CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

Hits 1 to 20 of 491

_id ecaade2008_177
id ecaade2008_177
authors Fatah gen. Schieck, Ava
year 2008
title Exploring Architectural Education in the Digital Age
source Architecture in Computro [26th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-0-9541183-7-2] Antwerpen (Belgium) 17-20 September 2008, pp. 861-870
summary This paper reports on work carried out within the module ‘Digital Space & Society as part of the MSc Adaptive Architecture & Computation course at UCL. I describe my approach in investigating possibilities for integrating digital media and computation into a module taught to students coming predominantly from a design background. The teaching adopts the design studio culture, which integrates: teaching, discovery (research), and application (practice). Here I present an attempt to develop new ways that extend beyond conventionally applied methods within traditional architectural education by adopting project based learning that is carried out in the real world. The project is driven by my recent research activities. Donald Schon’s concept of the ‘knowledge in action’ provides a useful framework for interpreting my approach.
keywords Architectural education, digital, project based, teaching & research
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:55

_id ecaade2008_007
id ecaade2008_007
authors Serrato-Combe, Antonio
year 2008
title Digital Cocktail
source Architecture in Computro [26th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-0-9541183-7-2] Antwerpen (Belgium) 17-20 September 2008, pp. 145-152
summary Digital design education has become, in a way, quite similar to Mixology, the art and science of mixing great drinks. Gone are the days when digital design educators only had a handful of ingredients to prepare their educational recipes. Today there are simply too many recipes. So, what should the core elements of digital education be today? What ingredients should be discarded? In what way should educators mix the ingredients? This paper presents highlights of a process followed by an experimental architectural digital design studio where students were served a special digital design cocktail exploring a new way to approach digital education today framed within the constraints of a typical architectural curriculum.
keywords Digital design education, education process, education core, pedagogy, teaching, design process
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:57

_id 5d77
id 5d77
authors Adriane Borda; Neusa Félix; Janice de Freitas Pires; Noélia de Moraes Aguirre.
year 2008
source 12th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics, SIGRADI, 2008, Havana. SIGRADI, Proceedings of the 12th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics.. Havana : Ministerio de Educacion Superior, 2008. p. 434-438.
summary This work invests on delimitation of a Geometric Modeling study program directed to students at the initial stages of Architecture. It is considered that the studies promote a qualified control of the form based on recognition of parameters which define it, moreover it also allows the enlargement of the students geometric vocabulary, important to the architectural design activities. In this way, the program advances on the appropriation of new concepts which surround the investigations on architectural design processes, such as the concept of shape grammar. Observing analysis and architectural composition practices based on such concept, contents of geometric modeling which are already being used in the context of post-graduation are identified to be transposed to the graduation context, along with the initial teaching practices of architectural design. The results refer to making the didactic material available, these materials have the objective of building references for the development of design practice which explore the reflection about the processes of creation and composition of architectural form in their geometric aspects.
keywords Architecture, Geometric Modeling, Shape grammar, Teaching/Learning
series SIGRADI
type normal paper
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id caadria2008_3_session1a_029
id caadria2008_3_session1a_029
authors Ambrose, Michael A., Carl Lostritto, Luc Wilson
year 2008
title Animate education Early Design Education Pedagogy
source CAADRIA 2008 [Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia] Chiang Mai (Thailand) 9-12 April 2008, pp. 29-35
summary This paper presents a novel approach to the introduction and use of animation and motion graphics in foundation design education. Design inquiry and understanding as generated from, and translated by, movement is the focus. This work explores animation as a design methodology in the first weeks of architectural education. The proposed design exercise discussed here will probe the concept/context and spatial/visual literacy of the learned sense of space-time in architectural design education and representation. Here the digital application of animation and motion graphics is intended to be process driven to encourage students to find an attitude about solutions rather than a solution to the design project. The intention is to examine the relationship between form and space through a structured exploration of movement within a kit-of-parts design project that explores a three-dimensional spatial construct. Animation as a design method poses unique potentials and pitfalls. Animation and motion graphics, as a collection of instances, is both questioned and exaggerated. This project creates a threshold experience of learning that puts in motion an exploration of integrated digital process and design product.
keywords Education, design theory, design studies, animation
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id caadria2008_43_session4b_350
id caadria2008_43_session4b_350
authors Chen, Rui; Xiangyu Wang
year 2008
title Tangible Augmented Reality for Design Learning: An Implementation Framework
source CAADRIA 2008 [Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia] Chiang Mai (Thailand) 9-12 April 2008, pp. 350-356
summary Nowadays, it is becoming more and more popular for teaching and learning to be supported in technology-supported settings. These digital technologies create new instructional methods. Tangible Augmented Reality (AR) technology can construct an innovative and interactive learning space by merging computer-generated learning materials and stimuli of virtuality into a real space. Different cognitive and social-learning processes might be involved with different learning activities that can be potentially supported by different technology modes of tangible AR. This paper discusses an empirical research framework for designing and implementing tangible AR technologies to improve the pedagogical effectiveness of learning processes involved in architectural design education. The research framework includes the theoretical process of applying tangible AR in design learning, the devised experimentations and associated methodology. Issues and benefits of incorporating tangible AR into architectural design learning are also investigated and discussed.
keywords Augmented Reality, architectural design learning, framework, learning theory, tangible interface
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:55

_id cdc2008_243
id cdc2008_243
authors Loukissas, Yanni
year 2008
title Keepers of the Geometry: Architects in a Culture of Simulation
source First International Conference on Critical Digital: What Matters(s)? - 18-19 April 2008, Harvard University Graduate School of Design, Cambridge (USA), pp. 243-244
summary “Why do we have to change? We’ve been building buildings for years without CATIA?” Roger Norfleet, a practicing architect in his thirties poses this question to Tim Quix, a generation older and an expert in CATIA, a computer-aided design tool developed by Dassault Systemes in the early 1980’s for use by aerospace engineers. It is 2005 and CATIA has just come into use at Paul Morris Associates, the thirty-person architecture firm where Norfleet works; he is struggling with what it will mean for him, for his firm, for his profession. Computer-aided design is about creativity, but also about jurisdiction, about who controls the design process. In Architecture: The Story of Practice, Architectural theorist Dana Cuff writes that each generation of architects is educated to understand what constitutes a creative act and who in the system of their profession is empowered to use it and at what time. Creativity is socially constructed and Norfleet is coming of age as an architect in a time of technological but also social transition. He must come to terms with the increasingly complex computeraided design tools that have changed both creativity and the rules by which it can operate. In today’s practices, architects use computer-aided design software to produce threedimensional geometric models. Sometimes they use off-the-shelf commercial software like CATIA, sometimes they customize this software through plug-ins and macros, sometimes they work with software that they have themselves programmed. And yet, conforming to Larson’s ideas that they claim the higher ground by identifying with art and not with science, contemporary architects do not often use the term “simulation.” Rather, they have held onto traditional terms such as “modeling” to describe the buzz of new activity with digital technology. But whether or not they use the term, simulation is creating new architectural identities and transforming relationships among a range of design collaborators: masters and apprentices, students and teachers, technical experts and virtuoso programmers. These days, constructing an identity as an architect requires that one define oneself in relation to simulation. Case studies, primarily from two architectural firms, illustrate the transformation of traditional relationships, in particular that of master and apprentice, and the emergence of new roles, including a new professional identity, “keeper of the geometry,” defined by the fusion of person and machine. Like any profession, architecture may be seen as a system in flux. However, with their new roles and relationships, architects are learning that the fight for professional jurisdiction is increasingly for jurisdiction over simulation. Computer-aided design is changing professional patterns of production in architecture, the very way in which professionals compete with each other by making new claims to knowledge. Even today, employees at Paul Morris squabble about the role that simulation software should play in the office. Among other things, they fight about the role it should play in promotion and firm hierarchy. They bicker about the selection of new simulation software, knowing that choosing software implies greater power for those who are expert in it. Architects and their collaborators are in a continual struggle to define the creative roles that can bring them professional acceptance and greater control over design. New technologies for computer-aided design do not change this reality, they become players in it.
last changed 2009/01/07 08:05

_id ecaade2008_119
id ecaade2008_119
authors Celento, David; Harrow, Del
year 2008
title CeramiSKIN
source Architecture in Computro [26th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-0-9541183-7-2] Antwerpen (Belgium) 17-20 September 2008, pp. 709-716
summary ceramiSKIN is the result of an inter-disciplinary investigation between an architect and a ceramics artist. We are exploring natural orders as generators for aperiodic (non-repeating) tiling systems in architectural ceramic cladding systems. Of particular interest are the possibilities offered by digital imaging of organic materials [at various scales from 1:1 to 1:1 nanometer] as a means of form generation. After scanning, shapes are computationally deformed to create a range of biophilic effects promulgated through unique large scale ceramic cladding systems constructed using digital fabrication techniques.
keywords Ceramic cladding systems: biophilia in architecture, digital design, digital fabrication, mass-customization
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:55

_id ecaade2010_065
id ecaade2010_065
authors Hardy, Steve(n); Lundberg, Jonas
year 2010
title Environmental Catalysts for a Computational Urbanism
source FUTURE CITIES [28th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-0-9541183-9-6] ETH Zurich (Switzerland) 15-18 September 2010, pp.805-814
summary It is perhaps no longer relevant to discuss digital tools purely as means in themselves; the growth of abstract systems or computational patterns for their own sake simply strain justification in light of real-world concerns such as climate change and economic crises. While growing concerns over climate change have necessitated an increased interest in sustainable urbanism and design, sustainability has done little to yet alter the morphological and typological consequences of architectural space (Hardy, 2008). In a series of overlapping research projects and design studio briefs, students, research assistants and we worked with the iterative and variable processes of Rhinoscript, McNeel’s Grasshopper and Bentley’s Generative Components to explore the possibilities of changing environmental extremes (specifically flooding) as catalysts for providing new urban morphologies and spatial organizations. Working between the master plan and the individual housing unit, we investigated arrays of terrace homes in the London Thames Valley flood zones while simultaneously exploring the potential for computational generation and parametric optimization.
wos WOS:000340629400086
keywords Computational urbanism; Formative strategies; Parametric design; Adaptive vs. mitagative; Environmental formations
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:49

_id sigradi2008_097
id sigradi2008_097
authors Nogueira de Carvalho, Ana Paula; Marcelo Tramontano, Marlon Rubio Longo
year 2008
title D.O.S. Designers on Spot: Communication processes and Learning actions [Processos de Comunicação e Ações de Aprendizagem]
source SIGraDi 2008 - [Proceedings of the 12th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] La Habana - Cuba 1-5 December 2008
summary D.O.S. Designers on Spot: Communication processes and Learning actions This paper introduces some concepts that have been studied at D.O.S. project as part of the learning and communication actions. These concepts are relevant to the project as they brought to the team some improvements about design experiences based on network communication, as well as some reflections done by designers and researchers in different parts of the world. The project proposed by our research group is part of growing demands for experiments able to explore the Advanced Internet for fast transferring large packages of content. The activities are divided in two different instances: one is called exploratory research and aims to identify enrichments that a collaborative practice would add to the design process and to the production of interactive prototypes as well. The other one is related to remote learning strategies. It aims at investigating new methods of collective design and prototyping of objects with integrated media, and the diffusion of these techniques and methods in classroom environments, as a teaching strategy. Following are three different aspects about design experiences. The first one, called communication processes, presents a panoramic view about different ways the participants of a remote design session can share information. It targets to point and to systematize design actions by exploring transversal characteristics among designers, teams and the resulting objects. In order to achieve it, we have to understand some relations between remote communication and design processes, which explore issues in the project phases of conception, production and interaction. This exploration is part of the search for a conceptual scope for the D.O.S. project development, with an emphasis on the communication specificities between remote designers and the design process. The second one, learning action processes, introduces some issues about academic teaching and learning of design through remote and collaborative media. The third one, Virtual Design Studio (VDS), is related to the previous and aims to present a specific kind of remote design sessions targeting to create strategies to use new communication and information technologies (ICT) on remote project instances. The teaching of Architecture and Design is, above all, multidisciplinary – this means that it is not limited to the knowledge of one field of activity but, by a wide range of subjects from different areas - including Computing. The introduction of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) in the project process is commonly associated to the final stages, and not to the creation. The contribution of the digital environment is provided for the use of various software, which are not restricted to those responsible for graphical representation: programs responsible for the organization of data in tables, for example, enable monitoring developments with clarity. The multidisciplinary consideration supports new variables in the process of design, working quickly and accurately on the possibilities, which modifies the agency of decisions and management tasks.
keywords Advanced internet, collaborative design, virtual design studio
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:56

_id ijac20076203
id ijac20076203
authors Ophir, Yaniv
year 2008
title Go with the flow: particle systems for program modeling in high-rise buildings
source International Journal of Architectural Computing vol. 6 - no. 2, pp. 171-196
summary This paper revisits the particle flow system, a time-based computational tool, which has received a lot of attention from the early pioneers of digital architecture. The use of particle flow systems in architecture enables designers to materialize what they term as site forces which can later be formalized into a building. The methods offered by various designers for using particle flow systems in architecture have kept the discourse purely formal by focusing on the exterior and neglecting the interior. This paper offers a different way of using and conceptualizing particle flow systems in architecture. Shifting the emphasis from the formal, the paper aims to show the potential of using particle flow systems as a parametric model for exploring the spatial organization of an architectural program. This paper also illustrates the application of the proposed computational model, i.e., the particle flow system, by using a case study - the design of a high-rise building in downtown Tel Aviv, Israel.
series journal
last changed 2008/10/01 21:49

_id caadria2008_51_session5a_417
id caadria2008_51_session5a_417
authors Schimek, Heimo; Milena Stavric, Albert Wiltsche
year 2008
title The Intelligence of ornaments: Exploring ornamental ways of Affordable Non-Standard Building Envelopes
source CAADRIA 2008 [Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia] Chiang Mai (Thailand) 9-12 April 2008, pp. 417-425
summary The purpose of this research is to explore ornamental patterns which can be used to enhance materials characteristics in low-cost building envelopes. We use standard building materials (sheets of cross-laminated timber) and develop a parametric design framework for the assembly. Existing rules of ornamental geometry are applied to a parametric controlled structural model so as to endow the building parts both with stability and aesthetics. The concepts of mass customization and “File to factory” support the digital fabrication of a non-repetitive pattern in façade construction and lead to reduced construction costs and building time.
keywords Ornament, symmetry, parametric design, building shell, affordable non-standard architecture, mass customization
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:56

_id caadria2008_53_session5b_437
id caadria2008_53_session5b_437
authors Ambrose, Michael A.; Lisa Lacharité
year 2008
title Representation and re-Presentation: Emerging Digital Conventions of Architectural Communication
source CAADRIA 2008 [Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia] Chiang Mai (Thailand) 9-12 April 2008, pp. 437-444
summary This paper examines the theoretical and conceptual underpinnings of digital architectural representation. Emerging digital tools, processes, and methods are sponsoring new conventions for the communication of architectural ideas and motives. New conventions yielded through digital media offer fresh and currently uncodified ways to communicate. These new conventions attempt to communicate the same ideas as the old, sometimes subverting the imperative for drawing as the representation does not refer to information in the abstract, but literally is the information. This research explores the use of architectural conventions, such as plan, section, and perspective, to examine re-presentation—not only a way to convey form and content, but to also to be used as a form of communication. The emerging digital conventions are forms of communication situated between representation and re-presentation.
keywords Education, design theory, digital design representation
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id sigradi2008_080
id sigradi2008_080
authors Andrés, Roberto
year 2008
title Hybrid Art > Synthesized Architecture
source SIGraDi 2008 - [Proceedings of the 12th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] La Habana - Cuba 1-5 December 2008
summary This paper investigates possible intersections between some contemporary artistic modalities and architectural practice. At first, it describes and discusses different uses of art in architectural history. Through the analyzes of Le Corbusier’s artistic and architectural practices, it observes the limits of looking at art as only ‘inspiration’ for architectural form and points to the necessity of surpassing this formal approach. More than bringing pictorial ‘inspiration’, art, as a experimental field, can change our architectural procedures and approaches - a much richer and powerful addition to the development of architecture. It discusses then, the confluence of architecture, information and communication technologies. Very commonly present in our contemporary life, not only on the making of architecture – computer drawings and modeling of extravagant buildings – nor in ‘automated rooms’ of the millionaire’s houses. Televisions, telephones and computers leave the walls of our houses “with as many holes as a Swiss cheese”, as Flusser has pointed. The architecture has historically manipulated the way people interact, but this interaction now has been greatly changed by new technologies. Since is inevitable to think the contemporary world without them, it is extreme urgent that architects start dealing with this whole universe in a creative way. Important changes in architecture occur after professionals start to research and experiment with different artistic medias, not limiting their visions to painting and sculpture. The main hypothesis of this paper is that the experiments with new media art can bring the field of architecture closer to information and communication technologies. This confluence can only take form when architects rise questions about technology based interaction and automation during their creative process, embodying these concepts into the architecture repertoire. An educational experience was conducted in 2007 at UFMG Architecture School, in Brazil, with the intention of this activity was to allow students to research creatively with both information technology and architecture. The students’ goal was to create site-specific interventions on the school building, using physical and digital devices. Finally, the paper contextualizes this experience with the discussion above exposed. Concluding with an exposition of the potentialities of some contemporary art modalities (specially the hybrid ones) in qualifying architectural practices.
keywords Architecture; Information and Communication Technologies; Digital Art; Site Specific Art; Architectural Learning.
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id ecaade2008_153
id ecaade2008_153
authors Andrés, Roberto
year 2008
title Hybrid Art > Synthesized Architecture
source Architecture in Computro [26th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-0-9541183-7-2] Antwerpen (Belgium) 17-20 September 2008, pp. 267-274
summary This paper investigates possible intersections between some contemporary artistic modalities and architectural practice. It observes the limits of looking at art as only ‘inspiration’ for architectural form and points to the necessity of surpassing this formal approach. It discusses then, the confluence of architecture, information and communication technologies. The architecture has historically mediated the way people interact, but this interaction now has been greatly changed by new technologies. Then, it analyses the hypothesis that the experiments with new media art can bring the field of architecture closer to information and communication technologies. An educational experience is presented, aiming to verify some points discussed on the text. Concluding with an exposition of the potentialities of some hybrid art modalities in qualifying architectural practices.
keywords Architecture, Information and Communication Technologies, Digital Art, Site Specific Art, Architectural Learning
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id sigradi2008_049
id sigradi2008_049
authors Benamy, Turkienicz ; Beck Mateus, Mayer Rosirene
year 2008
title Computing And Manipulation In Design - A Pedagogical Experience Using Symmetry
source SIGraDi 2008 - [Proceedings of the 12th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] La Habana - Cuba 1-5 December 2008
summary The concept of symmetry has been usually restricted to bilateral symmetry, though in an extended sense it refers to any isometric transformation that maintains a certain shape invariant. Groups of operations such as translation, rotation, reflection and combinations of these originate patterns classified by modern mathematics as point groups, friezes and wallpapers (March and Steadman, 1974). This extended notion represents a tool for the recognition and reproduction of patterns, a primal aspect of the perception, comprehension and description of everything that we see. Another aspect of this process is the perception of shapes, primary and emergent. Primary shapes are the ones explicitly represented and emergent shapes are the ones implicit in the others (Gero and Yan, 1994). Some groups of shapes known as Semantic Shapes are especially meaningful in architecture, expressing visual features so as symmetry, rhythm, movement and balance. The extended understanding of the concept of symmetry might improve the development of cognitive abilities concerning the creation, recognition and meaning of forms and shapes, aspects of visual reasoning involved in the design process. This paper discusses the development of a pedagogical experience concerned with the application of the concept of symmetry in the creative generation of forms using computational tools and manipulation. The experience has been carried out since 1995 with 3rd year architectural design students. For the exploration of compositions based on symmetry operations with computational support we followed a method developed by Celani (2003) comprising the automatic generation and update of symmetry patterns using AutoCAD. The exercises with computational support were combined with other different exercises in each semester. The first approach combined the creation of two-dimensional patterns to their application and to their modeling into three-dimensions. The second approach combined the work with computational support with work with physical models and mirrors and the analysis of the created patterns. And the third approach combined the computational tasks with work with two-dimensional physical shapes and mirrors. The student’s work was analyzed under aspects such as Discretion/ Continuity –the creation of isolated groups of shapes or continuous overlapped patterns; Generation of Meta-Shapes –the emergence of new shapes from the geometrical relation between the generative shape and the structure of the symmetrical arrangement; Modes of Representation –the visual aspects of the generative shape such as color and shading; Visual Reasoning –the derivation of 3D compositions from 2D patterns by their progressive analysis and recognition; Conscious Interaction –the simultaneous creation and analysis of symmetry compositions, whether with computational support or with physical shapes and mirrors. The combined work with computational support and with physical models and mirrors enhanced the students understanding on the extended concept of symmetry. The conscious creation and analysis of the patterns also stimulated the student’s understanding over the different semantic possibilities involved in the exploration of forms and shapes in two or three dimensions. The method allowed the development of both syntactic and semantic aspects of visual reasoning, enhancing the students’ visual repertoire. This constitutes an important strategy in the building of the cognitive abilities used in the architectural design process.
keywords Symmetry, Cognition, Computing, Visual reasoning, Design teaching
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id cdc2008_129
id cdc2008_129
authors Breen, Jack and Julian Breen
year 2008
title The Medium Is the Matter: Critical Observations and Strategic Perspectives at Half-time
source First International Conference on Critical Digital: What Matters(s)? - 18-19 April 2008, Harvard University Graduate School of Design, Cambridge (USA), pp. 129-136
summary This paper critically re-views the professional impact and functionality of the pervasive digital ‘matter’ we have come to believe we can no longer do without. On the basis of a playful exploration of the first ‘half-century’ of our digital age, an attempt is made to draw new perspectives for the next ’level’ of our digital culture in a broader (multi)media perspective and more specifically: the domains of Architecture. To stimulate an open-minded ‘second-half’ debate, the paper puts forward some potentially promising (and hopefully provocative) conceptions and strategies for imaginative interface applications and game-based architectural study initiatives. Furthermore, the paper proposes the establishment of a new cultural platform for the exchange of Critical Digital hypotheses and the evolvement of visionary design concepts through creative digital innovation, with the (inter)active involvement of older and younger team-players…
last changed 2009/01/07 08:05

_id ecaade2008_005
id ecaade2008_005
authors Breen, Jack; Stellingwerff, Martijn
year 2008
title Capital A to Z
source Architecture in Computro [26th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-0-9541183-7-2] Antwerpen (Belgium) 17-20 September 2008, pp. 759-766
summary Throughout the history of architecture, the Capital – the intermediate between a column and the beam or surface it supports – has been a recurring feature in architectural composition and articulation. In this paper we describe results and findings from the Capital A to Z exercise within the Ornamatics Course from the TU-Delft MSc curriculum. We will show how this exercise combines various digital and physical processes for form finding and how further insights can come from the actual production of models and prototypes. Conclusions will be drawn regarding the integrated educational setup and regarding the influence of different methods and tools on the design process and the design results.
keywords Computer aided manufacturing and modelling, composition, prototyping, ornamatics, education-based research
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id sigradi2008_077
id sigradi2008_077
authors Briones, Carolina
year 2008
title A collaborative project experience in an architectural framework, working with Open Source applications and physical computing [Diseño de Plataformas Digitales e Interactivas: una experiencia educativa trabajando colaborativamente con aplicaciones de Código Abierto y Computación Física]
source SIGraDi 2008 - [Proceedings of the 12th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] La Habana - Cuba 1-5 December 2008
summary Nowadays, thanks to the telecommunication revolution and therefore the massive spread of Internet, we have seen the come up of international architectural offices with branches located in different continent, working in a collaborative fashion, surpassing physical and time frontiers. At the same time, the multidisciplinary work between designers, architects, engineers, programmers and even biologist, between others, have been taking place in the new network society. All transformations also supported by the arising of FOSS (Free Open Source Software) and the virtual communities behind them, which allow the creation of non-traditional or specific software, the association between disciplines, and also, the formation of meeting scenarios for a mixture of individuals coming up with multiple motivation to coexist in collaborative environment. Furthermore, it is possible to argue that Open Source applications are also the reflection of a social movement, based on the open creation and exchange of information and knowledge. Do the appeared of FOSS compel us to re-think our working and teaching methods? Do they allow new modes of organizing and collaborating inside our architectural practices?. This paper would like to address these questions, by presenting the results of the “Experience Design” course, which by implementing teaching methods based on Open Source principles and cutting-edge tools, seeks to approach students to these new “way of do”, knowledge and methodologies, and overall, focus them on the science behind the computer. This paper describes the “Experience Design” course, in which architectural graduate students of Universidad Diego Portales (Chile), put for first time their hands on the creation of interactive interfaces. By acquiring basic knowledge of programming and physical computing, students built in a collaborative way a responsive physical installation. The course use as applications “Processing” and “Arduino”. The first one is an Open Source programming language and environment for users who want to program images, animation, and interactions. It has a visual context and serve as a software sketchbook and professional production tool. Processing is a project initiated by Ben Fry and Casey Reas, at the MIT Media Lab ( The second is an Open Source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. Arduino has a microcontroller (programmed with Processing language) which can sense the environment by receiving input from a variety of sensors and can affect its surroundings by controlling lights, motors, and other actuators ( Both environments shared a growing community of people working in related projects and extending useful assistance for beginners. In this paper it is presented the current state of the pilot course and some of the initials results collected during the process. Students and teacher’s debates and evaluations of the experience have been exposed. Together with a critical evaluation in relation to the accomplishment of the effort of place together different disciplines in one collaborative project akin, architecture, design, programming and electronic. Finally, futures modifications of the course are discussed, together with consideration to take in account at the moment of bring Open Source and programming culture into the student curriculum.
keywords Physical computing, teaching framework, Open Source, Interactive Installation
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id ecaade2008_194
id ecaade2008_194
authors Brown, Andre; Winchester, Martin; Knight, Mike
year 2008
title Panoramic Architectural Art: Real-Digital Interaction as a Catalyst
source Architecture in Computro [26th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-0-9541183-7-2] Antwerpen (Belgium) 17-20 September 2008, pp. 751-756
summary This paper describes an integrated cross-disciplinary project in which digital technologies have been used as a vehicle to bring together material, educators and students from a variety of backgrounds. A significant piece of new art, commissioned for the Capital of Culture year (2008) in Liverpool, has been the centre-piece and catalyst for the project.
keywords Art: Interactive: Education
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id ecaade2008_034
id ecaade2008_034
authors Christenson, Mike
year 2008
title Questioning the Primacy of Visual Simulation in an Epistemology of Digital Models
source Architecture in Computro [26th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-0-9541183-7-2] Antwerpen (Belgium) 17-20 September 2008, pp. 889-896
summary This paper questions the degree to which visual simulations are conventionally assumed to be a primary means of entering digital models into productive architectural discourse. The paper considers established means by which digital models are made known, specifically those which place epistemological value on multiple representational modes, particularly building information modeling software. The paper outlines a proposal to displace the use of visual simulation as a primary means of making digital models known.
keywords Digital aids to design creativity, generative design, modes of production, precedents and prototypes, research, education and practice
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:56

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