to be combined in various schemes that will fulfill multiple functional, environmental, and economic constraints. In this paper, the design of a 200-unit residential complex on a corner of two streets in an urban context was investigated as a case study. Recent advancement in tectonics and structural engineering enables the realization of buildings in mega scales and starts to introduce another layer of complexity into the building programs. Conventional design methods relying on the preconceived knowledge based approaches are no longer reliable. Beyond the certain quantitative factors and the complexity of the problems, search occasionally enters into the unpredictable domain of the human perception. Computational approaches to design allows us to go through thousands of iterations in a second and find the solution sets beyond the reach of designers’ intuitive search spaces. Genetic Algorithm can be a potential derivative for finding optimum design solution from indeterminate search spaces constrained by multi dimensional factors.
keywords Genetic Algorithm; Housing Design; Multiple-constraint
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:55

_id sigradi2006_e151c
id sigradi2006_e151c
authors Neumann, Oliver and Schmidt, Daniel
year 2006
title CNC Timber Framing – Innovative Applications of Digital Wood Fabrication Technology
source SIGraDi 2006 - [Proceedings of the 10th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Santiago de Chile - Chile 21-23 November 2006, pp. 304-307
summary The discourse on depleting natural resources and compromised environments have led to extended research on sustainable designs methods, building practices and materials. Beyond the actual performance of building products and components, research on sustainable building increasingly focuses on the long-term effects of the production, application and life cycle of building materials on the natural environment, human inhabitation and quality of life. Computer aided manufacturing technologies play a significant role not only in the transformation of design and building methods, but also in an extended discourse on cultural development. Globally available technologies connect the design and building process to a broad range of long-term ecological factors by creating a correlation between "the emergent political, economical and social processes and … architectural techniques, geometries and organization." Through this interrelationship to economy and culture, technology and its applications are also directly related to notions of place and territory as well as to fundamental ideas of ecology. The collaborative research and design study for an outdoor theater roof structure at the University of British Columbia Malcolm Knapp Research Forest at Maple Ridge, B.C., Canada, focuses on the use of digital media in prefabrication and material optimization. By utilizing small square section timber and minimizing the use of alienating connectors the research on the wood roof structure illustrates the potential of a design culture that seeks innovation in a broader understanding of ecology routed in regional culture, environmental conditions, economy and tradition. Labor intensive manufacturing techniques are redefined aided by computer controlled machines and virtual modeling of complex geometries is translated into simple operations. The result is a more sensible and accurate response to the place’s demands. In order to generate innovative design interventions that make a constructive long-term contribution to the preservation, maintenance and evolution of the environment, design needs to be based on a comprehensive understanding of its context and the distinctive qualities of the materials used. Following the example of the outdoor roof structure, this paper aims to define innovative design as work that resonates at the intersection of the fields of technology, material science, manufacturing processes, techniques of assembly and context that constitute the expanded context or complex ecology that projects need to engage. It is in design research studies like for the outdoor theater roof structure with focus on CNC wood fabrication technologies that the common design and building discourse is put to question, boundaries are explored and expanded and the collective understanding is improved towards ecological design.
keywords CNC Wood Fabrication; Design Innovation; Ecology
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:56

_id sigradi2006_c116c
id sigradi2006_c116c
authors Vergara Cortes, Mario
year 2006
title Geometria del Sonido, Sala de conciertos D.U.M.B.O. , Brooklyn, N.Y..C. [Sound Geometry: Brooklyn Bridge Park Concert Halls]
source SIGraDi 2006 - [Proceedings of the 10th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Santiago de Chile - Chile 21-23 November 2006, pp. 325-329
summary Friedrich Schelling's famous quote, "Architecture is Frozen Music" attempted to find a relationship between the solidity of architecture and the intangibility of music in his era. While the Baroque, and subsequent Rococo, styles in architecture contain a plasticity and flow of ornament that seems to validate the statement, it does not go beyond purely surface characteristics. If we look at the purpose, goal and process of both music and architecture, finding clear relationships is difficult, though this does not deter architects from finding inspiration in music, and vice-versa.
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 10:02

_id 2006_412
id 2006_412
authors Yessios, Ioannis C. and Olga Pantelidou
year 2006
title Moving beyond Hybridity
source Communicating Space(s) [24th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-5-9] Volos (Greece) 6-9 September 2006, pp. 412-419
summary The goal of this paper is to analyze the notion of a hybrid space, to explore the necessity of adopting this term as a characteristic of space, and to question whether it is time to move beyond its use. The term, hybrid, originating in biology, describes the offspring of two different species. For the past two decades, Hybridity has found a wide application within social sciences, including architecture. In general, Hybridity occurs when two separate entities come together to form a third. In the context of architecture, a hybrid space is one in which the advent of technology allows us to experience multiple spaces simultaneously. We understand Hybridity to be a conceptual construct that is useful in explaining new phenomenon. This begs the question, what is the new phenomenon. In the case of space, it is the aforementioned advent of technology. This is not, however, the first time space has been expanded by technology. Throughout history, our ability to understand stand space has been extended by the advent of new technology. Perhaps, a hybrid space is not defined by technology after all. The ultimate goal of this paper is to define the moment at which Hybridity ceases to be useful, assuming that such a moment even exists. Though it has been helpful in understand space in new ways, allowing new insights into space, for many spaces this term can reach the end of its usefulness. The moment at which this occurs is dependant on a few factors. The first is one of adoption. Once a hybrid space is commonplace, is it strictly necessary to consider it a hybrid any longer? The second factor is the polymorphism of hybrid spaces. The phrase hybrid space does not describe a single form of space. Instead, a hybrid space can be one of a plethora of spaces. Finally, the issues of category and identity may help define this moment. If Hybridity relies on categories and instances between categories, then this suggests that a change in perspective may destroy the category of the hybrid. Perspective is directly tied to the specific identity of the viewer and that viewer’s experiences.
keywords hybridity; technology; space; identity
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:57

_id ascaad2007_012
id ascaad2007_012
authors Zeile, P.; F. Farnoudi and B. Streich
year 2007
title Fascination google earth – use in urban and landscape design
source Em‘body’ing Virtual Architecture: The Third International Conference of the Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD 2007), 28-30 November 2007, Alexandria, Egypt, pp. 141-148
summary Virtual 3D-City-and Architecture models, Virtual Globe systems like NASA World Wind and Google Earth as well as new attempts of immersive technologies become more important, not only among experts in spatial planning, but also many private users are interested in these new tools. These developments cause powerful impacts in the general social, cultural and everyday life. Given the dynamic development of Google Earth, the discussion about the representation and the use of geodata for a wide user group - beyond the planning disciplines - reaches new heights. According to expert's opinion, Google Earth with its computer language KML (Keyhole Markup Language) becomes a 3D-GIS-Standard [Rush in 2006]. By the easy and quick representation of three-dimensional (city) structures and single buildings, Google Earth will significantly influence all groups of society. User groups which have not been acquainted with geodata or highly specified and complex GIS-Systems [Dworschak in 2006], discover that working with this data by using Google Earth is great fun. They recognize, that with the help of generally understandable and easily recognizable visualisation of these data, mediation of knowledge becomes very easy. In addition, it is acknowledged that geodata has great potential to add value, in disciplines such as the academics, the financial sector or personal use.
series ASCAAD
last changed 2008/01/21 22:00

_id ddss2006-hb-467
id DDSS2006-HB-467
authors A. Fatah gen. Schieck, A. Penn, V. Kostakos, E. O'Neill, T. Kindberg, D. Stanton Fraser, and T. Jones
year 2006
title Design Tools for Pervasive Computing in Urban Environments
source Van Leeuwen, J.P. and H.J.P. Timmermans (eds.) 2006, Innovations in Design & Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning, Dordrecht: Springer, ISBN-10: 1-4020-5059-3, ISBN-13: 978-1-4020-5059-6, p. 467-486
summary In this paper we report on ongoing research in which the implications of urban scale pervasive computing (always and everywhere present) are investigated for urban life and urban design in the heritage environment of the city of Bath. We explore a theoretical framework for understanding and designing pervasive systems as an integral part of the urban landscape. We develop a framework based on Hillier's Space Syntax theories and Kostakos' PSP framework which encompasses the analysis of space and spatial patterns, alongside the consideration of personal, social and public interaction spaces to capture the complex relationship between pervasive systems, urban space in general and the impact of the deployment of pervasive systems on people's relationships to heritage and to each other. We describe these methodological issues in detail before giving examples from early studies of the types of result we are beginning to find.
keywords Urban space, Pervasive systems, Urban computing, Space Syntax, Interaction space
series DDSS
last changed 2006/08/29 12:55

_id 2006_032
id 2006_032
authors Al-Attili, Aghlab and Leonidas Koutsoumpos
year 2006
title Ethics of Virtuality… Virtuality of Ethics
source Communicating Space(s) [24th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-5-9] Volos (Greece) 6-9 September 2006, pp. 32-39
summary This paper addresses issues pertaining to architecture, virtuality and ethics by establishing an interactive, non-linear virtual environment as a tool for investigation into the virtuality of ethics and ethics of virtuality, in the context of architecture. Starting from the assertion that ‘Virtual Environment (VE) is a metaphor of Real Environment (RE)’, we test the proposition that suggests ‘Ethics of RE can be tested and simulated in VE’. Challenging the notion that sees people reacting to VE in the same way as they interact with their surroundings in RE, we propose that since ethics are engulfing architecture they are also present and simulated in VE. Virtual architecture has elements of ethics that we refer to as ‘Ethics of Virtuality’. In this context, VE ethics seem to lose the ubiquity that is present in RE. In order to examine this hypothesis, we created a VE that corresponds to the RE of the PhD students’ offices, within the Department of Architecture, School of Arts, Culture, and Environment in the University of Edinburgh. The real life users of these offices were subjected to this VE. A qualitative method of research followed to probe their experience, focusing on issues related to ethics. Subjects were asked to give a personal accounts of their experience which gave us an insight into how they think. The compiled list of results and their evaluation showed startling possibilities, further establishing VE as an arena for investigating issues pertaining to both architecture and ethics.
keywords Virtual Environments; Ethics; Place; Representation; Trust
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id sigradi2022_187
id sigradi2022_187
authors Andia, Alfredo
year 2022
title SynBio-Design: Building new infrastructures and territories with Synthetic Biology.
source Herrera, PC, Dreifuss-Serrano, C, Gómez, P, Arris-Calderon, LF, Critical Appropriations - Proceedings of the XXVI Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics (SIGraDi 2022), Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, Lima, 7-11 November 2022 , pp. 1213–1224
summary Which kind of imagination do we need for the future of our planet? In the past 150 years, we have completely transformed our biosphere. Today we have arrived at points of no return in global warming! The temperature of the Arctic Ocean will increase by 3-5°C by mid-century. This will lead to disastrous ocean acidification, sea-level rise, and worst of all the thawing of the permafrost that will release 1 trillion tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. In this paper, we argue that building with biology will be the most important force to transform our planet. Since 2006, Synthetic Biology (SynBio) has surfaced as the fastest-growing technology in human history. SynBio involves emerging techniques that allow us to design, edit, and engineer all kinds of living organisms. In this paper, we elaborate on its potential development in growing infrastructures and its impacts on architectural thinking.
keywords Bio-Inspired Design, Synthetic Biology, Bio-Architecture, Climate Change, Biotechnology
series SIGraDi
last changed 2023/05/16 16:57

_id sigradi2023_367
id sigradi2023_367
authors Andia, Alfredo
year 2023
title Programmable Bio-Matter Architecture
source García Amen, F, Goni Fitipaldo, A L and Armagno Gentile, Á (eds.), Accelerated Landscapes - Proceedings of the XXVII International Conference of the Ibero-American Society of Digital Graphics (SIGraDi 2023), Punta del Este, Maldonado, Uruguay, 29 November - 1 December 2023, pp. 1797–1808
summary Building with biology will be the most important platform to transform our planet in the next decades. Since 2006, Synthetic Biology (SynBio) has surfaced as the fastest-growing technology in human history. This field is allowing us to manipulate the genetic code, biology, food, and vaccines and ultimately aiming to reshape the very essence of existence. In this paper, we assess the development of SynBio and its impacts on architectural thinking, materials, and particularly in Architectural fiction. In this paper, we argue that there are at least three waves of impacts of SynBio technology in construction: Biomaterials, Engineered Living Materials (ELM), and Bio-Matter or biobots. We explore architectural thinking's domain, involving architects and engineers in research and startups. We embrace the architectural envisioning role and present our design work utilizing observed biological growth algorithms. Synthetic Biology urges questioning not only biomaterials but also the field's overarching vision.
keywords Synthetic Biology, Bio-Architecture, Climate Change, Biotechnology, Architecture
series SIGraDi
last changed 2024/03/08 14:09

_id ascaad2006_paper15
id ascaad2006_paper15
authors Anz, Craig and Akel Ismail Kahera
year 2006
title Critical Environmentalism and the Practice of Re-Construction
source Computing in Architecture / Re-Thinking the Discourse: The Second International Conference of the Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD 2006), 25-27 April 2006, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
summary This research focuses on the implications and applications of “critical environmentalism” as a quintessential epistemological framework for urban interventions while implementing digital applications that foster collective, round-table approaches to design. Essentially centering the environment (Umwelt) as an encompassing and interconnecting catalyst between multiple disciplines, philosophies, and modes of inquiry and technologies, the framework reciprocally fosters individual and critical identities associated with particular places, belief systems, and their participants as a primary concern. Critical environmentalism promotes a comprehensive, reciprocally unifying epistemological framework that can significantly inform architectural interventions and the tethered use of its technologies in order to foster increased vitality and a certain coinvested attention to the complexities of the greater domain. Grounding the theory in pedagogical practice, this paper documents an approach to urban design and architectural education, implemented as a case-study and design scenario, where divergent perspectives amalgamate into emergent urban configurations, critically rooted in the conditional partialities of place. Digital technologies are incorporated along with analogical methods as tools to integrate multiple perspectives into a single, working plane. Engaging the above framework, the approach fosters a critical (re)construction and on-going, co-vested regeneration of community and the context of place while attempting to dialogically converge multiple urban conditions and modes-of-thought through the co-application of various digital technologies. Critically understanding complex urban situations involves dialogically analyzing, mapping, and modeling a discursive, categorical structure through a common goal and rationale that seeks dialectic synthesis between divergent constructions while forming mutual, catalyzing impetuses between varying facets. In essence, the integration of varying technologies in conjunction, connected to real world scenarios and a guiding epistemic framework cultivates effective cross-pollination of ideas and modes through communicative and participatory interaction. As such it also provides greater ease in crosschecking between a multitude of divergent modes playing upon urban design and community development. Since current digital technologies aid in data collection and the synthesis of information, varying factors can be more easily and collectively identified, analyzed, and then simultaneously used in subsequent design configurations. It inherently fosters the not fully realized potential to collectively overlay or montage complex patterns and thoughts seamlessly and to thus subsequently merge a multitude of corresponding design configurations simultaneously within an ongoing, usable database. As a result, the pedagogical process reveals richly textured sociocultural fabrics and thus produces distinct amplifications in complexity and attentive management of diverse issues, while also generating significant narratives and themes for fostering creative and integrative solutions. As a model for urban community and social development, critical environmentalism is further supported the integrative use of digital technologies as an effective means and management for essential, communicative interchange of knowledge and thus rapprochement between divergent modes-of-thought, promoting critical, productive interaction with others in the (co)constructive processes of our life-space.
series ASCAAD
last changed 2007/04/08 19:47

_id acadia06_104
id acadia06_104
authors Barrow, Larry R.
year 2006
title Performance House: A CADCAM Modular House System
source Synthetic Landscapes [Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Design in Architecture] pp. 104-121
summary Millions of persons around the globe live in low quality indigenous, or Manufactured Housing (MH) systems that often result in low “performance” undesirable living environments and, at times, life threatening habitation. Our research has explored mass production principles in product design and architecture, currently at the single family housing scale, with a focus on the recent devastation along the US Gulf Coast as a result of hurricane impact, most notably hurricane Katrina.“Modern architecture” theoreticians have conceived, written, prototyped and even launched business ventures in an attempt to bring their manufactured housing “ideas” to fruition. However, architects have generally had little “long-term” impact in the area of manufactured housing strategies and the current manufactured housing industry remains archaic and problematic. This paper includes our research of other architects attempts to leverage technology in the manufactured housing industry; additionally, we analyzed current problems in the US mass housing industry. We then derived a set of “design criterion” as a means of anchoring our design inquiry for a proposed factory-built modular house system.Our research encompasses both process and product innovation; this paper reflects on our use of technology to leverage an Industrial Design (ID) process that is inclusive of many “design” partners and team members. We are using both virtual and physical output representation and physical prototyping for a factory-built house system; our Research and Development (R&D) is on-going with our collaborating design-manufacture engineering partners from the automotive, furniture and aerospace research labs here at Mississippi State University. Our goal is to use “industrial design” principles to produce mass housing components that provide durable-sustainable housing.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id sigradi2006_c160e
id sigradi2006_c160e
authors Bessone, Miriam and Pérez Miró, Ricardo
year 2006
title Experiencias interactivas para la transducción entre Música y Arquitectura a través de la forma [Interactive experience for the transcription amid music and architectural shape]
source SIGraDi 2006 - [Proceedings of the 10th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Santiago de Chile - Chile 21-23 November 2006, pp. 420-424
summary The digital technology and the integration of knowledge between musicians and architects it’s presented as a unique platform to explore and give a new meaning to the bonds between Music and Architecture. The presentation describes the experience and the results of creative process that link a group of music and architecture students and teachers for a hypermedia composition. The processes are orientated to the simultaneous construction of products from two approaches: from music to the form (plastic or visual), and vice versa. The exploration begins from musical assignments and it’s limited to two types of situations and creative bonds with digital technology: • Independent actions of the subject-musician and subject-architect. • Conjoint actions of both subjects. // The conclusions allow to evaluate the degree of measurability of the process taken care and possible derivations of the particular interpretations of them in each situation.
series SIGRADI
type normal paper
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id caadria2006_601
id caadria2006_601
year 2006
title PRIVATE/UN-PRIVATE SPACE: Scenario-based Digital Design for Enhancing User Awareness
source CAADRIA 2006 [Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia] Kumamoto (Japan) March 30th - April 2nd 2006, 601-603
summary Context awareness is important for human senses of places as well as human computer interaction. The aim of this research paper is focusing on controlling the user's privacy in a smart space which is adaptive to different users for enhancing the user's awareness in his diary life. In Environmental Psychology, the definition of privacy is that an individual has the control of deciding what information of himself is released to others, and under how he interact with others. (Westin 1970) And privacy is categorized as the linguistic privacy and visual privacy. (Sundstorm 1986). Solutions for privacy control: Plan Layout, Vision Boundary, Access Control and Architecture Metaphor - the transmission of information is not ascertainable for every single user. Although information are shown in public, but information is implied by cues and symbols. Only a certain user or a group of users have access to the full context of information. The methodology is to form an analytic framework to study the relationship between information, user and activities by using the computational supports derived from KitchenSense, ConceptNet, Python, 3d Studio Max and Flash; and to record patterns built up by users' behaviour and actions. Furthermore, the scenario-based simulation can envision the real world conditions by adding interfaces for enhancing user awareness.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:49

_id 2006_000
id 2006_000
authors Bourdakis, Vassilis and Charitos, Dimitris (eds.)
year 2006
title Communicating Space(s)
source 24th eCAADe Conference Proceedings [ISBN 0-9541183-5-9], Volos (Greece) 6-9 September 2006, 914 p.
summary The theme of this conference builds on and investigates the pre-existing and endlessly unfolding relationship between two domains of scientific inquiry: Architecture, urban design and planning, environmental design, geography and Social theory, media and communication studies, political science, cultural studies and social anthropology. Architectural design involves communication and could thus be partly considered a communicational activity. Designers (or not) see architectural designs, implicitly, as carriers of information and symbolic content; similarly buildings and urban environments have been “read” and interpreted by many (usu- ally not architects) as cultural texts. At the same time, social and cultural studies have studied buildings and cities, as contexts for social and cultural activities and life in general, from their mundane expression of “everyday life” (Highmore, 2001) to elite expressions of artistic creativity and performance. Information and communication technologies (ICTs) support both of these levels of scientific inquiry in many ways. Most importantly however, ICTs need design studies, architectural and visual design, social and cultural studies in their quest to create aesthetically pleasing, ergonomically efficient and functional ICT sys- tems; this need for interdisciplinarity is best articulated by the low quality of most on-line content and applica- tions published on the web.
series eCAADe
type normal paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:49

_id acadia06_148
id acadia06_148
authors Cabrinha, Mark
year 2006
title Synthetic Pedagogy
source Synthetic Landscapes [Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Design in Architecture] pp. 148-149
summary As tools, techniques, and technologies expand design practice, there is likewise an innovation in design teaching shifting technology from a means of production and representation to a means of discovery and development. This has implications on studio culture and design pedagogy. Expanding the skills based notion of digital design from know-how, or know-how-to-do, toward know-for, or knowledge-for-action, forms a synthetic relationship between the skills necessary for action and the developing motivations of a young designer. This shifts digital design pedagogy to a medium of active inquiry through play and precision. As digital tools and infrastructure are now ubiquitous in most schools, including the increasing digital material exchange enabled through laser cutters, CNC routers, and rapid prototyping, this topic node presents research papers that engage technology not simply as tools to be taught, but as cognitive technologies which motivate and structure a design students knowledge, both tacit and explicit, in developing a digital and material, ecological and social synthetic environment. Digital fabrication, the Building Information Model, and parametric modeling have currency in architectural education today yet, beyond the instrumentality of teaching the tool, seldom is it questioned what the deeper motivations these technologies suggest. Each of these tools in their own way form a synthesis between representational artifacts and the technological impact on process weaving a wider web of materials, collaboration among peers and consultants, and engagement of the environment that the products of design are situated in.If it is true that this synthetic environment enabled by tools, techniques, and technologies moves from a representational model to a process model of design, the engagement of these tools in the design process is of critical importance in design education. What is the relationship between representation, simulation, and physical material in a digitally mediated design education? At the core of synthetic pedagogies is an underlying principle to form relationships of teaching architecture through digital tools, rather than simply teaching the tools themselves. What principles are taught through teaching with these tools, and furthermore, what new principles might these tools develop?
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id sigradi2006_e068d
id sigradi2006_e068d
authors Catovic-Hughes, Selma
year 2006
title Digital Storytelling: "Memory….. Sarajevo, my personal story"
source SIGraDi 2006 - [Proceedings of the 10th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Santiago de Chile - Chile 21-23 November 2006, pp. 337-340
summary “It was a fresh summer night, sky deprived of stars, and hardly any signs of life. After hours of waiting, well passed midnight, they finally allowed us to enter. I couldn’t see or hear much, except movements of those in front of me, but judging by intense scent of mildew and worm-like smell of earth, I realized my mile long underground adventure had begun. There was no looking back, only the brave steps ahead into my new, and hopefully, safe and fruitful future.” [ from diary95 ] Just like many teens around the world, I too kept a journal. It began with playful thoughts of a teenage girl, living in Sarajevo, enjoying life. On my fifteenth birthday, those carefree moments were soon replaced with brutal facts of life under siege: Sarajevo and its citizens had been surrounded by the Serbs who took over all the roads leading in and out of the city. Three years later, I was weeks away from graduating high school, and instead of getting excited, I wondered about my future…”Yesterday was awesome -- we had both electricity and water for eight straight hours…hooray!! You could see the lights miles away…the entire city was awake, making pies and bread, washing clothes, watching movies.” [ from diary93 ] Was I going to spend the rest of my life anticipating the restricted electric and water timetable? Would I wake up the next day to see all my family alive? Would I ever have a chance to fulfill my dreams? This project captures the process of [re]tracing steps of my personal journey of leaving Sarajevo to come to the United States and [re]constructing memories as a sequence of spatial events using the artifacts and the text from my war journals. The intent of my project is to define that line between the old and the new, and intertwine and merge its current condition with the facts and memories from the past. Although there was never a permanent “Berlin-wall-like” divider, the natural contours of the river and invisible screens of the snipers served as impermeable walls and divided the city for four years. The implied boundary seemed to be more powerful than the massiveness of the concrete barricades. Is it possible to re-condition something [building, space, soul] to be and feel the same when it had been destroyed and deeply scarred on the inside? Instead of placing banal memorials engraved with the bare facts, how can we make a tribute to a series of events—a time period that changed the fabric of the city—in a more three-dimensional experience? How can we integrate digital phenomenon in the process of the post-war reconstruction to re-trace the past while creating necessary advanced improvements for the new contemporary society? The impact that social conditions have on architecture, art, culture, and ultimately, people can be told in a universal language – digital storytelling, containing pieces of history and personal memories to create representations of time and space of the past, present or future.
keywords memory; postwar; retrace; reconstruction; memorial
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:48

_id 8b29
id 8b29
authors Chaszar, A. (ed.), Burry, M., Eliassen, T., Garofalo, D., Glymph, J., Hesselgren, L., Jonkhans, N., Kienzl, N., Kloft, H., Maher, A., Mueller, V., Palmer, A., Reuss, S., Schuler, M., Schwitter, C., Sharples, C., Sharples, W., Shea, K., Stoller, P., Takemori, T., Woodger, N.
year 2006
title Blurring the Lines: Computer-Aided-Design and -Manufacturing in Architecture
source Wiley-Academy, London 224 pp. Architecture in Practice series
summary The first few years of the 21st century have seen a revolution in the ways that we think about designing and making buildings. In no other area is this more apparent than in the interface of computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacture (CAM). The potential blurring or assimilation of these two systems holds the still elusive but golden promise of a direct, smooth transference of design data into large-scale production facilities in which components are directly cut, modelled and moulded. How far off are we from seeing the widespread adoption of this technology? What is the potential for CAD/CAM beyond tailor-made forms? In the future, what is the possibility of complex, large-scale forms being run out in mass-customised buildings?
keywords associative geometry, auralization, CNC, collaborative design, generative design, parametric design, simulation, visualization
series book
type normal paper
last changed 2006/06/12 23:35

_id sigradi2006_e172c
id sigradi2006_e172c
authors Donath, Dirk and González Böhme, Luis Felipe
year 2006
title A Constraint-Based Building Bulk Design Support
source SIGraDi 2006 - [Proceedings of the 10th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Santiago de Chile - Chile 21-23 November 2006, pp. 278-282
summary We introduce an architecture practice-oriented implementation strategy of constraint-based methods called BDS (Building Bulk Design Support) to supporting bulk analysis during the architectural programming phase. We examine the optmization problem of site coverage and building massing according to a set of standard planning and zoning regulations, and try a problem solving approach based on the paradigm of constraint satisfaction problems. The case study, which is focused on the paticipatory planning of very low-income dwellings within the Latin American context, serves as testbed for a prototypical application of the adopted methodology. The BDS constitutes a novel approach on computer-aided bulk analysis, regarding this particularly relevant context of application. In the case of participatively planned low-income housing projects, efficiency regarding time and cost of planning directly affects dwellers’ quality of life, whereas elementary programming tasks such as bulk analysis lack appropriate state-of-the-art technological support. Traditional architectural planning methods demand a large domain-specific knowledge base and skillful planners. A planning process, which is mainly driven by the formulation of planning-relevant constraints and sets of solution alternatives, suggests to avoid architects’ traditional procedure of: 1. Create an (yet not necessarily valid) instance of the eventual design solution by directly choosing specific values for its shape parameters. 2. Evaluate its validity by confronting the designed model to a set of applicable constraints, which have to be satisfied. Instead, the constraint-based design methodology poses a search procedure that operates in a space of pertinent constraint sets. A computer-aided interactive search procedure to find more valid design solution alternatives in less time and with less effort is particularly qualified to supply efficient support for participatory planning activities carried out between dwellers and planners. The set of solutions for a building-bulk design problem is constrained by both a large complex system of planning and zoning regulations and the geometry of the eventual design solution itself. Given a considerable amount of such regulations, a regular size geometric constraint satisfaction system proved to be capable of providing a highly efficient, interactive modeling and evaluation tool for the formulation in real time of valid solution alternatives for an ordinary building-bulk design problem. A BDS implementation will constitute one system module of a larger integrated system model called Esther. A BDS tool shall interact with other functional modules, like e.g. the FLS (Floor plan Layout Support), which also uses constraint-based design methods.
keywords constraint-based design; bulk analysis; participatory planning; low-income housing; design theory; design proces
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:50

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