CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

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_id ecaade2008_111
id ecaade2008_111
authors Theodoros, Dounas
year 2008
title Dynamic Algebras and Grammars
source Architecture in Computro [26th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-0-9541183-7-2] Antwerpen (Belgium) 17-20 September 2008, pp. 429-436
summary The research presented in the paper explores the creation of custom shape grammars with animation tools, either as learning or educational tool or for the purposes of architectural design. Standard shape grammars contain an initial shape or design and one or more transformation rules. The designer just applies the rules in the initial design or has to chose which rule to apply. Dynamic shape grammars on the other hand use animation tools to produce dynamic rules of transformation, or even dynamic – parametric initial shapes on which to apply the rules on. The dynamic state of the rules in our system allows the designer to change the rules during designing without having to abandon a core structural idea or concept. Furthermore the implementation with an animation tool allows the design system to be form-independent and express the underlying structure of an architectural idea with non-graphical connections like parent and child relationships, or other deformation rules.It can be shown that in a computation context dynamic shape grammars are actually groups of standard shape grammars where the grammars in the group share the classification of the transformation rules they contain. The system that we present allows the designer to change between the grammars in one group in a transparent way without expressing the grammar formally but by only manipulating simple objects inside the animation software package.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:58

_id caadria2008_2_session1a_022
id caadria2008_2_session1a_022
authors Theodoros, Dounas; Kotsiopoulos M. Anastasios
year 2008
title Dynamic (Shape) Grammars
source CAADRIA 2008 [Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia] Chiang Mai (Thailand) 9-12 April 2008, pp. 22-28
summary The research presented in the paper explores the creation of custom shape grammars with animation tools, either as learning or educational tool or for the purposes of architectural design. Standard shape grammars contain an initial shape or design and one or more transformation rules. In a simple scenario the designer just applies the rules in the initial design or in a complicated scenario has to choose which rule to apply. Dynamic shape grammars on the other hand use animation tools to produce dynamic rules of transformation, or even dynamic – parametric initial shapes on which to apply the rules on. The dynamic state of the rules in our system allows the designer to change the rules during designing without having to abandon a core idea or concept. Furthermore the implementation with an animation tool allows the design system to be form-independent and express the underlying structure of an architectural idea with non-graphical connections like parent and child relationships, or other deformation rules. It can be shown that in a computation context dynamic shape grammars are actually groups of standard shape grammars where the grammars in the group share the classification of the transformation rules they contain. The system that we present allows the designer to change between the grammars in one group in a transparent way without expressing the grammar formally but by only manipulating simple objects inside the animation software package. This transparency focuses the effort of the user in simply design and keeping track of the formal declarations of shape grammars while the multiple dynamic grammars remove the obstacle of conforming to a single set of rules. The benefits of this effort can be especially seen in actual architectural design where the focus is in developing a concept idea and not strictly adhering to the rules.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:58

_id ecaade2008_083
id ecaade2008_083
authors Belcher, Daniel; Johnson, Brian R.
year 2008
title ARchitectureView
source Architecture in Computro [26th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-0-9541183-7-2] Antwerpen (Belgium) 17-20 September 2008, pp. 561-568
summary We present a system for viewing architectural building models – specifically Building Information Modeling (BIM) models – in 3D using an Augmented Reality Tangible User Interface (TUI) and a Magic Lens interaction metaphor. ARchitectureView is meant to facilitate communication and collaboration around a shared model. We present the system overview and a number of use scenarios in which the interface would serve to improve communication across disciplines and varied technical backgrounds, while supporting a rich and coherent common understanding.
keywords Augmented Reality, Building Information Modeling, Magic Lens, Tangible User Interface
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id acadia08_340
id acadia08_340
authors Chalmers, Chris
year 2008
title Chemical Signaling as a Model for Digital Process in Architecture
source Silicon + Skin: Biological Processes and Computation, [Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) / ISBN 978-0-9789463-4-0] Minneapolis 16-19 October 2008, 340-345
summary The role of the architect is quite literally one of assembly: synthesizing the various parts of a project into a cohesive whole. It is a difficult job, often requiring the architect to weave many seemingly contradictory concerns into a solution that benefits them all. It is not surprising then, that the many elegant and effective systems found in nature should be inspiring to the architect. Emerging fields like biomimicry and systems dynamics model the patterns of interaction between organisms and their environments in terms of dynamic part to part and part to whole relationships. ¶ Observations of real relationships between organisms and their environments, as they exist in nature, reveal complex feedback loops working across multiple scales. These feedback loops operate by the simultaneous action of two observed phenomena. The first is the classic phenotypic relationship seen when organisms of the same genetic makeup instantiate differently based upon differences in their environment. This is the relationship that was originally proposed by Charles Darwin in his theory of natural selection of 1859. Darwin’s model is unidirectional: the organism adapts to its environment, but not the other way around. It operates at the local scale as individual parts react to the conditions of the whole. (Canguilhem, 1952). ¶ The second phenomenon, which sees its effect at the global scale, is the individual’s role as consumer and producer in the flows of energy and material that surround it. It is the subtle and incremental influence of the organism upon its environment, the results of which are often invisible until they reach a catastrophic threshold, at which point all organisms in the system feel global changes. ; The research presented in this paper addresses the dialectic between organism and environment as each responds reciprocally to the others’ changing state. Such feedback loops act in a non-linear fashion, across nested scales in biological systems. They can be modeled to act that way in a digital design process as well. This research is an exploration into one such model and its application to architecture: the simple communication between organisms as they affect and are affected by their environments through the use of signal chemicals.
keywords Biology; Cellular Automata; Feedback; Material; Scripting
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:55

_id acadia08_208
id acadia08_208
authors Griffiths, Jason
year 2008
title Man + Water + Fan = Freshman: Natural Process of Evaporative Cooling and the Digital Fabrication of the ASU Outdoor Dining Pavilion
source Silicon + Skin: Biological Processes and Computation, [Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) / ISBN 978-0-9789463-4-0] Minneapolis 16-19 October 2008, 208-213
summary To the east of Johnson City TX is the Lyndon B. Johnson’s family home. Part of the Johnson Estate2 is given over to a working farm circa 1870 that presents various aspects of domestic practice from the era. This includes a desert fridge which is a simple four-legged structure with a slightly battered profile that’s draped in calico. Its principle is simple; water from an upturned jar is drawn by osmosis down the sides of the calico where it evaporates in wind currents drawn though a “dog run” between two log cabins. Cooled air circulates within the structure and where cheese and milk are kept fresh during the summer. The desert fridge is a simple system that reaches a state of equilibrium through the natural process of evaporation. ¶ This system provides a working model for a prototype structure for an outdoor dining pavilion that was designed and constructed on the campus of Arizona State University. The desert fridge is the basis for a “biological process”3 of evaporative cooling that has been interpreted in terms a ritual of outdoor dining in arid climates. The pavilion is intended as a gathering point and a place of interaction for ASU freshmen. The long-term aim of this project is to provide a multiple of these pavilions across the campus that will be the locus of a sequence of dining events over a “dining season”4 during the fall and spring semester. ; This paper describes how the desert fridge principle has been interpreted in the program and construction of the dining pavilion. It explores a sequence of levels by which the structure, via digital production process, provides an educational narrative on sustainability. This communicative quality is portrayed by the building in direct biological terms, through tacit knowledge, perceived phenomena, lexical and mechanical systems. The paper also describes how these digital production process were used in the building’s design and fabrication. These range from an empirical prognosis of evaporative cooling effects, fluid dynamics, heat mapping and solar radiation analysis through to sheet steel laser cutting, folded plate construction and fully associative variable models of standard steel construction. The aim of the pavilion is to create an environment that presents the evaporative cooling message at a multiple of levels that will concentrate the visitor in holistic understanding of the processes imbued within the building.5
keywords Communication; Digital Fabrication; Environment; System
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:51

_id cdc2008_181
id cdc2008_181
authors Kaijima, Sawako and Panagiotis Michalatos
year 2008
title Simplexity, the programming craft and architecture production
source First International Conference on Critical Digital: What Matters(s)? - 18-19 April 2008, Harvard University Graduate School of Design, Cambridge (USA), pp. 181-194
summary In resent years, digital design tools have become prevalent in the design community and their capabilities to manipulate geometry have grown into a trend among architects to generate complex forms. Working as computational design consultant in an engineering firm, between architecture and engineering we often come across the problems generated by a superficial use of digital tools in both disciplines and the incapacity of the current system to cope with their byproducts. Here we will discuss the problems we see with the current system and the opportunities opened by digital design tools. Two guiding concepts are simplexity [the desire to fine tune and build a system that yields a solution to a specific design problem by collapsing its inherent complexity] and defamiliarization [a side effect of having to represent things as numbers]. They can both affect the designer as an individual who chooses to engage with digital media as well as the production system in which he/she is embedded since he/she will have to find new channels of communication with other parties. To demonstrate our strategy and the obstacles faced we will examine our involvement in the development of a computational design solution for a small house designed by Future Systems architects.
last changed 2009/01/07 08:05

_id ecaade2008_193
id ecaade2008_193
authors Knight, Mike; Chen, Yu-Horng; Winchester, Martin; Brown, Andre
year 2008
title Perception, Placement and Wayfinding Applied to Mobile Architectural Guides
source Architecture in Computro [26th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-0-9541183-7-2] Antwerpen (Belgium) 17-20 September 2008, pp. 215-220
summary This paper describes continuing developments of mobile architectural guides. In using the term mobile we refer to a range of hand-held wireless enabled devices. These device present particular problems in terms of user interaction with a set of graphic and textual information that is intended to deliver information on routefinding and the important architectural features that the user will come across en route. This paper describes some of the issues that arise and user testing to determine improvements to the system being used.
keywords Mobile: Guides: Interface
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:51

_id sigradi2008_087
id sigradi2008_087
authors Lautenschlaeger, Graziele; Anja Pratschke
year 2008
title Electronic Art and Second Order Cybernetic: From Art in Process to Process in Art.
source SIGraDi 2008 - [Proceedings of the 12th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] La Habana - Cuba 1-5 December 2008
summary The goal of the paper presented below is to discuss partial results of a research which has been financed by the state sponsored agency FAPESP since 2007. Inserted in the research line Design Process, it aims to analyse connections between design process in electronic art and architecture, concerning the creation of mixed media spatialities, as well as present how each field can get the benefits from this analyses. Based on Grounded Theory methodology, a method of qualitative research which aims to understand “reality” from the meanings attributed by people for their experiences, the research has been started collecting data from bibliographical references, interviews with media artists, theoreticians and curators of electronic art and visits to media labs. Interviews and visits of media centers were taken in Europe while the researcher was as an exchange student in the Interface Culture Department in Kunstuniversität Linz, from March to September of 2008. By crossing data collected from the interviews and visits, with the cybernetic social system theory by Niklas Luhmann, and the discussion of an example of mixed media spatiality creation in the art field, this paper analyses how creative processes in digital era depends on different interdisciplinary relationships and how collaborative approaches are needed nowadays in the arts and architectural areas, seeing that artworks are always being influenced by their respective specific “mediality”. The aim of this paper is to discuss the relevance of the use of the cybernetic theory in digital culture, when concepts like participation, interaction and communication are some of the keywords, towards a “collective and distributed authorship”, and their reflects in the contemporary spatiality. The special interest in the comparison of art experience and second order cybernetics as a reference to architecture field is one of the findings of the paper. And, concerning the practical implication, due to cybernetics’ constant questioning of viability, adaptability and recursion, it should be able to point some ways to architects and artists´ works, especially if we consider that they never work in “ideal” conditions.
keywords Electronic art. Design process. Second order Cybernetic. Niklas Luhmann.
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:54

_id caadria2008_47_session5a_383
id caadria2008_47_session5a_383
authors Paulini, Mercedes; Marc Aurel Schnabel
year 2008
title Surfing The City: Towards context-aware mobile exploration
source CAADRIA 2008 [Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia] Chiang Mai (Thailand) 9-12 April 2008, pp. 383-390
summary This paper describes the rationale for a navigational system that supports context-based exploration of the urban environment. While many navigational tools support wayfinding, they are based on targeted search, requiring the user to have a predetermined destination. Existing applications do not offer navigational mechanisms that base their recommendations on the user’s unique context information. Customised recommendations present the user with relevant routes they may not have discovered on their own. In this paper, a parallel is drawn between wayfinding in the physical world and the virtual, with web surfing acting as a metaphor for a particular style of interaction with the physical environment. Similarly, the framework for this system presents suggested routes to the user according to their unique contextual setting, which is anticipated to allow a more explorative engagement with their physical environment.
keywords Mobile computing; context-awareness; urban interaction
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:59

_id ijac20108101
id ijac20108101
authors Phan, Viet Toan; Seung Yeon Choo
year 2010
title Augmented Reality-Based Education and Fire Protection for Traditional Korean Buildings
source International Journal of Architectural Computing vol. 8 - no. 1, 75-91
summary This study examines an application of Augmented Reality technology (AR) for Korean Cultural Traditional Buildings, specifically, the Namdaemun Gate, "National Treasure No 1" of the Republic of Korea. Unfortunately, in February 2008, the Namdaemun Gate burned down, despite the efforts of many firemen, as the main difficulty was getting the fire under control without any structural knowledge of the wooden building. Hence, with the great advances in digital technology, an application of virtual technical information to traditional buildings is needed, and the new technology of AR offers many such advantages for digital architectural design and construction fields. While AR is already being considered as new design approach for architecture, outdoor AR is another practical application that can take advantage of new wearable computer equipment (Head-mounted display also know as HMD, position and orientation sensors, and mobile computing) to superimpose virtual graphics of traditional buildings (in this case, Namdaemun Gate) in a real outdoor scene. Plus, outdoor AR also allows the user to move freely around and inside a 3D virtual construction, thereby offering important training opportunities, for example, specific structural information in the case of firemen and mission planning in the case of a real-life emergency. In this example, the proposed outdoor AR system is expected to provide important educational information on traditional wooden building for architects, archaeologists, and engineers, while also assisting firemen to protect such special buildings.
series journal
last changed 2019/05/24 09:55

_id ijac20097303
id ijac20097303
authors Taron, Joshua M.
year 2009
title Interactive Hemostasis Modeling in Urban Network Design
source International Journal of Architectural Computing vol. 7 - no. 3,375-387
summary This paper describes a type of project that images a city as it might exist given the integration of hemostatic procedures within pedestrian networks during emergencies requiring full-scale egress from an urban core. It articulates the steps taken to integrate a pre-existing C++ hemostasis model (C. Jacob, 2008) into Maya software in order to describe how the project operates on a computational level. By projecting these agent-based logics directly into/onto each pedestrian in the city (the smallest unit of the system), egress-oriented infrastructure can shift from being extensively predetermined in form (concrete barriers, metal railing, police barricades, etc.), to something more intensively defined, real-time, and locally on-demand. These procedures are situated within a larger schema based on the structural principles of Norbert Wiener's cybernetic feedback loops, that acknowledge and allow for hybrid (top-down + bottom-up) awareness and control within systems. The project attempts to ally itself with emerging forms of network design with similar structural typologies supported through the use of personal mobile devices (PMDs) in urban environments.
series journal
last changed 2009/10/20 08:02

_id ecaade2008_098
id ecaade2008_098
authors Tonn, Christian; Petzold, Frank; Donath, Dirk
year 2008
title Put on Your Glasses and Press Right Mouse Button
source Architecture in Computro [26th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-0-9541183-7-2] Antwerpen (Belgium) 17-20 September 2008, pp. 201-208
summary Activities in the building industry in Germany concentrate increasingly on a combination of renovation and new building. A prerequisite for computer-aided planning in the context of existing buildings is both the use of on-site computer aided techniques and the integration of all professional disciplines in an integrated information and communication system. How will computers be used on site in the future? Which equipment will be needed? An ongoing interdisciplinary research project undertaken jointly by the faculty of media and the faculty of architecture is investigating methods and techniques for the computer-aided support of the design process with and within existing buildings. The aim of this project is the development of a practice-oriented toolbox for the architectural design process based on SAR (spatial augmented reality). This paper focuses on Augmented-Reality based user interaction on site using laser pointer tracking. The project is funded by the German Research Foundation.
keywords Augmented Reality, Design Support, User Interaction
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:58

_id ecaade2008_143
id ecaade2008_143
authors Wan Park, Jae; Terzidis, Kostas; Nagakura, Takehiko
year 2008
title Chameleon
source Architecture in Computro [26th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-0-9541183-7-2] Antwerpen (Belgium) 17-20 September 2008, pp. 547-554
summary This paper proposes an interactive façade system capable of displaying the meaningful information extracted from this interaction using RFID. This façade system is a domain-specific, embedded system composed of three parts: an input device that employs RFID, a physical facade model that includes an output device and a microcontroller, and an application that consists of a middleware for the connection between the input and the output. The array of meaningful information derived from the input device is displayed as aesthetically flexible patterns created by Cellular Automata algorithms through the middleware. We expect that this facade will contribute to enhancing the building’s identity and to revitalizing desolate modem cities as an urban screen through the communication between people and buildings.
keywords Interactive facade, RFID, cellular automata, multi-color LED
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:58

_id cf2011_p109
id cf2011_p109
authors Abdelmohsen, Sherif; Lee Jinkook, Eastman Chuck
year 2011
title Automated Cost Analysis of Concept Design BIM Models
source Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures 2011 [Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures / ISBN 9782874561429] Liege (Belgium) 4-8 July 2011, pp. 403-418.
summary AUTOMATED COST ANALYSIS OF CONCEPT DESIGN BIM MODELS Interoperability: BIM models and cost models This paper introduces the automated cost analysis developed for the General Services Administration (GSA) and the analysis results of a case study involving a concept design courthouse BIM model. The purpose of this study is to investigate interoperability issues related to integrating design and analysis tools; specifically BIM models and cost models. Previous efforts to generate cost estimates from BIM models have focused on developing two necessary but disjoint processes: 1) extracting accurate quantity take off data from BIM models, and 2) manipulating cost analysis results to provide informative feedback. Some recent efforts involve developing detailed definitions, enhanced IFC-based formats and in-house standards for assemblies that encompass building models (e.g. US Corps of Engineers). Some commercial applications enhance the level of detail associated to BIM objects with assembly descriptions to produce lightweight BIM models that can be used by different applications for various purposes (e.g. Autodesk for design review, Navisworks for scheduling, Innovaya for visual estimating, etc.). This study suggests the integration of design and analysis tools by means of managing all building data in one shared repository accessible to multiple domains in the AEC industry (Eastman, 1999; Eastman et al., 2008; authors, 2010). Our approach aims at providing an integrated platform that incorporates a quantity take off extraction method from IFC models, a cost analysis model, and a comprehensive cost reporting scheme, using the Solibri Model Checker (SMC) development environment. Approach As part of the effort to improve the performance of federal buildings, GSA evaluates concept design alternatives based on their compliance with specific requirements, including cost analysis. Two basic challenges emerge in the process of automating cost analysis for BIM models: 1) At this early concept design stage, only minimal information is available to produce a reliable analysis, such as space names and areas, and building gross area, 2) design alternatives share a lot of programmatic requirements such as location, functional spaces and other data. It is thus crucial to integrate other factors that contribute to substantial cost differences such as perimeter, and exterior wall and roof areas. These are extracted from BIM models using IFC data and input through XML into the Parametric Cost Engineering System (PACES, 2010) software to generate cost analysis reports. PACES uses this limited dataset at a conceptual stage and RSMeans (2010) data to infer cost assemblies at different levels of detail. Functionalities Cost model import module The cost model import module has three main functionalities: generating the input dataset necessary for the cost model, performing a semantic mapping between building type specific names and name aggregation structures in PACES known as functional space areas (FSAs), and managing cost data external to the BIM model, such as location and construction duration. The module computes building data such as footprint, gross area, perimeter, external wall and roof area and building space areas. This data is generated through SMC in the form of an XML file and imported into PACES. Reporting module The reporting module uses the cost report generated by PACES to develop a comprehensive report in the form of an excel spreadsheet. This report consists of a systems-elemental estimate that shows the main systems of the building in terms of UniFormat categories, escalation, markups, overhead and conditions, a UniFormat Level III report, and a cost breakdown that provides a summary of material, equipment, labor and total costs. Building parameters are integrated in the report to provide insight on the variations among design alternatives.
keywords building information modeling, interoperability, cost analysis, IFC
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2012/02/11 19:21

_id bbc9
id bbc9
authors Aeck, Richard
year 2008
title Turnstijl Houses & Cannoli Framing
source VDM Verlag Dr. Muller Aktiengesellschaft Co. KG, Germany

ISBN: 3639078470 ISBN-13: 9783639078473

summary This work presumes that integrating modeling tools and digital fabrication technology into architectural practice will transform how we build the detached house. Single-family houses come in all shapes and sizes, and in doing so, imply variation as well in certain materials, methods, and lighter classes of structure. Ultimately, houses are extensions, if not expressions, of those dwelling within, yet our attempts to produce appealing manufactured houses have prioritized standardization over variation and fall short of this ideal. Rather than considering new offerings born of the flexibility and precision afforded by digital production, sadly, today’s homebuilders are busy using our advancing fabrication technology to hasten the production of yesterday’s home. In response to such observations, and drawing upon meta-themes (i.e., blending and transition) present in contemporary design, this study proposes a hybrid SIP/Lam framing system and a corresponding family of houses. The development of the Cannoli Framing System (CFS) through 3D and physical models culminates in the machining and testing of full-scale prototypes. Three demonstrations, branded the Turnstijl Houses, are generated via a phased process where their schema, structure, and system geometry are personalized at their conception. This work pursues the variation of type and explores the connection between type and production methodology. Additional questions are also raised and addressed, such as how is a categorical notion like type defined, affected, and even “bred”?
keywords Digital Manufacturing, Type, Typology, CNC, SIP, SIPs, Foam, PreFab, Prefabrication, Framing, Manufactured House, Modular, Packaged House, Digital, Plywood, Methodology
series thesis:MSc
type normal paper
last changed 2010/11/16 08:29

_id ijac20086405
id ijac20086405
authors Ahlquist, Sean; Fleischmann, Moritz
year 2008
title Elemental Methods for Integrated Architectures: Experimentation with Design Processes for Cable Net Structures
source International Journal of Architectural Computing vol. 6 - no. 4, 453-475
summary Tension active systems are compelling architectural structures having an intimate connection between structural performance and the arrangement of material. The direct flow of structural forces through the material makes these systems attractive and unique from an aesthetic point of view, but they are a challenge to develop from a design and an engineering perspective. Traditional methods for solving such structural systems rely on both analog modeling techniques and the use of highly advanced engineering software. The complexity and laborious nature of both processes presents a challenge for iterating through design variations. To experiment with the spacemaking capabilities of tension active systems, it is necessary to design methods that can actively couple the digital simulation with the analog methods for building the physical structure. What we propose is a designer-authored process that digitally simulates the behaviors of tension active systems using simple geometric components related to material and structural performance, activated and varied through elemental techniques of scripting. The logics for manufacturing and assembly are to be embedded in the digital generation of form. The intention is to transform what is a highly engineered system into an architectural system where investigation is as much about the determination of space and environment as it is about the arrangement of structure and material.
series journal
last changed 2009/03/03 07:48

_id acadia08_066
id acadia08_066
authors Ahlquist, Sean; Moritz Fleischmann
year 2008
title Material & Space: Synthesis Strategies based on Evolutionary Developmental Biology
source Silicon + Skin: Biological Processes and Computation, [Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) / ISBN 978-0-9789463-4-0] Minneapolis 16-19 October 2008, 66-71
summary A material system can be defined as a set of self-organized materials, defining a certain spatial arrangement. In architecture, this material arrangement acts as a threshold for space, though space often only appears as a by-product of the material organization. Treating space as a resulting, therefore secondary, independent product minimizes the capacity to generate architecture that is astutely aware of concerns of functionality, environment and energy. An effective arrangement of material can only be determined in relation to the spaces that it defines. When proposing a more critical approach, a material system can be seen as an intimate inter-connection and reciprocal exchange between the material construct and the spatial conditions. It is necessary to re-define material system as a system that coevolves spatial and material configurations through analysis of the resultant whole, in a process of integration and evaluation. ¶ With this understanding of material system comes an expansion in the number of criteria that are simultaneously engaged in the evolution of the design. The material characteristics, as well as the spatial components and forces (external and internal), are pressures onto the arrangement of material and space. ¶ This brings a high degree of complexity to the process. Biological systems are built on methods that resolve complex interactions through sets of simple yet extensible rules. Evolutionary Developmental Biology explains how growth is an interconnected process of external forces registering fitness into a fixed catalogue of morphological genetic tools. Translating the specific framework for biological growth into computational processes, allows the pursuit of an architecture that is fully informed by the interaction of space and material.
keywords Biology; Computation; Material; Parametric; System
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id caadria2008_27_session3b_221
id caadria2008_27_session3b_221
authors Al-Haddad, Tristan
year 2008
title Parametric modulations in Masonry
source CAADRIA 2008 [Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia] Chiang Mai (Thailand) 9-12 April 2008, pp. 221-228
summary The focus of the research presented in this paper asks how a designer can create a flexible system of physical making which can accommodate multiple programmatic functions within a smooth whole, rather than creating an a priori singular formal object. This adaptable system of construction works through the development of an intelligent CAD model that can be mapped to a flexible manufacturing mechanism, i.e. a reconfigurable mold. This system of manufacturing can be used to cast totally unique solid modules without creating a unique mold for each part by manipulating the topological structure of the system. This approach takes the notion of mass-customization beyond the expensive and unsustainable one-offs that the design world has seen recently, and into a new paradigm of a sustainable, economically viable world of mass-customizable form and space.
keywords Parametrics, Variability, Reconfigurability, UHPC, Topology, Molding, Casting
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id ecaade2008_084
id ecaade2008_084
authors Alaçam Aslan, Sema; Çagdas, Gülen
year 2008
title An Interface Proposal for Collaborative Architectural Design Process
source Architecture in Computro [26th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-0-9541183-7-2] Antwerpen (Belgium) 17-20 September 2008, pp. 319-324
summary The aim of this paper is to explore how new technological opportunities affect approaches of designers during collaborative architectural design process. Which factors affect the communication and the quality of interaction? The study is based on two phases: the data input by the designer via devices to the computer environment and the transformation of data into design product in the software by scripting addition. Input devices that are used are 3D mouse, graphic tablet as a tangible interface and implementation of second mouse besides a standard mouse and keyboard. The potential usage of these interfaces in collaborative architectural design process is discussed and proposals are developed in 3ds max scripting environment.
keywords Collaborative design, human-computer interaction, user participation in design
series eCAADe
type normal paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id acadia08_448
id acadia08_448
authors Alfaris, Anas; Riccardo Merello
year 2008
title The Generative Multi-Performance Design System
source Silicon + Skin: Biological Processes and Computation, [Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) / ISBN 978-0-9789463-4-0] Minneapolis 16-19 October 2008, 448-457
summary This paper proposes a framework for an integrated computational design system. This design system builds on the strengths inherent in both generative synthesis models and multi-performance analysis and optimization. Four main design mechanisms and their mathematical models are discussed and their integration proposed. The process of building the design system begins by a top-down decomposition of a design concept. The different disciplines involved are decomposed into modules that simulate the respective design mechanisms. Subsequently through a bottom-up approach, the design modules are connected into a data flow network that includes clusters and subsystems. This network forms the Generative Multi-Performance Design System. This integrated system acts as a holistic structured functional unit that searches the design space for satisfactory solutions. The proposed design system is domain independent. Its potential will be demonstrated through a pilot project in which a multi-performance space planning problem is considered. The results are then discussed and analyzed.
keywords Analysis; Behavior; Generative; Optimization; Performance
series ACADIA
type normal paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

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