CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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_id ascaad2009_mustapha_ben_hamouche
id ascaad2009_mustapha_ben_hamouche
authors Ben-Hamouche, Mustapha
year 2009
title Gis in Architectural Education: Design as a place-making process
source Digitizing Architecture: Formalization and Content [4th International Conference Proceedings of the Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD 2009) / ISBN 978-99901-06-77-0], Manama (Kingdom of Bahrain), 11-12 May 2009, pp. 393-407
summary Responsiveness to site conditions and environment is one of the axioms of architectural design. However, most students’ design is made in a non-geo-coordinated cyberspace through CAAD design and thus leading to “flying” proposals” that are not attached to the context. GIS teaches students in architecture to initially refer to real locations as the space in which they design is geo-coordinated and provides the wider context of the project. Along the design process, the project surroundings from macro scale; that is the globe, to the micro-scale that is reflected in the existing buildings, the road network and the topography are constantly present. At the end stage, the project is seen not as a free standing building but rather as an integral part in a real place on Earth. The 3-D urban visualization gives the possibility of evaluating the degree of success of place-making and the fitness of the project to its context. The aim of the paper is to present how a GIS course can support CAAD and improve the architectural design process as well as the quality of the design output towards a contextual architecture. The paper is based on the experience of the author who is architects and urban planner, in teaching design studios and Urban Planning based on GIS as an elective course to graduating students in architecture at the University of Bahrain. It presents an alternative method that is called Permanent Presence of the Real World PPRW.
series ASCAAD
last changed 2009/06/30 08:12

_id ascaad2010_075
id ascaad2010_075
authors Schubert, Gerhard; Kaufmann Stefan and Petzold Frank
year 2010
title Project Wave 0.18
source CAAD - Cities - Sustainability [5th International Conference Proceedings of the Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD 2010 / ISBN 978-1-907349-02-7], Fez (Morocco), 19-21 October 2010, pp. 75-88
summary In recent years a number of projects have been emerged, in which the new possibilities of the computer as a design tool, have been used. Through the digital chain from design to manufacturing the efficiency has increased and allows the implementation of complex architectural structures. With all these new opportunities, also new challenges arise in the teaching and the educational concepts. The paper describes the detailed course concept and the didactic strategy using the example of a parametric designed roof structure, we designed, planed and build up in scale 1:1 within the main course. „Wendepunkt|e im Bauen“ (Turning point|s of building) is the name of an exhibition at the “Pinakothek der Moderne” in Spring 2010. In addition to contributions of the industrialization in the building industry from 1850 to the present day, the exhibition also serves as a platform, to demonstrate new possibilities of computer-aided parametric design and the closely related computer aided manufacturing (CAM). In this context, we took the chance to build a sculpture in Scale 1:1 to show the potential of a constant digital workflow and the digital fabrication. Through the digital chain from design to manufacturing, the efficiency has been increased by the computer and allows the implementation of new complex architectural structures. But the efficiency of the high-degree-automation through the use of computerized machines usually ends in the production of the components. Because this coincidence of the elements in the assembly often proves cost and time, the aim of the project was to optimize both, the production of components and their assembly as well. As part of the wintercourse 2009/2010 different aspects of automation have been reviewed and new solutions have been analyzed. Together with 15 students of the Faculty of Architecture the complete digital chain started with the first design ideas, about parametric programming through production and assembly had been researched, implemented and brought to reality. In the first steps, the students had to learn about the potential, but also about the problems coming with the digital-design and the attached digital-production. There for the course took part at our computerlab. In weekly workshops, all ideas have been implemented and tested directly in the 3-dimensional parametric model. And thanks to the interdisciplinary work with the Department of Structural Design also static factors had been considered, to optimize the form. Parallel to the digital form-finding process, the first prototypes have been produced by the students. By using the chairs 3D-CNC-Mills we were able to check the programmed connection detail in reality and apply the so learned lessons to the further development. After nearly 3 month of research, designing, planning and programming, we were able to produce the over 1000 different parts in only 4 days. By developing a special pre-stressed structure and connection detail it was also possible, to assemble the whole structure (13.5m x 4.5m x 4m) in only one day. The close connection between digital design (CAD) and digital manufacturing (CAM) is an important point of our doctrine. By the fact, that the students operate the machines themselves, but also implement projects on a scale of 1:1, they learn to independently evaluate these new tools and to use them in a meaningful way.
series ASCAAD
last changed 2011/03/01 07:36

_id ijac20097204
id ijac20097204
authors Vecchia, Luisa Dalla; Silva, Adriane da; Pereira, Alice
year 2009
title Teaching/learning Architectural Design based on a Virtual Learning Environment
source International Journal of Architectural Computing vol. 7 - no. 2, 255-266
summary This paper describes an experiment in which a virtual learning environment was used in the context of an architectural design course. The objective was to evaluate the capability of the learning environment used to support the interactions needed, between teacher-student and between students, for the establishment of a process of discussion and development of architectural design. Some limitations were identified and also positive points, such as the possibility to register the whole design process. These registers allow the design teacher to evaluate his own teaching process and improve it and also the visualization of what kind of intervention the teacher makes and when, making it possible to identify the kind of design processes established by the student and the kind of structure of knowledge which is implicit in a process of teaching/learning architectural design according to the level of development of the design.
series journal
last changed 2009/08/11 08:39

_id caadria2009_021
id caadria2009_021
authors Ambrose, Michael A.
year 2009
title BIM and Comprehensive Design Studio Education
source Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / Yunlin (Taiwan) 22-25 April 2009, pp. 757-760
summary Building Information Modeling (BIM) has the potential to fundamentally alter the way composition, scale and abstraction are addressed in today’s comprehensive design studio by displacing the primacy of abstract conventions of representation with a methodology based on systems thinking and virtual simulation. BIM viewed as provocateur of design education provides great potential for the critical analysis of how architectural design is taught. The design studio project reflects new ways of teaching and addressing BIM methods and processes, and critically evaluating their effects and possibilities on architectural production.
keywords Education; design theory; design studies; animation
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id sigradi2009_947
id sigradi2009_947
authors Brasil, Aléxia Carvalho; Aiade Guerra; Ana Carolina Barros; Cibele Bonfim; Hortênsia Gadelha; Rebeca Gaspar
year 2009
title Os novos meios e o ensino de projeto [Teaching project with new media]
source SIGraDi 2009 - Proceedings of the 13th Congress of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics, Sao Paulo, Brazil, November 16-18, 2009
summary This paper aims to develop a reflection about the methodology of design project education mediated by new medias, analyzing the intervention of a digital environment in the design projectual students. From a critical evaluation of the desires of faculty and students of the Course of Architecture and Urbanism, Federal University of Ceará, examines the possibilities of establishing new methodologies and technologies into teaching practices of the studio project. Through the reflections encouraged, this paper seeks to underscore the importance of awareness against the anachronism of the technological education of Architecture and Urbanism in most of the schools in Brazil.
keywords project teaching; new media; digital studio
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id ascaad2009_andrea_cammarata
id ascaad2009_andrea_cammarata
authors Cammarata, Andrea
year 2009
title Rebuilding Architecture: An analysis and critical investigation practice
source Digitizing Architecture: Formalization and Content [4th International Conference Proceedings of the Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD 2009) / ISBN 978-99901-06-77-0], Manama (Kingdom of Bahrain), 11-12 May 2009, pp. 121-134
summary The Cooperative Design Environment Laboratory (CoDE Lab) is carrying out a research with students, trainees and seniors who have previously participated to CAAD-assisted design courses. These courses were developed with the aim of making participants independent from the pre-analytical phase project to the renderings of the final artifact. The programs that have been used so far are Autodesk Revit, Graphisoft Archicad and Nemetschek Allplan.The teaching workgroup has always believed that analyzing, deconstructing and reconstructing the architecture teaches much in terms of understanding. If the process is done correctly, it entirely re-traces the creative dynamics developed by the original designer. Subsequently, the educational practice is to choose a notable architectural work, designed and/or created by a Master of architecture, and to reproduce it in all details: aesthetical-formal, morphological, technological, structural, modular, etc. The final result is an archive of well-developed reconstructed models of great specific interest. The students on the other hand thoroughly learn how to control the tools and all BIM planning procedures.
series ASCAAD
last changed 2009/06/30 08:12

_id ecaade2009_161
id ecaade2009_161
authors Carrara, Gianfranco; Fioravanti, Antonio; Loffreda, Gianluigi; Trento, Armando
year 2009
title An Ontology-based Knowledge Representation Model for Cross-Disciplinary Building Design: A General Template
source Computation: The New Realm of Architectural Design [27th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-0-9541183-8-9] Istanbul (Turkey) 16-19 September 2009, pp. 367-374
summary Process/product complexity is at present an unavoidable component of present building design approach that affects building product’s quality. To overcome this problem, effective collaboration is required among all the actors involved in the design process. Data and information exchange is not sufficient to guarantee mutual understanding; to support effective collaboration among actors; it is required a proper knowledge formalization and management. This paper reports on an innovative structure for knowledge modeling in cross-disciplinary building design, that has been formalized in a general template. The proposed Knowledge Model has been, at present, implemented by means of available ontology editors and is going to be used into teaching courses to check its efficiency in collaborative building design classes.
wos WOS:000334282200044
keywords Building design, collaboration, knowledge modeling, knowledge management
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:55

_id acadia09_18
id acadia09_18
authors d’Estrée Sterk, Tristan
year 2009
title Introduction: Thoughts for Gen X-Speculating about the Rise of Continuous Measurement in Architecture
source ACADIA 09: reForm( ) - Building a Better Tomorrow [Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-0-9842705-0-7] Chicago (Illinois) 22-25 October, 2009), pp. 18-22
summary We are here, in Chicago, not to talk about what we know, but what we do not know. We are here to share ideas and to speculate about what the world might look like if it were challenged, rethought, and rebuilt. We are here to uncover, piece by piece, a sense of our own ambitions for an architecture influenced by today but motivated by tomorrow. We are all speculators and dreamers. We find places for dreaming in our work, our models, our essays, our lectures, our research, and our teaching. Through these activities we speculate on the architecture of tomorrow. Sometimes these speculations hold great promise, while at other times they do not – certainly much of what we do can be improved, refined, qualified, quantified, and genuinely benefit from being computed. This could be horrifying; it could set the scene for an engineered architecture if we do not adapt.But architecture is changing and responding to very fresh and different ways of thinking. As a movement, young architects are questioning their inheritance and establishing new values, new methods, and new forms of practice. We might best think of these young architects as the Generation X of architecture – a generation who shapes discourse through technological, social, and environmental lenses. From its smallest technical process to its highest level of thought, this conference represents the spirit of this movement.
keywords Introduction, Measurement, dynamic design
series ACADIA
type normal paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:55

_id sigradi2009_715
id sigradi2009_715
authors Fernández Colombo, Mónica Inés; Ricardo Gustavo Piegari; Liliana Bonvecchi
year 2009
title Mutación de la arquitectura de lo analógico a lo digital [Mutation of Architecture, from Analogical to Digital]
source SIGraDi 2009 - Proceedings of the 13th Congress of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics, Sao Paulo, Brazil, November 16-18, 2009
summary The combined experience of GIDCAD (Group of Research and Teaching in Applied Computer Design), and LabPra (Laboratory of Architectural Project), pretends to analyze the newest points of view concerning architecture and to mull around the evolution from the traditional to the digital project, incorporating theory to help decode the mutation of Architecture. The goal is to evaluate the changes caused by architecture’s design and communication from the incorporation of digital technologies, and to check its progress and behavior in the Virtual Community to the service of the discipline’s teaching.
keywords Mutación; Concepción; Comunicación Virtual; Enseñanza
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:51

_id ecaadesigradi2019_046
id ecaadesigradi2019_046
authors Ferreira Borges, Marina
year 2019
title Conversations between architects and engineers
source Sousa, JP, Xavier, JP and Castro Henriques, G (eds.), Architecture in the Age of the 4th Industrial Revolution - Proceedings of the 37th eCAADe and 23rd SIGraDi Conference - Volume 1, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal, 11-13 September 2019, pp. 99-108
summary The structural education in architectural schools emphasize that the dialogue between professionals is what should be raised as the point of connection between the conception of the structural morphology to be carried out by the architect and its validation and construction by the structural engineer. However, is this dialogue occurring? The proposal of this work is to study the conversational model proposed by Paul Pangaro (2009), based on Gordon Pask's Conversation Theory (1976a), and investigate if in fact a dialogic process between architectural design and structures education in architectural schools occurs, or if there exist the possibility of proposing a new conversational model, promoting transdisciplinary participation and collaboration procedures.Please write your abstract here by clicking this paragraph.
keywords Architectural Design Teaching; Structural Education; Conversation Theory
series eCAADeSIGraDi
last changed 2022/06/07 07:56

_id sigradi2009_976
id sigradi2009_976
authors Gonçalves, Marly de Menezes; Monica Baptista Sampaio Tavares
year 2009
title Contribuições do Uso das Mídias Digitais para o Ensino e o Aprendizado no Contexto do Design [Contributions of the use of digital media for teaching and learning in the context of design ]
source SIGraDi 2009 - Proceedings of the 13th Congress of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics, Sao Paulo, Brazil, November 16-18, 2009
summary To redeem the importance of study of geometry for the representation of space, this article aims to show possible contributions that the use of digital media can bring to teaching and learning in the context of the courses of Design.
keywords Teaching; Design; Geometry
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:52

_id ecaade2009_167
id ecaade2009_167
authors Gönenç Sorguç, Arzu; Arslan Selçuk, Semra
year 2009
title Art and Literature as a Teaching/Learning Interface of Mathematics for Students of Architecture
source Computation: The New Realm of Architectural Design [27th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-0-9541183-8-9] Istanbul (Turkey) 16-19 September 2009, pp. 465-472
summary This paper discusses an educational approach emphasizing the changing role of mathematics and potentials of mathematical thinking in architectural education on the course of changing design paradigm: from designing the product to designing the process. In this context, randomly selected samples of student works, realized within the context of an elective undergraduate course, Arch 333 “Mathematics in Architecture” at Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkiye are presented. It is shown that mathematical thinking provide not only to science people a solid ground for further explorations, but also new inspirations to people involving art and design and help them to overcome prejudices and fears related with mathematics in their minds. It is believed that this approach encourages them to discuss complex problems with meta language of mathematics and develop ability to consider the design process as a whole.
wos WOS:000334282200056
keywords Mathematical thinking, mathematics in architectural education, multi-dimensionality of data, mathematics as meta language
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id ecaade2018_312
id ecaade2018_312
authors Gündüz, Gamze, Oral, Hülya and Yazar, Tu?rul
year 2018
title Integration of Design Geometry with "Computational Making" in Basic Design Studio - A Case Study of Lanterns Project
source Kepczynska-Walczak, A, Bialkowski, S (eds.), Computing for a better tomorrow - Proceedings of the 36th eCAADe Conference - Volume 2, Lodz University of Technology, Lodz, Poland, 19-21 September 2018, pp. 439-448
summary Basic design education, as an introduction of design principles to novice students, has two-way of teaching which are design thinking and professional training, since Bauhaus. Initiated in 2009, the Computation-based Basic Design Studio creates a common ground through discussions between students, academics, and professionals from various backgrounds. In this paper, the implementation of parallel courses named Computation-based Basic Design Studio and Design Geometry is discussed upon final assignment of the first semester- New Year's Lanterns. The given assignment structured as a cyclic process through constant feedback between geometric relations, material performance, and, joinery details to achieve novel outcomes that exceed the preliminarily set structural criteria. In relation to individual processes and outcomes of the final assignment, observed tendencies developed by students', at the end of their first-term in design education, will be discussed as final remarks.
keywords design education; basic design; design geometry; polyhedra
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:49

_id ecaade2009_156
id ecaade2009_156
authors Karzel, Rüdiger; Matcha, Heike
year 2009
title Experimental Design-Build: Teaching Parameter-based Design
source Computation: The New Realm of Architectural Design [27th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-0-9541183-8-9] Istanbul (Turkey) 16-19 September 2009, pp. 153-158
summary We present a student design class, in which experimental full-scale parametric objects are planned and built. The class explores the possibilities of digital production chains in which CAAM techniques driven by parametric modeling can expand the range of possibilities for designing and producing architecture. We show how those possibilities and techniques can be integrated into architectural education in facilitating a transition from digital design to actual object. The didactic challenge represents teaching a methodological approach towards parameter-based design, its transfer into a software program and the choice of construction and production method.
wos WOS:000334282200018
keywords Prototyping, parametric design, student design build projects, CAAM methods, evolutionary optimization
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:52

_id ecaade2009_103
id ecaade2009_103
authors Kirschner, Ursula; Pratschke, Anja
year 2009
title Experiment Digital Space: Composition with Elements Designed by Mies van der Rohe and the Importance of their Web Presentation: Didactical Design Methods Applied in Design Studios for Architectural and Cultural Sciences in Brazil, University of São Paulo and in Germany, Leuphana University of Lüneburg
source Computation: The New Realm of Architectural Design [27th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-0-9541183-8-9] Istanbul (Turkey) 16-19 September 2009, pp. 787-792
summary This empirical research project is a didactical teaching method intended to introduce students interested in space to theoretical architecture topics using specific computer capacities. In different variations, this teaching method was tested on students of Cultural Sciences and Architecture in Brazil and in Germany. With this method, even students without previous CAD or architecture experience can creatively design spaces. Visualization of the design process as Web design joins the individual aspects to a logical composite and applies the computer as “brain-craft” to complement handcraft. For the creative tasks, this means interaction in a complex information structure where the borders between the disciplines fade.
wos WOS:000334282200096
keywords Design, didactic, CAD, web design, interdisciplinary
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:52

_id cf2009_771
id cf2009_771
authors LaBelle, Guillaume; Nembrini, Julien and Huang, Jeffrey
year 2009
title Programming framework for architectural design ANAR+: Object oriented geometry
source T. Tidafi and T. Dorta (eds) Joining Languages, Cultures and Visions: CAADFutures 2009, PUM, 2009, pp. 771- 785
summary From the recent advent of scripting tools integrated into commercial CAAD software and everyday design practice, the use of programming applied to an architectural design process becomes a necessary field of study. The presented research explores the use of programming as explorative and reflexive medium (Schön, 1983) through the development of a programming framework for architectural design. Based on Java, the ANAR+ library is a parametric geometry environment meant to be used as programming interface by designers. Form exploration strategies based on parametric variations depend on the internal logic description, a key role for form generation. In most commercial CAD software, geometric data structures are often predefined objects, thus constraining the form exploration, whereas digital architectural research and teaching are in need for an encompassing tool able to step beyond new software products limitations.
keywords Parametric design, programming language, architectural Geometry, pro-cessing
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2009/06/08 20:53

_id ascaad2009_carl_lostritto
id ascaad2009_carl_lostritto
authors Lostritto, Carl R.
year 2009
title Teaching Systems-Thinking with Algorithmic Process: Introduction to computation and programming with processing programming language
source Digitizing Architecture: Formalization and Content [4th International Conference Proceedings of the Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD 2009) / ISBN 978-99901-06-77-0], Manama (Kingdom of Bahrain), 11-12 May 2009, pp. 37-46
summary This research investigates how algorithm design and scripting as pedagogy can affect generalized design ability and understanding. Logical, systematic thinking is considered foundational in developing architectural design aptitude and is explicit when designing algorithms. The course work presented mandates the construction of process rather than product. Scripting is implemented not as a means to an end but rather a medium for exploration. More valuable than formal generator or problem-solver, these scripted designs test direct aesthetic implications. Further tested is the role of animation in de-linearizing the design process. By isolating the algorithm as topic, technique, and concept, scripting skills and the produced artifact are extendable and are translatable to other media. Algorithm design is presented as a 2-dimensional but temporal endeavor: students script an animate, interactive vector-based image. This facilitates the transition from algorithm to spatial experience while also readying students for form-based explorations. The 2-d temporal exercise is of a similar order of complexity to a 3-dimensional static condition. Pieces of the animation structure are provided as a canvas, specifically the ability of the viewer to manually control a single parametric variable that affects the visual output through a user-interface element. The following and final project of the course expands upon the technique of scripting image in the design of an experience by collaging video, images and animation.
series ASCAAD
last changed 2009/06/30 08:12

_id cf2009_poster_25
id cf2009_poster_25
authors Nembrini, Julien; Guillaume Labelle, Nathaniel Zuelzke, Mark Meagher and Jeffrey Huang
year 2009
title Source Studio: Teaching Programming For Architectural Design
source T. Tidafi and T. Dorta (eds) Joining Languages Cultures and Visions: CAADFutures 2009 CD-Rom
summary The architectural studio framework presented here is based on the use of programming as central form generation reflexive medium (Schon, 1983). Its aim is to teach architectural design while introducing a different approach toward computer tools by enabling students to fully explore variations in their designs through the use of coding for form definition. It proposes the students to reflect on their design process through its confrontation to algorithmic formalization (Mitchell 1990). This results in exercising the synthetic re-thinking of their initial sketch intents to comply with the difficult task of fitting the language syntax. With the proliferation and constant replacement of computer tools among the architectural practice, a shift appears in the attitude towards introducing students to different tools: studio teaching is branded by specific software platforms advocated by the teaching team. A lack of generalized view, independent of commercial CAD software, is problematic for the definition of new teaching tools suited for this constantly evolving situation (Terzidis, 2006).
keywords Programming, studio teaching, scripting, parametric design
series CAAD Futures
type poster
last changed 2009/07/08 22:12

_id sigradi2009_1183
id sigradi2009_1183
authors Oliveira, Mariel Lima de
year 2009
title Ensino da Geometría Projetiva nos Cursos de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, em tempos de CAD/BIM [Teaching of Projetive Geometry in Architecture and Urbanism Courses, at age of CAD/BIM]
source SIGraDi 2009 - Proceedings of the 13th Congress of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics, Sao Paulo, Brazil, November 16-18, 2009
summary The evolution of the graphical representation of the architecture with the development of procedures for computer-aided designs is causing a shift in the way of thinking about architecture. Traditionally, the teaching of descriptive geometry that allows architects in training cognition full three-dimensional space. Changing this tradition, today we have the construction of the projective drawing by computer, CAD or BIM. We aim to question the way to teach courses in the projective geometry of architecture and urbanism in the face of profound changes in knowledge and representation of the form established by computer graphics technology with CAD and BIM.
keywords Teaching of Architecture and Urbanism; Descriptive Geometry; CAD / BIM; Projective geometry; Digital Design
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:56

_id ascaad2009_regina_ruschel
id ascaad2009_regina_ruschel
authors Ruschel, Regina C.; Ana Lúcia C.N. Harris; Silvia A.M.G. Pina; Ana Maria M.G. Monteiro; Núbia Bernardi; Daniel C. Moreira; Ana Regina M. Cuperschmid and Autímio B. Guimarães Filho
year 2009
title Beyond Traditional CAAD: E-Learning supporting design thinking
source Digitizing Architecture: Formalization and Content [4th International Conference Proceedings of the Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD 2009) / ISBN 978-99901-06-77-0], Manama (Kingdom of Bahrain), 11-12 May 2009, pp. 71-87
summary A study based on a post-occupancy-evaluation (POE), conducted in housing developments in the region of Campinas, Brazil, evaluated quality of life and sustainability indicators. These indicators were then related to site planning design guideline for low-income public housing projects that considered recommendations for integrated community and security, street and path system and parking, public and private open space and landscaping. Since this work is part of a broader study, which aims to develop evaluation tools, the proposed design guidelines were used by students in a graduate class, in order to verify its effectiveness. Bloom’s Taxonomy was used to determine educational goals for design thinking in this class. First design thinking was instigated based on students’ prior knowledge of life quality and sustainability indicators for housing design. Comprehension of proposed design guidelines was stimulated by the reading and discussion of related literature, paraphrasing or extension of proposed design guidelines and respective illustration with reference images. An existing low-income housing development, with award winning design, was selected and an evaluation of its conformance to proposed design guidelines was conducted comparing site or design images to reference images. This evaluation subsidized a design exercise for the selected housing development. The class was offered as a partially distance course with an agenda including: tutorials, theoretical classes, seminars and conceptual discussions. A new Brazilian open source e-learning environment was experimented and critiqued. Beyond traditional CAAD tools others such as wiki, blog, polls, chat, conferencing, web authoring and visit broadcasting supported collaborative learning and design. Results indicate the viability of design teaching in distance education courses for competent designers; however the experience shows the need for innovation in synchronous communication and visualization tools specific for architectural design users. Students evaluation of selected housing development and final projects indicate that the proposed guidelines for low-income public housing projects successfully supports the decision making process in order to incorporate quality of life and sustainability indicators in design. The experience presents a model of design education which incorporates technology integrated to human and environmental dimensions.
series ASCAAD
last changed 2009/06/30 08:12

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