CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

Hits 1 to 20 of 562

_id cf2011_p047
id cf2011_p047
authors Vermeersch, Peter-Willem; Nijs Greg, Heylighen Ann
year 2011
title Mediating Objects in Architectural Design: a Non-Visual Exploration
source Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures 2011 [Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures / ISBN 9782874561429] Liege (Belgium) 4-8 July 2011, pp. 721-734.
summary Through their daily interactions with the built environment, people with disabilities become able to appreciate spatial qualities or detect obstacles that architects may not be attuned to. This observation motivated us to explore scenarios for involving people with sensory disabilities as experts in the design process. An architecture office participating in a real-world design competition is teamed up with two blind persons. The design process is studied in real time through a team ethnography. The analysis in this paper focuses on the mediating aspects of objects in the actions, perception and cognition in one collaborative design meeting in particular. In general, disability situations can teach us something about fixed ways of doing by making perceivable, or questioning practices that seem self-evident. In this particular situation, the blind person’s involvement in a design meeting that relies heavily on representational artifacts, makes perceivable or questions everyday practices in architects’ design process that are taken for granted. Examples include knowing and indicating to others where design elements are on the site, knowing what design element is being talked about, holding the element and its environment ‘in place’, or spatially exploring the design’s spatial configuration. As such, our study shows that exploring inclusivity ‘upstream’, i.e. in the design process, may contribute not only to inclusive design, but also to a more articulate understanding of the working of mediating objects and their use in architects’ design processes tout court.
keywords architectural design, blindness, disability, participant observation, users
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2012/02/11 19:21

_id acadia11_318
id acadia11_318
authors Doumpioti,Christina
year 2011
title Responsive and Autonomous Material Interfaces
source ACADIA 11: Integration through Computation [Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA)] [ISBN 978-1-6136-4595-6] Banff (Alberta) 13-16 October, 2011, pp. 318-325
summary This paper presents continuing research on responsive systems in architecture; the ability of architectural systems to change certain properties in response to their surrounding environmental pressures. While doing so, it shifts from current and past examples of mechanical approaches of adaptation, towards biological paradigms of seamless material integration. Looking at biological mechanisms of growth and focusing on the material make-up behind them, the research proposes the exploration of material systems in a two-fold interrelated manner: firstly, through passive material systems of variable elasticity, and secondly through the embedment of smart materials with shape-changing properties. The combination of the two is aiming at architectural systems of functional versatility.Through an interdisciplinary approach, the paper examines the following questions: Is it possible to envisage structures that share the principles of adaptation and response of living organisms? What are the technological challenges faced when designing self-actuated responsive interfaces? Which is the conceptual framework for understanding and investigating complex adaptive and responsive systems? By exploring and synthesizing theories and tools from material science, bioengineering and cybernetics the aim is to inform architectural interfaces able to enhance interconnectivity between the man-made and the natural. Focusing on the self-organization of material systems the intention is to suggest architectural interventions, which become sub-systems of their ecological milieu. The emphasis therefore is placed not on architectural formalism, but on how we can define synthetic environments through constant exchanges of energy, matter and information.
series ACADIA
type normal paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:55

_id eaea2009_drozd_meunier_simonnot_hegron
id eaea2009_drozd_meunier_simonnot_hegron
authors Drozd, Celine; Virginie Meunier, Nathalie Simonnot, Gerard Hegron
year 2011
title What Tools and Modes of Representation to Reflect an Architectural Atmosphere?
source Projecting Spaces [Proceedings of the 9th European Architectural Endoscopy Association Conference / ISBN 978-3-942411-31-8 ], pp. 77-88
summary During the design phase, the architect is required to create images in order to give a shape to his project and communicate it. These visual representations satisfy architectural codes established over the years. Thus, the architect who wants to make public his creation gives representations of impressions and emotions. This way, the represented atmosphere reveals the designed architecture because it refers to personal experiences by involving our different senses. So, we question ourselves on the ability of images to reflect atmospheres projected by architects. The difficult part is to make visual representations which translate perceptions communicated by all our senses.
series other
type normal paper
last changed 2011/07/05 11:41

_id architectural_intelligence2023_11
id architectural_intelligence2023_11
authors Hua Chai & Philip F. Yuan
year 2023
title Hybrid intelligence
source Architectural Intelligence Journal
summary Alongside shifts in the technological landscape, the origin of creativity in architectural design has been consistently evolving. According to French philosopher Bernard Stiegler, the architectural design process is never individualistic but rather shaped by the complex interaction between human creativity and what he terms the “pre-individual milieu”, the synthesis of various factors such as cultural heritage, technological innovation (Stiegler, 2016). Over the last three decades, the emergence of digital technologies such as the Internet of Things, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence has significantly enhanced the dynamism and diversity of human–machine communication. With the advancement of digital technologies in the field of architecture, artificial intelligence, machine intelligence, and material intelligence are increasingly integrated into the creative process. In the form of hybrid intelligence, this shift expands the scope of architectural creativity and creative agency beyond the mere intelligent landscape of the human mind. As suggested by architectural theorist Antoine Picon, “another possibility is to consider the pairing of man and machine as a new composite subject……This proposition is suggested by various contemporary reflections on computer technologies and their anthropological dimension” (Picon, 2011).
series Architectural Intelligence
last changed 2025/01/09 15:00

_id ecaade2011_046
id ecaade2011_046
authors Kudumovi_, Lana; Taso, Amra; Hasanbegovi_, Omer
year 2011
title Digital design and fabrication: Case study: seashell
source RESPECTING FRAGILE PLACES [29th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-9-4912070-1-3], University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture (Slovenia) 21-24 September 2011, pp.779-787
summary Computational aspects of architectural design have revolutionized actual process, and have made a new platform for cooperation that spans across all disciplines. The focus of this study is to understand how the seashell form can be applicable in design process of human architectures. Our approach will show the act of choosing an inspirational natural form and its application into the virtual world, then digitalization, transformation, and evaluation of the form that are suitable for human architecture. 3D model generating would be performed by doing the scan of a selected seashell form. Further action would be to import the object as a tool in the Zbrush application, and continued modeling transformations. This phase would include other parameters that need to be integrated during the architectural design process since architecture usually exists in a radically different environment in comparison with the seashell.
wos WOS:000335665500090
keywords Complexity; architectural form; generative design; digital design fabrication; rapid prototyping
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/05/01 23:21

_id caadria2011_028
id caadria2011_028
authors Lesage, Annemarie and Tomás Dorta
year 2011
title Two conceptual design tools and an immersive experience: Beyond the pragmatic-pleasurable split in UX
source Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / The University of Newcastle, Australia 27-29 April 2011, pp. 291-300
summary In a recent study, we compared two conceptual design tools supporting collaboration, a whiteboard software accessed through Internet, and a hybrid immersive system, the Hybrid Ideation Space (HIS). The result of the study appeared to favour the HIS because of its immersive qualities. In this paper, we seek possible explanations as to why immersion delivered a better experience, by looking at the mental workload in relationship to the experience. For the workload we rely on Wickens’ four-dimensional multiple resource model, specifically processing codes (verbal/spatial) and visual channels; and for the experience, Csikszentmihalyi’s concept of flow and our own concept of Design Flow. The designers seemed to be responding to different styles of information processing required of them by each tool, one being more experiential and the other requiring a heavier mental workload. Insight in the cognitive underpinning of a strictly pragmatic immersive experience suggests that UX has also to do with how the information is received and processed by users, without isolating the functional from the rest of the experience.
keywords User experience; immersion; flow; mental workload; Hybrid Ideation Space
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:52

_id ecaade2011_160
id ecaade2011_160
authors Matejovská, Dana; Achten, Henri
year 2011
title What is the Goal in Teaching Basic CAD?
source RESPECTING FRAGILE PLACES [29th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-9-4912070-1-3], University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture (Slovenia) 21-24 September 2011, pp.57-62
summary In this paper we report on ongoing monitoring of the entering situation of students at our faculty in terms of their computer and CAD skills. By means of an online enquiry developed by Liverpool and Graz we also investigated the attitudes towards CAD by architects in practice. Based on these findings, we aim to identify what we should teach our students in terms of CAD skills.
wos WOS:000335665500005
keywords Basic skills teaching; post graduation demands; education; situation in practice
series eCAADe
type normal paper
last changed 2022/05/01 23:21

_id ijac20109303
id ijac20109303
authors Meyboom, AnnaLisa
year 2011
title Heavy Design
source International Journal of Architectural Computing vol. 9 - no. 3, 251-258
summary Digital tools in architecture have a powerful capability that we have only begun to explore; the questions to ask of them are perhaps not what they can do but what should we use them for? To date, much of the work done in the area of computational design has been used as elaborate patterning - some have called it ‘ornament’. The significance of this ornament is not only pleasure but in its use of digital patterns to represent our current complex and digital age.This representation in itself is not problematic; however, what is problematic is the lack of other meaningful uses of the digital form-generating tools and their distance from a culture of making. The main failing of our use of digital design (algorithmic or not) in architecture to this point is its inability to translate smoothly from the digital world to the physical world. The main reasons for this difficulty in translation are gravity and inherent material properties. Working with gravity and its physical implications is generally considered the role of the structural engineer; as such, engineers have generally created digital tools in this area.The engineer's methodology analyses a structure based on complex structural analysis programming but in order to do this, a detailed description of the structure must already exist. This is not useful in preliminary stages of design. However, the generation of architecture within an environment, which already includes structural principles, may bring us one step closer to this transition of virtual to physical by including gravity in architectural generation while not diminishing the creative form-generating process. An approach has been proposed which responds with a concept of ‘heavy design’. This type of approach incorporates logics from other disciplines, primarily structural engineering, to inform design. The design process incorporates the structural behavior of a system into the architectural model. Engineering offers a mathematical interpretation of the physical world and this is inherently suited to algorithmic design because it is already in equation form. It can thus be programmed into the architectural form generational software. The variables used in the equations become the variables within the architectural design and this inherently brings the natural physical laws to the architecture through a numerical, algorithmic method. The design produced is not a singular answer but rather a responsive vocabulary of a structural system, which is then employed in design in differing conditions. The architecture produced is both function and ornament, having cultural interpretation but carrying out many engineering tasks: a true parametric architecture.
series journal
last changed 2019/05/24 09:55

_id ijac20109105
id ijac20109105
authors Meyboom, AnnaLisa; Greg Johnson, Jerzy Wojtowicz
year 2011
title Architectronics: Towards a Responsive Environment
source International Journal of Architectural Computing vol. 9 - no. 1, 77-98
summary Contemporary architecture can be seen as a dynamic system that changes in response to its environment and even as a system that can modify itself. Interactive or responsive environments are not totally new to architecture; however, the possibilities in architecture have only begun to be examined. To look at the possibilities in this emerging field experimentation is required and the architect must develop an understanding of the language of sensors, actuators and control systems. This article examines an interdisciplinary design research studio with mechatronic engineers which allowed a wide range of experimentation. It shows that the scope of what can be done with responsive architecture is hard to imagine from where we now stand and that it is only through a broad range of experimentation that we can find the most beneficial uses of this powerful technology. The resulting projects - kinetic architecture on control systems - challenge our understanding of what our built environment could be.
series journal
last changed 2019/05/24 09:55

_id caadria2011_067
id caadria2011_067
authors Neisch, Paulina
year 2011
title Colour-code models: The concept of spatial network
source Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / The University of Newcastle, Australia 27-29 April 2011, pp. 707-716
summary The main goal for the architects or planners is to understand a perspective of the user. The foundation of the design process is to create buildings and environments, which will be both innovative and functional for all types of users, including adults and children. While planning the environments for children the particular aspects should be considered. The important questions are: What kind of contact does child have with the city, urban places and buildings? How does the child construct the picture of the city? What kind of urban or architectural spaces contributes to the relation that a child has with the environment? Most of the previous studies concentrating on creation of spaces for children have focused on the perspectives that have adults. According to CAADRIA 2010 paper, the objective of our study was to “learn about” (get to know the) children’s perception of everyday places. The main goal of the project was to define an appropriate tool for the design process. We identified three elements, which were considered to be the most important for child’s identification with environment: home, school, and the journey from home to school. For this purpose, children living in a residential community in Bangkok were surveyed. Contrariwise to the quantitative approach (Neisch, 2010), the concept of Colour – Code Models of space propose a qualitative development of this research – a graphic language which allow to understand the children’s spatial world, the novel way to analyze and present space, useful for educate architects and planners.
keywords Spatial network; perception and representation of environment; drawing processing; data analyses; design for children
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:58

_id cf2011_p152
id cf2011_p152
authors Plume, Jim; Mitchell John
year 2011
title An Urban Information Framework to support Planning, Decision-Making & Urban Design
source Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures 2011 [Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures / ISBN 9782874561429] Liege (Belgium) 4-8 July 2011, pp. 653-668.
summary This paper reports on a 2-year research project undertaken in collaboration with a state planning authority, a major city municipal council and a government-owned development organisation. The project has involved the design of an urban information model framework with the aim of supporting more informed urban planning by addressing the intersection where an individual building interfaces with its urban context. This adopted approach enables new techniques that better model the city and its processes in a transparent and accessible manner. The primary driver for this project was the challenge provided by the essential incompatibility between legacy GIS (geographic information system) datasets and BIM (building information model) representations of the built form. When dealing with urban scale information, GIS technologies use an overlay mapping metaphor linked to traditional relational database technologies to identify features or regions in the urban landscape and attach attribute data to those in order to permit analysis and informed assessment of the urban form. On the other hand, BIM technologies adopt an object-oriented approach to model the full three-dimensional characteristics of built forms in a way that captures both the geometric and physical attributes of the parts that make up a building, as well as the relationships between those parts and the spaces defined by the building fabric. The latter provides a far richer semantic structure to the data, while the former provides robust tools for a wide range of urban analyses. Both approaches are widely recognised as serving well the needs of their respective domains, but there is a widespread belief that we need to reconcile the two disparate approaches to modelling the real world. This project has sought to address that disjunction between modelling approaches. The UrbanIT project concentrated on two aspects of this issue: the development of a framework for managing information at the precinct and building level through the adoption of an object-oriented database technology that provides a platform for information management; and an exploration of ontology tools and how they can be adopted to facilitate semantic information queries across diverse data sources based on a common urban ontology. This paper is focussed on the first of those two agendas, examining the context of the work, the challenges addressed by the framework and the structure of our solution. A prototype implementation of the framework is illustrated through an urban precinct currently undergoing renewal and redevelopment, finishing with a discussion of future work that comes out of this project. Our approach to the implementation of the urban information model has been to propose extensions to ISO/PAS 16739, the international standard for modelling building information that is commonly known as IFC (Industry Foundation Classes). Our reason for adopting that approach is primarily our deep commitment to the adoption of open standards to facilitate the exchange of information across the built environment professions, but also because IFC is based on a robust object schema that can be used to construct a internet-accessible database able, theoretically, to handle the vast quantity of data needed to model urban-scale information. The database solution comes with well-established protocols for handling data security, integrity, versioning and transaction processing or querying. A central issue addressed through this work is concerned with level of detail. An urban information model permits a very precise and detailed representation of an urban precinct, while many planning analyses rely on simplified object representations. We will show that a key benefit of our approach is the ability to simultaneously maintain multiple representations of objects, making use of the concept of model view definitions to manage diverse analysis needs.
keywords urban information modelling, geographic information systems, city models, interoperability, urban planning, open standards
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2012/02/11 19:21

_id cf2011_p115
id cf2011_p115
authors Pohl, Ingrid; Hirschberg Urs
year 2011
title Sensitive Voxel - A reactive tangible surface
source Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures 2011 [Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures / ISBN 9782874561429] Liege (Belgium) 4-8 July 2011, pp. 525-538.
summary Haptic and tactile sensations, the active or passive exploration of our built surroundings through our sense of touch, give us a direct feeling and detailed information of space, a sense of architecture (Pallasmaa 2005). This paper presents the prototype of a reactive surface system, which focuses its output on the sense of touch. It explains how touch sensations influence the perception of architecture and discusses potential applications that might arise from such systems in the future. A growing number of projects demonstrate the strong impact of interaction design on the human senses and perception. They offer new ways of sensing and experiencing architectural space. But the majority of these interaction concepts focus on visual and auditory output-effects. The sense of touch is typically used as an input generator, but neglected as as a potential receiver of stimuli. With all the possibilities of sensors and micro-devices available nowadays, there is no longer a technical reason for this. It is possible to explore a much wider range of sense responding projects, to broaden the horizon of sensitive interaction concepts (Bullivant 2006). What if the surfaces of our surroundings can actively change the way it feels to touch them? What if things like walls and furniture get the ability to interactively respond to our touch? What new dimensions of communication and esthetic experience will open up when we conceive of tangibility in this bi-directional way? This paper presents a prototype system aimed at exploring these very questions. The prototype consists of a grid of tangible embedded cells, each one combining three kinds of actuators to produce divergent touch stimuli. All cells can be individually controlled from an interactive computer program. By providing a layering of different combinations and impulse intensities, the grid structure enables altering patterns of actuation. Thus it can be employed to explore a sort of individual touch aesthetic, for which - in order to differentiate it from established types of aesthetic experiences - we have created the term 'Euhaptics' (from the Greek ευ = good and άπτω = touch, finger). The possibility to mix a wide range of actuators leads to blending options of touch stimuli. The sense of touch has an expanded perception- spectrum, which can be exploited by this technically embedded superposition. The juxtaposed arrangement of identical multilayered cell-units offers blending and pattern effects of different touch-stimuli. It reveals an augmented form of interaction with surfaces and interactive material structures. The combination of impulses does not need to be fixed a priori; it can be adjusted during the process of use. Thus the sensation of touch can be made personally unique in its qualities. The application on architectural shapes and surfaces allows the user to feel the sensations in a holistic manner – potentially on the entire body. Hence the various dimensions of touch phenomena on the skin can be explored through empirical investigations by the prototype construction. The prototype system presented in the paper is limited in size and resolution, but its functionality suggests various directions of further development. In architectural applications, this new form of overlay may lead to create augmented environments that let inhabitants experience multimodal touch sensations. By interactively controlling the sensual patterns, such environments could get a unique “touch” for every person that inhabit them. But there may be further applications that go beyond the interactive configuration of comfort, possibly opening up new forms of communication for handicapped people or applications in medical and therapeutic fields (Grunwald 2001). The well-known influence of touch- sensations on human psychological processes and moreover their bodily implications suggest that there is a wide scope of beneficial utilisations yet to be investigated.
keywords Sensitive Voxel- A reactive tangible surface
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2012/02/11 19:21

_id caadria2011_041
id caadria2011_041
authors Pérez, Edgar and Tomás Dorta
year 2011
title Assessment of design tools for ideation
source Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / The University of Newcastle, Australia 27-29 April 2011, pp. 429-438
summary Designers interact with a wide range of design tools, in a variety of ways, in order to support their work. Any attempt to produce digital tools aimed at supporting ideation raises the question of the kind of information considered account and what is appropriate to the needs and expectations of designers. We developed and implemented an assessment method for digitally supported conceptual design based on reflective conversation, flow, cognitive ergonomics and activity theory. Our approach opens up the evaluation spectrum to include parameters beyond performances factors for conceiving new digital design tools. This assessment approach considers user (the designer), action (ideation) and object (the tool) in the ideation process, namely the designer’s experience interrelated to the needs of the task and the characteristics of the tool. In this paper we present the results of several research protocols in which we observed, analyzed and successively acted upon five different stages of the interface of a design tool as it was being developed, the Hybrid Ideation Space (HIS). Taken as a whole, these results suggest the limits and support of designers’ optimal relationship with an ideation interface.
keywords Ideation; assessment method; design tools; human computer interaction
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:58

_id caadria2011_029
id caadria2011_029
authors Santo, Yasu; John H. Frazer and Robin Drogemuller
year 2011
title Active buildings: What can we do about buildings that simply stand still?
source Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / The University of Newcastle, Australia 27-29 April 2011, pp. 301-310
summary This paper presents background of our research and result of our pilot study to find methods for convincing building users to become active building participants. We speculate this is possible by allowing and motivating users to customise and manage their own built environments. The ultimate aim of this research is to develop open, flexible and adaptive systems that bring awareness to building users to the extent they recognise spaces are for them to change rather than accept spaces are fixed and they are the ones to adapt. We argue this is possible if the architectural hardware is designed to adapt to begin with and more importantly if there are appropriate user interfaces that are designed to work with the hardware. A series of simple prototypes were made to study possibilities through making, installing and experiencing them. Ideas discussed during making and experiencing of prototypes were evaluated to generate further ideas. This method was very useful to speculate unexplored and unknown issues with respect to developing user interfaces for active buildings.
keywords Interaction; interface; Building Information; participatory; adaptive
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:56

_id acadiaregional2011_022
id acadiaregional2011_022
authors Scheer, David R.
year 2011
title Architectural Drawing- A Prospective Requiem
source Parametricism (SPC) ACADIA Regional 2011 Conference Proceedings
summary Drawing has been inextricably entwined with architecture since ancient times. Today, architectural drawing is moribund if not already dead, replaced by technologies that encode and store design information in digital databases. This change has taken place with unbelievable rapidity, especially viewed from an historical perspective. This paper examines how drawing has affected our fundamental ideas about architecture and what effects its demise may have on architecture in the future. The aim is to appreciate what drawing has meant for architecture and to assess the latter's drawing-less prospects, hence a "prospective requiem".
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:49

_id cf2011_p095
id cf2011_p095
authors Shin, Dongyoun; Muller Arisona Stefan, Schmitt Gerhard
year 2011
title Crowdsourcing Urban Simulation Platform Using Mobile Devices and Social Networking Media Technologies
source Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures 2011 [Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures / ISBN 9782874561429] Liege (Belgium) 4-8 July 2011, pp. 233-246.
summary Introduction and Research Questions The research area of urban simulation methods has grown notably in recent decades. Most of the research topics that concern urban simulation have concentrated on defining the complexities of urban environments with certain rules and algorithms. However, cities are getting more complex and changes to them are being made at greater speed. Therefore, current urban simulation modeling approaches based on rules and protocols are still struggling to reduce the gap between the virtual simulation environment and the real cities, since the behavior of citizens is frequently unpredictable and continuously adapting. In this context, research is necessary to develop more fundamental simulation methods that can handle these complexities and changes, leading to new design decision support systems. Therefore, this research was motivated with the following questions: What is the origin of the complexities and transformations of the urban environment? How can we approach the origin to deal with the urban complexities and transformations? To answer these questions, we hypothesize that the diverse human intentions are the origin of the issues that result from all of the complexities and changes of the cities. General Objectives As a result, we propose a participatory simulation environment that brings human intention into the urban simulator: a crowdsourcing [1] simulation platform that is operated by the people‚Äôs participation. To achieve this crowdsourcing urban sustainability simulation environment, we must address the following research issues: categorization of urban sustainability indicators and technologies, inducing mass participations, and an implementation of social network services. Furthermore, we aim at using mobile computing devices, such as smart phones, as a terminal to the simulation environment. Fundamental Goals Our goal is to enable people to share urban information at any time and to compare each other‚Äôs contributions through the crowdsourcing urban simulation platform. The information will be returned to the citizens to support their sustainability-aware life. The simulation platform also gives a chance not only to compare each other‚Äôs levels of sustainability, but also to give self-satisfaction through an altruistic contribution for a sustainable future. Thus, people shall utilize the simulator in order to predict their individual or cities‚Äô future sustainability. Meanwhile, the user data will be collected and delivered to the central server in order to analyze the urban sustainability. Consequently, we can measure the urban sustainability based on a real human interaction, and compare individuals as well as cities. The whole process of this research is presented as a new paradigm of an urban simulator that reflects the urban complexities and the inconstant human mind changes. Specific Objectives of This Paper This paper will represent strategies of the crowdsourcing urban simulation which can make a paradigm shift of urban simulation and shall define the customized sustainable indicators for the initial steps of this research. It shows how as system for can communicate with the public using the current technologies: high performance mobile media, social network services and wide-area geospatial information systems. Furthermore, for the first step of this research, the paper defines the urban sustainability indicators, and their categorization is generalized and translated into simpler ways to support the citizen‚ intuitive understanding.
keywords Crowdsourcing, Urban sustainability, Multi-agent based simulation, Social network services
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2012/02/11 19:21

_id acadia11_360
id acadia11_360
authors Sprecher, Aaron
year 2011
title Homeorrhetism: Few Observations on the Nature of Experimentation in Computational Architecture
source ACADIA 11: Integration through Computation [Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA)] [ISBN 978-1-6136-4595-6] Banff (Alberta) 13-16 October, 2011, pp. 360-361
summary From the point of view of computation, concerns over the nature of an experiment raise questions that often belong to a deductive reasoning; in other words the possibility to understand the world in terms of established principles and theories: What kind of information should be extracted from our environment? What would be a comprehensive system of information that reflects the complexity of our world? How can one assure objectivity in the building of a model? In contrast, the experimental context of architecture calls for a different set of questions: How can a model convey the meaning of our world? What kind of effect is the model supposed to create? Why a particular model is more likely to express the condition of a culture versus another? Here, concerns over the inductive nature of the experimental protocol prevail, or in other words, the questions do not call for fixed principles but a range of possibilities often related to the cultural, social and even political sensitivity of the experimenter. These distinctive sets of questions therefore range from deductive to inductive experimental approaches. Most importantly, they express the essence of the now established field of computational architecture and its capability to propel a confluence of knowledge; a form of transdisciplinarity that oscillates between architecture’s core knowledge and its disciplinal periphery. While both deductive and inductive assumptions are pre-requisite to operative experimentations, the question remains as to the principles managing their confluence.
series ACADIA
type moderator overview
last changed 2022/06/07 07:56

_id cf2011_p116
id cf2011_p116
authors Stavric, Milena; Wiltsche Albert
year 2011
title Ornamental Plate Shell Structures
source Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures 2011 [Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures / ISBN 9782874561429] Liege (Belgium) 4-8 July 2011, pp. 817-832.
summary The development of digital technologies in the last twenty years has led to an unprecedented formal freedom in design and in the representation in virtual space. Combining non-standard geometry with CAD tools enables a new way of expression and realization of architectural ideas and conceptions. The transformation of a virtual double-curved surface into a buildable physical structure and object is always accompanied by huge costs and big problems like geometric and statical ones. Our structure is a type of shell structure consisting of plane panels. The load bearing system is organized in a way so that the forces are distributed along the edges of the plane elements. A structure with plane elements supports a high stiffness in combination with a relatively small overall weight. This is due to smooth curved shape of the geometry. We show geometric methods how to control the construction of curved surfaces out of planar building elements. The approach is based on the discretization of the surfaces by plane elements derived from tangent planes. The novel process in this work is that we take the surface curvature at local points into account. This solves former problems which occurred when intersecting the planes. The fact that there is an infinite number of possibilities when selecting tangent planes on a surface raises the issue of the way and conditions which make it possible to select specific tangent planes whose intersection would produce a desired three-dimensional shape. In order to satisfy also aesthetical requirements we engage plane geometrical patterns and ornaments and transfer them into spatial shape. So a three-dimensional ornamental shape is deduced from a two-dimensional ornament. Another task which will be showed is how to limit the infinite range of possibilities to generate a preferred spatial ornament and on what conditions surface tessellation would be ornamental in character, i.e. it would generate not only the functional, but also the aesthetic component of a free-form surface.
keywords ornament, discretization, free-form surfaces
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2012/02/11 19:21

_id cf2011_p024
id cf2011_p024
authors Tidafi, Temy; Charbonneau Nathalie, Khalili-Araghi Salman
year 2011
title Backtracking Decisions within a Design Process: a Way of Enhancing the Designer's Thought Process and Creativity
source Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures 2011 [Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures / ISBN 9782874561429] Liege (Belgium) 4-8 July 2011, pp. 573-587.
summary This paper proposes a way computer sciences could contribute to stimulate the designer’s reflexive thought. We explore the possibility of making use of backtracking devices in order to formalize the designer’s thought process. Design, as a process of creating an object, cannot be represented by means of a linear timeline. Accordingly, the backtracking processes we are discussing here are not based on a linear model but rather on a non-linear structure. Beyond the notion of undoing and redoing commands within CAD packages, the backtracking process is seen as a way to explore and record several alternate options. The branches of the non-linear model can be seen as pathways made of sequential decisions. The designer creates and explores these pathways while making tentative moves towards an architectural solution. Within the design process, backtracking enables the designer to establish and act on a network of interrelated decisions. This notion is fundamental. It is quite obvious that information, in order to be meaningful, must occupy a specific place within an informational network. A data, separated from its context, is devoid of interest. By the same token, a decision takes on significance solely in combination with other decisions. In this paper, we examine what kinds of decisions are involved within a design process, how they are connected, and what could be the best ways to formalize the relationships. Our goal is to experiment ways that could enable the designer and his/her collaborators to get a clearer mental picture of the network of decisions aforementioned. The non-linear model can be seen as a graph structure. The user moves wherever he/she wants through the branches of the structure to establish the network of decisions or to get reacquainted with a previous design process. As a matter of fact, it can act in both ways: to reassess or to confirm a decision. On the one hand, the designer can go back to previous states, reconsider past choices, and eventually modify them. On the other hand, he/she can move forward and revisit a given sequence of decisions, so as to recapture the essence of a previous design process. It goes without saying that knowledge regarding the design process is constructed by the designer from his/her own experiences. Since the designer’s perception evolves as time goes by, the network of decisions constitutes a model that is continuously questioned and restructured. The designer does not elaborate solely an architectural object, but also an evolving model formalizing the way he/she achieved his/her aim. As Le Moigne (1995) pointed out, the model itself produces knowledge; afterwards, the designer can examine it so as to get a clearer mental picture of his/her own cognitive processes. Furthermore, it can be used by his/her collaborators in order to understand which thread of ideas led the designer to a given visual result, and eventually resume or reorient the design process. In addition to reflecting on the ideological implications inherent to this questioning, we take into account the feasibility of such a research project. From a more technical point of view, in this paper we will describe how we plane to take up the challenge of elaborating a digital environment enabling backtracking processes within graph structures. Furthermore, we will explain how we plane to test the first trial version of the new environment with potential users so as to observe how they respond to it. These experiments will be conducted in order to verify to what extend the methods we are proposing are able to i) enhance the designer’s creativity and ii) increase our understanding of designer’s thought process.
keywords backtracking, design process, digital environments, problem space, network of decisions, graph structure.
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2012/02/11 19:21

_id ecaade2011_000
id ecaade2011_000
authors Zupancic, Tadeja; Juvancic, Matevz; Verovsek, Spela; Jutraz, Anja (eds.)
year 2011
source 29th eCAADe Conference Proceedings [ISBN 978-9-4912070-1-3], University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture (Slovenia) 21-24 September 2011, 980 p.
summary The main topics of the conference are recognition, development and encouragement of virtual space design which in a consequence respect the problematic of sensitive and even fragile places of our physical and virtual surroundings. How do we define the levels of fragility either in physical or in virtual space, or in any fluid architectural endeavours? How do we respect the diversity of spatial fragility levels while introducing new design interventions? What can be defined as a (eCAADe-) sensitive / responsive / responsible design intervention? How to develop physical and virtual laboratories for sensitive / responsive / responsible design interventions? How to promote sensitive / responsive / responsible design interventions as members of eCAADe and related communities? What is the future of physical and virtual environments, requiring the most sensitive and responsible design interventions? These are just a few questions which were addressed at the eCAADe 2011 conference.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/05/16 12:47

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