CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

Hits 1 to 20 of 491

_id ecaade2008_077
id ecaade2008_077
authors Graf, Robert; Yan, Wei
year 2008
title Automatic Walkthrough Utilizing Building Information Modeling to Facilitate Architectural Visualization
source Architecture in Computro [26th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-0-9541183-7-2] Antwerpen (Belgium) 17-20 September 2008, pp. 555-560
summary This paper presents a new system that supports automatic path planning for walkthrough in building models, using information retrieved from Building Information Modeling (BIM). It can automatically generate a path that explores all or part of the rooms in a building. During a real-time walkthrough, users will be able to follow the path while interactively controlling their viewing angles. That way, users can take guided tours while simultaneously looking around to examine the spaces. We expect the system to be useful in design review because BIM models of design can be easily brought into the system that allows reviewers to start walkthrough immediately and interactively. The significance of the work is that the system has potential applications for visualization of complex building design.
keywords Walkthrough, Building Information Modeling, Visualization
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:51

_id ecaade2008_079
id ecaade2008_079
authors Hemmerling, Marco; Knaack, Ulrich; Schulz, Jens-Uwe
year 2008
title Complexity in Digital Architectural Design
source Architecture in Computro [26th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-0-9541183-7-2] Antwerpen (Belgium) 17-20 September 2008, pp. 85-90
summary The association of complexity and geometry was the starting point for an academic project at the chair of Computer Aided Design in Detmold. The students were asked to analyze a complex structure - taken from nature, art, technology or society - regarding the underlying geometrical rules and principles. The translation of these abstract geometric principles (logarithmic spiral, polyhedron, rotational solids, mesh-work, double helix…) into a three-dimensional structure was then realized in Rhinoceros. The 3D-modeling was followed by a transformation- and optimization-process of the initial shape by using the evolutionary principles of mutation and selection. The set-up for these variations followed predefined rules and principles for the manipulation of the original structure.
keywords Geometry, Complexity, Computer Aided Design, Architecture
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:49

_id ecaade2008_158
id ecaade2008_158
authors Kaga, Atsuko; Sugawara, Shihomi
year 2008
title Research on the Visualization for Analyzing City Changes
source Architecture in Computro [26th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-0-9541183-7-2] Antwerpen (Belgium) 17-20 September 2008, pp. 939-944
summary To perceive such changes of city space visually, a three-dimensional (3D) city space model is effective. The use of buildings in a city space is complex, reflecting the number of stories, and the number of stories in many cases. Furthermore, environmental parameters, such as opening a shop developed for conditions of the location, the existence of a building which is easy to divert to some other purpose, a managerial layer, and the whole country, is closely related to city change. A city change can be analyzed from various perspectives if such information can also be accumulated and displayed. If it is expressed in two dimensions, it will be restricted, but if expressed in 3D, the use situation of city space can be grasped quickly. Commercial 3D GIS software is useful for visualizing such a 3D city space model while referring to attribute information. However, such software is expensive and its use is restricted. For this study, highly extensible 3D modeling software is used to develop a technique for visualizing city spaces using its attribute information. Then the developed script is applied to an actual city model in Japan.
keywords City Analysis, Urban design, 3D-model, City Visualization
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:52

_id cdc2008_003
id cdc2008_003
authors Kalay, Yehuda E.
year 2008
title The Impact of Information Technology on Architectural Education in the 21st Century
source First International Conference on Critical Digital: What Matters(s)? - 18-19 April 2008, Harvard University Graduate School of Design, Cambridge (USA), pp. 3-6
summary Architecture is a technology-intensive discipline. It uses technology—both in the process of designing and in its products—to achieve certain functional, cultural, social, economic, and other goals. In turn, technology transforms the discipline. The importance of technology to the discipline and to the practice of architecture has been demonstrated again and again throughout history. In the 21st century, the advent of computer-aided design, computerassisted collaboration, construction automation, “intelligent” buildings, and “virtual” places, promise to have as much of an impact on architectural design processes and products as earlier technological advances have had. Like most other early adoptions of a technology, the first uses of computing in the service of architecture mimicked older methods: electronic drafting, modeling, and rendering. But this rather timid introduction is changing rapidly: new design and evaluation tools allow architects to imagine new building forms, more responsive (and environmentally more responsible) buildings, even radically new types of environments that blend physical with virtual space. Communication and collaboration tools allow architects, engineers, contractors, clients, and others to work much more closely than was possible before, resulting in more complex, more innovative, and more effective designs. Understanding and shaping this transformation are the basis of architectural education in the 21st century.
last changed 2009/01/07 08:05

_id cdc2008_243
id cdc2008_243
authors Loukissas, Yanni
year 2008
title Keepers of the Geometry: Architects in a Culture of Simulation
source First International Conference on Critical Digital: What Matters(s)? - 18-19 April 2008, Harvard University Graduate School of Design, Cambridge (USA), pp. 243-244
summary “Why do we have to change? We’ve been building buildings for years without CATIA?” Roger Norfleet, a practicing architect in his thirties poses this question to Tim Quix, a generation older and an expert in CATIA, a computer-aided design tool developed by Dassault Systemes in the early 1980’s for use by aerospace engineers. It is 2005 and CATIA has just come into use at Paul Morris Associates, the thirty-person architecture firm where Norfleet works; he is struggling with what it will mean for him, for his firm, for his profession. Computer-aided design is about creativity, but also about jurisdiction, about who controls the design process. In Architecture: The Story of Practice, Architectural theorist Dana Cuff writes that each generation of architects is educated to understand what constitutes a creative act and who in the system of their profession is empowered to use it and at what time. Creativity is socially constructed and Norfleet is coming of age as an architect in a time of technological but also social transition. He must come to terms with the increasingly complex computeraided design tools that have changed both creativity and the rules by which it can operate. In today’s practices, architects use computer-aided design software to produce threedimensional geometric models. Sometimes they use off-the-shelf commercial software like CATIA, sometimes they customize this software through plug-ins and macros, sometimes they work with software that they have themselves programmed. And yet, conforming to Larson’s ideas that they claim the higher ground by identifying with art and not with science, contemporary architects do not often use the term “simulation.” Rather, they have held onto traditional terms such as “modeling” to describe the buzz of new activity with digital technology. But whether or not they use the term, simulation is creating new architectural identities and transforming relationships among a range of design collaborators: masters and apprentices, students and teachers, technical experts and virtuoso programmers. These days, constructing an identity as an architect requires that one define oneself in relation to simulation. Case studies, primarily from two architectural firms, illustrate the transformation of traditional relationships, in particular that of master and apprentice, and the emergence of new roles, including a new professional identity, “keeper of the geometry,” defined by the fusion of person and machine. Like any profession, architecture may be seen as a system in flux. However, with their new roles and relationships, architects are learning that the fight for professional jurisdiction is increasingly for jurisdiction over simulation. Computer-aided design is changing professional patterns of production in architecture, the very way in which professionals compete with each other by making new claims to knowledge. Even today, employees at Paul Morris squabble about the role that simulation software should play in the office. Among other things, they fight about the role it should play in promotion and firm hierarchy. They bicker about the selection of new simulation software, knowing that choosing software implies greater power for those who are expert in it. Architects and their collaborators are in a continual struggle to define the creative roles that can bring them professional acceptance and greater control over design. New technologies for computer-aided design do not change this reality, they become players in it.
last changed 2009/01/07 08:05

_id caadria2008_58_session6a_479
id caadria2008_58_session6a_479
authors Matsushima, Shiro; Rie Takenaka, Daisuke Sasaki
year 2008
title Study on Application of Motion Capture to Design Methodology for Generating New Geometry: Coupling Computer and Human Performance Using Motion Capture Technology for New Architectural Form and Space
source CAADRIA 2008 [Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia] Chiang Mai (Thailand) 9-12 April 2008, pp. 479-486
summary This research aims to develop fundamental design methodologies for human space and product design by motion capture of human activity. It is intended to generate new geometry using a motion capture system as design input device and then to develop it to design interior space and products such as furniture from data extracted from human motion. In order to produce a ubiquitous and comfortable environment, performance modeling focusing on the relationships between space and physical motion is needed. Making an object of complex shape is thought to be a new application of motion capture technology. This research proves that the numeric data of body actions can be transferred and developed to object shapes.
keywords Motion Capture: Inclusive Design; Ergonomics; Design Process; New Geometry
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:58

_id cdc2008_091
id cdc2008_091
authors Neumann, Oliver
year 2008
title Digitally Mediated Regional Building Cultures
source First International Conference on Critical Digital: What Matters(s)? - 18-19 April 2008, Harvard University Graduate School of Design, Cambridge (USA), pp. 91-98
summary Designs are complex energy and material systems and products of diverse cultural, economic, and environmental conditions that engage with their extended context. This approach relates architecture to the discourse on complexity. The design research described in this paper introduces an extended definition of ecology that expands the scope of design discourse beyond the environmental performance of materials and types of construction to broader cultural considerations. Parallel to enabling rich formal explorations, digital modeling and fabrication tools provide a basis for engaging with complex ecologies within which design and building exist. Innovative design applications of digital media emphasize interdependencies between new design methods and their particular context in material science, economy, and culture. In British Columbia, influences of fabrication and building technology are evident in the development of a regional cultural identity that is characterized by wood construction. While embracing digital technology as a key to future development and geographic identity, three collaborative digital wood fabrication projects illustrate distinctions between concepts of complexity and responsiveness and their application in design and construction.
last changed 2009/01/07 08:05

_id cdc2008_195
id cdc2008_195
authors Okabe, Aya; Tsukasa Takenaka and Jerzy Wojtowicz
year 2008
title Beyond Surface: Aspects of UVN world in Algorithmic Design
source First International Conference on Critical Digital: What Matters(s)? - 18-19 April 2008, Harvard University Graduate School of Design, Cambridge (USA), pp. 195-204
summary The need for architects to develop their own computational tools is becoming increasingly evident. In this paper, we introduced our design tool named ‘UVN generator’ which is based on the algorithmic process combining scripting potentiality and flexibility of traditional 3D surface modeling. Our attempt on combining the two served us well to explore the new ground for design. New conditions were explored and observed in the three case studies which are named ‘on a surface’, ‘between surfaces’ and ‘on a new ordered surface’, referring to place where the scripts were run. In design projects presented in our case studies, we focus on the system behind the generation of complex, expressive, biomimetic, yet humanistic shape. This challenge to find a new ground for computational design enables us to pose our critical question ‘What could be algorithmic design potential may lay beyond basic surfaces?’
last changed 2009/01/07 08:05

_id cdc2008_157
id cdc2008_157
authors Rocker, Ingeborg
year 2008
title Versioning: Architecture as series?
source First International Conference on Critical Digital: What Matters(s)? - 18-19 April 2008, Harvard University Graduate School of Design, Cambridge (USA), pp. 157-170
summary This paper investigates the role of versioning in contemporary theory and the practice of design. The introduction of computation done by computers allowed for complex mathematical calculations and their visualization, which were for long time simply too complex. Today, differential calculus – underlying most interactive 3D modeling software – has significantly informed the production and conceptualization of architecture. The upshot of this transformation is that we are now witnessing a shift from an architecture of modularity towards an architecture of seriality, design versions. The core idea of versioning exceeds simple variation between different parameterized design iterations, versioning rather also operates at the micro-scale, within the structure and aesthetic of digital design itself.
last changed 2009/01/07 08:05

_id acadia08_214
id acadia08_214
authors Schlueter, Arno; Frank Thesseling
year 2008
title Balancing Design and Performance in Building Retrofitting: A Case Study Based on Parametric Modeling
source Silicon + Skin: Biological Processes and Computation, [Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) / ISBN 978-0-9789463-4-0] Minneapolis 16-19 October 2008, 214-221
summary Retrofitting the existing building stock will become one of the key fields of action for architects in the future. Due to the raised awareness of CO2 emissions related to the energy consumption of buildings, architects have to increasingly consider parameters influencing the energy performance of their retrofit designs. This is a complex task especially in the early design stages as multiple dependencies between building form, construction and technical systems influence overall energy performance. The inability to cope with this complexity often leads to simple solutions such as the application of massive insulation on the outside, neglecting aesthetic expression and design flexibility. Digital models storing multidisciplinary building information make it possible to include performance parameters throughout the architectural design process. In addition to the geometric parameters constituting the form, semantic and topological parameters define building element properties and their dependencies. This offers an integrated view of the building. We present a case study utilizing mulit-parametric façade elements within a building information model for an integrated design approach. The case study is based on a retrofit project of a multi-family house with very poor energy performance. Within a design workshop a parametric building model was used for the development of the designs. An integrated analysis tool allowed an immediate performance assessment without importing or exporting building data. The students were able to freely define geometric and performance parameters to develop their design solution. Balancing between formal expression and energy performance lead to integrated design sketches, resulting in surprising solutions for the given design task.
keywords BIM; Integrative; Parametric; Performance; Sustainability
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:57

_id talapov02_paper_eaea_2007
id talapov02_paper_eaea 2007
authors Talapov, Vladimir
year 2008
title Computer Modeling in Architecture by Example of St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow
source Proceedings of the 8th European Architectural Endoscopy Association Conference
summary The aim of this article was testing in practice the modern computer modeling tools in real time. We took one of the most beautiful and geometrically complex structures in the world Architecture - St. Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow for that. As result we created the computer model of outside of this structure. And now we correct and improve its geometry and try to get its photorealistic and artistic visualization.
keywords computer model, St. Basil’s Cathedral
series EAEA
type normal paper
last changed 2008/04/29 20:46

_id acadia08_222
id acadia08_222
authors Westre, Aaron
year 2008
title Complexity Machine 1: A 3D Modeling Application Implementing Behavioral Simulation
source Silicon + Skin: Biological Processes and Computation, [Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) / ISBN 978-0-9789463-4-0] Minneapolis 16-19 October 2008, 222-229
summary Complexity Machine 1 is a software application developed by the author as a Master of Architecture thesis project at the University of Minnesota. The software acts as a platform for exploring three dimensional form produced via behavioral simulation. Specifically, the behaviors are modeled on emergent group dynamics found commonly in nature such as flocking, chasing, and evading. Though various commercial softwares and numerous small-scale architectural projects exist in this area, Complexity Machine 1 is intended as a freely available and generic platform for exploring the formal implications of these emergent behaviors. The simulated behaviors are governed by a variety of parameters and a set of eight simple rules. Formal results are influenced by these parameters and rules; along with scale, color, and geometric settings. The flexibility of the software allows users to investigate a vast array of potential forms, adjust settings in real time, and export the results for further manipulation. Complexity Machine 1 continues to be refined and improved towards the goal of providing an easy to use platform to designers for exploring forms that emerge from complex group behavior.
keywords Behavior; Complexity; Emergence; Flocking; Simulation
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:57

_id acadia08_340
id acadia08_340
authors Chalmers, Chris
year 2008
title Chemical Signaling as a Model for Digital Process in Architecture
source Silicon + Skin: Biological Processes and Computation, [Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) / ISBN 978-0-9789463-4-0] Minneapolis 16-19 October 2008, 340-345
summary The role of the architect is quite literally one of assembly: synthesizing the various parts of a project into a cohesive whole. It is a difficult job, often requiring the architect to weave many seemingly contradictory concerns into a solution that benefits them all. It is not surprising then, that the many elegant and effective systems found in nature should be inspiring to the architect. Emerging fields like biomimicry and systems dynamics model the patterns of interaction between organisms and their environments in terms of dynamic part to part and part to whole relationships. ¶ Observations of real relationships between organisms and their environments, as they exist in nature, reveal complex feedback loops working across multiple scales. These feedback loops operate by the simultaneous action of two observed phenomena. The first is the classic phenotypic relationship seen when organisms of the same genetic makeup instantiate differently based upon differences in their environment. This is the relationship that was originally proposed by Charles Darwin in his theory of natural selection of 1859. Darwin’s model is unidirectional: the organism adapts to its environment, but not the other way around. It operates at the local scale as individual parts react to the conditions of the whole. (Canguilhem, 1952). ¶ The second phenomenon, which sees its effect at the global scale, is the individual’s role as consumer and producer in the flows of energy and material that surround it. It is the subtle and incremental influence of the organism upon its environment, the results of which are often invisible until they reach a catastrophic threshold, at which point all organisms in the system feel global changes. ; The research presented in this paper addresses the dialectic between organism and environment as each responds reciprocally to the others’ changing state. Such feedback loops act in a non-linear fashion, across nested scales in biological systems. They can be modeled to act that way in a digital design process as well. This research is an exploration into one such model and its application to architecture: the simple communication between organisms as they affect and are affected by their environments through the use of signal chemicals.
keywords Biology; Cellular Automata; Feedback; Material; Scripting
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:55

_id ecaade2008_190
id ecaade2008_190
authors Russell, Peter; Elger, Dietrich
year 2008
title The Meaning of BIM
source Architecture in Computro [26th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-0-9541183-7-2] Antwerpen (Belgium) 17-20 September 2008, pp. 531-536
summary The paper is a position paper, not a report about a research project. It concerns the paradigm-shift that is taking place in the CAAD software and its implications for the business of architecture and more importantly, for the education of future members of the profession. Twenty years ago the use of CAAD software as a replacement for hand drafting was starting. Since then the transformation is complete: hardly a final project in the universities is drawn by hand. Currently, we are witnessing a second paradigm shift and its name is BIM. The meaning of BIM is rooted in two significant differences to current CAAD software and this will have implications for teaching and practicing architecture. The first difference is the way the software structures information in the CAAD file. The standard way to save CAAD information was to organise simple geometric objects according to membership in groups and to sort them according to a layer-metaphor, which primarily controlled the visibility of the geometric elements. Three-dimensional modelling is/was nothing more than the same structure with a more complex geometry. BIM software changes this structure by storing classes of geometries and then to store the specific values of individual geometries according to factors that can be determined by external or internal logical factors. The implication for architects is that we have the chance to be the people in control of the building information model, so long as we invest the time and energy to fully understand what is happening to the building information during the planning process. If we ignore this, the real danger exists that the last control of the building’s final configuration will be usurped. As educators we are currently teaching students that will be leaving the schools in 2012 and beyond. By then, the paradigm-shift will be in full motion and so it behoves us to consider which skill sets we want the next generation of architects to possess. This means not just teaching students about how to use particular BIM software or how to program a certain parametric/genetic algorithm in a form-finding process. We need to teach our students to take the leadership in building information management and that means understanding and controlling how the building information flows, how the methodologies that are used by the consulting engineers affect our building models, and knowing what kind of logical inconsistencies (internal or external) can threaten the design intention.
keywords Building Information Modelling, Digital Curriculum, Architectural Pedagogy
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:56

_id acadia08_416
id acadia08_416
authors Wessel, Ginette; Remco Chang ;Eric Sauda
year 2008
title Towards A New (Mapping Of The) City: Interactive, Data Rich Modes Of Urban Legibility
source Silicon + Skin: Biological Processes and Computation, [Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) / ISBN 978-0-9789463-4-0] Minneapolis 16-19 October 2008, 416-421
summary The modern metropolis is a vast environment replete with physical elements and complex overlays of information. The city historically has been represented as a discrete physical object; this allocentric view has become less and less useful as a method of meaningfully orientation and navigation. Today, the city is defined by technologies and flows of information that constantly change our perceptions. While it has always been true that symbolic and religious dimensions have had a place in our understanding of the city, the complex and transitory nature of the contemporary city requires a representation that is interactive rather than static. This paper presents proposals for new interactive modes of urban legibility: data space, based on the work of Bill Mitchell and Robert Venturi; virtual and physical city, established from the work of Christine Boyer and Bill Mitchell; multi-nodal, derived from the work of Tarik Fathy and Thomas Sieverts; and information flows, founded on the work of Melvin Webber. Each approach is introduced with a conceptual overview, nascent examples and a schematic proposal for a computer based urban visualization. Based on this study, we conclude that two necessary aspects of any urban visualization are interactivity and the combination of data and geospatial information. Interactivity is necessary because of the fluid nature of our experience and the diversity of individual intentions in the contemporary city. The combination of data and geospatial information is necessary because the geometry of the city had become less important as a reliable indicator of meaning.
keywords Information; Interactive; Mapping; Urbanism; Visualization
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:57

_id cf2011_p109
id cf2011_p109
authors Abdelmohsen, Sherif; Lee Jinkook, Eastman Chuck
year 2011
title Automated Cost Analysis of Concept Design BIM Models
source Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures 2011 [Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures / ISBN 9782874561429] Liege (Belgium) 4-8 July 2011, pp. 403-418.
summary AUTOMATED COST ANALYSIS OF CONCEPT DESIGN BIM MODELS Interoperability: BIM models and cost models This paper introduces the automated cost analysis developed for the General Services Administration (GSA) and the analysis results of a case study involving a concept design courthouse BIM model. The purpose of this study is to investigate interoperability issues related to integrating design and analysis tools; specifically BIM models and cost models. Previous efforts to generate cost estimates from BIM models have focused on developing two necessary but disjoint processes: 1) extracting accurate quantity take off data from BIM models, and 2) manipulating cost analysis results to provide informative feedback. Some recent efforts involve developing detailed definitions, enhanced IFC-based formats and in-house standards for assemblies that encompass building models (e.g. US Corps of Engineers). Some commercial applications enhance the level of detail associated to BIM objects with assembly descriptions to produce lightweight BIM models that can be used by different applications for various purposes (e.g. Autodesk for design review, Navisworks for scheduling, Innovaya for visual estimating, etc.). This study suggests the integration of design and analysis tools by means of managing all building data in one shared repository accessible to multiple domains in the AEC industry (Eastman, 1999; Eastman et al., 2008; authors, 2010). Our approach aims at providing an integrated platform that incorporates a quantity take off extraction method from IFC models, a cost analysis model, and a comprehensive cost reporting scheme, using the Solibri Model Checker (SMC) development environment. Approach As part of the effort to improve the performance of federal buildings, GSA evaluates concept design alternatives based on their compliance with specific requirements, including cost analysis. Two basic challenges emerge in the process of automating cost analysis for BIM models: 1) At this early concept design stage, only minimal information is available to produce a reliable analysis, such as space names and areas, and building gross area, 2) design alternatives share a lot of programmatic requirements such as location, functional spaces and other data. It is thus crucial to integrate other factors that contribute to substantial cost differences such as perimeter, and exterior wall and roof areas. These are extracted from BIM models using IFC data and input through XML into the Parametric Cost Engineering System (PACES, 2010) software to generate cost analysis reports. PACES uses this limited dataset at a conceptual stage and RSMeans (2010) data to infer cost assemblies at different levels of detail. Functionalities Cost model import module The cost model import module has three main functionalities: generating the input dataset necessary for the cost model, performing a semantic mapping between building type specific names and name aggregation structures in PACES known as functional space areas (FSAs), and managing cost data external to the BIM model, such as location and construction duration. The module computes building data such as footprint, gross area, perimeter, external wall and roof area and building space areas. This data is generated through SMC in the form of an XML file and imported into PACES. Reporting module The reporting module uses the cost report generated by PACES to develop a comprehensive report in the form of an excel spreadsheet. This report consists of a systems-elemental estimate that shows the main systems of the building in terms of UniFormat categories, escalation, markups, overhead and conditions, a UniFormat Level III report, and a cost breakdown that provides a summary of material, equipment, labor and total costs. Building parameters are integrated in the report to provide insight on the variations among design alternatives.
keywords building information modeling, interoperability, cost analysis, IFC
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2012/02/11 19:21

_id 5d77
id 5d77
authors Adriane Borda; Neusa Félix; Janice de Freitas Pires; Noélia de Moraes Aguirre.
year 2008
source 12th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics, SIGRADI, 2008, Havana. SIGRADI, Proceedings of the 12th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics.. Havana : Ministerio de Educacion Superior, 2008. p. 434-438.
summary This work invests on delimitation of a Geometric Modeling study program directed to students at the initial stages of Architecture. It is considered that the studies promote a qualified control of the form based on recognition of parameters which define it, moreover it also allows the enlargement of the students geometric vocabulary, important to the architectural design activities. In this way, the program advances on the appropriation of new concepts which surround the investigations on architectural design processes, such as the concept of shape grammar. Observing analysis and architectural composition practices based on such concept, contents of geometric modeling which are already being used in the context of post-graduation are identified to be transposed to the graduation context, along with the initial teaching practices of architectural design. The results refer to making the didactic material available, these materials have the objective of building references for the development of design practice which explore the reflection about the processes of creation and composition of architectural form in their geometric aspects.
keywords Architecture, Geometric Modeling, Shape grammar, Teaching/Learning
series SIGRADI
type normal paper
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id bbc9
id bbc9
authors Aeck, Richard
year 2008
title Turnstijl Houses & Cannoli Framing
source VDM Verlag Dr. Muller Aktiengesellschaft Co. KG, Germany

ISBN: 3639078470 ISBN-13: 9783639078473

summary This work presumes that integrating modeling tools and digital fabrication technology into architectural practice will transform how we build the detached house. Single-family houses come in all shapes and sizes, and in doing so, imply variation as well in certain materials, methods, and lighter classes of structure. Ultimately, houses are extensions, if not expressions, of those dwelling within, yet our attempts to produce appealing manufactured houses have prioritized standardization over variation and fall short of this ideal. Rather than considering new offerings born of the flexibility and precision afforded by digital production, sadly, today’s homebuilders are busy using our advancing fabrication technology to hasten the production of yesterday’s home. In response to such observations, and drawing upon meta-themes (i.e., blending and transition) present in contemporary design, this study proposes a hybrid SIP/Lam framing system and a corresponding family of houses. The development of the Cannoli Framing System (CFS) through 3D and physical models culminates in the machining and testing of full-scale prototypes. Three demonstrations, branded the Turnstijl Houses, are generated via a phased process where their schema, structure, and system geometry are personalized at their conception. This work pursues the variation of type and explores the connection between type and production methodology. Additional questions are also raised and addressed, such as how is a categorical notion like type defined, affected, and even “bred”?
keywords Digital Manufacturing, Type, Typology, CNC, SIP, SIPs, Foam, PreFab, Prefabrication, Framing, Manufactured House, Modular, Packaged House, Digital, Plywood, Methodology
series thesis:MSc
type normal paper
last changed 2010/11/16 08:29

_id ijac20086405
id ijac20086405
authors Ahlquist, Sean; Fleischmann, Moritz
year 2008
title Elemental Methods for Integrated Architectures: Experimentation with Design Processes for Cable Net Structures
source International Journal of Architectural Computing vol. 6 - no. 4, 453-475
summary Tension active systems are compelling architectural structures having an intimate connection between structural performance and the arrangement of material. The direct flow of structural forces through the material makes these systems attractive and unique from an aesthetic point of view, but they are a challenge to develop from a design and an engineering perspective. Traditional methods for solving such structural systems rely on both analog modeling techniques and the use of highly advanced engineering software. The complexity and laborious nature of both processes presents a challenge for iterating through design variations. To experiment with the spacemaking capabilities of tension active systems, it is necessary to design methods that can actively couple the digital simulation with the analog methods for building the physical structure. What we propose is a designer-authored process that digitally simulates the behaviors of tension active systems using simple geometric components related to material and structural performance, activated and varied through elemental techniques of scripting. The logics for manufacturing and assembly are to be embedded in the digital generation of form. The intention is to transform what is a highly engineered system into an architectural system where investigation is as much about the determination of space and environment as it is about the arrangement of structure and material.
series journal
last changed 2009/03/03 07:48

_id sigradi2008_080
id sigradi2008_080
authors Andrés, Roberto
year 2008
title Hybrid Art > Synthesized Architecture
source SIGraDi 2008 - [Proceedings of the 12th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] La Habana - Cuba 1-5 December 2008
summary This paper investigates possible intersections between some contemporary artistic modalities and architectural practice. At first, it describes and discusses different uses of art in architectural history. Through the analyzes of Le Corbusier’s artistic and architectural practices, it observes the limits of looking at art as only ‘inspiration’ for architectural form and points to the necessity of surpassing this formal approach. More than bringing pictorial ‘inspiration’, art, as a experimental field, can change our architectural procedures and approaches - a much richer and powerful addition to the development of architecture. It discusses then, the confluence of architecture, information and communication technologies. Very commonly present in our contemporary life, not only on the making of architecture – computer drawings and modeling of extravagant buildings – nor in ‘automated rooms’ of the millionaire’s houses. Televisions, telephones and computers leave the walls of our houses “with as many holes as a Swiss cheese”, as Flusser has pointed. The architecture has historically manipulated the way people interact, but this interaction now has been greatly changed by new technologies. Since is inevitable to think the contemporary world without them, it is extreme urgent that architects start dealing with this whole universe in a creative way. Important changes in architecture occur after professionals start to research and experiment with different artistic medias, not limiting their visions to painting and sculpture. The main hypothesis of this paper is that the experiments with new media art can bring the field of architecture closer to information and communication technologies. This confluence can only take form when architects rise questions about technology based interaction and automation during their creative process, embodying these concepts into the architecture repertoire. An educational experience was conducted in 2007 at UFMG Architecture School, in Brazil, with the intention of this activity was to allow students to research creatively with both information technology and architecture. The students’ goal was to create site-specific interventions on the school building, using physical and digital devices. Finally, the paper contextualizes this experience with the discussion above exposed. Concluding with an exposition of the potentialities of some contemporary art modalities (specially the hybrid ones) in qualifying architectural practices.
keywords Architecture; Information and Communication Technologies; Digital Art; Site Specific Art; Architectural Learning.
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

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