CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

Hits 1 to 20 of 550

_id sigradi2012_404
id sigradi2012_404
authors Angelo, Alex; Neves, Heloisa; de Campos, Paulo Eduardo Fonseca
year 2012
title Fab Lab Kids: Oficina de projetos socioambientais para crianças de escolas públicas fazendo uso da eletrônica e da fabricação digital [Fab Lab Kids: Workshop for environmental projects public school children making use of electronics and digital fabrication]
source SIGraDi 2012 [Proceedings of the 16th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Brasil - Fortaleza 13-16 November 2012, pp. 383-387
summary This article describes the process of theoretical and practical Fab Lab Kids Project in Brazil and in more detail the “Fab Lab Kids: Workshop environmental projects for public school children through manufacturing and digital electronics”, the most recent edition of this project, which consists conducting an experimental workshop with students from public school in the city of Guarulhos, São Paulo. Through the concept of learning by doing, children are exposed to the possibility of acting on the environment and the objects surrounding them, proposing objects that might solve socio-environmental issues, which are produced via electronics and digital fabrication.
keywords Fabricação Digital, Eletrônica, Educação, Redes, Fab Lab
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id sigradi2012_291
id sigradi2012_291
authors Braida, Frederico; Marques, Aline Calazans; Pedroso, Emmanuel Sá Resende; Lima, Fernando Tadeu de Araújo
year 2012
title O papel das impressoras 3D nas diversas etapas do projeto [O papel das impressoras 3D nas diversas etapas do projeto The 3D printer paper at various stages of project]
source SIGraDi 2012 [Proceedings of the 16th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Brasil - Fortaleza 13-16 November 2012, pp. 580-583
summary This article aims to address the use of 3D printers in the stages of design, development and final presentation in projects of architecture and urbanism. To evaluate the performance of 3D printers, we emphasize in each of these stages of the project, the representational demands and cognitive processes involved as well as analytical categories taken as cost, running time, accuracy and level finish, the representation of materials, scale and size of three-dimensional models and possibilities for intervention in the models themselves.
keywords Impressoras 3D; Prototipagem rápida; Projeto; Fabricação Digital; Modelagem tridimensional
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id caadria2012_046
id caadria2012_046
authors Lertsithichai, Surapong
year 2012
title Building Thailand's tallest Ganesh: CAD/CAM integration in conventional metal fabrication
source Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / Chennai 25-28 April 2012, pp. 337–346
summary Ganesh (Ganesa or Ganesha) is a Hindi god well known for his distinguishable elephant head and widely revered as the god of success or remover of obstacles. Patrons in Thailand have worshipped Ganesh and respected him by means of erecting statues of Ganesh in various poses and sizes throughout the country. In late 2008, the people of Chacheongsao, a province located East of Bangkok, decided to create Thailand’s tallest standing Ganesh statue made with bronze reaching heights up to 39 meters and situated on the Bangpakong river bank overseeing the city and its people. The author and design team was approached by representatives from Chacheongsao and commissioned to advise the process from conception to construction. The challenge started with seeking appropriate computer-aided design and manufacturing technologies and innovative processes to guide the design team throughout the production. The 0.60-meter bronze cast sculpture of the Ganesh was scanned using a 3D optical scanner to generate a solid model of the statue. A surface model was then extracted from the 3D model to firstly determine the most efficient structural support within the statue and secondly to generate surface strips for the foundry to create actual bronze casts. The construction of the project began early 2009 and the statue has since been erected from its base to currently its head. During construction, the author and design team has encountered several problems translating pixels to parts. Several errors have occurred during the mould and cast production process as well as construction errors on site causing mismatches of the structure and surface, misalignments, and protruding structural supports and joints. The lessons learned from this project is documented and analysed with hopes to create a more effective process for future projects with similar requirements.
keywords CAD/CAM; 3D scanner; CNC milling; metal fabrication
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:52

_id acadia12_157
id acadia12_157
authors Schwinn, Tobias ; Krieg, Oliver David ; Menges, Achim ; Mihaylov, Boyan ; Reichert, Steffen
year 2012
title Machinic Morphospaces: Biomimetic Design Strategies for the Computational Exploration of Robot Constraint Spaces for Wood Fabrication
source ACADIA 12: Synthetic Digital Ecologies [Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-1-62407-267-3] San Francisco 18-21 October, 2012), pp. 157-168
summary The paper presents research into computational design processes that integrate not only criteria of physical producibility but also characteristics of design intelligence and performance. In the first part, the use of an industrial robot’s design space for developing differentiated finger joint connections for planar sheets of plywood is being introduced. Subsequently, biomimetics is proposed as a filter for the possible geometric differentiations with respect performative capacities. The second part focuses on the integration of fabricational and biomimetic principles with structural and architectural demands, as well as by the development of a custom digital data structure for the fabrication of finger joint plate structures resulting in the construction of a full scale prototype. The paper concludes with evaluating the tolerances inherent in construction through 3D laser scan validation of the physical model.
keywords Computational Design , Robotic Manufacturing , Digital Fabrication , Biomimetics , 3D Scanning
series ACADIA
type normal paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:56

_id acadia12_365
id acadia12_365
authors Tibbits, Skylar
year 2012
title The Self-Assembly Line
source ACADIA 12: Synthetic Digital Ecologies [Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-1-62407-267-3] San Francisco 18-21 October, 2012), pp. 365-372
summary As disciplines converge and programmablity becomes ubiquitous from the nano-scale to the human-scale, architecture and construction will likely inherit new processes from design tools, materials, fabrication and construction. This paper outlines the key ingredients for self-assembly and computational construction through a recent project, The Self-Assembly line. This project was commissioned for the 2012 TED Conference, described as “an installation that builds installations,” and was built to show autonomous self-assembly at furniture-scales. A new intuition is proposed for the construction of large-scale structures and gives insight for potentially expanding a designer’s role in self-assembly processes outside of the discipline of architecture. Future applications are outlined for self-assembly and programmable materials at large-scale lengths.
keywords Self-Assembly , Programmable materials/matter , Computational Construction , Intelligent Building Materials
series ACADIA
type normal paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:58

_id acadia20_58
id acadia20_58
authors Yogiaman, Christine; P. Pambudi, Christyasto; Kumar Jayashankar, Dhileep; Chia, Peizhi; Quek, Yuhan; Tracy, Kenneth
year 2020
title Knitted Bio-Material Assembly
source ACADIA 2020: Distributed Proximities / Volume I: Technical Papers [Proceedings of the 40th Annual Conference of the Association of Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-0-578-95213-0]. Online and Global. 24-30 October 2020. edited by B. Slocum, V. Ago, S. Doyle, A. Marcus, M. Yablonina, and M. del Campo. 58-65.
summary Bio-fabrication of materials opens up novel opportunities for designers to innovate the functional possibilities of the designed output through variations in fabrication processes. Literature has seen an increased interest in this emerging material design practice that has recently been defined as “growing design” (Myers 2012). Our research work expands on the definition of this emerging material design practice to engage digital design and fabrication procedures in the intersection of biology, craft, and design. The aim is to cultivate a new material type—knitted textile mycelium composite that has the capability to augment final material composite properties and provide formal freedom to designers. 3D CNC knitting enables the fabrication of knitted textile that has control over the specificity of each knit loop, opening up design possibilities to grade functional differentiation when the knitted textile is used as a sacrificial mold for the cultivation of mycelium composite. The research presents various design-to-fabrication workflows that facilitate working with the indeterminate nature of 3D-knitted membrane and the dynamic nature of cultivating mycelium composite growth. Two architecture-scale prototype units were fabricated and cultivated, demonstrating the range of design freedom for this new material type.
series ACADIA
type paper
last changed 2023/10/22 12:06

_id acadia12_47
id acadia12_47
authors Aish, Robert ; Fisher, Al ; Joyce, Sam ; Marsh, Andrew
year 2012
title Progress Towards Multi-Criteria Design Optimisation Using Designscript With Smart Form, Robot Structural Analysis and Ecotect Building Performance Analysis"
source ACADIA 12: Synthetic Digital Ecologies [Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-1-62407-267-3] San Francisco 18-21 October, 2012), pp. 47-56
summary Important progress towards the development of a system that enables multi-criteria design optimisation has recently been demonstrated during a research collaboration between Autodesk’s DesignScript development team, the University of Bath and the engineering consultancy Buro Happold. This involved integrating aspects of the Robot Structural Analysis application, aspects of the Ecotect building performance application and a specialist form finding solver called SMART Form (developed by Buro Happold) with DesignScript to create a single computation environment. This environment is intended for the generation and evaluation of building designs against both structural and building performance criteria, with the aim of expediently supporting computational optimisation and decision making processes that integrate across multiple design and engineering disciplines. A framework was developed to enable the integration of modeling environments with analysis and process control, based on the authors’ case studies and experience of applied performance driven design in practice. This more generalised approach (implemented in DesignScript) enables different designers and engineers to selectively configure geometry definition, form finding, analysis and simulation tools in an open-ended system without enforcing any predefined workflows or anticipating specific design strategies and allows for a full range of optimisation and decision making processes to be explored. This system has been demonstrated to practitioners during the Design Modeling Symposium, Berlin in 2011 and feedback from this has suggested further development.
keywords Design Optimisation , Scripting , Form Finding , Structural Analysis , Building Performance
series ACADIA
type normal paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id caadria2012_131
id caadria2012_131
authors Ambrose, Michael A.
year 2012
title Digital conception(s): Architectural concepts of digital design and making
source Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / Chennai 25-28 April 2012, pp. 699–708
summary This paper presents an investigation of probative works of architectural thought and production executed in various forms of digital design and computational media. The applied design research focuses on an examination of the procedure or process constructed to both develop exact, precise digital models and constructed processes that result in design outcomes that cannot be pre-visioned. The changing position of the conceptualisation within the design process continually changes the relationship of the digital work and the computational framework. The work challenges one to interpret design processes of translation and transformation, through the continual oscillation between developed in pursuit of known results and constructed methods for making, in an effort to unravel the pretext of the singular point of view to reveal the intention of the design conception(s). The projects discussed here focus on relationships between the projection of space in architectural representation and the production of architectural form through complex geometries relative to discontinuities and the way in which they agitate and alter one another. DIGITAL conception(s) operate across three primary areas of research; animation, conceptualisation and fabrication. The work oscillates between digital and physical artefacts that intertwine digital/physical workflows while simultaneously engaging temporal issues of time based media through motion graphics and animate constructs.
keywords Design representation; visualisation; design theory
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id lasg_whitepapers_2019_367
id lasg_whitepapers_2019_367
authors Atelier Iris van Herpen
year 2019
title Exploring New Forms of Craft
source Living Architecture Systems Group White Papers 2019 [ISBN 978-1-988366-18-0] Riverside Architectural Press: Toronto, Canada 2019. pp.367 - 392
summary Dutch fashion designer Iris van Herpen and Canadian architect Philip Beesley have been united by friendship and a mutual interest in esoteric, experimental craft since 2012. Together they collaborated on various dresses, techniques and materials, featured in six of Iris van Herpen's Couture collections. Since her first show in 2007, van Herpen has been preoccupied with inventing new forms and methods of sartorial expression by combining the most traditional and the most radical materials and garment construction methods into her unique aesthetic vision.
keywords living architecture systems group, organicism, intelligent systems, design methods, engineering and art, new media art, interactive art, dissipative systems, technology, cognition, responsiveness, biomaterials, artificial natures, 4DSOUND, materials, virtual projections,
last changed 2019/07/29 14:02

_id ecaade2012_267
id ecaade2012_267
authors Caldas, Luísa G. ; Santos, Luís
year 2012
title Generation of Energy-Efficient Patio Houses with GENE_ARCH: Combining an Evolutionary Generative Design System with a Shape Grammar
source Achten, Henri; Pavlicek, Jiri; Hulin, Jaroslav; Matejovska, Dana (eds.), Digital Physicality - Proceedings of the 30th eCAADe Conference - Volume 1 / ISBN 978-9-4912070-2-0, Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Architecture (Czech Republic) 12-14 September 2012, pp. 459-470
summary GENE_ARCH is a Generative Design System that combines Pareto Genetic Algorithms with an advanced building energy simulation engine. This work explores its integration with a Shape Grammar, acting as GENE_ARCH’s shape generation module. The urban patio house typology is readdressed in a contemporary context, both by improving its energy-effi ciency standards, and by rethinking its role in the genesis of high-density urban areas, while respecting its specifi c spatial organization and cultural grounding. Field work was carried out in Marrakesh, surveying a number of patio houses which became the Corpus of Design, from where a Shape Grammar was extracted. The computational implementation of the patio house grammar was done within GENE_ARCH. The resulting program was able to generate new, alternative patio houses designs that were more energy effi cient, while respecting the traditional rules captured from the analysis of existing houses. After the computational system was fully implemented, it was possible to complete different sets of experiments. The first experiments kept more restrained rules, thus generating new designs that closer resembled the existing ones. The progressive relaxation of rules and constraints allowed for a larger number of variations to emerge. Analysis of energy results provide insight into the main patterns resulting from the evolutionary search processes, namely in terms of form factors of generated solutions, and urban densities achieved.
wos WOS:000330322400047
keywords Generative Design Systems; Genetic Algorithms; Shape Grammars; Patio Houses; Energy Efficiency
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id acadia12_109
id acadia12_109
authors Comodromos, Demetrios A ; Ellinger, Jefferson
year 2012
title Material Intensities
source ACADIA 12: Synthetic Digital Ecologies [Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-1-62407-267-3] San Francisco 18-21 October, 2012), pp. 109-113
summary As host organizers of the Smartgeometry 2012 Conference, professors of Architecture, and as principals in design firms, our work aims to use as a productive resistance the notion of Material Intensity described below as both a foil and measure to current concepts of simulation and intensive modeling in architectural computation. The holding of SG 2012 aimed to stage this resistance in the form of workshop, round-table discussions, lectures and symposia, with the outcome attempting to define a new synthetic notion of material intensities in modes of architectural production. This paper aims to form the basis of a continued exploration and development of this work. In summary we focused on: 1-Intensive thinking as derived from the material sciences as an actual and philosophical framework that emphasizes qualitative attributes, which is likened to behavior, simulation, and dynamic modeling. Extensive attributes lead to analytical, representational and static modeling. 2-Material practices can also be formed and as a result of this method of thinking. As demonstrated by the glasswork of Evan Douglis, ‘paintings’ by Perry Hall—the managed complexity possible by working with materials during intensive states of change allow for scalar, morphological and performative shifts according to a designer’s criteria. 3- Although both are necessary and actually complement each other, architects need to ‘catch-up’ to intensive thinking in process and modeling strategies. Our methods rely on static modeling that yield often complicated frameworks and results, wherein accepting methods of dynamic modeling suggests the capacity to propose complex and nuanced relationships and frameworks.
keywords Material Intensities , Intensive Thinking , Material Practice
series ACADIA
type panel paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:56

_id caadria2012_003
id caadria2012_003
authors Dritsas, Stylianos
year 2012
title Rationalisation of complex building envelopes
source Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / Chennai 25-28 April 2012, pp. 7–16
summary Rationalization of architectural geometry is paramount to a design’s manufacturing and construction. This paper presents a methodology of pre/post rationalization of building envelope geometry using statistical computation.
keywords Rationalisation; optimisation; geometry; computation
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:55

_id ascaad2012_003
id ascaad2012_003
authors Elseragy, Ahmed
year 2012
title Creative Design Between Representation and Simulation
source CAAD | INNOVATION | PRACTICE [6th International Conference Proceedings of the Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD 2012 / ISBN 978-99958-2-063-3], Manama (Kingdom of Bahrain), 21-23 February 2012, pp. 11-12
summary Milestone figures of architecture all have their different views on what comes first, form or function. They also vary in their definitions of creativity. Apparently, creativity is very strongly related to ideas and how they can be generated. It is also correlated with the process of thinking and developing. Creative products, whether architectural or otherwise, and whether tangible or intangible, are originated from ‘good ideas’ (Elnokaly, Elseragy and Alsaadani, 2008). On one hand, not any idea, or any good idea, can be considered creative but, on the other hand, any creative result can be traced back to a good idea that initiated it in the beginning (Goldschmit and Tatsa, 2005). Creativity in literature, music and other forms of art is immeasurable and unbounded by constraints of physical reality. Musicians, painters and sculptors do not create within tight restrictions. They create what becomes their own mind’s intellectual property, and viewers or listeners are free to interpret these creations from whichever angle they choose. However, this is not the case with architects, whose creations and creative products are always bound with different physical constraints that may be related to the building location, social and cultural values related to the context, environmental performance and energy efficiency, and many more (Elnokaly, Elseragy and Alsaadani, 2008). Remarkably, over the last three decades computers have dominated in almost all areas of design, taking over the burden of repetitive tasks so that the designers and students can focus on the act of creation. Computer aided design has been used for a long time as a tool of drafting, however in this last decade this tool of representation is being replaced by simulation in different areas such as simulation of form, function and environment. Thus, the crafting of objects is moving towards the generation of forms and integrated systems through designer-authored computational processes. The emergence and adoption of computational technologies has significantly changed design and design education beyond the replacement of drawing boards with computers or pens and paper with computer-aided design (CAD) computer-aided engineering (CAE) applications. This paper highlights the influence of the evolving transformation from Computer Aided Design (CAD) to Computational Design (CD) and how this presents a profound shift in creative design thinking and education. Computational-based design and simulation represent new tools that encourage designers and artists to continue progression of novel modes of design thinking and creativity for the 21st century designers. Today computational design calls for new ideas that will transcend conventional boundaries and support creative insights through design and into design. However, it is still believed that in architecture education one should not replace the design process and creative thinking at early stages by software tools that shape both process and final product which may become a limitation for creative designs to adapt to the decisions and metaphors chosen by the simulation tool. This paper explores the development of Computer Aided Design (CAD) to Computational Design (CD) Tools and their impact on contemporary design education and creative design.
series ASCAAD
last changed 2012/05/15 20:46

_id acadia12_139
id acadia12_139
authors Erioli, Alessio ; Zomparelli, Alessandro
year 2012
title Emergent Reefs
source ACADIA 12: Synthetic Digital Ecologies [Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-1-62407-267-3] San Francisco 18-21 October, 2012), pp. 139-148
summary The Emergent Reefs project thrives on the potential that emerge from a coherent utilization of the environment’s inherent ecological structure for its own transformation and evolution, using an approach based on digitally simulated ecosystems and sparkled by the possibilities and potential of large-scale 3D printing technology. Considering tourism as an inevitable vector of environmental change, the project aims to direct its potential and economic resources towards a positive transformation, providing a material substrate for the human-marine ecosystem integration with the realization of spaces for an underwater sculpture exhibition. Such structures will also provide a pattern of cavities which, expanding the gradient of microenvironmental conditions, break the existing homogeneity in favor of systemic heterogeneity, providing the spatial and material preconditions for the repopulation of marine biodiversity. Starting from a digital simulation of a synthetic local ecosystem, a generative technique based on multi-agent systems and continuous cellular automata (put into practice from the theoretical premises in Alan Turing’s paper “The Chemical basis of Morphogenesis” through reaction-diffusion simulation) is implemented in a voxel field at several scales giving the project a twofold quality: the implementation of reaction diffusion generative strategy within a non-isotropic 3-dimensional field and integration with the large-scale 3D printing fabrication system patented by D-Shape®. Out of these assumptions and in the intent of exploiting the expressive and tectonic potential of such technology, the project has been tackled exploring voxel-based generative strategies. Working with a discrete lattice eases the simulation of complex systems and processes across multiple scales (including non-linear simulations such as Computational Fluid-Dynamics) starting from local interactions using, for instance, algorithms based on cellular automata, which then can be translated directly to the physical production system. The purpose of Emergent-Reefs is to establish, through strategies based on computational design tools and machine-based fabrication, seamless relationships between three different aspects of the architectural process: generation, simulation and construction, which in the case of the used technology can be specified as guided growth.
keywords emergence , reef , underwater , 3D printing , ecology , ecosystem , CFD , agency , architecture , tourism , culture , Open Source
series ACADIA
type normal paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:55

_id sigradi2012_263
id sigradi2012_263
authors Espina, Jane
year 2012
title Procesos, Metodología y Prácticas en Urbanismo: flujo continuo de datos e información en sectores urbanos de la ciudad [Processes, and Practices Methodology Urbanism: continuous flow of data and information in city’s urban areas]
source SIGraDi 2012 [Proceedings of the 16th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Brasil - Fortaleza 13-16 November 2012, pp. 294-298
summary Technology provides new digital tools for the benefit of the Planning and Urban Design. The goal of this paper is to show a methodology for the interpretation and analysis of the urban site in the city of Maracaibo, Venezuela; and its implementation as academic experience in the Department of Urban Planning. The use of digital and communication technologies in teaching strategies and instructional resources, achieved profits in the teaching-learning process, optimized collection processes, organization and flow of data and information, understanding of the urban fact. Tools used: mobile telephony, internet, browsers, applications, improving communication between students, student-teacher, student-teacher-community.
keywords Work Methodology; Planning; Urban Areas; Digital Technology; Interpretation and Site Analysis
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:51

_id sigradi2012_121
id sigradi2012_121
authors Guzmán, Daniela Silva; Bello, Joaquín Bustos
year 2012
title Aplicación del concepto conductor de Identidad de Marca en la generación de formas con Shape Grammar [Application of the conductive concept of brand identity in the generation of forms with Shape Grammar]
source SIGraDi 2012 [Proceedings of the 16th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Brasil - Fortaleza 13-16 November 2012, pp. 473-476
summary The purpose of this paper is to analyze the relationship between the shape grammar process and brand identity, taking the user’s perception in the creation of new products as the central core of the research. The latter is done in order to obtain several parameters that allow us to change the shape of the products and do not affect the acknowledgement of brand conductive concept. By reducing the amount of results of processes of design, the selection and evaluation process is improved. To conduct the research the bottles from the brand Next from Soprole S.A were selected as study case.
keywords Shape Grammar; Concepto conductor; Identidad de Marca
series other
type normal paper
last changed 2013/12/18 17:01

_id acadia12_15
id acadia12_15
authors Johnson, Jason Kelly; Cabrinha, Mark; Steinfeld, Kyle
year 2012
title Synthetic Digital Ecologies
source ACADIA 12: Synthetic Digital Ecologies [Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-1-62407-267-3] San Francisco 18-21 October, 2012), pp. 15-17
summary Why use the terms synthetic and ecology in the context of a conference dedicated to the field of digital architecture, computation and fabrication? How do we begin to unpack the synthetic union of diverse elements, processes, collaborators, and code underlying any single contemporary design or research project? What could our field gain by interrogating these diverse ecologies? What are the relationships and interactions between our design processes, including our various tools and techniques, and the multiple environments with which we routinely work, collaborate and make? It is these questions and more that we hope to address at this year’s “Synthetic Digital Ecologies” conference. A quick scan of the papers and projects that will be presented at ACADIA reveals an extraordinary ecology of experimental research that emerged by working between messy labs, studios, workshops, hacker spaces and the like. In many ways today’s so-called “digital architects” do not feel compelled to distinguish between what is digitally designed and what is not. They are leading the way through a promiscuous and synthetic mixing of skill sets, of pens and paper, hardware and software, electronics and g-code. In a single research project these designers might collaborate with a computer scientist, a robotics expert and a glass blower, and in many cases they might even attempt to do all of these things themselves. It was with this in mind that we put forth an international call inviting, “… architects, fabricators, engineers, media artists, technologists, software developers, hackers and others in related fields of inquiry …” to submit papers and projects for this year’s conference. This year the proceedings have been organized into twelve synthetic categories based around the potential for diverse research topics to inform new and unexpected conversations. Instead of organizing peer-reviewed papers and projects through their formal characteristics, we were interested in forming new synthetic categories by curating unexpected juxtapositions. This ecology of ideas and research was meant to provoke and inspire new ways of thinking, making, building and collaborating.
series ACADIA
type introduction
last changed 2022/06/07 07:52

_id acadia12_000
id acadia12_000
authors Johnson, Jason; Cabrina, Mark and Steinfeld, Kyle (eds.)
year 2012
title ACADIA 12: Synthetic Digital Ecologies
source ACADIA 12: Synthetic Digital Ecologies [Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-1-62407-267-3] San Francisco 18-21 October, 2012), 588p.
summary Why use the terms synthetic and ecology in the context of a conference dedicated to the field of digital architecture, computation and fabrication? How do we begin to unpack the synthetic union of diverse elements, processes, collaborators, and code underlying any single contemporary design or research project? What could our field gain by interrogating these diverse ecologies? What are the relationships and interactions between our design processes, including our various tools and techniques, and the multiple environments with which we routinely work, collaborate and make? It is these questions and more that we hope to address at this year’s “Synthetic Digital Ecologies” conference. A quick scan of the papers and projects that will be presented at ACADIA reveals an extraordinary ecology of experimental research that emerged by working between messy labs, studios, workshops, hacker spaces and the like. In many ways today’s so-called “digital architects” do not feel compelled to distinguish between what is digitally designed and what is not. They are leading the way through a promiscuous and synthetic mixing of skill sets, of pens and paper, hardware and software, electronics and g-code. In a single research project these designers might collaborate with a computer scientist, a robotics expert and a glass blower, and in many cases they might even attempt to do all of these things themselves. It was with this in mind that we put forth an international call inviting, “... architects, fabricators, engineers, media artists, technologists, software developers, hackers and others in related fields of inquiry ...” to submit papers and projects for this year’s conference. This year the proceedings have been organized into twelve synthetic categories based around the potential for diverse research topics to inform new and unexpected conversations. Instead of organizing peer-reviewed papers and projects through their formal characteristics, we were interested in forming new synthetic categories by curating unexpected juxtapositions. This ecology of ideas and research was meant to provoke and inspire new ways of thinking, making, building and collaborating.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:49

_id ecaade2012_83
id ecaade2012_83
authors Jones, Paulo; Eloy, Sara; Ricardo, Rui; Dias, Miguel Sales
year 2012
title Architectural Rehabilitation and Conservation Processes Informed by Augmented Reality
source Achten, Henri; Pavlicek, Jiri; Hulin, Jaroslav; Matejovska, Dana (eds.), Digital Physicality - Proceedings of the 30th eCAADe Conference - Volume 2 / ISBN 978-9-4912070-3-7, Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Architecture (Czech Republic) 12-14 September 2012, pp. 411-418
summary The goal of the presented research is to explore human-machine interaction and to study how Augmented Reality (AR) may be a potential tool to inform Architectural Rehabilitation and Conservation processes. Nowadays obtaining data to inform both marchitecture projects and real estate investments is a very bureaucratic process. City councils technicians suffers from the same diffi culties when are in fi eldwork to do inspections and lack a complete sort of information. This proposal considers that the use of mobile technologies as smart phones and tablets can empower these technicians to obtain building related data. The specifi c goal of the study aims to develop a data model and an interface that can be made available to professionals which allows an efficiently reply to the user’s needs as the system enables the gathering of updated information considering a particular building.
wos WOS:000330320600043
keywords Augmented reality; interface; architecture; rehabilitation; data
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:52

_id ecaade2012_152
id ecaade2012_152
authors Krieg, Oliver David; Mihaylov, Boyan; Schwinn, Tobias; Reichert, Steffen; Menges, Achim
year 2012
title Computational Design of Robotically Manufactured Plate Structures Based on Biomimetic Design Principles Derived from Clypeasteroida
source Achten, Henri; Pavlicek, Jiri; Hulin, Jaroslav; Matejovska, Dana (eds.), Digital Physicality - Proceedings of the 30th eCAADe Conference - Volume 2 / ISBN 978-9-4912070-3-7, Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Architecture (Czech Republic) 12-14 September 2012, pp. 531-540
summary The paper presents the current development of an ongoing research project about the integration of robotic fabrication strategies in computational design through morphological and functional principles derived from natural systems. Initially, a developed plate structure material system based on robotically fabricated fi nger joints is being informed by biomimetic principles from the sea urchin Clypeasteroida in order to be able to adapt effi ciently to its building environment. Consequently, the paper’s main focus lies on translating the biomimetic design principles into a computational design tool, also integrating fabrication parameters as well as structural and architectural demands. The design tool’s capability to integrate these parameters is shown by the design, development and realization of a full-scale research pavilion. The paper concludes with discussing the performative capacity of the developed material system and the introduced methodology.
wos WOS:000330320600056
keywords Biomimetics; Digital Simulation; Parametric Design; Robotic Manufacturing
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:51

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