CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

Hits 1 to 20 of 159

_id c2f9
id c2f9
authors Friedrich E, Derix C and Hannah S
year 2007
title Emergent Form from Structural Optimisation of the Voronoi Polyhedra Structure
source Proceedings of the Generative Arts conference, Milan, 2007
summary In the course of the exploration of computational means in the architectural design process, in order to investigate more complex, adaptive geometries, the Voronoi diagram has recently gained some attention, being a three-dimensional space-filling structure which is modular but not repetitive. The project looks at the Voronoi diagram as a load-bearing structure, and whether it can be useful for structural optimisation. Hereby the edges of the Voronoi polyhedra are regarded as structural members of a statical system, which then is assessed by structural analysis software. Results seem to indicate that the Voronoi approach produces a very specific structural as well as spatial type of order. Through the dislocation of the Voronoi cells, the statical structure becomes more complex through emergent topology changes, and the initially simple spatial system becomes much more complex thorough emerging adjacencies and interconnections between spaces. The characteristics of the emerging form, however, lie rather in the complexity how shifted spaces and parts are fitted together, than in a radical overall emergent geometry. Spatially as well as a structurally, the form moves from a simple modular repetitive system towards a more complex adaptive one, with interconnected parts which cannot stand alone but rather form an organic whole.
keywords complex geometry, emergence, adaptive topology, voronoi diagram
series other
type normal paper
last changed 2012/09/20 18:25

_id acadia07_040
id acadia07_040
authors Hyde, Rory
year 2007
title Punching Above Your Weight: Digital Design Methods and Organisational Change in Small Practice
source Expanding Bodies: Art • Cities• Environment [Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture / ISBN 978-0-9780978-6-8] Halifax (Nova Scotia) 1-7 October 2007, 40-47
summary Expanding bodies of knowledge imply expanding teams to manage this knowledge. Paradoxically, it can be shown that in situations of complexity—which increasingly characterise the production of architecture generally—the small practice or small team could be at an advantage. This is due to the increasingly digital nature of the work undertaken and artefacts produced by practices, enabling production processes to be augmented with digital toolsets and for tight project delivery networks to be forged with other collaborators and consultants (Frazer 2006). Furthermore, as Christensen argues, being small may also be desirable, as innovations are less likely to be developed by large, established companies (Christensen 1997). By working smarter, and managing the complexity of design and construction, not only can the small practice “punch above its weight” and compete with larger practices, this research suggests it is a more appropriate model for practice in the digital age. This paper demonstrates this through the implementation of emerging technologies and strategies including generative and parametric design, digital fabrication, and digital construction. These strategies have been employed on a number of built and un-built case-study projects in a unique collaboration between RMIT University’s SIAL lab and the award-winning design practice BKK Architects.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id caadria2007_633
id caadria2007_633
authors Maravelea, Kalliopi; M. Grant
year 2007
title The Creation of Urban Form: A Normative Approach to Modelling
source CAADRIA 2007 [Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia] Nanjing (China) 19-21 April 2007
summary The aim of this research project is to develop a methodological process that allows the designer to assemble and create various scenarios representing an urban environment through the utilization of economical computer based methods. During the last decade different techniques have been developed to address the needs of visualisation of urban areas many being based on photographic and photogrammetric systems. The demand for 3-D urban models continues to grow and although new technologies have undoubtedly reduced the time needed for the construction of a 3D model, there are still some remaining problems related to data quality and the level of the dimensional accuracy. On the basis that these problems are primarily related to software and hardware constraints and in conjunction with the fact that the richness and complexity of an urban space is difficult to represent in a 3D context, there is a growing interest in the modelling of the urban fabric which is not dependant on heavily capitalised technology for its data. The core principle of the current research project is summarised in the process of deploying a mechanism, which will allow the visualisation of urban form without loosing its quality and architectural characterisation. This technique suggests that a selection of various building types can be collected and described by their architectural elements, textures, scale and dimensions. From each group of buildings a library of fragmented architectural components can be then derived. The accomplishment of this methodology is the formulation of a 'grammar' comprised of a characteristic ‘syntax’ and its associated ‘vocabulary’. Therefore the expected outcome of this research is an approach that would allow the designer to create easily and quickly not only any desired building but additionally any imaginary cityscape.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id ecaade2014_011
id ecaade2014_011
authors Marie Davidova
year 2014
title Ray 2:The Material Performance of Solid Wood Based Screen
source Thompson, Emine Mine (ed.), Fusion - Proceedings of the 32nd eCAADe Conference - Volume 2, Department of Architecture and Built Environment, Faculty of Engineering and Environment, Newcastle upon Tyne, England, UK, 10-12 September 2014, pp. 153-158
summary The wood - humidity interaction of solid wood has been tested through generations on Norwegian traditional panelling. This concept has been further explored by Michael Hensel and Steffen Reichert with Achim Menges on plywood and laminates in basic research. Plywood or laminates are better programmable but they are less sustainable due to the use of glue. This research focused on predicting the performance of solid wood in tangential section which is applied to humidity-temperature responsive screen for industrial production. With the method Systems Oriented Design, the research evaluated data from material science, forestry, meteorology, biology, chemistry and the production market. Themethod was introduced by Birger Sevaldson in 2007 with the argument that the changes in our globalized world and the need for sustainability demands an increase of the complexity of the design process. (Sevaldson 2013)Several samples has been tested for its environmental interaction. The data has been integrated in parametric models that tested the overall systems. Based on the simulations, the most suitable concept has been prototyped and measured for its performance. This lead to another sampling of the material whose data are the basis for another prototype. Ray 2 is an environmental responsive screen that is airing the structure in dry weather, while closing up when the humidity level is high, not allowing the moisture inside.
wos WOS:000361385100016
keywords Material performance; solid wood; wood - humidity interaction
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:59

_id ascaad2007_057
id ascaad2007_057
authors Menges, A.
year 2007
title Computational Morphogenesis: Integral Form Generation and Materialization Processes
source Em‘body’ing Virtual Architecture: The Third International Conference of the Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD 2007), 28-30 November 2007, Alexandria, Egypt, pp. 725-744
summary Natural morphogenesis, the process of evolutionary development and growth, derives polymorphic systems that obtain their complex form, organisation and versatility from the interaction of system intrinsic material capacities and external environmental influences and forces. One striking aspect of natural morphogenesis is that formation and materialisation processes are always inherently and inseparably related. In stark contrast to these integral development processes of material form, architecture as a material practice is mainly based on design approaches that are characterised by a hierarchical relationship that prioritises the definition and generation of form over its subsequent materialisation. This paper will present an alternative approach to design that entails unfolding morphological complexity and performative capacity without differentiating between form generation and materialisation processes. Based on an understanding of material systems not as derivatives of standardized building systems and elements but rather as generative drivers in the design process this approach seeks to develop and employ computational techniques and digital fabrication technologies to unfold innate material capacity and specific latent gestalt. Extending the concept of material systems by embedding their material characteristics, geometric behaviour, manufacturing constraints and assembly logics within integral computational models promotes an understanding of form, material and structure not as separate elements, but rather as complex interrelations in polymorphic systems resulting from the response to varied input and environmental influences and derived through the logics and constraints of advanced manufacturing processes. These processes will be explained along 8 research projects.
series ASCAAD
last changed 2008/01/21 22:00

_id ascaad2007_058
id ascaad2007_058
authors Abdelhameed, W. and Y. Kobayashi
year 2007
title Developing a New Approach of Computer Use ‘KISS Modeling’ for Design-Ideas Alternatives of Form Massing: A framework for three-Dimensional Shape Recognition in Initial Design Phases
source Em‘body’ing Virtual Architecture: The Third International Conference of the Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD 2007), 28-30 November 2007, Alexandria, Egypt, pp. 745-756
summary This research aims at developing a new approach called ‘KISS Modeling’. KISS is generally a rule of ‘Keep It Simple, Stupid’ that will be applied in modeling process investigated and presented by the research. The new approach is implemented in a computer program ‘KISS Modeling’ that generates three dimensional forms based on simplifying the concept of shape recognition in design. The research, however, does not employ totally concepts of shape recognition or shape understanding in Artificial Intelligence and psychology. The research, in summary, investigates and describes: 1) a new approach of computer use contributing to generating design-ideas alternatives of form massing in initial design phases, within a simple way that any designer can understand at single glance, 2) implementation of shape recognition for generative three dimensional forms, 3) function to generate different outputs from different recognition, and 4) case studies introduced through applications and functions of the three dimensional modeling system presented by the research. The research concluded that the introduced processes help the user improve the management of conceptual designing through facilitating a discourse of his/her modeling of design-ideas massing.
series ASCAAD
last changed 2008/01/21 22:00

_id ascaad2007_002
id ascaad2007_002
authors Abdellatif, R. and C. Calderon
year 2007
title SecondLife: A Computer-Mediated Tool for Distance-Learning in Architecture Education?
source Em‘body’ing Virtual Architecture: The Third International Conference of the Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD 2007), 28-30 November 2007, Alexandria, Egypt, pp. 17-34
summary Despite the importance of distance learning for its ability to reach a wide audience, easiness to access materials, and its lower cost compared to traditional learning, architecture education has not been well served by distance education. This is because it has a higher level of learning objectives, it is taught by coaching methodologies, and involves nonverbal forms of communication. One of the most common learning methods used in the design studio is the Criticism/Critique, which is a graphic and oral type of communication between the tutor and the students. In this investigation, Second Life, a massive multi-user online virtual environment that offers three-dimensional spatial capabilities via Avatars impersonation, is used as a computer-mediated tool for text and graphic-based communication in a distance learning situation. The study describes a demonstration experiment where students had to communicate with their tutor, display and describe their projects at a distance, in a purposely designed criticism space in SecondLife. The main objective of this paper is to observe and document the effects and the use of SecondLife virtual environment as an online 3D graphical-based tool of computer-mediated communication in distance learning in architecture education. The study also answers some questions: How well did the students use the tools of the medium provide? Was there a sense of personal communication and realism gained through using Avatars in the virtual environment? Did SecondLife provide a successful means of communication for a graphic-based context? And what are the students’ opinions about the learning environment? Using multiple methods of data collection, mainly based on an electronic observation of the experiment, questioning the participants before and after the experiment, and the analysis of the chat transcripts, the study presents descriptive results of the experiment, and discusses its main features. Proposals for modifications are made for future replications.
series ASCAAD
last changed 2008/01/21 22:00

_id 16fe
id 16fe
authors Abdelmohsen, Sherif; Do, Ellen Yi-Luen
year 2007
title Tracking Design Development through Decomposing Sketching Processes
source Digital proceedings of the International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR 2007), Emerging Trends in Design Research, Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design, Hong Kong.
summary We conducted a protocol study of the architectural sketching process. We decompose the process into process flows to explore the extent to which it expresses concept development in schematic and refined design phases. We track the development of design concepts in these phases by following the process flows of individual sketched strokes. We argue that each stroke drawn by the designer reveals a probability of an embedded concept, and that this concept is either promoted and propagated throughout the design phases, or blocked while designing. We expand the notion of lateral and vertical transformation in design by introducing a set of processes described as cross propagation, lateral promotion and vertical promotion.
series other
type normal paper
last changed 2010/01/30 07:19

_id ascaad2007_006
id ascaad2007_006
authors Afify, H.M.N. and Z. A. Abd ElGhaffar
year 2007
title Advanced Digital Manufacturing Techniques (CAM) in Architecture
source Em‘body’ing Virtual Architecture: The Third International Conference of the Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD 2007), 28-30 November 2007, Alexandria, Egypt, pp. 67-80
summary Building projects today are not only born out digitally, but they are also realized digitally through "file-to-factory" processes of computer aided manufacturing (CAM) and computer numerically controlled (CNC) technologies. It was the challenge of constructability that brought into question, what new instruments of practice are needed to take advantage of the opportunities opened up by the digital modes of production, instead of whether a particular form is buildable. In this case of building construction, architects could design with attention to innovative details, afforded by unique shapes and sizes, knowing that whatever they created on their computer screen could be fabricated digitally for an affordable price. The aims of the research are to discuss and analyze the digital manufacturing techniques (CAM) in architecture and its fabrication, production process. To understand how these technologies fit within a broader context of architectural practice. The research begins with defining, what is digital manufacturing in architecture, its potentials, components and influences in the contemporary architecture. Further more it discusses the digital fabrication, Two- dimensional cutting, subtractive fabrication, additive fabrication and formative fabrication. The assembly technique, building skin, new materials and mass- customization in digital manufacturing techniques (CAM). That will be a hand in analyzing several case studies.
keywords Digital technology in architecture, Digital manufacturing, Formative fabrication, New materials, Fabrication machines and software.
series ASCAAD
last changed 2008/01/21 22:00

_id sigradi2008_080
id sigradi2008_080
authors Andrés, Roberto
year 2008
title Hybrid Art > Synthesized Architecture
source SIGraDi 2008 - [Proceedings of the 12th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] La Habana - Cuba 1-5 December 2008
summary This paper investigates possible intersections between some contemporary artistic modalities and architectural practice. At first, it describes and discusses different uses of art in architectural history. Through the analyzes of Le Corbusier’s artistic and architectural practices, it observes the limits of looking at art as only ‘inspiration’ for architectural form and points to the necessity of surpassing this formal approach. More than bringing pictorial ‘inspiration’, art, as a experimental field, can change our architectural procedures and approaches - a much richer and powerful addition to the development of architecture. It discusses then, the confluence of architecture, information and communication technologies. Very commonly present in our contemporary life, not only on the making of architecture – computer drawings and modeling of extravagant buildings – nor in ‘automated rooms’ of the millionaire’s houses. Televisions, telephones and computers leave the walls of our houses “with as many holes as a Swiss cheese”, as Flusser has pointed. The architecture has historically manipulated the way people interact, but this interaction now has been greatly changed by new technologies. Since is inevitable to think the contemporary world without them, it is extreme urgent that architects start dealing with this whole universe in a creative way. Important changes in architecture occur after professionals start to research and experiment with different artistic medias, not limiting their visions to painting and sculpture. The main hypothesis of this paper is that the experiments with new media art can bring the field of architecture closer to information and communication technologies. This confluence can only take form when architects rise questions about technology based interaction and automation during their creative process, embodying these concepts into the architecture repertoire. An educational experience was conducted in 2007 at UFMG Architecture School, in Brazil, with the intention of this activity was to allow students to research creatively with both information technology and architecture. The students’ goal was to create site-specific interventions on the school building, using physical and digital devices. Finally, the paper contextualizes this experience with the discussion above exposed. Concluding with an exposition of the potentialities of some contemporary art modalities (specially the hybrid ones) in qualifying architectural practices.
keywords Architecture; Information and Communication Technologies; Digital Art; Site Specific Art; Architectural Learning.
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id acadia07_146
id acadia07_146
authors Angulo, Antonieta
year 2007
title Ubiquitous Training of Visual-Spatial Skills: On the Development of Mobile Applications Using Handheld Devices
source Expanding Bodies: Art • Cities• Environment [Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture / ISBN 978-0-9780978-6-8] Halifax (Nova Scotia) 1-7 October 2007, 146-155
summary This research project seeks to develop m-learning applications that provide training in visual-spatial skills using wireless handheld mobile devices (e.g. PDAs and cellular phones). The paper acknowledges the role of visual-spatial competence as fundamental in science and most creative endeavors, including its critical role in architectural design. It also recognizes that there is a substantial amount of anecdotal evidence suggesting that undergraduate students in architecture have serious limitations in applying visual-spatial skills for design activities. A potential solution to this problem is envisioned through the introduction of extra-curricular learning activities that are ubiquitous and learner-centered. The suggested m-learning applications will include a set of instructional modules making use of media-rich representations (graphics and animations) for conveying the nature of 3-D spaces. As a first step toward reaching this development, a prototype was created and used for testing learning strategies. This experiment provided evidence regarding improvements to specific aspects of the students’ visual-spatial competency, and it also collected qualitative feedback regarding the students’ level of satisfaction about the learning experience. The paper provides recommendations for a future implementation of the beta version, including the learning strategy, content authoring, publishing, deployment, and criteria for the selection of the most accessible mobile device.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id ascaad2007_038
id ascaad2007_038
authors Bakr, A.F. and D. Saadallah
year 2007
title Strategic planning through Mapping of Water pollution in Lack of information system utilizing geographic information system (GIS): Lake Maryout, Alexandria, Egypt
source Em‘body’ing Virtual Architecture: The Third International Conference of the Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD 2007), 28-30 November 2007, Alexandria, Egypt, pp. 479-490
summary Strategic planning always requests supporting tools to defeat lack of data problems, which is a common drawback in our planning system as a result of several reasons. This paper is an extensive overview of the recent application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in the domain of water contamination in lakes. The authors try to establish a GIS mapping technique, which is customized for Lake of Maryout in Alexandria city, Egypt demonstrating various GIS analysis techniques/approaches applied to a diversity of real-life engineering endeavors in the water contamination control management sector in a lack of data system. First, the reader is concisely acquainted with the major steps of utilized mapping technique and how they are conducted. Second, the technique would be applied to define degree of water pollution distribution in Lake of Maryout. Finally, the output maps would be analyzed to delineate a quick and long term strategy of solution.
series ASCAAD
last changed 2008/01/21 22:00

_id ascaad2007_039
id ascaad2007_039
authors Bakr, A.F.; I. Diab and D. Saadallah
year 2007
title Detecting Inefficient Lighting Solutions: Step-by-Step Geographic information system (GIS) Technique
source Em‘body’ing Virtual Architecture: The Third International Conference of the Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD 2007), 28-30 November 2007, Alexandria, Egypt, pp. 491-504
summary Outdoor lighting is used to illuminate roadways, parking lots, yards, sidewalks, public meeting areas, signs, work sites, and buildings. It provides us with better visibility and a sense of security. When well designed and properly installed, outdoor lighting can be and is very useful in improving visibility and safety and a sense of security, while at the same time minimizing energy use and operating costs. But, because nobody thought at this, most street lights shine light not only on the nearby ground, where is needed, but also miles away and skywards. Thus a large fraction of the light is lost, at consumer expense and without his/her consent. In the other hand, shortage in street light may cause more crimes as well as accidents. Most of the wasted or short light comes from the poorly designed street lights. Billboards, decorative lights, poorly shielded security lights are part of the problem too, but the main culprit for the waste and ugly glow one sees above one's head at nights is from the streetlights. Thus, recent computer technology gives us tools to be employed for testing the quality of light. Geographic Information System (GIS) software could be utilized to achieve that mission through applying mapping technique. This technique could analyze digital photographs and define light polluted areas as well as bad lighted. This paper reveals that step by step technique, which employs hybrid technologies to solve such problem for better planning decisions.
series ASCAAD
last changed 2008/01/21 22:00

_id ecaade2007_129
id ecaade2007_129
authors Balakrishnan, Bimal; Kalisperis, Loukas N. ; Muramoto, Katsuhiko
year 2007
title Implications of Representation-Presentation Distinction in Developing a Presentation Environment for CAAD
source Predicting the Future [25th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-0-9541183-6-5] Frankfurt am Main (Germany) 26-29 September 2007, pp. 133-139
summary Computer mediated environments are increasingly used for design communication to bridge the gap between geographically and temporally separated stakeholders. We look at the design process, its communication through computer mediated environments, and stress the need to recognize the subtle distinction between representation and presentation in this process. Building on representation-presentation distinction, the case for a multi-modal design presentation environment is made and the challenges involved in developing such an environment are discussed. We conclude by demonstrating a prototype of such a presentation environment.
keywords Design presentation, representation-presentation distinction, digital design presentation environments, hypermedia
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id ecaade2007_157
id ecaade2007_157
authors Barczik, Günter; Kurth, Winfried
year 2007
title From Designing Objects to Designing Processes: Algorithms as Creativity Enhancers
source Predicting the Future [25th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-0-9541183-6-5] Frankfurt am Main (Germany) 26-29 September 2007, pp. 887-894
summary We discuss the creative potential of algorithmic design processes in architecture which use computer-based tools through presenting student work employing these techniques. We propose ways of further amplifying these creative possibilities by employing evolutionary design strategies.
keywords Digital aids to design creativity, generative design, education & practice, CAAD curriculum
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id cf2007_153
id cf2007_153
authors Benrós, Deborah; José P Duarte and Fernando Branco
year 2007
title A System for Providing Customized Housing
source Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures / 978-1-4020-6527-9 2007 [Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures / 978-1-4020-6527-9] Sydney (Australia) 11–13 July 2007, pp. 153-166
summary This paper describes a system for generating customized mass housing. The aim is to provide dwellings at an affordable cost with recourse to mass production and yet guarantee that they are tailored to their users. It combines two systems, a rule-based design system and a prefabricated building system. The integration of both systems is achieved through the development of a computer tool to assist designers in the various stages of the housing design process. This tool produces three kinds of outputs: three dimensional models, construction drawings, and a list of construction elements, including their cost and information for manufacturing.
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2007/07/06 12:47

_id ecaade2007_095
id ecaade2007_095
authors Benton, Sarah
year 2007
title Mediating between Architectural Design Ideation and Development through Digital Technology
source Predicting the Future [25th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-0-9541183-6-5] Frankfurt am Main (Germany) 26-29 September 2007, pp. 253-260
summary Negroponte (Negroponte 1969) described how the creative thinking of a designer can become affected by the ‘machine’ urging the designer to draw a distinction between ‘heuristics of form’ and ‘heuristics of method’. This ensured that by taking advantage of digital technology a symbiotic relationship was maintained between both of these. To date architects have investigated digital tools for generating form and imagery with increasing success, but have arguably fallen short of using those tools for advancing their design methods. The research presented here explores questions not solely focusing on the use of the tools, but on heuristic methods of the profession, to examine the interconnectiveness of the design method and the tool in a symbiotic fashion; to examine the nature of creativity. This paper is taking a critical standpoint about the place of digital tools in an architect’s method in the pursuit of poetic architecture and, in particular, its representation, to enable speculation, as opposed to prediction, of ideas in the design process from the early phases. The issue is discussed through the findings of my doctoral research case studies that have proved germane to my particular enquiry, that is, digital mediationbetween design ideation and design development.
keywords Ideation, development, design process, digital techniques, animation
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id acadia07_174
id acadia07_174
authors Bontemps, Arnaud; Potvin, André; Demers, Claude
year 2007
title The Dynamics of Physical Ambiences
source Expanding Bodies: Art • Cities• Environment [Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture / ISBN 978-0-9780978-6-8] Halifax (Nova Scotia) 1-7 October 2007, 174-181
summary This research proposes to support the reading of physical ambiences by the development of a representational technique which compiles, in a numerical interface, two types of data: sensory and filmic. These data are recorded through the use of a portable array equipped with sensors (Potvin 1997, 2002, 2004) as well as the acquisition of Video information of the moving environment. The compilation of information is carried out through a multi-media approach, by means of a program converting the environmental data into dynamic diagrams, as well as the creation of an interactive interface allowing a possible diffusion on the Web. This technique, named APMAP/Video, makes it possible to read out simultaneously spatial and environmental diversity. It is demonstrated through surveys taken at various seasons and time of the day at the new Caisse de dépôt et de placement headquarters in Montreal which is also the corpus for a SSHRC (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council) research grant on Environmental Adaptability in Architecture (Potvin et al. 2003-2007). This case study shows that the technique can prove of great relevance for POEs (Post Occupancy Evaluation) as well as for assistance in a new design project.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id cf2011_p157
id cf2011_p157
authors Boton, Conrad; Kubicki Sylvain, Halin Gilles
year 2011
title Understanding Pre-Construction Simulation Activities to Adapt Visualization in 4D CAD Collaborative Tools
source Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures 2011 [Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures / ISBN 9782874561429] Liege (Belgium) 4-8 July 2011, pp. 477-492.
summary Increasing productivity and efficiency is an important issue in the AEC field. This area is mainly characterized by fragmentation, heterogeneous teams with low lifetimes and many uncertainties. 4D CAD is one of the greatest innovations in recent years. It consists in linking a 3D model of the building with the works planning in order to simulate the construction evolution over time. 4D CAD can fill several needs from design to project management through constructivity analysis and tasks planning (Tommelein 2003). The literature shows that several applications have been proposed to improve the 4D CAD use (Chau et al. 2004; Lu et al. 2007; Seok & al. 2009). In addition, studies have shown the real impact of 4D CAD use in construction projects (Staub-French & Khanzode 2007; Dawood & Sika 2007). More recently, Mahalingam et al. (2010) showed that the collaborative use of 4D CAD is particularly useful during the pre-construction phase for comparing the constructability of working methods, for visually identifying conflicts and clashes (overlaps), and as visual tool for practitioners to discuss and to plan project progress. So the advantage of the 4D CAD collaborative use is demonstrated. Moreover, several studies have been conducted both in the scientific community and in the industrial world to improve it (Zhou et al. 2009; Kang et al. 2007). But an important need that remains in collaborative 4D CAD use in construction projects is about the adaptation of visualization to the users business needs. Indeed, construction projects have very specific characteristics (fragmentation, variable team, different roles from one project to another). Moreover, in the AEC field several visualization techniques can represent the same concept and actors choose one or another of these techniques according to their specific needs related to the task they have to perform. For example, the tasks planning may be represented by a Gantt chart or by a PERT network and the building elements can be depicted with a 3D model or a 2D plan. The classical view (3D + Gantt) proposed to all practitioners in the available 4D tools seems therefore not suiting the needs of all. So, our research is based on the hypothesis that adapting the visualization to individual business needs could significantly improve the collaboration. This work relies on previous ones and aim to develop a method 1) to choose the best suited views for performed tasks and 2) to compose adapted multiple views for each actor, that we call “business views”. We propose a 4 steps-method to compose business views. The first step identifies the users’ business needs, defining the individual practices performed by each actor, identifying his business tasks and his information needs. The second step identifies the visualization needs related to the identified business needs. For this purpose, the user’s interactions and visualization tasks are described. This enables choosing the most appropriate visualization techniques for each need (step 3). At this step, it is important to describe the visualization techniques and to be able to compare them. Therefore, we proposed a business view metamodel. The final step (step 4) selects the adapted views, defines the coordination mechanisms and the interaction principles in order to compose coordinated visualizations. A final step consists in a validation work to ensure that the composed views really match to the described business needs. This paper presents the latest version of the method and especially presents our latest works about its first and second steps. These include making more generic the business tasks description in order to be applicable within most of construction projects and enabling to make correspondence with visualization tasks.
keywords Pre-construction, Simulation, 4D CAD, Collaboration, Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Human-Computer Interface, Information visualization, Business view, Model driven engineering
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2012/02/11 19:21

_id sigradi2007_af73
id sigradi2007_af73
authors Bruscato, Underlea; Rodrigo Garcia Alvarado
year 2007
title Spaces for Meetings and Memories in Virtual Networks [Espaços de Encontro e Memória nas Redes]
source SIGraDi 2007 - [Proceedings of the 11th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] México D.F. - México 23-25 October 2007, pp. 380-384
summary Digital media is becoming a huge space for information and communication, including heritage simulation. Meantime urban spaces are deteriorating and loosing social role. This paper shows development of heritage models like social spaces in internet to promote urban memory and meetings. A model of old square and theatre of the abandonee town of Sewell in Chile, diffused through youtube, and the model of Square of Inmigration in Sao Leopoldo, Brasil, available in virtual communities in internet with links to fotolog pages of families. These examples demonstrated relationship between technological possibilities and urban spaces that can support social cohesion.
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

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