CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

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_id cf2011_p157
id cf2011_p157
authors Boton, Conrad; Kubicki Sylvain, Halin Gilles
year 2011
title Understanding Pre-Construction Simulation Activities to Adapt Visualization in 4D CAD Collaborative Tools
source Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures 2011 [Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures / ISBN 9782874561429] Liege (Belgium) 4-8 July 2011, pp. 477-492.
summary Increasing productivity and efficiency is an important issue in the AEC field. This area is mainly characterized by fragmentation, heterogeneous teams with low lifetimes and many uncertainties. 4D CAD is one of the greatest innovations in recent years. It consists in linking a 3D model of the building with the works planning in order to simulate the construction evolution over time. 4D CAD can fill several needs from design to project management through constructivity analysis and tasks planning (Tommelein 2003). The literature shows that several applications have been proposed to improve the 4D CAD use (Chau et al. 2004; Lu et al. 2007; Seok & al. 2009). In addition, studies have shown the real impact of 4D CAD use in construction projects (Staub-French & Khanzode 2007; Dawood & Sika 2007). More recently, Mahalingam et al. (2010) showed that the collaborative use of 4D CAD is particularly useful during the pre-construction phase for comparing the constructability of working methods, for visually identifying conflicts and clashes (overlaps), and as visual tool for practitioners to discuss and to plan project progress. So the advantage of the 4D CAD collaborative use is demonstrated. Moreover, several studies have been conducted both in the scientific community and in the industrial world to improve it (Zhou et al. 2009; Kang et al. 2007). But an important need that remains in collaborative 4D CAD use in construction projects is about the adaptation of visualization to the users business needs. Indeed, construction projects have very specific characteristics (fragmentation, variable team, different roles from one project to another). Moreover, in the AEC field several visualization techniques can represent the same concept and actors choose one or another of these techniques according to their specific needs related to the task they have to perform. For example, the tasks planning may be represented by a Gantt chart or by a PERT network and the building elements can be depicted with a 3D model or a 2D plan. The classical view (3D + Gantt) proposed to all practitioners in the available 4D tools seems therefore not suiting the needs of all. So, our research is based on the hypothesis that adapting the visualization to individual business needs could significantly improve the collaboration. This work relies on previous ones and aim to develop a method 1) to choose the best suited views for performed tasks and 2) to compose adapted multiple views for each actor, that we call “business views”. We propose a 4 steps-method to compose business views. The first step identifies the users’ business needs, defining the individual practices performed by each actor, identifying his business tasks and his information needs. The second step identifies the visualization needs related to the identified business needs. For this purpose, the user’s interactions and visualization tasks are described. This enables choosing the most appropriate visualization techniques for each need (step 3). At this step, it is important to describe the visualization techniques and to be able to compare them. Therefore, we proposed a business view metamodel. The final step (step 4) selects the adapted views, defines the coordination mechanisms and the interaction principles in order to compose coordinated visualizations. A final step consists in a validation work to ensure that the composed views really match to the described business needs. This paper presents the latest version of the method and especially presents our latest works about its first and second steps. These include making more generic the business tasks description in order to be applicable within most of construction projects and enabling to make correspondence with visualization tasks.
keywords Pre-construction, Simulation, 4D CAD, Collaboration, Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Human-Computer Interface, Information visualization, Business view, Model driven engineering
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2012/02/11 19:21

_id acadia09_105
id acadia09_105
authors Drozdowski, Ziggy; Gupta, Shawn
year 2009
title Adaptive Fritting as Case Exploration for Adaptivity in Architecture
source ACADIA 09: reForm( ) - Building a Better Tomorrow [Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-0-9842705-0-7] Chicago (Illinois) 22-25 October, 2009), pp. 105-109
summary This paper explores the incentive, design process, and realization of an adaptable building system. Hoberman Associates’ installation at the Graduate School of Design at Harvard University, Adaptive Fritting, is used as a case study for the more general thesis of mechanism design in architecture. Traditionally seen as expensive and impractical, ‘movement’ in buildings can be accessible if done with high economy and simple elegance. The goal of this example is to illustrate the design process, challenges, constraints and parameters required to realize an adaptable architectural system.
keywords Adaptable design, fabrication, prototyping, solar shading
series ACADIA
type Normal paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:55

_id acadia09_291
id acadia09_291
authors Hemsath, Timothy L.; McCracken, Brian; Russell, Darin
year 2009
title Decon Recon: Parametric CADCAM Deconstruction Research
source ACADIA 09: reForm( ) - Building a Better Tomorrow [Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-0-9842705-0-7] Chicago (Illinois) 22-25 October, 2009), pp. 291-293
summary The deconstruction (DeCon) and repurposing (ReCon) of existing structures and materials are worthwhile and relevant endeavors given the potential for such procedures to be more economically and environmentally sustainable than conventional construction methods. Conventional construction methods often utilize virgin materials for the production of architecture, requiring extensive energy to harvest, process, and manufacture the materials for use. Today, we must face the fact that we exist in a carbon-sensitive economy, and demand design approaches that reduce architecture’s impact on the environment. Our goal was to develop a CADCAM ReCon design methodology that would have the potential to mitigate carbon consumption. To explore this goal, students engaged a design research project that looked for novel and innovative approaches to the DeCon and ReCon of an existing barn. The student researchers created parametric models and surface designs derived from the existing materials. The digitally fabricated tectonic design constructions resulted in economical, novel, and material-efficient design methodologies for DeCon and ReCon.
keywords Fabrication, environment, CADCAM, Parametric Design
series ACADIA
type Short paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:49

_id cf2011_p108
id cf2011_p108
authors Iordanova, Ivanka; Forgues Daniel, Chiocchio François
year 2011
title Creation of an Evolutive Conceptual Know-how Framework for Integrative Building Design
source Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures 2011 [Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures / ISBN 9782874561429] Liege (Belgium) 4-8 July 2011, pp. 435-450.
summary Low productivity of the building sector today is attributed to the fragmentation of tasks, disciplines and responsibilities, as well as to the resistance to adopt integrative work processes and digital means. The increased complexity of architectural projects and the aroused social consciousness for sustainable environment calls for integrative design collaboration. Thus, there is need for a Conceptual Framework combining work processes, technological means and policy aspects. According to the literature, integrative multidisciplinary design is a strategy resulting in high performance buildings nurturing sustainable way of living (Reed et al. 2009, Krygiel & Nies 2008). Responding to the increased technological complexity of our built environment, as well as to the objective of meeting multiple criteria of quality, both necessitating multidisciplinary collaboration during design, Building Information Modeling (BIM) is seen as a powerful means for fostering quality, augmenting productivity and decreasing loss in construction. Based on recent research, we can propose that a sustainable building can be designed through an integrative design process (IDP) which is best supported by BIM. However, our ongoing research program and consultations with advanced practitioners underscore a number of limitations. For example, a large portion of the interviewed professionals and construction stakeholders do not necessarily see a link between sustainable building, integrative design process and BIM, while in our opinion, their joint use augments the power of each of these approaches taken separately. Thus, there is an urgent necessity for the definition of an IDP-BIM framework, which could guide the building industry to sustainable results and better productivity. This paper defines such a framework, whose theoretical background lays on studies in social learning (activity theory and situated action theories). These theories suggest that learning and knowledge generation occurs mainly within a social process defined as an activity. This corresponds to the context in which the IDP-BIM framework will be used, its final objective being the transformation of building design practices. The proposed IDP-BIM framework is based on previous research and developments. Thus, firstly, IDP process was well formalized in the Roadmap for the Integrated Design Process‚ (Reed et al.) which is widely used as a guideline for collaborative integrative design by innovating practices in USA and Canada. Secondly, the National Building Information Modeling Standard (NBIMS) of the USA is putting an enormous effort in creating a BIM standard, Succar (2008) recently proposed a conceptual framework for BIM, but BIM ontology is still under development (Gursel et al 2009). Thirdly, an iterative design process bound to gating reviews (inspired from software development processes) was found to be successful in the context of multidisciplinary design studios (reported in our previous papers). The feedback from this study allowed for modifications and adjustments included in the present proposal. The gating process assures the good quality of the project and its compliance to the client's requirements. The challenge of this research is to map the above mentioned approaches, processes and technologies into the design process, thus creating an integrated framework supporting and nurturing sustainable design. The IDP-BIM framework can be represented by a multidimensional matrix linked to a semantic network knowledge database: - the axes of the matrix being the project timeline, the design process actors and building stakeholders (architect, engineers, client, contractor, environmental biologist, etc.), or different aspects of building performance (environmental, functional, social, interior environment quality, cost, etc.); and - the knowledge database providing multiple layers of semantic support in terms of process, domain knowledge, technology and workflow at a given moment of the project and for a given actor or building aspect. The IDP-BIM framework is created as an evolutive digital environment for know-how and will have an established protocol for regular updates. The paper will firstly present the state of the art in IDP and BIM. Secondly, it will expose the methodology used for the definition of the Framework, followed by a description of its structure, contents and digital implementation. Then, some scenarios for the use of the Framework will be shown as validation.
keywords integrated design process, BIM, multidisciplinary design, conceptual framework
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2012/02/11 19:21

_id ascaad2009_tayeb_sahnoune
id ascaad2009_tayeb_sahnoune
authors Sahnoune, Tayeb and Brahim Nuibat
year 2009
title Digital Design Tools and Case Study Reasoning
source Digitizing Architecture: Formalization and Content [4th International Conference Proceedings of the Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD 2009) / ISBN 978-99901-06-77-0], Manama (Kingdom of Bahrain), 11-12 May 2009, pp. 451-463
summary This study investigates how the use of digital technology in general, and electronic information and automation, especially during the course of study and preparation of urban and architectural designs on the one hand, and analysis of the impact of these applications and uses of the media automation and information technology at various stages of Physical planning and architectural design of projects, on the other hand. The comparison between modern and traditional methods, to determine the positives and negatives of both sides on the economic (economy, effort, money and time) and technical, which includes (graphic representation: painting, measure, Quality, precision, colours, details and other ....). The answer to whether computer and digital development has invented, added, or nothing of substance to content of architecture and urban planning designs, or has enabled us to solve the urban and architectural problems related to social and cultural aspects. We have in this study, the city of _Boussa_da_ in the south of Algeria as an example, through which presentation and analysis of two types of field projects carried in our architectural office using; media techniques and various programs: (Architectural3.3/Accurender/Art-lantis...) mentioning That, the two projects have been completed and approved, and are now in the process of realisation. The first project represents a residential neighbourhood area of (82.65 ha), through the action plan and land uses called _Plan d_occupation des sols_ in Algeria, No.09, in order to create and prepare the new town for extension, establish administrative and commercial centre, and determine the nature of land use; (equipment, facilities and housing),for a population number estimated (12,264)inhabitants, and projected number of housing estimated at 2409 houses, with a density of 150 inhabitants / ha. The second project is to study the architecture of the 50 houses earmarked for social Tzhmia working group, formed 25 three-room apartment type with(67.00 m 2) and 25 four-room apartment type with(77.00m2). However, The study aims to identify the impact of automated information applications and information technology used at different stages of urban planning and architectural design of these projects under consideration by the comparison between the traditional design table, and electronic design table to determine the pros and cons of each one of these means on the one hand, and stages of concepts and design, On the other, before concluding to how to use the media automation and digital technology, trying to find a point of hugs between the means and tools of Planning and design, through the analysis of the historical path of each of these elements.
series ASCAAD
last changed 2009/06/30 08:12

_id sigradi2009_1086
id sigradi2009_1086
authors Abdelhameed, Wael; Yoshiro Kobayashi
year 2009
title Urban Wiki: An online urban design system
source SIGraDi 2009 - Proceedings of the 13th Congress of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics, Sao Paulo, Brazil, November 16-18, 2009
summary This research involves the framework and design of Urban Wiki, an online urban design system employing Wiki concept. The term Urban Wiki is created by the researchers; its concepts and methodology will be introduced and presented. Urban Wiki aims to creating a networking system of urban designs, enabling the collaborative work between users around the world. The presented system framework is created and tested by the researchers from two different locations in the world. The purpose of the research is to study how the users can share effectively designing/modeling large scale urban projects. An urban project of a village scale is used to demonstrate the potentials of Urban Wiki, presenting its functions and highlighting the possible uses in the urban area. Moreover, using the created models opens up various urban paths of designing, decision-making, and sharing. Techniques employed in the design of Urban Wiki can potentially be used to build up scalable, easily navigable and extensible models of large-scale entities.
keywords Urban design; urban planning; networking; urban wiki; modeling systems
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id ascaad2009_michael_ambrose
id ascaad2009_michael_ambrose
authors Ambrose, Michael A.
year 2009
title Spatial and Temporal Sequence: Film, animation and design theory - toward a constructed morphology
source Digitizing Architecture: Formalization and Content [4th International Conference Proceedings of the Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD 2009) / ISBN 978-99901-06-77-0], Manama (Kingdom of Bahrain), 11-12 May 2009, pp. 165-176
summary This paper presents an investigation of film, space, form and motion to expose issues of spatial perception. The objective is to use a brief moment of constructed moving imagery (a film scene) as the vehicle to develop a spatial/temporal sequence. The design research focuses on an examination of the procedure or process constructed by the director/cinematographer. The changing position of the camera continually changes the relationship of the frame to the viewed context. The project asks the student to interpret the spatial and temporal transformation, through the continual oscillation between foreground and background, in an effort to unravel the pretext of the singular point of view to reveal the intention of the filmmaker. The project discussed here focuses on a relationship between the projection of space in architectural representation and the production of space through complex geometries relative to temporal discontinuities and the way in which they agitate and alter one another. Drawing topological relationships between of the paths, or trajectories of movement, within a proposed scene of a film is the vehicle for investigation in this project. An event or configuration complete in itself, but forming part of the larger collection, is modelled and transformed to suggest various structural and temporal definitions with respect to spatial portrayal through the composition of time and the cinematic frame. In particular, spatial animation of a sequence of framed condition was to be explored in the development of a spatial episode.
series ASCAAD
last changed 2009/06/30 08:12

_id sigradi2009_1008
id sigradi2009_1008
authors Silva, Isabel Cristina Siqueira da; Vinicius de Moraes Netto; Carla Maria Dal Sasso Freitas
year 2009
title Novos Caminhos para Simulação Urbana: Integrando Métodos de Visualização de Informações e Modelagem de Agentes e Redes Espaciais [Integrating Information Visualization methods in an agent-based approach to urban simulation]
source SIGraDi 2009 - Proceedings of the 13th Congress of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics, Sao Paulo, Brazil, November 16-18, 2009
summary This paper defines paths into the integration of urban simulation and new methods of Information Visualization (IV) first observing the current state of IV methods in general, and visualization in urban modelling and simulation in particular. Secondly, it proposes a set of issues where progress in forms of integrating IV methods into urban simulation techniques can be made – namely, through the concept of ontologies (rules of relations between categories of objects and information) – in stages like problem definition and analysis, information processing and the generation of user-friendly graphic outputs for simulated scenarios and analyses.
keywords Visualização de Informações; Urbanismo; Ontologias
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 10:00

_id ecaade2009_046
id ecaade2009_046
authors Varano, Sandro; Truchot, Tristan; Bignon, Jean-Claude
year 2009
title Ludic and Didactic Paths in a Cultural Heritage Building: Prototype of a Learning System
source Computation: The New Realm of Architectural Design [27th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-0-9541183-8-9] Istanbul (Turkey) 16-19 September 2009, pp. 631-638
summary This article proposes a conception method of ludic and didactic paths improving the acquisition of knowledge of archaeological and architectural heritage. In order to have an idea of a monument, the learner is guided and motivated following strategic paths during the 3D exploration and developing a memory map during the creation of knowledge. A prototype is realized and presented in order to see how this learning system guides the reasoning of the learner and can improve the acquisition of knowledge. We chose the Cheops Pyramid to Gizeh to illustrate our work.
wos WOS:000334282200076
keywords Learning system, archaeology and architecture, 3D navigation, strategic path, memory map
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:58

_id ascaad2009_amal_al-ali
id ascaad2009_amal_al-ali
authors Al-Ali, Amal and P. Sharma
year 2009
title Creativity and Collaboration in Architecture Education in the UAE
source Digitizing Architecture: Formalization and Content [4th International Conference Proceedings of the Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD 2009) / ISBN 978-99901-06-77-0], Manama (Kingdom of Bahrain), 11-12 May 2009, pp. 245-256
summary A review of national government literature indicates that today’s knowledge-driven economy demands a workforce equipped with complex skills and attitudes. Examples of these skills and attitudes are general problems solving, meta-cognitive skills, critical thinking and lifelong learning. Reviews of the Architecture, Engineering and Construction industry indicates a gap between architecture practice and education. The Egan report states that there is a need for a change of style, culture and process within the construction industry and it identified five driving forces, the report also recognised that the achievement of these driving forces is linked to training and education. Education must not only teach the necessary technical skills and knowledge, but also the culture of teamwork, collaborative work and creativity. The construction boom in the United Arab Emirates combined with the country’s mission to highly educate and train its nationals to be able to tackle market challenges provoked the necessity of implementing the culture of creativity and collaboration in education system. On the other hand, use of technology in education has been proven to facilitate and enhance the learning process. This paper will highlight the importance of implementing the virtual design studio as a technlogical platform in architecture education in the UAE in a way that aims to promote the culture of creativity and collaboration through the use of technology.
series ASCAAD
last changed 2009/06/30 08:12

_id cf2011_p127
id cf2011_p127
authors Benros, Deborah; Granadeiro Vasco, Duarte Jose, Knight Terry
year 2011
title Integrated Design and Building System for the Provision of Customized Housing: the Case of Post-Earthquake Haiti
source Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures 2011 [Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures / ISBN 9782874561429] Liege (Belgium) 4-8 July 2011, pp. 247-264.
summary The paper proposes integrated design and building systems for the provision of sustainable customized housing. It advances previous work by applying a methodology to generate these systems from vernacular precedents. The methodology is based on the use of shape grammars to derive and encode a contemporary system from the precedents. The combined set of rules can be applied to generate housing solutions tailored to specific user and site contexts. The provision of housing to shelter the population affected by the 2010 Haiti earthquake illustrates the application of the methodology. A computer implementation is currently under development in C# using the BIM platform provided by Revit. The world experiences a sharp increase in population and a strong urbanization process. These phenomena call for the development of effective means to solve the resulting housing deficit. The response of the informal sector to the problem, which relies mainly on handcrafted processes, has resulted in an increase of urban slums in many of the big cities, which lack sanitary and spatial conditions. The formal sector has produced monotonous environments based on the idea of mass production that one size fits all, which fails to meet individual and cultural needs. We propose an alternative approach in which mass customization is used to produce planed environments that possess qualities found in historical settlements. Mass customization, a new paradigm emerging due to the technological developments of the last decades, combines the economy of scale of mass production and the aesthetics and functional qualities of customization. Mass customization of housing is defined as the provision of houses that respond to the context in which they are built. The conceptual model for the mass customization of housing used departs from the idea of a housing type, which is the combined result of three systems (Habraken, 1988) -- spatial, building system, and stylistic -- and it includes a design system, a production system, and a computer system (Duarte, 2001). In previous work, this conceptual model was tested by developing a computer system for existing design and building systems (Benr__s and Duarte, 2009). The current work advances it by developing new and original design, building, and computer systems for a particular context. The urgent need to build fast in the aftermath of catastrophes quite often overrides any cultural concerns. As a result, the shelters provided in such circumstances are indistinct and impersonal. However, taking individual and cultural aspects into account might lead to a better identification of the population with their new environment, thereby minimizing the rupture caused in their lives. As the methodology to develop new housing systems is based on the idea of architectural precedents, choosing existing vernacular housing as a precedent permits the incorporation of cultural aspects and facilitates an identification of people with the new housing. In the Haiti case study, we chose as a precedent a housetype called “gingerbread houses”, which includes a wide range of houses from wealthy to very humble ones. Although the proposed design system was inspired by these houses, it was decided to adopt a contemporary take. The methodology to devise the new type was based on two ideas: precedents and transformations in design. In architecture, the use of precedents provides designers with typical solutions for particular problems and it constitutes a departing point for a new design. In our case, the precedent is an existing housetype. It has been shown (Duarte, 2001) that a particular housetype can be encoded by a shape grammar (Stiny, 1980) forming a design system. Studies in shape grammars have shown that the evolution of one style into another can be described as the transformation of one shape grammar into another (Knight, 1994). The used methodology departs takes off from these ideas and it comprises the following steps (Duarte, 2008): (1) Selection of precedents, (2) Derivation of an archetype; (3) Listing of rules; (4) Derivation of designs; (5) Cataloguing of solutions; (6) Derivation of tailored solution.
keywords Mass customization, Housing, Building system, Sustainable construction, Life cycle energy consumption, Shape grammar
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2012/02/11 19:21

_id sigradi2009_773
id sigradi2009_773
authors Carniel, Denize Regina; José Luis Farinatti Aymone
year 2009
title Desenvolvimento virtual e visualização de produtos a partir de banco de dados e modelagem 3D [Virtual development and product visualization with database and 3D modeling ]
source SIGraDi 2009 - Proceedings of the 13th Congress of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics, Sao Paulo, Brazil, November 16-18, 2009
summary This article presents a methodology for product virtual development using a developed database application and virtual reality technology VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) for final product visualization. To do that, information technology and communication in industry, virtual reality and computational resources for concept and prototyping are investigated. An example of product assembly is presented to illustrate the methodology proposed.
keywords Information Technology and Communication; Virtual Prototyping; Virtual Reality; VRML; Database
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:48

_id sigradi2009_964
id sigradi2009_964
authors Castriota, Leonardo Barci; Rezende
year 2009
title Fotografia digital e imagens multi-perspectivas no estudo de sítios históricos [Digital photography and multi-perspective image in the study of historical sities]
source SIGraDi 2009 - Proceedings of the 13th Congress of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics, Sao Paulo, Brazil, November 16-18, 2009
summary The creation of panoramic images for depicting urban landscape is a technique that has its origins in Antiquity. These images, which are known to represent large urban areas from multiple views, can be considered true works of art. Recently there has been a growing interest by some researchers, especially in the area of computer graphics, in the production of multi-perspective images for representing historic sites. However, the focus of these studies has been especially the computational aspects of this process, and there are few studies that address the impact and possibilities of these methodologies in historic preservation and urban planning. Realizing this shortcoming and considering the demand for a perspective more connected to cultural heritage, our proposal is to associate the excellent visual results of the multi-perspective images to the rich possibilities of computer simulation that can provide digital photography. The fact is that in recent years we have experienced technological innovations in the field of computer simulation that far exceeded our expectations. While most surveys of buildings are still based on the use of tape measure, pencil, paper and camera, the computer has become increasingly the main interface between the user and the information and is now the preferred instrument for the production and viewing of images, including the creation of virtual environments. Thus, this work seeks to explore the great potential which seems to exist in the combination of digital photography and the technique of multi-perspective image representation, which may provide new approaches and perspectives for the field of historic preservation. For that, we present a rapid and low cost methodology, developed in recent years, which generates orthophotos and metric multi-perspective images, useful for the analysis of built heritage and historic sites. In addition to that, we will also discuss further possible byproducts of this methodology, among which we could highlight the creation of three-dimensional models, and the analysis of building pathologies in combination with thermal photography. As a case study, we will present a representation of the Rua dos Caetés, a listed historic district in Belo Horizonte (MG), Brazil.
keywords Photogametry; Digital Photography; Heritage; Conservation
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:48

_id caadria2009_000
id caadria2009_000
authors Chang, Teng-Wen; Eric Champion, Sheng-Fen Chien and Shang-Chia Chiou(eds.)
year 2009
title CAADRIA 2009 - Between Man and Machine
source Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / Yunlin (Taiwan) 22-25 April 2009, 795p.
summary Digital designing takes place through processes of interaction between human designers and computers. As such, its location is the in-between, a shared realm of conversation where capabilities of both man and machine are amplified. CAADRIA 2009 addresses this conversation in terms of three perspectives that drive both research and practice in the computer-aided architectural design field: Digital design as integrating, intuitive and intelligent. CAADRIA 2009 aimed to provide a forum in which ideas pertaining to these notions can be explored, discussed and developed. l Digital design is integrative. With the diverse and fast speed of the global economy in the 21st century, the barrier between different disciplines is being overcome digitally. The integration of multiple disciplines is crucial for facing the next wave of global challenges. l Digital Design is intuitive. With advanced computational technology, how humans will cooperate with machines after the computing era will surely become the next challenge for all computational design-related researchers. Intuitive interaction or computing design is the second theme addressed in CAADRIA 2009. l Digital Design is Intelligent. With artificial intelligence, design intelligence is the third theme we would like to address this year. We wish to challenge global researchers to provide a smart and responsive environment for improving our lives and stimulating our economy in innovative ways.
series CAADRIA
type normal paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:49

_id acadia23_v3_115
id acadia23_v3_115
authors Dade-Robertson, Martyn
year 2023
title Designing with Agential Matter
source ACADIA 2023: Habits of the Anthropocene: Scarcity and Abundance in a Post-Material Economy [Volume 3: Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference for the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 979-8-9891764-1-0]. Denver. 26-28 October 2023. edited by A. Crawford, N. Diniz, R. Beckett, J. Vanucchi, M. Swackhamer 24-32.
summary There have been, very broadly, three eras in the understanding of matter in design. The first, associated with an Aristotelian view of matter as inert and as a receptacle of form, has dominated many of the formalisms in Architectural Design from the Renaissance through to Modernism. The second, sometimes described as “new materialism” (Menges 2012), considers matter as active through design processes which work with materials’ inherent tendencies and capacities. This has led to now-familiar design methods, including Material Based Design Computation (Oxman 2009), and many experiments with active materials such as bilayer metals and hygromorphs. These materials can be programmed to respond to their environments and often take inspiration from biology. I want to suggest that we are entering a new era of understanding matter, which I refer to as the “agential era.”
series ACADIA
type keynote
last changed 2024/04/17 13:59

_id cf2009_727
id cf2009_727
authors de Vries, Bauke; Jessurun, Joran and Sadowski-Rasters, Gaby
year 2009
title Dynamic plan modelling and visualization: Converting an urban development plan into a transition scenario
source T. Tidafi and T. Dorta (eds) Joining Languages, Cultures and Visions: CAADFutures 2009, PUM, 2009, pp. 727- 739
summary Application of 3D models in urban planning practice is still limited to visualization of existing or newly designed situations. Municipalities are looking for possibilities to communicate the transition process of the urban development area with the citizens. A prototype system was developed to investigate what the technical requirements are of such a tool and what the organizational consequences will be. As an example, screenshots are shown of a district in Eindhoven at different moments in time. Finally, recommendations are given on what is needed to turn the prototype into a professional tool.
keywords GIS, 3D modeling, transitions, urban planning
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2009/06/08 20:53

_id sigradi2009_615
id sigradi2009_615
authors Eliseo, Maria Amelia; Beatriz de Almeida Pacheco; Fábio Silva Lopes; Ismar Frango Silveira
year 2009
title Visualização imersiva do patrimônio histórico: Ummodelo espaço-temporal para o campus Mackenzie-Itambé [Immersed visualization of the historical patrimony. A time and space model for the Mackenzie-Itambé campus]
source SIGraDi 2009 - Proceedings of the 13th Congress of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics, Sao Paulo, Brazil, November 16-18, 2009
summary The cluster of centenary buildings which form part of Mackenzie Presbyterian University Campus in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil, stands as a perfect example of urban site where these conditions are found. This group of buildings is protected by CONDEPHAAT (Sao Paulo’s Council for the Protection of Historical, Artistic, Archaeological and Touristic Heritage) in 1993. In the group, one building stands as a landmark, Mackenzie Building. Its construction begun in 1894 and it was erected for the establishment of Brazil’s first Engineering School, formerly named Mackenzie Engineering School.This study aims the presentation of the work in progress preparation of a Digital Quadridimensional Model linked to a database, intended to generate a historical and documental framework for the “Preservation Degree 1” buildings at the university campus
keywords Realidade Virtual; patrimônio histórico; modelo tridimensional
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:51

_id acadia09_90
id acadia09_90
authors Fox, Michael
year 2009
title Flockwall: A Full-Scale Spatial Environment with Discrete Collaborative Modules
source ACADIA 09: reForm( ) - Building a Better Tomorrow [Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-0-9842705-0-7] Chicago (Illinois) 22-25 October, 2009), pp. 90-97
summary The paper highlights a built example of a human-scale spatial environment composed of discrete collaborative modules. The primary goals were to develop and understand strategies that can be applied to interactive architecture. The design and construction were carried out in an academic context that was displayed to a public audience of approximately 200,000 people over the course of three days. In addressing the performance parameters of the prototype, the concept focused on several key strategies: 1) geometry 2) movement 3) connections 4) scale and 5) computational control, and human interaction. The final objective of the approach was to create an innovative design that was a minimally functional spatial environment with the capability for evolving additional multi-functionality. Heavy emphasis was placed on creating a full-scale environment that a person could walk through, interact with, and experience spatially.
keywords Geometry, design logic, flock behavior, prototype, fabrication, responsive systems
series ACADIA
type Normal paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id ecaade2009_177
id ecaade2009_177
authors Göttig, Roland; Braunes, Jörg
year 2009
title Building Survey in Combination with Building Information Modelling for the Architectural Planning Process
source Computation: The New Realm of Architectural Design [27th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-0-9541183-8-9] Istanbul (Turkey) 16-19 September 2009, pp. 69-74
summary The architectural planning process is influenced by social, cultural and technical aspects (Alexander, 1977). When focussing on computer based planning for retrofitting or modification of buildings it becomes clear that many different data formats are used depending on a great variety of planning methods. Moreover, if building information models are utilized they still lack some essential criteria. It is rarely possible to attach individual data from survey systems. This paper will show both a way to add data from building survey systems as an example for special data attachment on IFC files and how to utilize content management systems for IFC files, deviated plans, lists of building components, and other data necessary in a planning process.
wos WOS:000334282200007
keywords Planning process, building information modeling, IFC, building survey systems, content management systems
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id ecaade2009_195
id ecaade2009_195
authors Gürer, Ethem; Çagdas, Gülen
year 2009
title An Emergent Form Generation Method for Supporting Conceptual Design
source Computation: The New Realm of Architectural Design [27th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-0-9541183-8-9] Istanbul (Turkey) 16-19 September 2009, pp. 167-172
summary Evolutionary design methodologies generally aim to present new form-finding processes, where nature-based approaches are used, such as self-organization, genetic algorithms etc. This paper aims to present a new architectural design approach that focuses on integrating these different evolutionary methods in an emergent process. The main goal is to achieve a high-level of integration where lacking qualities of each evolutionary method are completed by the other one in a synergic and especially emergent behavior. A multi-level design approach is described in this study. Points highlighted are concerned with the pre-design phases. Within a bottom-top simulation, an infinite high-level solution cluster is revealed from behavioral interactions and collectivity of the low-level entities: agents. Simulated design process is visualized by a determined project area in Istanbul: Kuruçe_me Island on the Bosphorus as an exhibition center. Programmed in 3dsMax, simulation phase supports the creative design process in early phases.
wos WOS:000334282200020
keywords Evolutionary design, bottom-top approach, self-organization, agent, emergence
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:49

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