CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

Hits 1 to 20 of 548

_id acadia07_084
id acadia07_084
authors Michalatos, Panagiotis; Kaijima, Sawako
year 2007
title Structural Information as Material for Design
source Expanding Bodies: Art • Cities• Environment [Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture / ISBN 978-0-9780978-6-8] Halifax (Nova Scotia) 1-7 October 2007, 84-95
summary We present our investigations focusing on finding ways to design structural solutions that respects criteria of efficiency, architectural intentions as well as intrinsic properties of the geometry. These are attempts to embed structural analysis results into the design space so that its form and structure will be affected by this information. The three examples show different approaches we have taken depending on the stage of design in which our processes intervened. The three approaches are Densification, Alignment, and Extraction.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:58

_id ecaade2007_134
id ecaade2007_134
authors Rüdenauer, Kai; Dohmen, Philipp
year 2007
title Heuristic Methods in Architectural Design Optimization
source Predicting the Future [25th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-0-9541183-6-5] Frankfurt am Main (Germany) 26-29 September 2007, pp. 507-514
summary This paper focuses on optimization methods and their role in the “digital chain” in architectural design and production. These methods were developed in the research phase of the project ‘New Monte Rosa Shelter’ to improve cost efficiency and to adapt the design for the specific environmental and constructive constraints of the site. The New Monte Rosa Shelter is a project designed by students for a mountain shelter at high altitude. For transportation and construction reasons, optimization was required to minimize costs, material, and weight of the structure. For this project a series of programs using genetic algorithms were written to optimize the geometry of the wooden framework. These programs were combined to create a digital toolset, giving the architects direct output of surface information from the framing data, and allowing for output as a three-dimensional model. This optimization toolset gives creative control back to the architects themselves, who can now transform and manipulate the architecture. This paper describes the overall process, and outlines one specific optimization tool, a program that enables architects to “fill” the wooden framework automatically with different material and construction systems and understand the cost and efficiency implications based upon the structural analysis software and the programmed heuristic methods.
keywords Heuristics, algorithm, evolutionary strategy, digital chain, generative design, computer aided optimization
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:56

_id ecaade2007_088
id ecaade2007_088
authors Bechthold, Martin
year 2007
title Teaching Technology: CAD/CAM, Parametric Design and Interactivity
source Predicting the Future [25th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-0-9541183-6-5] Frankfurt am Main (Germany) 26-29 September 2007, pp. 767-775
summary The paper discusses a project-based approach to technology teaching, and examines the case of the mobile information unit (MIU) for Harvard University and its art museums. A student competition was held to explore design alternatives for this unit. The winning entry proposed an interactive, pixilated fiber-optics display as well as touch screens. Parametric digital modeling was used in the design and design development of the scheme. Research included the study of structural alternatives, fabrication methods and the modes of interaction between users and the MIU.
keywords Computer-aided design and manufacturing, fabrication, simulation, prototype, fiber optics
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id ascaad2007_016
id ascaad2007_016
authors Biloria, N.
year 2007
title Developing an Interactive Architectural Meta-System for Contemporary Corporate Environments: An investigation into aspects of creating responsive spatial systems for corporate offices incorporating rule based computation techniques
source Em‘body’ing Virtual Architecture: The Third International Conference of the Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD 2007), 28-30 November 2007, Alexandria, Egypt, pp. 199-212
summary The research paper exemplifies upon an attempt to create a co-evolving (socio-cultural and technological) programmable spatiality with a strong underpinning in the domain of computation, interaction design and open system typologies for the generation of a constantly informed self-adaptive corporate office space (which addresses the behavioral patterns/preferences of its occupants). Architectural substantiations for such corporate bodies embodying dynamic business eco-systems usually tend to be rather inert in essence and deem to remain closed systemic entities, adhering to a rather static spatial program in accordance with which they were initially conceptualized. The research initiative, rather than creating conventional inert structural shells (hard components), thus focuses upon the development of a meta-system, or in other words the creation of a ‘soft’ computationally enriched open systemic framework (informational) which interfaces with the ‘hard’, material component and the users of the architectural construct (corporate offices). This soft space/meta system serves as a platform for providing the users with a democratic framework, within which they can manifest their own programmatic (activity oriented) combinations in order to create self designed spatial alternatives. The otherwise static/inert hard architectural counterpart, enhanced with contemporary technology thus becomes a physical interface prone to real-time spatial/structural and ambient augmentation to optimally serve its users.
series ASCAAD
last changed 2008/01/21 22:00

_id bsct_fotiadou
id bsct_fotiadou
authors Fotiadou, Angeliki
year 2007
title Analysis of Design Support for Kinetic Structures
source Vienna University of Technology; Building Science & Technology
summary This thesis attempts the formation and systemization of a basis of knowledge and information, which is indispensable to turn a design support for kinetic structures into representation by means of a 3d animating program. Representation of kinetic structures by means of the existing ordinary software sources is possible; Nevertheless, such representation lacks of different important features and functions and results eventually in the total absence of a real model of the construction, which is valuable to the user of the program especially in the field of the kinetics, where everything depends on the movement: design not only requires, but demands for visualisation. A personal interest in kinetic architecture and therefore in the physical movement of structural elements in a building, as well as an attempt to “fathom” the possibility of changing this concept to visualization and modern reality by the use of a software are the main incentives of this master thesis. First, a general research will be performed in order to check the existence of similar or semisimilar proposals. The area in which the research will be held is the Bibliography in kinetic architecture and parametric design. A comparison of animation and 3D prototype software in well-known programs will focus on whether virtual weather conditions are considered as a parameter to the animation of the structure of the programs and case studies of several existing kinetic structures will be performed, in order to point out flaws and/or helpful commands in the programs in connection with the presentation of kinetic architecture. Criteria for the choice of the software: ability to customise and to produce geometric modelling, animation in relation to time (video animation) and the simulation after taking into consideration weather factors. Finally, using the computer and the scripting language, based probably on the theory of parametric design and primitive instancing, a realistic simulation of different elements will be performed in relation to variable measurements of luminance, ventilation and temperature so as to render feasible the construction of a whole structure. The results of the thesis will be used in the future as the basic knowledge in the creation of software for simulation of kinetic architecture. This program will be used as a tool for the architect to present a building, where kinetic architecture will be applied and to create simulation of the kinetic movement through a library of the existing prefabricated elements which will be created with the help of this thesis.
keywords Kinetic architecture, 3D designing software, scripting, programming
series thesis:MSc
last changed 2007/07/16 17:51

_id sigradi2008_175
id sigradi2008_175
authors Knight, Terry; Larry Sass, Kenfield Griffith, Ayodh Vasant Kamath
year 2008
title Visual-Physical Grammars
source SIGraDi 2008 - [Proceedings of the 12th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] La Habana - Cuba 1-5 December 2008
summary This paper introduces new visual-physical design grammars for the design and manufacture of building assembly systems that provide visually rich, culturally resonant design variations for housing. The building systems are intended to be tailored for particular cultures and communities by incorporating vernacular, decorative design into the assembly design. Two complementary areas of computational design research are brought together in this work: shape grammars and digital fabrication. The visual or graphic aspects of the research are explored through shape grammars. The physical design and manufacturing aspects are explored through advanced digital design and fabrication technologies and, in particular, build on recent work on mono-material assemblies with interlocking components that can be fabricated with CNC machines and assembled easily by hand on-site (Sass, 2007). This paper describes the initial, proof-of-concept stage of this work: the development of an automated, visual-physical grammar for an assembly system based on a vernacular language of Greek meander designs. A shape grammar for the two-dimensional Greek meander language (Knight, 1986) was translated into a three-dimensional assembly system. The components of the system are uniquely designed, concrete “meander bricks” (Figure 1). The components have integrated alignment features so that they can be easily fitted and locked together manually without binding materials. Components interlock horizontally to form courses, and courses interlock vertically in different ways to produce a visual variety of meander walls. The assembly components were prototyped at desktop scale with a layered manufacturing machine to test their appearance after assembly and their potential for design variations (Figure 2). Components were then evaluated as full-scale concrete objects for satisfaction of physical constraints related to concrete forming and component strength. The automated grammar (computer program) for this system generates assembly design variations with complete CAD/CAM data for fabrication of components formed from layered, CNC cut molds. Using the grammar, a full-scale mockup of a corner wall section was constructed to assess the structural, material, and aesthetic feasibility of the system, as well as ease of assembly. The results of this study demonstrate clearly the potentials for embedding visual properties in structural systems. They provide the foundations for further work on assembly systems for complete houses and other small-scale structures, and grammars to generate them. In the long-term, this research will lead to new solutions for economical, easily manufactured housing which is especially critical in developing countries and for post-disaster environments. These new housing solutions will not only provide shelter but will also support important cultural values through the integration of familiar visual design features. The use of inexpensive, portable digital design and fabrication technologies will allow local communities to be active, cooperative participants in the design and construction of their homes. Beyond the specific context of housing, visual-physical grammars have the potential to positively impact design and manufacture of designed artifacts at many scales, and in many domains, particularly for artifacts where visual aesthetics need to be considered jointly with physical or material requirements and design customization or variation is important.
keywords Shape grammar, digital fabrication, building assembly, mass customization, housing
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:54

_id ijac20075401
id ijac20075401
authors Koutamanis, Alexander
year 2007
title Fuzzy Modelling for Early Architectural Design
source International Journal of Architectural Computing vol. 5 - no. 4, pp. 589-610
summary Fuzzy modelling is simultaneously an extension of existing modelling approaches and a negation of one of their main aspects, the crispness of their definition. As a digital equivalent of analogue sketching it allows designers to register and manipulate imprecise and uncertain information. In the framework of design representations fuzzy modelling supports the development of conceptual design models characterized by flexible definition and interaction. The main advantages of such models are fluency, abstraction and continuity, at a level similar to that of analogue techniques. In addition to that they offer the possibility of local autonomy, i.e. segmentation of a representation into self-regulating and cooperating components. Three alternative forms of fuzzy modelling are proposed: (1) Canonical objects with tolerances, (2) objects described by minimal and maximal values, and (3) point sets comprising discrete, autonomous particles that describe the object by their spatial or structural relationships.
series journal
last changed 2008/02/25 20:30

_id ecaade2020_184
id ecaade2020_184
authors Kycia, Agata and Guiducci, Lorenzo
year 2020
title Self-shaping Textiles - A material platform for digitally designed, material-informed surface elements
source Werner, L and Koering, D (eds.), Anthropologic: Architecture and Fabrication in the cognitive age - Proceedings of the 38th eCAADe Conference - Volume 2, TU Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 16-18 September 2020, pp. 21-30
summary Despite the cutting edge developments in science and technology, architecture to a large extent still tends to favor form over matter by forcing materials into predefined, often superficial geometries, with functional aspects relegated to materials or energy demanding mechanized systems. Biomaterials research has instead shown a variety of physical architectures in which form and matter are intimately related (Fratzl, Weinkamer, 2007). We take inspiration from the morphogenetic processes taking place in plants' leaves (Sharon et al., 2007), where intricate three-dimensional surfaces originate from in-plane growth distributions, and propose the use of 3D printing on pre-stretched textiles (Tibbits, 2017) as an alternative, material-based, form-finding technique. We 3D print open fiber bundles, analyze the resulting wrinkling phenomenon and use it as a design strategy for creating three-dimensional textile surfaces. As additive manufacturing becomes more and more affordable, materials more intelligent and robust, the proposed form-finding technique has a lot of potential for designing efficient textile structures with optimized structural performance and minimal usage of material.
keywords self-shaping textiles; material form-finding; wrinkling; surface instabilities; bio-inspired design; leaf morphogenesis
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:52

_id acadia16_254
id acadia16_254
authors Sharmin, Shahida; Ahlquist, Sean
year 2016
title Knit Architecture: Exploration of Hybrid Textile Composites Through the Activation of Integrated Material Behavior
source ACADIA // 2016: POSTHUMAN FRONTIERS: Data, Designers, and Cognitive Machines [Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-0-692-77095-5] Ann Arbor 27-29 October, 2016, pp. 254-259
summary The hybrid system in textile composites refers to the structural logic defined by Heino Engel, which describes a system that integrates multiple structural behaviors to achieve an equilibrium state (Engel 2007). This research explores a material system that can demonstrate a hybrid material behavior defined by the differentiated tensile and bending-active forces in a single, seamless knitted composite material. These behaviors were installed during the materialization phase and activated during the composite formation process. Here, the material formation involves two interdependent processes: 1) development of the knitted textile with integrated tensile and reinforced materials and 2) development of the composite by applying pre-stress and vacuuming the localized area with reinforcements in a consistent resin-based matrix. The flat bed industrial weft knitting machine has been utilized to develop the knitted textile component of the system with a controlled knit structure. This enables us to control the material types, densities, and cross sections with integrated multiple layers/ribs and thus, the performance of the textile at the scale of fiber structure. Both of these aspects were researched in parallel, using physical and computational methods informed and shaped by the potentials and constraints of each other. A series of studies has been utilized to develop small-scale prototypes that depict the potential of the hybrid textile composite as the generator of complex form and bending active structures. Ultimately, it indicates the possibilities of hybrid textile composite materials as self-structuring lightweight components that can perform as highly articulated and differentiated seamless architectural elements that are capable of transforming the perception of light, space, and touch.
keywords form-finding, programmable materials, composite forming processes, embedded responsiveness
series ACADIA
type paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:56

_id bb8d
id bb8d
authors von Buelow, Peter
year 2007
title Genetically Engineered Architecture: design exploration with evolutionary computation
source VDM Verlag Dr. Mueller, Germany, Dec. 2007. ISBN 978-3-8364-4721-8
summary This book explores design tools based on evolutionary computation (EC), oriented primarily toward conceptual design of architectural and civil engineering structures. EC tools are well suited for exploration in a way which promotes creative design. The multiplicity of solutions generated by EC techniques is less likely to cause design fixation, and so promote a more thorough exploration of possible solutions. The use of such tools also allows the designer greater latitude in exploring design criteria, such as aesthetics, by utilizing an interactive human-computer interface. This book begins with a survey of techniques that have been used in early phases of architectural design, and establishes a set of successful attributes, which are then discussed in the context of EC techniques. Finally, a specific implementation developed by the author is described. Several examples are given in the area of architectural engineering, and comparisons are made with results obtained with more conventional optimization tools. This book is especially useful for designers interested in new methods for generating and exploring structural form, and is accessible to non-programmers in either field.

Dr.-Ing. Peter von Buelow has worked as both architect and engineer, and is currently a professor at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, USA, where he teaches structures in the School of Architecture, and conducts research in structural form exploration based on evolutionary computation. For more information visit:

keywords evolutionary computation, genetic algorithm, design, optimization, structures
series book
type normal paper
last changed 2008/05/12 19:05

_id sigradi2007_af24
id sigradi2007_af24
authors Monedero, Javier
year 2007
title Architectural eLearning: An inquiry into the fuzzy boundaries that separate education and instruction [Architectural eLearning. Una indagación sobre los límites borrosos que separan la educación y la instrucción]
source SIGraDi 2007 - [Proceedings of the 11th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] México D.F. - México 23-25 October 2007, pp. 155-158
summary This communication is based on the development of a new subject to be imparted in collaboration with three Departments (Visual Communication, Projects and Construction) at the School of Architecture of Barcelona. It is a work that has been financed with a special grant from our university, aimed at the development of new teaching modalities and, in particular, of those that would develop the use of new technologies, collaboration among university departments and eLearning. The aim of the communication is twofold. First, to present some results that we consider valuable in themselves, as much for the techniques as for the methodology that we have used. Second, to propitiate a debate on the new situation that the teaching of architecture is moving to, due to the advance of a series of instruction methods where the methodological organization, the storing of informative material and the preparation of autonomous interactive systems, open more and more effective roads of learning but that, at the same time, point towards a new educational structure that fits badly within the traditional structures in which we have still to work daily. Regarding the first point, the main aspects to highlight are: a) the development of a selflearning system by means of a very complete series of tutorials that allow a gradual acquisition, depending on the necessities or interests of each student, of geometric modeling, parametric design, visual simulation and interactive animation techniques, b) the development of a system of general information supply and on line comments and corrections. Regarding the second point, a provisional theoretical framework has been elaborated based on the consideration of the ubiquitous visual communication media as misleading mediators of a personal relationship. This theoretical frame has been tested by a few experiences carried out with the collaboration of students implied in the project. The general conclusion is that both challenges must be faced at the same time: new educational technologies must be analysed and integrated in our curricula and a new theoretical framework, able to clarify the difference between instruction and education, must be developed in parallel with those technologies.
keywords Architecture; eLearning; Visual Communication
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:55

_id caadria2007_489
id caadria2007_489
authors Neuckermans, Herman; Martin Wolpers, Mathias Casaer and Ann Heylighen
year 2007
title Data and Metadata in Architectural Repositories
source CAADRIA 2007 [Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia] Nanjing (China) 19-21 April 2007
summary In many schools all over the world, teachers as well as researchers have been developing digital learning contents. These contents exist mostly in isolation; that means in and within a school or in the personal files, although it would be much more profitable to the community of teachers in architecture to share the results of all these efforts. In this paper we present and discuss two different strategies regarding this ambition: The first develops digital pedagogical material and tries to invite others to contribute in order to create a big repository. As an example we will present DYNAMO, a dynamic architectural memory on-line built over the last 8 years, with to date more than 600 architectural projects fully documented with plans, pictures, texts and a fairly developed category search engine. In the second approach every owner of a repository keeps his/her data and shares its content with others through a central search engine. As an example we will present and discuss a recently launched EU-programme called MACE – Metadata for Architectural Contents in Europe – which aims at enhancing the metadata of as many as possible different repositories in order to allow searches by distant partners. Real access conditions to the data still will remain those specific for each repository. The purpose of this paper is to share information and (similar?) experiences in Asia or outside Europe in general.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id acadia07_182
id acadia07_182
authors Oxman, Neri
year 2007
title Rapid Craft: Material Experiments towards an Integrated Sensing Skin System
source Expanding Bodies: Art • Cities• Environment [Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture / ISBN 978-0-9780978-6-8] Halifax (Nova Scotia) 1-7 October 2007, 182-191
summary The distinction between matter (mechanics) and information (electronics) in the context of responsive building skins has promoted unique design protocols for integrating sensor technologies into material components. Such a distinction results in applications of remote sensing after the process of material fabrication. Sensors are commonly perceived as electronic patches which initiate mechanical output with response to electrical input. This work seeks to establish a novel approach to the application of electronics in building skins, which prioritizes material selection, behavior, and fabrication technology in relation to the required task, over postproduction sensor integration. The term “Rapid Craft” is proposed to describe such design protocols which couple material behavior and fabrication in the design of responsive skins. Rapid Craft is a designation for the incorporation of craft materialization knowledge within the framework of CNC processes of fabrication. A light-sensing inflatable skin system is developed as a working prototype, which demonstrates such an approach.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 08:00

_id acadia13_109
id acadia13_109
authors Thün, Geoffrey; Velikov, Kathy
year 2013
title Adaptation as a Framework for Reconsidering High-Performance Residential Design: A Case Study
source ACADIA 13: Adaptive Architecture [Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-1-926724-22-5] Cambridge 24-26 October, 2013), pp. 109-118
summary This paper outlines an approach to adaptive residential design explored through recent research and an executed prototype, the North House project (2007-2009), undertaken through an interdisciplinary collaboration of researchers and students from the University of Waterloo, Ryerson University and Simon Fraser University in concert with professional and industry partners. This project aimed to develop a framework for the delivery of adaptive detached residential buildings capable of net-zero energy performance in the temperate climate zone, or the near north. Within this project, the term “adaptive” is developed across several tracts of conceptualization and execution including site and climatically derived models for building material composition and envelope ratios, environmentally-responsive kinetic envelope components, intelligent HVAC controls and interactive interface design aimed at producing co-evolutionary behaviors between building systems and inhabitants. A provisional definition of adaptive architecture is outlined to address this range of considerations that calls into question the stable image of domestic architecture and its relationship to energy and contemporary assumptions regarding sustainable design. This paper also outlines computational approaches to design optimization, distributed building systems integration and the human-controls interfaces applicable to the home’s ecology of physical and information technologies.
keywords next generation technology, responsive buildings, high performance envelopes, sensing and feedback, passive and active systems, energy modeling, user interface
series ACADIA
type Normal Paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:58

_id sigradi2007_af44
id sigradi2007_af44
authors Tosello, María Elena
year 2007
title VL Virtual Library - The virtual tree of knowledge [BV Biblioteca Virtual. El Árbol Virtual del Conocimiento]
source SIGraDi 2007 - [Proceedings of the 11th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] México D.F. - México 23-25 October 2007, pp. 24-29
summary FADU’s library gathers all the available information in this institution in books and magazines. The access to this information has place in FADU’s building, without counting yet with the possibility of accessing through the Internet. The intellectual material produced by professors, researchers and students, is not registered yet in a systematic way. This investigation is about compiling and cataloguing the academic production of FADU´s educational community, to build a net of data and exchange as base for future developments in teaching and researching; and the design and programming of a virtual library which spreads out that information, through FADU’s website.
keywords Library – virtual – design - interface - information
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 10:01

_id acadia07_025
id acadia07_025
authors Ascott, Roy
year 2007
title Architecture and the Culture of Contingency
source Expanding Bodies: Art • Cities• Environment [Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture / ISBN 978-0-9780978-6-8] Halifax (Nova Scotia) 1-7 October 2007, 25-31
summary A culture is a set of behaviours, attitudes and values that are shared, sustained and transformed by an identifi able community. Currently, we are bound up in a culture of consumerism, and of terror; there are also retro cultures and utopian cultures. What’s happening now that’s interesting is that many, if not all of these diff erent tendencies, tastes and persuasions are being re-aligned, interconnected and hybridised by a vast global community of online users, who are transdisciplinary in their approach to knowledge and experience, instinctively interactive with systems and situations, playful, transgressive and enormously curious. This living culture makes it up as it goes along. No longer do the institu- tions of state, church or science call the tune. Nor can any architectural schema contain it. This is a culture of inclusion and of self-creation. Culture no longer defi nes us with its rules of aesthetics, style, etiquette, normalcy or privilege. We defi ne it; we of the global community that maps out the world not with territorial boundaries, or built environments, but with open-ended networks. This is a bottom-up culture—non-linear, bifurcating, immersive, and profoundly human. Who needs archi- tecture? Any structural interface will do. Ours can be described as a contingent culture. It’s about chance and change, in the world, in the environment, in oneself. It’s a contingent world we live in, unpredictable, unreliable, uncertain and indeterministic. Culture fi ghts back, fi ghts like with like. The Contingent Culture takes on the contingency of life with its own strategies of risk, chance, and play. It is essentially syncretic. People re-invent themselves, create new relationships, new orders of time and space. Along the way, they create, as well as accommodate, the future. This culture is completely open-ended, evolving and transforming at a fast rate—just as we are, at this stage of our evolution, and just as we want it to be. Human nature, unconstrained, is essentially syncretic too.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id caadria2007_687
id caadria2007_687
authors Chen, Liang
year 2007
title Constructing Structural Shape Grammars
source CAADRIA 2007 [Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia] Nanjing (China) 19-21 April 2007
summary Shape grammar has been shown to be a frame of work applicable to design issues in various fields. Almost all published grammars work only on the bottom level of shape replacement, however in practice, when using grammars to generate designs, the designer may work on different levels of abstractions, concerning about the hierarchy of the design as well. This suggests that, to make the generating process more coherent, the grammar itself need be able to work on different levels, too. This paper introduces the research work that aims at proposing a set of guidelines for writing shape grammar with which the designer could write structured shape grammars that will be easily automated for generating designs.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id c2f9
id c2f9
authors Friedrich E, Derix C and Hannah S
year 2007
title Emergent Form from Structural Optimisation of the Voronoi Polyhedra Structure
source Proceedings of the Generative Arts conference, Milan, 2007
summary In the course of the exploration of computational means in the architectural design process, in order to investigate more complex, adaptive geometries, the Voronoi diagram has recently gained some attention, being a three-dimensional space-filling structure which is modular but not repetitive. The project looks at the Voronoi diagram as a load-bearing structure, and whether it can be useful for structural optimisation. Hereby the edges of the Voronoi polyhedra are regarded as structural members of a statical system, which then is assessed by structural analysis software. Results seem to indicate that the Voronoi approach produces a very specific structural as well as spatial type of order. Through the dislocation of the Voronoi cells, the statical structure becomes more complex through emergent topology changes, and the initially simple spatial system becomes much more complex thorough emerging adjacencies and interconnections between spaces. The characteristics of the emerging form, however, lie rather in the complexity how shifted spaces and parts are fitted together, than in a radical overall emergent geometry. Spatially as well as a structurally, the form moves from a simple modular repetitive system towards a more complex adaptive one, with interconnected parts which cannot stand alone but rather form an organic whole.
keywords complex geometry, emergence, adaptive topology, voronoi diagram
series other
type normal paper
last changed 2012/09/20 18:25

_id ijac20075403
id ijac20075403
authors Holzer, Dominik; Hough, Richard; Burry, Mark
year 2007
title Parametric Design and Structural Optimisation for Early Design Exploration
source International Journal of Architectural Computing vol. 5 - no. 4, pp. 625-643
summary The investigation presented in this paper focuses on the following questions: How can engineering and architectural expertise, assisted by a process of digital optimisation, promote structural awareness regarding design alterations in the conceptual design stages? Can building geometry be set up computationally to render it sensitive to structural input? Which software tools are required to foster this interaction and what kind of decision support is needed to allow both architects and structural engineers to interact concurrently in this optimisation process? The authors of this paper form a team of researchers and practitioners from architectural and structural engineering background who combine their efforts to address the issue of interconnecting design intelligence across disciplines and advancing revised work methodologies in practice assisted by academic research. The research has shown that an integrated transfer of design information between architectural and structural designers in the early stages is beneficial to the collaboration if experts from both professions agree on common goals and define suitability rules that guide optimisation processes from the very beginning. To enable this, software tools are required that provide ad hoc decision support to create a wider array of informed design alternatives from which to choose.
series journal
last changed 2008/02/25 20:30

_id caadria2007_233
id caadria2007_233
authors Hoseini, Ali Ghaffarian; Rahinah Ibrahim
year 2007
title Using Social Network Analysis for Visualising Spatial Planning During Conceptual Design Phase
source CAADRIA 2007 [Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia] Nanjing (China) 19-21 April 2007
summary Spatial diagramming exercises with clients are difficult when most clients are not able to visualize the end results of their requirements. This paper would like to introduce a computational tool—Social Network Analysis (SNA)—commonly used in the communications field to study relationships between people we believe can resolve this visualization problem. Our research intent is to affirm whether or not we can use SNA as a spatial planning tool during conceptual building design. We posit that since the nodes and structural relationships between the nodes may have similar architectural characteristics, the tool would enable architects to make changes by moving any spaces on a floor plan while safely maintaining their spatial relationships to other spaces. In this paper, we would like to develop a proof-of-concept model using an available SNA tool to facilitate spatial diagramming visualization during conceptual design phase. We tested the use of a SNA tool at four levels. The first level determined whether we could develop spatial relationship between functional spaces (such as the living room must be adjacent to the front entry). The second level is on setting priorities values for the different nodes and the linkages. The third level determined whether we could develop grouping relationship between several functional spaces that have a common characteristic (such as public versus private spaces) on one horizontal plane. The final fourth level determined whether we could develop multiple layers that are connected by one common connector (such as a staircase in a double-story house). Our models are validated intellectually by visual comparison between our model and another diagramming by Nooshin (2001) that was developed manually. We are most interested in the fourth level because complexity in the spatial diagramming exercises is caused by multi-layered spatial arrangements at the horizontal and vertical planes. We expect our study to provide us guidelines in developing a prototype for a spatial diagramming tool using SNA, which architects can use to resolve visualization problems when conducting the exercise with their clients.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

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