CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

Hits 1 to 20 of 87

_id caadria2011_052
id caadria2011_052
authors Al-Kazzaz, Dhuha A. and Alan Bridges
year 2011
title Assessing innovation in hybrid designs using shape grammars
source Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / The University of Newcastle, Australia 27-29 April 2011, pp. 545-554
summary Al-kazzaz et al (2010) described hybrid adaption technique to generate innovative designs from heterogeneous precedents using shape grammars. An evaluation of the degree of innovation in the hybrid designs gave feedback to grammar users before and after applying a rule. Innovation was assessed using variables derived from the internal structure of the grammar such as: the number of antecedents in the corpus having the same rule; the number of rules in a subclass rule set having the same geometry; etc. However, the validity of the innovation assessment was unclear and the use of the feedback measures was not demonstrated. Accordingly, this study aims to verify the credibility of the innovation measures and to identify the independent variables that a user can control to achieve a significant impact on each innovation measure as a dependent variable.
keywords Shape grammars; hybrid design; innovation assessment
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id cf2011_p170
id cf2011_p170
authors Barros, Mário; Duarte José, Chaparro Bruno
year 2011
title Thonet Chairs Design Grammar: a Step Towards the Mass Customization of Furniture
source Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures 2011 [Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures / ISBN 9782874561429] Liege (Belgium) 4-8 July 2011, pp. 181-200.
summary The paper presents the first phase of research currently under development that is focused on encoding Thonet design style into a generative design system using a shape grammar. The ultimate goal of the work is the design and production of customizable chairs using computer assisted tools, establishing a feasible practical model of the paradigm of mass customization (Davis, 1987). The current research step encompasses the following three steps: (1) codification of the rules describing Thonet design style into a shape grammar; (2) implementing the grammar into a computer tool as parametric design; and (3) rapid prototyping of customized chair designs within the style. Future phases will address the transformation of the Thonet’s grammar to create a new style and the production of real chair designs in this style using computer aided manufacturing. Beginning in the 1830’s, Austrian furniture designer Michael Thonet began experimenting with forming steam beech, in order to produce lighter furniture using fewer components, when compared with the standards of the time. Using the same construction principles and standardized elements, Thonet produced different chairs designs with a strong formal resemblance, creating his own design language. The kit assembly principle, the reduced number of elements, industrial efficiency, and the modular approach to furniture design as a system of interchangeable elements that may be used to assemble different objects enable him to become a pioneer of mass production (Noblet, 1993). The most paradigmatic example of the described vision of furniture design is the chair No. 14 produced in 1858, composed of six structural elements. Due to its simplicity, lightness, ability to be stored in flat and cubic packaging for individual of collective transportation, respectively, No. 14 became one of the most sold chairs worldwide, and it is still in production nowadays. Iconic examples of mass production are formally studied to provide insights to mass customization studies. The study of the shape grammar for the generation of Thonet chairs aimed to ensure rules that would make possible the reproduction of the selected corpus, as well as allow for the generation of new chairs within the developed grammar. Due to the wide variety of Thonet chairs, six chairs were randomly chosen to infer the grammar and then this was fine tuned by checking whether it could account for the generation of other designs not in the original corpus. Shape grammars (Stiny and Gips, 1972) have been used with sucesss both in the analysis as in the synthesis of designs at different scales, from product design to building and urban design. In particular, the use of shape grammars has been efficient in the characterization of objects’ styles and in the generation of new designs within the analyzed style, and it makes design rules amenable to computers implementation (Duarte, 2005). The literature includes one other example of a grammar for chair design by Knight (1980). In the second step of the current research phase, the outlined shape grammar was implemented into a computer program, to assist the designer in conceiving and producing customized chairs using a digital design process. This implementation was developed in Catia by converting the grammar into an equivalent parametric design model. In the third phase, physical models of existing and new chair designs were produced using rapid prototyping. The paper describes the grammar, its computer implementation as a parametric model, and the rapid prototyping of physical models. The generative potential of the proposed digital process is discussed in the context of enabling the mass customization of furniture. The role of the furniture designer in the new paradigm and ideas for further work also are discussed.
keywords Thonet; furniture design; chair; digital design process; parametric design; shape grammar
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2012/02/11 19:21

_id cf2011_p127
id cf2011_p127
authors Benros, Deborah; Granadeiro Vasco, Duarte Jose, Knight Terry
year 2011
title Integrated Design and Building System for the Provision of Customized Housing: the Case of Post-Earthquake Haiti
source Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures 2011 [Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures / ISBN 9782874561429] Liege (Belgium) 4-8 July 2011, pp. 247-264.
summary The paper proposes integrated design and building systems for the provision of sustainable customized housing. It advances previous work by applying a methodology to generate these systems from vernacular precedents. The methodology is based on the use of shape grammars to derive and encode a contemporary system from the precedents. The combined set of rules can be applied to generate housing solutions tailored to specific user and site contexts. The provision of housing to shelter the population affected by the 2010 Haiti earthquake illustrates the application of the methodology. A computer implementation is currently under development in C# using the BIM platform provided by Revit. The world experiences a sharp increase in population and a strong urbanization process. These phenomena call for the development of effective means to solve the resulting housing deficit. The response of the informal sector to the problem, which relies mainly on handcrafted processes, has resulted in an increase of urban slums in many of the big cities, which lack sanitary and spatial conditions. The formal sector has produced monotonous environments based on the idea of mass production that one size fits all, which fails to meet individual and cultural needs. We propose an alternative approach in which mass customization is used to produce planed environments that possess qualities found in historical settlements. Mass customization, a new paradigm emerging due to the technological developments of the last decades, combines the economy of scale of mass production and the aesthetics and functional qualities of customization. Mass customization of housing is defined as the provision of houses that respond to the context in which they are built. The conceptual model for the mass customization of housing used departs from the idea of a housing type, which is the combined result of three systems (Habraken, 1988) -- spatial, building system, and stylistic -- and it includes a design system, a production system, and a computer system (Duarte, 2001). In previous work, this conceptual model was tested by developing a computer system for existing design and building systems (Benr__s and Duarte, 2009). The current work advances it by developing new and original design, building, and computer systems for a particular context. The urgent need to build fast in the aftermath of catastrophes quite often overrides any cultural concerns. As a result, the shelters provided in such circumstances are indistinct and impersonal. However, taking individual and cultural aspects into account might lead to a better identification of the population with their new environment, thereby minimizing the rupture caused in their lives. As the methodology to develop new housing systems is based on the idea of architectural precedents, choosing existing vernacular housing as a precedent permits the incorporation of cultural aspects and facilitates an identification of people with the new housing. In the Haiti case study, we chose as a precedent a housetype called “gingerbread houses”, which includes a wide range of houses from wealthy to very humble ones. Although the proposed design system was inspired by these houses, it was decided to adopt a contemporary take. The methodology to devise the new type was based on two ideas: precedents and transformations in design. In architecture, the use of precedents provides designers with typical solutions for particular problems and it constitutes a departing point for a new design. In our case, the precedent is an existing housetype. It has been shown (Duarte, 2001) that a particular housetype can be encoded by a shape grammar (Stiny, 1980) forming a design system. Studies in shape grammars have shown that the evolution of one style into another can be described as the transformation of one shape grammar into another (Knight, 1994). The used methodology departs takes off from these ideas and it comprises the following steps (Duarte, 2008): (1) Selection of precedents, (2) Derivation of an archetype; (3) Listing of rules; (4) Derivation of designs; (5) Cataloguing of solutions; (6) Derivation of tailored solution.
keywords Mass customization, Housing, Building system, Sustainable construction, Life cycle energy consumption, Shape grammar
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2012/02/11 19:21

_id ecaade2011_101
id ecaade2011_101
authors Colakoglu, Birgul
year 2011
title Introduction to Architecture Studio: Geometry, Rules and Patterns
source RESPECTING FRAGILE PLACES [29th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-9-4912070-1-3], University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture (Slovenia) 21-24 September 2011, pp.745-750
summary Introduction to architecture studio introduces students of architecture with fundamentals of design and design thinking. Here, the students learn: analytical thinking by constructive analysis of precedents; language of design by using basic geometric elements and operational/transformational principles among them; and principles of form making by engaging in constructing the form. The paper explains the process of the studio in which shape grammar methodology is utilized in teaching analytical thinking, language of design and principles of form making to architecture students.
wos WOS:000335665500086
keywords Architecture Studio Education: Shape Grammars: Rule Based Design
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/05/01 23:21

_id ecaade2011_083
id ecaade2011_083
authors Coutinho, Filipe; Costa, Eduardo Castro e; Duarte, José P.; Kruger, Mário
year 2011
title A computational interpretation of ”De re aedificatoria”: Translating Alberti’s column system into a shape grammar
source RESPECTING FRAGILE PLACES [29th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-9-4912070-1-3], University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture (Slovenia) 21-24 September 2011, pp.788-798
summary Alberti’s ”De re aedificatoria” is considered one of the most influential treatises of architecture. Historic approaches aimed at tracing such an influence on European architecture have relied mainly on documental sources. The extent of such an influence, however, remains elusive. The research described in this paper is part of a larger project aimed at using the computational framework provided by shape grammars to determine the extension of such an influence on the architecture of the Portuguese empire in the counter-reform period. The idea is to translate the treatise into a shape grammar and then determine the transformations required for the grammar to account for the generation of the buildings designed and built in this geographic region. The paper presents a grammar for the Albertian column system, focusing on the Doric order. Subsequent work will be concerned with identifying the transformations of this grammar in the Portuguese context.
wos WOS:000335665500091
keywords Alberti; generative design; shape grammars; transformations in design, design automation
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/05/01 23:21

_id sigradi2011_173
id sigradi2011_173
authors Etchegaray Heidrich, Felipe; Redondo Dominguez, Ernest
year 2011
title La Identificación de una Gramática Formal a través del Modelado Digital [Identification of a Shape Grammar through the Digital Modeling]
source SIGraDi 2011 [Proceedings of the 15th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Argentina - Santa Fe 16-18 November 2011, pp. 351-354
summary The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the use of digital modeling as identification instrument of a formal grammar. The identification is developed through the analysis of some furniture, in which it is used a formal grammar identification as a means to find out and generate a project language. This language construction is based on the grammar that generates forms which correspond to the same language, through the recursive application of a set of rules. Thus, the paper tries to identify a specific grammar for the furniture through its digital modeling.
keywords Shape Grammar; Digital Modeling; Frank O. Gehry
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:51

_id sigradi2011_222
id sigradi2011_222
authors Faria Lopes, Pedro; Reis, Joaquim; Santos, Filipe; Eloy, Sara; Paio, Alexandra; Rato, Vasco
year 2011
title Shaping emergent cities for all
source SIGraDi 2011 [Proceedings of the 15th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Argentina - Santa Fe 16-18 November 2011, pp. 107-109
summary This paper describes work in progress in the area of producing affordable housing to underprivileged populations living in slums. This project is being developed recurring to a Shape Grammar approach, using a direct input strategy targeted to the common user with non digital expertise. The diversity of solutions are to be applied to three case studies in Mozambique, Angola and Brazil.
keywords Interface design; shape grammar; agents; housing
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:51

_id ecaade2013_104
id ecaade2013_104
authors Figueiredo, Bruno; Duarte, José Pinto and Krüger, Mário
year 2013
title Albertian Grammatical Transformations
source Stouffs, Rudi and Sariyildiz, Sevil (eds.), Computation and Performance – Proceedings of the 31st eCAADe Conference – Volume 2, Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 18-20 September 2013, pp. 687-696
summary This paper presents a research on the use of shape grammars as an analytical tool in the history of architecture. It evolves within a broader project called Digital Alberti, whose goal is to determine the influence of De re aedificatoria treatise on Portuguese Renaissance architecture, making use of a computational framework (Krüger et al., 2011).Previous work was concerned with the development of a shape grammar for generating sacred buildings according to the rules textually described in the treatise. This work describes the transformation of the treatise grammar into another grammar that can also account for the generation of Alberti’s built work.
wos WOS:000340643600071
keywords Shape grammars; parametric modelling; generative design; Alberti; classical architecture.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id ecaade2011_124
id ecaade2011_124
authors Ibrahim, Mohamed S.; Bridges, Alan; Chase, Scott C.; Bayoumi, Samir; Taha, Dina S.
year 2011
title Experiencing design with grammatical explorations in the beginning design studio: The after-recognition experiment: designing with constraints
source RESPECTING FRAGILE PLACES [29th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-9-4912070-1-3], University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture (Slovenia) 21-24 September 2011, pp.689-698
summary This paper describes a teaching experience conducted and carried out as part of the coursework of first year students of architecture in two different countries. The workshop is the second of three workshops planned to take place during the course of the first year studio, aimed at introducing new ways of thinking and introducing students to a new pattern of architectural education. The experiment was planned under the theme of “Production” in the mid-stage that is considered the operational stage of the design process. It also succeeded a recognition stage in which the students’ visual reasoning skills were targeted with more open and less determined design tasks. A grammatical approach was chosen to deliver the methodology in the design studio, based on the shape grammar methodology.
wos WOS:000335665500080
keywords Beginning/Novice students; shape grammar; pedagogical grammar; design education
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/05/01 23:21

_id sigradi2011_145
id sigradi2011_145
authors Linhares, Bruna; Alarcão, Helena; Carvão, Luís; Toste, Pedro; Paio, Alexandra
year 2011
title Using Shape Grammar to design ready-made housing for humanized living. Towards a parametric-typological design tool
source SIGraDi 2011 [Proceedings of the 15th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Argentina - Santa Fe 16-18 November 2011, pp. 78-81
summary The research described in this paper is part of a larger on-going project called "Emerg.cities4all" that proposes a generative computer-aided planning system for housing for low-income populations using shape grammars. This paper presents the preliminary research results of a group of four master students who proposed to develop a grammar of ready-made housing for humanized living based in three informal settlements case studies. The results of this research are based on the assumption that it is possible to generate modular, adaptable and affordable ready-made housing for humanized living solutions design, supported by a computational generation tool.
keywords Shape grammars; emergent housing; housing design; CPLP
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:55

_id ecaade2017_265
id ecaade2017_265
authors Motalebi, Nasim and Duarte, José Pinto
year 2017
title A Shape Grammar of Emotional Postures - An approach towards encoding the analogue qualities of bodily expressions of emotions
source Fioravanti, A, Cursi, S, Elahmar, S, Gargaro, S, Loffreda, G, Novembri, G, Trento, A (eds.), ShoCK! - Sharing Computational Knowledge! - Proceedings of the 35th eCAADe Conference - Volume 2, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy, 20-22 September 2017, pp. 485-492
summary This paper is concerned with the translation of analogue qualities of human emotions into digital readings. Human body postures are considered as one of the main behavioral conduits for non-verbal communication and emotional expressions (Shan, 2007). This research is the first step towards identifying and detecting emotions through posture analysis of users moving through space; leading towards generating real time responses in the form of spatial configurations to users' emotions. Such spatial configurations would then help inhabitants reach certain emotional states that would enhance their life quality. In order to achieve this goal, we propose a methodology for developing a comprehensive shape grammar algorithm that could evaluate and predict bodily expressions of emotions. The importance of this study lies under the embodied interactions (Streech, 2011) in space. As the circumfixed space impacts the embodied mind, the body impacts its surrounding including the architectural space.
keywords Shape Grammar; Computation; Emotion; Posture; Interactive Architecture
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:58

_id ecaade2011_088
id ecaade2011_088
authors Paio, Alexandra; Reis, Joaquim; Santos, Filipe; Lopes, Pedro Faria; Eloy, Sara; Rato, Vasco
year 2011
title Emerg.cities4all: Towards a shape grammar based computational system tool for generating a sustainable and integrated urban design
source RESPECTING FRAGILE PLACES [29th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-9-4912070-1-3], University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture (Slovenia) 21-24 September 2011, pp.152-158
summary The ongoing research project called “Emerg.cities4all” is focused on the development of a generative computer-aided planning support system for cities and housing to low-income populations, using a descriptive method as the Shape Grammars and based on multi-agent rule-based system. The goal is to develop a system that could reveal the cultural, social and spatial dynamics involved in the genesis of informal settlements (favelas, musseques and caniços) and use it to generate contemporary humanized urban morphologies. The multi agent shape grammar implementation could generate automatically designs according to different types of users: urban planners, architect and local end users. This paper presents the methodology and the initial results of the research, using an informal settlement as a case study.
wos WOS:000335665500017
keywords Shape grammar; Multi-agent systems; Urban design; Informal settlements; Emergcities4all
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/05/01 23:21

_id sigradi2011_286
id sigradi2011_286
authors Ribeiro Cardoso, Daniel; Magalhaes Leite, Raquel; Fortes de Sousa, Beker A.
year 2011
title A forma da emergência: linguagens na arquitetura vernacular [The shape of emergence: languages in vernacular architecture]
source SIGraDi 2011 [Proceedings of the 15th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Argentina - Santa Fe 16-18 November 2011, pp. 564-567
summary This paper compares two formal languages, from the observation of the composing process of a vernacular set of houses. These languages have distinct natures. The first one is symbolic: L-system as proposed by Aristid Lindenmayer. The second one is the iconic Shape Grammar, as developed by George Stiny. After formalization, comparison and analysis, they are going to be implemented in Grasshopper.
keywords Shape grammar; process representation; morphogenesis; vernacular architecture
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:58

_id caadria2011_037
id caadria2011_037
authors Vaz, Carlos V.; Gabriela Celani and José P. Duarte
year 2011
title An ontology representing Roberto Burle Marx’s landscape design solutions
source Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / The University of Newcastle, Australia 27-29 April 2011, pp. 389-398
summary The objective of this undergoing research project is to propose a new approach to landscape design education, based on design cognition and computational design theories, such as patterns, shape grammars and parametric design. The system is based on an ontology that contains classes of design concepts and examples of their instances. This paper shows specifically the development of the ontology that will structure the whole system. The information necessary to understand each of the design concepts is represented by a schematic shape grammar rule. Each concept will be illustrated by a good example of application, extracted from the work of Brazilian landscape designer Roberto Burle Marx. A prototypical implementation of the system is being developed, with a hierarchical taxonomy of the concepts and examples.
keywords Ontology; landscape design education; Roberto Burle Marx; landscape architecture; pattern language
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:58

_id caadria2011_008
id caadria2011_008
authors Yuan, Xiaofang; Jihyun Lee and Yu Wu
year 2011
title A new perspective to look at ice-ray grammar
source Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / The University of Newcastle, Australia 27-29 April 2011, pp. 81-90
summary Chinese lattice designs are a rich source of interesting geometric forms and shape grammar has been used to analyze and generate Chinese lattice designs. Following the origin design intention, researchers have already defined simple and intuitively compelling shape grammar rules to generate them. However, for some self-similar ice-rays, it is difficult to clarify the design intention of them, which is why researchers still cannot define shape grammar rules for them. In this paper, we utilize the culture hints to select the lowest-level constituent for shape calculation and clarify the design intention embedded in the ice-rays. We develop our new shape grammar rules based on the design intention and validate the rules by generating an existing ice-ray window.
keywords Ice-ray; shape grammar; cultural hint; design intention; lowest-level constituent
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:57

_id ecaade2011_053
id ecaade2011_053
authors Barros, Mário; Duarte, José P.; Chaparro, Bruno
year 2011
title Digital Thonet: An automated system for the generation and analysis of custom-made chairs
source RESPECTING FRAGILE PLACES [29th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-9-4912070-1-3], University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture (Slovenia) 21-24 September 2011, pp.521-529
summary A system is presented to support the designer in creating custom versions of chairs within a predefined design language using Thonet chairs as a case study. The system consists of parametric models based on shape grammars linked to structural analysis to provide an integrated generative process for mass customization in the furniture industry.
wos WOS:000335665500060
keywords Thonet; furniture design; finite element method; parametric design; mass customization
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/05/01 23:21

_id cf2011_p098
id cf2011_p098
authors Bernal, Marcelo; Eastman Charles
year 2011
title Top-down Approach for Interaction of Knowledge-Based Parametric Objects and Preliminary Massing Studies for Decision Making in Early Design Stages
source Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures 2011 [Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures / ISBN 9782874561429] Liege (Belgium) 4-8 July 2011, pp. 149-164.
summary Design activities vary from high-degree of freedom in early concept design stages to highly constrained solution spaces in late ones. Such late developments entail large amount of expertise from technical domains. Multiple parallel models handle different aspects of a project, from geometric master models to specific building components. This variety of models must keep consistency with the design intent while they are dealing with specific domains of knowledge such as architectural design, structure, HVAC, MEP, or plumbing systems. Most of the expertise embedded within the above domains can be translated into parametric objects by capturing design and engineering knowledge through parameters, constraints, or conditionals. The aim of this research is capturing such expertise into knowledge-based parametric objects (KPO) for re-usability along the design process. The proposed case study ‚Äì provided by SOM New York‚ is the interaction between a massing study of a high-rise and its building service core, which at the same time handles elevators, restrooms, emergency stairs, and space for technical systems. This project is focused on capturing design expertise, involved in the definition of a building service core, from a high-rise senior designer, and re-using this object for interaction in real-time with a preliminary massing study model of a building, which will drive the adaption process of the service core. This interaction attempts to provide an integrated design environment for feedback from technical domains to early design stages for decision-making, and generate a well-defined first building draft. The challenges addressed to drive the instantiation of the service core according to the shifting characteristics of the high-rise are automatic instantiation and adaptation of objects based on decision rules, and updating in real-time shared parameters and information derived from the high-rise massing study. The interaction between both models facilitates the process from the designer‚Äôs perspective of reusing previous design solutions in new projects. The massing study model is the component that handles information from the perspective of the outer shape design intent. Variations at this massing study model level drive the behavior of the service core model, which must adapt its configuration to the shifting geometry of the building during design exploration in early concept design stages. These variations depend on a list of inputs derived from multiple sources such as variable lot sizes, building type, variable square footage of the building, considerations about modularity, number of stories, floor-to-floor height, total building height, or total building square footage. The shifting combination of this set of parameters determines the final aspect of the building and, consequently, the final configuration of the service core. The service core is the second component involved in the automatic generation of a building draft. In the context of BIM, it is an assembly of objects, which contains other objects representing elevators, restrooms, emergency stairs, and space for several technical systems. This assembly is driven by different layouts depending on the building type, a drop-off sequence, which is the process of continuous reduction of elevators along the building, and how this reduction affects the re-arrangement of the service core layout. Results from this research involves a methodology for capturing design knowledge, a methodology for defining the architecture of smart parametric objects, and a method for real-time-feedback for decision making in early design stages. The project also wants to demonstrate the feasibility of continuous growth on top of existing parametric objects allowing the creation of libraries of smart re-usable objects for automation in design.
keywords design automation, parametric modeling, design rules, knowledge-based design
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2012/02/11 19:21

_id ecaade2011_108
id ecaade2011_108
authors Celani, Gabriela; Beirão, José N.; Duarte, José P.: Vaz, Carlos
year 2011
title Optimizing the “characteristic structure”: Combining shape grammars and genetic algorithms to generate urban patterns
source RESPECTING FRAGILE PLACES [29th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-9-4912070-1-3], University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture (Slovenia) 21-24 September 2011, pp.491-500
summary The present paper is part of an undergoing research that aims at developing software that can generate urban plans, based on contemporary urban design concepts, in an optimized way. As a design method, the project proposes the use of the trilogy formulation/ generation/evaluation, which starts with an outline of the design requirements, proceeds with the definition of generative procedures that can result in these requirements, and follows with the evaluation of the generated designs. The paper describes the development of a computer program that implements some of Marshall’s evaluation methods, and further elaborates them to define generative criteria and to optimize the resulting designs with GA techniques. The program aims at generating what Marshall calls a “characteristic structure”, a type of urban fabric that is usually found in vernacular urban fabrics.
wos WOS:000335665500057
keywords Generative design; urban design; genetic algorithms; shape grammars
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/05/01 23:21

_id acadia11_272
id acadia11_272
authors Dimcic, Milos; Knippers, Jan
year 2011
title Free-form Grid Shell Design Based on Genetic Algorithms
source ACADIA 11: Integration through Computation [Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA)] [ISBN 978-1-6136-4595-6] Banff (Alberta) 13-16 October, 2011, pp. 272-277
summary In the 21st century, as free-form design grows in popularity, grid shells are becoming a universal structural solution, enabling the conflation of structure and skin (façade) into one single element (Kolarevic 2003). This paper presents some of the results of a comprehensive research project focused on the automated design and optimization of grid structures over some predefined free form shape, with the goal of generating a stable and statically efficient structure. It shows that by combining design and FEM software in an iterative, Genetic Algorithms-based optimization process, stress and deformation in grid shell structures can be significantly reduced, material can be saved and stability enhanced.
series ACADIA
type normal paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:55

_id acadia11_318
id acadia11_318
authors Doumpioti,Christina
year 2011
title Responsive and Autonomous Material Interfaces
source ACADIA 11: Integration through Computation [Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA)] [ISBN 978-1-6136-4595-6] Banff (Alberta) 13-16 October, 2011, pp. 318-325
summary This paper presents continuing research on responsive systems in architecture; the ability of architectural systems to change certain properties in response to their surrounding environmental pressures. While doing so, it shifts from current and past examples of mechanical approaches of adaptation, towards biological paradigms of seamless material integration. Looking at biological mechanisms of growth and focusing on the material make-up behind them, the research proposes the exploration of material systems in a two-fold interrelated manner: firstly, through passive material systems of variable elasticity, and secondly through the embedment of smart materials with shape-changing properties. The combination of the two is aiming at architectural systems of functional versatility.Through an interdisciplinary approach, the paper examines the following questions: Is it possible to envisage structures that share the principles of adaptation and response of living organisms? What are the technological challenges faced when designing self-actuated responsive interfaces? Which is the conceptual framework for understanding and investigating complex adaptive and responsive systems? By exploring and synthesizing theories and tools from material science, bioengineering and cybernetics the aim is to inform architectural interfaces able to enhance interconnectivity between the man-made and the natural. Focusing on the self-organization of material systems the intention is to suggest architectural interventions, which become sub-systems of their ecological milieu. The emphasis therefore is placed not on architectural formalism, but on how we can define synthetic environments through constant exchanges of energy, matter and information.
series ACADIA
type normal paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:55

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